THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTORE1. 26. 1013. 11 HKAIj ESTATF XOUTH SIPK REAL ESTATE XOKTH SIDE DON'T FORGET The Big Auction Sale of Improved and Unimproved Business Property on North 24th Street Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 26th, at 10 A. M. Dowd Auction Co. Auctioneers The sale takes place on the property beginning at 1629 to! 1703 N. 24th street, and 1708 to 1724 N. 24th street. Six sep arate parcels of improved and unimproved business property all to be sold on easy terms of one-fourth down and the balance in small payments over a period of five years and with interest at six per cent. , j This is a genuine auction sale. There will be no buy-bid-j ding. We have had calls from prospective bidders and real es tate brokers who will bid for clients. We are sure that every property will sell. Every piece of property is owned by a non . resident and he instructs us to sell. If you want a banrain, bring $200 in cash and bid to suit yourself. Wheat Receipts and Sales Are Good and Price Ooei Up One to Two Cents. CASH CORN DROPS ORE CENT OMAHA. October . 11J. Wheat w a r-d seller todnv. tho receipts of this cereal totalling 174 car. '1 he sales were veiy alow, liul wneat aa quoted iflyo higher. Cash corn sold lo lower. There, waa a fairly active demand for oom. although the rerelpta continue light. oata were quoted Ho higher, with tew aalea reported. Hye down, eeltlng lifTV lower. Hurley was nominally unchanged. Liverpool clone: Wheat unchanged to lHd lower; oorn, unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were 4.47X.V0 bushels and shipment 3.nRS,nii bushels, against receipt of t,MS,0(m bushels and shipments of 1.9K9.O00 bushels last year. Primary corn receipt were 824.00. buh ela and shipments 818.014) bushel, against receipts of &?4,0 bushels and shipments of 3.880.000 buahela last year. Primary oata receipt were t 8M.01K) bushels and shipment 1.OM.0MO bushels, against receipt e of oiS.OtiO bushels and shipment of l,S3VO0O bushels last year. CARLOT RECKIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats, N. P. DODGE & CO. 206 Withnell Bldg. ron iievt Iloaars an ,1 4 ottages. North. , WALKING distance. 2638 Dodge, 8-room, modern. $-'5; Key, 2040; call Web. 4".'. 3J03 He ward St., 6-r. cjttage. water, gas, toilet, coiner lot. 516 N. 8oth. H. 7931. Soota. COTTAGE 4 rooms and bath; gas: no heat; good neighborhood; 821. 120 S. 34th.- H. 193. MUD. 8-r. house, lianHcom park district; newly decorated; fine condition. Call STRICTLY modern. 7-r., Hancom Park, cottHge. oak floors. 2.i. Tel. liar, 4JXM. 830 Georula Ave. eight rooms good fur race. Tel. Harney 2S10. 4-K. mudei i cottaee, 4.. Te, Hir. I. '64. J-ROOM, modern, 2969 Peppleton Ave. WODKhN 7-room house, 1518 Para Ave., 136. pnine Harney 15. 6T7 PAKK. AVE. H-ruam mod home, Vio; gnrae extra. Carey Cleaning t o. II. 7307. bkOOM cottage. Ill S. 2Mh St., 15. Water paid. LARGK 4-roum house. bet condition. moiiern except heat. $30 mo. &4 8. 21t St. Harney 2706. CL.USH In, uenirauie five-room tot ae, modern except furnace, 62S l?th Ave. Tel. Iouk1hs 4238. PARK AVE. Brick, modern. t-R. cottage; mod.: 1031 S, II. 2'25. West. T-r. mod, house. 8fi14 leivenwor'h. W. .. 8518 JONES PT.S-room mod., M. H 125. 116 N. r7th Ave., i-i. in,, tl. rvcy ,U . . tn. S-R. modern house, strictly modern; one blk. west Crelghton col. 6. Tel. H. XiUNDKE 7-roura house near car. D. 423 or Walnut 3117. . iel. Mores and Offices. MODERN store near potoifice; low rent. O. P. btebblna, 1610 Chicago St. Miacellsnvos. MODERN 7-room nouse; barn; good lo cation; 328. 4348 f ranklin wainut. hj 6-R. MOlF.RN house, S".Si. Web. 2o67. 4V ROOM modern cottage for rent. Phone Walnut 00. Globe Van&Storage Stoics move., packs, ship.; 3-Uurse ao and 2 men, 1 .25 per hr.; storage 8- per rit'. HmiMii' tion guar. 1. Ty. i30. FOR colored people. 5 an 6-ioom cot tanes, paitly modern. 18 ;0 1812 N. X& gt. fall lioug, 6790. BENSON ti 1 1 3 McKinley ht.. 6 rooms, electric IlKht. Kas. city .cla?f,r ganlenbjtrn. 115. Tel. Walnut 2..U. -' T.-SS Clark. 3 room. 14 lft-C No. 20lh, 4 rooms, Inside toilet. 115 2I6 Peward, 6 rooms, barn. $.18 25.V4 St. Mary's Ave., 6 rooms, bath. 130-652 So. 2Mh, 6 larije room, mod. FIDELITY iAfe MM Phone Dovglas 2S8 tor complete list of vacant bouses and apartmenrta; aiao lor torage. moving, l''tn and Jnckaon ra. Gordon Van Co. St til N 11th St. Tel DSMW Har. 1W7. OOOU auto sales room on Karnam St. Very reasonable ra'.. I1 Pout 40W Van ana bturaite Co. Call ua for es timate for mov- hlppln. 1711 Webster bL Maggard's tn, pactciikg. lQI)glHS Hafi. BEE the Central Furniture Store a FREE ,KKM lti l.l" l . 6EVEN and five-room houses; modern' walklag distance. Douglas 469. ITmiBPS CrelKh Son Co , Bee Bldg. tlOUBes in psrts of the city. JS- T J Exp. Co.. moving. I KPPfl packing A storage. eaa--ViCU. Farnnn. D. 14. WANTKD TO Bl'T OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. VMtl Farnans. Doug. 14 fetrlctly htgt grade piano Web. 3728. Tale bus everything 2d band Web. 4904! "WILL buy a Ford. 614 First Nat l Rank HIGHEST prices for old clothing. D. 4714. WANTED TO RENT 1 1 OR 1 rouius with heat, near cur line aj.d In private lanuiy of three. Tel. r-ovglas 69t4. REAL ESTATE LOANS 110 TO U.iMt made promptly. V. D. Wead. Wead Bdg., 1Mb A Karnam Sta. C1TV and farm toana, 6, bb. per ceut J. H. Tjumont A i.o. 4i6 State Hhiik A "For bale" ad will turn itevuud-Uand furniture Into cash- Vr MEu-tiisod luiiu and city loans lowest rates. PKTKHi TRU41 CO . JfiSJ Farnam. CIT1 property. Laie loans a specialty W. H. Thomas T2 Star" Bank Hirtg. OMAHA In. uit. kits'- NetirasKa tar ma. O'KEEKK REAL ESTATIC CO. im On'sne National Phune Q.ninla Wis. MONEY oi hand (ul Lliy and farm ljuns. H. W. Bli dt;i-. City Nji:onal ilank Bldg tic' CITY" IAJANS. C. ii. carlotrg. 