THE BEK: OMAHA, TTIT)AV, OCTOKKK 2y 1015. LIEUTENANT FAY CONFESSES PLOT Gtnnaa Officer Arretted in New York Admit Conipirscy to Dis able Ship, with Munition. TWO OTHLB MEN IN CUSTODY ; TEUTON WEDGES IN SERBIA NEAR MEETING rUlNT from Pafe One.) NE WTOHK, Oct. (Contlniipd AranitnteTovac. vtlUn rfer guard were rrpulocj south of Hlatlne. IWman lories, pusnlng forward on both slrte. of the Morava, captured the helghta ouin of I .anka enl north of Prtrovac jj Robert Troon whlrh crnsrod the river at Or- aava (near the iioumanian . . out the em my from the mountainous Fay, lieutenant of the 8Uteenih flavnnv tnfantrr. admitted today that ,,.,,, ..t nt Kldov he came here last April, through an: -m nuigartnn. dv"1-w'nf arrangement wltu the German secret N.i. ..a the m.d,e . i i - r.oitn of Hajaeac. service, for the purpose of blowing tlmmmlmnm tatla ta.aaoe. up or delaying steamers nailing from pethouhap. Oct. 25.-via lonflon.) thla country with arm and ammunl- euo for the Husslans are continuing tton for the allies. , "'" l" """ . 7 -..- Fay dwlared. however, that while he had ten here he had acted iiid' ponurntly rrf the Oerman embassy or other Ger man agents h?re. He added that he had told Captain von rape", military at tache, and Captain K. Boy-ed. naval at tache of the Oerman embaaey, of Ills plana, but ald that both men told Mm not to Interfere with atoamera sailing from American porta or American am munition plants. Two Arralaaeil. Tar and hie brother-in-law, Walter L. (knots, were arraigned at Weehawken earlier In the day on otiargee of conspir acy and were held without ball for an txamlnatlon tomorrow. Fay and HrhoU were arrested by New TTorfc and New Jersey delectlvea near Grantwood. N. J.. OIT.HNPKT, Wyo., Oct K.-Bpeelal late yeaterday while toe two men were Thf( murflr o a monkey la the charge on ixperlm.nltng with eiploalvea. J whlcn (;Pnrge Thompaon la under arreat Paul Daeche of Jeraey City, who wee rjilduonort. Neb., and on which an arreated at hl home early today, also apmI,t (o tradlte Mm to Wyoming will waa arraigned with Fay and Schols. He Thompaon la accuaed of having wiillu the energetic effort being made by the Uonnans in the vicinity or have not atioceeded in shaking the poel tlon of the Ruaslana. The military authoritlea here regard the Ituatlon around Uiga aa aatlafactory and declare that the capture of Illoukst by (he Herman haa not altered Condition at Dvlnak, the polt"t of hl h city re malna strong In aplte of a renewal of the battle with furioiu energy In the Im mediate vicinity to the north and eout. Man Charged with Murder of Monkey waa eheraed with conspiracy and held without ball. Detocllvee said, however, that Daeclie had given them much valua ble Information and they expected him to e an Important wltneaa. Dlda't Deetrag IMaats. ray aeld that while aervlng In the field with the German army he Invented a 4evlre for blowing up ship. Police an nounced that Fay had made a complete eonfeaalon of hi actlvitlea and later the prisoner gave out a atatement to the newspaper. In that he aaid: "My only objective when I came to thi country waa to Interfere with the enor- kllled.l with deliberation, premeditation and malice aforethought, one monkey owned hy Frank Peterson, a railroad pumpman employed near thl place. The killing occured on Beptembey 17. from which time until hie arreat at Bridgeport Friday Thompaon waa aogght by the Wyoming authorltlo. who .were aroued by the cruelty of lit act. ' I'm going to kill a man and a mon key." rteron quote Thompaon aa y Ing when, a atranger, he appeared at the pump houae of ehlch Peteraon hag charge. He eotted Peteron'g monkey, a intla and friendly little beaat, and BULGARS FAIL TO CUTJA1LR0AD Strenuous Attempts to Pierce Line at Velei and in Volandovo Sec tor Are Defeated. LOSSES OF THE ALLIES SLIGHT ni i.i.f.ti. LONDON, Oct. 2 5. PTench troops rooted three division of Bulgarians on Saturday on the front of Qradek-Volandovo-Rabrovo, In southeastern Serbia, according to a dispatch filed at Salonlkl, October 24, to the Havas News agency. The Bulgarian forces, the dispatch adds, were decimated. . . . . i Kvniif ana inciiui? mou. Shipment oi eruu.r, .,..wn , )( to PtUnnn. fearing to the allies. Knowing that any ordinary , pump hoflM damage that may be done to a factory ...tll ,,,.