Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Cnpyrlgbt. ltm. laternatlonal
New huto
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
hctv.uvtcn: lord
HIM ' rF ncti-n,
r m
mm iak
what kind
of a plamt
ONir 5LOori-
l hope, it-s 7'
.1. VIJ 'v
Head of American League Makes
Himielf Unpopular with Playeri
Makin jToiir to Coait.
It ena Ityron Jianeroft Johnson, the
genial head of th American league, who
And great pleasure In lln by breaking
up the Federal league at regular Inter
val, only know what certain ball player
on the AIl-Rtar team which played In
Omaha Sunday, another hot row would
tart In the Junior loop.
For be It remembered Juiit before the
lour atarted Byron Bancroft announced
that no more toura would be held, that
thla one would be stopped by the National
Commission If everything didn't go to
ault htm and that tfie Amtrlcan league
learn wai a Joke. This cut Into the busl
nea at Onhkosh, St. Paul and Minneapolis
and aa a remit the athletea are quite
peevish at the American circuit executive.
"If Johnson caya thla team la a Joke."
eld one player, "what does he think
Connie Mack's team waa In the champion-
hip race? A couple of Jokes?" I
"And he should have Been how thess
American league punka are hitting the
ball." put In Johnny Ever. 'They'r
knocking the cover off It. A J ke team I
"I haven't any love for Johnson, any
how," declared Jack Coomb, the famous
romhark. "Whm f (Knntlit I mi
through aa a pitcher after my long 111
f I asked Johnson for a Job aa um
pire and was turned down. 80, of course,
I wouldn't call Byron a tllll 'um."
Orover Cleveland Alexander will only
remain with the National league club .dur
ing the trip through Nebraska. The j
Philadelphia club haa advised him he
must not go farther than North Platte,
Evidently Aloran fears Alex will hurt hli
wing pitching this fall and does not In
tend to take any chances.
I . ;
Omaha Columbians
Fail to Defeat the
Dunlap, la,, Team
DCNLAP. la.. Oct. . -(Special.) The J
umana . olumhlana, champluna . of
Omaha, came hore, Sunday txpectlng
to wipe the village foot ball manlpula
tors elr the tnsp, but were siidly dlaap
pointed, aa the best they could do was
to play a tics game. Score 6 to fc The
Omaha lads chilnied the game by an I
to score on account of scoring a safety.
These two points the Dunlap umpire
wouldn't allow, but the referee, Marty
Flanagan, the star Crrlghtan halfback,
said the safety waa legal. Here la the
play: In the third quarter. Immediately
after tho. Columbians' had 'soared 'a
touchdown, Qulgley kicked off and the
oval dropped a few yards In front of the
goal poets, touching the fullback., lie
made an uttempi to get the ball and
touched It. but the hall evaded his grasp
and bounded over the goal line, lie ra
covered the plgakln and waa tackled over
the goal line. The contest waa a thrill
ing exhibition of foot ball from the
start to the flnlah. The teams wore
evenly matched in weight and speed. In
Magnates of Minor
Leagues Travel On
a Snecial Train
CHICAGO. Oct. 38 -The National Asso
elation of Minor Leagues, at Its meeting
In San Francisco November V, will be
asked to act on legislation designed to
do away with some of the evils of "barn
storming." President Chlvlngton of the
American association said today. Some
players from Mr. Chlvlngton1 league
took part in an exhibition game at In
diana polls which, reports said, wound up
In a Hot among spectators, player and
umpires, and repetitions of that sort of
thing he wants to prevent, ha said.
Most of the eastern and central states
delegates will gather here next week to
begin the trip to the ooast In a special
train leaving Chicago November 4.
Prealdent Chlvlngton and President
O'Neill of the Western league have been
Informed that President Barrow of the
International, Murnana of the New Eng
land, O'Rourk of th Eastern associa
tion. Baugh of the Southern and Bur
melater of th Northern will be among
the traveler on the special, a well aa J.
H. Farrell, secretary of the National as
sociation. M. 11. Sexton, Its president,
also Is expected to Join th tourists on th
Defeniive Positions in Mountains
May Bare Them Until Assist
ance Arrives.