110. Brandeis Theater Bldg REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Douglas 829. Prettiest Mile Florence Blvd. A High Class Proposition That must I snupped up at once. Owner lives In house and will not move after cold weather sets In. All modern 9-roona house, oak floors and finish, hot water lieut, fireplace, beam ceilings, built-in features, sun room etc. The lot Is finest on entire Prettiest Mile. It Is 100 feet wide by 840 feet deep; fine shade, hedge on both stiles, all kinds of fruit, berrlea, etc. Artesian well, that flows all year round. If taken quick this fall, you can buy this place for l.7V), on reasonable terms. Next door neighbor wants to buy 10 feet of thin at S&0 per foot, and you can make t-'iOO back right away If de sired. Ground alone here Is worth ovsr IS.ourt, and house Is thrown In at far less than cost. Must have quick action on this. Call Douglas KHl Monday for appointment or any further Information. IAJOK AT THESE BUNGALOWS. No. 3018 and 9024 Lafayette Ave., and ( rooms, with beamed cellngs, paneled walls, f.replRce, bookcases, buffet, chins, closet, lighting fixtures, plumbing, heat ing; yard sodded, south front; oak and white enamel finish: close In; lust east of hernia Psrk, In Montclalr. Call owner and builder for prices and terms. A. H. OIAISTEAD. Phone W eb. 3620. OWNER will sacrifice -r., strictly mod ern houfle, wiih larice s'eeplng room, oak floora, woodwork nicely decorated. Terms. Thone Webster 1127. &3d and Fort lot, 1200. Walnut 8064. REAL ESTATE SOTJTH SIDE Bargain in a Home Because the house Is now too small we offer for sale one of the nicest, coziest and best located homes in Omaha. On easy terms to the right party in order to make a jui k sale. House located at ;WS Marry, one block frn the I e.venorth Hne, ten mlnu'es' ride on street car; one block from drug, store slid tiU'Cery sloie; i-Je lo scho. streets paved and all paid for. In neigh borhood where lots are advancing In prico. High, dry and airy. House two-story bungalow, built about five venra: full hnp'Tient: furnace hent, hot water heater, electric and gas fix tures; line il.e piacc; nouse we.l cecor ated; llvini; room, 14x24; good dining room, kitchen and pantry, becond floor has 3 large, airy bed rooms, four closets and bath. This place Is worth looking; at and worth the money. 34,750. L. C. Roberts. F'H PALE Dandy full lot, solid ground. and cement walks; worth &0. Quick sale. two. Tel. Tyler 1764-W. REAL EST TE WEST SIDE WALKING DISTANCE 2i38 Dodge, g room modern house, first-class condi tion: ready to move Into; key at 2640, Don't fall to look it through. W. W. Mltcholl. owner. Phone Webster 4875. Near Bemis Park This Is the lusi ..ten that we are authorized to sell this Deautlful bungalow at the r.diculous price md l rmi pi veil below. Think of it: All tnouern, o finish, ' brand new never occupied, 5 rooms, fireplace, built-in features, extra large lot. etc. All for only -'" down and $ per month. Remember, this price and these terms are rock bot tom. H'Ue will be open Sunday. Call and see It, and. If intcreHted. let us hear from vou Monday. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SOX, 2c'l State Bank HMc 1'o.ig. .1.1' :. CHOIITECOITAGE, $2,150. Near 17th and Ames, ( rooms, all mod ern. Must be sold. Fur terms -e W. T. GRAHAM, BL10 BLDO. REAL ESTATF MISCELLANEOUS 5-Room Bungalow The owner of a practically new bunga low will sell It very cheaD and on terms. All on one floor. Oak finish, built In buffet and bookcases. Large floored attic; cement cellar; warranted furnace' HK lighting fixtures; large corner lot; good garage. CALL COLFAX 1465. TITB ART OF BELLING FOR CAhlL This little brochure explains fully how we can sell your real estate or business for cash, no matter where located We mean It. Write today describing what you have to sell, buy or exchange, and receive this booklet free. B. F. LOO4 CO.. 403 W. Walnut St. De, Moines. iL-Z Chicago 119 1W Jul Mitinespolls 1.83 .... ... 1'uluth l.S'-) Omaha 174 44 S Kansas City ,V4 2i 49 bt. Louis 3:2 ; 7o Winnipeg .... 4.303 Bales reported today: Wheat No. I hard winter: 1 oars. Wo; 3 cars. 9.c: 10 cars, 4c: ( cars, WV; 6 cars, 94 c. No. i hard winter: t oar. 9.1c: 1 car, 2V, 1 cor, 4c; 10 cars. 9oc; 1 tar. imHc. No. 4 haid winter. 4 cars, 92c; S cars. Me; 3 cars, tdvc-. No. 3 spring: 1 car. 97c. No. 8 spring: 1 car, M to. No. 3 ntixe i: 1 car t2o. No. 2 durum: 2'4 cars, IMc. No. 3 durum: 1 car, 93o; 3 cars, io. Sample: 1 car, 83c; 1 car, 8ic; 1 car, 88o. No. S relvet chatf: 1 car, 9iv,c; 1 car, 92Hc; I cars. Mc. Rye No. 3: 3 cars. 9,c No. 4: 3 car, 94c; 1 car, 93c. Sample: 1 car, Ble. Coin No. 2 white: 1 car, 6V. No. 5 white: Vk ear. ts,c. No. wlil.e: 1 car, 00c. No 3 yellow: 3 cars, 82o. No, 1 mixed: 1 car, near yellow, 8lv,c; 1 car, lc; 1 car, 6)c. No. 3 mixed: 1 onra, 4e. No. i mixed: 1 car, t0e; No. mixed, oc. t ats-ritandard: I car. &V; 2 cars, c. No. 2 whl.e: 1 car. S4'c: IS cars. 3Jo; 3 cars, 3lo. Sample while: 1 car S2Hc; I car, 82o. No. 4 white: 1 car, S3Uc; 3 cars, 33c. Barley Rejected: 1 car, 47c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 tur key. 97-itftSc; No. 8 turkey, W(f7c; No. 2 herd. 94flWe; No. 3 hard, 2((i"c; No. 4 hard, 8SW94c: No. 3 spring, Ito; No. 3 .spring, 93IU941V: No. 2 durum, 92 -lit Mc; No. I durum, y3tr3c: sample, 7!'u 88c. Corn: No. 2 white. doWMutt,'; No. 3 white. dUWo; No. 4 white. 69V4i80le; No. 6 white. MVi nc; No. white, 68 60c; No. 1 yellow, lHi3c; No. 3 yellow, 61Vfilc: No. 4 yellow. 6Kuii;iHo; No. 6 yellow, 60fc'li4c; No. yellow. afny(i!i(.; No. 1-mixed. otlfrllo; No. 3 mixed. HHtt "io; No. 4 mixed. W0Vc; No. t mixed, 59VtejOc; No. 6 mixed, oaH!). Oat: No. 2 white, SSMiiJtir; stajulard, Mtt No. I white, 33V84Sc! No. 4 white. S3S4o. Barley: Malting. 4i;JrMo; No. 1 feed. 4Vfi49c. Rye: No. 2, KiuViic; No. 3. 