TIIE UKK: OMAHA, OCTOBHIl 1913. WANT ADS Hani arts mviTFil at Bnr time, but to Insure nn.iwr cleeslficatlon must be pre-1 rr'M before It o'clock noon for evening j ed'Mon and T: P. m. for morning ml Fund ay editions. Want ads received after such hour will be under the beading. ! I .te to Class Ifv. ' CAII RATES. Haven consecutive times. 1 cent a word each Insertion, Two or mora consecutive time a. 1H csnts word. On Unie, I cents a word. CRAWIB RATES. eren eoneeoutivs times, cents a line each Insertion. M. . Three consecutive times, 10 cents A lint each Insertion. One tlma. 12 cents Una. Count tlx average words to a line. Minimum charge, JO ttnU. An advertisement Inserted ' ! ?" until discontinued must be stopped by written order. . - Ail claims for errors must bo rn'U within fifteen days fr tha last Inser tion of tha advertisement Ton can place, your want ads In The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000, CARD OF THANKS. WE wlh to thank our friends and hflgh bors. Camp 120. M. W. A., and I'nlon Path In employes for the sympathy shown ua In tha alckness and death of our hus-i-and and father; alo f r the beautiful floral offering and services rend. red. MRS. A. DUNCAN AND FAMiLl. We desire to acknowledge sympathy and flowers from Alpha camp No. I, w. O. W., Alpha grove No. J, Wooomen Llr ol; Omaha Seymour camp No. 1. W. O. W.; Benson ciunp No. K-v. V. O. Omaha camp No. IM. M. VU A.i friends and neighbors during the sickness and death of our beloved wife and mother. Max Week. George H. Meek and Family. X WISH to thank the neighbor and friends for their klndneM shown and for the beautiful floral offering at the death of my beloved wife. Helen C. Raamnssen. NELS RASMUSSEN. BIRTHS AMI I)KTIIS. Blrtha-Ren and Hasel Glvler, 47tt North Thirty-seventh, girl; Frank and Fannie .ivdmTn. hoaoltKl. 'alrl: Bernl.ard andl Vers. Klipp, 1614 North Twemy-Uiird, biy and girl; u. ana Marina itiptwii, w Houth Twenty-iounn avenue, ooj, i'u K. and Kffle Thompaon, 2i75 Hat nay, girl; Don and Malle Wlllaon, 4-do curt is ave nue, two boys; Dell and Gertrude Branch, 120 Hickory, boy; Wa.ter and Alma Pear son, 4106 North Forty-flrat, boy; Harry and Margaret CVlberg. 4f. North Thir teenth, boy: Edward and Mary Ander eon, hoST'llal, girl; Adolf and Housy Bky lymky, 06 North Thirty-second. South Hide, girl; Auguat and Antonls Zoleny, North Thirty-seventh, Bouth Sitle, boy. Deaths John O. Orym. 5, VSD North Thirtieth; Loretta Johnson, t, W V; William R, Lawler. 6, iZM Jefferson: nutrva n Pembleton. Kl honnltHl: Jo- l. TiwM :. eii i. A m m Uinl.n.rl I Kl Cemden senue; Anne Re.nl.k. J, va EK ''nha Theater 8 tip ply Co. for bar North Twentieth: Joaeph Rattaglin, . 27.(7 I '" established ahowa O. XtTO. Pouth Twelfth; W. Harry Bmlth, If, Thlr-jFoit flALl-Httl(Hin doing good business ty-flrt and Dodge' Marian Moatea, 10: n heart of bualneaa district of Omaha; months, hospital; r.mny j. rncipa, ea tsm Hamilton; Catherine ByTnes, 1, 6"2 North Thlrty-seoond; Anna Krejci, 41, hospital. M4RRIAOB LICENSES. The following couples were (ranted license to wed today: Name and Residence. Age. 8. If. Knlken. Burlington Junction. Mo. 21 Mabel Craig. Calhoun. Neb IS Thomas P. Piper, Philadelphia. ...over 21 A da lasts Mulvlhlll, Omaha over 11 Klvan H. Friend, Omaha 82 Bertha H. Bcott, North Platte 24 John W. Woodard. Coleridge, Neb 28 Delphla C. Frans. Coleridge, Neb 18 Ttosarlo Nanflto, Omaha tl Cartnela Baso, Omaha 18 Harry R. Crawford. Kearney 88 Lctha Teller. Kearney 25 Willie Carmlchael, Omaha 28 Palsy Bradbum. Clear Lake, la to n r-a c r- rr J en CS trs tD O C a M IT ? ? T t ? C? C TODAY'S 3 '1 Pr U MOVIE PROGRAMl Dsmatvwa EMPRESS. 15th & DOUGIAS Hesrst-Sellg No. 1i. Lillian's Husband, l-rwel VitagTmph. The Vulture. Blograph. B. Billy, Bheepman, Essacay. PHlNCtsa 1117-18 DOUQLAS. Itest chapter of "Ths Broken Coin, n . u.fnn.F Casino Ktar comedy. At the Patrician's club, 1-aet drama, and a specially selected Keystone romeny, Nsirtsu 16TH AND BINNET. GRAND. Big special. Tbedft Bar la "Lady Aadley'g) Secret," (ire acts. LOTHROP. liTH AND LOTUKOP, "World film Comoratlon presents Mr. Hot brook P linn In "The Family Cupboard.' You will Ilka this. Svatu. APPOLO. SSI 4 LEAVENWORTH. A Qlrfs Orlt, Kalsm drama. The Soapegoat, 8-reel Easaoay. Fits and Ct.ll Is, Vltegraph. West. UONROB. IB 85 FARNAM. William Fox presents Theda Bare. In "The Devil's Daughter," a modern so ciety arama. Seat- SI4e. BESS5E, 24TI1 ANI) N GOLD ROOSTER NIGHT Ths epsnder. In I reels Oeorre Probert, lamee mcv sue, nam ttyan. Alma star, tin. Paul Panaer. Today r Irst tf J. Rufua Walllnrford pictures, la addition te regular pro gram. ORPHEUM. Si Til AND M Ths Price of Her tUlenoa, i-rsel Mutual roaaierpiciure. A MOVIES FEATURES TODAY A M LOTHROP. JTH AND LOTHROP. World Flint Corporation presents Mr. iioiorooa ciina ia -The family Cup board.' MONROE, FARNAM. Vlt'Ura Fo presents Theda Bara, In "The Devil's Laugbier," a modem so ciety drarna. OXUliia'M. SITU AND M. Ths Price of Her Silence. 4-reel Mutual ntaeirpicture. FKINCLaS.. .. 