Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1915, Image 1

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Want, rwap something for
ome thing else more useful
to you? Uae the Swappers'
o o 1 u m n of The Dee.
VOL XLY NO. 112.
Ob Trains. at Hotel
Bews Steads, eto . M
McHarj and Brewster Leave Direc
torate of New Haven Railroad
to Avoid Embarrassing
On Trial with Nine Former Directors
Under the Sherman Anti
Trust Law.
NEW YORK, Oct. 26. Henry K.
McHarg and Frederick Brewster, di
rectors of the New York, New Haven
& Hartford railroad, now on trial
with nine former directors of the
road under the Sherman anti-trust
law, have resigned from the New
Haven directorate.
Thte resignations became known
after today's session of th trial now
concluding its second week, had ad
journed. They will be formally
presented to the New Haven stock
holders at their annual meeting to
be held In New Haven tomorrow It
was learned.
While no formal statement as to the
reason for their retirement was obtain'
able tonight, it was said on behalf of
the New Haven company that their
action undoubtedly was due to a desire
not to embarrass the present New Haven
management on account of their status
it as alleged violators of the law being a
) 4 matter still to be determined by a Jury.
f Messrs. McIIarg and Brewster entered
the board together May 31. 1907. They
figure In the case at a time when the
New Haven was busy In taking over
steamship lines and trolley properties.
Specter of Freight Rate Decision.
The specter of the oft-quoted Missouri
frtcrht fit. Hdnlalnn k, . V. I V. L. T I .1
States supreme court In 1S97. first applied
the Sherman anti-trust laws to railroads
arose In the trial of the eleven New York,
New Haven & Hartford railroad directors
today, to plague the minds of the Jury.
The question put before the mto decide
was whether the decision absolved the
director of the New Haven from knowing
that they were committing illegal acts
prior to that date and therefore could not
have Intended the conspiracy with which
they are charged, that of monopolizing
the traffic ot 'New England; or whether,
knowing they had been commuting Illegal
acta-they th.tnoUnued to.-ooounit In-
'"Wtol the decision.
The question came up when the govern
ment proposed to Introduce minutes of
the New Haven board dated May 1, 1897,
In which It was stated that the director
"had been called together to consider
what policy should be pursued by this
company and what advice should be given
the New York St New England Railroad
company in regard to freight matters In
view of the recent deolslon of the su
preme court of the United States In the
Trans-Missouri Freight association case."
No action was taken by the director
tn regard to the questions the minutes
etated, and after they were In the rec
ord, Attorney Swacker for the govern
ment began the Introduction of testimony
Intended to show that no action having
been taken the alleged conspiracy further
to monopolize the transportation traffic
of New England was continued.
Trail Hitters to
Be Given Welcome
Men and women who went down the
sawdust trail at the Sunday meetings are
to be welcomed this evening Into the
churches for v'hich they expressed a
preference. At least this will be the rule
with all churches that hold their prayer
meetings this (Wednesday) evening.
The trail-hitters have been notified so
far as possible and regular members of
the churches have been requested to be
present. Those who have come Into pos
session of tabernacle song books have
been requested to take thetn to the meet
ings. The Weather
Forecast till T p. tn. Wednesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-Fair; warmer.
Temperature mt
6 a. m..
a. m..
7 a. m..
8 a. m..
a. m..
10 a. m..
11 a. m..
12 m
1 p. in.,
t p. m..
S p. m. .
4 p. ni..
6 p. m 67
P- m 6 i
7 p. m
8 p. tn bJ
Local Record,
1915. 1914. 1913. 1912.
Highest yesterday,
Lowest yesterday.
Mean temperature
Ti 41
38 5i
.00 .04
Temperature and precipitation
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature ,.
Excess for the day
Total deficlencv fn- March 1
(Normal rjreciniiation
jbeficlency for the day..
(T inch
Total rainfall ain-e March 1 'I f- Indies
Deficlencv slne M ir.-h 1 l to im-liva
rlSSL 1- rrio3- !! iJ !"ch"
Deficiency for cor. period,' la 13. .) Inches
Reports from stations at T P. M.
fitatlon and State Temp. High- Rain
oi m earner. 7 p. m.
Cheyenne, clear M
Davenport, clear fJ
lenver. clear W
Des Moines, clear M
Dodge City, clear M
lender, partly cloudy.... M
North Platte, clear M
Omaha, clear t
Pueblo, clear '4
Rapid City, partlv cloudy r3
fcalt Lake City, clear Crt
anta Ke. clear 61
t-herldan, clear M
fiioux City, clear M
Vaieutlne, clear ... tg
L. A. WKLSil, Local
est. tall.
