Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    HIE BEK: OMAHA. SATriiOAY, (KTOUKU 2.1. 1915.
I I (
i 1
It is Beneath the Dignity of No
Man to Take His Stand for Christ
Th tlU which the nov. William A. us tursnr ef tlf. Tou don't kaow but
Sunday cave to his irrmon Int venln,
t the tabernacle win "Fcues." The
sermon wit an arraignment of men and
women who matt xcuses for not ac
centing Christ and refutation of their
arguments. Mr. Sunday nald:
John v, 40: "And ye will not come to
Ma that ye might have life."
I think of all the words that ever fell ,
from the Up of Jesue of which we have
record, to my mind these are among the
Ood came to you and offered salvation,
and you spurned it; and after you have
run tha earthly career and gone Into the
grava. then you will Just think over your
Ufa and remember the thing that kept
you from taking your at and for Christ,
and you wilt think what a fool you wore
to do It
Nobody la lot because ha naeda to be
lost, because the salvation of Jesua Christ
cover all tha sins of all the people. He
tasted death for avary man.
Man to not lost because of any pur
pose or decree on the part of Ood.
We all deserve hell If we get our just
deserts, for salvation does not come as
a reward for merit. Everybody la weak.
but God's strength Is made perfect In
weakness. Don't look at your weakness,
but at tha Saviour that you have. Well,
then, why don't you come to ChristT
Kept Away from ln.
Well. I hope tonight, with tha help of
Ood, to answer a few fool excuses peo
ple offer. I don't know whether Ood
Himself would answer them all or would
try, but I will try to answer a few of
In tha first place, because of sin. Bin
has kept multitudes away from Christ.
Moody preached one night and pictured
ain in all Us black repuislveness, and
when he gave the Invitation a man lifted
his hand, and a worker went and talked
with him and aajd:
"Will you give Mr. Moody your handT"
"No. I won't. I'm held in the meshes
of an awful sin, and as a result of In
dulgence In it, I make money out of It,
and to take Mr. Moody by tha hand
means that I would have to give It up,
and I won't do it."
And he turned his back on Jesus. Bin
is keeping many a man from Jesua Christ.
With others It is the love of money,
Many know that if they become Chris
tians they would lose money by the deal,
and there are certain thing In your busi
ness that you would have to give up If
you became a Christian and took your
stand for Jesus Christ
Many a man will not aacrlfice the
crooked business or the crooked price of
an honest business.
There Is many a man chooses a larger
Income and turns Jesus Christ down,
Many a man would have to give up his
Suppose that you get $1,000 a year and
live for twenty years, that would be
(20,000, and you would sell your soul to the
devil for $30,000.
If I should tell you you are not worth
that you would be offended, yet you cell
your soul for less than that.
That la what Is tha matter with the
whisky business. I know of brewery em
ployes that have taken their stand for
Jesus Chrlet, and they have gone back
to work only to ba discharged because
they choae to ba decent. Better men In
the town have given them jobs that are
paying them far better salaries.
Baaiaeas Dishonesty.
I will tell you:" I would rather walk to
heaven over a rough and stony road with
bare and bleeding feet than to ride to
bell on dirty money.
Say, God will damn in the hottest way
any merchant that will make his clerks
He to sell a few dirty goods from hia
shelves, in order to put money in his till.
He will damn you, wherever you are.
Thera is many a man grown rich by
over-reaching his neighbor. He robs the
widow and tha orphan. He does it by
legal means, he Is too sleek to get caught
in tha meshes of the law. He Uvea In a
magnificent home, and he rolls down the
street In a faultless equipage, and aome
old fellow with a child stands on the
atreet and says:
"Thera goes Mr. So-and-Sol And his
ham la known and honored, and It'a only
necessary to attach hla name to any
project lo insure success, i wian yuu iu j
that you are listening to your funeral ser
mnn tonight.
Vanderbllt was talking with Garret, the
vice president ef the Baltimore St Ohio,
about the Investment of H10,W0,(f9. when
he fell dead. All that he had could not
give htm the naaurance of sitting there
and flntuhlng that huslnera transaction.
The world ran glva you no hop. The
love of money la keeping men away from
Jt sus. I don't believe that any man ever
lost by being decent. If I was In busi-
nea snd could not serve God In It, I
would get out of It. Nobody ever lost by
being decent and by being a man-nobody
on God' dirt.