1317-18 DOUGLAS. Latest chapter of "Ths Broken Coin," AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are conaiderliig selling or buyiiijt a Ufced car and you want full !u for y-i.r nuuey or you want people i.o are wilitng to y for what they ars twt.:.rf you l. bate ni regret If oil uy i.f aiertiae ttiroutib the. used tar ,iiri o of '1 t.e Hee. I l,un Tr .ul S ' I.I'd cf tuiieage In your .J ti.cs ..i t. fcei.d lumiu to LCo TiiiE CO., avtomohilks NEBRASKA Hill, k S-l ce Kitli.ll, 114 Karnsin St. I'lmpo iv.nclns T.'V $110 REWARD for anv nmunrto we runt repair Colin rcpd H-vs.orfe, J!" N 1Mb. yv yM furnish flrM class housework girl. molds, cook", waitresses and help of all kinds for hotels nnd ptlste fsmll cs. lntcrnstl.ns Emtt. Office. 1'.12 l'as. MOI.IXK t'HKADNAICMT Tn first class rendition: new tires. For sale chrsp. Smlt I ef ner Garage, 315 R th St. Thone Dong's 470. A i I o. cleat not n. ., ehanre wr d cars ? .iy. -ell and e F'H PAI,VWadllln-. i II I. In aplen dM. condition. I'hi.ne Tyler ItiS. 'la.y rnadatnr, f2M. Tel. t'olfan Overton'a for leaky radiator dealer. or by mill irr-4 Ave. i o iini'ia, la Road"ter for ane, I'hone Web. -4i. Industrial Oarase Co.. 20th A Harney 61s. KXE1K1HK at T M. O. A. Hualneee men Government Auction Sale T'nclnlmed thitd and fourth class mail parcela. To be sold, one parcel at a time, to the highoet bidder. A union atarta at promptly 10 o'clock In the forenoon, Wednesday, i let. 27th, and will continue till all la sold, which will take at. ut I day. Sale takes place In the Poatofflce Cor ridor. The parcela will be on dlaplay Monday nd Tueedar for your lnprtlon. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. JOHN C. WHARTON, Postmaster. BCHINF.S3 C1IANCF.8 If your Rualneaa Chance will stnd rigid Investigation a no. i juat what It la advertlaed, or If you are looking to start In bualneea for yourself you will be per fectly aatlnfled If you uae tha Rualneas Chance column of The Hee. Wher, buy- ' or selling it bualneae Hhone Tyier iwo. hkL. or buy a bcatneaa, call on . tuc norniu.tr, r ranter mg. t. saia Knit 8A l- Inly blacksmith ahop In town; machinery la all run by power. rxt'o 1'roa . Hra.ly, Neh, 1HJ (J KT in or out ot bualiieaa call oil OANOF.HTAH. 422 Hee lildg IJoug. J477. A lU-IUiu.M, likely furnUI.ed rooming houae, full all the time, for aale at a bargain at 2":i Howard St.; owner leav ing city. SiUl Howard St. THKATi:HS Huy. lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies throuvh Theater Kxch. Co.. li Farnam. I. J"7. I2,uuu Kgl'ITT in property renting for li per month, for land, lots, acreage or Interest In business. Box TM, Omaha, -atory Duiiaing wi'.n s living looma; tiding t rell ownjf mus at nnce: has sund reeson for sellln g. 1224 8. 20th Bt. Tel. loug. lKi, MILLINERY snd ladles' ready-to-wear store, In best town In western Ne braska, population 8.000, only millinery store In town, all new stock, best of reasons for selling, last year'a business M.MiO. Mrs. Catherine llerbolshelmer, I i B'imn, Neb. GOOD restaurant for sale cheap; down town district. Apply to Dave, 1611 Leaven worth, procery. Httiinimg tiuusea lor Bale. MITflT sell this week, cheap, with terms, a 12-room boarding house. Phons Red. 30ti8. KDCCATIONAI, Hie VAN BANT SCHOOL TENOaRAPIiy-BOOKKEEPINO, rsy Brhooi for Toung Women. Kvenlns elchool for Yaunl Man and Women. iiaturday momlng class la typs writing. Ion C Duffy, Owner and Manager. 308 flo 18th St Omaha, UUSINKSa CULLEOtt STUDENTS HAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For sale, with good reasons for selling. variety of courses In a reliable llual. tiess Hcnooi, one or (lie leading business colleges of Omaha. WUI be sold very reaaonabi-away below rearular trlr& If you are considering taking a course investigate this at once, since Fall tens Begin aoon. t all orrice. Omaha Hee, DAY SC'MIMDL BOTLRH COLLKC1B NIGHT SCHOOL Every day Is enrollment da-. Bnnk keeping, Shorthand, Ktcnotypy. Typewrit ing, Telegraphy, t'lvll Hervlce all Com mercial and Lugllsh branches. Catalogue BOTLES COLLEOB, Uth and Harney Hta. Tel. Douglas Krfif. Koyles Illdg. Tel. D. 10&, Omaha, Neb. FOR sale, the following scholarships la m i irs i ciaea uniana uusines college: One unlimited combination bualueaa and rhorthand course. 8ne unlimited stenngraphlo eotiraa, ne three-mooUis' business or atena. graphio course. Will I.a a m JIum.,.1 -. . V. . . M Of Ths Omaha Pee. iKt'KRT lady atenographer will take pupns; shorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and punctuation taught. Indi vidual Instruction. 4C4 Douglas fit. Tel. Walnut UZ7. FOR BALK FOR BALEf-Iters Is a cisasmcatton that IS Of the Utmost tlllDortaiM , ta AVerw reader, sa this column offers some sscep- uitninuiini . .ri ; u".y ana a small want ad will sell your article at Its iuii value, rnona lyier v.w KereHare, lloaseknla liueili, Kts Ba ro inm in furnituki; and HARDWARE, 1S N. J4TH. WEU.lu7. r)R1-, bought and sold. J. C. need. )fr, ramain st. liouirias ir.. iUKMTUItli, uiulurlahliig and piano bualnesa for sale In good eastern South Dakota town, established 23 years. Ad dress Y 4, Hee. FOll SALBl base burner, used I winters. Ill tHl C -Mm. I -Mill. l 1-WM. PASE burner 'or "nle chet. Wal. H A LEA VINO CITT. Felling gas stove, rugs, dining room set, baby bunny, eantlary couch and bedroom suite. Call Harney 6134. FOR BALE I IOCS bMIOLD OOOD8 Celling out entire household gtKKls. con sisting of beautiful mahogany dining room st, some fine mahogany chaira. ruga, iinuogany too k case etc. (.an ne seen by calllnw at XU Dodge 6t, between m. and p. m. Horses a ad Wexeles. FARM wegon. t'Vi; harness, (SO; both new. Johnson-Lanforth Co. 16th and Clara Kts. IIKAVV team and harness, wagon cost box Harney M41. kild BOLD MATCHED lair of nisr.s, 1,700 lbs.; als'i tt. livery lunae, l.OH) lbs. LADY OWNER, 124 South ZUh. x uT'lni K lb- LTS, Wagner. 