- Thomnaon. after may be repaired within a few hours, I de-1 elded It was uaeleaa to bother with am munition plant. Intimation that t bad been connected with vai loue expioelona lit uch plants In the United States la wrong. "I hold the diploma of an efficiency engineer from an American correspond ence school and am Interested In a plant that 1 manufacturing; machinery. "I waa aervlng with my regiment In the Champagne district and. saw the tr rlble havoc and loaa caused by the French artillery fire. Kaalodlac Mlaee Vy Wireless. "During my spare time I had Invented a device to explode mines by doing away with electrical wiring. In this way I waa able to overcome the effect of damp neaa or water en the wires. I applied to the colonel of my regiment, and he de cided to give me a chance. He put me In touch with the secret service office, and one of the agents arranged for my paaeage to the I'nlted State. ,1 eame her on the steamship Rotterdam, arriv ing. I believe, oa AprU n last I hd no trouble In retting Into the country." ' Fay said he and Biholi had con ducted a large number of experiments with hi mine device along the Hudson river, but declared that Iaeche waa In no way Implicated. The man said that although Fay did not appear to be 'a Ger man name, Robert Fay was his correct name, and that he waa listed under that name In his regiment, Fay aaid he was well supplied with money when he ar rived here and therefore waa able to act on hi own. responsibility. searching for him for some time, finally departed. Lant Friday Peterson recognised a pas senger on an eastbound train as the man who had killed the monkey and notified the sheriff. A telegraphic request to the sheriff at Bridgeport resulted In the ar rest of Thompaon, who. It Is stated, will fight extradition on the ground that It la no crime to kill a monkey. A supple mentary charge of asaault on Peterson, however, may result in his being brought back. QRADEK. Serbia (Via Salonlkl), Oct. 23. (Via Paris, Oct. 25.) The double attempt Of the Bulgarians to cut the railway at Valet and In the Volandovo sector has been completely defeated. YeMerday (Friday) the attack on Veneles was given up and the entire available Bulgarian strength was directed southward from Istlp, along the Oradeskar river, spreading out over a five-mile front and comprising the villages of Ra brovo, Volandovo, Pljaud, Veszel, Kalkova and Hodova, with Us objec tive a short stretch where the rail-1 day. way, running along the east bank of the Vardar river between two bridges. Is most pregnable at the Strutnltsa statlbn. The attack, although furious, Immedi ately developed the Inferiority of the Bul garians In contact with 'he experienced troops of France and England. Heay loasee are reported along the entire line. The Bulgariana are withdrawing up the Oradeskar valley, leaving the victorious possession of the railroad from Knlonikl to Negotln, beyond which point the line I not threatened. The FYench loase were alight. General Bcrrall, the French commander-in-chief, In a atatement to the Associated Presa, characterised the Bulgarian reports of their advances as fantastic. Nowhere, he aaid. have they advanced beyond a fo-v undefended points et no military value close to the frontier. An offensive movement by the allle seems imminent The Greeks seem to be profoundly Impreseed by the rapidity and success of the French movement tacking In three columns, when our troops by a daring maneuver turned the rtulgariana'. right flank, while the Berb lounched aji energetic counter attack alt along the front. At the end of the day the Bulgarian bat a retreat in the direction of Strumttaa. pursued by Ftench troop and Perblan cavalry. "Bulgarian operations againat Plrot were frultlea. therefore they seem to In tend to concentrate effort on Vranya, and are trying attack In maaa on for tification and position occupied by the Pert at Vlarna. The Bulgarian are stopped on the Ttmok, whllat the Auetro-Oermans are held up on the northwestern front on the Pave and the Lianuhe. Military cir cle here believe that the Austro-Oer-mans will not resume the offensive In the north until the Bulgarians, by gain ing a definite success, are able to effect la Junction with thm." French Follow m victory. SAI5S-1KI. Oct. l4.