Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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We Are Advertised by Our Customer
Special Sale of Ostrich Boas
Cut Flower Department 3 Big Specials
ft lnch Inn. In Mark, brown, navr, my nnd other colors:
rpr nhmlpii. lUaular I50P value, Haturclay
Sport Scarfs, funry Anrnra Fksrfa In white a.r.1 color.
Vrry atyltah and popular. L p from
Collar nnd rolUr nnd Cuff Rota. In tirltan nd other fancy lara-e llow, pink and whIU Chrysanthemum, regular tta 1 6
alt. Saturday. each ............... .
1,009 fin thitch Tulip Bulbs, Bainrd&y
aoh .
lArir Roatoa Ttorna, rvrular prio. 11.00,
HI) Ifn, in r-ifiiiiniiiti ri. rjrr mi w i mix - ' - sa.i yni. m i i i w hiim tmnn
A Bumper Crop of Values in This Sale of Suits and Coats
at) Ira, In Smtie rmbroldored. Fpeclal at lie, ic and
mm pnet
"Works n?o we jilnood orders for this apparel in nnticipation of a sale that would eompel your attention. These lots are not jobs, but fine merchandise ordered ahead and in such large quantities as to
bring big price concessions from the manufacturers. The values in this sale will come as a surprise they are remarkable in every meaning of the word. The variety of styles, materials, colors and trimmings
cover the whole range of fashion. On the whole, we offer them with a great amount of satisfaction.
The Coats, Smart and
s li iiiMIPiflS
CQ- - n I.,. - null li UimlJ
Ok m M:.y& ib
Three Wonderful Lots
of Handsome Suits
For choice of fine tailored, fur trimmed
broadcloth suits, made in the most up-to-date
models. Women's and misses' sizes. All colors.
Swagger, in 3 Lots
sntA i a r . - t- srr w - ' a e. i . w .ik as avj
A big assortment of coats that embrace every
thing that is good in coats this fall, in material,
style, linings, trimmings, colors, etc. A variety
that will make selection easy. Every size, from
misses' to extra sizes.
$11 E.Q0
1L ojf
Some wonderful values in plush coats, fur
trimmed and with wide belts, flared skirts and
heavy linings. Also the smart new fur tex, cor
duroys, chinchillas, novelty cloths, cheviots,
broadcloths, etc. Every wanted color and size.
$ 0.00
Many manufacturers' sample coats are to be found in
' this wonderful lot of coats, no two alike. Every good smart
model, "bowing the late foreign cuts Including the Sealette plushes,
fancy corduroys, new Shimmer cloths, fur tex cloths, etc. All the
mart, pretty colors and every size.
For choice of 125 beautiful suits, mostly copies of the lat
est foreign models. " Every good shape and curve is shown.
The belted Russian effects, the flared boxey coats and wide
full skirts. Most every one fur trimmed with popular furs.
For choice of three racks of suits that are the
most remarkable lot the season has produced.
Included are many new models in the famous
Fashionseal suits. The 6tylish broadcloths,
gabardines, poplins, whipcords, etc., are used.
The colors are to suit the taste. Sizes for misses,
little women and large sizes.
A. Big. Sale of Smart Outer Apparel for Our Little Friends
Girls' Apparel Specially Priced
Special It oMJIrls' Ooata, Including many
ample coat bought from a New York manu
facturer at a very low figure. We offer cholco
of. the .lot at thla price to make the selling
doubly Interesting in our girls' department.
Wonderful' cloths, good styles,-pretty- colors.
