Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Te Bee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Ent4t OmH eostofrtce m second -ctae matter.
By carrier By mall
par month. per year.
ImVy sM TT)da" ,. ISMS
pally without Sunday.... o 4 M
yVenlng Sunday 40c no
Kvenlng without Sunday Sbo 4.00
Sunday Bee only 0c I 00
Bnd notlr of change of address or complaints or
irregularity la delivery t Omaha Bwa, Circulation
fUmUt fcy draft, iprna or postal order. Only two
eent rtumiw received la pirmmt of am all ae
eousta I-emoeel fhwki, axcept on Oroaha and eastern
eaehangw, Dot seoepte.
Omaha The Bat Pwlldlne.
nuth Omaha Sit N street
Council Xlvif rt 14 North Main Street
Llnoola M Litrte Building.
Chicago en Harst RulMlng.
New Tors. Room 110K. W Fifth iriiraa
4t. Ixwls-M New Dank of Commerce.
Washington 7 fourteenth Bt. N. W.
address ecromonlcatlons relating to news and edi
torial scatter to Omaha Baa, ftdltortal Depertinetit.
Rata f Khraka, Cotmty of ttougtae, set
nwlffht Wllllsms. circulation manager of The Baa
Publishing company, being duly sworn, pays that tha
tvrrktu circulation for U'S month of September, IMS,
waa it kl
DWIOIrT WILLIAM. Circulation Manager.
Bubnctil-ad In my ntesenoe and sworn to before
See. thai let day of October. 131a.
KOBEKT HUNTh.t, Notary Publle.
Subscribers leaving lit city temporarily
hoold haa Tb Bee mailed to them. Ad
dress trill bo changed M often aa requested.
Thought for the Day
5elcf eef hy Portent
Xot trVit vt think, but what do, make
saints of tl. Alict Cary.
Still If we had a revl-al all the time, It would
rot be a revival.
Omaha keeps right on doing business at the
old stand. Welcome to our city.
Fifty thousand dollars In seven weeks Is a
httle over 11,000 a day. Not so bad!
Then, too, a slang dictionary would not be
a desirable text book In the public schools.
Prepare for the Inevitable. According to
General Sherman "War Is bell." Therefore, pre
pare against both.
Accustomed to "hit the line" with full force,
those foot ball players must have found "hitting
the trail" easier than practice work.
As a fitting observance of restored relations
an exchange of toasts by Uncle Sam and Car
ranza on Thanksgiving day would fill the bill.
, Advance samples of Indian summer look
good and feel good. The weather man can have
all the orders he can fill according to the sam
ples. Regard for "Billy" Sunday's prowess as a
preacher with a punch forbids the thought that
I e will close the pearly gates on any sinner, even
a booze scout.
Sir Edward Carson's theatrical retirement
from the British cabinet had no more effect on
the stlckativeness of his associates than Mr.
Aryan's descent from duty last June.
The Callfornlan who asserts that two-thirds
cl the land deals of his state are made on mis
' representation displays a degree of curbed en
thusiasm unworthy of a Native Son.
The woman spy brought it upon herself. But
think of the thousands and thousands of abso
lutely Innocent women and children who have
b on sacrificed to this Inexcusable war,
Visionlng the spectacle of 40,000 parading
suffrnclsts from New York accounts, it Is lm
(osMble to dodge the conclusion ' that It was
inarming and beautiful In all Us units.
The administration's preparedness program
in cut to fit a second term for Wilson. Confident
Cr-mox-recy hitches Its chariot not to a state but
a Culebra slide.
Out of the crucible of wsr comes a residue
o belated Justice. Equal pay for equal work la
guaranteed by the British govarnment to the
women filling the gaps In the Industrial activ
ities of the empire.
Sir Lionel Carden, British diplomat, whose
death Is announced, Is one of five ambassadors
vho felt the displeasure of the United States.
The fact that he was representing his govern
ment at the city of Mexico did not shorten the
reach of Uncle Sam's pedal extremity In con
necting with a butter-In.
TtT - J-
aM fit
A tnaaa meeting at Boyd's opera house to raise
funds fur Psrnell and hla constituency was presided
over by Mayor Boyd, and addreaeed by Senator Van
Wyck. Thomas Brennan. John L. Webster, Edward
Rosewaier and J. T. Morlarty.