-(V)a Parle.) -French troops operating1 against the Bul gariana are following np their victory of last Friday and are now threatening Htrumltxa. Bulgaria, to which place the Bulgarians retired In disorder. The French sre now holding a line running from Bsrakll to Rabrovo. The Bulgarians suffered heavily In the recent engagement from the fire of the French three-Inch guns. ELECTRICAL "'ORKERS RETURNING TO WORK SCHENECTADY, N. T., Oct. 25 With the exception of members of the machln Ista' union, virtually all the 13.000 em ployee of the General Electric, company. FRENCH MAKE GAIN IN THE CHAMPAGNE Parii Wax Office EeporU Capture, of tn Important Position After Desperate Fighting-. GERMAN LOSS SALT) TO BE HEAVY PARIS, Oct 25. An Important success by the French troops In the Champagne district la announced by the French war office thla afternoon. In spite of a. fierce resistance, French troops, following a prepara tory artillery fire, occupied an Im portant position, known aa La Court Ine. The losses of the Oermans are described an serious and the French took 200 prisoners. The text of the communication follow: "In the Champagne district our troops yesterday won an Important eucca. The enemy occupied. In front of their second position, a salient, strongly or ganised, which had resisted all our previous, attaca. In Its southwestern part, on the northern slopes of Hill No. at a point two kllomters to the north of Mesnll Les Hurlua, thla salient Included- a very important position called 'La Courtlne.' which we have captured after heavy fighting. 'La Courtlne' ex tended for a distance of 1,200 yards, with an average depth of 150 yarda, and in- tt'tin kavl han ,.n atrtklh tllPM WMkl for an elht-hour day. returned to work to-: clu,ln or four 'lines of trenches The machinist, between IWO and 3.000 In number, remained out In accord ance with the vote In their union last i night not to accept the agreement be tween the company and the strikers' grievance committee for a nine and a half hour day at a wage Increase of 6 per cent for the present, with an addi tional t per cent Increase and a nine hour day a year from now. Mlntetrr Ut Testimony. The Rev. C. M. Knighton-, Havanna. Flo,, writes: "For three months I suf. fered Intense pain in kidneys and back, which at times laid m up entirely. I read of Foley Kidney Pills and after trying various remedies without result I decided to try the Foley treatment I was relieved almost with the first dose and It I a fact that I used only IMi bottle when all of the pain diaap. peered. I am H years of age and now feel Ilk a young man again." Boll every where. Advertisement connected up with underground tunnels and the customary communicating trenches, all of which waa organised for defense. "In unite of the thoroughness of the German defensive works and the feroc ity shown by the German soldiers, our men were successful after a vigorous preparatory artillery fire, and as re sult of violent fighting in taking posses sion of this position at the end of the day. The losses of the enemy were se rious and they left In our hands 200 prisoners belonging to three different regiments. "There has been no other action of im portance on the remainder of the front." Carpet Aaetloa Open. NEW YORK, Oct . A carpet auc tion of 100,000 balea and -oils of ruga and carpetlngs opened today and will con tinue during the week. The bidding was nctlve and price were within S to 7S per cent of the fall list Cotton good", steady; yarns, firm; raw silk advanced 16 cents a pound. Thotcipson-Belden & 0 Why a Redfern Corset? We have often been asked why we put so mnch faith in the Redfern