LONDON, Oct. 16. While the
Anstro-aerman and Bulgarian cam
paign in northern , and eastern
Serbia are being carried out as
planned, despite fierce Serbian re
sistance and the Bulgarians who
crossed the Tlmrok and hold th
towns of Prahoro are separated from
the Germans who crossed the Danube
near Orsova br only a few miles In
the south, things are not going so
well for the invaders In the Utter
region. The rench troops have,
joined bands with the Serbs and, ac
cording to French accounts, have In
flicted a severe defeat on the Bul
garian at Krlvolak. forty miles
north of the point where the Salon-1M-Nlsh
railway crosses the Serb
Greek frontier.
This success places the Bulgarians who
reached Istlp, . Veles and I'skup, In
rather an awkward position, for a fur
ther advance of th allied army would
seriously threaten their flank. In fact,
unofficial reports slate that the advance
Townsends and City
Elevens Keep Lead
In Soccer League
liot'i the Townsends, who ra lading the
loop, ,imi the Omnni City eleven which
Is tmlllng rkae beiiinil, won their
matches In the Omaha Soccer tensim; Sun
day. The Towneend Jefea.;d th Mo
hemlaii at Miller para, 3 to 0, and th
Oman City defeated the Cn.e lonlans, 2
to 1, nt Carter lake.
The latter event was a fast, snappy
game that nearly ndil In a J raw. In
the last minute of play lxiwdcn misled a
prnalty shot for the Calel-nlan when the
ball struck the undersl'lj of the crossbar,
Tyrell clearing a It JeaunleJ. McOuIre
counted both goals for the City learn.
Anderson made the sco.-9 for tho Scots
with a splendl dlong shot
Brlx was the bright light for tra Towns
ends. He shot all three gnaU for his
eleven and many times durlnu. the game
waa only thwarted by th remarkable
goal keeping of Prchal, who la pro- lng a
veritable demcn between th posts for th
Ctechle eleven.
commenced work on the building.,
Two loads of new corn came to market
Saturday. It was of very good quality.
The potato harvest la abojt over on
the Loup. The yield is on an average
thought to be, at least, 109 bushels to the
Commerce High Has
Two Games This Week
The Hlg school of Commerce will play
the Central High school team this after
noon on the eltv field at Thlrt v-sncond
and lewy avenue at o'clock. These J of th French, who ar being closely fol.
two teams are about evenly matched.
both of them having beaten th School
for the Deaf by practically th same
The Commerce eleven will play the Mis
souri Valley High school at Missouri
Valley next Friday.
San Francisco Wins
Coast League Pennant
fAN FUAKCI8CO, Oot.' .-This Il
race of the Pacific Coast league cam to
a close today with game at Salt Lk
City, Part Franelsco and Los' Angela.
Kan Franclacn, under the management of
Harry WolvertoA. gained the champion
ship with- a comfortable margin; Salt
Ike City flnlahed In aocond place, with
l.oa Angeles third. Vernon, Oakland and
Portland concluded the season's schedule
In the order named.'
lowed by the British, has already
caused th retirement of th Bulgarians
to Stmmltsa.
The Ilrat desir of the Oerman emperor,
however, I to open a rout -through
northeastern Serbia and Bulgaria to Tur
key, and this is on the eve of being ac
complished. Serbia to Be 'Assisted.
On th other hand, military writers here
do not believe that th position of Serbia
Is so desperate as hap been painted. It
Is serious, of course, but they point out
that th Serbian have many natural de
fensive) positions In th mountains In
which they can hold out for weeks: that
with th .British, Froh and other mem
ber of th quadruple power carrying nut
their determination to help Serbia, by
rushing reinforcement to Salontkl end
other point, th Bulgar will meet an
extercmely warm reception and that the
German and Turk being fully occupied
elsewhere, will not b able to send then)
much hlp. : .
British correspondent In France have
Just dlauloaed th fact made' known to
them by the British staff that ven after
th Anglo-French olfenalv In September
the German bad the greatest difficulty
In securing new reinforcement to meet
th advance and had to call upon men
Morehead Still Is
Supposed to Be Out
After U, S. Senator
May Oppose Wilson
Military Program
NEW HAVEN. Conn , Oct. C5.-A reso
lution to place the National Council of
Congregational Churche on record
against Increased armaments In - the
United States waa presented at today's
session by the business committee on be
half of Rev. Dr. Charles E. Jefferson of
Broadway Tabernacle, New Tork City.