64 .00
&) ' .()
73 .(.
74 .)
74 .0)
M .00
7 .00
73 .00
73 .04
tM .wi
M .)
U ,0
63 .10
73 .
Twenty-second street on Fifth avenue in New York last
P, simini I n MS II M IB! a .- '."svA ,
1 7 - - ar-'
Proprietors of Plant in Which Girls
Were Burned to Death Charged
. with Negligence. , x .
PITTSBURGH, Pa.. Oct. 16.
Prosecution of the officers of the
Union Paper Box company, through
the destruction of whose factory by
fire yesterday twelve girl employes
and a man lost their lives, was an
nounced today by Coroner Samuel C.
Jamleson. The coroner's Jury
charged each of the following with
negligence and himself set out to
serve the warrants:
H. E. Weiskopf, Henry C. 8chaefer.
W. C. Kimball, officials of the box
company, and H. II. Woods, man
ager of James Brown estate, owner
of the building.. The accused were
expected to give bond for their ap
pearance in court some time tomor
row. Henry D. Estabrook
Arrives in the City
For Series of Talks
Henry D. Estabrook of New York City
I Is now In Omaha and will remain here
: until after the McKlnley club dinner at
the Rome next Friday night. While1 In
the city he will be the guest of E. P.
Peck, president of the Omaha Elevator
company, and an old personal friend of
, Mr. Estabrook, -I
Mr. Estabrook's reputation as an orator
land his prominence in republican circles
'has given a great Impetus to the sale of
j tickets for the McKinley club dinner Frl
I day right. At the club s office, ?J6 Bran-
dcli theater bulla. ng yesieruay, many
requests were made for reservations at
li.o uiiii.fci'. inet requests came In per
son from old friends of Mr. Estabrook
and also from republicans generally. Be
ginning today tickets w.U be placed at
different business houses In the city to
be sold, lteuervations may be made over
the phone by calling Douglas 796.
He will talk at the Lnivcrsity club
Thursday .noon. Immediately following I
the luncheon, on "National fcelf-lefense.:'
4 ; He also will address the J-tate Bankers
8 association Thursday.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. (Special Tele
gi am.) Messrs. K. Buckingham, manager
of the South Omaha Stock yards, accom -
panled by his attorneys, former Senator '
N orris Brown and Frank T. Ransom,
reached Washington this morning.
came to secure an Interpretation of the
1 recent order of the Interstate Commerce
! nnU.inr th. m.tior inrm.A
allowance, to the railroad, for .witching
charge. I
They were successful and obtained all
the ' Information they desired In thirty
LONG BEACH, Cal.. Oct. ZC-Cbarlea
K. Granger, former chief Justice of the
Iowa supreme court, died here today,
aged W. lie retired in VJ0 after having
aerfed on the Iowa circuit, district and
supreme benches since 1872.
5fTiN vi 1 I
j s ,t - i
''V . ""A K,
-- - i- i - I...1T
r j
f 1
McVann, Clarke and Reed Tell Inter
. state Body . About Order
r.,- . -.j,;. , Nineteen.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. In the
hearing of the Nebraska cases before
the Interstate Commerce commission
this morning, B.'J. McVann ot the
Commercial club ot Omaha presented
the contentions of the city of Omaha,
which la In the Nebraska case as an
lntervenor. '
Mr. McVann stated .that, the only
purpose ot the intervention of Omaha
was w uiukc euro luui luo COU1UUB-
Blon should have all the necessary
facts before it In'' determining the
complicated issues presented.' He
then proceeded to show the differ
ence in. the transportation situation
of Omaha as against Sioux City, giv
in ga full exposition of the reasons
why, the rates have always been the
same from' both cities to Nebraska
points, although Sioux City Is forty
miles nearer. He made clear the po
sition of Omaha that no objection Is
made to the continuation of this ad
justment. In the case of Kansas City and St. Jo
seph, McVann said that ie position of
Omaha was frankly hostile to the con
tinuation of the old adjustments, ex
plaining that the old rates had for
! twenty-five years deprived Omaha of
lawful advantage of location, which was
a right always recognized by the Inter
state Commerce commission.
. Wfcltten (or Lincoln.