Again somebody says: "I would, but I
want to naive a good time."
well, so do I. God bless your heart.
you never looked Into anybody's face who
had a better time than I do.
But I don't hav to fill myself with
boose and go down the street whooping
use a itimancne Indian or a maniac.
What do you think constitutes a good
Some little fool thing you have be
tween you and God. Will you put it be
neath your feet and b a man, or go
through the world and be a fool? Ood
doe not ask you to glv up things save
those that do you harm, for the Lord
God la a sun and a shield to those who
put their strength In Him.
I stepped up to a young girl on tlm
and said: "Ar you a Christian T" "No."
"Do you believe that you ar a sinner?'
"Do you believe that Jesua died to save
you?" "tea." "Why don't you be a
Christian?" "Well. I win have to give
up so much." "What?" "Welt. I don't
Ilk to tell you." "I can guess in five
guesses. First, you dance." "Guilty!"
Uoeaaed It First Time.
Ouesaed It the first time and I have
four guesses left.
I can tie the average girl up in one of
five thing.
I said: "I.ook here, do you believe that
God loves you?" "Tes. He loved me
well enough to give Jesus Christ to save
me." "Do you believe that God wants
to keep from you anything for your
good?" "No." "Are you big enough fool
to want to keep anything for your In
jury?" "Why, no."
"Billy's" Picturo of Heaven
Po you see a fellow come down and
glv me hla hand. I he the fool or nro
I ouT
Takes Ortt Maaaaa.
Will yn? Not Then you ar a fool.
A fool la a fellow that has not decency
enough to do It "The fear of mnn brlng
eth a snare."
Nevertheless, among the chief rulors
also many believed on Him, but they did
not roa fees Him lest thsy should b put
out of th synagogue, for they beloved th
glory of men more than the glory of Ood.
I tell you this a 0xl-hatlng. a DIM,
hating and a Chriat-hatlng world, and It
take grit and manhood to llv for Jesua
It doea not take any manhood to llv
(Contlnuod ofaeevnTCoiumn Four.)
"Well. then, give your heart to Jesus. nd tould not get any light, and finally
God wanta youto aive that uo. and the he threw down aome- loaded dice, and
devil don't, and If you are big enough ': "Now, I can glv you my hand."
fool to keep what Ood wants you to give
up, which will injure you, you are a
aid: "I never heard It put that
way before and I am not a fool; I will
give you my hand."
What you give up Is nothing compared
to what you get. , It to not hard to give
up tin if you are going to get gold; or
glass If you are going to get diamond.
No, suppose a fellow is keeping com
pany with a girl, and sh was on of
those fool kind of girls, on that put on
everything and overdid everything, and
wore a great big string of beads around
her neck and brass earrings with glass
Another fellow came forward and strug
gled and didn't get any light, and pretty
soon h ran hla hands down Into tha
pocket of hia pantaloon and pulled out
a pink flask of whisky and said: "Now,
I can pray."
Then, if It Is hard for you to giv up
th devil to get Jesu Christ, If you lie-con-
a Christian, think Of what you
Sensible Standpoint.
Than look at religion from a sensible
standpoint For no good thing will b
withheld from them that walk uprightly.
Whatevtr may ba your lw about the
inspiration of th Bible, If I ever found
In them and ahe thought people Imagined , a that was specially written for
that they were diamonds and rubies, and' Omaha, it was this on:
I i HT Vi .... nf man hHnfAlh annr
sho put on all the ribbons and filagree
businoss and this young fellow was en
gaged to her.
No sensible young fellow would get en
gaged to a girl Ilk that. But you can't
tell what a fellow would do. But sup
posing that, for the argument, that he
was. He said to her: "Look here, every
body is making fun Of you and your old
bras Jewelry. Glv It up,"
"Look here, I lov you, and If any
thing Is needed to demonstrate that fact
It Is that I have promised to marry you
But if it comes to giving up the Jewelry
for you, I will Just have to giv you up."
fllres Her Real Jewels.