801 W 11 STEREOTYPE matrices make tn ossl -uu ., i iinius lor poultry tiouses Tlwy ere li23 Inches, stronger and more g'iral.le than tsrred felt snd Piacticalls tirepioor. .so a oundrsd at The lies office. 1 ri's 'vttera. UNDERWOOD, bargain. Phone D. 8147 '1 1 I E LI i tltj .Id, ivnled, reunited. entrsl TyiN writer !nc. i V'aruam FOR SAI.E-.Ne- end second hand i-aront and po. ket bi llir.l t a hies and b.jwling al'es and scceKriet; bar flxturra of ail kinds' esv tsytneiit The Hr.inswlck, liatke-Collvndcr Co.. 4u7-4u a. 10th bt f )lt SA1.K Tr' rltera. UF.I.IANi R I'.llihon and Tartan Po., rr bon t"l"'r and Inke rlt'lon t. I4. M itrellrnietiitt, FOR BALK I'HF.AP Rualneaa t'ollege Couree. Full and crrplete rcho'arelilp In one or the rt Omnia buhM aonopli Wood re" "on for eellina. uerfectlv relU- I ble: worth full price, hut will be ol1 I nut win no oii i very reie"naMv. if Intereated tnveetlgate at once, neinuw ran term i-nn aoon. Tl.ere are a variety f rouraea for aale for partioi.iar inquire ai me oiuco oi The omaha Ree "iiii.i,. ' hi'npat TAiiF.nNAci.ro Sheeting, ahtplap, Jonra. 1 carload. 1 ply rotn rog. 1 1) a aqiiare. JOO.'Ol ft. of lumber, lis to 30, dlnienlalona 2x, 2x, . 2x1. 2iin. toilet a. i to M each, brick. 1, etory, upright rire earapee I ea n. Tel. lied 617 Chris. Jen-en W4 No, ltth atieet. (TQ f)n Golden Weat Whlakv, 4 full Xllquarts bottled In bond, pre- "r " all. rackley Urn., umani CAHPFNTF.H , toola, ahovma, aledgea, picka. jackjerewa, 10 pcnn match vend ing nmchlnea, Bc each. H rae, harncaa, wagon, 1100. One electric piano. J. C. SH. loa n. Pth St. Harney est I electrlo motors. Room i. Bee Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALH n !' : - willee. flTENOfJRA rilER K JUCTAI'H'INK til'KIlATOR 5 t'LKIIK, 1 'KN'TIST'H tjFFIOH W TIU-. fA.VI AOKN'CY, V HKK 1J3L BTKNtXl.. t6 Compt. 0r., I.V0, Hteno., $4. Steno., $10. bteno., Compt opr., 1o. WAT'IH KEF. CO., Rrand Thea. HOIIKKKKl'Bll Mo WATTS RKF. CO., 3-4)-42 Rrandels The. YOUMI lady for casliler In whoissale es tabllahment; muat have some eperl ence In keeping rash book and atenog rarhy; poaltlon permanent; appllcr.Uons to be made In longhand, giving age, ex perience and reference. Address U 240, I lee. Agent! and lea womew. WANTED Competent lady to solicit and collect In South Omaha; small bond rerj ulred. Apply ua Hrandels The. Hldg. Faetnry oad t raeea. WANTEIi Houaekeepers, malda, houae Work girls, ! to 17 week; cooks and chambertnahls for hotels and private fam lcs. Internatlonnl Kmp. Office, 1 112 Caaa. OIRI. ia it. am ntiifiteeiing. oppenneira. Ilnwaekeepera n A flomeattes. THE Servant Glr Problem Bolve.1. Tb Bee wlil run a Servant lllrl Wanted Ad flth.B until you get the desired results, his applies to residents of Omaha, Bouth Omuha and Council Rluffa. ltrlnc ad to The Pee office or telephone Tyler 10"0. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. ro washing. KIU3 Dewey Ave. Tel. Har. lfii COMPETENT girl for general housework: no washing or Ironing; good wages. SJls Burt fct. . WANTED An experienced white second girl; good references, 17 per week, 46 N, 8l)i Wt, Phone Harney fen. WAN"fiuD Competent white girl for gen eral housework In small family, where Second girl Is kept. Wages IS. Har. 4042. M.'O M. 841 h BU WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework; no laundry worn. Ill H. iMih Ml. Phone Harney Hill. WANTED Oirl to assist with housework snd care for small child: ons attending school half day preferred. Phone Harney WA NTED Qlrl for general housework; two in family. Call Douglas KM beture 10 a. m. and after T p. m. HELP WANTKD Competent girl for general housework, family of two. nice room with private bath, pay 17. Must be competent, Phone Harney 4ii. 1002 So. Wit h alt. WANTED Competent girl for general noueeworg. t.u rarnam Bt. Tel. liar. liJ VANTKD A g.rl f'r general housework. J. Alderaon, aS Bt. Mary a Ave. Ty. 1619. YOUNU couple with baby want girl or Woman for general housework. No fam- lly washing. 4QiJ Seward Bt. Wal. 2M. WANTED Competent maid for general housework: good wages: small lamhy. 123 H. 82d Ave. Uar. i.M. WANTEI Experienced cook; t In family; referent es required. 607 8. 3Mth 8L II S00l. WANTED Girl for general housework; easy nince. Harney tc'.-t. WANTED lrl for general houeework Uood home for right party. No cook ing, luo no. auin eu WANTED A girl for general housework Har, ZJQ4. loix) Bo, BSth Ava WANTEl An expel tinted girl for gen eral housework; no washing, good references required. Mrs. M. H. Newman, vsa iiowara. t-nnne tisrney uio. WANTED Oood girl for general house work, who Is a good cook; no laundry; good wages. 