4W5c. Chicago closing; prices, furnished The Bee by Logan Bryan, stork and grain brokers, 815 Botith Sixteenth street: A r lc)s Open. HIkIi.I Low. Close Sat'y. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET stale, w ho.e milk, fr-eh fats, white and ' colored, peels Is. li'tiluV; avi rsne fnncv, l.",c It H't.TR Y AMve, pi Ices not ttled. lVe.ed. ate.idv: western freaK cM.'kr,u. barrels. 14.1.3c. fresh fowls, bed, lV'il'xc turkeys, fiosen. lMi'i.o. !M4t1 UKKkAL MIRKET, POt'LTRT Hens IxJIOe; broiler, INtjiflTc: springs, 10c; roosters, c; tur keys, lie; ducks. 1V; geise. full feather ed, V, squah, H V Ji' tir tlosun. KI8II Halibut. 11c: salmon red. i:V: salmon pink. !V, catfish. i-, bull ' 14e. lake trout. 15c; pike, y.c; whlletlnll. , lic; cropplea, 18c; pickeral, 10c. MKKK tl i-H-Ribs: .so. 1, l.-c; No. U . 1Wc; No. 3. 121c. Loin: No. 1. Vc; I No. 2, iso; No. 3. 14c Chuck: No. 1. 10c; No. 2, 1c; No. S. 9c. Round: No. 1. !4Sc; No. 2. 14c; No. 3. 13c. Plates: ! No. 1. 10i,o; No. 2. 9Wo; No. 3. 8e. I Fruit and vegetable prices furnished by Glllnski Krult Co.. V 7 T 'ITU i-llAM.lA ...l.H.l I CSX and 3J4. tf.60 box; la and tftW box; 1','Ks, 2tlM. 21, Jfnvs and '(, 3(1 ) box. Umom, extra fancy Golden Howl, ft, $... box; 3Koa, 1 60 box; extra fancy Bun- stt and ws, S4.0V lox: Ked Halt, M W box. Grapefruit. SKa, 4s, Ma and i sue. (. box. IVaohea, Colorado El bertas, o crate; California Halways. aSc crate. Pears, Michigan Keif era, 11.14 box; I Winter Nelll. I2. box; lluerre t'largue. tStO box. Grapea, Tokays, 31-35 crate;, Michigan and New Tork grapes, 23a bss- i ket. Apples, Idaho fancy Jonathans, 11.10 j .lonathnn. fancy, SI . Tf box; Jonathan, M.I . W W: Pewaukees. Willow Twigs, llunlstuana, 33 00 bbl.; Illinois Ben lavls. 1175 bbl. Bananas, medium fruit. $! b to $2.25 bunch: Clianguliiola aii.1 Port Lima, Jumbo. 4o 1U. VEGETARI.F0 bbs(re. 1V0 lb.: head lettuce, do., tl ; leaf lettuce. 40c; celery. Jumbo. 7,'c. wester 7no. Michigan. 8.V: onions, Washington red. 2c lb.; yellow, l'o lb.; tomatoes, California. I1.S0 box: j peppers, basket, We; parsley, dos., 3"o; . rutabagas, lb., lV,c: cauliflower, lb,, loo; wax and green beans, basket, 31.00; Span ish onions, tl W crate, lotatoes, t'ol.irsdo white stock, bu., 0c- Chios, &oc. Sweet IHitHtnes. ihamper, tl 00; Jerseys, bbl., (4 80; Virginia, bbl.. 32N. Nl'TS-Wnlnuts, No. 1. lb., lc; Brasils. 1SWc; filberts, 16c: pecans, 124c; alinnnds. Nonpnrells. lb, l!c; lrakes. 14o; IXl.'s. 17o; Ne Plus Ultra. lo; lnguldoos, l.Vs. Peanuts, No. 1 raw. lb., o; roasted, ai': salted, can, 31.15; Jumbo, raw, 7c; roasted. Sc. FIGS Box. 0c. MtOlvLLANKOrS-CrackerJack. case, 3.', 60; half case, II 75. Datea, dromedary, box, C75; sugsr walnut datea. Il.f'i. Honey, case, 33.75. Cvcoantita, bag, 14 W. Corn pip, case, 3326; half ewee, tl.tS; xpconi, 40 1-lb. pk., caae, 33.50. Airline. ae, 31.80. CHICAGO LIVH iT4 K M ARKET OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Large and Trade i Slow to Lower Lambs Are Steady to nigher. HOGS AVERAGE ABOUT STEAM OMAHA, October Jf, 1918. Receipts were: Cntlle. Ilcgs Pliecp rstlmste Mnndsv 18 nn Heme dy last week. . . .1:..1V Pame i week ago '9 74; Same t weeks ago 13 H fame 4 weeka ago 9,fl('4 8 0 3.VS J ?J8 3.7U 3.t 2e,0 41,77 ' 41.184 S.-.f4 13. 791 Same day Inst year.... .'l02 The fellow Ins table aow the receipt of rattle, hog and sheep at llis Omahs live stock market for Pie year to date, a compared with last rear: 1SMS. 1914 In Cattle (MS DTI 7M0O 191. 8T8 logs 7W I.!T77,1W 34 3M Bheep 3,724. SJS t,S.i4,3l9 8i.v9 The following table shows the average prices of hou at the Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Date I Wheat! I Dec..l97VuM7j 1 01H May. II 00"., I I i oo I i Corn. l Iec..l5ir,7t, May.58St1 Oats. I I Iec..!37.(&tf 38WTrS May.iasVW7! 3! fork, i lec.. 13 35 I 13 50 Jan..l 30-351 16 35 Lard. I Oct.. 8 774 Jan.. 18 95 -2V, Ribs. I Oct.l 3241 87H1 Jan.. 8 92S9.-.I 8 92H 87 1 00 1 01HJ 97i 1 004 ST74I 0241 1 03H4 I 5841 59'4A 58 37,;384IS. STS ss 3ii m 13 25 13 50 I 13 50 16 024! 16 i:A 16 36 7741 " I 95 I 8 97 I 7741 74 3241 3741 8 834fi 87A 8 88 9 00 t 374 8 90 A Asked. B Bid. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN M isjru .coal. 2V2 ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. Two blocks from car, nice cottage, city water, poultry.bullalnga, abundance of fruit. heaest of the kind on the mar ket. 34.260. Terms. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE. BLDO. i:eal estate for excil.nge 1U P. 42D Si. 8-r : all modern, for mod. 4-room cottage. Tel. Harney 2704. 5-room cottage. Council Bluffs, 80 acres lirlgated Colorado land; for lots or Cot tages in Omaha. Colfax . REAL ESTATE FARM st HA.MII LANDS FOB SALE Callleravla. Live Oak UoIuihm, ujm better. W t. enilth Co.. K18-14 t'ltr Xat. Ha. D. Sxia Kere nf the Tradlnir Closing; Prices em Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. Oct. 26. Wheat made rapid advance in value todav, owing to unset tled weather In Canada, to Improved export hus.ness and to the fact that the United Htates vlslb.e supply totnl did not Increase as much as expected. The mar ket closed buoyant, 2V3c to 3o net higher, with December at 31.014 and May at IL03S&1.034. Corn finished l'xtric up and oats with a gain of fee to i'le, but provision uncliangod to 200 down. Strength in wheat was preceded by something of a break at the start. How ever, the bearish effect of continued blr receipts at Winnipeg, Minneapolis and 1'uluth was soon much more than offset. Rains north of the international boundary threatened to Interfere with the free movement from Canadian farms and to cause d'image to great quantities of un protected shipments awaiting the arrival of car. Besides. European demand seemed much more brink than has re cently been the case, sales of sOO.OOo bush els being noted, exclusive of futures bought on on foreign account at Winni peg and for seaboard account