Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1915, Image 1

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The Sunday Dee ia the only
Omaha newspaper that
fives Its readers four big
pctfes of colored comics.
VOL. XLV-NO. 114.
" Trains, at Total
trwe Stands. SW-, M
Dunbar Man Elected to Head
Nebraska Association, with By
ont, Coad and Carney on
Executive Committee.
Gold Brooch Pint are Presented by
Hilton C. Barlow During the
Afternoon Session.
Thomas Murray of Dunbar was
elected president of the Nebraska
Bankers' association at the close of
the two days' convention in Omaha
yesterday afternoon.
Members of the executive commit
tee elected were W. B. Ryons, Lin
coln; J. F. Coad, Omaha, and E. R.
Ourney, Fremont.
Delegates-at-lafge were elected as
follows: J. H. Kelley, Gothenburg,
and O. E. Engler, Plalnvlew.
Addresses were delivered during
the afternoon by W. B. Harrison,
secretary of the Oklahoma Bankers'
association; John J. Arnold, vice
president. First National bank of
Chicago, and Joseph French John
son, dean of the New York University
School of Commerce.
Past preetjents of the association were
honored during- the afternoon session
when handsome gold brooch pins were
presented to them. President Jesse C.
McNlsh presided over this session, and
Milton Barlow of Omaha presented the
Dins. Those honored in order were
Claude C. Adams, Omaha; George W.
Post, now of Los Angeles; S. H. Burn
ham, Lincoln; J. T. Trencry, Pawnee
City; L. B. Howe, Beatrice; Dr. p. L.
Hall, Lincoln; J. P. A. Black, Hastings;
J. W. Welpton. Ogallala; George N. Sey
mour, Elgin; Frank McQlverln, Fremont;
George F. Swayer, Western; J. R. Cain,
Omaha; Jesse C. McTttlsh, Wlsner.
C. El Burnham, formerly of Norfolk,
a past vice president, was eligible for a
pin, but had been called to Kansas city,
and could not be present for the cere
mony. H. D. Estabrook of New York and
Wlllard Scott of Massachusetts spoke at
the evening banquet.
Bank as Batata Executor. "
' Bankers as executors ot estates Is one
thing the bankers of "Nebraska want.
VV. A. Taylor, vice president of ths Tlrst'
legislation that would make this possible ,
wherever the customer of a bank desires ; hundred bankers were Seated at th
to name the bank as executor of his , Fontenelle for the address,
estate, j He delivered a defense of the con-
No doubt lawyers cf a certain class ! ,tUuMon of the Uttlted Bute, and
would oppose such legislation," he said, s . , ,
but I believe that most of them would criticised those who under the guise
be willing to see banks discharging such of progressives said the instrument
a trust. Extortionate fees have re- was but a means to satisfy the greed
peatedly been allowed for the settle-1 of QUr forefatheri. H ,ald:
ment of estates and this should be . Pre4ldent Wilson stalked Into
stopped. There la no reason why the!offlce over a ,norum built by his
customer should not be allowed to name 0 enti h, enUred .upon hl, outie.
his banker as executor of his estate, and w(th m popular feellng. for hlra roade up
thus Insure to the estate and the family J of curloBUy an,i respect He was the
the advantage of an institution that has , onIy ,Choolmaster who had ever stepped
a perpetual existence, safeguarded by the . from a classroom ever a. state capital
law's supervision, and Insure the efficient , an(j nt the White House. Curiosity
and safe management of the affairs of
an estate.'
John Clay, live stock commission man
of Chicago with ranch Interests In
Wyoming, spoke to the bankers on live
A . I- , U. Iwili 1 am A V. I .null! "
ivtR iwho. icudu
perlence. in loaning on live atock. stat-
lng that In the early days in Cheyenne
men took one another's word for the
. tcterla Iias Karl rtn tYilnsr (ha
limitless range, and loaned money on
the number of cattle a man had recorded . possibly Wilson knew more than HamlJ
ln his book. ton. He was willing to be shown, tie
"Never mind, boys, don't feel so bad." ! wa from Missouri. His attitude was
he Quoted one ranchman of that day as'ona of Watchful waiting: it has since
saying on ths morning of a terrible blis -
sard, when It waa thought most of the
CVlllW UAU l. II .,
boys, don't feel so bad. The books won't
Ke Bla Robberies
The report of the protective committee
t ths association showed that In the
The Weather
Temperatara at Omataa Yesterday.