A cold wave flag Was boUted on orders from Wash
ington Indicating a drop In temperature from twenty
to thirty degreea within tha nest thlrty-elz hours. Hhla
la theflrst time tha cold wave flag has been hoiatad
In Omaha since Its adoption In the signal service.
A Jewish laUes' sawing society was organised
to sew for tha poor, with theae of floe-re: President.
JJra. M. Hellman; vice president, Mrs. A. Polack;
autre tary, Mrs. Adolpa Mayer; treasurer, Mrs. Ben
Cretgbton college boys are having a course of fea
tures on commercial law and on tha eonatltutlon of
tha United fcta.Ua. These lectures are given by Prof.
T. J. Mahoney, a talented lawyer of the firm of
Jiolsman Mahoney.
Ancient Order of United Workmen resolutions In
memory of Brother Henry Waltfler are published over
the names of James W. Cerr. J. B. Ralph and M. W.
Cbariea, aa tha eurnmlttee.
Grant Williams of the Union Pacific telegraph de
trt merit Is a Me to return to his key after a three
Weeks' siege of malaria.
One Trouble With Eate Making-.
The Nebraska rase now before tha Inter
state Commerce commission Is fairly Illustrative
rf one of the difficulties encountered In the fix
lug of railroad rates, Incident to the activity of
dusl bodies clothed with the same power. An
crder from the state commission has fixed a
rate on tntrsstate shipments thst Is quit favor
able to shippers within the state, while the fed
eral body has fixed another rate to rover Inter
state shipments thst puts outside shippers at
a dlssdvantaite. The confusion that arises from
this Is obvious, and the attack made on the Ne
braska rate by the outsiders Is but natural. So
long as the rate making power Is thus divided
and exercised without regard of one body for
the other, these dlscrepsncles will exist, and
somebody must suffer. The question Is not the
right of the federal or the state commissions,
tut of their coming Into something of harmony,
to the end that commerce will not be disturbed
by the multiplication and confusion tf freight
tariff schedules. Some way ought to be found
tnat would reach a more reasonable basis for
fixing rates, without Injustice to any of tha
parties concerned.
Certainty Hot "Tightwad."
We congratulate "Billy" Sunday on the suc
cess of his revival meetings In Omaha, from the
standpoint of attendance, enthusiasm and "trail
Utters." And we congratulate the promoters of
the campaign also on the success of their ef
forts to pay out the expenses and make Omaha's
contribution to the free-will offering creditable
by comparison with other cities.
When "Billy" denominated us all "tight
wads" In the early stages of his visit because
the collections did not come In faster, The Bee
railed him to account, polnttng out that Omaha right In the front row In the matter of re
deeming the guarantee fund, and 'reached that
goal In a remarkably short time. Omaha has
again proved tnat Its people are no "tight
wads" when Its comeg to responding generously
to the appeal for the personal recompense to
"Billy" for his own strenuous labors here. A
fife-will offering of $10,000 more than meets
expectations. Bishop Bristol declared that Sun
day was coming here, not so much because
Omaha was listed as a bad town, but because
it was believed to be a good town In which to
hold a revival. It strikes ns tho record has
amply vindicated the bishop's conviction.
Combination for Export Trade.
Secretary Redfleld announces the formation
f an 'American Overseas trust modeled on the
Dutch organization, the purpose of which Is to
legulate and control the export traffic of the
United States, so far as concerns its member
sh'p. This combination of exporters will bring
bout co-operation In the handling of certain
problems dealing with details of foreign traffic,
the solution of which seemed impossible of ac
complishment through any other moans. The
question has been before the federal trade
commission almost continuously since its or
ganization, and the formation of the trust has
been foreshadowed as a result of the numerous
hearings before the commission, at which the
exporters presented their pleas and arguments.
That some form of relief must be given to
American exporters in order that they might
meet foreigners on an equal footing has been
admitted from the start, and It may be the
present organization will produce the results
desired. It is a decided concession from the ad
ministration to "big business," against which
the president and his adherents have inveighed
so strongly, and over which they have cracked
the whip so vigorously. It Is dangerous, too,
in that It embodies In its form the very things
that have been deemed so undesirable in the
great industrial and commercial combinations of
the country. That It will take on monopolistic
tendencies is Inevitable, for it must have con
trol In order to accomplish Its purpose and serve
Its members with efficiency. But, if It proves
the agency through which American goods can
be sold abroad at a profit and In increasing
quantities, It will do quite as much for the pub
lic as for the exporters.
