Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Berlin Official Report Telli of Re
capture of Petitions in Cham
pagne Lost to French.
BERLIN, Oct. J. (Hy Wireless
to SayrlUe.)- German advances on
all fronts are reported in today's
official statement.
German positions orer a front of
2S0 meters in the Champagne, north
of Le Mesnil, which the French cap
tared on Sunday, are said to have
been retaken. Five officers and 130
French soldiers were captured. Only
one small trench northeast of le
Mesnll remains In the hands of the
On th northern rnrt of the Ruealan
front Field Marshal von lllnjf neurit' a
arm haa again croased the lllnukKt ll-!
trtn .n,i .i,nnM.d K aalmlrahik I farm. '
Further south the army of Prince Lo
pold repulsed Ruaalan attacks caat of
Baranovichi and south of Vygonovskoye
The army of General von t,lnlngrn haa
stormed the Russian position east of
Kolkl and west of Caartoryak, and re
pulsed a Ruaalan counter attack. Four
officers. 1.4T4 men and ten machine (tins
wars captured.
A further advance was made yeaterday
by tli German forces In Serbia. Esst of
Vlargrad. Boanla. further progress was
made and several poaltlona were occupied.
South of Palanka around was sained on
the northern slops of the Rare valley.
Further cast the Germans captured Mar
kavatsh. Laope and Kutschevo. During
the last three days MO Serbians have been
Freark Verelaa la Differ.
FARES. Oct. M, Fighting baa con
tinued In the Champagne district and at
Ijl Ceurtlna with limited fluctuations, 'ao
eordlng to the announcement made by the
Frnc.h war office this afternoon.' The
stubborn Frenoh reaiataoca and the of
fensive activity of the French troops
checked the counter attacks of the Ger
means. The text of the communication
"The elose fighting In the Champagne
district has continued. In the center of
the position known as La Courtlne and
the fluctuations of the tide of battle have
fceen held to a limited area. The stubborn
resistance of our troops and their imme
diate return to the offensive ware suc
cessful In breaking the counter attacks
of the enemy.
"A lively attack to the northeast of
Masai gea made us master of a German
trench close to the positions recently con
quered by ba.
"Army of the Orient: During the day of
October 23 Bulgarian forces attacked the
French forces In the region of Btrumltsa,
along the entire front. They were com
pletely repulsed. The Information, ac
cording to which French forces have been
repulsed on the right bank of the Vardar
river is erroneous."
Postof f ico Thieves
Get 8190,000 Stamps
WASHINGTON, Oct. M.-Postofflce
burglaries have been so numerous of late
that aa order went forth today to alt
postmasters except of the first clsss
throughout the country to keep on Hand
a smaller number of stamps and other
papers of a commercla value and to
guard them more carefully.
Reports to the Postofflce department,
accounting for last year's business, shows
that 1.40 claims, aggregating a loss of
1190.000 resulted from burglaries of post
offices. Inspectors were unable In most eases
to find any trace of the stolen goods
tacuss of thr. lack tf Identification marks.
Their Investigations, however, have led
department officials to believe that stamp
brokers In a number of the larger cities
make it heir business to dispose of stolen
goods. The department is endeavoring to
develop some means for identifying
tamps and other papers.
Colonel Tucker
Asks Reinstatement
A FRANCISCO, Cel., Oct M. Or
ders have been received here from Wash
ington, D. C, It became known today,
appointing an examining board to investi
gate the application of Lieutenant Colonel
William y. Tucker, former husband of
"Dollla" Logan, daughter of the late
General John A. Logan, for reinstatement
In the army with the rank of Colonel.
The board will meet at Vancouver Bar
racks. " Colonel Hamilton Stone Wallace,
quartermaster corps, Is named aa bead
of the board.
Colonel Tucker was retired March t.
IWe, for the asalgned causa of 111 health
Previous to that his wtfs had secured a
divorce from him after a sensational
suit He was married July S, to
Mrs. Myrtle Leone Matt, who was named
as co-respondent In the divorce suit.