Hours. Peg.
b a. in.
6 a. m.
2 1,1
8 a. m..
a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 ra
1 p. m
2 p. m
I p. ro
4 p. in
I p. m
p. m
T p. m
s p. m
Conaparatlvo L.oeal Record.
1915 19U 1 Qi jt ioi
Highest yesterday 5" 67 i 77
Lowest yesterday 47 40 2i M
Mean temperature 68 48 32 6X
recipltation .00 .ui .14
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 48
Kxcess for tha day...., 10
Total deficiency since March 1 S
Normal precipitation 07 Inch
Deficiency for the day 07 Inch
Total rainfall since March t. .20 21 luetics
Deficiency since March 1 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1914. 2.61 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1H13. S.71 inches
Reports from stations at T I'. M.
Button and State Temp. High- Rain
of Weather. T p. m. est. fall.
Cheyenne, clear 68 70 .00
Davenport, clear b&
Iwnver, clear 70
lies Moines, clear 62
Dodge City, clear M
lander clear 6s
North Platte, clear )
Omaha, clear t3
pueblo, clear 68
Rapid City, clear 68
Salt lake City clear SO.
hanta Fe, clear 6s
Sheridan, clear 56
tiloux City, cloudy M
Valentine, clear 68
U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
The Squirrel: "Everybody's a-Pickin' on Mo"
New York Paper Discusses Relation
of Politics to Prosperity in Ad .
dress to the Bankers.
Henry p. Gstabrook lastalght
! spoke to tha bankers of Nebraska on
Business and politics.", Jle talked
from thfl Btandpolnt of a partisan
and delivered a telling speech. Seven
was Justified. 80, too, was respect, for
his mental strength was conceded, and
no one doubted his loyalty of purpose.
Thousands of republicans lad voted for
him for one reason or another princi-
1 1 . - , 1 , m .-.
pally one ana wiinuu mm wm. i vm
Lre. no republican reared in the school
j or iumtlton could -regard hopefully a
program that challenged every article
I .. . , . . i m . a.
toierant and even admit to himself that
' become a Madam Butterfly ..vigil. -The
president himself never doubted for a
moment the validity of his oredenda.
M limed from tha start aJI nuon.
slblllty for the accomplishments' of his
urogram, and Is undoubtedly entitled
I to all the credit for whatever has thus
I f hn afhlevnd under It. Ha allowad
no brother near the throne but was
somewhat partial to his Seven Sisters,
When your political dilettante comes
Into power, he Is oriental in his despot-
lam, and this has been so from the be-
ginning of time. Tou would say off -
hand that It was a moral duty and an
obvious necessity that a president of
the United States should call to his
aid men wiser and better informed than
; himself on special subjects, and that he
5' 1 should solicit their instruction and weigh
sn ! carefully their suggestions. I am credl-
1 bly informed that Mr. Wilson has vlr
j ' tually dispensed with cabinet meetings,
S j though really, when you come to think
tiof It, he may be Justified In ao doing.
ttT Ordinarily on would suppose that a
6jnutn. whatever his scholarship, should
' 63 ' know the syntax of business before he
&! I undertakes to parae It. Mr. Wilson dis
claims any practical knowledge of bust
I ' '
nel,", but deem" hlmlf' for this very
reason, all the better qualified to deal
with It Impartially and aloof. It leaves
him at liberty to work out certain
arabesques of hypothesis untrarnmeled
by prejudices begotten of experience.
Wilson's Tariff Theory.
"It is a theory of Mr. Wilson, and of
his party, I might add, that tariffs should
be reduced substantially to a free-trade
basis; and under hi. manipulation this!
iiu uuu. " -iii. uiwi iu noiei. i no romainaer or tne asy s ses-
costly machinery for tho collection oflslons wilt be held In the Gardner me
lmoosts. but these no longer amount to ' mortal halL
"It takes a billion dollars a year to
pay the upkeep of our government. This
money must be raised by some scheme of
taxation. Why not. aa far as possible,
by Imposts T Mr. Bryan would answer
because, first, a tariff la a wicked tax
per so. In that It taxes the Inalienable
right of a cltlxen to buy where he likes;
that la to say. his Inalienable light to
buy of aliens; and second, because the
(Continued on Fags 7, Column I.)