In Chlcarro. Comparative smallness or the United States visible supply Increase was Imme diately offset by an active milling de mand here and especially for red winter wheat. In this connection It was pointed out that the entire stock of all grades nf wheat In Chlcna-o had been reduced to less than ono-1'lfth of the total a year ago. Decided significance was attached to the advices that cash wheat at Win nipeg had gone to a premium as com pared with quotations at Duluth. Com w?nt upward ss a result of tb strength of wheat. Fine weather did but little to check the advance. Signs of a good export demand helped to put firm ness Into oata On the bulge, though, country orrertngs increased. Provisions sagred owing to lack of aggressive support. The trade virtually Ignored an advance In the price of hogs. NEW TORK CR7VERAI. SfARKRT Quotations af the Dar Varloas Commodities. NEW TORK. Oct. 25. FLOUR Un tett.ed: spring ratenta. 34.3 tffi.rk: winter ! tatents, 80 Wi(65: winter straights, 3515iy Kansas straignts. 2o.wi. WHEAT Spot market strong; No. 1 durum, 31.12 f o. b. New T-irk; '.. 1 northern Duluth 31.00, and No. 1 north ern Manitoba. S1.04. c I. f. Buffa.j; fu ture were firm; Dceinber 8108. CORN Pp-jt market, steady; No. 2 yel low, 7674 prompt. OATS Spot market firm; No. 1 white, 41&414C. HAY Firm-Prime, 3185: No. 1. 1.?Vi 1.30; No. 2 tl.tttn.20; No. 2, II.05&1.10; shipping, flff e. HOPH- Sternly; stnte common to choice, 1915. 2itiTic; 1914, Silic; pacific coast. 1S15, lilBo- 1914. 111013c. HIDK3 Steady; Bogota, 308tflc; Central America. 29c. LEaTH K R Firm ; Hemlock firsts. 323 23": seoon-ls. Sltfl2e. PROV'SIONS Po'k. steady; mess tn.OO 4U7.U); family. tJlSofi il ; spot market clears. tl8.5U'fr20.bO.. Beef. tulet; mess, tl6&O&17i0: family. tl8.O0KI19.5O. Lard, lasv iniddb; w st 19 1 tc 0 TALLOW Steady; city, 74"i special. gc; country. 7(7'ii-. BUTTKR Firmer; receipts, 4.918 tub: creamery extra. 2ftU,:&4c; firsts, Z1W 28V4c: seconds, 24l27c. EGGS Steady : receipts. 5.B90 cases: fresh gathered extras, 3luS7c; extra firsts. Demaad for Cattle Umettled Hogs ad Hheea Weak. CHICAGO, Oct. 25.-CATTI.B Receipts, Wn head; market unsettled; native beef stis-rs, 3i.0iii 10.4U; western steers, flft! 8.(15: cows and heifers, 32.804j8.30; calves. Si.nnrio 73. HO).1 Receipts, 17.000 head: market weak at 5c advance; bulk of sales, to.DOip 7.55; light 3H.aT7.90; mixed. 36.lvV.U.; henvy, 3j.654jfc.0o; rough, 36. U.; pigs, 34.0ma7.a5. 8HUICP AND LAMBS Receipts. 20,000 hesd; msrket weak; wethers. ti4titt.60; ewes, S3.754i6.75; Iambs, 86.5iKU8.80. I Kanans City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITT, Oct. 23. CATTLK Re ceipts, 4,600 head; market lower; prime fed steers, 39.65(310.25; dressed beef steers, tvS.OtrV hi); western steers, 36 Mi V50; stookers and feeders, i.50y.30; bull, S.i.00 4H1.2."); calves, S6.fl(Wi10.(. HOGS Receipts, 6,700 head; msrket higher; bulk of sales. t7.1J4r7.4n; heavy, 17.u04i7.2o; packers and butchers, 37.1ji4 7.60; light, r.Oiiji7.60; nUs. 36.00tf6.75. SHEKP AND LAM BR Receipts 8.200 head; market higher; lamb, 8 2i.fJ3.7i; yearlings. 36.507.25; wethers, .".7ru.50 ; ewes, to. 40 6.00. t. I.onls Live Stock Market. , ST. LOUIS, Oct. 16.-CATTL1C-Re. celpts, 8,200 head; market lower; native beef Bteers, t7.50rt?10.2S; yearlings steers and heifers, t8.50ul0.25: cows, t.0O4t8.0O; stockers and feeders, S6.0nlj7.76; southern steers, 3T.2&t.50; cows and heifers, 34.004P 6.50; native calves, t6.0iK411.00. HOGS Receipts, 4.500 head; market steady; pigs and lights, 36.0ivy7.4f;: mixed and butchers, 37.2547.(6; food heavy, 37,75 fjRW. SIIKi:i AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.700 head; market steady; lambs, 38.00Vfj 9.00; sheep and ewes, 8.UXfi.fiO. Oct. .. Oct. T.. tvt t.. Oct. .. Oct. 10. Oct 11. Oct. 12. Oct. It. Oct. 14. Oct. IV Oct. IS. K't 1,. Oct. 18. t I. l i Oct. 30. tot. 21. Oct. ri. Oct. 2S. Oct. 24. Oct. 25. I 1011 1910. 3 401 T f 8 47 7 54 in ti; IN t a, rents higher basis. Quality wasn't any thing to brsg on, the best lambs h-ro selling st t ,0 although tops are nom inally quoted as high n 8 76 Some fait IV PchmI stuff sold around tv60 with plainer at ILfoNiS .V. Demand for feeders was broad, and anything at all good sold Iron tn pos sible a little higher, tme string of fording; Isuiba, about the best ttoslly straight at lvtf her w hili NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Last Week's Renewal of Activity Resumed on Large Scale Despite i,i Hen,--1 xxcnance weakness. iisnr ai s.v.. wtnie itiner sti r - of fairly fleshy stuff went o thn ETERXINO FAILS TO LOW POINT country at 3 5ft. Whatev nsed stock was left for killer found very hard sledding again this nioinlng. and prices continued to slunui, declines of K15 cents, and In spots as linn h as J5 cents llng quoted. I'p t noin no ewes hml suld over t-'i .w, and it looked very prohsole that this would be the outside figure. A rouplo of loads o good wether were unable to beat Nl'W TORK, Oct. r.-l.t week '. tiewal of activity waa resumed on a hu ge scale iixtsy regard! as of more acute weakness In foreign exchanges. Ie tiiand sleil.nrf fell to 4l-4, a decline of 18 points irom the high point of a few weeks- ago when the AnRlo-French loan was In prooea of oonsummatlon and oniy t-'.8i and a little bunch of yearling and 114 points above the alarmingly low level wemers too s m. ranters arc. layturi 1915. i 1914. 1818. 1I2. I T T 7l I 20. I 33, I T SJS. 7 5..I T Ml 1 Tl S 4.(1 T 94 T 371 7 M T7. IR d I 06 T 7 90 I 77) t 47 I T M T i4 f t S 80, 34 t 23 8 3IS I Oil 8 NOi 6 3l 8 2.1 111 S 7 4.., 8 Ski 24 I 41 7 70 I .4l 7 341 I 101 (17 13' T 31 S 3-j T 3u I 041 3 S6 ( 87 8 87 T 40 7 21 7 ?' 