Walter Whltten for the Lincoln Com
mercial club, occupied himself chiefly In
reading into the record the admission on
the part of the railroads of the soundness
r.f th. Lincoln .diustment. which was
subsequently confirmed by . C. Wright,
who closed for the railroads.
L'halrman Clarke of the State Railway
commission gave the commission a clear
chronological history of general order No.
19, shownig in detail the immense lubjM
I of the commission extending over a period
(Continued on Page To, Column Two.)
Trail Hitters Show
Preference for the
Methodist Church
Csrds signed by trail hitters during the
Sunday campaign have been tabulated
1 according to church preference stated and
the leading denominations are represented
as follows:
. . . .. . A 'f i '! . U . Ml
I memuuitii t.-- mini w ... t.o
Lr.. I. .-tartan 1 h if. V n H 1 ll I
I iiaptlst : l.Wii Lutheran V
' Congregational . .it at hollo o7
Christian IM l-.piscopal Ul
I . A Breat nu,mbe.r ot . theae- .of cour,e:
ro-cuiLKt.T uuiia ui people wno nave
been church member, for years. Many are
children who signed cards, but do not
include the boys and girls at Miss Gam
lin's meetings.
The cards have been distributed among
the various cHurches, 'according ' to' the !
church most convenient to the home of
the trail hitter. The pastor of the varl- t
ous churches will get In touch with the I
prospective new members and they will I
be received Into membership la the near 1
Of the card signer., 1,205 are from Couo-
! ell
Bluffs, 1.312 from other out-or-town
I P.
aces and SOI give no address.
Northern Army'i Position Such that
it Cannot Withstand Combined
Attacks for Much Longer
Discussion Indicates Disappointment
Over Campaign of Allies in
ATHENS, Oct. 26. An official
dispatch announces that the Serbians
have recaptured the town of Veles,
on the railroad southeast ot I'Bkup,
after desperate fighting.
LONDON. Oct. 26. Replying to a
Question by Earl Loreburn In the
House of Lords this afternoon as to
the progress of the campaign in the
Balkans, tho Marquis of Lansdowne,
the unionist leader, who holds a seat
In the cabinet without portfolio,
"I must say with great regret I am
afraid we must admit that the prog
ress of the campaign in nothern
Serbia has been such as to render it
highly impossible that the Serbian
army will be able to withstand for
any great length of time the. attacks
to which It is exposed from the Aus-tro-Oerman
forces on the north,
aided by the stab in the back, which
Serbia is receiving at the hands of
Karl Loreburn had asked whether the
dlnpatch of troops to Balonlkl had been
determined upon with the approval of
the navah and military advisors, and
whether the g-overnment could give as
surance that full provision had been made
for the communications of this force and
for its supply of men and material to the
satisfaction of the naval and military ex
perts. Earl loreburn said he understood
the government's desire was that the
matter should not be debated at the pres
ent time but that there was a reason for
asking the question.
Dardanelles Project Disappointing;.
"We are disappointed In the rar
danelles enterprise," the sari continued,
tandh9 adlod that he did no wow
whetner mai enterprise nau wu-
X menced with or without the advice ot
the naval and military authorities, and
one could not help asking whether this
new venture would be a repetition of
that. The greatest danger from which
this country could . suffer, the speaker
said, was unpreparedness and Indecision.
The marquis of Lansdowne explained
that there were moments when it was
not in the public Interest that questions
relating to the war should be freely dis
cussed in I'arliamont, as the effect on
both the allies and their enemies had to
be considered. . He declared, however,
that he could assure Karl Loreburn that
npl,,- i ,h nresent lovcrnmcnt or any
I government of which he had been a mem-
ber had It been the practice or habit of
amateur strategists to Impose their plans
upon the professional advisers of the gov
ernment. With the present government, the mar
quis of Landowne continued, it was un
likely that anything of the kind could
occur. Karl Kitchener, minister of war,
was present at every cabinet meeting
and it was impossible to suppose that he
would allow himself to be deflected from
his course by the pressure ot his civilian
Baptist Proposes
Substitute for the
Apostles Creed
BOSTON. Oct. 26. -After criticising the
Apostles' creed as "containing phrases
which the' modern mind cannot accept at
their face value," Rev. Woodman Brad
bury of Cambridge today gave the Bap
tist ministry his idea of a new creed. It
was unanimously voted that the new
' declaration be placed in the minutes of
meeting, wnicn wf oeing neia to ceie-
brate the 260th anniversary of the Baptist
religion in this state. The creed sug
gested by Mr. Bradbury follows:
"I believe in God, the Father of all
races; in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and In
the Holy Spirit, the purifier of hearts of
"I believe In the gospel as the power ot
God, and the wisdom of God, snl li
fhrlatlan good will as the force to trans
form the world.