Moderator K. M. Beardsley of Kansa
City offered an amendment which In ef
feet would ask all churches in the coun
try without regard to creed to Join In a
movement against militarism and . In
creased armaments and toward a path
which would bring an early peace in
The resolution and amendment will be
acted upon late today. Th Jefferson
resolution In fart follows:
"Resolved. That w view with painful
solicitude th organised and desperate ef
fort to stamped the nation at thla time
with will and extravagant expenditures
for ships and guns,' and place upon rec
ord now our earnest objection to the
committing of our nation Just now to a
of so-called preparedness, for
Channon Probably
Killed Second Wife
Before Hanging Self
CLINTON. la., Oct. Testimony
tending to show that George Channon,
paroled wife murderer, who hanged him
self In a rural school outbuilding, killed
his second wife, a bride of three weeks
by breaking her neck and throwing her
Into the Mississippi river, waa given
tcday at a coroner' Inquest her over
the body of Mr, Channon, reclvered
from the river yesterday. Channon's
body, suspended by a wire, from a rafter
on tho outbuilding was found two weeks
tto. At th same time it waa learned
hnt both ho and hia wife hnd Jjaajs
wared a week before after ft tjunrrel.
shannon hnd been parol- d f ron: the
state reformatory, ta which he hnd b?en
sent for cutting the threat of his ftvst
Killed in Battle
rrtivii:', w,. w. ouLi-iaruti ruin ijiiiiki
Dreyfus, nephew of Alfred Preyfus, has
been killed In action with his regiment,
tho Thirty-second artillery. Although
only 24 years eld. Lieutenant Dreyfu had
won the military cross of the Legion of
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Oct. .-8peclal.)-Agaln
th story comes that Governor Morehead! Policy
Is looking Rldewte toward the democratic' which Europe la now paying an appalling
Rheumatism Easily Relieved
By Cleansing the Blood
S. S. S. Gives Quick Relief
by Toning Up the 'Blood
KANSA."" ( ITT. Mo.. Oct. .-Th Kan
sas elghl-man tesm won th world
championship and th Mlsaourt-Kanaa
ehamplonehlp, th twa events on today' just returned from Russia to rest to fill
program of the National Horse Hho lne gap In the western army.
l tournament. Itallaa oa Offeaslve.
The KansM team won tnirty-oae games
and lost eleven, scoring a total of 911
nomination for congress In th First Ne
braska district.
To some th rumor meet with con
siderable faVor. Friend of
Hitchcock have been .very anxlou to
switch the governor from the senatorial
race and while there la nothing very
reliable to Indicate the movement along
those line ha been successful, still In
th present delapldated condition of th
old democratic battleship, most any kind
of a deal which might satisfy everybody
might b pulled off.
At flrat special representatives of th
senior senator tried to switch sentiment
In favor of the governor for the demo
cratic nomination for the vice presidency.
Thla did not pan out very well for mana
gers of th governor's political future de
sired the national senate as the next step
for the governor and would listen to nsth-
1 tng elac. Then came along the proposal
f a third-term for Governor Morehead.
This was somewhat scarred by the fight
the executive got Into with State Treas
urer Hall and now It appears that a seat
In congress I the prise which la being
dangled before the eyes of the governor
by th political seen who are praying for
harmonly and have no Idea how It may
be brought about.
With so many good men In the
for the republican nomination for gov
ernor mighty few democrat care to tak
a chance. With th strong sentiment In
favor of Congressman Heavls for a sec
ond term, even so far he ha had
no chanc to show what he can do be
cause there has been no seeslon of con
grs sine he was elected, many demo-
"W appeal to the president and to th
xoembera of congress soon to assemble to
Senator bB,1(1 th energy of our government not o
: tne elaboration of the enginery of de
struction, but to th working out In co
operation with other government of a
plan of International organisation which
shall render, the recurrence of the pres
ent world tragedy Impossible."