Offer of Cyprus
to Greece lapses
IjONDON. Oct K.-Oreat Britain's offer
of the Island of Cyprus to Gree-e has
lapsed because the condition under whlc 1
the offer was made has not been fulfilled.
Sir Kdward Grey, the secretary of state
for foreign affairs, informed the Ilouas
of Commons this eftcrnojo. The forelien
secretary told ths Hou that In ths very
critical situation In which 8rbli found
Itself the allies were bound to obtain. If
possible the only aralstance Immella'S'
available. Accordingly, Great Britain In
formed Greece that if It wouad g'.ve Iti
fall, lmmtdtete sup-xrt to KcrbU against
Bulgaria. Great Britain was prepared to
give It Cyprus.
stra. E. il. Phelps.
Word has been received of the death
Of Mrs. K. II. Phelps, wife of the former
adjutant general of Nebraaka, who died
at the Soldiers' home In California. The
lived at Lincoln up to about two years
tihe Is survived by her husband and
three children. Paul, tne oldest sua living
In Omaha at this time. The funeral was
held today la California,
a aan lug Fal Coask.
The first dose of Dr. Bell's Ptne-Tar-Hooey
will help you. It kills the cold
germ. Only fcc All druggists. Adver-
Physical Valuation of Railroads
Will Be Worthless, Says Lovctt
FAN FRANCISCO. Oft. fa-Juilse Rob.
art P. I.ovett, chairman of the board of
d. rot-tors of the I'nlon Pacific railroad
lines, sawrted. In an Interview today, that
t?i ilaia of the govrrnment to sathrr
c.mi'!rte da'.a aa to the valura cf the
arloua railroad properties In the I'nltod
Ftatp would 1 of no praitlcal value.
' The tvorlt will coat millions of dollars,"
he enld, "and It will ahow that the rall
rond properties are worth a Croat deal
more than the lumi at which they are
He considered the Idra of baaing freight
(Continued Nm Pane One.)
of alx year and reMiliIng In a tar f.'
rharactertied bv e-lnterstate Commerce
mmlalonor Prouty aa the b'-at atst?
tariff he had ever Been.
In closing- the argument for the state
of Nebraska, Wi Ii E. Reed, attorr.ev
general, made an argument which was
highly commended to Trie Pee by Mr.
McVann and Chairman Clarke. He ar
med that ilnee the Interstate
rommlaalon muat not allow unjiml dis
crimination, agalnat any person or lo
cality. It Is not sufficient that cemplain
anta Introduced the Interstate rate and
compere with ratea In order No. 19, hut
they must not overlook this fact that the
state of Nebraaka la Just as much a lo
cality aa either of the complaining olth.
Jobber' lair,
He ssld If the order Is to afford a means
for unjust discrimination against Norfolk
and Columbus ss well as Omaha a id
Lincoln, that this Is not a Jobbers- case
In fact, because they do not pay the
freight. The one end one-quarter million
consumers residing In Nebraska are In
the end to pay the 11.600,009 of revenue
which the carriers assert that th"y will
It would be an unjust dlscrlmlnstlon
against the people to re-establish the
former rate and thereby favor St. Jo
seph, Ksnsss City, Council Biurrs ena
Bloux City. There should be but one
Each state honestly and fairly could
make a fair rate and the same total of
all rates make the Interstate rate. No
matter what name you may call It, to
remove rate order No. 1 Is to say to
each state In the union that your state
commissioners and state legislatures aro
useless in so far as making any rates
are concerned.'
Chairmen of state commissions should
sit and assist the Interstate Commerce
commission when rates are to be changed
when states are Interested.
Rnasreata Way of Adjastment.
At the conclusion of his argument Mr.