Corset. These are our reasons; The Redfern models that we sell all win so many friends. The Designs each sfa- eoti delineate go well tho line of faahion. Redfern Fabrics In their texture are ko soft yet strong. Their Boning seems to he the last word In flex ibility. Clasps tapered away nt the top give a freedom around the dlaphram that Is Impossible with heavy c eel and yet have the neceasary strength for adequate imp port below. Fin&lly A Redfern corset once fitted always fits with a lux iiriou aegtM of easy comfort. So Why Not a Redfern Today? We eaa build the elggest trnak te order, or handle the smallest repair work, beoaoae w Uk small repair job. Aal we U alt kins of rood trnak, grlo and salt os at reasonable prloee. Freling & Sfeinle nKixi-i BUST BACKIAQE UUDEH. 1803 Farnam St. French and Herbs Wis Victory. PAIII8, Oct 26. French troops gained a brilliant aucceas by effecting a luna tion with the Serbs at Krlvolak, says a dispatch to Che Petit Paiislen from Athens. Th dispatch, dated Baturday, saye: 'Bulgarian troops In force were at- II oc tors Office, Are Robbed. PIERRE, 8. D., Oct. 26. (Special Tele gram.) Dope thieves entered the offices of Drs. Rlggs and Gearhart, and the dental rooms of Drs. Tweedle and Ison berg some time between Saturday night and Monday morning and carried off all the cocaine and morphine they could find, securing but limited amounts at either place, aa only a small stock la carried. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackago proves it 25c at all druggists. SMALL BOY INSTANTLY . KILLED BY BROTHER MARTIN, 8. D.. Oct. K.-(Bpeclal.)-The 4-year-old son of William filers, a ranoher living near LaCreek, was ahot and In stantly killed by an older brother while they were Playing with a shotgun. The father and mother had driven their chil dren In Wagon to the Holy Rosary mission, on Ihe Mil Ridge reservation near here, and left the children tit the agon ,hll they chatted with tho at the mission. In the wagon was a shot- u n which the father through an over sight had left loaded. The carge entered th skull of the little boy from th back and the range was so short that half his head waa torn away. Yerarteat Oraer. WABHINOTON. Oct. (Special Tele gram.) Nebraska pension granted: Mar garet osoy, omnna. ill J. K DEATH RECORD. lit Aatoa Nelaoa. MADTBON, Nob., Oct . (Special) Anton Nelson, died Suddenly at hi home In Wtit Madison, early Paturd&y morn ing with paralysis. He waa born In Rwo den. September 18. 1K71. and emigrated to this country la 1W, aettllng at Leigh, Neb. He came to Madison two year ago and engaged In th meat business. On Jun tl. im he was married to Tekla Nelson, at Leigh. He la survived by his wife and nine children, Anna, Oladys.. Agnes, Terry. Clareno, Harold, Ixralne. Pauline and baby Roy only atx months old; also hy three brothers and six sisters, Mr. Oeo. O. Orubb, Mrs. C. C. Hardy and Axul Joel and Nela Nelson, of Columbus, Nee., Mr. J. A. Klbler and Mra J. 11. Moeller, Leigh, Neb.. Mr. C. C. Ruth. f Hhlck ley. Neb., and Mrs. Henry Knudaon of Newman Grove, Nob, Funeral aervlces wer held from th horn at 10 o'clock yesterday. Ur- K- Farmer of th Pre- i byteraln church, officiating, and Inter ment waa In the Columbus cemetery by the side of his father and mother. Mr. Nelson had recently purchased and just moved Into his beatlful home In West Madison. Mrs. Mary A. Brraat. TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Oct Ei. -(Special.) Mrs. Mary A. Bryant, wife of J. W, Bryant of Tabl Rock, died at her home at t clock Saturday night after an "III. naa or many month of cancer and dropsy, aged IS years. Mrs. Bryant was born In January, 1843, D Indiana, and waa married te her husband March IT. uao. ana moved to low six years later, ana te Nebraska In 1K76. Funeral aerv. . toes were held at th Methodist Episcopal cnurcn today, she Is survived by her agwa husband, two sons, Justin and Wll Ham, and two daughter. Mra. J. A. Ro- den and Mrs. L. L. DeHart. all of this vlctntty. Mra. Joaaaaa Waal. MADISON. Neb.. Oct. . (Spaclal.)