But he com back th next night and
has a brown leather box, and he pushes'
the spring and pulls out a string of real
pearls, and saya: "Thow your old dough
beads away and I will glv you th real
And he takes up a diamond ring and
it Is a beautiful one, with a Tiffany set
ting, and he says: "You must glv up
that old brass ring," and he says, "take
those old brass rings off and put these
! solltalrss on." ,
Would it b hard for her to glv up
And when th Invitation ia given, mul
titudes know that they ought . to be
Christians, but they get cold feet right
there, and alt glued to th seat, and all
heaven could not Induce them to take
a stand for Jesus. They aro afraid that
somebody will laugh. They are afraid
that some member of th lodg would
laugh at them, or that some old whisky
soak will glv you the horse-laugh.
Bay, t had rather be brave and decent
and brave enough to walk on th side
of Jesus Christ and live en th aid
of Jo-us Christ and livo for Him, and
tot eona old devils her In Omaha laugh
at me because I did It than to refuse
to do it and tot th devils laugh at me
through eternity, because I was not man
enough to take a atand.
You know that on the first day of
April all of the fools In America will
try U fool all the other fools In lot of
fool ways.
An old farmer went Into a bank and
drew a wallet of money, and stuffed It
down In his pocket, and wa going along
looking trp at tha skycrapsrs with hi
little bird tall whiskers sticking up.
After a while along came some foots
out for a blow-out and they saw th
pocketbook lying on the sidewalk, and
they had picked up some things and had
been given tho horse-laugh, and they
mere afraid to try It again. ' They stood
ther daring each other, when the did
farmer steamed up and grabbed tha
pocketbook and counted th money and
aid: "April fool, you darned fool, you."
"Utrg Smif Aft'
$20 Suits
Saturday for
A $5.00 saving said for men and young men of tho very lat
test stylo ideas in ready-to-put-on high grade suits.
Seacombe Grays
Soft handsome shade of Worsted. Cheviots, Tweeds and Oxford In
regular models; two or three button; full shoulder, medium lapel;
full serge or mohair lined; a conservative stjrle.
Worth 120.00 Saturday .'
Staleybridge Stripes
English and regular models In blue, black and brown: full lined;
patch or set In pockets; narrow and regular shoulder; (1 J" ((
two and three button; wide lapel styles, f 20 values, foi J lwwU
Blue Piping Rock Flannels
Heavy weight. 1-4 silk lined sleeves silk lined, Inner seams nllk taped,
welt outer seams, patch potkets, wide soft roll lapel; C ff
full English, serai and regular models. A great f SO val. J 1 0UU
So Dongln Street Window Come Early and Save S5.00.
at $10, $12, $18, $20, $25, up to $40
of the best and richest materials possible from the best known makers.
New styles and patterns In plaids, checks and mixture kerseys and mon
tagues, In colorings and sires to please everybody 810 to $50.
SOME SPECIAL VALVES In Halmacaana, patch pockets; and lined;
double faced fabrics, plain and velvet collar Chesterfields, full silk lined,
t 815.
New rail styles of Man
hattan Shirts, fl.30, $2,
2.00, ts.oo.
Our Special at.. . .$1.00
A crest selection of
son hats, 93.00, M and M
t'rofut A Knipp'i, rc.h-
plete lines at $3.00
Bora Specials ga.00
Fall Weight Union
Kulta Cotton and wool
mixtures, $1.00, $1.50,
corvmoHT ii
do something- more than to stow up to '"" diamonds? No. It would b
emulate hi example."
nv, mnA kv. hi. rila anil there la an !
uproar and a fuss, and a pow-wow over Jhl Hall, and said: "I want to Join
hi old carcass at th funeral and they;" ehurch." He said: "U Is one thing
pass resolutions as long as from her to ; to ioin th church, and another to be a
the back door, and send a copy to hla wife Christian, but, of course, you will hav
and member of the club, ana tn loagc-.
and all th other thins he waa a mem
ber of, stating whereas and whereaa and
resolve, etc, while the bones of his vic
tims II rotting yonder la the potter's
Tell m that ther I no hell for a
scoundrel Ilk that?
Hard to gave Shylocks.
Like th young airl who came ta Pr.
to agree with certain things.
"What do you mean? If you mean
that tn order to be a Christian that I
have to give up dancing, I will not do It."
"And you will If Ood wants you to!"