All aces, (1 to 14 years. Worth to
$8. 60; special. Saturday, at
AVre Girlie CAU, a lot of pretty coats In
heavy. woven materials, In good, bright colors,
for the tot 2 to 6 years. Chinchillas, cheviots,
clbellnos, corduroys, etc. Every coat a spe
cial value for this event,
; Chls' Velvet Ih-ciineni this lot Is ffom one of
orr recent purchases and Includes many dif
ferent model In girls' dresses, several good
colors. Ages 0 to 14 years. Regu- JC ff
larly worth to $10.00; sale price J)0UU
Serge-and plaid It rentes for Girls;, this spe
cial offering Includes many smart little school
frocks that come In girlish models -of good
serges and fancy plaids. The colors are all
the good, practical shades. Ages
6 to 14 years, at
Infants9 Wear
' Infants' Cashmere Hacques and Nightin
gales, hand embroidered and , ... yE
ribbon trimmed. Special .... .. HOC
Infants' Hand Oocheted , 1 n
Uootees, pair ... lvC
Infants' 811k and Wool Iloee, af see to
6. Black and white. Special OC
Saturday, pair .......,. muC
Infants' Outing Flannel . Sleeping tiar
menu, with and without feet. on
Plain white and colors J7C
Great Values in Boys Clothing
$5.00,,$6.50 and $7.00 Suits (JO JC
Overcoats and Mackinaw, at P
The entire lot of samples, garments of two of New Tork's best clothes makers, com
bined with another enormous purchase of splendid suits, overcoats and macklnaws, make
this sale a-sale of particular Interest fo you, parents.
Juvenile Suits,' in velvets, English corduroys, serges and cassimeres, in all the very
newest of styles.
Knickerbocker Suits, in a splendid array of patterns, many with two pairs of pants.
Blue Serges, Tweeds and ' Cassimeres In splendid shadings.
The Overcoats come in all the new styles of novelty mixtures and corduroys and
plenty of chinchillas in different shades in the lot; many of them are splendid $6.50 values.
A great variety of macklnaws Included. Extra values In smart plaid effects or plain
shadings in a choice of styles to please any boy. All ages, 6 to 19 years.
Regular $1.60 f1 Cf
Flannel Blouses, In five different Q
shades. . Regular 75c values, at...
Boys' Sweaters,
values, choice, at
Boys' All-Wool Sweaters, all
colors. $2.00 values, at
Flannel Sleepers and Nightgowns,
75c values, special 4tC
Corduroy Pants, dark drab 7C
shade. Worth $1.00, at DC
Flannel Shirts. $1.26 t1 Hf!
values, at .pX.UU
Principally black ' sailors and turbans,
trimmed In fur effects, gold and silver or
. naments and trimmings nnd poudra ostrich.
Included are a number of all black, hats
for mlddle-aced women ' and matrons.
Values to $7.60.
1800 New Trimming Effects
. Worth $1, on Sale Saturday at 25c
A message from our buyer who is in Chlcsgo. advlsos u that this
wonderful purchase has Just been made, and that he la sending them
forward by express.
We consider this one of the most remarkable purchaws we have
ever made. It Includes feathers, fancies and fur novelties; all clean,
fresh merchandise and packed In the original cartons. They rf
are worth up to $1.00 each, but the low price fbr which we .7C
mirrtiatnri them miiiM.i i rr.. k ..lip. I.I Cturriav nt w
r -
Ho siery and Underwear
. Women's I'ure lye Thread Hilk Ho-lery, plain and fancy. Full fash
ioned, high spliced heels and tov double soles and t?S
wldo garter lops. Worth $1.0i'; par OlC
.. Wo"""n, Kl,k ' HlHr Silk lle, black, white and colors.
Full fashioned and seamless, some with fancy boots, all with o C
reinforced soles, heels and toes. 60c quality, pair OcC
Women', Kiler Silk I5wts and Kllk Mle Hone, In black and O C
white. Gurter tops, spliced heels and toes. Special, pair ZjC
t-hlldren's KcIumiI II. e, medium ribbed,. double knees, heels and
iwB, iwwu -Tifcu. iMai ft ui.u wDiie. ortn IVC
special, pair .......
.Men's Klbrr Kllk lloae, black Maco cotton, split
soies, isc quaiuy
;.. 12ic
Knit Underwear
. Women's Tnion Suits, la part wool' and fleecy lined cot- 'nr
tons. All styles, worth to $1.60; special, suit IvOC
' Women's I'lilon Huhs, fleeced cotton In cream. Only high f? f
neck.and'long sleeves, ankle length. All aUes. $1 quality, wilt.