- Mra. Johanna Wahl died at her horn, la North Madison early thla morning of old age ana general complications. Johanna Conrad waa born In Uermany ISM, coming to America la ltsM. In lk ahe was mar ried at Cross I'laina. WU. Ehe and her husband came to Madison la ItM. where she ha since resldd. Blie Is survived by two eons, John and Jacob Wahl. and two daughUra, Barbara and Francla Wahl. ail r whom are at home. Funeral aer vice will b held at I o'clock Wednesday vornlng at Et. Leonard s church. II. II. Ratfcasell. PIERRE. 8. D., O. t. K. (8pclal Tete f ram.) H. H. P.athmell, one of the first eltlera to locat la thi city,- coming Sere la lata, died at his home her last bight following a lingering Ulnea from Blight's disease. poetmaster at Alaska, Walworth count Kouth Uakota, vie J. I), elhanaenbac esigiKd. The comptroller of the curency haa ap proved the application of the following persons to orxanlsx the First National ank of uood win, . l. capital, i.uuu: I". Anthony, j. A. Tnronaon, cam net Lewleon, Joseph Itebel, H. E. Rohweder nd Y V. Anthony: (succeeds the SUate lank of Ooudln. Applications to convert approved: The Scandinavian Hunk of Vlborg, A. D., to the First National Hank of vlborg, cap ut jiooiii; the cent Pi I htate nam or Hsytl H, IV, to th rist National bank of Haytl, capital. fK.OuO. Iffnry (Imlcrt ha been appointed Exquisite Hair Tinting There Is a new preparation on the mar ket that la so entirely harmlea and so easy to us that ther la really no excuse for any woman (or man) to longer tol erate gray or streaked hair. 'Brownatone meets and ovorooma every objection heretofore found to hair stalna and Is so pleasing In Its uniformly splendid results that It ha within a few months mad thousands 'of friends who could not how be Induced to uae any thing else. 'Brownatone" la th result ef moat exhaustive experiments and Is absolutely guaranteed satisfactory or money will be returned. It positively cannot be detected, will not rub off or wash off, and Is harmless, and permanent In every way. Prepared in two shade on for golden or medium brown the other for dark brown or black. Also In two sues, Bc and II. A A trial alas and an Interesting booklet will be sent upon receipt of ten c.nta, or we will fill your ordera oirect if your druggist Insists upon substituting. Insist on ' Brownatone at your hair dresser's. Mails only by the Kenton rnarmacal Co. E Pike flt.. Covington. Ky. toia ana rrconimenaea in umana uy Rhrrman A McConnetl Drue Co. .tores and other leadlug dealers. Advertisement jQQ nft -Srv 9 Let the Wvliatjlley Sjpsssa' Vajim Bay's Wmk (Shetsff PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Virgil linker, assistant city pataenger agent of the Chicago Ureal Western, hu gun on his anneal tacaiion ef two weeks. Captain rhala of the railway mall rvi haa goo. te- Oilcag ea vff total bualueas. TO EE GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE On Thursday Evening, October the 2 8lh, at 7:45 P.M. Dy tho Central: Furniture Store Big household article of aervlos-gtr Ing quality. A Famous Commerce Range, a Medal Dockash Base Burner, a Comfort Hot Blast Heater, a Mattreaa. a Cleaawell Washing Machine and an ddrldg Family Sewing Machine, AU ef the above art e , a ar so on exhibition In our show windows. For full Informa tion in regard to their distribution call I at our srtore. Life takes on a rosier hue when- you let the Spearmen comfort you. UJrigley'G is JOY IMMENSE for 5 cents. The longest lasting goody you can buy. It keeps the teeth clean and bright. It prods a lagging appetite. It puts a poor digestion right. An agreeable breath is more to be desired than the odors of . dining or smoking so. use IVtUGLEY'S. Two delicious flavors. Write to IVm. IVrinley Jr. Co. 1232 tCesncrDIdg Chicago tor Spearmen Jlngto . book. alr-tlght mm . Chow it after every meat GET OUTl AND GET QN TOP! some: joy h quiT youk iJ Monarch Weather Strips Keep Out Draughts Why buy Storm Saah, when you ran have Monach MWal Weather Strip at lea cost, and get 7i per cent more efficiency? SAVES YOU FUEL DUST Alts BOOT. Hakes window