Tea, btit how? A natural question. The answer Is that you must
leane your tlood by stimulating It to healthy, vigorous action, so that it
will throw off the germs and Impurities that cause Rheumatism. The
action of the wonderful blood purKier, B. K. S. is to practically renew the
life blood, give it vigor, stimulate the flow making It throw out the germs
and the poison Impurities. The excruciating pains of Rheumatism, whether
it is the shooting, stabbing Sciatica, the gripping agony of muscular Rheuma
tism, or aching arms and legs that break up sleep will be entirely relieved
by S. S. 8. Don't use nostrums and drugs. Take the blood bath Nature's,
blood tonic, 8. 8. 8. Get it at any druggist, but Insist upon 8. 6. 8. Let us
tell you about blood diseases. Send for booklet "What the Mirror Telia,
or it yours Is a peculair case, write 8. 8. B. Co, Atlanta, Ga., but bogln
treatment at once..
The Italians by thslr offensive ar com-
iMlllnar th iuiiriim ta at ran a then their crata ar ahvlna at the chanc to run
point and It) ringers. Eight teams war, nM ihf) rrwich by captur to- against the Fail City man and It I not
entered In the Class A contest, in the . f .lPoni. fortified salient north thouaht that the governor will care to
morning round Kansas and Missouri M.i in rh.mnn. hv ihan ' uirm himaelf by bucking ud agalnt
Heavls, so U I reasonable to suppose
1 that th governor I still being groomea
" ----- ..or l-e Meanei, in inampagne, nave snown
teams tied for first place with twenty. lhat ihty nftv. ot yet flnl,ned lher f
four victories each. By winning In the fort , brNlk tnrough, fn, French uc-
riayoir, me ivansaa learn also iook tne ;. ,. on.l,lrH Imnort.nt Wauaa the
th first quarter the Dunlap boys out- Interstate chiunulonshlp. !,,mh -f this fortified area clears the
played the Omaha attgragalUm, but dur
ing the balance of the game the Colum
bians luuked the U-at. Before th Co
lumbiana woke up the Dunlap boys had
ala points to their credit. In the third
quarter Dally Intercepted a forward pass
and dashed fifteen yards, evading sev
eral Dunlap gants and scored a touch
down. QulKlty and McOumilck were the
beet ground gainers for the Omaha boys,
while Helthell, thtt husky fullback, and
Moor, th quarterback, both university
men, starred for the home boys.
No High Lads Hurt
In Norfolk Battle
. r-red Jackson, the Ulue Mound. Kau.. ground tor another general offeilslv in
entrant, was high corer of the elxty- champagne.
four entrant In th world championship ' ror th ,-m, reason, th British ar
for the race at tho primary for the shoes
worn now by the Omaha senator.
In fact, friend of th executive will
listen to nothing short ot tne umuo-
' cratlc-BsvInatkm for th senate for th
event, winning eleven game and losing trying to fore the Germans out of the i governor and deny that anything el
will He listened to.
one. j sen ton made twenty -nv ringer redoubt and from the slag heapa to
and scored a total of 1M point a. , tna ,outh of La Basse. These, however,
1 ' jare only preparatory operations.
lM-tfr Throws Kohleann. 1 The Italians are In the midst of a great
DEKHLFR, Nth., Oct. Ji.-(SpecHl - ! of fenaeve which ha already gained fori
Tnn ll.u'ln, Il..llttt1 u -II -I .... ... . .
.......... ... mem many vaiuaoie vaniaa poinui. ana 1 - th- -llw
champion of Kaneaa. won over Hum . ., . , .... , atrlce, living ast 01 tn city,
HoLlnaon of Lincoln, champion welter-
Trooper Who Is Shot
By Mexican Bandits
Is Dead of His Wound
BROWNSVILLE, Tex., Oct. a. Private
Herman E. Moor of th Fourth Infantry,
who wa wounded In an engagement with
Mexican' bandit last night, died today.
His hem la In French L4ck, Ind. Moore
was the eleventh soldier killed In fights
with bandits since last July.
It wa learned today that examination
of Mexican arrested on suspicion In con
nection with the train wreck last Mon
day reavlted In the sheriff department
Saturday night obtaining valuable Infor
mation. Officers ay th name of several well
known man were given by the Mexicans.