416 So. With St. Har. 2A50. WANTED An experienced white girl lor general housework, family of three. food wages.. Walnut 1K49. tlln Cass, WANTrlD Competent girl for general housework, I in family: good wages, references. Tel. Harney 4a. WANTED A young white girl for light housework; no cuuklng. lcH Lake St. wetister mm WANTED Young high school girt to as sist with housework for board, room and ear fare. Harney 4f.Nl. . WANTED Good girl for general house work. 8m Farnam St. Harney vwis. WATEl Girl for general housework. Apply mornings or evenings, at 128 8. SGth Ht, Harney 64S0. Mlsrellaaeoaa. WANTED WOMAN Government clerk ships. Write Immediately for details. Franklin lustUuts Dept. U II. Rochester. N. Y. YOUNG women coming to Omuha as strangers are Invited to visit tne Young Women's Christian association building at 6t Mary's Avs. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. 8TENO.. stats experience, iw tss. ties. I1KLI WA.NTE1I MALH t lerlra.1 sa Utile. TWO FPECIALTT SALESMEN $100 SALESMAN, STAPLE LINE W HTE-NtMlRAPHEK 0 f THE CANO AGENCY, 00 BBB BLDG. SAL! HMAN Implement, 1150 and exp, WATTS KEF. CO.. (kt-40-4ll Bra nd. Thea, YOUNG man experienced In real eatate work. Address L 147, Hee. WANTED High class, experienced man to manage district and sell monthly payment accident and health Insurance for large old line company. Top com mission contract with an allowance for six inontha will be made. Only men ot strictest Integrity and those who can produce results need apply. Here Is an opportunity to secure a high class con nection. Surety bond required. Write, giving sge, qualifications, phone anj stieet address to Hog L l5, Hee office. "RIGI N ATOltd. NOFl LING" FEE. Rest commercial positions. ROU K RH R E F. CO.. s4J Paxton Bloc k. H1GH-URA DIC commercial positions." WEST REFERENCE B )M ASSN.. Tfl Omaha Nat. P.nk Hldg Aaeals, Snlessaea aae) Solicitors. MONEYMAKERS' GUIDEBOOK MAGA ZINE, 2c postpaid: enlUhttns you richly. New Century Snpply, Des Moines, loaa. Advertising rate lo word. CAN guarantee $lu0 month to experienced high grade agent. Chautauqua method. Bible study. Address M 24. Hee. AGENTS wanted by manufacturer of new auto accessory. Easy seller. Big profits. Exclusive terrltoiy. 616 Postal Telegraph Hldg., San Francisco. AGENTS Several of our list ot mall ordtr houses want Nebraska names; particulars free. Taliaferro Co., Fort Worth. Tex. COAL agents Mauled in every town, ket a trio I car. I. M Cot. 'o Patte, N-b. TRAVELING salesman, grocery spe cialty. 1:2 6) week. Apply at once, l4o W. o. W. Bldg. Factories aaa Trades. WE need men; had turn down two Jobs pel aeek lately: get In: learn by our nut hod; get one of these Jobs. Cata logue D. B. free. Nebreska Automobile bihoul. 240' Leavenworth Su KTH MKiUAHHKK IICTA1JI1 INK OI'F.RATOIl ) IiiCT. Ul'It. k HTF.NO COMFTOMKTEH 01JU. M Ml'LTKJKAI'll OPERATOR III.I.P WAXTFII MAI.K Kaetory aad Iradea. MOI.EH DARBEK COLLEGE t.FARN the barher tmde ty our ay tem rtf exnert Inatrtir-tl'ina and free cllnlo. l opiiiona waiting, t all .r write tor rata- LKAIIN THK RARKKK TRAIiR TiH iijr I'arber college; low rate tuition. Tt-"li Including eet of tol; wagea pild; ele-- 'trie maiaage, nrdrauiie chaira; catalogue free 1124 Louglaa rtt . Oiuaha. :...,, r z " I ' s"' )..i . i H Ride; wiA"'T ,"b"rrr"' d?', Jon job. I r. term. t tonal Kmp. tiffloe. 112 Cnon. Mlaeetlawenns. WANTED Rail way mall clerks: m month. Omaha examlnatlnne coming. Pample ouastlnna free. Write Immedi ately. Frsnklln Institute. Dep't 221 II. Rochester. N, Y GOOD MEN WANTED St once to learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and are waiting for com petent men. I .earn by our system of actual work on autos. tractors, elec. starting sys. Free catalog at once. AMEKICAN AUTO COLLEOB. frViJ Farnam St. Omaha, Neb WA NT El Men to fry examinations for government Jobs; 1,0 month; common education sufficient. Apply Immediately. Y M Hee. WANTED Man to milk in small dairy. Address lufl, Red Oak, la. HELP WANTED MSl.K AMI KF.MSt.P:. WANTED Man or woman to put out leather ventilators. Writ for sample and particulars by mall. lc I 8. Har den, Hotel Neville, Omaha. DON'T quit your Job yet, look beyond It; Employ spare time establishing a cir cular mailing bureau many aucreasea, why not you? Our copyright mailt ut in structions make everything plain Post paid 25c Direct talca Co., Quincy, 111. SITUATIONS WA-TEIJ A POSITION on stock farm by a mar ried inun; good man; good habits; thor oughly acquainted with the horse busi ness; can give references from the best men In Lexington, Ky. Addrens Y 111, Hee POSITION wanted by young lady ste nographer; one year's experience. Webster 12. WANTEH Position ss housekeeper by colored lady, good references. Tel. Doug Ins 2446. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and col lector, 1(1 years' experlenue In city; can furnish references; now employed, but wish to change. Webster 1X13. bTENOORAFHElt with-some experience wishes a position. Call Kenson V6. BOOKKEEPER with several years' ex perience, wholesale and retail, desires position. Can accept employment any time. Red 47. ZOL-J Bt. Mary's Ave. LI N ( )T YPE operator wants country sit uutlon on No. S or No. 1 machine; com petent to csre for either model; 200 lines. fumi, wr uuur, suun.H X 1 in, xi . MIDDLE-AQED lady, competent and re liable, desires position as housekeeper in family of two, child's nurse or second maid; no laundry work; references ex changed. Call Web. C3. KKMPKCTAHLK Oerman woman, experi enced In city and country housekeeping, wishes position ss housekeeper or plain cook, or day work; city preferred. C. Naumann, 10114 8. 