Has Blackboard and Turns Meeting
... Into Religioua Educational Con
ference for All Present
, .. . . i -
Ber. -James Wise, reetor of the
Churah-of the note rtmimunloH." Biri198 "there ana pawuniisiaarTna sisters
Louts, put what a certain far-famed
evangelist would call "pep, pepper
lno and tobascb sauce" Into the con
ference on ' religious ' education,
which formed the afternoon program
yesterday of the synod of the Prov
ince of the Northwest of the Epis
copal Church.
, Rev. Mr. Wise waa on the program
for an address on ' "How Can We
Reach the Parents?". Instead of giv
ing an address along this line he an
nounced that he would turn the
synod Into a class' room, which he
proceeded to do, and laymen, clergy
and bishops were soon answering his
questions with test and Interest.
Rev. Mr. Wise had a blackboard and
charta which he used to tine ad
vantage.' He : conducted his class for over an
V.. .11- -- I, ... ... V.,.- I
. ., .-.i .
by, remarking that Omaha always seemed
like home to him and always would as
he had been brought up and educated In
j hd erV4 for, e,ht
as a priest here.
Aanes Professor Talks.
Rev. F. A. McElwain. bishop suffragan
of Minnesota, presided at the conference,
j which was held In Gardner memorial
j hall. Prof. J. F. Douglas of the agrlcul-
turai college at Ames. la., spoke on
I "What- Can We Do FVir Schools tnil
1 Colleges V He urged - larger eontrlbu -
Hons to this object. Rev. Waaler W.
, Barnes of Nebraska City, speaking on
"What Ia tha Church'. RssnonstbllttvT"
' suggested tho possibility of having two
(sessions of Sunday school. He also sug -
' gested the wisdom of changing the name
from "Sunday school" to "church
J school."
I At the meeting for organisation Bishop
Brewer presided. Rev. A. D. Knlcker-
I bocker of Red Wing, Minn., was re -
elected secretary.
Bishop Williams of Nebraska mads a!"oor- moe "lu,l,1,, ul
felicitous address of welcome In which !h vestibule at the front exit Instead of
ha offered the visitors tha "key to ths 0,n oul " re"r ,aol r' "
city" been trained to do. This caused confusion
Bishop Brewer of Montana, who U the!mon tYiowe who 'lluwed nd
oldest bishop In the province and has:In tM vestibule,
held the office for thirty-four years, re- Flauiea Hear Stairways,
sponded and In droll humor declaring: I Meantime the flames had reached the
"I only hope the key won t ba used ' stall waya an l had caught the struggling
to lock us up here permanently." j children. Within five minutes flames were
On motion by Bishop Beecher. a com- shooting from all the windows and exits,
mine was appointed to draft resolu- The firemen, uwtble tc control the blase,
tlons on the death of Bishop Blller
: nulla un m liwin 111 aiv, Ulliwr VI
j soUth Dakota, who was to have presided
over the synod. . He died suddenly last
A reception at the University club oc
cupied the evening. It was very largely
The bualnea. saeslo, . today will , begin
l a m. iuiiuwuii nwijr communion ai
7 M . m st th. rsth.dr.1 l.un.h w.n
be served at 12: p. m. at ths Loyal
WASHINGTON, Oct. tS -President
Wilson announced today that he would
receive on December Sarah Bard Field
and Miss Frances Jolllff. representa
tives of the Woman Voters' convention,
recently held In Baa Francisco, who will
present a petition urging- nations-wide
suffrage for woman.
Panio Starts Among the Pupils of
Parochial School as They
March from the Burning
Vestibule of Big Building is Soon
Filled with Dead and Living
PEABODT, Mass., Oct. 28.,
Twenty pupils of St. John's Taro
rhlal school lost their lives In a fire
that, starting in the basement a tew
minutes after the morning session
had opened today, swept through the
three-story brick and wooden school
building In less than five minutes.