8 8u! J 49 t 48 S S3 7 3i 7 )i 8 77i 30 I 1 44 I 7 2j 7 . I "!4I 8(1 I M I J714I I 7 8C S si 31 T 37 3 i 7 o4' I k .1, 6 ;I7 8 7 39 7 1' 941 T 75 t 30! S fi t 41 7 28 I 6 Mi 7 6J I S3; t Sol 8 31 1 51 7 24' 94 7 60, S 481 S 441 T M T 2f l J OS, J 57 8 88 I 3ki I J S3 9I 7 M . .1 6 3a 8 5it, I 7 39 7 67; 8 46) 24 3 4,' 7 M took down nn muttons end current vhiiiii are 5iTi75 cents lower than at the high time last Thursday. Quotation on sheep and lambs: Imbh. good to choice. 38 tvVnx 7R; tmh. fair la Frood, 88 6iiii8.60; lani. 37 7;we8.50; year Inits. fair to rbolce, S6.ilV!t.(tO; yearling, feeder 3.Oivr7.00; wether, fair to choice, tR.fcvtiwm ewe, good to choice, t5.t54f4.5ft; ewes, fair to good, 4.75tl'5.2&; ewes; feed ers, 4.kMff..50. 88 Nat. feeder lambs 79 8 35 Too Much Water in the Sand Hills for Good Duck Hunting iXwrnd" ' (His, these gaining 8 to & ! 1'nlted Ktate Steel's suiulay. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the I'nioi siook yards Omaha lor twenty-four hours enulng at i e vloca yes- iciuait; RECEIPTS CARLO AOS. Cattle llog.iicp.H sea. C, II. V St. P 8 8 Miseoun 1'HCIflc .. 1 I iiKin Paolno 88 C. N. v., east .. 17 C. k N. W., wusl..lt7 C, tt. P., M. o.. 6 1 ., 15. Ar vj , essl.... 3 C, H. A W , wet....r I'., R. Lai i'., east.. 10 Illinois t cntiai .... 80 Chicago ut. west.. 18 12 2 13 45 1 is 21 4 I ec u, led In, August. Most other tonus of foreign remlttences were lower, Including francs and lire, while nmik were Inclined to yield. It I tirocinium Incress.tiKly evident that the only solution of th.s problem lies in the establishment of new foreign credits. Con ferences with this end In view were held by International banking Interests todny and some definite adjustment is soon probable. The higher price scored today were again limited to so-called war shares. Among the new record were Maxwell Motors common, tip li points to K0i, the second preferred 8i to 84; National F.nanicllng and flumping 24 to 3Hi, and Atnerlcnn Linseed 3 to SI1. Among the other auhstsutial gain of the session were General Electric 13 to 18ut; 143; New York Fertilisers and 5. coure was Enroute home from a hunting- trip Into i watched with ieeial Interest because of the sandhills 8nm F. Miller, genernt j ,lomLorrow " meeting of ulree- frelght agent nf the Northwestern, Is In hi,k- opened a fraction higher, soon Ml the cltv. Here he will lie met by Mrs. I nvrr a point and was hevlent at the clow, vim.. ..j ..i,. in ..,., ,,. I losing 1V at 85. The best opinion la Miller and together they will visit friends j UlHl no ,. on ,he Cfmmon dividend a few days hefore going back to CM- will be taken. rsgo. According lo Mr Miller hunting .,Kr'"" w"r the outstanding fetiture of . , , . , ... the railways, the common advancing .is not as good usual at this season of 3 to jj, ,a (iKt preferred Iv to ert'i the yesr. Relative to It he said: nnd the second preferred a'i to 48. -Thefs.1 flight of duok. ha. not started I reeTo'"" ..0.: from the north, probably due to the warm I nly second In activity to Hteel, the fle w eat her that has prevailed. There are mand for thle slock lielng among the few still Ursa .Hmiui,. -..I... A,i.-.m ik.t ' impressive reaiures or tne aay. nan in sun large numbers of native dvuks that ( K,nm,, Bnd specinltles shaded conslder hsvs hatched along the Nebraska lakes, ably toward the end, some standard 1s and sloughs, but they hsve boon shot at I making moderate net losses. Total : rn i r-s wrm a, 8.i,w Kimrrv. 1 108 Total receipts ...833 42 Oi&i-visriiuN-HKAl'. Cattln. Hogs. 8h p Morris Co bwtft and Company Cudahy backing CO Armour Co bcli wails 44 Co , J. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing Co foil ih tlnuiha Pack. Co.. Armour, 110111 country... Corn Mate Storing Co.... W. H. Vansanl Co .1,14.) . 8S2 . kill 2 84 3 278 1W SJl 41 ll 2o4 103 1.0,5 3.8,11 8.U1 2,ii 1 U.703 gloas . ( Itr Live Stork Market. PIOITX CITT, la., Oct. 2B.-CATTLB Receipts, 7,.i00 head: market steady; na tive steers. t-l.0OviJl.26; cows and hotfers, t4,7"4iii.OO; stockers and feeders, 8t.7iKr 7.00; onlvea, 36.50UH.0u; bulls, stags, etc., S4.756.25. Hot IS Receipts, 3.000 head; market steady to 5c lower; heavy, t7.2fr7.3.; mixed, t7.?4r7 2': light, ft.Wffl.W, bulk or sales. t7.2"ij7.. KllliKP ANI LAM RS Receipts. 7,000 head; market steady to 10o lower; ewes, 34.751 5. &0. lambs, tl.5gn,10. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOfiKPII. Oct 15 CATTI.10 Re ceipt, 4,700-. head; market slow to lower steers, 37.0iil', .10, cows and heifers, tt.Ooitf t.00; calves, f J(y.50. HOGH Reci. s, 3,800 hesd; market steady to strong; top, 37.46; bulk of sales, S,'.lfiti7.40. PHEEP AND TAMBf4 Receipts. J00 head; market. steady; lambs, 38.0ot.6ac. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at tho five prln elnal western iimrkets: ... 7.) ... 4.500 8,200 ...17,000 Hogs. 3.300 2.000 6.7O0 4.500 16.01 8) Sheep 28 '00 7.'0 8,200 1,700 2O.0UO ...53.300 31,600 66,000 Caaaaa. FOR FALE OR LtA-li-Any part of 4.009 acres near Hcsetuwn, Baskatobswaa. 1 raised IjO.uOO tiushela of oats and i.ono bushel of flax m land thia year. Price cheap and terms very easy. Frank Craw f'iril. tieiaia. -eii., or Rosetown, GOOD cottage, nice lot. by owner, easy terms. Tel. Colfax 2448. fcundivy or p. iu. Nebraska. FOR KALE (no trade) oo acres of Ehert dan Co. land, a portion broken out; good for farming and slock ralxlng; half csh and balance on good payments Write Paul 11. lieebe. University place. Neb. FUR S ALU At a rrlfire. ftiO-acrf ranch In Huyd county. Neb.: nearly all fenced; two sets of building; i'u acnii under cul tivation; 60 acre of alfilia, plenty of good water; excellent grass; no sand; nopie tlnilir. Address John Stenronaky, Wagner. B. P. REAL ESTATE FARM Hl.Mil L18UI COB SALE. FOR SALE Best large body high-grade medium priced land In Nebraska; vary little money required C Bradley, Wei bach. Neb. WlMWMl. I PrER WlSCoNblN-tiesl dairy and general crop state In the union; settlers anted; lands for sale at low prices oa easy terms. Ask fo -booklet 34 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant- Excellentf .and for stock raising. If Interested In fruit land ask for booklet on apple or harrta Address Land and Industrial Depart.. fc Line Railway. Mlnneaooilf 'alna Mlaeellaaeeias. HAYS TOU A FARM FOR 8ALE7 Write a good description of your land ar.d send It to the Sioux Cltr, la.. Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-flvs words every Friday evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and H under rooming for one month, giving sixteen ads oa twelve different days for 31; cr U words, 14, or 78 words, M. Largest clroulatkMB ef aay Iowa news as per, SjO.OwS readers dally la lour great slat. Omaha Houx City .. Knnaas City. tit. 1-ouls Chicago Total Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 25. CO FFBI5 Fu tures opened at a decline of one point to an advance of two points, with prices higher on soma scattered covering;, while there waa little outside buying of later deliveries. The demand, however, was less active than recently. The market closed at a net loss or six to ten points. Bales. ;0,wm bag. October, 6.40c; Novem ber, .S'c; December, 6.4.1c; January, 6.44c; February, 6.4"c; March, S.Mc; April, 6.6ie; May, 6.60c; June, .ijs: July, 6.70c; Aumiut. 6.7jc; Beptember, 6.80c. Bpot market, quiet and unchanged. Rio 7 s, 7Se; Hiiii tos No. 4. '4c. Wuotutlon in thn cost and freight market ranged from 8.75c to .06o for Pantos 4's. Few offers were re celved from Rio, and It Is believed that Europe Is buying freely at that market. Hraxlllan milrei prices wsrs unchanged. Rio exchange l-32d higher. Evaporated Apple aad Dried Fralts NF.W YORK, Oct. 25. EVAPORATKU APPLES Firmer; fancy, 4yic; choice. 841-8' c; prime. 74"'rmc. DRIED FRCITS-Prunes, firm; Cali fornia, 3443 10c; oregons. MltVc. Apri cots steady; chobe, extra chnl-e, Vtf10c; fancy, lUillVfcc. Peaches, steady; choice, 4'utc; extra choice, &;ic; fancy, 641717.-. Raisins, firm; loosa muscatels, nominal; choice to fancy seeded, 7S'fikc; seedless, 9 11c; London layers, nominal. Tarpeatlao aad Heel a. SAVANNAH, Ua., Oct 26. TURPEN TINE Firm; AlJ,e; sales. 312 barrels; receipts. 215 barrels; shipments, ti9J bar rel; stocks. 10.M) barrels. ROSIN Firm; sales. 7R7 barrels; re ceipts. 1.1-U barrels; shipments, 1.010 bar rels; stock. LI.WJ barrel. Quotations: A. B. C. D. E. F, Q, H and I, t4 75; K; 4 0; M. 35.60; N, 36.09; WO, 34 2, WW, t6W. ' Bask rieartagjs. OMAHA. Oct.. 36 -Bank clearings for Omaha today were t3.7tx,21.34 and for the corresponding day last year. 3,Ub,Us. AUCTION AT POSTOFFICE ON WEDNESDAY MORNING Auction sale of iver 600 lost and un claimed packages of parcel post will be gin Wednesday at 10 a. m. at the post office. These packages are sold only after being held one year and after every effort has been made to find the owners. Th packages to be sold may be aeen and the contents examined at the postoffke any time before th sal starts. Almost everything Is there big can of toasted marshmallows, boxes of cigars, a violin from abroad, blcycl and motorcycle tires, tools, parts of macldnery, wearing apparel f ail kinds, alarm clocks, books, suns, eta. Kenton, Yausant at Lus.h-t-'0 Hill A Son 471 F. li. Lewis 20i Huston at Co 61 J. B. Root & Co 2i8 J. II. Ruda Ill L. F. HiiS 11 Rosenstock Pros 8t3 Met reary V Kellogg .... 418 Werthrliner Degen.... 818 11. F. Hamilton i Sullivan Bros 70 Rothschild & Krebs .... 118 M. A K. Calf Co U Christie 278 Hlgglns Roth 47 Maker, Jones Bmlth.... 78 Tanner Rroa 50 John Harvey 367 Cline 344 Dennlaon A Francis 43 Other buyers 1.8i3 Totals 11.004 2453 24.077 CATTLE Receipts this morning were liberal, being the largest of any day sine Mouuay iwu wee.. .u, uui mere was a splendid buying demand botn for beef and for feeders and recelpla were none too large to supply buyers' requirements. A steady market mignt nave oeeii ex pected bad It hot been for the demoral ising receipts at Kansas Cly. 4i,tiv h.aj of cattle lielng iKitel st that point, with orioes around 2m- lower. That, to gether wlti unfavorable advices frpnt other se ling points, rendered the market Here siow ana aliiue lower, nuycrs cautpit s, holiHSl liacK, wnn me emieni Intention of wwiting later reports iroin other selling Quints before transacting very much business. There was alao a good deal of sorting and shnplng up to lie done, witn ne reeun mat um iiwm uiri ,.r 1 he fnrannnn haA Daasud butors enough business was transacted to really cslubllHh prices. ... , ... in the end Killers sold at prices um were weak to 10c lower, while fenders ranged anywhere from about steady on the het to lid15o lower on the medium kinds. The quality of the cattle was poor snd some of the common feeders may luive shown more decline than that, but the general murket waa by no men 11 bad, connlderlng Hie large run and the de moralisation prevailing at some selling points. . Quotation on rattle: Good to choice fed yearlings, 38 On-aS.75; fair to sood fed yearlings, t.5u9.00; common to fslr fed yearlings, 34 KHil .60; good to choice heavy beeves, 3. 00Q8.76; fair to food oornfed Heeves, M.SOu 00; common to fair corn fed beeves, .7ljl.l0; prim grass beeves, tvoo-aflo, good to choice grass beeves, fl 60a8.U0; fair to good grass bevs, 37 .o t7.b0; common lo fair gfa breves. 86.00 27.00; good to choice glass hellers. 811 4.75: good to choice grass cows, t O04 1.40; fair, to good cows. .'. (KW.00; com mon to fair cows, M OotfC Oo; prim feed ing steers, t8.tAul.50; good to onolue feed ers t7. 407.86; fair to good feeders. 36.80 J.40; common to fair feeders. t5.50a.8u, good to chotcs stockers, t7.758I.OO; fair to good stockers. 3. 7oi7.75; common to fair stockers tfi.k..76; tock heifers. 85., tr7 .00, stock cows. 5.60C.3o; stook calvea 6.50Us 60; veal calves. 37.00&10.U); bulls, StsgS, U'., t4. 256.21. COW.1. No. Af. IT. Ma A. Tt. 18 8M 18 " rr6cKKRS AND FEEDERS. 