Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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m b
Hold that Letter from Tolice Judfa
i. Not Sufficient in Lid Lift
ing Case.
When tha city council received
from Police Judge Foster a letter
conveying information of the police
court conviction of J. D. -Graham and
J. T. Ford, 1208 Farnam street, on
charges under the liquor laws, Mayor
Dahlman said, "I have never seen a
paloon license revoked on a little let
ter from a two-by-four police Judge.
Let him send us his transcript of the
City Attorney Bine advised the council
he was not ready to give an opinion upon
the sufficiency of the communication of
the police Judge. Judge Foster will be
asked to and the council a transcript
the case not later than Thursday
Saloon Httll Open.
The council agreed to allow the saloon
to remain open pending the determination
of the cases In district court. Attorney
Ritchie, for the saloon men, said he ex
pected to get a hearing before Judge
"ingllsh Thursday morning.
Mr. Ritchie characterised the police
court hearing of October as a "kan
garoo court." He said the original list
of eighteen jurors, from whom six finally
were selected, were all prohibitionists,
and he added that one of the Jury served
as an usher at the Tabernacle. Ho
maintained that the letter from the po
lice JudKe to the council did not consti
tute sufficient evidence to warrant revo
cation of the license 1 the council.
The attorney for Granam and Ford
further contended that tne charges
against his clients were not sustained
at the police court hearing.
Because the city commissioners are all
friends of his, was the reason given by
Attorney Ritchie why he did not start
Injunction proceedings to restrain the
council from revoking this license before
the case shall have been heard In dis
trict court.
Trail Hitters Are
Reconciled and
Suit is Dismissed
"Hilly" Sunday's Influence In instilling
happiness lntj trail hitters Is again re
flected In divorce court records at the
court house.
Ell Tharp sued hW wife. Sarah B.
Tharp, for divorce less than ten days ago.
Then they both hit the sawdust trail at
the "Tab" and were reconciled. Now
Tharp has decided he doesn't want a di
vorce and the couple have gone to living
together agnin at SSI. North Sixteenth
street, with their five minor children.
"God Is with us." says Tharp, "and
He will make our home a happy one
Harry O. Palmer, attorney for Thsrp
In the suit for divorce, is now arrang
ing to withdraw the esse from Judge
Redlok's docket.
Sarah Tharp, l-year-old daughter. Is
the girl who recently confessed thst she
had tried to kill her father. She and
the other children, Leonard, lb; Ray. u; i
Roy. 12. and Nettle, years of age, all
hit the trail at the Tabernacle, with
their parents, during the last week of
the "Billy" Sunday revival.
Relatives of Late Mn. Elizabeth
Kennelly Who Received Nothing
File Objections.
Michigan Alumni
to Have Banquet
Here Saturday
The building and endowment of a
11,000,000 club house, for Michigan men in
Ann Arbor, the seat of the University of
Michigan, Is absorbing the attention and
energy of Mlchiganders the country over
this month, and a local committee, with
R. C. Peters as chairman. Is In charge
of the campaign among alumni rcaendent
In Nebraska. More than 200 committees
are engaged In the project, with an aver
age of ten alumni on each committee
working among Michigan's 36,000 alumni,
and a total of 11,000,000 is to be raised by
their efforts In a single month.
Saturday evening the Michigan alumni
of the Missouri valley will hold their
annual banquet at the University club at
6:30 p. in. This Is also the union banquet,
held In all the large cities of the country
at this time, winding up the campaign for
funds for tho club house.
Dean Henry M. Bates of the law school
at Ann Arbor will ba the guest of honor.
Lysle I. Abbott will be toastmeetcr.
Date is Set for
Eleventh Annual
Omaha Auto Show
The eleventh annual Omaha Automo
Mlo show will be held at the Omaha
Auditorium February 21 to 28, Inclusive.
This was a decision made at a meeting
of the stockholdera of the ahow associa
tion at a meeting at the Commercial club
at noon.