and doore perfect top all rattling, gtooa pay for Itself. Oct price, literature, eta from . F. H.Turney & Co. 603 Wars Block, Omaha, X. 5t3. THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT FOR LIQUOR AND DRUG USING The KEELEY TREATMENT re- Aovea the craving for Liquor and Drugs and leaTee the man Waster of himself. IT IS THE ONLY TREAT MENT THAT WILL DO THIS, and; th. only on. that cures alcoholic. and drug inebriety. This treatment haa restored over 400,000 men and women who were addicted to liquor and drugs: among the number are orer 300,000 physicians. It Is the, PIONEER In this work and haa many Imitators, but no rivals or: competitors aa far aa RESULTS are, concerned. During th. THIRD OF A CEN- i TURY that thla treatment baa been continuously , and successfully ad ministered, nearly two thousand lm ttatlon, or alleged "cure" concerns have started out aa our competitors; today scarcely a dozen survive. Some of them so cloeely Imitate our claims,. literature etc., to such an extent, aa to Indicate a pre-determined intent to deceive. They appear almost under every conceivable name, fool the people for a little while and pass on Into oblivion, forgotten by the public, but not by th. unfortunates whom they deluded and duped Into trying their methods. The one regrettable fea ture Is that they ahould be able to deceive any through false preten sions, or with their absurd and pre posterous claims, tor In many cases they drive all hope and confidence out of th. lives of those whom they have thus misled. If you need to take treatment for the Liquor and Drug addiction. Inves tigate THE KEELEY TREATMENT. a treatment that la known the world around and which is- recognised by the public and the medical profes sion -tos the SUCCESSFUL TREAT MENT for these addictions. Look up some of our former patients, whom you will find In every com munity. They are healthy, happy and prosperous; many of them will tell you that they would not be Utt Ing today If It had not been for the KEELEY TREATMENT. All busi ness and correspondence with us la strictly confidential and all inquiries answered In plain sealed envelope. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE esth and Cass Streets, Omaha, Neb. AMUSEMENTS. sm a w r :ii ' - - m mm anvi mi" m m ar ti ILMBrts1s)rf-ts Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday DOROTHY BERNARD In The Little Gypsy A' Quaint Story of Scotland. Priday Mile. Petrova, in "The UampirpV; THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER AMUSEMENTS. BOYD TOMORROW Mrs. Fisko As BECKY 8HARPE, hi VANITY FAIR ORCHESTRA A PIECES. Thursday, Friday and Saturday "THE WOMAN NEXT DOOR" With IRKNK FEN WICK. Begi !' fmnday for Tonr Dayg FRANCIS X. IU SHMA.N In GRA178TAKK OMAJKa'a TV CXaTTXB" Dally KatlS-SS-se Brag la-SA-oO-TM rsTsn p.... pat CM. Kusioai Clears ! Bnrlaeqae Aa inliKU at BmuIt. Wltb a.4 .pluaor. Tk. kKHitttai fVik." Bt bm4wu Hi.w wt CltorttlM Ottlr Musical Hhow I. low.. OorMu. Siwftrta.1 Nov. HI Bmui; Caora. of M. IVaSl XH Mattae Week Dar Where the Omaha Bee Universal Animated Weekly May ; Be Seen FARNAM THEATRE CAMERAPHONE i GEM LOYAL PASTIME LYRIC' MAGIC HANSCOM " ' ARBOR rVY PAJiACB DIAMOND . BURT ALMO OMAHA, " . BENSON , FLORENCE QRAHOEISlTonigh! wed. A. K. WOOlM rres.Bta "Kick In" 'Assst. Wn. MAT, Sflo to (1 BT-g, ssa ta $10 S DATS BBO. TarrjrmSOAT, OCT. SSta XSWA&JQ LTSOH aag ABBOCXATB VXATBJtfl V "7 ICeyS Baldpate" Matln.e is. SScj Kre'ra SSo, 3 So, so. S 130 fc S 4A p. U. CERALDINE CAR TJ1E N TO DAT AJTO WBUSTBSPAT admlaaloat 10e Befor . p. m. SOo After S. aa I . Fkoa Xoag. Tk. Onlr Hlsh CIm. V,u.nlll. Circuit Uallr M.Uufc ;k g.ry Nl(h(, 14. otkOT Acu tnia ml : Thi WILLI - rVl I uwi. hck Ailut i MUHHla Kid. To. 0.a.ml4u. . Four M.ladloM. itiu. nri.C Wants Dm. Otsms TraMt WMkiy. PHlm: M.UM Oallarr. iti bxi mi, east ist.rau sjU Siu4ajrt. V. Num. tut, ate. SONG RECITAL BEULAH DALE TURNER Soprano Tuesday Evening, October 26 T, W. C. A. Auditorium, lTUi and St, Mary's Avanuc Madama August Sot-glum at th. Piano. TtekU f ! For J at Hoapa arid Ilaydeo' Mualo Store.