11th flt. COOK and second girl, Swedish, would like poaltlon In first class family, want fairly good wages. Address 627 S. 42d St. EXPERIENCED colored lady wishes position ss cook. Ilione Webster 87ia. WANTED Position as steam fireman. hotel clerk or all around house and yard man. Call F. W. Carter, Phone Douglas 7ii7. YOL'NG lady wishes position ss nurse maid or to assist with housework, or both. Phone Wal. 1305. EXPERIENCB:D, accurate lady stenog rapher desires position In office; com mercial education; references. V. F., phone Douglas 623R. WANTED Position ss steam fireman. hotel clerk or all around house and yard man. Call F. W. Carter, phone D. 7067. 1"OS1TION as watchman, caretaker. houseman or work of any kind; reliable trtithworthy and soDer. Will consider any offer, small salary. Best of references, city or out. Mitchell, 2118 Chicago. Phone iHiuglaa 8732. BOOKKEEPER with several years' ex perience In wholesale and retail lines desires position In city; reliable and com petent Call Douglas 6420. 107 S. 24th Bt- LOST AND FOUND Lost -or Found ads In Omaha's Lost and Found mediums lueuns the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised tn Ths Bee, the Lost and Found paper 8MALL Shriners' pin; reward. Mrs. Mun ger, Hotel linrley. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFK.-4 STREET HAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha at Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether tbey left It in the street cars. Many articles each dsy are turned In and ths company Is anxious to restore them to the -Ightful owner. CsM Doug. 48 LOST Iidlea" mesh bag, containing keys and change, near !oth and Farnam; re ward, phone Harney 23. WILL lady who found ring Inscribed, "R. M. B" near mi Lolhrcp. please call Webatsr 7ubo. PERSONAL e.UUU bLBSt-RlrTiONS EARNS UOUO For the Invalids' Pension association. Ths Ladles Home Journal. $160; Satur day Evening Post, $1.60; Country Gentle man, $1.00. 40u needed In October. Your order or renewal contributes bO cents, please phone Douglas 7163, or address, GORDON. The Magsxlna Man, Omaha. YOUNG women coming te Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's ChrletliMi association building at 17th St. and Bt Mary's Avs.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding placee or otherwise assisted. Ixxik for our travelers' guide st the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your Jld clothing, furniture, maga lines. We Collect We d.strlbute. Phone Doutflas 41 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new hums, ElO-llli-1114 Dodge St. Yol'R furnace cleaned, $1; work guar anteed. Central Tin Shop.- loug. 45H4 Suits, gowns and remodel ing at reasonable prices. ANNA S1STEK, 1 City Natlonat Bank Bids SWAPPERS tWLtTllJI Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use tor and get something you really need? It costs you nothing to loin the Swappers' club and you will find It- lots of fun swapping things. Write Room lot. Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1Q". AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains sue ths "Automobile ' clasaltl- fatlun. AUTO Light weight, 1915 model, perfect shape, fu:ly equipped, new tires, to saap for four or five-passenger car Address IL C. 833. Bee. tf BRUSH runabout tn perfect condition; cost new $475; worth $lo9; to exchange for good furniture of equal value. Ad dress 8. C. 4s, stee. CAMERA Combination poalilve or nega tive, to trade lor something 1 can use. 8. C. S:. Bee. CEMENT BK1CK MACHINE I have a band S-brlck machine in the best ot condition. Just the thing for making brick for small buildings and repair work. Will swsp fur chickens, or what have -ou? Address B.C HI. J!ee. 4x5 lamera. exchange for larger camera, S. C. 849, Bee. 43 Dumbbells, new, weight I1 pounds; also one 4-hole range new. burns either mood, coal or oil, .with or without oil burner. To trsde for what have you? S. C. SU Bee. ELECTRIC AUTO HuRN Motor driven, Ut.iator type; cost $I0'U. Will swap for assortment of late Edison (Amberol) records. A actress B. C Be. tf PRESTO TANK Style "B," with gas regulator, for an s a. b. storage Lat tery in good condition. 8. C Us. Bee. 8W.rrF.IW ttLL"MX OAM'FN THf Spa.le. 2 ah"V'l, 2 rakea, hoe and gram knife, to trade for 4 mlnute Idleon re orda, or anything. Ad dr. 8 C. He. f t. i elt Tie oelnery waion and good rgle tiHtnrea for frrr It re or anv kiiwi. Whut have you 7 Addrees H t . Hi, OI N-Single hot. lft-g:i'ig gim for .'U- cnllber piatol or revolver; 40 violin and II for H-carat diamond B ui. ree. LAW ROOKS for trade. iV-v.iluine set of American-English enrycloiedla of lew for a good shotgun or small diamond ring. p r. ;m riAN( What have you clear to ex change on a new Standard piano. Ad- drewa fi. O. 844, IW, SHOW CA5-ES and all fixtures of a millinery store for what bsve you? 8. C, XVt R.i. O.N E gold plated Cone allde trombone, CVa-lnch bell. In plush lined case, never used, co tUO. to ewap for anything of iia around rataurant, or a diamond, dress 8. C. MS, Bee. . PIANO to trade for a lot, diamonds or what havs youT Call D. 63. or ad dress 8. C. S4S, Bee. 8TKNOTYPE Practically new stenotype. used one month; leaving cliy, must ala poee of It at once. What have youT Ao dress 8 C. 34i. Bee. TO TKA DE A library table or sewing machine for a gas range. E Wi. TROMBONE One gold plated Conn Mido trombone, 6Vi-lnch bell. In plush lined ease, never used, cost 1110, to swap for anything of use around a restaurant, or a diamond. 