Nineteen of the boys and girls,
none of whom was out of their 'teens,
were burned or crushed to death
while attempting to escape. A score
of others were injured, some danger
ously. Of the latter one died after
having been removed to a hospital.
The bodies of the dead were
frightfully burned, and of the nine
teen at the morgue only two had
been identified this afternoon. Other
bodies were believed to be In the
ruins and it was thought that twenty
five had been killed or fatally In
jured. ' There were TOO children In the
building when the fire started. Its
origin Is In doubt Angus McDonald
of the state police thinks it origi
nated in a closet near th stairway
and waa caused by a hot air explo
sion. The police had estimated the dead as
high aa fifty. Many others were Injured
In their flight down the stairways and
a few Jumped from the windows of tne
third floor.
The students who ranged In years from
T to IS, wera in charge of sixteen sisters.
When the fire broke out, the sisters mar
shalled their charges as for a fire drill,
and started them from the building. The
processions were orderly until those from
the third floor Joined others pouring from
ths class rooms on the second floor. .
Crr of Pear. Starts Pasta.
. Suddenly there was a err of fear from the throng, it was taken up oy a
stk-uggllntf mas; but to no purpose.
Ths small children went down under
the feet' of those behind them and soon
the vestibule was so Jammed with living
and dead that the firemen could not
force an entrance. The sixteen sisters
The flames, it Is supposed, started In
ths basement and according to some,
were caused by the explosion of a steam
boUer from which the building was
heated. There is doubt, however, as to
tho exact origin of the fire.
A large precentage of the pupils were
children of foreign parentage. In the
number were many of Irish and Italian
dosccnt. The firemen fought the fire
from ladders raised to the windows while
the pollee-cleared the vestibule.
B4lvB Are Badly llarnrd.
The bodies of the dead generally were
burned beyond recognition. Mary Leeds
and ' Marlon Hayes were found in the
crush badly burned, but alive, and were
removed to a hospital.
The first alarm brought a 100 distracted
mothers to the school yard, where soon
they were Joined by other relatives of the 1
pupils, until the building was surrounded
by a great crowd of hysterical men and
women who rushed the police lines In a
wild effort to reach their children. The
police were powerless to stop the rush,
but what they failed to do waa accom
plished presently by the flames, which,
shooting from the windows of the build
ing, held back the unhappy throng.
Mother !iarr!nr Tarns Ia Alarm.
The school building was erected a few
years ngo at a cost of about 1100,000. There
were sixteen class rooms on the three
1 loor- At each end of the building
wooden stairways led down from the two
uPPr floors.
Tn head of the school Is Mother Su-
Prlor Bister Aldegon, who was assisted
;by fifteen sisters. The mother superior
detocted lhe odor of ,noke few minutes
Uer lhe school children appeared. Una
Immediately sounded an alarm, which
' trted tho children to the street.
Accoraing to me sisitrs. uie VuVm w.
' marching out In an orderly manner until
j the leaders, who had ijachcd the ground
ofieummuned aid from Halem, Danvers ana
Marblehead, but this came too lata.
Police and firemen bent their energies
chiefly to pulllig children from doors and
windows. The mother superior dropped
laenty-five of her charges from a window
n the second floor and they were caught
rTeU-hour, th,
. . . , ., u . . . -.
twenty bodies had been taken from the
irulr,a tnA othtr wer ught-
r Tj 11
- !JlllCaff0 X UDllCanS
I O . .
Must Not Sell Soft
Drinks On Sunday
CHICAGO, Oct Z8.-Strlct enforcement
of the Sunday saloon closing law In Chi
cago waa reinforced today by an opinion
filed by the corporation counsel with the
council license committee, holding that
saloon keepers may not keep their places
open on Sundays for ths purpose of sell
ing etgars and soft drinks.
Bulgarian General Will Lead
. Russians Into His Native Lana
MILAN. Italy, Oct. .-(Vla rarls )
The Corrlrre Ivlla 8ra lenrns from a
diplomatic source that General ltmlko
llm!trleff will command the Russian
forces sent against Ilulgarla. II Is now
at Ducharest trying to Induce the Rou
manian government to permit the pas
sage of Kusslan troopa through Hou
mania. General IMmltrleff at the opening of
the war waa IlulKarlan minister to Rus
sia. He at onoo resigned and offered
hi services to the Kussinn war office.
