Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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It Is
Up to You
To Buy Acres Now
You never will have the opportunity to buy acres so close to
Omaha and Benson as cheap and on such easy terms as you can
buy now in the beautiful new acreage tract of
Benson Gardens
adjoining Benson on the west and the new town of West Benson
on the east, located along the "West Main Street paved road.
The payments are only
$10 Down, $10 a Month
on one acre or $10 down and $7.50 a month on half acres; or $5
down and $5 a month on large town lots in West Benson.
Now is the best time to look over acres. "West Benson
and Benson Gardens is the best place to buy. The land is rich;
the location is ideal ; the schools and stores are convenient. Ar
rangements have been made by the Benson School Board to take
all school children living in Benson Gardens and Benson Acres
to and from the Benson Schools free of charge in the Benson
Gardens Jitney.
Write or call us up by phone and we will have one of our
salesmen with automobile take you out and show you the best
Acreage property ever offered for sale near Omaha.
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Harney St.
lloaara n n. I t ot mars.
Phone Douglas 28 (or complete list of
vacant houses and apartments: also (or
storage, moving. Kth and Jackson
Gordon Van Co
tl N. 11th St.
Tel D 394 or Har 1M7.
GOOD auto sales room on Karnam St.
Very reasonable rent. Tel. Doug. 4089.
SEE the Central Furniture Store FREB
M l J van and Storage
VkCrCfVn Q Co. Call us for as-
A'AUOb" Urns tea (or mov
ing, packing, shipping.
1711 Webster BU
Pougias 14.
tSEVEN and five-room bouses; modern;
walking distance. Douglas 459.
H.tneoa Crelgh Sons ft Co.. Bee Bldg.
ilOUSeS Jn part, of the city.
JC Reed p&ing
:A)7 Farnam. D. 6144.
OFFICE furniture bought and sold.
C Reed. VfTi Farnam. Doug. 814u,
Mrlctly hlfcjh glade piano Web. 3726.
Yale bus everything 2d hand Web. 4904.
HIGHEST prices (or old clothln. D. 4714.
FARMS and city loans at lowest rates.
tiuu 'i o ll.uou made promptly. V. D.
Wead, Wead Bidg.. IM.h st Farnam Bta,
tTlTY and tana loans, S, 6, per oent
J. H. Dumont A Co.. 418 Ktate Bank.
A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand
furniture into cash.
vt antku citfod farm and city loans at
lowest rates.
PETERS TRUST CO.. 2633 Farnam.
CITlr property. Large loans a specialty.
W. H. Thomas 22k State Bank Bldg.
OMAHA humus. Kasl NebrutKa farms.
1016 Omaha National. Phone Douglas T715.
MONEY on hand (or city and (arm loans.
H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg.
ICC' CITY LOANS. C. G. Carlberg, 810
u 12 Brandeis TheaUr Bid
115 S. 42D ST. 8-r. ; all modern, (or mod.
6-room cottage. Will sell. Tel. H. 2704.
6-room cottage. Council Bluffs, 80 acres
Irrigated Colorado land; (or lots or cot
tages in Omaha. Coifax 3808.
Bargain in a Home
Because the house Is now too small we
offer (or sale one of the nicest, cvxlest
and best located homes In Omaha. On
easy terms to the right party In order to
make a quick sale.
House located at 3608 Marcy, one block
from the Leavenworth line, ten minutes'
ride on street car; one block from drug
store and grocery store; nose to school;
streets paved and all paid for. In neigh
borhood where lots are advancing in
price. Hlxh, dry and airy.
House two-story bungalow, built about
five years; full basement: furnace he-tt,
hot water .heater, electric and gas fix
tures; line liio piace; house wen decor
ated; living room, 14x24; good dining
room,, kitchen and pantry. Second floor
has 8 large, airy bed rooms, (our closets
and bath.
This place Is worth looking at and
wortn the money. J4.70O. u. C. Jtoberts.
2328 South 3.1th Ave., 6 rooms, finished
in f iv , oniony niuuri ii in ijveiy par
ticular; price 13,000; 5o0 cash, balance
same as rent,
9 512 Brandels Theater Bldg.
A Corner Lot
56x128 .
West Farnam
Two blocks from best car line In Omaha.
Sewer, water, gas and sidewalk In and
paid for.
till VlfiV TP-RMS
Shuler & Cary
I). 4iS.
'JA otute Bldg.
Near the Omaha I'niversity, we have a
high clans 10-iooin modern house, clear
of encumbrance. Can exchange for an
h or 40-acre farm near Omaha, or will
take a smaller borne.
tth Floor Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781
A splendid 10-room house and 1 lota 100
xlZri, earnly worth $12,000. Owner will
take smaller place, or might consider a
piece of land In exchange.
6th Floor Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
Iaiuglaa 17M
WALKING Ll5TN'CE a3 Dodge, f
room modern house, first-class condi
tion; ready to move Into; key at 240.
Don t (ail to look it through. W. W.
Mitchell, owner. Phone Webster 4X75.
5.G5 Acres Improved with
4-Room House, $2,500
Located west of Benson, about H mile
north o( the new town of West Benson;
mostly all level rich bottom land; fine
for gardening; running water through
part of It. The house Is unfinished on the
Inside, but Is well arranged and would
not cost much to have It finished. Will
make terms.
West Farnam and
Cathedral District
Going On Today
and Continues Until
All Lots Are Sold
$395 to $695
$5 Down, $5 Month
All street Improvements, Including gas,
water, sewer and sidewalks.
Moderately Restricted
Everybody knows what WEST FAR
NAM car service means to the home..
Farnam and Dundee line on the south.
Farnam and 40th on the east.
Farnam and Cuming on the north of
the addition. Every three minutes one
of these cars passes the property, and
you may reach 16th street In twelve min
utes, and on a direct line down town.
Best for the Home.
Best for an Investment.
Come to 42d and California Sts. any day
this week, or phone Douglas 4233 or Wal
nut 882. and we will send for you.
Shuler & Cary
Addition Office. 42d and California.
Main Office 204 State Bank Building.
Why Pay Rent
When you can buy a home of your own
on monthly payments? In the Bemls Park
district Is a 6-room modern house that
needs a few repairs, but at the price the
owner has placed upon It, It la a bargain.-
crms can be arranged. Address
3512 Lafayette Ave. Two blocks to car.
For price and terms call
Creigh, Sons & Co.
Douglas 200
608 Bee Bldg.
Prettiest Mile
Florence Blvd.
A High Class
That must be snapped up at once. Owner
Uvea In house and will not move after
cold weather sets In. All modern 9-room
house, oak floors and finish, hot water
heat, fireplace, beam ceilings, built-in
features, sun room etc. The lot la finest
on entire Prettiest Mile. It Is 100 feet
wide by 840 (eet deep; fine shude. hedge
on both sides, all kinds of fruit, berries,
etc. Artesian well, that flows ill year
round. If taken quick this (all, you can
buy this place for 86,750, on reasonable
terms. Next door neighbor wants to buy
10 feet of thin at 360 per foot, and you
can make 3&00 back right away If de
sired. Ground alone here is worth over
15.0U0, and house Is thrown In at far
less than cost. Must have quick action
on this. Call Douglas 8393 Monday for
appointment or any further Information.