Clarke G. Powell will continue as man
ager. The following board of directors
was elected: J. T. Stewart, George
Relm, Guy U Smith, C. V. Gould and
Clarke G. Powell. The board of directors
elected Stewart, president; Smith, vice
president, and Powell, secretary treas
urer. ,
Four new firms were admitted to mem
bership in the show association. They
are the McShane Motor company, the
Jones-Opper company, the Met company
and the Franklin Motor Car company.
Supreme Officer of
Knights of Pythias
to Visit Nebraska
Hon. Brigham S Young, supreme chan
cellor of the order of Knights of Phythlas,
will visit Nebraska this week. He will
visit Lincoln lodge Wednesday, Hastings
Thursday and Omaha Friday. Grand
Chanellor George W. Merdlth of Ashland
will -accompany the supreme chancellor
on his visit through Nebraska. A re
ception will be held to all knighta at
yoom A Mensnsw. noiei irom o 10 u
o'clock Friday. The special meeting for
the honored guest will be held at Ne
braska lodge No. 1, Fifteenth and Doug
las streets, at 8 o'clock sharp. All the
lodges of westren Iowa and north snd
eastern Nebraska h ave been officially
notified and invited to attend this special
meeting. All knights will be expected to
be at the hall at T:45. Refreshments will
be nerved after the meeting. These ar
rangements are by order of the chan
cellor commander, A. A. Taylor.
An echo If the disastrous fire that de
stroyed the Board of Trade building last
winter Is now being heard In a trial be
fore a Jury In Judge Troup's district
' Charles E. Black, men's haberdasher
and governor of Ak-Sar-Ben, Is being
sued by the McCarthy-Wilson Tailoring
company for $1,500. Black had given his
check for that amount to the tailoring
company tn payment for the lease of the
company's storeroom In the Board of
Trade building. '
When the fire destroyed the building
the next day Black stopped payment on
the check. The . company aeeks to re
cover the amount. Black contending that
he la not liable because the company was
j unable to and has not delivered the lease
snd storeroom.
Kicks on Paying
$3,000 for Water
to Mix Concrete
Three thousand dollars for water with
which to mix his concreae is more than
Mr. Hodgln of the Hodgln Construction
company expects to pay In the construc
tion of the new assembling plant for the
Ford Automobile company.
He Insists that the Metropolitan Water
district Is asking him an exorbitant price
for the water he was using In mixing
his concrete for the plant; and he refuses
to pay it. He wag before the city coun
cil to make a complaint.
Relief or no relief from the council,
however, he has fixed Mi own fences for
any emergency, and Is soon to tell the
Water district to keep Its old water. He
has finished one well already on the site
of the new Ford plant, and It Is furnish
ing an excellent supply of Water. He Is
about to begin the construction of
another well to furnish still more water.
Mf. Hodgln estimated that at the rato
the Wster hoard was charging him, his
water for the concrete work would cost
him $3,000.
He says he can dig wells much cheaper
than that.
4 nelif Xiit Walk with Hkrimallim,
A satisfied patient writes: "Sloan's
Liniment cured my rheumatism, am
grateful, I can now walk without pain."
Only 25c.' All druggivts. Advertisement.
Bankers Begin to
Arrive for Their
State Convention
President Jesse C. McNIsh of the Ne
braska Bankers' association arrived la
Omaha from Wlsner yesterday to be
on the ground a day before tha opening of
the sessions of the convention of that
association today at the Hotel Fon-tenelle.
Other bankers are beginning to arrive
this afternoon. With President McNIsh on
the ground, the officers of the associa
tion are alt here, as the rest of them
live in Omaha. By this evening it Is ex
pected that at least 100 delegates will be
here, and Secretary Hughes la to have a
desk at headquarters at' the Fontenelle
to register those who desire to register
The executive council Is to hold a ses
sion this evening at 8:30 at the Fontenelle,
to attend to some of the final details of
the convention.