His offer waa gladly accepted, for he
had been commnndcr-ln-clilrf of (he llul
gariitn army in the last part of tho first
Ualkan war.
Bucharest Dispatch Says Czar's
Forces Have Begun Attack on
Bulgarian Coast.
ROME, Oct. 28. (Via London.)
A Bucharest dispatch to the Stefanl
News agency, filed yesterday, says
tlat the HusBlans have begun an at
tack on the Black Sen coast of Bul
garia. "A Russian neet arrived at 4
o'clock this morning off the Bul
garian coast," the corret-pondent
wires, "and immediately began a
tombardment of Varna. Shelling wan
still proceeding at 11 o'clock. Con
siderable damage has been doue to
the town."
Teutons in. dinar Oronad.
BERLIN. Oct 2R. (lly Wireless to Bay
vllle.) The Austro-Gcrman Invasion of
Serbia has been pushed further to the
south. Army heae;iiiarters announced
today that further ground had been
gained and that th. army of General
GaUwlts had taken 2,033 prisoners since
October 23.
The Bulgarians have captured Zalecnr
and Kniajovata, having crossed the
Tlmok over a large front.
Zajeoar and Knlajevats are on the
railroad from Negotln to Nlsh. against
which the Bulgarians are now marching.
Knlajevats Is about thirty miles from
Boy Charged With
f Murder Sejiudi&tes
His Confession
NEW YORK, Oct. 2F.-Onnle Talas, the
young house boy on trial charged with
complicity In the murder of his wealthy
mistress, Mrs. Elisabeth R. Nichols, took
the stand In his own defense today and
repudiated any alleged confession made
to the police, saying he made the state
ment after the police had kept him awake
so long with a rapid fire of questions
that he was too exhausted to think of
anything but sleep.
Talas testified that Arthur Waltonen
and several others at the Nichols home,
had asked him to arrange matters so
Waltonen and several others could get In
tho house and rob Mrs. Nichols. Tains
said ho refused to listen to the sugges
tion. Mrs. Nichols Is alleged to have been
murdered by Waltonen and two other
men, who robbed her of several thousand
dollars' worth of Jewelry.
Talas told of being bound by the three
men when he admitted them, believing
they called to see a housemaid -on tho
night of the murder. He added that as
soon as he was released he aided tho
police as much as he could.
Atlantic Railroad
Case Presented to
Federal Judge Wade
OTTUMWA, Ia., Oct. 28.-The asking
for a receiver and the contention that 1 pans 01 uie ciiy win u rcpreaomcu, m
the railroad had already found adequate eluding 1 'undue. South Bldo and Benson,
means of relief without seeking an In- j Mr. Estabrook will talk on "Get To
lunctlon. are the two points at issuo ! gether." which Is one of the slogans of
Junction, are the two Pol
which were being threshed out In the
federal court here today before Judge
Martin J. Wade in the Atlantic Southern
railway action.
An order In the case will be Issued
later In the day. Tho owners filed a
petition recently asking for an lnjuno
tlon to prevent the state from enforcing
an order madi) September 27, reuulrlng
the company to operate trains between
Lyman and Vllllsca. They maintained
that It could not bo operated wllfcout a
great loss to the stockhaldera and re
quested authority to dismantle the equip-
ment. The railroad commissioners says
the branch road has not operated long
enough to tell whether or not It Is pay
ing. An appeal taken by the company to
ths Polk county district court yesterday
forms the basis for tho contention t-at
relief has already been found.
Cruiser Argyll
Runs Aground Off
Coast of Scotland
LONDON, Oct. f Tl:60 p. m.) The
Ilrltlsh cruiser Argyll has run aground
and may be a total wreck. All hands
were rescued. This was made known by
the admiralty today In the following an
"H. M. S. Argyll, Captain James Tan-
cred, R. N., grounded this morning off terday the Chancellor, Dr. Von ReUi
the east coast ot Bcotland. Owing to mann Hollweg discussed the prices and
bad weather prevailing It Is feared It
may become a total wreck. All its of
ficers and ths crew have been saved."