1...,., rr st It 01 78 tl S.... 8U4 4 1 M 7 0S a ,im " WE8TERNS. Williams R Wyoming. 1W steers. ...Iu64 6 86 HOUS There was only a light run In slgat, sven for a Monday, the estimate calling for some forty-eight cars, or 3.3U0 head. This Is 6uU smaller than a week ago. but la larger than two weeks ago by 800 head, and Is a gain of l.Kio head as compared with th corresponding M011 oay a year ago. .... The trad opened out In fairly good shape this morning. Mupplles were light, and under the Influence of encouraging advices from oilier markets shippers showed more activity than they have for several days, starting out early and buy ing nearly a fourth of tne recelpia on a 60 higher bests. Must of their purchases were made around t7.35t7.40, and tope reached 87.4f. th highest price paid since lust Wednesday. Killing livga started selling on a fully steady level, but after a Utile over half the offering bad been sold, prices weak ened off and later sales were all of so lower. Closing values were week at tho, and It. lal irade waa p rue Ilea, ly lifeless, mere being several loads still unsold at a rather late hour. Bulk of all the sales landed at F-rr& 7.40, with tops at 17.45. The general mar ket, while far from satisfactory to selling Imerei-le. tlld not s.we uu iiiucn uif.ei ent from th average trade at th cios of last week. so much that they have become wild and It Is next to Impossible to get near them. "There Is so much water all through northern and nortttweMern Nebraska that when the ducks come In from th north their feeding and roosting will cover a wide area. During my residence In Ne braska I never saw so much water. The lakes are all bank full and low places and slough that heretofore have been dry are either lakes or running streams, wlille th abundant rslne have put the country In condition to Interfere with hunting, they have been of great benefr. to the rang. "Never have I seen such a crop of grass covering the ssndhllls as now. Those that In the pasttiav been bare, or prac tically so, are now covered to th tops. The frost has stopped the growth and now the grass Is curing In perfect condi tion for winter range." The wetern freignt movement I now substantially above last year and shows gains over 1013. The government cotton ginning report was without effect on southern transportation shares. ' Bonds were steady at the outset, but yielded slightly on Increased offerings. Total sale, par value, aggregated 34, tVAOOO. tlovernment bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks war as follows: Grain Starts to Move to Market While grain stocks In Omaha elevators ar far below what they were one year ago, th movement to market has set In and unless th stuff Is sent out about? as raat as It comes In, It Is expected that the normal will bo reached very soon. Now the greatest shortage la In oats and It la asserted that this Is due to the fact that farmer are holding both for feeding purposes and for th hop of higher prices In the event of a large foreign demand develops. Wheat receipts Monday were 1174 cars, soma fifty more than on th correspond ing day last year. Prices were 1 to I cents up, sale lielng mode at fWlXi cents per bushel. Com receipts were fair, with 44 car load on tho market and prices down to I cents, the sales being at .i63 cents. There were 68 cars nf oats, selling at 204114 cents, K cent down from Saturday. Stocks In storage ago In bushels: Wheat , Corn , Oats Rye Barley Totals now and on year Now. ... 3x8.000 ... 20.000 .. .8O8.O1 10 ... 15,000 ... 15,(100 Tear Ago. 600.000 M, S,S02.( 41,000 40,000 ....84.1.000 Th shortage la 1670,000 bushels. 3,413,00 Wroth Suing for Loss of Business Twenty-eight prospective Jurymen had to be examined In district court before a satisfactory Jury of twelve men was se cured to try th suit of LeRoy C. Wroth, proprietor of a saloon and cafe, against the Stewart Construction company, the Oross Wrecking company and the United States National bank. Wroth alleges that hi business wss damaged to th extent of 116.000 when tho sidewalk and part of th street Just above A Sixteenth street on Farnam street was blocked by the construction of the now United States National bank. Ne. ... 16... J... th... 78... 46... At. l"- Pr . (16 ..3,6 .n ..t3 . M ..14 Ml T It ) J T W S 1 8 M IK W 111 IM 18) 6 88 Ho. M . 66.., SI.., 14... 76... M.. PIGS. A. He. Pr. ... T ... l MTU .... Uu 7 lik ...., H 1 ,.,.U7 te 7 40 ....1S4 ... T 44 SHEEP Offerings wer th smauesl for a Monday since the last week of Aug ust. only about 106 cars pr . being reported In. In spile of this falling off In supplies, Kouth Omsha retained the lead among the western market, having almost as many as the combined esti mates of ChlcaKO and Kanaa v-tty. To day's run was 8,0jU smaller than last week, and 13.0nO short of two weeks SKO, but lO.Ouj larger than for th same day lam year. Farly advices from other markets were Of a bearish nature, but owing to the de ficiency In the local supply, and the fact that a good share of the offerings were feeders packers had urgent need o f everything that was here, and the market opened in good season with the bulk of th fat laiulis selling oa a strong to lw15 RAILROADS CUTTING OFFS0ME OF TRAINS With the tourist business of th aeason peering th end, th railroads ar begin nlng to lay plana for cutting off th ex tra passsnger train ervlo preparatory to getting back to normal conditions. Effective next Sunday the Union Pa cific will discontinue two of the Omaha- Denver trains, Nos. 11 and 14. Oolng west No. 11 leaves Omaha at 7:36 In th morning and No. it arrives at 13 55 In the morning. Next Sunday th Milwaukee will cur tail Its summer car service by cutting out Its through cars to Portland and Seattle, operated through Omaha In connection with the Union Pacific and Oregon Washington road. On th asm data the through sleeper and chair car service from Chicago to Denver, In connection with th Union Paclflo and by way of Omaha, will be discontinued. The Mil wsukee's through equipment on the Colo rado Express and the Colorado Special of th Union Paclflo will be continued. Alula OoM Alll-l-hlmr Amerii-an iteet Sugar Atserlran rsn Amerl.isn jnrmiftlw .... AmrliA 8. A R Am. " H FM Am. Ktrnr Ketlnlni Asierlnwi Tel. Tl.,... Amrtrn Totereo Anrsn1 Copper AU'lllnnn lisl'lwln IxK-omwIes Italllmnr ohts rteihlehcra Hteel Ilronklyn KnpM TrsniH.. fiilifooitta retmlum .... t'snaslsn Pftdflo ... central lathr iMMek a Ohio I 4il.