In what connection these name weia
used was not mad public. Sheriff W. T.
Venn said today he expected several
Cltlxen "and business men here ap
pealed to the city council today to place
the vagranoe law In effect and arrest
every person having no visible means of
Bandits who attacked and entrenched
Vnlted State Infantry camp within six
miles of Brownsville early yesterday
evening escaped capture by more than
1,006 troops, ranger and deputies, who
started In pursuit of them half an hour
after the fighting. Daylight revealed
that there wer possibly thirty or forty
men In the two attacking parties which
attempted to ambush th soldier.
, , n ! - t-- y-7" ' 5
according to Rom dispatches,
wcIkIU of Nebraska. Saturday night. In ny place them In posesslon Of th for-
match ever wit- 1 tree of Gorilla.
the hottest wreatling
neaaed In thla section.
Vleselmeyer ertt'd as referee. The
firat fall waa secured bv Kohlnaon by a
tiMt ho!d In on hour and two minutes.
Doctor won the second fall in seven
..,i..nt.. ...nn.i.... ...a . .
I niiiiui.-. .i.uiiii, r unit,, n n 11 i'i?
I thtr.1 fall lav, I, the vli-tnrv Tin,
I nine minute. A toe hold ot this full
Th Central Hlxh school auuad eacaned Kohlneon stripped a
from th Norfolk gam without any of
rtfulra karln iniilrttrf. Harrln In-1 mnA ( - nuil nf IT.,,, liiim. "Th- I
Juries during practice this week they will' match was held 't the Thaver County
, ,. , v-u i.v. 1. ..11 1 Agricultural bullc'evt and Was lively .t-
be able to face York High with their full j ,,,ej. !n th .rternoon the l arleton
strength. The following Friday the strong! Auto Polo company defeated the Hcl
IJncoln Hifh eleven will come her, vlder company. 11 ta 0.
t -
Hnaalnna KIstattnsT Rattle. 1
The Ituaaiana a re fighting pitched bat
ut-B in in xvtxa. inq uvuiva. regr'tia 'n n jt fxt
,iiori 10 mane trie grouna won iroin
them by Field Marshal von Hlndenburg
Notes froas Beatrice.
BEATHICK. Nob., Oct. K. Special.)
Mr. J. D. Thornburg. a pioneer ot Ba-
dled sud-
may any ! . . - k . a.lurHav moralnf.
! aviiijr vi 1 1 "'
aged H year. 8h la urv Ived by hr
husband and six children. Mr. and Mr.
Thornburg were to have celebrated tbelr
goldlng weddiug
LONDON, Oct. 16. An order in coun
cil waa gasctted today abrogating from
Wednesday last observance of article 57
of th declaration of London, which pro
vide that th neutral or enemy charac
ter of a vessel l determined by th flag
1--, . i. Tk. U.L-I-H A,,AV.Wa ah- . . . .
at It pounds I . : . tile, th vehlcl paselng ver nis arm ana
and Doctor was a few pound heavier. ast or Klga nave Been repuisea, accora-1 . .. u m , 0 plaoM. .
Hoas has only been w leading three years : ln to the Germans aa were thosi under- I . . . uvu a rouna farmer living eaat
ot tbe city, waa severely cut and' bruised
ateut the head In a runuwgy eat of town
B.,.i,T:r-.., . - ,t entltld to fly. In lieu of this artlcl
' - , i British prise court henceforth will apply
Conrad Smith, an old resident of Cla- lhfJ and principle formerly ob
tonia. fell from his wagon while haullna erve(1 b them.
taken northwest of Dvlnsk. The Oerman
forcea. however, hlch crossed the Illou
kst. north of the town of thtt name with
drew In the face of a superior Rustlan
It I also claimed by th German that
Ruaatan attack In th lak district south
of Dvlnsk wer repulsed and that th
f Iiju.Ii. k tuMii lkln- rA u (1.1.
. ... - .... - - ww... umfcn All Ptara Wis,
game all year and there motto ba been: -,cv, . v, . , . ,,vt
-Ileat Mulligan.- Mulligan cam. from I Omahitll-Mr"i. ?Tma "l7l ,Tiev7n o?