The ArirvlL of 10.800 tons, waa laid down
in 1KU2. Its normal complement Is sua,'
It Is 460 feet long. Its largest guns are
71 Inches, of which It carries four. It
has six ilx-lnch. . two three-inch and
twenty-two three-pound guua and two
torpedo tubus.
rimltricff has had a stormy and plc
tnrriu career. In t .e war between
Serbia and Kulgnrla In lS-, he was chief
of staff cf tho eastern Unitarian army
corps. Kor his servli-es In tho battles
of IrsKolnnn Pass, Tsasibrod and plrot
ho was decorated by ITlnce Alexander
with the onler fur bravery. Iter, how
ever, ho led a conspiracy against the
nrlnee. King Fenilnnnd'a predecessor,
and waa forced to flee to Husxln. There I
be remained until pardoned In 1W by
Ferdinand, whom ho had assisted to the
Much of the present efficiency of the
Kulanrlnn army Is attributed to General
IMinltrloff's training, lie Ims been called
"Uulgarla's Little Napoleon." He Is H
years old.
Viviani. Ministry Resigns and Aris
tide Briand Has Been Asked to
Form New Government
PAMS. Oct. 28. -The
Vlvlanl j
irlnlstry resigned today. Alstrlde
Briand has been asked to form a
new cabinet. It Is understood that
M. Vlvlanl will bo minister of Justice
In the reorganized cabinet.
Information now available indi
cates that M. Bland will become
foreign minister, as well as premier,
vlth Jules Cambo, who was ambas
sador to Germany at the outbreak of
tho war, as his principal secretary.
I Ministers ui State.
The Journal states that there will be
six ministers of state, without portfolios,
of whom fotir will be senators and two
deputies. It la also said the under sec
retaryships will not be filled except In
tho ciisc of the minister of war. In which
' 1 " - 7
tlnu-d In offlco In clmrga of the output
of munitions.
It wss suld later that the announcement
rewarding tho composition of the new
cabinet might be madu toduy. It Is un
derstood that aa general secretary of for
elan office, M. Cambon will bo respon
sible tor the direction of foreign affairs.
Conferences relatives to tee ministerial
situation are continued during the tuorBV
lng with the Idea of so reshaping the
cabinet as to couuuand united support
of the country and ot . Parliament. In
dications were that ths general featurea
ot the readjustment had been virtually
decided upon, although official sanotlon
had not yet been given. , .
trrnsd Bhakeup In lablnet,
Sinca the resignation of Theophlle Del
casse as foreign minister on October 13, it
has been understood that there would
be further changes In tha cabinet, but
reports Irom 1'aris previously have not
Indicated that such a sweeping reor
ganisation. Involving the withdrawal of
M. Vlvlanl from the premiership was to
be made.
M. Dclcasso's resignation was said to
be due to a disagreement regarding the
Ilnlknn policy of France, but Premier
Vlvlanl said in tho Chamber of Deputies
at tha timo that tMere was no discord in
the cabinet.
The French cabinet has ben pre
viously reorganised since the beginning
of the war. The Vlvlanl ministry re
signed on August 2l of last year and
a coftlltlon cublnet was formed, with
I'remler Vlvlnnl remaining at Its head.
M. llrlund has held sevcrsl cabinet po
sitions and waa premier from January
21 to March 18 of 113. He la minister
of Justice In the present cabinet.
Estabrook Is to
Talk to Republicans
At Dinner Tonight
McKlnley club officers were Julllant lust
night over the prospects for the dinner
to be given tonight at the Rome hotel
In honor of Henry 1. Kstabrook of New
York. Hundreds of tickets have been
sold and demands were coming In for
more every hour up to lust evening. All
the club. O. Pplllman of Fierce, who was
to have spoken fur the republicans out in
the slate, la confined to his bed by Ill
ness and will not bo able to attend this
session ot the McKlnley club. Ho will
speak at a later date.
One of the prominent republicans who
will attend the dinner Is lUgar C. Sny
der of Washington, president of the Grid
Iron club and Washington correspondent
of The lleo.
The feeling among the younger repub
licans especially Is rampant agulnat dis
turbers and party trouble makers, and
Kstabrook's speech Is hailed aa a keynote
to the attitude which the club will show
toward any who seek to perpetuate dif
ference In the party ratika.