-n O. w CIllr.KO. 14 St. P CMrssn A H. W t-hk-ann. K. I. P. Rr.. iThlnti lopper rolmtelo Fui'l & IrtiD fnii'lbl Hleel Ilenver A H. n. pffl litMlllcn' 8Mrltla .... Rrl !cnrl r.leetrlo Orest Northern Ms Orest Nn. Or ttf lluRRenhelm Riplorslletv. Illliintn ivntrsl Interbormmh Oe Corp.. Insutratlnn oviner International Harvester... Ksnaas rltr Houttwrn. . .. Ijrhlah Valler lmuUrlllv A Naehvllle... Mnaliwn Petrnlaum Miami Ooonor Mlaanurt. K. A T. pM.... Mlannurl Pai-trlo National Iiaail Nevaita ftoppsr Naw York (lastrsl N. Y , N. H 11 Norfolk a n-naium Nonharn Paelftn PaoiMr Mall Iiu tflr Tl. A Tel IVtinaylvanta PnlliliHll Pelaiw Oar Kay r.Hl. I'oppar Km. Una nepuhllc Iron a Kteal..., Bnatharn Parino Southern Ralliray stsnnsliar Omtpany .... Tssnssae Copper Taaa 1 'nmpanr tlntoa Pari tin Ilntoa Parlfls M finlled Histea Htaal It. . Steal pm t!Uh Copper Vat-ii Vnlon Waatlnxhoea Elsotrto ,.. Montsna Power Oanaral Motors 7."S 3.11 li,evi 4.w "iai 1."'0 7011 8.8'xl ltd Ik 600 6. tM 1.IVW 4 eno H.snn . i MO nn son txi 4 n 1.(0 16.800 . 14 1.400 81. mi .MK :i 7.1W 10,600 ''inn W.91'0 'i'liiai 8. tne 60 l,n eon am 1.700 r,.3"0 ,MI 1.700 Ufi 88 '00 t.aii l.nai I.Jon I. too :n 1,000 'siion l.ini .M 9M 2il HIth. Ixw. Close. 34 62 S4 US 46 43V, 4 f,va 44 88 81 U 714 'lit ati ! '-, M 118 lit . Ill P.'4H 1?4V4 . 1341 mt v 230 7i T4H t4 10T 10814 1"'a 1( 18 Uj 14 d-,14 .-, (so 6U (o 1....; 4) , ! 171 H 170'4j 1VS 6 l M'-k 6a4 J7S 67V 13 IS4 VIS IW'J 03 3'4j 1.11 IW1 l:l I7U, ltt tl m 414 4s ti r,M ; st.ia "'v. US 4 48 4i, 39S 11 I7ai4 vn 13 lll4j U1H U14 611 6'S 7i 87 17 17 UT 2i 1:14 !U, 46V4 444 1"4 ! H 8- 71 77 71V4 Irs 81 884 80 I4 14 84 14 14 l'4 6 4 4 87 87 H, 87 V, 16 14 14 ' 100 movi U111V4 NfS 6i 81 111 ii6vs nr.s m4 li-i't . . u. 44 4314j 1.7 S f,r :,vi 8i 1H 14 17 :! v IS 7S !, 61 s 6i VIS 7 Ma H V, 9n- Sn' ll 1-3 I4 er ? u 1.iv, V,6 13r,s IM, 186 U IH flT4 81 ati'4 f US', 7TH4 8 ! anvi 7, 74 7-jv, 11 R 67 K7 I 178 ' 873 Total aula for tba Say, l.luO.OM ahtre. THOUGHT HUSBAND WAS Oeorg Duncan, 1711 North Twenty-seventh street waa arralgnd In police court charged with being drunk and disturbing the peace. "I thought h waa only play ing drunk. Judge, until he began to abuse us,", testified Mrs. Duncan. "He was roaring around th house Ilk a wild man. He must have been fooling. Judge, because where could he get drunk?" "My dear madam." quoth Foster In even tone, "there are only about 400 sa loons In Omaha." "I know. Judge," replied Mrs. Duncan, "but this waa on Sunday." Foster yswned deeply and turning to the court wit inquired where liquor could be secured on Sunday. "He must have sent to Chlcsgo for it. Judge." replied th wit. Foster murmured something about patronising home Industry and wniWed Duncan beck to the bullpen. 8gr Market. NBW TOTIK. Oct. 25. HUG A Fl Raw. nominal, centrifugal, 4.3!ic; molasses, 3.63c. Keflned. steady; cut loaf, 6.13c; crushed, .of.c; mould A, 670c; cubes, 6.6"; xxxx powdered, 8 40c; powdered. 8.3Sc; fine granulated, Uf-c; diamond A, 6 2nc; confectioners" A, .2f: No. 1. 60. Fu ture opened quiet today and at noon prices were from 1 to 4 points net lower under scattered liquidation. World-Wide Move To Get Trade for U. S. Under Way WASHINGTON. Oct. .-Elaborst plans- for a world-wide campaign for trade by th United Btatea are revealed In the estimate ef th Department of Commerce expenditure for th next fiscal year to be presented to congress this winter. Through th bureau of foreign and domeatlo rommarc th department pro poses to aid American merchants and manufacturers lit taking advantage of opportunities now before them and In preparing for th struggl for th trade supremacy whloh commercial officials ar certain will follow the European war. Reorganisation of the staff In Wash ington and an Increase to about twlc Its present extent of the foreign com mercial service, are contemplated, ac cording to a statement today by Dr. K. H. Pratt, chief of the bureau. Appro priations will be sought to provide for extensive investigations of commercial conditions abroad and for tariff Inquiries by the cost of production given. . "Th commercial attach service haa been In existence Just about a year," said Dr. Pratt. "It has proved so use ful that an addition of ten commercial attaches will b recommended as purt of th general program of 'preparedness.' These attaches. It Is intended, will bo stationed in Japan. India, South Africa, Spain, Scandinavia, Italy, Th Nether lands, the Balkan states, Central Amer ica and Vsnesuebx and Colombia. "A similar Increase tn th bureau' work tn promoting trad with Latin America will be requested. This will en able the bureau to conduct a number of special Investigations there." Prlac ts ladlspoeed. BERLIN, Cel. 26. Prlnoe von Beulow. the former German Imperial chancellor, la confined to In room In Cologne as th result of a alight Ind sposlUon. ac cording to the Overseas News Agency. The prince is making a trip to Uaden Iladen and expects to resume his Journev tomorrow. A irm aconomtst lal la whr Tha fsrilal l' Dient V las Is Mfthf lb anion ot tun UlilM Is th Untuber 16 laua til Ti, 1: oll 1)I' lio. YlEW. A eopr o requrat. J.ihs stulr a ' MVuibav Nw Yark Stuck tnuii(,, 1 o. i, ! war. Naw Tar nty