No. 3018 and 3024 Lafayette Ave., 6 and
6 rooms, with beamed cellngs, paneled
walls, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, china,
closet, lighting fixtures, plumbing, heat
ing; yard sodded, south front; oak and
white enamel finish; close in; just east
of Bemls Park, In Montclalr. Call owner
and builder for prices and terms.
Phone Web. 8620.
Near 87th and Ames, 6 rooms, all mod
ern. Must be sold. For terms aee
OWNER will sacrifice 8-r., strictly mod
ern house, with large s eeping room, oak
floors, woodwork nicely decorated. Turin.
Phone Webster 1127.
tUd and Fort, lot, 8200. Walnut 3064.
luuncll lilarts.
Only 4 blocks from street car In Coun
cil Bluffs, new, up-to-date (-room house
and an acre of grapes. Only 84,200. Will
take Omaha house.
6th Floor Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
Douglas 1781.
5-Room Bungalow
The owner of a practically new bunga
low will sell It very cheap and on eauy
terms. All on one floor. Oak finlsii, built
in buffet and bookcases. Large floored
attic; cement cellar; warranted furnace;
8 lighting fixtures; Urge corner lot;
good garage.
For Bale 11 Isrrllaaeuaa.
FOR SAI.E-M-tel Oarage. M. D. Cam
eron. Tel. 11. Sj-A
Heavy Foreign Demand Sends Price
of Rye Up Fifteen Cents in the
Last Week.
OMAHA, October t. I!1S.
The cash market was very sternly today.
Wheat receipts were onlv fair, and
cssh wheat was quoted unchanged to 1
cents higher, most of the sales going at
tint handed prices.
Corn a lower, the receipts continue
light and corn sold down, dropping "e.U'iC
Oats were higher, they soiling c up.
Rye advanced to 7r, with a heavy
foreign demand boosting the price.
Clearances of wheat and (lour were
equal to 2.1!l,0) bustiels; corn, .U0o bunh
els; oats. 6.0W bushe's.
Liverpool close: Wheat: unchanged to
Id lower; corn. Id higher.
Primary wheat receipts were 3.8M.O00
bushels and shipments l.fMl.OOo bushels
against receipts of l.teSOiiO bushels and
shipments of 823,000 bushels Inst J'enr.
Primary corn receipts were 4M.0OO bush
els and shipments 262.000 bushels, against
receipts of oSI.rtN) bushels and shipments
of liW.uOO bushels last year.
Frimary oats receipts were l.m.nOO bush
els and shipments 1 WJ.oou bushels,
against receipts of 1.136.000 bushels and
shipments of 757.x) bpehria last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 216 201 3S0
Minneapolis 413
Duluth TK
Omaha 68 25 8S
Kansas City 1 16 ' 20
St Louis 1S 41 40
Winnipeg 1.S10
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. I hard winter: 1 car. e;
No. 8 hard winter: 1 car. 96c; 8 cars, 96c;
cars. 94c; cars. 94c. No. 4 hard win
ter: 2 cars. 94c; 6 cars. 3c; 1 car. 92V;
2 cars, 92c; 84 cars. 91c; 8 cars, 90c. No.
8 spring: 1 car, 94c. No. I durum: 1 car,
83Hc. No. 4 durum, 1 car. 8c. Sample: 1
car, 81c No. 3 velvet chnff: 1 car. 7c. No,
8 velvet chaff: 1 car. 94W Corn: No.
2 white: 1 car. 60c. No. 8 white: 8 cars,
We. No. 6 white: 1 car. 694c. No. white:
1 car. !mc. No. t vellow: 7 cars, fll1. No.
3 yellow. 1 3-6 cars. 814c. No. 6 yellow: 1
car, lc. No. 1 mtxed I cars, Wo. No. t
mixed: 1 car (hlghl, 60Sc; 3 cars. oc: 1
car 694c No. 8 mixed: 1 car (near whlte.
Blc; 12-6 cars. R9Vc. Oats: Standard: 1
car (good). 364c: 1 car, 364c; 8 cars. S5c:
No. 3 white: 1 car. 844c; 14 cars. Sic; 1
car. S3c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 33ci 8
cars, S34c; 1 car. SSVic. Sample: 1 car,
S24c; 1 car, 32c; 1 car, 314c Rye: No. 2:
1 car, 97c No. 8: 1 car. 7c: I cars, 96o.
Mescellnneous: 4 car (special). Mc
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat- No. I
turkey, 0!fWW.c: No. 8 turkey. 9ff99c; No.
2 hard, 97jiySc; No. 3 hard, 94fr9ic; No. 4
hnrd JO'i94c; No. 2 spiing. 4iftt"c; No. I
spring. 93Tiif?94c; No. 4 spring. 93ifltf3Uc:
No. I durum. 2H934o; No. 3 durum, 921
83c. Corn: No. 2 white, E9fi'60c; No 8
white. S4finr; No. 4 white, &9t4(fr4e;
No. 5 white. 57if59'(.e: No. white. 644R6o;
No. t vellow. dlffiBlHc; No. 8 yellow. 61
614c: No. 4 yellow, 60fJUc: No. 5 yellow
604tilc: No. 6 yellow, off0Uc: No. 2
mixed, B9V4i?M4c: No. 3 mixed, S9V, '6940 ;
No. 4 mixed, &9-?i694c: No. 6 mixed, 58
R9c; No. 6 mixed, M4WfiS4c. Ots: stand
ard. 3Siffi'4c: No. 8 white. 83Siff344o; No.
4 white, 33a:?c. Barley: Malting. 49a
64c; No. 1 feed. 4&349c. Rye: No. 2 86VS
97c; No. 8, &t'.fi97c.
Chicago closing prices, furnished The
Ree by Logon Bryan, stock and grain
brokers, Slfr foutn Mxtcentn, umaoa:
Article' Open. I High.! Low. Clo , Yes y.
Wheat I
Dec. I 01m 1 02 9941 0OB 1014
May. I 03-3V 10-1 1 0111 02 1
Dec. BSifr4 S"T4 RR,4B HH
May. 604 69i,6041)i 69T
Dec. 384W, 38fl40 3 38HA 384fH
May. 89i(34 404 3394(i &J
Dec. 13 35 13 40 13 30 18 30 18 R0
Jan.. 16 05 18 074 15 74 15 90 1U
Oct.. 8 774 8T74 45 8 8 774
Jan.. 8 924 8 924 8 82H 8 824 8 974
Oct.. 9 374 9 874 25 25 87V4
Jan.. 8 824 8 824 8 774 8 T74 8 874
A-Asked. B Bid,
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 26. COFFE FMture
market after opening at a decline of 1 to
1 points eased off another few points on
the more active positions under some
scattering liquidation or trade selling. Of
ferings were light, however, and tno
market rallied in the late trading: on
race rumors and foreign buying, with
arch selling up from 6.44c to e.bic. and
with the general list closing at a net ad
vance of 6 to 11 points. Bales, 19,760 bars;
Llva oak Colonies, nuns better. W. T.
emitta Co.. slS-14 City Nat. Bk. D. 8811.