Reed suggested that it might be a good
plan for the Nob rusk a commissioners and
the railroads Interested to get together
with tho members of the Interstate
merce commission for the purpose of an
In closing ths case C. C. Wright, repre
senting the Northwestern and other rail
roads declared that the problems in
volved are so tied up that it Is Impossible
for the state to handle them and that
only the Interstate Commerce commis
sion can settle the qunstlons at Issue. He
admitted that Council Bluffs Is entitled
to the same Nebraska rates as Omaha.
All parties to the case left for Chicago
at I o'clock this evening.
LOS ANGELE3. Cel.. Oct. M.-A largs
number of men were camped today on
tho 7,(W6-aere tract In Imperial valley,
which was restored to entry by govern
ment land office officials here yester
day, under Instructions from the commis
sioner of the general land office at
Washington, D. C.
Announcement of the restoration of the
land to entry started a ruih from Im
perial valley towns to ths acreage.
Claimants established guards and built
bonfires during the night to keep off
A tense situation Is said to have de
veloped, whloh may result In trouble be
tween rival claimants.
The land which haa been restored to
entry lies east of the Southern Paclfto
railroad and is near the towns of Braw
ley, Ntland and Holtvllle. Some of it Is
said to be worth tlOO an acre.
GUERNSEY, Wyo.. Oct. W.-(Ppeclal.)-Oeorge
Thompson, who was brought back
from Bridgeport, Neb., for killing a pet
monkey, owned by Frank Peterson, will
have sixty days of segregation In which
to regret his brutality to Peterson's pet.
He was sentenced today to imprlaonment
of that duration in the county Jail at
Wheatland. Thompaon. who returned
from Nebraaka without formal extradi
tion proceedings, promptly escaped from
the town Jail hers and mode his way to
Wendover, sixteen miles distant, before
.'he was recaptured.
Deapondenry If v ladlm-at lea.
"About three months sto when I was
suffering frch IndltfettU.n which caused
headache ard dlsiy spells and mads ma
feel tired and despondent, I began taking
Chamberlain's Tablets," writes Mrs. Geo, j
Hon. Vscedon. N. Y, "This medicine
rroved to he tho very thing I needed, as I
one day's treatment rl loved me greatly.
I used to bottles of Chamberlain's Tab
let, snd they rid me of this trouble. Ob
tains! le everywhere All drugglM Ad
tlsoinent. rtennrtraeat Orare.
WASHINGTON. Oct. M (Special Tele-
1 tatka liiadish. h. one county. Maurice J
(iomian. vice Bvelyne M. Garvey, re
moved; Virginia. Usee countv, Jamea C.
Hubka, vt a M. H Chlpoertisld. rxe.sned.
Pouth finkota FUver City, Pennlnpton
county. Elt-ah Wilson, vloe H. J. Cor
llerra, removed.
Vernon Ket hi II has been appotnter ru
ral letter earner at tirolon. S. D., and
John F. Moses at Powell, Wyo.
Rheumatism Goes
If HoocTs Is Used
Ths genuine old reliable Hood's Sarsa-
rarllla corrects the acid condition of the
blood and builds up the whole system. ,
It drives out rheumatism because It
cleanses ths blood thoroughly. It has I
been successfully used for forty rear.
For rheumatlara, stomach and kidney
troubles, general debility and all Ills
arising from Impure blood. Hood's has
no equal. Get It from your nearest drwg
glst today. Advertisement
and paesenarer rates on aurh valuations
t present "Quite theoretical and without
foundation In fact Hard, faat mice for
rata determination," he aald, "would be
aa difficult to make aa rulea for the pre
cise application of Juatlce In the courts
rate depending upon c rcurtnlanf c of
tertnln raaes.
"The Conduct of the railroad nf thja
country," Judge Ixvctt aald, "teated by
any rule of law, or ethetlra, will com
part with any clan of cltlr.enahlp. Condi
tions have chanted, and we have all rlsn
In the acale together."
The Day's War New
AllOHUIMU TO FAItlft nilvlci-a II Pl
ata baa completed preparation for
the tflapatrh ot'ilrong forces to
help Serbia.