8. C. 835, Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifle. 8ee FRIEDMAN. 1211 Dougiaa WHAT have you that Is worth $.",) that you will swap for a business that you, can sit st your desk and make flSO a month without any worry? I am doing It and you can too. Will swap at invoice price and must do It at once on account of failing health. This Is a chance for some one to get a business that will pay the year around and get It worth the money. Olve full particulars In first letter. Address 8. C. 342. Pee. ' WISH to trade new Rexnor gas heater or china painting for boy's bicycle. 8. C. 840, Hee. FOR RENT A part . a ts asd Flats. Ths For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Pee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler W 7-R. APT.. 2 baths, sleeping porch, large rooms, beautifully finished, strictly up. to-date; Isrge porch In front, private; for rent NOW. Clarlda Apts. H. 1389. APARTMENTS. FOUR ROOMS. "Flo-Lea." 20th and Capitol Ave., 132.50 I37.W. "Athlone," Zth and Douglas, I37.GO up. FIVE ROOMS. "Georgia," 1040 Ocorgla Ave.. IT7.50. "Alsatian," 116 8. 36th 8t., $40-145. SIX ROOM.S. "Meyer," IV Porplton Ava., 37.r-$47.M EIGHT ROOMS. "Mever," nn8 Poppleton; sleeping porch. PETEKH TRUST COMPANY. 17 Farnam Bt. Douglas 89 O 20-ROOM FLAT. Across street from Fontenelle hotel, $125 per month. Will sell furniture. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. 17th and Douglas. Douglas E013. BOOMING HOUSE FOR RENT. S-room, modern, (6 bedrooms), hot water heat. In brick flat, close tn. J. 11. DUMONT & CO. . (Douglas 690. 218 State Bank Bide;. ELEGANT. rooms with 1 baths; 8 ex posures. Also 4 rooms; all modern. New Hamilton. Doug. 2546. VERY cholcs 4 or 6-room, steam-heated apartment on West Farnam street. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 182 Farnam St. ONE 4-room and one 6-room apt, Th Hamilton. Douglas 2546. BT. CLARE, 24th and liarney Sts., 1 pleasant apartment. Tel. Harney 647. UNUSUALLY desirable s-r. coiner apt., fine yard. 4032 lxard. $J5. Wal. r9. 2112 Chicago, 7-r., modern. Tel. Doug. 755a. THE HELKN. 2464 Harney St. Very choice 4 and 5-room apartments in close in. fireproof building. Call Doug. 6790. Boar' and Svowaas. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern lonvenlenoe and comfort in private families or boarding houses of the high est class will be found In the Furnished Rooms column of Ths Bee. Phone Tyler 1000. NICELY furn. room for couple or two gentlemen; In Field club dlst.; meals If fleeirea; references requireq n. iiw, FURNISHED room and board, strictly modern house, to a week; three car llnee. 8111 8. !4th St. Doug. 6170 SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, 19th and Farnam. HOT1CL HARLEY. 20th and Farnam. Rm, A bd. W. Farnam. 4225 Far. Wal. 726, Larxe rm. Steam li t for couple. Htxr. 6291. ROOM and board for ladles. Web. 6X35. Two front rms., with bd., private family, mod., on car line. 1703 Park Ave. H. 5186. iiAHOGANY furnished 8. E. room, ateam heat, private bath, good hoard, rt. io. Varsisktg Manses. WEST FARNAM, near schools, 7-r. furnished. . Call Harney 6134. 8-r. sll modern furnished house. H. 2122. l-R furnished house; $16. Tel. IV 4. Completely turn., up-to-date, K-r.. modern bungalow, cell coiiax jiji aner NICELY furnished modem house for six months or more 4701 Davenport Bt $30 per month. Young t Doherty, D. 1S71. vt-i.-i V'ARNAM Furnished or unfurnished; home of T rooms. $40 and $4&. Douglas (ulS or Col fax 1465. Kwralshed Ruums. nti-ba u furnished room: all modern; fine location. dM Webster Bt Phone Ilsrney VM. wi. t t. hasted hnt water, electrlo Huh splendid location, close In. ill S. 25th. RONT rm.; od heal i ilv. fm. H. ii. NICELY furnished room; close In; all modem. HI S. TM St. 291$ MASON One room for two gentle men. Can nave use ot aen. HMS.. modern flat I'lioae p.iuglas ' G iOD rooms; reasonable. Red 8 59, Frrn'Mhi'il iins. Douglas 4163. RMS. , well heated. Tel Veb. 29a7. NEWLY furnished rooms, heat. Red 6-1 Fine rm. Prl te entrance. 2118 Cas. R. 7796. NICELY furnished room; modern. Ml S. !?d St. close tn; all FCR rm , mod suitable for 8 8125 Doug fv!7 S. :id.. furniuned room fcr rent.' in private nome. -reiepnone rteq cti, BOUTH Two single rooms for gentlemen private bath. 10:6 Park Ave. CAPITOL AVE., 1812 Steam heated rooms with lavstorl.. euuauio Mr two. I. sfsrslisrd Hoaius. DEWEY AVE., V& Large unfurnished front room; struiiy modern, ncu s.yi e'arstskea Itowaekeealaar Rooms. FARNAM 222 Two nice housekeeping rooms; electricity, steum. n m I. ti i. lluunis. DAVENPORT TWO OR THREB NICELY FURNISHED HKlG. ROOJdlj. VPW WRICK FLAT. $305 FARNAM -Nice, modern, heated housekeeping rooms. steam- $ or $ alee rms.. housekeeping. 