FOR SALE OR LEASE-Any part of 4.000
acres near Htsetown, Saskatchewan. I
raised 150,000 biuhels of oats and 80.000
bushels of flax on land this year. Price
cheap and terms very easy. Frank Craw
ford. Omnia. Neb., or Rosetown. Hask.
IF INTERESTED In farm land, don't
fall to call or send for my descriptive
1st of real bargains in large or small
farms near the city; can allow them in
few hours' time; they are bargains no
one can duplicate, land, location and price
considered. Fred Mohl, 611 Capital Bauk
building. St. Paul. Minn.
FOR SALE At a sacrifice, f00-acr ranch
In Boyd county, Neb.; nearly all fenced;
two seta of buildings; 200 acres under cul
tivation: 60 acres of alfalfa; plenty ot
good water; excellent grass; no sand;
some timber. Address John Btenronsky,
Wagner, S. D.
I'PPER WISCONSIN Beat dairy and
general crop atate In the union; settler
wanted; lands (or sale at low prices on
easy terms. Ask for booklet 84 on Wiscon
sin Central Land Qrant Excellent! lands
(or stock raising. If interested In fruit
lands ask for booklet on apple orchards.
Address Land and Industrial Depart.. 0o
Line Hallway. Minneapolis 74iuo.
M loellneos.
Write a good description of your land
and send It to the Sioux City, la., Journal.
"Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Ma
dlum." Twinty-flv words every Friday
evening. Saturday morning and every
Saturday evening and Sunday morning
(or on month, giving sixteen ads on
twelve different days tor i; or GO words,
k or 71 words, t&
Largest circulation of any Iowa news
paper, Xal.OUO readers dully In four great
Compiled and furnlsbsd br Ksrr Title Ouamnte.
sad Abstract company. 804 Bouts Svalnlb
John Ooreeb, Jr.. to John Ooracho, sr.,
7 4. It fMt of lots 81 and M. black 4.
Hanscom Pino 1
Hoiiwsumd Oo. to hums R. EvorsoU. Iota
trt and 7. Homestead add M0
Honieetead Co. to buaan H. Eferaole, lots
m and XM. Homeetead add IM
CemmonveaUh Keel Bexate Co. to Aleian
der Array, lot 17, block 1, gjrniHoate Hill l
Marr K. Anderaon to Haul B Orara, el
feet of win (eet of loia T and I, block T2,
South Omaha J
William O. Smith and wife to R. 0. Oiif
lltb, lot H. block I, Olen Park 1
F. J. MnMhane, Jr., slierllf. lo H. t. Cadf
lumber Co., lot 17, block Zt. Village of
Ralaton 100
Catherine B. Uwrjr and huaband to Kath
rja A. Kavanaush. a40 feet l lot t, Kauf
man A Jetter'a aub $
Harry H. Allrn to Klchard W. Alias, lot (,
block 11. Brlass' Piaoa 1
William A. rneter, referee, to J E. Roa
era. lota It. It. 1 and II. HarrisosTs
Flare to
Western Heal Estate Co. to Walter Z.
milord, aJl (eet of lot 8. block B.
Rhlna'a BeLood add 1
William P. Hart to I.eo Koaenthal, lot II,
b!ok ill. Dundee Plaoe J
Batnuel orlulf and wife to Clifford W. Cal
kins. noO feet of Iota 18 and II. block 3,
Oaknurst Park 1
James W. ooll and wtfa to Wary I4ka
Howe, lot 14, block II. Albright's Choice.. tat
Julia Johnaoo and husband to Louis lilu
Bieothal. all feet ot mil feet of lot 7 and
1, 40 feet of wl feet of lot I, block a.
Hawthorne add 4.o
Chailra 1.. M.rlt and wife te laary Trash,
tiA fret of e?l fewt ot lot 17. Kouutie's
tWiond add 1,709
Momluaatde Ia Co. to Ofvirie aleehaji,
lt 5 I. Moriiluaelde add jaa
(mil Petereon and wife lo Anna If. fibers,
w2l fet of lot I. blork I4&. City of Oinin .S0
Vnltd Ural Kf'ate and t'o. to Kraok
I'anrblaix o. fi'-, fiet of il! feet of lot 4.
bl.x-k I. Kouute't P' if th ari-1 j
Frank PanelUm-o to Joe liittarrs, a4 of lot
4 ami i . 'i dvt cf I"t 5. k 1, Kuumta'a
K;!lh a'ld I
October. 8.V; November 6 4h-; Deecm
lT, .7; January, 8M. Velruary, tS.Mo;
March, H.fc; April, S.iiic. May, (kw; June,
.73c; July, 6.79c; August, S.Mc; Septem
ber. 91c.
Spot market steady; Rio Ts, 7V; Santos
4s. n,c. Cost and freight were not
numerous with quotations about un
changed. Rio exchange was 1-lKd lower and a de
cline of 75 rvis was reimrted In the Klo
market, but Santos was unchanged.
Futures rinsed Mend) ; I eceinUT, li OSc;
Januaiy, lllic; Marco, li.ic. May. 114.;.-;
July, 1..49C
Feat a res of the Trading and (losing I
Prtcee on Hoard of Trade.
CMICAOO Oct. 2tv-Rrporta that (ler
many would soon oiter terms ot peace,
hud a goid deal to do today with a cl
back ill the value of wheal. Kanles failed
to last and tne market closed steady, j
o off, with December at tl.iOS and May I
at Il.u2u I.0.V Corn gained Viii Sc to :
li4'', oals lost a shade to 4u io and ,
piowalona finished ldn.l.e down.
Sharpest breaks In wheat followed '
quickly the receipt of news Indicating tne
possibility o( a sudden end to hostilities
In Kurope. Bearish tendem les in the;
inaraei were quite evident however, be
fore there was any hint of a chance for
peace. The unresponsive attitude of the
Liverpool market In view of yesterday's
sharp advance en this lde of the At
lantic liad formed a material setback to
the bulls. Moreover, excellent weather
waa predicted for the northwest, and.
there were again reirts that the Cana
dian duly would soon be removed. An
other depressing e ement lav In the fact
that apparent falling off In receipts at
the lending spring crop center coaid ne
fully explained ns resulting from transient
measures necessary to prevent congestion
of railway terminal tracks,
Reaction from the break carried the
wheat market upward for a time in lively
fashion. Assertions were cuirent that
buying had set In for seaboard Hccount.
but these reports were not verified. On
the contrary, the latest advices avPeared
to show that the export movement had
lagged to a noticeable degree. Inlluenced
more or less by the nonsupport of the
sterling exchange.
Corn owed its strength largely to an Im
proved demand from the seaboard. Pesl
mlatlo field reports counted also against
the bears.