And she said: "Dr. Hall, It It come to
choosing between Jesus Christ and th
dance, I hav no hesitancy in telling you
that I will choose the dance," and th
nnn tnrti rtl Visa a-hrlr nrl Wfnt nut
Man will llv with no thought about : ,nto tn6 wort(1
You say: "Look here, I there nothing
Ood la business, home, society or the j
company that he keeps.
I had rather undertake to save ten
drunkards than one old financial Shy
lock It would be easier.
A friend ef mine went back to his home
town In Ohio, and ther was a rich man
there who waa very 111, and be went to
relieve those that were watching by hla
bedside, and he sat talking with him one
night, and the death-dew waa on hla
brow, and the death-rattle in hla throat.
It waa t o'clock tn th morning, and the
aick man rolled over and said:
"Say, do you know a place where I
can Invest my money at 6 per cent first
mortgages? am only getting I with the
money In the bank?"
Ther wa that old sinner Only four
hours from the hearse, and Instead of
getting ready to meet God he wa won
dering where he could get per cent for
hi money.
Borne man says: "You glv me present
possession; I don't care anything about
futur hope."
Supposing tonight that you were worth
tl.OuO.OOO and had a beautiful home, and
war surrounded with a retinue of serv
ants, but knew that tomorrow morning
khea th aun arose, and tha banks opened,
snd th court convened, that you would
fee proved to be a defaulter and an em
Veszler and apend the rest of your days
a th penitentiary.
Or auppose that tonight you are a hobo
ad a Weary WUlle, and haven't th price
if a sinker, and hav to crawl Into a hog
tot or straw stack to steep; but you know
hat tomorrow morning when th sun
'tsea, and th banks open and th court
Convenes, that you would be proved to
heir to tl.MO.OOO?
Would you rather hav present happi
s or would you rather be th hobo?
Vould you rather have present posses-
Son and hell at the end. or the other
ayT Tou would ay: "Giv me futur
P; newer mind about present poasea-
AU the wealth of th world cannot giv
to giv up If a man becomes a Christian?"
In Iowa a young fellow was praying
A! sun
On Face. Inflamed Very Badly.
Got Worse. Would not Sleep
Because of Pain.
"My trouble begaa with a chapped facj
and after a month th chapoeas turned to
ringworms. They wer about th sis of
a peony and war masmed
very badly. They used to
Itch and burn and when I
scratched them they would
get wore. Bom sights I
would not sleet a wink
Biaraiy because of tb pain
and Itcbia.
"Tb trowbto lasted about
a Bonth barar I aaw Cu-
Ucura Soap aad Ota Ma so advertised aad
I mt for fre sample. I used according to
directions, aad th nrst Urn I used It say
he was better so I bright sum mora.
Ia about on weak I was aeelad." (Bigaed)
William B. Nawby. 64 W. ard 8W. Chi
cago, IiL. March e, lla,
Sample Each Free by Mall
With 82-a. 8 kin Book oa request. Ad-
drew post-card "CatUau-a. T,
. Bol4 threugoou ta van,
Vituperation is not argument, maledictions do not scare as, misstatements are not convincing Some day there will be a return to Sanity, we will
await the final verdict, and will not indulge even in the retort courteous. "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that ruleth his
spirit than he that taketh a city." IF JUSTIFICATION WAS NECESSARY SURELY WE HAVE IT. Now let's dwell on pleasing things-let'i
tell you of the attractions at KILPATRICK'S SATURDAY.
Ours Is a Great Handkerchief Store
Kerchiefs Ireland, France, Spain, Madeira, Bohemia, Switzerland
and even Belgium for men, women and children.
For women Plain hemstitched, all linen
3 ub. Initials for 5. (Shamrock
embroidered, fancy corners, whit and col
ored, lOt. . t
Various all linen, Bhamrock, embroid-.
ered, white and colored borders, 15 each.
400 Different Styles Get thatT of wom
en's all linen fancy hand and machine
mad, whit and Aalnty colors, with rolled,
narrow and wide hems, 25 each.
A large line of women's all linen, hand
embroidered initials, colored and white,
25S "nen, Irish, Spanish and Ma
deira, hand embroidered handkerchiefs,
fancy hemstitched and acalloped borders.