The regular session of the association
Is to open at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon
In the convention hall of the Fontenelle.
Society Girls Will
Welcome Suf f Envoy
from San Francisco
Miss Ludle Bacon, Miss Frances Hoch-
stetler and Miss Eugenia Patterson have
Invited a number of young society girls
to go out In their cars Thursday mqrn
Ing to meet the Incoming suffrage dele
gation, which Is carrying resolutions to
Washington from the San Francisco
Women Voters' convention. Mrs. F. D.
Wead will take a party In her car.
The cars will meet at the Fontenelle
hotel at 11 o'clock and from there will
go out on the road to Lincoln to meet
the suffrage envoy and bring them to
the courthouse at noon, where they will
be welcomed by the mayor.
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, chairman of the
City Central Suffrage committee, will in
troduce Sara Bard Field, the leader of
the delegation, who will make an address.
Lady Gregory who will speak at the
Brandels theater, Thursday' afternoon at
4 o'clock, Is making her third tour In this
country. This season, she will make a
transcontlnenal tour thus spreading
throughout the United States the Ideas
for a national theater for which she
and William Butler Yeats have become
world famous.
It was In 1S that Lady Gregory Joined
Mr. Yeats tn establishing a national thea
ter that should stand for the beat there
la In Irish drama. Her life-long know
Vedge of the Irish, her Insight and sym
pathetic humor, especially fitted her to
reach the Ideal she had set, and the suc
cess of the movement is today known the
world over.
Previous to her active work for the Nat
ional theater. Lady Gregory had pub
lished a number of books. Interpreting
the sentiment, loyalty, romance and tra
ditions of the Irish people.
Apply Cream la Nostrils Te
Opea Up Air Passage.
That the late Mrs. Elizabeth Ken-!
nelly, widow of John Kennelly, who
once owned much land along the
river bottoms between the two
bridges, was of unsound mind and
the victim of undue Influence when
she made her will Is alleged In objec
tions filed in probate court.
John J. Plneen was made the sole heir
and executor by the will. Other relntives
are Mrs. Elizabeth M. Graham, wife of
Georee Graham, the bll player; Mrs.
Marie Camp, both granddaughters; May
Estelle Hairy and Wtt.l.un Hairy, minors,
who sure great-grandchildren.
They petition that the will be set alle
and an adnilnlstrntnr of the estnto be
appointed by the court. The cxtato was
originally - worth over lioo.wn, but Is al
leged to have dwindled since the death of
John Kennelly and wife.
When Mrs. Kennelly died, she directed
that "Jack" Pinccn, whom she made her
sole heir, should exercise "fatherly care"
over the other relatives, but that he
should be under no lennl obligation.
George Shields is guardian ad litem of
the minor children. The application to
probate the will, to which some of the
heirs object, will be heard by Judge
Crawford Monday.
Introduce Law to
Prevent Auctions
in Retail Center
A proposed ordinance seeking to pre
vent auction saws n the immediate renter
of the city Is to be Introduced In tho city
council, perhaps next Monday. At the re
quest of the Associated Retailers of
Omaha such an ordinance Is being drawn
by City Attorney Harry Kleharty. Ho U
using the present ordinance of the city of
Minneapolis r.s a guide. A copy of thle
was furnished him by the secretary of
the Associated Retailers.
The saltation for such an ordlnanon
grows out of the fact that so many fake
auctions are constantly put on wherever
a vacant room may be rented for a time
by a fakir who Is here for a week or a
month, and who stick red and yellow
prstera acioss the front lulvrrtiMng a
bankrupt sale, where no bankruptcy htis
taken place. Thnt so many bankrupt
posters In the business section of the city
are especially bad advertising for the
city, particularly when they are flaunted
before the eyes of strangers who do not
know the facts, I one contention mud"
by the retailers.
Toe Minneapolis ordinance creates a
business district, within the limits of
which no auction may be held.