Oats proved relatively weak. Shipping
Inquiry waa not at all of an urgent
Declines In the hog market weakened
provisions. Lard led In the downward
turn, but the break waa checked.
Quotations of the Day Various
NEW YORK. Oct. 28.-FLOUR Steady ;
spring patents, 36.30&.66; winter pstents,
$5.S5n6.6a; winter straights, S5.1f&6.36;
Kansas straights, 8fi.2MfA.50.
WHEAT 8 pot market easy; No. 1
durum. 81.UV f. o. b.. New York; No. 1
northern. Duluth. 11.044, and No. 1 north
ern, Manitoba, $1,044. r. I. f., Bnffnlo.
Futures market nervous. December.
CORN Spot market steady; No. t yel
low, 754o, prompt shipment.
OAT-Spot market steady; No. 1 white,
HAV Market steady: prime, 81 36; No.
1. Sl.26rj)l.a; No. 8, $1.1501.20; No. 3, 81.054
1.10; shipping, 9IKJT9&C.
HOPfl-Qulet: state, common to choice,
1915, 224fflOc; 1914, Kf12c; Paclflo coast, 1915.
liHrlOc- 1914, 114P13C.
HIDE-teady; Bogota, 80glc; Central
America. 29c.
LEATH10R Firm; Hemlock flrata. 82Sf
83c; seconds, 81632c
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess. $17.00
i 17.60; family, $2l.6v4f23.0; spot market
I , A I ,'irVl mn ,. . . ... ..
i-ienii., iio.twy i.uu., iieei, quiei; mess,
I $16.50(317.00; family, $18.0(S19.&0. Lard,
, weak; middle west, $8.9ikjf9.00.
j TALLOW-Steady; city, 74c 1 ipeolal, 8o;
country, 7(8740.
I BUTTER Firm ; receipts. 15,194 tubs;
creamery exiraa, wxzjuc; Ilrsts, 874(H)
284c; seconds, 244(f27o.
I9aas-Steady; receipts,' 14.960 cases;
fresh gathered extras, fine, 874i-18c; extra
firsts, 34336c; firsts, ftS'SSc; seconds, 26
6 27c
CHEESE Firm; receipts. I.2S7 boxes;
state whole milk, fresh flats, white and
colored, specials, 1516o; average fancy,
POULTRY Live, unsettled; dressed,
qulot; western fresh chickens, bbls., I4ij
23c; fresh fowls, Iced, 188174o; froien
turkeys, 180824c.
Kansas City Oram and Provisions.
S hard, $1.0031.08; No. 3 red, $1.1431.15;
December. 6WtJ4o: May, l4c.
CORN No. 8 mixed. 60c; No. 2 white.
694c; December, 54Q44c; May, 664
977? 1 whlt 887c; No. 1
mlxed 8iia"36c
BUTTER Creamery, 28c; firsts, 26o:
econds, 25c; packing, 194c
EOG8 Firsts, 254c; seconds. 194c
POULTRY Hens, 114c; rooaterg, 8c;
broilers, 160.
t. Louis Urals Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Oct 26. WHEAT
No. 2 red. 81 9l! Vn 9. hinl ! ,v. . .t,-
cember, $1,014; May, tl.OBftrl.OSVfc.' '
uvnn-no. i oia, 64u44c; new, 624o;
TCr 9 while, nld Als. ., s,
66'c; May, 68yti(ttHc. '
uA iu-No. a, 7c; No. 3 white, nominal.
Liverpool Grain Market.
No. 3 Manitoba, lis 4M,d; No. 3. lis3V4d
No. 3 hard winter, old, 12a SWd. No i
hard winter, old. 12a 8"d; No. i, Chicago
new. lis 2d. '
CORN-Spot. La Plata, 7 6d.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Mlnri., Oct. 26
W HEAT December. Bfc; May, mic;
L2;.,1 hard- w1-00: No. 1 northern. 574
t(ltH o.
FLOUR Unchanged.
HA RLEY-067c.
RYE 6(SWc.
80UN No. 3 yellow, (IHfSe.
ATS No. 8 white, 34&34Vic
I .
Wool Market.
TiftNnfiN nut va Th. wni .....ii
. - - vw ' . a. u i 1 1 . 1 1
lalsa mimr rcn k ...!....
8.100 bales offered and the demand was
spirited. Oood merinos ranged from un
changed to 6 per cent dearer, but Inferiors
declined 6 per cent. Croasbreds were gen
erally 5 per cont higher. Russia bought
scoured Merinos, Italy and America cross-
vi :ue aim wiiue anu tne jatter aiso took
iew lots or Merinos.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 26. MFTil-T.
84.75 offered. Spelter not quoted. Copper
steady; electrolytic. . 818.0O. Iron steady
and unchanged. Tin, firm; 3:u.7'4fi.ii'1
At London: Spot copper, 72 2s M fu
tures, a, 72 10a; electrolytic, 188. Spot tin
154 15s; futures. 154 Ijs. Antimony, tizj,
Lead, 24 8s td. Spelter, ibs 10a.
Oil and Hosln.
TPIrm- tin' aaluu (.'!,. - i 1 . .11. .
shipments. 315 bbls.; stocks, 10,476 bbls
KUHiiN firm; sales, 1,22 nbls.; receipts,
1.554 bbls.: shipments. 775 bbls.: ntneka.
6H.128 bbl. Quote; A. B, C, D. E. F, U, H,
i, a. a; rv, hw i, Obu; W, ib.ou; WU,
86.26; WW, 6.60.
Saarar Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 26. iH! 'OAR Raw,
barely steady; centrifugal, 4. toe; molasaes.
8.4!rc. Refined, quiet. Sugar futures opened
quiet today. At noon prices were 3 to 4
points lower under scattered liquidation.
Fritz Mohr Hangs
Self from Bedpost
Despondent because of sickness and
frleving- over the recent death of
his wife, Frlta Mohr. aged 66
years, took his own life by hanging him
self from a bedpost In his room at his
home, 1126 North Twentieth street. One of
Mohr's daughters attempted to gain en
trance to his room, but found the door
locked. When her brother, Herman, re
turned home from work at noon, she
told him and the son broke down the dour
to find his father's lifeless body with two
belts buckled around his neck and one of
the bedposts. Mohr is survived by seven
children, four daughters and three sons
Mrs. Fred Hultg, formerly Miss
Orace Morpby of Omaha, and her Infant
daughter, will arrive Wednesday from
California for a .lilt with her parenta
Mr. an Mr. K. Murphy, 80 Houtli
Thirty-fifth avenue.
Moat Kinds of Cattle Sell in About
Steady Notches Sheep Steady
to Higher.