TIHKI4II TROOrs will meet any
effort Rnaala may make to laoil an
army on the II luck (tea roaat of
Hnlaarta, It la reported from Ath
ena, and they are already helnc
concentrated, (iermana will have
chnrae of the defenae, another re
port atatea ,
lit t llAltl-ST At tot NT of the croaa.
I ear of the llnnabe by the Aaatrlana
In the vicinity of Omovn, near the
Honjmaalin frontier, mentions the
presence of a Hoeelan battery with
the Serbian forces.
TECTONIC THOOI'S aro making)
more rapid proareaa In northvreat
ern Serbia, according to the lata -Anatrlnn
official atatrment.
Ingj participation of llrltlab land
forces la Balkan campalaa la run
talaed In a Halonlkl dlapntrh atat
laar that th, Brltlah orlaade will
leave Snlonlkl today for a point
forty miles to the north to operate
la coajanctloa with the French.
SITUATION IN the Iardaaellca ap
parently Is unrhaaaed. The car.
rent aanoaneement hy the Tnrkl.h
war office reeorda only laolated
artillery excaana-ea.
Ask United States
to Save Armenians
NEW HAVBN, Conn.. Oct. M.-A plea
to Wilson to do everything in his power
to save the remnants of the Armenian
and other non-Mohammedan races In
Turkey was mads by the national coun
cil of the Congregational churches at a
meeting held this noon at the requeat
of the buslneas committee of the body.
A resolution on this subject, adopted by
the council, reads:
"Resolved, That the national council
of Congregational churrhu rr th- i'i,.i
Com-lfuates, assembled, profourdly moved by
the unquestionable evldenoe of unprece
dented atrocities committed upon tho
non-Mohammedan population of Turkey
by order of the central government,
raises Its voles In protest and urges
upon the president of ths United States
to do all In his power to save the rem
nants of these stricken raees and to se
cure In this endeavor the cn-on.r.x
of all neutral nations."
The council also adopted a reaolutlon
urging that In the ordination of candi
dates for the ministry the ordaining
bodies insist that the candidates shall
have passed a full course In theological
Total Teutonic
Losses in the War
Five Million Men
LONDON, Oct M.-The Nleuwe Rot
terdamsche Courant. aa quoted by
Router's Amsterdam correspondent, gives
German losses from October 11 to . at
7,4 In dead, wounded and missing. Ths
total Prussian losses are given as 1,021.07s.
The newspaper says there also hava
been Issued Zt Bavarian. 209 Saxon 2s
Wurtemburg and fifty-three naval casu
alty lists, as well aa lists of officers and
under officers with ths Turkish army. The
Courant figures the total losses to the
central powers at
October Sale
of Oriental Rugs
:k 'i j'J1 'i ' ; I s w1 re .. .
r a a f i 4aiiA4(,uui"J
A Choice
Collection of
Room Size Rugs
at Very Low Prices
Abo a larffe number cf
rugs ranging rrom $15 to $75,
that are very closely priced.
B'tS ' 11
Orchard W ilhelm Co.
Men Accused of Plotting to Destroy
Munition Shipi Turned Over to
Federal Official!.
NEW YOHK, Oct. 26. Robert
Fay, a lieutenant in the German
army; Walter L. Scholi and Paul
Daeuche were arraigned in Wee haw
ken, N. J., police court today on
charges In connection with an al
leged plot to blow up steamships sail
ing from New York with munitions
for the allies. The three men were
discharged by the court, but were
Immediately arrested by federal
agents on charges of conspiracy
sworn to by Chief Flynn of the secret
Fay and Brhols were brought to New
Tork in custody cf the federal officers.
They will be arraigned later before
t'nlted States Commissioner Houghton on
the corr.pUInt sworn to by Chief Flynn.
The complaint rhsrges that the three, in
conjunction with Dr. Herbert Klensle.
held In I25.0H0 ball yesterdsy, and Max
Iireltung, still at liberty, conspired to
an offense against the United
Ft a tea. After fa lima- to locate Breitung
at either his home or office here, police
sent out today a general alarm for him.