Women' Fine Cotton Huiu, light fleece. High neck, long sleeves
Dutch beck,' elbow sleeVes; ankle lengths. Oft
Worth to 6c. suit JUC
Women's Vekts with long sleeves. Anklo pants to match Heavy
fleeced cotton, cream only. Regular 69o AQ
quality, narment HOC
U omen's st with long sleeves. Ankle pants to match. Fleeced
cottons, reguJar and extra sizes.' 36c quality, on sale . rtf
in baaerutDt, garment awOC
ClillUrfu'. and Jlojs' fleuvy and Medium Weight Fleeced Cotton
Vulva feiiita, cream snd gray; All sliea to 16 years. , , Cfi'
bpecUl. suit .' OUC
. Mii.Mw' iuiiI t'MMrrn's I-wK hlteel Vents, Ankle Pants to nr
match. In fleeced cotton. Worth to Joe, special, garment aJt
Jewelry Sale Saturday
An Immense Stock of Watches, Diamonds and High Grade Jewelry at
niue White, Perfect Cut IHa.'
liionds, average H -carat, 14k
solid gold Tiffany mounting.
Regular price $76,
sale price
Blue White, Perfect Cut dia
monds, a vers re 3-6 carat, 14k
solid gold Tiffany mountings.
Regular price $80. dCC fift
aaje price. ....... lUU
1-3 Carat Blue White Perfect
Cut Diamonds In 14k solid gold
Tiffany mountings. Regular
price $4 8.00, sale J27 50
1-3 Carat Pure White, IVifect
Cut Diamonds, regular price
1-H Carat Pure White. IVrfect
Cut Diamonds, solid gold fancy
mountings. Kg. d10 QQ
price $20; sale pr. la&.70
Men's Watches
7 Jeweled Kltfln, In guaranteed
20-year gold tilled case. Regu
lar price $12.60; .dC ff
sale price pJJVJ
17 Jeweled Klln and Wulthain
Walchea, in guaranteed 20-yeir
gold filled catea. C(
f 22.60 values, at. . J 1 aCi.OV
7JewelM New York Standard
Wat die. In aolld nickel case.
Very tine watches .and perfect
timekeepers, $6 val- 0 QO
ues; sale price..... JaUi.70
ai-Jev.ele Father Time 10
Klze Wsifh, - regular price
ay0:,"1'.... $18.50
Ladies' Watches
7-Jewcled Klglu Watches, in
20-year guaranteed gold . filled
cases; O site, open face and
hunting. These are all standard
high grade eases. Itecular price
$12.60; sale
7 -Jeweled Standard Movement,
In ' guaranteed 20-year gold
filled Hunting . and open face
rases. Regular price $10.00;
Ladies' Bracelet Watches, 16
Jeweled lever movement, very
small, with a detachable brace
let. Case and bracelet 1-4 gold
and guaranteed for 26 years.
Regular price $16, fc1 f. fift
sale price P lUtUU
Solid Gold Jewelry
Solid Oold Links, except post.
Regular price $2.00. i ff
sale price J1.UU
Solid Jold Scarf Pins, Cf
$1 values OUC
Solid Oold Cigar Outlfera,.
$3.00 to $5.00 val- f Art
ues, 8a 1 price vl .vlv
Solid t.uld Genuine Cameo
Uruot liea, reg. price J0 tZf
$7.60, sale price. . . . spO.OU
Solid (jold llruH'lies, $2.00
and $2.50 valuea, ti ff
sale price vliUU
tlonuine Coral Cameo Rings,
solid gold, $4 and 44 QQ
$5 values, sale price. P 1 UQ
price . . . . ... .....$5.00
Novelty Rags and Purses,
some gold filled, others sterling
silver, $4.00 to $10 J1 ff
values, at )1 UU
SterlliiK Silver Match oq
Safes, $1 values....... utC
Su-rllnv Manicure Pieces,
worth $1.00. I
each iUC
TMKh lowder Jars, ft OQ .