1UJ 8. llth. St Mary's Ave 2f.:t. I rm. front rno-ns CAI.lEoKM. J. - o , lisp. ro ius sunk. 6 EVEN rooms and bath, all modern. 2624 Manderson St. Phone W. SJ.C. FOR COLORED PEOPLE. 5 and 5-room cottages, partly modern. IMO-lMi No. 22d St. Call D. 7i0. bEVKN looms. Charles. $19. Phone I H.K RE.S T I'eauilful luuU.'rrt iel dence, 7 rocms and bath, i'ot waur beat. Large gariae; at ;taJ0 Florence rivu. rm.n4 v.uiias s u. SEVEN rooma, 24.7 Charles, $18. Phone Walnut Ji g. FINE 7-room, modern house and garage J 2117 l.othr)i St. Call Web. 7.-16. (CONT1M EU ON COLUMN SEA EN. TH13 PAGE.) Ready Reference Directory The followini? firms offer quality and expert service that xvill plcnse the most critical. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. RFFD A RETRACT CO, oldeat abatract offlre In Nebraakn. 2" Hrsndela The. Kerr Tltie tiunrsmee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 8. 17th 8t Phone D. Ms7. ACCOCMTAJHTS. E. A. DWOItAK, C. P. A. Ramgw Rldg. Phone Pong. ?4oq. ADVEHTMIXO-NOVELTIES. M. T. Phafer Co., 12th. Farnam. D. 7474. AMATEIR FIXISIIIXO. FTLMS deve'oned fre If purchased from Photo Craft Bhop. 41 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS, Everett g. PoOde, sil Panton Blk. D. KM. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson, fll Pax ton Blk. D. 104. WILL N JOHNSON. R W. Cor. 14th and AUCTIONEERS. Powd Auction Co., 111B-1S W.O W. R. 838. ALTO INSURANCE. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha ft.adls.tor Rep. Co. i? Far. P. ZOflt. BATHS. BATH 414 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor snd modem Turkish haths for ladles and gentlemen; lady f.-en",",t for Isdles: Swedish mussage. 1919 Farnam Pt. 3ourIss 8437. BAKERIES. HEEDEI1!0 N. 18th. Web. KS7. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mitchell Co., nth and Martha Bts CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS STEVENSON, 123 8. 22d. Douglas 6620. Leaaard A Son, 1906 Cap. Ave. T, 163J. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTJ Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bid-. D. 8461. e Mr5NAMARA-. 67 Brandels Thea- " v' gs I gf I .J, CHIROPODIST. ' ' Carrie J. Buford. 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4S8T, CLOCK. REPAIRING. FATHER TIMB wants 1,000 clocks to re '" " uuiib si nome. vveo. 1312. COFFEE BV MAIL. fr-fcfs Bae money. Use better VOIiCC Eoffe6 15 lb- h'8h grade by parcel post. nrensid. w. A. Phalfe A Co.. Omaha. Neb. CORSETS. NuBons corsets. Web-Bun, bk. Bed 4392, DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, classic. D. 1S7L FALL term open at Mackle's. Doug. 644), GENEVIEVE) HAUFLAIRE. Rom hotel. DE LUXE ACADEMY. Ill S. 18th St. TURPIN'S SCHOOL nif nAxv-nvrn 28th and Farnam. Classes and private lessons. Harney 6143. Just completed, forty-four-page book of new dances for 1915 and 1916. Clearly de scribed. Compiled by Albert Turpln. Ev- j itniner snouia nave a copy. Mall orders filled. Price. $1. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th A Farnam MISS STURDY. 2116 Btnney, Webster 49X9 DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. KelBters) Dressmaking Col., 1628 City Na, DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 130 N. 12th. D. 5072. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all eases. Tyler 1131 DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury, No pain, 918 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckles, 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. 2184. DRUGS. DRUGS st cut prices: frelsht paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Mo- Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. Red 8n55. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box uleattna-: covered buttons, sll slsea and styles; hemstltlching, point edging. Em broidery, beading. Drajaing, coraing, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 00 Douglas Block. Douglss 1936- FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH, 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2371 FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St D. 8000. t. ttirvriRRSON. 1814 Douglas. D. 126. L Member Florists Telegraph Del. Ass n. HES3 & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. FURRIERS. BAM KNEETER, 1920 Farnam. Red 6834. INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. 805 Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H H CLAIBORNE, 511 Paxton Blk. Red 740L Notary public, deposition steno. C. W. BRITT. 801 Baker Block. LANGUAGES. Languages taught; private or classes. Webster 6554. "LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. TTTTT7'TXT Thomas. Iouglas 2519. fUluwii i4l Cuming St. LlV B STOCK " COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS CO. Exchange Bldg. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES. MNFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lie ben tc Son, 1514 Howard. Doug. 4115. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCTCI 5S. t aig ilu In used machines. Victor Rous, "The Motorcycle nun. ..oi ueavenwonn. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine ana mm bargains. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, news, cigars, candy. 