In Pcnver there Is no ordinance, but
the council has agreed with the retailers
not to grant licenses for auction within
a given district.
l or a apralne Annie.
If you will get a bottle of Chamber
lain's I.lnlment and observe the directions
given therewith faithfully, you will re
cover in much loss time than In usually
required. Obtainable everywhere. All
druggists. Advertisement.
Boys and Girls Sell
Old Papers to Get
Money for Pictures
Boys and girls of Park school realised
$V1 from the snlo of 1.1,608 pounds of
old mnpaslnes and papers collected by
The school was divided Into the. Ma
roons and Whites, the former winning by
collecting .?70 pounds, as against 6,235
tnunds by their rival.
Tha proceeds will lm used for purchase
of pictures and Vlctmla records.
Security League
Keeps Up Activity;
Invites Stimson
The executive committee of the Omaha
branch of the National Security league
held Its first meeting at the Commercial
club yesterday with General Harries pre
siding, and twenty n"..'ners present. Na
tional Field Agent Brewster made a re
port of the progress of the movement and
the work he had been doing In different
cities during the six weeks since he was
last here. He Is to go to Lincoln for a
meeting there, which Is to organize a
local branch at the capital city.
It was agreed that the Omaha branch
would continue to recruit Its membership
still further, hold a publlo meeting In
the near future to draw attention to the
need of a preparedness program. General
Harries has been In communication with
former Secretary of War Stimson In an
effort to secure him for such a meeting
In Omaha.
W.H, Smith Inquest
Will Be This Morning
The Inquest Into the recent murder of
W. II. Smith. Woodmen of the World
cashier, has been set by County Attorney
Magney for this morning at 9 o'clock, at
Coroner Crosby's office.
Although the murder occurred October
16, ten days baa been allowed to elapse
In order that all clue might be run down
and complete evidence arranged for the
Miss Grace Slater, the young stenog
rapher whom Smith was accompanying
home when he was shot, was the only
witness of the shooting, and she will be
the chief person to be examined.
Dandruff Goes!
Hair Gets Thick,
Wavy, Beautiful
Save your hair! Double its
beauty in a few moments. .
Try this! .
Hair stops coming out and
every particle of dandruff
Try aa-you will, after an application
of Pandcrlne, you tannot tint a slnl
trace of dandruff or falling hair and
your scalp will not itch, Ifut what will
please you moht will b. after a few neek'a
use, when you aeo new hair, fine and
downy, at first yes but really new
hair si-owing all over the scalp.
A little Danderlne Immediately doublet
the beauty of your hair. NO difference
huw dull, faded, brittle and scraggy.
Just moisten a cloth with Danderlne and
careful!y draw It through your hair, tak
ing one small strand at a time. Tha
effect Is immediate and amazing your
hair will be light, Huffy and wavy, and
have an appearance of abundance; an
Incomparable lustre, softness and lux
uriance, the beauty and shimmer of true
hair health.
Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderlne from any drug vtore or toilet
counter, and rrove that your hair Is as
pretty and soft as any that It haa been
neglected or injured by careless treat
mentthat's all.
Danderlne la to the hair what fresh
showers of rain and sunshine are to
vegetation. It goes right to the roou.
Invigorates and strengthens them. Its
exhilarating, stimulating- and life-pro-duclrg
properties cause the hair to grow
long, ttrong and beautiful. Advertisement.
Ah! What relief! Tour clogged nostrils
open right up, the air passages of your
head are clear and you can breathe freely.
No more hawking, snuffling, mucous dis
charge, headache, dryness no struggling
for breath at night, your cold or catarrh
la gone.
Don't stay stuffed up! Get a email bot
tle of Ely's Cream Balm from your drug
gist now. Apply a little of this fragrant,
anttaeptlc cream in your nostrils, let it
penetrste through every air passage of
the head; soothe and heal the swollen, In
flamed mucous membrsne, giving you In
stant relief. FJly's Cream Balm Is Just
what every colli and catarrh sufferer has
been seeking. It's Jait si lendld. Advertisement.