The workings of this government-fostered
trust will be watched with great interest, as
'much for Its danger to home trade as for its
effects In the foreign field.
Building and Street Blockades.
Omaha has been wonderfully patient with
building contractors In the matter of street and
sidewalk blockades while erecting buildings.
The city ordinances on the point are liberal,
and, apparently, elastic. At any rate, It has
long been the practice for the contractor to take
i.a much of the thoroughfare alongside his Job
ts he might require for his own convenience,
regardless of how it affected others. Complaint
now lodged with the city council suggests that
a limit has been finally reached, and public for
bttarance In this matter will go no further. In
some ways conditions have been Improved, but
still further room for improvement exists.
Omaha folks do not want to hamper the build
ers; in fact, the public is willing to make It as
easy as possible to erect the big modern blocks
that are going up all over town, but the baild
ers should show a little consideration for the
public, and keep In mind that streets are not
material yards.
Speaking to his professional brethren in
New York, Lord Beading, chief Justice of Eng
land, told of the present practice of British
courts: "We now strive to get at the -merits, to
allow no technicalities to prevent the courts from
cercelvlng the true facts and arriving at a just
cecislon." American courts, similarly disposed,
would restore Justice to tha pedestal now
usurped by Technicality,
It Is explained by the "Billy" Sunday-ltes
that they did not ask for the use of any uni
versity building for the student meeting in Lin
eoln, and, therefore, were not refused. They
should not have asked for a meeting In a school
building in Omaha, In which case they would
not have beea refused by our School board
Down In Missouri, 8on-!n-!aw McAdoo gave
the natives an advance sample of the political
hct air the country may expect next summer
and fall. He intimated that the administration
waa responsible for the large exports of farm
products. The secretary of the treasury is a
clever story teller, but a Joe Miller yarn will
t.ot Improve his reputation. -
Aimed at Omaha
Blair Bnterprlne: If The Omaha Bee shall succeed
In eliminating the street carnival feature of tha an
nual Ak-8ar-Hen entertainment In Omaha, It will
have accomplished more for the suppression of crime
and public Indecency In Omaha than all of "Billy"
Sunday's sermons. No excuse ever existed for such
shamelena Indecency as the street fair carnival which
Is a part of Ak-far-ncn entertainment and no apology
will obliterate Ita avll Influences upon the youth of
that city. More power to The Bee In Its effort to dis
pose of this blot on the city's shame and moral a
rremont Tribune: Omaha has Just had another
mysterious murder. Tho frequency with which such
things happen there make It difficult for Omaha to
establleh its claim of being a well-governed city.
Beatrice Pun: Omaha Is beginning to consider the
advlaablllty of eliminating the street carnival featuro
of the Ak-flar-Hen festival. A good many Nebraska
towns, which Omaha might reward as mere jay towns,
have long since considered this matter and rendered
a verdict against the street carnival nuisance.
Kearney Democrat: The present week will con
clude "Billy" Sunday's engagement at Omaha. He
has wrestled valiantly with satan with not the most
flattering results. Indeed, the response In umaha doe
not appear to have been as good, relatively, as at
some other places. Tha fact remains, nevertheless, that
Sunday has dons very remarkable work, and has
strengthened himself greatly with many who were In
doubt aa to tho man and hla methods and especially
as to his sincerity. On tha latter score he has won,
and notwithstanding disappointment to date as to
number who have "hit tha trail." It may be that ha is
exercising an Influence much deeper than that, whlcn
will have a marked effect upon the community.
Reward Btade: The Omaha liquor Interest played a
winning hand In not fighting "Billy" Sunday. The
least opposition to hla work would have had the same
result as stepping on Terence O'Lafferty's coat it
would have started a "motion."