OMAHA October. 26. 1925.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Offlclsl Monday in.9f4 2 Ti T.V1
Fstlmate Tuesday W.ftn J m 14. ow
Two days this week I7jM 8.127 IW,1?1
Same dnvs Inst week : .' 7'-7 M !t4
Same das 2 wVs. ago r'7.t; Wl M.I'M
sme days 3 w ks. aeo 2? 73 MI9 72
Ssme dsxs 4 wks. ao ;i 216 7.17". 7.T4
Same days last 6.4R! 47.826
The following tab st.ows th" receipts
rf cattle, hogs and sheep at the Omaha
live stock market fr tTie year to date, as
compared with last vear:
1913 V.M4 Inc. Per.
Cattle :v0 74 7'". HI W W
Jlogs 42.r.'7.'rv:6 1.879.412 84 1!
tWieep 2,745,749 2,AM,0) 92,719
The following taWc shows the average
rrlces of hogs at the Omaha live stock
market for the last (ew days, with com
parisons: Oate 1915. 1K14 I 1913 1912.1 1911 1910.
8 ll,
8 3.m
a 34i
3 33 j
i .'l'.
7 m
7 i' '
T !
7 .
7 84
T W 8 77
t 47
6 84
T 64
i Oct.
I Oct
I 21
8 Oil 8 M
6 88
6 311
8 XS
7 87
o t.
o t.
6 27
8 41
8 8
8 17
7 70
7 M
T 40
T 41
1 61
6 101
7 8;.
7 24
7 3t
8 0(1 8 861
7 Ml 8 8fl
7 !2 8 771
1 w
6 301
8 M
8 IS
3 61
8 3T
8 81
8 44
J !ti.
( ! !i ', 4
(1 81
t 31
6 IT
8 33!
K 71.
8 63!
8 481
8 311
S tut)
8 4HI
3 341
6 l
6 f4
7 OS
6 30
7 62 1
7 m
I Sf
7 24S
T ht
7 &T
7 i.:
7 67
6 3b
I 7 U
ti Hi
e I
7 01
6 2
8 80,
8 471 7 M
6 4i
6 191 8 26 7 W
Receipts and disposition of live stock
at the I'm.) i stock yards Omaha for
twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock yes
Cattle lioe-a.Sheep.H scs.
C.. M. A St. P 6
Wabash 8
tait.aourl Paelllo .. 6
I'nlon Pa H lie 1;
C. ok N. V.. east.. 8
t1. A. N W i
1 6
3 1
"i is
4 1..
8 1 4
i it a
C. St. P.. M. A O.. 4
v-., it, s vj , east... 4
C. . &. g., west.. 147
C., R. 1. & P., east 12
C, R. I. & P.. west ..
Illinois Central 8.
Chi. Ureal West.... I
Total receipt ..407
. . C
attle. Hogs.
morris & co 1
Swift AVTo l
Cudahy Packing C0....1
Armour & Oo 1,
Schwarti & Co
J. W. Murphy
Linooln Packing Co....
8. o. Packing Co
W. B. Vans'ant'co'.'.'.'.'.'.
Benton, Vansant & L..
Mill & Son
F. H. I,wls
liueton & Co
J. B. Root & Co
J. H. Bulla ...
L. F. Hums
Rosens! otk Bros
S. (.. Kellogg
Werthelmer Degen..l,
If. F. Hamilton
Sullivan Bros
Rothachlld & Kay
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co..
a at
Baker, .lories ft Smith
Tanner Bros
John Harvey
Dennis A. Francis
Other buyers t.
Totals 13,814 2.1H3 14,743
CATTLE. -.Receipts were, tyilts liberal
this morning, 404 cars being reported In
the yards. This brings the total for tus
two days up to 27,404 bead, the largest of
any recent week barring only the record
breaker two weeks agu, and mora than
double the receipts of a year ago. While
there were a good many common and
Interior cattle In sight there was also
some right good stuff, there being soma
twenty Toads of cornfeds.
The market on beef steera was slow,
steady to a little easier, some kinds being
possibly as much as 10c lower in spots.
The same was true of stockers and feed
ers, the good kinds, especially light good
light cattle, were fully steady and fairly
active. Fleshy and heavy cattle were not
so much sought after and were possibly
a little lower in some cases. Medium and
Inferior kinds ware anywhere from weak
to Possibly 10c lower. Cows and heifers
did not show much change aa a rule being
quoted steady.
Quotations on cattle: Prime cornfed
beevea, 89.75(10.00: good to choice fed
yearlings, t9.0KU9.76; fair to good fed year
lings, fs.5ofrv.oo; common to (air (ed year
lings, 8ti.o0fi8.ri0: good to choice heavy
beeves, 39.1X8.76; (air to good cornfed
beeves, 88.3Ofu.0O; common to (air corn
fed beeves, 6.75(.t8.30; prime grass beevea,
$7.5uv8.0O; fair to good grass beeves, 86.76
to w; commt n to rair grass peeves, o.oo
&6.75; good to choice grass heifers. Itl.OuttJ
100; good to choice gra cows, 85.70i4ij.25;
fair to good cows, fii Otf5.7l; common to
fair cows, 63.7faV.Our prime feed
ing steers, 8ft.uo.i.60; good to choice
feeders. 17 OV;K.I): fair to Kood
feeders, 36 8nftf7.40; common to fair feed-
ri a, e. loyio.nv, ruiiu iu viiuiv-w nmi-iirr.,
$7.50fffl.li0: fair to good stockers. 36.7(4(7. 60;
common to fair stockers, 8560(34.76; stock
hellers. 85.754i1.75; stotk cowa. 4.7Krt6.(;
stork calves, 8H.5Oai8.00; veal calves, $7.0U
10.00; bulls, stags, etc., 84.2.26.
Representative sales:
No. A. Fr. No. A. If.
lit 1443 I Id M IM 110 T at
62 174 4110 7 10 1.11 ... 7 40
i mi u IM 11 nj in ito
13 1 ill 1ii 71 ua 10 t a
.19 steers. ...1098 6 46 8 steers. . ..1063 100
33 steers. ...l:CI 7 25 80 calves... 876 7 60
34 calves... 3X2 7 25 17 stk civs.. 82 7 26
Thomas Baxter, Nebraxka.
21 calves... 370 7 25 8 steers.... 827 8 25
Peter Sciimlts, Nebraska,
45 feeders .918 6 66
Kllpa trick Bros Nebrsska.
66 steers.. ..loud 6 26 60 cows long 4 66
46 steers.. ..IC17 6 65 40 steers. ...1016 6 56
P. Kaamussen Nebraska.
7 Blockers. M IM 7 cows 932 6 70
Kd Callff-Nebraska.
60 steers.. ..I'f74 6 70
A. K Sandos, Nebraska.
86 feedeis..l016 7 20 13 feeders. .1039 7 10
T. P. Jensen, Nebraska.
4 cows 746 4 oo 20 feeders. .17 7 18
James W. Henry. Nebraska.
36 feeders . 746 6 36 1 3 calves... 330 7 60
3 fteder.. S27 7 36
C. 1( Tully Nebraska.
121 feeders... 6(5 7 K6
J. N. Church Nebraska.
17 feeders.... 917 6 W
J. M. Gentry Nebraska.
63 heifers... K,7 6 26
W. H. Bonsell Wyoming.
47 steers... .lol 6 80
F. M Kimball Wyoming.
43 steers... ,1'KH 6 SA
39 feeders.. 1190 7 20 39 steers.... 1246 7 36
W. T. Hogg A Co., Wyoming.
26 feeders . OiO 7 00 II steers.... loft 7 10
H. L. Hanson, Wyoming.
8 feeders.. f2 7 1
Mill Iron Cuttle Co. Wyoming.