133S Park. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. Mccarty, nil w. o. w. uiag. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINB ARMSTRONG. 41 1 Bee Bldg PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. TeL Red Tilt H. A. fiturgea. J Brandels Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. Mattresses mad to order or remade. 1907 Cuming. D. 8407. TRINTINO. WATERS-B ARNHA RT Ptg. Ok. qnam Printing. Tel Doug. 2190. $24 8. 12 tn BL CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS $751 POrOLA") Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 844. PLUMES CLEANED. CT-RLFP. dyed. P. Elsele. 111 Oty Kat. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. f"t A T7T7f' Opened, repaired, comb. IN MM P.J changed. F. B. Paven-'-'"-'port. 1 Dodge. D. 1SJL SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., $18 B. 12th. P.Brll SHOB REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. -1 8. 11 Harley Shoe Rep'r. Co., tXH Farn'm. R.8448 SEWING MACHINES. W $2 rnt, repair sell needles andl parts for all sewing machlnss. . "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ISth and Harney. Pouglaa lCRt, STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, tM 9. IS. TORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv- Ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 2721 STOVE) AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stova Repair Wks. 1206-S Douglas 8t Tyler 80. TELECTRIO MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC Co.. Bee Bid. D 8878. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 B. 11th. D. 581 Tree Trlmmlsg, TREE TRIMMINO-Referenoe, Har. 2818. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELING A STE1NLE. 1808 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for $1 Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1905 Farnam, BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 81 8. Uth St All makes for sals or rent. RENT a "Remington " not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 1284. WATCH SPECIALISTS Christiansen, Id fl. Paxton Bk., 18 TT. exp. WEDDING STATIONERS. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-8 S. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 8, 10a HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. fUZ N. 16th. Douglas. 109. MEDICAlfj PILES, FISTUIV CURED.' Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrhe for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. H. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, rs sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser. 814 Bee Bldg. FOB RENT Uoases and Leilas;. WALKING distance, 2638 Dodge, 8-rooL modern, $25; key, 2640; call Web. 4871 3202 Seward St.. 5-r. cottage, water, gas, toilet, corner lot. 615 N. 80th. H. 89S1. 1113 N. 22D, 4-r. flat; steel range, rag move, aiicnen caomei, water pa.a, S17. RASP BROS. DOUGLAS lftSX Sooth. COTTAGE 4 rooms and bath; gas; no heat; good neighborhood; fZL U9 S. 84th. H, 113. . 6 ROOMS-i Fine 5-room St. IauI. i. -.tv. distance; modem; Hheiby court, 82d BL ft block south of Leavenworth St. kit i-niail PI. IWUt, SpS. STRICTLY modern. 7-r., Hanscom Park." cottage, oak floors IK Ti u.. fie2-rfla,.Ave- elhl rooms good fur nace. Tel. Harney 2S10. 5-R. moden coitaee. Te.. Har. Uts. T-ROOM. modern. 2969 Poppleton Ave. ' tTVhCn.7-H.rneyUl. 527 PARK AVE -9-roorn mod home. $361 garage extra. Carey Cleaning Co. H. 7307. 5-ROOM cottage. Ill & 28th Bt, tit WaUl F""4- LARGE 6-room house, best condition. 2irBtrnHea'rCneePy f" CLOSFl in, desliaoie five-room cottage. modem exceDt fLirnsce rfl iq.u . ... Tel. Douglas 4236. " 1314 PARK AVE.-Brlck, modern. f-R. cottage; mod.: 10.11 s. m-t" H 2'26- F.VJi. rooms. $16; south; gas, electrlo lights, city water, etc. 17.1. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. 17th and Douglas. Douglas BOlt West. ".: moo, nonse. s, ismrenworh, W. 2CI c 1 ttlLTLY modern S-room house, with Karaca. 2111 r... rK. p. mT " m"er .718 JONES BT.5-ruc.ni mod.. $.0. H 12S5. 116 N. 27th At.. v th. s-R. modern house, strictly modern; one blk. west Crelghton col. $.. Tel. H. 821a. ' DLNDEE 7-iouni house near cr- TeL P. 42,1 or Walnut 3317. Morea sad Oftlees. MODERN tore near postoiiice; low rent O. P. stetiblns. 16.0 t lilcago Bt' M ii'Iiiiiu's. 7 rooms, strictly modern, full lot on, paved Ntreet, 2 i blocks from car line. Bent, 830 per month. 6-room, modern brick house, freshly pa. pered, in nb'e condition. 828 per month. J. H. DUMONT & CO.. 416-18 JStato Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. 114 8. &TH 7-r.. all modern h.-use," newly papered and painted; close In, $, 2501 N. tih Ave, -!., ail moo. boue. fine lot. auto garage, $20. 2!1 N 27th, fr-r.. mod. ex. heat, $12 50. RASP B ROd. DOUG LA 8 1653. 6-R. MOl'EHN house. ? 50. Web. 25o7. 6- R00M modern cottage lor rent Phone Walnut . Globe Van&Storage Store moves, packs, ships; 8-horse vaa and $ men, $1.85 per far.; storage U per mo. Satiia.-'iion soar. I. 4.a Ty. 2J0. Ft'H colored people, $ and 6-room cot tages, partly modern. UtO-Uil N. 22d ft Call Doug. 7. BENSON U1 McKinley fct. t rooms, electrlo light, gsa, city water, cistern, garden, barn. $15 Tel. Wa nut 2S11. "( CONTINUED ON PAGE ELEVEN, COLUMN ONE ) 4f f