In white and dainty colorings; also Ar
menian lace edged, embroidered corners,
50 ch
A great variety of women's fancy, all
linen, fin handkerchiefs, Swiss embroid
ered, Bohemian and Madeira ditto from
81.00 to 813.50 each.
Real lace handkerchiefs in Duchess and
point, 83.50 to 812.50 each.
A nice line of men's and women's corded
borders, hemstitched and rolled herns, fine
sheer and hand spun, 50 to 84.00 each.
Men's all linen hand embroidered hand
kerchiefs 25a. 35c. 50. 75:
or heavy.
Men's silk handkerchiefs plain white
and fancy colors, 50 to 81.50 each.
Children's, In fancy boxes, 15. 20
and 25 for box of 8.
Children's all linen handkerchiefs, col
ored Initials, 25 for S ta a box.
Children's all linen, fancy handkerchiefs,
embroidered corners, 15j each.
Children's fancy silk handkerchiefs,
20e eftch-
Olove handkerchiefs, hemstitched hems,
scalloped embroidered edges, colored and
white, 15e. 25c end 50 ch.
Fancy boxes of ladles' embroidered, S
and in a box, 75 and 81.00
WAHNIXQ Orders for embroidering
Initials and monograms on handkerchief
or linen, must be given before November
ft. No Christmas deliveries promised after
that date.
If you want prompt delivery of yur
made-to-measure tailored skirt, get busy.
JK2 OO or the making and they fit
styles are latest and beautifully made.
Comes news of the new Sport Hat
specially adapted to auto use and out-door
life with veil or without. Navy, brown,
gray, black, with plaid or plain black
plueh. Prices, 82.50 to S3.-50 each.
Another lot of Ostrich Boa very spe
cial values, 82.05 d 83.05.
Novelty neck pieces, fur wtih ostrich
trimming, 85.00 to 88.50.
Also fancy colored ostrich boas, 85.00
to 88.50 each.
Just In Newest assortment of New
Tercale, middy style, value 50e, at 30c.
Lot of these limited. Come Saturday If
you want any. We have a lot of soiled
aprons. White, including bib and fancy,
afternoon aprons, at H to M off usual
We n.1oy a most enviable business on
corsets. The tried popular makes are all
included in our stock. Experts, trained
in our particular business to fit you. Per
haps of all makes Itedfern is most In de
mand, and there's a very good reason
adapted to all ages most figures, Indeed,
giving that grace of outline to th female
form divine which poets rave over and
painter love to copy. No Corset more,
comfy. Nc wonder it is appealing. Ask
our fitter to show the latest makes. Our
people are courtesy personified.
Dresses for Saturday
DISTINCTIVE Rich fabrics fit and character
such as you expect only in high-priced modeU many
just in by expresson special sale
Saturday, 8:30 A. M. Yes! there's
a pick each
The Korrect Skirt made by Korach after his
famous plan automatically the stock keeps fresh
as they go out fresh skirts come in direct from the
makers weekly this week's arrivals go on sale Sat
urday, $5.00 to $22.50.
Skirts received 3 weeks ago priced previously
at $8.50, $10.00 and $12.00, will go Saturday at
$5.05 each.
The popular colorings in the season fad An
gora throws on sale in Junior Section.
Millinery for the Little Ones Ilats for every,
age-Plushes and Velvets These are hard to get
now A very excellent assortment for Saturday.
COBB Stood at Our Elbow and Whispered
Candy Specials for Saturday
Opera Pecan Roll, th pound 40.
High grade, tUln finish Butter Cups, as
sorted fillings, 30-
Jordan Sugar Coated Almonds, 40c la
Stead of uc.
Maple Cocoanut, -lb. box, 10c. -Black
Walnut Pillows, the pound, 40c.
Halloween Nut Cups and Favors such
aa you may not find elsewhere
THIS HAITH COBBi And to the wise
that's enough.
If there are any dwellers or sojourners
who haven't heard of Cobb Know ye
COBB! In synonymous with CANDVj not
the ordinary, but the BEST. Interesting
to watch the men filing in on Saturday.
RED IN 1876, and herein is a 6tory we could ourselves a tale unfold,
which would change some recent records, but we forbear; the historian
. will refer to this as well as to some other matters later. If you are inter
ested in an explanation, ask us.