Daeche said he had nothing in common
with the others and did not care to go to
New York without arraignment. He wss
then turned over to an assistant of Chief
Wanted to Destroy Chemical Plnnts.
Chief Flynn announced today that he
was In possession of information which
showed that Fay had told a man named
Velg that the proper way to stop the
shipment of munitions to the allies was
to blow up ths chemical works. He ex
plained that it was useless to try to blow
up shell snd powder works because those
plants could maks repairs easily, asd the
worst damags that could be done them
would delay them only a week or so. If
the chemlcsi plants were attacked, they
would be at ths fountainhead. and re
pairs could not quickly be made.
According to the chief. Fay asserted
that when he left Holland for America
on the ateamer Rotterdam he carried a
letter to a high official, but on ths first
dsy out he destroyed it, fearing he might
be searched and the letter found.
Chief Flynn, when asked if he consid
ered that Captain Boy-Ed and Captain
Von Papen had been Implicated in any
way, replied that Fay absolved them from
all participation.
When Fay and Scholi reached New
York shortly after noon, they were taken
to the office of Chief Flynn at the Bat
tery, where It Is understood they were
again questioned. Arrangements were
made to keep them there till their ar
raignment at 4 p. m. before United States
Commissioner Houghton.
Daeehe Arralarnmeat Postponed.
Daeche, arraigned later la Jersey City
before United Btates Commissioner Car
penter, ssked for delay In the preliminary
examination and his case was put over
until November t. Ball was fixed at !
l,000, In default of which he was locked
In addition to the Charge of ceaa piracy,
covering cases of the other prisoners and
Breitung. Dseche also was charged with
having and concealing a high explosive
for the purpose of blowing up a ship in
the Jurisdiction of the United 8tatee.
United States Marshal Kavanaugh, who
preferred the charges, did not go into
details concerning the additional charge.
Evidence May Bo Inaaf flelent.
WASHINGTON, Oct. M. Officials of
the Department of Justice expressed
doubt today whether the federal govern
ment can make out a case against the
men Implicated in the plot to blow up
munition ships sailing from the United
States. Detailed Information aa to what
evidence has been collected by the New
York police of the secret service was still
lacking today and the'department will not
reach a decision In the matter until all
data has been examined.
Prairie Fire Doea Damaare.
PIERRE, S. D., Oct M.- Special Tele
gram.) Two prairie fires set by a train
in the vicinity of Canning today, burned
over a large scope of oountry, driven by
a high wind. Buildings on several farms
were saved by hard work and a large
amount of feed was destroyed.
Wednesday Is the Last Day
Big Sale of Chairs, Rockers
and Settees
Take advantage of the savings this sale offers. Make
your selection while the low prices are still to be secured.
If you do not wish delivery till a little later, wo will be
glad to accommodate you.
Only two Iteme axe lUnstrated here, but there
are a great many others to choose from.
Solid Mahogany
(iti Cut)
This rocker must be aeen to be
Antique brown mahogany, can atainea w
match; note cane Beat, back and wtnga.
Bought In the regular way would coat 28.
During aale, each S20
- 1645 South Sixteenth
Big Shells Narrowly
Miss Ships Engaged
in Mimic Warfare
NXVv YORK, Oct. The repair ship
Panther of the United States navy had
a narrow escape from being, hit by a
fourteen-tnch shell fired from the prov
ing grounds at Sandy Hook today. The
large projectile Tew directly over the
Panther and struck in the ocean about a
mils beyond it.
Ths Panther, with a number of other
war vessels taking part In ths maneuvers
off the coast, composed a fleet that is
defending the entrance to New York
harbor. Early today these vessels came
within range of a fourteen-tnch gun
which Is being tested at the proving
grounds, and the narrow escape of the
Panther was the result.
i he commander of the Panther im
mediately after the shot was fired sent
a wireless report of the Incident to the
commanding officer at Fort Hancock.