Bloomfleld Journal: It Isn't right, we pressume, to
congratulate a criminal, but we do feel like congratu
lating that Omaha hold-up who after watching them
through a window for some time deliberately walkud
into a mansion and at the point of a gun held up and
relieved of their Jewels and cash a bunch of society
high-brows who were playing cards. If all the hold
ups were Just as discriminating.
Blue Springs Sentinel: The Omaha Bee editor Is
making a kick on their street fair mae issue to Ak-Bar-Ben
carnival. If Omaha has reached a point where
the street fair cannot be tolerated what about otlior
towns In the state?
Albion Argus: Omaha is an up-to-date, wide-awake
town and makes the most of opportunities. The many
gatherings during tha year 1916 attest this. The greatest
that the business Interests of Omaha will gather will
be the chance to sell merchandise to out-of-town
visitors attracted there to hear the great evangelist
and Incidentally do their shopping. Another that wilt
bring much trade to Omaha will be the state teach
ers' meeting to be held there at the best time In the
year for selling the season's stylea of wearing apparel
They are a live, hot bunch and are growing no deader
or colder as time goes by.
Ord Journal: Oa the trains, in the hotels and on
the streets of nearly every town In the epatern part
of the state the people are talking about "Billy"
Sunday. You can hear It almoat everywhere. One
would think that he would come In for universal con
demnation by the rough-neck crowd that ordinarily
fills ths smoking apartments of tha trains. But It
Is not so. Of course some poohoo his sincerity and
hold up to view tha financial aide of hla Omaha cam
paign. Others say he Is a go-getter and Is making
good In the attempt But the one thing that la re
markable Is the discussion that ha has aroused among
all classes of people on tha liquor question. It Is not
an unusual thing to hear a half dosen traveling men
agree that ths Influence that Rev. Bunday la ex
erting is going to result In state-wide prohibition.
They apparently Join with him In the hope that ths
saloons roust go. The change of sentiment smong
men of tho world is astonishing and is eloquent of
what Is coming. Men who are not ready to promise
to vote for woman's suffrage are admitting that It
la Inevitable. It shows that the defense is down and
that It Is an accepted fact that universal suffrage
and prohibition are going to visit Nebraska at about
the same time.
Twice Told Tales
Taklnar Doctor's Orders.
A country doctor, walking out one day with a
Highlander who boasted he waa a stanch teetotaler,
resolved to put him to the teat Passing a hotel he
asked hint in and ordered two glasses of whisky.
After they had shifted these and two or three moio
at tha doctor's expense, his friend began to get a wee
bit "glib o" the gab." The doctor then, feeling he
had him, bluntly asked:
"How does this square wl' your teetotal preten
sions T"
"Weel." quoth John, with a quiet smile, "though
I'm a stanch teetotaler, I'd be a fule to refuse what
the doctor orders." Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph.
Bar Practice.
A Cockney solicitor, who was characteristically
mixed up In the use of the "h'a." happened to meet
one of ths wits of the American bar.
Tho Englishman, commenting on ths legal profea
slon of Philadelphia, said that Its members were very
proficient and learned, but that they were fbsolutely
Ignorant on the subject of "hentalls."
"Ah." answered the American, "my dear air, we
may be ignorant of ths 'hentail,' but our knowledge
of the 'cocktail Is unsurpassed." New Tork limes.
'Nothing; Now.
"I see," said Bllktns, "that a French scientist
has discovered a method for staving off olB age."
"Well, what of It?" demanded Wtlklns. "There's
nothing new In that. A man can stave off old age
by Jumping off the Klffel tower, or dropping a
lighted match In a powder barrel while sitting on It
or by rocking the boat when he's out in the water,
or by riding over Niagara falls sitting aafride of a
log. Those French scientists make me tired with their
hullabaloo over nothing." Harper's Weekly.
People and Events
The New Tork Stock exchange claims to have closed
up 361 bucketshopa. The game must be played through
regular dealers, or not at nil.
His name is Papln and bs purports to be a man, yet
la suing for divorce In St Louis courts on the ground
that hla wife coaxed him to elope with her.
Pennsylvania la stocking up with stock transfer
a tamps which will be used after the first of ths year
to denote the payment of t per cent tag on the value
of securities transferred.
Twirling his thumbs Is a noticeable characteristic
of Charlea B. Mellea on tha witness atand. This hap
pens when the lawyers are doing tha talking. Form
erly hla great exercise was thumbs down.