Lincoln thla year after having coached uutlia'a faaieat amateur gridiron war-
Lincoln for two year. f-rr. !" al.n line, over a iront of mora than four
Ion the Omaha aouad. was the Individual . kilometres ttwo and one-half mlles west
Star vt the gam. of Komanow.
The reason given in the order for this
ohang ia that "it I no longer expedient
ta adopt said article."
Miss Selauder Wins
Hicrh Tennis Honors
Py her defeat of Jeunl Belaitder yes
terday afternoon, C-l. C-O. -l, Vlrglnlt
Oreen 1 the winner in the Central High
school girls' tenuis toiimumcnt this year
and will meet Alius La! DougUa. title
holder, for th championship of th
school. This match will be played off at
Happy Hollow club Wednesday after
. TK wiAaer of this match will
get poMkUkeUin of th chajuplouahlp cup.
Twe klUrte ra raa,
Th two children of J. W. Nix. mar
chant. Cleveland. O a . had croup last
winter. One was a boy of 1 th other a
girl of I year. Mr. Nix writ! "Both
got so choked up they could hardly
breath and couldn't talk. 1 gar than
Foley' Honey and Tar and nothing la
nd It entirely cured them." This re
hab la medicine abould b In vry bora,
for It give immediate relief froin oold.
cough and croup, heals raw Inflamed
throat and loosen phlagaa, gk44 every
w her. Ad vrUviuat,
Saturday evening. One of hia ears wa
nearly torn from hia . head.
Ben Johnson, formerly manager of the
Gilbert theater. Who was . brought her PARIS. Oct 35-c !W
8.t..rnav niaht bv Sheriff Acton on th ' author" and member of
Austrian, have broken through th Rus- 'barge ?r .u,ng a c oeca .or n avor w '.
Oi si w. Aiarvin n uvti i5 uat uu i uuu i
In the bank, phoned to hi father in Fre- wld reputation m Franee ss r
.nt and received tmanclal asslatanc ' "any uccessful ply. several
Pure Sweetness
You get a double sat
isfaction out of your
chew of Spear Head
the delicious fruity
sweet flavor and the
absolute assurance that
it's supremely pure.
11 .
is made in one of the
most up-to-date plug
factories spotlessly
clean and rigidly sani
That luscious, gold-brown
plug of SPEAR HEAD from
which you bite the tastiest,
wholesomest of chews, rep
resents the highest form of
plug tobacco production.
the very best chew
that money can buy.
Relief from tet Rtaewaaattaiu.
John H. Qronx. Winchester, N. II..
write: I suffer from acute rheumatism
and Sloan's Liniment always help
quickly, a. All drugglsta Advertise,
Wllllaaaat ntear.
SALT IJKK CITT. t'tah. Oct. J6.
Claude William, lefthaaded pitcher uf
the rait Lake club of the Pacific Coaat
league, toilay aet a league record by
scoring Ms thlrty-aecond victory of te
season. The former record was held by
Htagtnhotham of Portland. wtUt UUrty
oav and was mad tn Utii,
ufflclcut to pay. th face of. th cht-k.
Th county attorney then released him.
Kewa Natea from Laa, City.
LOUP CITT. Neb., Oct. (Special.)
Robert Dlhadale brought In tUO head of
t and 1-year-old steer from the pasture
Saturday and put them la th teed yards.
H now has tn all in th yards. .
Haary Ohlaaa Boa of Loup City have
ecu red th contract to build th new
116.010 school houa at Bward. The con
tract was let on October It, the stipulated
prte being tC. They have already
which wer presented in America Two
year ago, h fought a duel with Loon
Daudet. ed tor ot a Paria newapaper, who
had offended hint by a critical para
graph. Neither was Injured.
Black Mill Ptoaer Dead.
STL' ItG 18, S. D . Oct. . (Special Tele
gram. John M. Robinson, aged U. died
her thla morning of infirmities du to
old age. He was plonr ot th Black
Hills, arriving In Deadwood la 177. He
cam her In ISM. He baa no near rela
tive. Th funeral will be held her to
morrow afternoon.
the French . .
J HI " Ui rY':
I' U jj j i''i.)-! .r. . ff ""; 'J'
J liiMimmi " i H IK smi ' nam i saisi irtiiwi