Three other vessels of ths fleet de
fending the harbor In the war games
likewise came within range of the big
guns at Sandy Hook, although none of
them had the close call of the Panther.
These were ths mine planters. General
Miles, General Frank and Oeneral Scho
fleld. all of which were cruising off the
New Jersey coast while the gun test was
being conducted. The Panther was flag
ship of the little fleet.
Earlier In the forenoon a shot from
the fourteen-lnch gun passed well to the
seswsrd of the mine planters. The
I'anther was about seven miles from
shore when the shell passed over it
: Germans and Turks
Replace Bulgars
Along Black Seaj
1X5NDON, Oct. is. The report that
Turkish troops are being concentrated at
Burgas, Varna and other points on ths
Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, is reiterated
In advices received here today from
Athens. Reauter's correspondent ssys that
the Turks are to oppose Russian attempts
to land troops, having replaced Bulgarians
because It was feared the latter could
not be counted on to resist the Russians.
A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph
company says:
"Five thousand German soldiers from
Constlnttnople are replacing Bulgarians
at points on ths Black Sea littoral. De
fense of the cosst has been entrusted to
The Reuter dispatch asserts the dam
age Inflicted on Dedeaghatch by the
bombardment of an allied fleet last week
was considerable.
IOWA CITY, la., Oct 2.-(Speolal Tel
egram.) Students at Iowa now have a
policewoman to take care of them If they
become unruly. Lenora Johnson was
named to the capacity of "cop" today
by Mayor KoenU of Iowa City. Miss
Johnson's first big assignment will be
patrol duty the night of the Ames-Iowa
game, November IS.
JUST one
suit from the
piece that's what
''exclusive fabrics"
mesas. Be yourself sn lodi- -vldusl
maa with a personality,
in elothes made ta your meas
ure by us.
Overcoats and Suits to
to order, $25.00 to $50.00.
rerfoct Fit Guaranteed.
MacCirthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
815 South 15th Street.
appreciated. A
Wing Chair or Rocker,
Very pretty design, claw and ball foot,
large and comfortable; tapestry uphol
stered; sella at f SJ.60. Sale price,
ch 820.50
Two Men Who Planned Seriei of
Bobberies Arretted and Money
Found Upon Them.
Ten minutes after they had held
up and robbed Glen Houtchens of
Deep Water, Mo., two highwaymen
were arrested at Ninth and Daven
port streets by Patrolmen A. F.
Francl and Peter Hagerman, and a
confession obtained.
After being held up and robbed of
50, Houtchens called up the Coun
cil Bluffs police. A descrlptibn of
the two robbers was Immediately
furnished the Omaha police, and was
sent out to the men on the various
Hagerman and Francl were mak
ing their hourly report when they
got the description.
"Those two fellows there look like the
birds we want" declared Francl. He
halted them, and sent them to head
quarters. The men tallied exactly with
The New Baby Wearables
We choose these new
things for the littlest
people with an eye to
comfort and becoming,
We have everything
a mother wants for her
baby, and what ever
price is paid, know that
the utmost is offered in
style and quality, at
that price.
The infants' wear sec
tion invites an inspec
tion of the newest Au
tum and Winter Clothes
for Babies.
Beautiful Chiffon Costume Velvets
Lustrous, light weight, strong, suple, forty
two inches wide in fashionable dark, rich
Autumn Shades and black. A fabric superior
in every respect, and ideal for new costumes ,
and dresses $5 a yard and worth it, too.
V (smj mk
The opportunity w. tfT yon to InTMt your
moiMT lo a valuable awnuin Diamond and
r It while paylns a mill amount acn
WMk or month, will b fully appreciated
ho your paymonti aro all mad and yo
raallM that you abfolutoly own a Diamond.
ass Liadles Dia
mond Kins', lk
solid avid. Loflla
"Perfection" act
mounting- . . . .