Miss Martha Powlus. (S, of Bloomaburg, Pa., mar
ried a widower, Philip Graham, TX. "I am proud that
I was an old maid." chirruped the bride. "No woman
can pick a husband and be sure of happlneaa until shs
has passed 60." Uet that, girls!
Youngsters may be lively In matrimonial affairs,
but the elders enow aome speed too. The mother of
bride at St. Paul, rendered lonely In her widowhood,
prevailed oa her second lover to shorten the engage
ment three months, and was married a few hours after
her daughter hit the center aisle to slow music.
Baltimore authorities have rounded up a fine bunch
of firebugs. A regular plant of tire-starting appliances
was uncovered in the ralti, the principal tool' being a
glass bomb filled with Inflammable gases and oils. A
few hours before the gang placed t-.000 Insurance oa
tha plant which would have given the expected blase
a lively sense of security and some over.
Dr. Cary Urayson. White House physklan, 1
credited with having directed tha merry archer's ar
row at tha president The latter reciprocates byop
eratlng on the doctor's heart through a Virginia belli.
Dr. CJ ray sons engagement to altaa Alice Gertrudo
Gordon of Richmond, completes three matrimonial
events In the White House score board. Next!
af -
tathorahlu of the Perm.
DENVER. Oct. 24,-To tha Editor of
Ths Bee: A short time sgo a friend
sent me a copy of your paper, containing
an account of a search for the author of
some verses entitled "Out Where the
West Begins." The lines appeared on
the souvenir program at the Hotel Fon
tenelle stockholders' dinner. According
to The Bee: "Considerable Interest waa
then developed In the seeroh for the
writer and a number of names were eng.
gested. Finally It was developed that
James Barton Adams, a well known west
ern newspaper man, wrote the verse as
part of the department he conducted
while attached to the staff of a Denver
I wrote the lines several years ago
while conducting a column of verse and
pxragraphs on ths Denver Republican.
I am sending you a correct copy of the
verses, as those you printed were con
siderably garbled. I am making this
statement for the benefit of those who
were Interested enough in ths lines to
try to trsce their authorship.
2MJ Clermont Street
Out where the handclasp's a little
Out where the smile dwells a Mttle longer.
That's where the Went begins.
Out where the sun Is a little brighter,
Where the anowa that fall are a trifle
Where the bonds of home are a wee bit
That's where the West begin.'
Out where the aklea are a trifle bluer.
Out where friendship's a little truer.
That's where the West begins;
Out where a fresher breexe Is blowing,
Where there's laughter In every stream
let flowing,
Where there's more of reaping and leas
of sowing
That's where the West begins.
Out where the world is in the making,
Where fewer hearts In dee pair are aching.
That's where the West begins:
Where there's more of singing and leas
of sighing,
Where there'a more of giving and leas
of buying.
And a man makes friends without half
That's where the West begins.
Imposing- on the Firemen.
OMAHA. Oct. I8.-To the Editor of The
Bee: In reply to E. M. Waymoro'e sug
gestion to make a day police force out
of the city firemen doing night duty, I
have thla to say:
la Mr. Wayrnore aware of the fact
that the "night side" at our fire houses
Is on duty from 6 p. m. to 7 a. m.T Has
he any Idea of the effect of six hours'
"pounding" the pavement on a man who
will obtain poewrlbly eight hours' rest out
of twenty-four, an that same eight hours
to be obtained Intermittently? Has he
ever tried It? I have, and can say posi
tively that it la not what It Is cracked
up to be.
Perhaps our fire laddies do answer only
"an occasional bell," but you generally
find them Johnny on tha spot which 1
am afraid you would not If they were
made to do police duty six hours each
Omaha's fire department Is said to be
one of the most efficient in the country,
and I for one am heartily in favor of
letting well enough alone.
I would suggest that Mr. Wayrnore and
a fow of his friends try It this way:
Work all day In your office or shop, go
home, have supper and then go out and
do six hours' police duty, and see bow
It works. He is asking the firemen to
donate their time, and It's a poor rule
that don't work both ways.
I will add In closing that I am not a
City employe. JAMES LEWIS.