values, sale price 0C
La Vallieres
Solid tlold Pendants, beautiful
designs on solid gold 1 nn
chains. Sale price. . P 1 UU
Solid Gold Ij Val- J - QQ
lieres. $4 values . . . . J 1 IO
Solid (Sold Ij Vallieres, set
with real pearls and real cut dia
monds. Regular price $20.00;
sale CI 1 QQ
price J A 1 .70
Men's Watch Chains
Flneat Gold Fliled lapel or
Coat Chatua, soldered links,
guaranteed 10 years, Q
$2.00 values, special. ... OaVC
$2.60 and $3 values, at. .$1.00
Mantle Clocks
S-Day Mahogany Finish Man
lie Clocks, strike gong, half
hour on cup bell. Regular price
$6.00, sale J0 Q
price J)a5i.JI
Black Enameled Mantle
Clocks, 8-day time, porcelain
dial, strike gong, half hour on
cup belt Regular $7.50 values:
sale w QQ
price j).-iv
Real Mahogany Upright Man
tle Clocks, porcelain dial bev
eled cut glass in sash and bezel;
strike gong, half hour on cup
bell. Reg. price $10 JC ff
aale price JJ.Vl
Gold, Brass and Bronze
Clocks, one-day time. Regular
price $4.00, sale J1 QQ
price Pl.i70
Ivory Clocks, one-day time,
$1.60 and $1.8 val- & (f
ues, aale price J 1 JJ
Gold Filled Jewelry
Gold Filled Scarf Pins, beau
tiful designs. Regular ("A
price $1, sale price.... OUC
Gold Filled La Vallieres, sol
dered link chain and beautiful
pendants. $1.00 tfi
values OUC
Curf Links, finest gold filled
and band engraved. Reg- nQ
ular price 89c, sale price aw iC
Jold Front Links, reg- l Q
ular price $1 rIC
Ladies' Bracelets, $2.60 val
ues, guaranteed 10 J4 3lk
years, sale price. ... Pl 0V
Ladies' Neck Chains
Finest Gold Filled Iocket
Chains, soldered links. Regular
$2.00 and $2.50
values, at
Finest Gold Filled and Sol
dered LI iik Neck Chains, $1.00
and $1.50 values,
sale price
Bringing almost 150 dozen kid gloves, worth to QC
$1.50 a pair, some worth even more, at. .OuC
Most of these gloves come from a ship
ment recently arrived from Europe, and
while the majority of them is entirely per
fect, a very few dozen, not more than
perhaps 5 per cent of the total quan
tity, have Very slight spots from moisture
during ocean transit. We mention this fact
rather in order to give you the reason why
we sell these goods so cheap, than because
the damage is worth while mentioning.
There la an excellent assortment of black
and white, tan, brown and gray, also white
with heavy embroidered black backs. These
gloves should ordinarily sell up to $1.50 a
pair, some are worth even more.
This opportunity Is so extraordinary
that we expect to sell the total quantity within a very short time, there
fore we advise you to be on band promptly at 8:3,0 Saturday morning
In order to share In this extraordinary sale or almost 150 QC
dozen kid gloves, worth $1.50 a pair, at. OOC
Hair Ornaments
Finest High Grade Hair Orna
ment, casque combs, pins and
barrettea, set with all color
stones; beautiful designs. Worth
from $3 to $4. sale
price, each
i i .
All black imported kid, white piped, in seamless style; button and all
patent leather lace, seamless style. Hand-turned soles, full Louis heels.
Beautifully made, most graceful for this season. 67 rtfY
. pair ? ,UU
All widths and sizes. Special
"Carlisle" Shoes for Women, all styles In these famous shoes. Tops of
genuine Burker mat kid, corkscrew cloth, genuine calfskin and patent
kidbklns. Honest all the way through in the best of styles, perfect fit
ting in every way. All widths and
Special, at
"English" Style for Women, In dull calf and patent leather. Low heels,
straight lace; splendid styles for school wear. (fo At;
All sizes, pair ' PO.7J
$1.50 and $2.00 Corsets in
Odd Sizes for One Day, at $1
There are a number of models, some are medium bust and well
boned, others are low top with soft boning and free hip.
All sizes in some models, at
Choice of 75c and 50c Brassieres, front or
broidery or lace trimmed; sizes 54 to 4S.
Special at
back closing.