"I believe in the church universal, the
communion of the good, the coming of
the kingdom and the llfevei lasting, "
Now Out
The Bee's
Billy" Sunday
Fine big illustrated 32
patfe paper containing
full account of the
Omaha campaign and
all' the principal cr
moni as preached at the
"Tab" from day today.
Just what you want
for out of town folks.
Price 10 Cta. Order now.
Military Situation Favorable
to Central Powers, Says Critic
PKRt.IN, Oct. SR.-By Wireless )-The
present military situation Is eminently
favorable tj the central powers In .the
view of Major Moraht. the military critic
of the Iterllner Tageblalt. whose review
of the various ramiwlgns is summarUed
thus by the Oversea News Agency:
'!n the weK the Analo-Frenrh offen
sive Is rbMni slowly, after the failure
of the attempts to break the Oerman
lines. Politic I reasons are compelling
the Pritlsh and French to continue their
offensive operations for a time. Major
Moraht declares.
"Italy, he says, desires to make Its own
war, and all demands from the Anglo
French press that It send troops to the
Halksns will be In vain. The true rea
son, he declares, le that Italy needs all
British Craft Marquette Torpedoed,
According to Official Announce
ment in London.
IiONDON. Oct. 86. An official
announcement made public tonight
"The British transport Marquette
hag been torpedoed In the Aegean
sea. It is understood that only
ninety-nine of the personnel of the
vessel are unaccounted for.
"No further details have been re
ceived." Railway President
In Two Fights with
Mexican Bandits
BUOWN8VILLR, Tex.. Oct. 2.-Bam
Uobertson, president of the Han Benito
& Rio Grande Valley railroad, fought
twice with Mexican bandits eighteen
miles eaet of 8an Benito yesterday after
noon, the first time alone and the second
time with the assistance of a 14-year-old
Mexican boy. Robertson reached Ban
Benito this morning with, a bullet hole
through the shoulder of his coat and with
his heel on one shoe shot off.
Several weeks ago he was attacked by
bandits near Ban Benito and a hole was
shot through his hat. Robertson said
that late yesterday afternon he waa near
Ban Pedro ranch, east . ot Ban Benito,
traveling In an automobile with a load
of hardware for a hotel which 1 being
CSUf ihegulC coasUJvnobpnlbyihefA'crjas News ftgency saying at-
lost subMv!" hardware and, leaving
the automobile near the roadside started
back to find the packages. Returning to
the automobile he discovered five Meal
cans there.. They opened fire on him and
ne returned the fire from behind a tree.
Robertson saw one man fall and after he
had driven the Mexicans away found
three pools of blood. "
, Robertson then set out afoot through
the brush to look for a telephone recently
strung on trees In that vicinity. He met
a Mexican boy, to whom he gave his
rifle, while he kept his pump gun. Sud
denly the boy shouted:
"Look out!"
Robertson looked back and saw several
Mexicans. He began firing, and with the
assistance of the boy succeeded in get
ting the best of the situation, the Mexi
cans retiring.
It was In the second fight that Robert
son was shot and lost the heel of his
Silk Underwear
And Silk Hosiery
TTlft AmVllHnTl Unm
IllO iiilUltlUii llUYV
The desire of all young people for ex
cessive pleasure and extravagant dress
la at the bottom of the great social and
Industrial unrest, according to the cur
rent toplca department of the Woman's
club. The report of the federal Industrial
commission was discussed by the club
women Tuesday afternoon.
"The desire to get more money for
one's own gratification rather than con
sideration for the needs of fellowmen Is
the cause of the unrest," asserted Mrs.
Mary I. Crelgh, leader of the depart
ment. "Our grandmother was satisfied with
one silk dress; today, a young woman is
dissatisfied unless she has silk under-
wear, silk hosiery and five or six silk
"Yu can't blame the women for all
that, Mra. Crelgh. The men are Just as
bad," suggested Mrs. E. K. Htanfleld.
"Maybe we set the example," waa Mrs.
Crelgh'. response.