Here and There
A speed record that Is In a class by It
self belongs to the volunteer firemen of
Brlclle, N. J. In the performance of their
duties sround a biasing barn three mem
bers of the company raised a neat of yel
low Jackets, which thereupon gave a min
iature exhibition of "Billy" Sunday's hot
place. The speed of the retreating fire
men cleaving the air for safety was a
scream from start to finish.
A eharmlng danoer and "a perfect gen
Uoman" who captivated a married woman
at a "tea dansante" In Chicago, escorted
her to her home, and then, as a souvenir
of the meeting, tore $1,500 worth of Jewels
from her clothes and faded into tha dark
ness. When captured ths Ragtime Raf
fles had In his memorandum book a list
of prospective victims, married and un
married, all respectable and fashionable
people who patronize afternoon dances
without assorts.
Dr. Anna Howard Shaw wistfully car
ries readers of her new autobiography
back to ths days of her youth and tells
the romance of her first proposal. She
was then It and ths smitten boy was 30.
Oa ths night of tha proposal, shs relates,
he wore a bhie flannel shirt and a pair
of trousers made of flour bags. His
mother had thoughtfully selected a clean
pair of sacks for ths purpose, as one
leg of the trousers bore the words, "A.
A A. Green," and on the rear of the
garment was the legend, "Ninety-six
Pounds.' To the negative anawer the
youth bawled. "That's darned disappoint
ing to a fellow."
Around the Cities
Eleven firms bid for the Job of build
ing the dentistry school of the Iowa
State university at Iowa City and the
work went to an Iowa City contractor for
1130.800. The building will be brick and
fireproof, three stories and basement and
cover a narea soxiej feet
Aa Investigation of tha schools of Phil
adelphia shows that t per cent of tha
children are aent to school without any
breakfast and a vastly greater number
are Insufficiently nourished. Sixteen
lunoh counters are In operation In as
many schools, supplying substantial food
at 1 cent a portion.
In an address delivered before the Uni
versity club, Washington. D. C. C. Fran
cis Jenkins said: "The motion picture
ribbon la the only unit that is standard
In every country. Railway gaugea, for
example, vary In different oountrlea, units
of value, volume, weight and ef length
differ, but the motion picture film la the
same the world over."
More than 6.000 towns are said to have
enlisted In a "clean-up-and-paint-up"
movement originated in 8t Louis two
years ago. Partlculara are furnished by.
Allen W. Clark, chairman of the national
clean-up-and -pa lnt-up bureau, St Louis.
Mr. Allen credits the editors ef ths local
newapapers with being "the one moat
Important factor In spreading the gospel
of cleanliness, thrift and civle pride la
the campaigns of last year.
"The speed limit In this here taown Is
six mile an hour, and we enforces It,"
said the town constable, flashing his
nickel badge upon Dabbleigh.
"Oh, very well,'' said Dubblelgh wear
ily. "If that s the case I II have to
turn mr car around and back through
your darned old burg." Louisville Cour
ier Journal.
"Charley does cold a great deal around
the house," satd young Mrs. Torklns.
"Kiit In a way it's a relief."
"A relief:''
"Yes. When ho's cross he Isn't try
ing to tell funny stor es and keeping mc
guessing as to when I ought to laugh."
Washington Star.
"Ah. Mrs. Flaherty, but ye look sad
thla morntn'!"
"Faith an' why shouldn't I look sad
whin me Lennia has been dhropped from
th' force?"
"Ye don't say! And what fur?"
"Well, ye nee It waa this wev. Thre
waa a so gn on a bullilln' what rea l, 'No
trespassing; police take notice.' An' me
poor Dennis took lt!"New York Tlmce.
Burroughs t know a man who looks so
much like you that one could hardly
tell you apart.
Lenders You haven't paid him that
fiver I lent you three months ago, have
you? Boston Transcript
"Behold the fa'.r damsel coming down
the street. Che Is a miss with a mis
sion." "What Is her mlsalon?"
"Seeking a man with a mansion."
Phlladeli-hla Evening Lodger.
"Do you really believe that the en
trance of women Into politics Is going to
disturb popular government?''
"WelL after the house cleaning pro
cess my wife has Just put us through I
believe women are capable of upsetting
anything." Baltimore American.