76 stockers. 7'4 7 56 66 stockers. 700 7 66
4 stockers. ruu I ub
J. W. Webster, Wyoming.
37 feeders . WS 7 40 9 steers. ...1166 7 86
Nordgren & Wolff, Wyoming.
21 steers.... 1020 6 70
O. Morton, Wyoming.
28 feeders . 1066 7 Oi
II. I.arson. Wyoming.
18 feeders.. 1021 7 10
Mrs. J. R. Painter, Wyoming.
37 steers ... VH7 7 35
E. V. Robertson, Wyoming.
42 steers ... IV 7 do
C. Flet-ber, Wyoming.
IS steers ...1026 7 ll 2 steers . ..1433 8 86
Frank McFarland .South Dakota.
20 steers.. .1135 6 hO 8 heifers... 990 5 70
J. L. Iewla South Dakota.
7 calves... 8fio 7 Mi
Jehbers flt Webb, South Dakota.
4 steers.... 8)7 6 26 2 fleers. ... 6 SO
H. C. Cardes, South Dakota.
15 steers.... 1M4 7 26 4 steers... . 967 4 60
F. J. Beamnn. South Dakota.
7 steers.... S61 6 75
John Fayle. Idaho.
21 feeders.. 9Vi 7 0" 12 feeders.. 1350 7 10
C. R Sheridan, Colorado.
80 feeders. 9'.'6 6
107 steers... ("4 6 w 24 steera. ...10S.1 (40
66 feeders.. 916 I 60 21 feeders.. 927 4 26
J. Kettly, Colorado.
23 feeders.. 885 6 W
J. C. Klrkpatrick Nevada.
38 feeders. . 921 7 25
-1 feeder.. in0 6W io rows 1192 180
feeders.. r6 6 So 27 feeders.. 881 8 CO
S feeders.. U 1(0
IUXJS Rewipts wsre sxtremely light
ami shippers bought close to half the
supply, paying prices that were fully
steady with the early market yesterday
morning. Several loads sold at 7 8MI? 40.
and tops reached 87 4G, equgllng the best
llgure ivtlil yesterday.
l arkera had so
o little left for them that
there really wasn't much of a market to
it, and hy 9 o clock bulk 6 ftbe hogs nan
been cleaned up at prices fully steady
with Monday's best time, or strong to 6c
higher than the general average yester
day. Moat of the packing hogs sold
around 87.30, with a sprinkling above, and
Milk of all the sales was quotable at 37.36
4Y7.40. with very little selling below this
lange, and a load or two as high as 37 45,
(he top. The average cost wna mostly
a nickel higher than Saturday, shipper
values being a full nickel and possibly
6li10c np for the week, ll packers
ehowed a stronger tone as compared with
la" Saturday.
Only about thirty-one rarg, or 2,3u0
beid weie reported In. Till" la the
malleat Tuesday suprb that has shown
up fdnce January, 1911. The two days'
supply Is the smallest since three weeks
ago, the total receipts lor the week t
tlste of M27 head, being 3.500 smaller than
last week. 6t) short of iwo weeks ao,
and 1,30 smaller than for the same days
last year.
Representative sales:
No. At Sh. rr No. At. 8k. Tr.
II Ill ... 7 00
SHEEP Receipts were again moderate
following the light run yesterday, about
ninety-three cars, or 24.0IH head, making
up (he day s receipts. Two days' total
amounts to 6'). 121, b lug 16,0.0 smaller than
Inst week find S9.0i short of two weeks
ago, but over 3.000 heavier than a year
ngo. Th:s Is the sniallent Tuesday run
received since August, and the supply
for the two days la the lightest since that
Fat lamb trade started In fair season,
with nearly everything moving on about
a steady bnsls. One price. 865. bought
the bulk of (be offerings, although some
of the best went almost atrslght at this
figure. Tops are still nominally quoted
as high as $8.75.
The feeder demand waa considerably
larger than the supply again today, and
feeillng In nine sold right from the start
at fully 1iVU15o higher prices, with some
of the more optimistic traders quoting
them even more than that In spots. One
five-car string that carried a fleshy top
brought 38 66, which la as high as any
thing has sold on feeding orders this sea
son, and several bands of the more de
sirable sort went at 38.606.60. This Is (he
highest spot In tha feedea trade for sev
ere I weeks.
Quotation on gtieen and Iambs: T-amb.
good to choice, 88.60tTe.76: lambs, fair to
food. $8 i'iifii8.u; lambs, feeders, 8 7Kif
M; yearllnga fair to choice Ih.nvft- 60;
feeders, 84.OOiT7.00: wethers, fair lo choice.
18 O'lie.Oti; ewea giod t- r nice 5. 'i-tf. 0;
ewes, fair to good.; awes; feed
ers. 4.6tktftt.60.
43 native feeder lambs 64 8 00
23 Idaho feeder lambs 68 8 16
93 Idaho feeder lambs 64 8 16
97 Idaho lambs 71 6 60
112 native feeder lamba 63 8 00
138 native feeder lamba 61 7 00
1,0.5 Wyoming feeder lamba 68 I 46
700 Wyoming feeder lambs...;.. M I 46
Demand for Cattle and Hogs Weak
Sheep tronar.
CHICAGO. Oct. W,-CATTLB-Recelpts.
9,000 head; market weak; native beef
steers, 33.90ifrl0.40; western steers, 3i.60ru)
8.60; cows and heifers, 33.80Q4 26; calves,
7.00ft 10.75,
HOU8- Receipts. 16,009 head: market
weak, 10115C lower; bulk, W.MXnl.W; light.
16.7647.76; mixed. 16.757.90; heavy, ti.66(ii
7.H0; rough, 355(86.75; pigs, 34 00ii7.15.
HHKliP AND LAMBS Recelpls, 7,000
head; market strong; wethers. 38.00ripS.ti0;
ewes, $3.if4j5,H6; lamba, x. 75419.00.
Kanaas City Ht Stock Market.
Receipts, 16,000 head; market steady;
prime fed steers, 89 6Mil0 36; dressed beef
sleers. 38.25iH.n0; western steers. 38.."Oy
8.50: stockers and feeders. 35.50BIH.; bulls,
36.25iiiU6; calves, t6.OOttT10.00.
iitti Receipts, logon head; market
lower; bulk, $6.90iffr.SR; hesvy, 3fl.7o'il7.26;
rparkers and butchers 7.0oa7.40: light.