Representative republicans from the
stock yards, the packing houses and other
labor centers will attend the dinner, aa
well aa hundreds of bulnesa and profes
sional nien from the downtown section.
The hour for the dinner la set at 7 o'clock.
After Kstabrook's speech the club
members will be given an opportunity to
meet the distinguished guest and to frat
ernise generally.
German Supply of
Food is Sufficient
HERLIN, Oct. 28 (Uy Wireless toSay-
vllle.) At a meeting with represent
,lvll or all Dartles In Prussian dlut yes-
distribution of food. He stated that slnoe
certain food commodities were less abun
dant than In normal times, their prloas
must be reguluted In order to guaraiitse
equitable distribution. It was necssery
also to readjust the prices of potatoes,
owing to the super-abundance ot this
crop. All who were present at ths con
ference agreed that there was on hand
a sufficient supply of food for the oon
ry'S needs.
Unconfirmed Reports from Greek
Sources Say that Bulgarians
Have Abandoned City of
Uskup, Serbia.
Bulgan Said to Be Retreating and
London Hopes Serbs Will Re
form Monastir Line,
LONDON, Oct. 2S. Unofficial re
torts from Greek sources represent
the situation In southern Serbia ai
romewhnt more favorablo to the en
tente allies.
A dlxpatch from Athens, which has
not been confirmed, states that tha
I ulgariuns havo withdrawn from
I'skup. Advices from Salonlkl tell of
a fierce battle along the Veles-
Komanovo front, with tho Bulgarians
retreating. Hope la being revived In
London that the Serbians will be able
to reform their lines along the Mon
astir front. '
The Germans having effected a Junc
tion with their lKilgarlnn allies, it la
pissiMe that tho campalmi will be
ahlfted from an effort to relieve Serbia
to an attempt to cut communications
with Constantinople. In this connection
several critics hazard the guess that tho
entento allies are not likely to with
draw from fiftlonlkl, no matter what
happens to Serbia.
Riga and Dvlnsk remain, tho chief
German objectives on tho front. The
assault against Riga mry have char.gcd.
Fighting is reported west of tho city, tho
main attacks hitherto liuvlng Leeti di
rected from the southwest and south
east. Lake Habile, where minor engage
ments rave occurred, is west of Riga,
ruanlng parallel with the gulf shore.
Tnrklsh linrrlion Sent to Front.
FAR IS, Oct. 28. The entire armament
on the Kosphorus has been transferred
to Tchatalja and Adrianoplc, while the ,
Turkish garrison has been sent to the
Bulgarian frontier. The llavas corre
spondent at Athens wires that he has
this news from reliable sources In Con
stantinople. For fear of raids by Hue-
slan aeroplanes Constantinople Is
plunged Into obscurity nightly.
Turks Make Ualua In Fast.
Inndon, 8:3 a. m.) Ths following of
ficial statement hus been Issued by the
Turkish war office:
' Supply columns of the enemy sighted
near the landing station at Arl liurnu
were dispersed by our artillery.
"On the Caucasus front the enemy was
forced to retreat on his right wing after
an engagement with our patrols.
Serbians Reeaptaro I'skop.
LONDON, Oct. 2S.-An Athena dis
patch to the Exchange Telegraph com
pany says an unconfirmed report has
been received there that Uskup has been
retaken by the Serbians. In the Stru
iiltsa region the French have occupied
the vlllugo of Tlrlell.
Hardshell Burs
Eat Lead Pipes
shelled bug with an appetite for lead pipe
is responsible for the perforation of eablo
coverings for which telephono experts
have blamed electrolysis, according to
Albert Schuler of Kanta Barbara, Col.,
who exhibited three of the Insects In the
course of sn address at tho convention
of the Independent Telephone Association
of America, In session here today.
"Here Is your electrolysis," said Mr.
Hchuler, producing the bugs. "I havo
captured many of them. Their scientific)
name Is slnoxylon dec live, and they have
cost in between IK) end I'lO) a month In
Banta Barbara for repulrs. These bugs
and not electrolysis cause the leakage In
our pipes, and when wo fmd a way to
destroy them we will have solved one of
our big problems."
All Rights Reserved.
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