A gentleman having engaged a brick
layer to make aome repairs In his cellar,
ordered the ale to be removed before the
bricklayer commenced his work.
"Oh, I'm not afraid of a barrel of ale.
aalre," said tho innn.
"It isn't your courage I doubt, but that
of the ale, was the reply, "I nm positive
It would run if you came near it."
Philadelphia Ledger.
First Summer Hotel Boarder I couldn't
sleep la-t night for the cold. How did
you manage?
Second Summer Hotel Boarder Fine
We put the railroad ticket, the hotel
folder and the proprietor's bill on the
bed. Judge.
New Tork Times.
The win. la ere whistling ragtlms on the
The ripples all are tangoing on the rills:
Th trees in fine elttl. n.
Fly the flags of every nation
While their leaves. In desecration.
Each one spills.
Autumn s thrown a brand new ricture on
the screen:
All the grass is russet now Ins'eal of
The fields have a:l been looted.
The toads snd thines hive scooted.
Just ns if they'd all been hooted
From the scene.
In the wrods the maiden wanders now
no more;
AH her summer ways of courting now
are o'er:
She will tarry with her lover
. . f ;... i-. r s ' ' 'cr.
Quite na coy while under cover
As outdoor.
Autumn holds a spell of magic In Its
As It dances, sings and whistles o er ths
Summer's love-lit smiles and glances
It but adds to and enhances
Till all sweet, romantic fancies
Jump snd land.
A Hair Tonic Which Yon Can Make
at Home Removes It In a Few
Dandruff snd scalp eruptions can be
removed In from one to five nights by
the following simple recipe, whloh you
can mix at home or have put up by any
druggist st very little cost It does not
color the hair and is perfectly harmless:
Water One-half pint
Bay Rum One ounce.
Texola Compound One-quarter ounce.
Glycerine One-quarter ounce.
A 1 I I . I .1, . . 111 - , V . . I.
a iiwl'ijiiii ia ail uu win iiccu. ivuu
it Into the scalp well at night and after
a few applications the dandruff and scalp
eruptions will disappear, and the hair will
stop falling out and become soft and
glossy. Advertisement
TV.;- " Is good for 10 trademarks toward this
1 Ills VOUpOn guaker Cooker. Cut it out Then boy a
package of Quaker Oats, see our offer, and note how much this
means. But only one of these coupons can be applied on a cooker.
Hold That Flavor
In Quaker Oats you
get a luscious flavor.
We use only queen
grains just the cream
of the oats to secure
that flavor for you.
Retain it in your cook
ing. Use the Quaker Cook
er, made to our order to
make the oats doubly de
licious. See our offers in
each package.
2V4 Qu.
Quaker Cooker
See it at Your Grocer's
Offer in Each Package
Many grocers in this city now display
this Cooker. See it. Any grocer, if you
ask him, will supply you Quaker Oats.
And this extra quality costs no extra
price. If you get lesser oat food it's be
cause you don't say Quaker.
Millions of people send over seas to
get this Quaker flavor.
Quaker Oat
10c and 25c
In Round Packages with Top
And the fare
is just as low
on this finest,
fastest train as
on any other.
SUNSHINE, lowers,
waving palms, spar
kling bayous, winding riv
ers, bathing beaches. Old
Spanish Forts all tend
to mae Florida the most
amusing and picturesque
state tn the Union.
Low fares now tn force.
Write for information.
Lt. Chicago Ar. Jacksonville 7:50
Via Nashville. Chattanooga (Lookout Mountain) and Atlanta
Scenery that will make you gasp at its grandeur. Old
historic sections to put you in a reverie. In retrospect you can
sss the Great Civil War battles re-enacted in ths actual theater
of the great war.
You will enjoy hundreds of miles rich in romance if
your uckm rsaus m
Co z 1EL Ha
(Csksge A Eastern Illiaeia Rallread)
&r ' 11
at.21 n KL
s- i 4rsw iVst ir,ii',i viii . l
To Florida
The Dixie Flyer is tpe
irovids tho
cudly equipped to crovid
ke.C service to Finnis
enfert Spacious observatioa
car, inoacrn arswmg room
sleepers, roomy coaches snd
dining car serving all
meats a is carta.
Writs today for
General Agent
W. Adassa Stm