87 Of .''07.40: Diss. s.S0(ft7 90
SHEEP AND LA MBA-Receipts, 12.000
neao; market nigner; lambs, 3(. :T,(.'0;
yearllnga, 3n.n04i7.26; wethers, 8&.75iti.S0;
ewes. 8fi.40fy6.00.
nt. I.nnla Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIB, Mo. Oct. 28. CATTLR
Receipts, 4 700 head; market higher; na
tive beef steers. S-'.oOrfl 10.26; yearling steers
and heifers, 3 50iglo.85; cows. 3'i.tOfifN.oo;
stockers and feeders, 34.OW.75; southern
steers, 85.2txh8.60; cows and helfera, 84.001B
6.50; native calves, 36.00(iU.OO
HOOH Receipts, 26O00 head; market
lower: pigs and lights. 860Dfff7.40; mixed
Si766 C tf.lOwtf-M; good heavy, 17.40
BHERP AND LAMRB-Reoelpts. Il.ty)
head; market ateady; lamba, M.CXMW.OO;
sheep and ewes, 85.00iit4.60.
long City Live Block Market.
BIOVX CITT. la.. Oct. 26. CATTLK
Receipts, 3,000 head; market ateady; na
1 v,?ror"' S Ooiiiao.26; cows and heifers,
84.75(f(fl.25: canners, 3S6O0f4.25; stockers snd
feeders. lb.TjU1M bulls, stags, etc, 4.60rt
HOaS-Reoelpts, J.eoo head; market
ateady to 6o lower; heavy, 87.Mia7..'15:
5? 1607 25'"; ""ht' rMKlSrr il0; buIk of sales)
Blftakp AND LA M US Receipts. 2,(100
head; market steady to 16tf'J6c lower!
w'sotSo $4'7, ae: 5 4f ; lmbs,
St. Joseph Mvo Stork Market.
Receipts 3.700 hesd; market alow and
llTJP'k ,Veer"l W-KJ-T": cows and hclfeta.
64.0im9 0i; calves, iS.O lifJ'S 50,
KTn-nemuii. a.oou near; market, "Sff
7 26 e,w, uia vi sales, ff.ot(ji
SHEEP AND LAMBA Receipts, 1.2W
.TltiL ri"rkwt e1" to strong; lambs,
f tne U. lat Slghl.
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Bheep.
Bouth Omaha 10.500 2,3o 31 lido
Kloux City 2.000 l.NuO 3'(Kxi
Kansas City 16 00 10,010 12ouo
I'OUls 4,700 M.oiio 21 uoo
Chicago 9.000 16.07O ' 7,000
Total receipts 42,200 66,100 66,0u0
Review nf Operatloos on Stork Bi.
chansjo Dorlaa; the Day.
NEW TORK. Oct. M.-Irregular price
changes were recorded at (he opening of
today a market, but specialties continued
their recent advances with new high
records for the several Maxwell motor
Issues, which roe 1 to I points. Virginia
Iron, Coal and Coke advanced five points
to the new maximum of 74 Among the
other si rone and active specialties were
National Enameling, American Car,
Bethlehem tsteel preferred, American
Linseed. Virginia Chemical and United
Cigar manufacturers.
Resding, selling ex-dividend, rose a
point with a similar gain for Union Pa
cific, whllo Erie, yesterday's conspicuous
feature, added a substantial fraction.
London Stork Market,
LONIK3N, O-t, 26 American securities
on the slock market were active, witn
l ulled States Steel, Erie and Canadian
Pacific the most prominent leadeia.
Prices declined at noon, but later hard
ened and closed firm. The stock exchange
here will be closed Monday, November 1,
All Balnta' day.
BILVKR Har. 23 16-16d per ounce.
MONEY SVfi-l per cent. Discount rates,
short bills, (ViM'-e per cent; three months,
4'!4ti4 16-14 per cent.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Oet. 26. COTTON-Spot,
quiet; middling uplands, II P; sales, 100
Futures opened steady; Docember,
12.rc; January, 12.83c; March, 13.62c;
May, 1263c; July. 12.7c.
i ivrupfini. net at-zriTTriv
easier; good middling, 7.4id, middling',
7.15d; low middling, 67d; sales. 10,0u0
Evaporated Apples atad Dried Fralts
APPLES Oulet. mit firm.
DRIED FBI ITHPi ones, firm: Aorl.
cots, easier: choice. 9i(9c: extra rlio re.
PVirlOc; fancy, loHtfUc. peaches, steady.
rtaisins. firm.
Dry Goods Market.
NEW TORK. Oct. W -PRY OO'ltj
Bidding waa active and aalea were larva
at the carpet and rug auction toduy. tar
pet trade for spring active; cotton goods
steady; yarns firm; silks active.
Greater Breadth and Generally
Hijher Price Level Feature of
Day'. Dealings.
NEW TORK, Oct. K Orea(er breadth
and a generally higher price level at
tended today's very active market
although some of the more volatile spe
cialties were vulnerable to pressure snd
yielded in large part or whole before th
close. Dealings in the forenoon averaged
300,0 shares per hour, hut slackened
perceptibly later onlv to become fever
ishly active ncaln toward the close at the
expense of values.
The early high tendency embraced a
number of standard railroads and aomo
of the low priced Inactive shares of that
group, for example, the Wahaah, Wheel
ing A Lake Erie, Wisconsin Central A
Iike Erie and Western Issues. Trans
continental were variably higher, Cana
dian Pacific gaining almost 4 points, but
grangers were backward.
Erles once more led the railways divi
sion, the common stock being the moat
active feature of the morning session
with a further gain of over a point while
the first and second preferred shares
were higher In sympathy.
Bperlaltles wore Intermittently strong"
and weak, nlsn the coppers, but It was
noticed (bat larger offerings of the war
shares occurred at recessions. Automo
bile Issues were Inclined to ease, except
the Maxwell Issues, all of which attained
a new hlah record. The common rose
IS to 82. the first preferred 3' to 1"3 and
the second preferred 4'i in 48'. loiter
Maxwell Common lost a great deal more
than Ha gain, closing with a net loss
of 4..
Bethlehem Steel was heaviest of the
high priced specialties, at the time show
ing a loss of 20 points at 500. but making
full recovery at (he close. Baldwin
Locomotive, Crucible Steel, (leneral Elec
tric and New Tork Air Brake wero
unrtor the rrevlous day'a flnala.
Pnltnd States Steel resumed Its leader
ship In the afternoon, rising almost 2
points, to 87H. but losing all but half a
point on heavy offerings. Failure of the.
directors to act on the dividend wag In
line wl(h general expectations, but tha
corporation's earnings of 8'!8,710,644 waa
slightly under popular estimates. Total
sales of stocks amounted to 1,166,000
Foreign exchange made mmi recovery
from the weakness of the previous dav,
mainly as a result of light sales of bills.
Bonds were steady on a reduced volume
of business. Totals sales, par value,
aggregated 86,166,000.
United States bonds war unchanged
qn call.
Number of aales and leading Quotations
on stocks were aa follows:
galea. Will. Lew. Clnea.