To avoid friction in the department, I
the Bible study which was inaugurated i
as a result of the "Billy" Sunday cam
paign, will dial with Old Testament
characters, rather than beginning with
Acts, which Is the starting point for
hundred, of Bible classes all over the
Mrs. Crelgh pointed out that some mem-
i ber. of the club do not accept the Bible
a. part of their religion and that there
are a number of Jewish women In the
Beer is Destroyed
And Truck Drivers
Locked Up in Jail
KANSAS CITT, Mo.. Oct. M.-Draatlo
action by officials of Kansas City, Kan.,
to prohibit Illegal sale of beer .by brewer
lc was taken today when three driver,
were arrested, sentenced to Jail and the
beer and trucks confiscated. The drivers
were fined M each and given alx months
In Jail. More than 1(0 case, of beer were
The action was taken. It was
said, becauce of numerous court delays : Minister Voplcka at Bucharest, Rou
ln the city's effort to get a decUlon from 1 mania. The American consulate moved
the supreme court on the validity of the I with the Serbian government and all
delivery of beer In Kansas City, Kan. J other foreign conula and missions.
Its reserves In the Alps, since It has ht
hundreds of thousands of men by sense
less attacks upon the bravely defended
Austnv-lltiniinrlnn positions. It cannot be
doubted, he added, that all Its future sac
rifices will le equally useless and that
finally the day will come when the Aus-tro-llungsrlnns
themselves will take the
"In the Italkana, says Major Moraht,
the most difficult part of the task hss
been achtcved by the forcing of the pas
sage of the Ianuhe and the storming of
the principal fortifications south of Uol
grade, while the Ttulgarlan troops,
through the capture of Kumanovo, lTs
kup and Veles, have made It Impossible
from now on for the entente allies to
help the Serbians."
Unconfirmed Story Kaiser Will Sub
mit to President Wilson Outline
of Conditions He'll Acoept.
LONDON, Oct. 26. A report
reached here today that Prince Von
Duelow, former Oerman chancellor,
will shortly submit to President Wil
son and King Alfonso of Spain an
outline of tho conditions on which
Germany might be disposed to dis
cuss terms of peace.
The report is contained in a Rou
ter dispatch from Madrid and has
not been corroborated from any other
source. The dispatch gives as au
thority Prince Camporeale, an Ital
ian nobleman, who Is a brother-in-
law of Prince Von Duelow. The re
port was first published In Madrid,
the correspondent says, in the form
ot a message from Rome.
At last reports Prince Von Buelow was
III. A message from Berlin on Bunday
aald he waa confined to his room In Co
logne as the result of a slight Indlsposl
tlon. The prince was on the way to
Allies Accused of
Dropping Bomhs on
. Turkish Hospitals
BERLIN, Oct. 88. (By Wireless to Bay
vine.) A statement waa given out today
tacks have boen made by the allies on
Turkish hospitala and ambulances In vio
lation of international law. A number ot
cases are cited. The latest attack men
tioned Is said to have been made by an
allied aeroplane on August 27 on a Turk
Ish hospital at Oalata Keul, on Oalllpoli
peninsula. The statement says one per
son waa killed and. three Injured.
Attacks on hospitals at Khalll Pasha
and Agbah Bere by air craft In July
are said to have resulted in the death of
twelve persons and Injury of mure than
twenty others. Near Baghlr Dere, the
statement asys, Turkish ambulances were
attacked by hostile aircraft and sis
wounded soldiers were killed.
Battle Expected on
Border at Douglas
WASHINGTON. Oct. 26.-On behalf of
cltlseria of Douglas. Arls., Senator
Ashurat asked the Ktate and War de
partments for proper protection of the
city liy American troops in the event of
an engagement between Carransa and
Villa forces.
'jna ngnt, which le expected to be a
' er,OUB one- ' '"eIy to (ake place at any
j time when Carransa troops, after be-
ing transported through American ter
ritory, have passed over the Mexican
Senator Ashurst said he had the prom
ise of the War department to dispatch a
sufficient number of troops to Douglas
to protect the city from the fire of either
Villa or Carransa forces. Ho Informed
Officials that without protection It was
feared that there was even a possibility
that Villa troops might make an attempt
at looting. Secretary Garrison wired
General Punston to make any disposition
of his troops he found necessary to pro
tect American Interetsts along the bor
der at that point
Information In the possession of the
department lead, official, to believe that
between 4.000 and 6.000 Carransa troops
ra to be transported through American
i territory and that Villa has with him ep-
Proximately 7.000 troops. Villa today was
rePrte marching northward. ,
i Condition, throughout Muxlco Continued
to how Improvement today, according to
.official telegiams from various places.