IS afoatn.
sto. a M e n ' a
Diamond Rlns. t
?rong Tooth mount
ns. 14k onlld aold.
Horn. a or pot- Cel
Uhrd rintoh
ai.ea a Week.
6a Ladlea' Watch
O iIm. Hunting caaa,
ftaoat quality gold tilled,
aaeorted euaravlncs. pol
lened flnt.b. riermateed
a year, fitted vllh aoa
utne aisla or WaJ'b.m
movement, ftpe- (II
clal price fU
Terra el
91.BO a Moath.
Valllora. tlao sol
id sold, porf.ot
out brilliant Dia
mond. sonolno
r I a. u-lnok
aa.a a stoat
Opea Sally tui pja. Satoraay tUl i30
Tall or write for Illustrated Catelos No. ).
Phone Douslaa 144 aad our aaleaman will call.
r IP Credit Jewelers
Ouick as a
w n Flash-
YaN I e critical
M to- lv
V i
.1 v.
,1 X
the descriptions given, hut they stood
Find the Revolver.
A hasty search brought forth a re
volver, but no money. The men both
declared they were broke.
"Take off your shoes," ordered Officer
Jim Murphy.
They started to unlace them, when one
straightened up and exclaimed: "Well,
you've got us. We might Just as well
kick in. Here's the money." He handed
It over and made a complete confession,
even telling where the victim's wallet was
thrown after the money had been taken.
The two men described themselves as
John Darnell. Ottumw. Ia., and Harry
Beckwlth, Sheridan, Wyo.
Their Flrat Offenae.
They declared that last night's robbery
wss their first Job, but admitted that
they had planned a series of Jobs in
Omaha and Council Bluffs.
Houchens, the man they robbed, lost
every cent and was forced to find lods
lng at ths police station until he could
write to friends for money. He was
overjoyed at getting back his money.
Officer of Bank
Shot by Robbers
AUSTIN, Tex., Oct. 2. Two armed
men this afternoon robbed a bank at
Marble Balls, Burnet county, Texas, mor
tally wounding one of the bank's officers,
and escaped, according to a report re
ceived here.
Third Floor.
General Distributors
Omaha. Neb.
0 tkzatxk J Last Two Times
A. K. WOODS Pressats
"Kick In"
A 8)btematlc
Powerful Piny,
I'ivltlly PortraycKl.
WED. MAT, 85o to (It XT'. 88o to $1.00
"7 ICoyS oaldpate"
lfatlaeee ISo, B6oj Bre'rs Boo. SSe, BOe
Mrs. Fiske
Thursday, Friday and Saturday -"THE
Bee-1nnin Sunday for Tour Days
The Only High clan Viurt.TiMe circuit
Dally Mattnaa. Every Night. lj.
i Other Acta thle : Ths
VW I lLI fVt M.ilcana. Jack Allmaa it
rVl - H WH KlDi Tn. Oeuddnldt..
Vour It.lodloue t'buD.
Flying Wernta Doo. Orpoeum Tr.r.1 Weekly.
Plicae: Matinee Uailary. lao! b eeai. I.i
eept Saturday aud Suadaji. sto. Klgnta lue. 1m.
aw aad Tee.
Dally Mata..lS-15-SOa
ETS4TS, lft-S&O-T&e
Rosei Pesej 6lrts 9
An Avalanche et Beenty. Wealth and Splendor.
"The HedemptloB Club." Big Broadway
et twlebrttlee. Only Muelcel bhow tn Tawn.
Oargsoue Klectrtoml Nofeltlea. fieauly L'horu. ol 40.
lutdlee Dime atattnee Wssa Days.
OonnalM Trio. CVmedy Caatlag
lOe Ex.
Gr Hi out, and I utner ecu ol
ruUliy. "Lilllaa'a Hu.heade, a
part aoanedy-draaia. "The Vul
ture, a eaon eiory inai.
"Dreamy Dud." oartaoaed lua.
H'.r.. S-llg Sn. (4