Alaaka 0M 16 em II 4 II 13
Allla-rhaUnera 4,H 44V( til "4 41
Amerlran Beet Sugar.... I.sno V. 6414 66
American Vn I on) lav. t2 M
Amerlran Ineomntlv .... 11.7ns 7J ', 71(4,
Amerlran S. It 1. 0.0 N4 fivZ t
Am. n. A It. vt x lmnj 1114 10
Am. Riitar Refining. l 11l4 111 IMS
American Tel. end Tel... 7 134 14 184i
Amerieen Tnnaooo ., 1.40) WO'i UKU l.iov!
Anaennrla Copper M r) 7H 7H T
Atrhleon 1.400 W7U 1 01114 10214
PaMwIn LnromnttTS II MO 1 HI
Hal II mere Ohio 4.l0 fH li M
llelhleliem Hteel HiO Ik 81 171
prooklrn Rnpid Tranalt.. 6 0 17 m Mu
ta.llfnrnla I'etrnleum .... I.inn V late U1
Canadian Paclflo 11 too 171 1T1U 17i4
Central leather H im flH lH 674
rheMtienlie a Ohio I.m MH l"S 67a
Cltlrain ((. W and i nu II
Oiltaso. M A r.. P l.ano M HlVi MT4
t'hi-ao N. W mm ism lai HI
(tilraito, H. I. T. R7.. . 17 ITU. H(4
Chlno Corner 11. (ll It 4HV4 fvl't
rolnrado Fuel 4 Iron.... 11. ton f4 M
Crurlble gleel 1(,U0 M4 WL lltv
Penrer A R. O. pM IK
Planners' Heeurttles , 41 i' 4Tt4
Brie .too os n n
Genera! Rlentrle 4 0 lani 1714 IT'S
Great Northern eM l.em) l-'JS 1714 11IS
(Vreat No. Ore eifa 17 jiv jo
Ouawnhlm Kiploratlna., 8,M0 4"vi 87 "s
Illinois tientral 107
Inlarhormisrt Oeo. tterp.. I too 4 tt 8?r
lnaplrailon Oopper W,nn0 4DH 44 S 't
Iniernatlonal tlarveater.. . " loss
Kanaas ritv gouthern . . . . T inn ji yta s
lhldi Vallay 6,100 7S T7T4 7714
loulllle A NeeliTllka. 1M4
Meilras Prtmleum I 4c4 1 11
Miami Dapper ll.nnn IS 14 14 lis
Mlasr. g. s T. Pfi.... 4a) ii 14 14 ,
Mlienurt raxirte I.imi I 4 4
Nalional Pl.cull 700 2 7 i!
National tad 1 V 7 07 an 14
Nevaiia Copper I.nm 11 11 la
New York 'antral ln.MO 101 H 10 ln04
N. V.. N. H A H It. I'D U I14
Norfolk IV Weetera 8 M0 117 - l'S
Northern Parlflo . 111 lli 1HH
Paclflo Mall So 14
Parlflo Tcfl. Tel ." 414
I'ennarlnla t.r II 11 M
Pnllnmn yalane Tar 1117 147 17
Bar Om. Copper 1fl,7fl0 tt M4 ?H4
lleaillni It. 4(10 M 71 TSVa
netmhlla Iron gleel.... TWI MS 84 M
Southern Parlfln I nn t MS 11
Hnuthem lUllwar 1 0 22 II tl
!;tu.1lkof Company ) and 101 111 1KI
TenneeHea Oepper 4.S'I 6 M
Teiaa Comnanf l.t"0 IM lr'1 1H7
t'nlon Paolflo 11. son v 1,ih Jm4
I'nlon Parlflo pfd SnO 12 19 II
t'nlted Hlatea 81 eel 1SJ too 17 ' a
V g. Rtrel pfd (OA 1US H l'"i
t'tah Copper It. I 71 70 70S
Waetern Union I lK 7i4 T"
Wrallna6o.e Elertrlo ... 44.100 74 71
Mnnutna Power 17
Uenerail Miitnre IM
Toul aalea for tha day. 1,146.000 shares.
TVevr Tork Money Market.
PAPFR-3(h3'4j rr c'nt-
bills. 84.MK0: demand. 34.62; cables, 84.62.5.
SILVEB Bar, 48c; Mexican dollars,
lluNTB Qovemment, steady; railroad,
TlfcTra IaDANS Easy, sixty days. JHtf
3 per cent; ninety days and six months,
34(63 per cent.
call ftUJNKY r.aaier; nign, t per
cent; low. m per cent; ruling rate. 1
per cenM laat loan, 3 per cent; closing
bid, 1 per cent; offered at 3 per cent.
Closing quotations on bonds today war
ss follows:
V. g. ref. to. rag.... rTWMo. Pan. rr. te..... 11
do ooupon li'N. T. C. deb. a....lOs
V g. la. rag 101 N. T. Cllr 4a,...102
da coupon 101 N. Y. State 4 Ill)
V. 8. 4a. rag.. li N. T.. N. H. H.
do ooupon !". ev. lir
Panama ! roupon. .100 No. Paclflo 4s I'S
Am. gmelters e...l'jl do la
A. T. 4 T. s. 4a..l3'4.0. 8. L. ref. 4s
Armour Co. 4a.. Hi Pac. T. T. as..... U
Atchlann sen. .... l.iSPenn. eon 4a 104
Hal Ohio 4a It" do sen. 4a 11
On. 1'ai'irie lat tTVRaarllng gen. 4a W4
Chre. Ohio 4a... a1. U a g. F. r. 4s. Tfl
C. H. a U 1 '8o. Pan. ev. at. 1H
C M g P (,4a.. do ref. la II
C It. I. a P. r. 4a. 67 Bo lUllwar to M
C. a g. rat. 4a ... ai 'Union Pa.t!lo 4a....
D A H. a. re(. 6e.. 65 do ov. 4e MS
Krle sen. 4a 74 'it' g. Rubber la. ...101
uen. Klartric na....lnup. B, ae 101
411. No. let 4a.... tnWabeah lat la 109
III. Cm ref la I V -Weal. I'nlon 4.... II
K C. go. ref. to.... imwaat. nee. ev. Is..l4
1.. a N. nnl 4e...l nSAnglo-Freaob aa ... M
el. K. a T. lat 4s.. 77
We will furnish complete details 1
Information on the following com
panies on retiuesl:
and others
ooicmiiiiox btock itonii.
lliloaao 171 W. Jackeon boulerard.
New York, al II wau ke Hoaion.
Kemovci Burgal Enlargements.
Thickened, Swollen TUsueg,
Curbg, Filled Tendon. Sore
lies from any Bruise or Strain;'
btopi Spavin Lamenci. Allayipain.
Doci not Eliiter, rcmov th hair 01
lay ud th horse. 22.00 a bottle.
delivered. Book 1 K free.
ABSORUINE, JR., the antiseptic lint
tnent (or mankind. For SynovItU, Strain,
Gouty or Rheumatic deposits, Swollen,
Painful Varicoso Vein. WL1 tell you
more if you wri;e. f 1 and ti pr bottl at
dealers or del' ve red. Manufactured only by
.M0UN..r.0.F. llMlaaiii It, lrlaai.slaa