Illinois Completes
Waterways Plans
WASHINGTON. Oct. 28. Plan, of the
state of Illinois for the building of an
eight-foot waterway connecting the Chi
cago drainage canal with the Illinois
river and thereby making a direct water
route between the Great Lakes and the
Gulf of Mexico, were tentatively ap
proved today by Secretary Uarrlson of
the War department. Governor Dunne
and members of the Illinois Waterways
commission presented the plans.
- The state has appropriated 15,000,000
for tha work, and as soon as the engi
neering plan, are finally approved by
War department engineers, a permit for
the actual construction work will be ls
I sued.
WASHINGTON. Oct. K-The American
consulate at Nlah, Serbia, has been
moved to Tchatchaf, according to a dls-
; patch received today from American
Small French Force Trying to Help
the Serbian! Prevent Conjunc
tion of Bulgarians and
the Teutons.
Activity Expected to Prevent Send-
wg Reinforcements to Aid Bul
garian Army.
LONDON, Oct. 26. The race for
the road to Constantlnnnln has
reached an exciting stage. The Bul
garians are within a few miles ot
forming a Junction with their Austro
German allies, while the French In
small force already have Joined the
The French are not yet In suffi
cient numbers to assume an actual
offensive In Macedonia, but the
rapidity of the Bulgarian advance In
that region already has diminished.
Along the old Bulgarian frontier,
from a point northeast of Vranya to
the Roumanian border, the Serbians
are yielding little ground.
Actual Junction between the BulBarlans
and their allies, which may be a matter
of only a few hours, will soon show
whether the Porblans are able to hold
their mountain positions until the entente
alllea bring up strong forces.
Italy Is still hammering away at the
Austrian front, which Is shaken, but un
broken. It is expected In London that the
Italian offensive will at least prevent tha
Austrlana from reinforcing their Balkan
Russia, by Its stubborn defense of Riga
and Dvlnsk and Its continued offensive
In Qallcla, la keeping Its opponents en
gaged busily along tha whole eastern
In the west there la evidence that the
entente allies are again preparing for an
offensive, which may prevent the Oor
mans from diverting any of their forces
Halararlana Csstsr Two titles.
SOFIA, Oct. 2C (Via London. )-The
Bulgarian war office Issues the following
statement relative to military operations
on October 11
"Our troops have captured Negotln and
Prahova on the Danube. The booty, so
far as known, la one commissariat store
house, twenty railway carriages and War
materials. We captured alad se officer,
Z?0. men, and found on. tha battlefleldtba
bodies of S00 Serbs. .
"Prince Cyrllle and the commander of
tha army were solemnly received iu
The last official statement from Sofia,
before this, aald that the Bulgarians bad
captured the greater part of Usaub In
Macedonia, but that the fighting there
was sllll In progress on October 23.
Prince Cyrllle Is the second son of King
Ferdinand of Bulgaria.
BERLIN. Oct. 25. Vla London, Oct.
2fl.) The parcel post service to America
has been discontinued until further no
tice. No official reason for the discon
tinuance Is given.
American postal authorities said today
they have had no Intimation from Ger
many of a discontinuance of the parcel
post with the United States.
I Last April several thousand parcel post
packages mailed iroin uenrany to the
Vnlted States via Swltxerland were re
turned to the senders by the Swiss postal
authorities because the British and
. French governments had gWen notlflca-
tlon that parcels addressed to Oerman
rltlxnns in the United Suites would be
seised whenever they would be found on
Parcels for Spain and Portugal have a similar fate In France.
On April 7 the German postal officials
suspended tha parcel post service to va
rious parts of South America.
1 SEEv
Ail lst ItmnH,
tf you have say rooms for rest.
Why dost yon let peoule kaow It.
A little Wt Ad la- Tha Bee
Is the best know a meaas to show It.
Tha rooms you have vaeaat will stay
They'll be vacaat many a day.
But you'll fill them all mlglity qulss
If you're using tha Waat-Ad Way.
Vacant rooms Increase your work and
decrease your profits,
Tou can easily change this by placing
a small "Furnish.! Hoomf' for Kent Ad
Tour ad will be read by mmy Inter,
ested people, and you will be able to
select a tenant to your liking.
Telephone Tyler 1000 and put your
ad in
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