To Quickly Remove
Ugly Hairs From Face
(Beauty Notes.)
Beauty-destroying halm are soon ban
ished from the skin with the aid of a
delatone paste, made by mixing- some
water with a little plain powdered de a-
tone. This is spread upon the hairy sur
face for 1 or I mlnuters, then rubbed off
and the skin washed to remove the re
n.a'nlng delatone. This almple treatment
banlshe every trace of hair and leavea
the skin without a blemish. Caution
should be used to be certain that it la
delatone you buy. Advertisement
The Deo is The Paper
yo ask fori it yea alaa te be
abaeat snore tfcaa a few days,
have The Be maiu te yew.
seven nmmem
What's the
V. a
Mftny a man iSdoJer the 1916
SdttohiT.tMJ2.? Why doe.
markeu What IS the ? What e3rtra
Z. car cost fart. do you get?
.ffiS2- H your. and-
Pour-Cylinder Models
T Ha Cog. T-nmini , a ass
KMSta-HuM,. . , BSO
I aadsa-K 4tmr. c H(
Commercial Cars
fWIDelfeetyCar . . . IflTI
P Cr . ... ISO
StattaaWe., .... g7g
Six-Cylinder Models
TrU, C, T-PMmew . flOSO
""il-MeHW . , 1000
, T hwiiii . . , 1250
W.Q.M. Detras)
It b the ONLY car ever offered In America or Europe that haa decreased Its price and at tha
same time so GREATLY INCREASED its quality.
You know how prices have been reduced in many cases. In this Forty Horse Power Srudebskef
FOUR, nothing has been reduced but the price. That has been decreased from $985 to (883.
But It has been INCREASED tn wheetbase from 108 to 112 Inches. It haa been INCREASED
in capacity from Five to SEVEN passengers. It has been INCREASED In motor from 3U
to S Jt-inch bore x 5 Inch stroke. It has been INCREASED in tires from 33 x 4 to 34 1 4 Goodrich.
The upholstery is the finest grade of genuine, hand-buffed, stralghr-greln. em.ilased leather oa
the market. The body-nnlshlng operations have been INCREASED from 20 to 25 in number
The steenng-knuckle la forged of chrome-vanadium steel, and high-grade alloy steels have been
lavishly used throughout the car. The motor bearings have been made oversue. The radiator,
gas passages, propeller shaft, rear axle housing have been increased in iU. .
Wherever a change la materials was made BETTER matoriala were used.
And for performance, for long-time service. Tor economy of operation and for durability with a
Studebaker Factory Branch Bldg. 25th Are. and Farnam St
Hops pmt
M: On hop quality depends beer flavor ffit ' ii
VS. ' :
Those remarkable qualities of Budweiser and Michelob
which distinguish them aa being superior to other beers are their
daliciously refreshing, never varying taste and exquisite bouquet due to
the exclusive use of the very best Saazar (Bohemian) Hope.
And there's no danger of our supply of these vitally
important hops failing.
For years it has been an established rule to keep on
hand a two-year in advance aupply.
During the summer of 1914 our president, while on
his annual hop buying trip abroad, selected and purchased
775.000 pounds (1 550 bales) of the choicest Saazar Hops
and was fortunate in having them snipped to this country before the embargo
was rigidly enforced in March, this year. Add this to the 500,000 pounds
on hand and you'll see how secure is our position.
This foresight enables us to give to our millions of
friends txaetty tha sama beer, flavored with txactlu tha same
Kope that have helped to make Budtotimr quality and MlJflob goodness
known and liked the world over. Our supply is sufficient to last at Least
until the closing days of I9I7.
St. Louis, u. s. A.
rk 1WW-L.e J -1- ,j
M ouJ ti Hue u. Hrar-Ul