W-.NT ADS snt ,. re.e.ci si ny tin, but ! Insure proper classification must be P re pented Wrote 13 o'clock noon for v",1n of ton and 7 45 p. m. for morning ana Fonlsy e.lltlons Want a. I received I" neh hour will be under th heeding. To I .ate to Classify." CAM RATE. . Seven eonsecutlv llmw, 1 cent a worn each lnertlon. .... IUM,M Two or mora coneecutlv time. 1H cent a w ord. Ona Unit, t cent wort. CHAW1K FATES. aeven consecutive tlmaa. ct I,n earn Insertion. . Three consecutive time. 10 canU a Una aarh Insertion. On time. II cent a Una. Count sit wmi words to a Minimum rhsrge. cent. An advertisement inserted to be run until diseor.t,nud must ba stopped T written oMt . .-.d Ail claim for error m"t j within fifteen iViti after tb lt Inser tion of th advertisement Tou CAn plac ytrur want ad In Tha lie By teiepnone. - TELEPHONE TTLHR 10 WW. DEATHS AND FX JURAL NOTICC Hr,MMAN-Ui7 Fl. H Florence boul evard, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mr J. V. Hemman. Monday. J iS. IMS. aged year. 4 month and . s$in'ral aerrlea Thuraday from rerf denre. ht Florence boulevard, wui oe prlvat. Interment at Mount Hope ceme tery. No flowera O'CONNELL-Lenora, aged J.4.ZTM r.S la survived by t4""V'7'T.m. rl. Walker, Mr. C C neld of 'Toorn. Wash Mn G. H. Be 1 of Teiwma, end n,"Tl' n"-"vnVJi,d(enci Kemalna will be shipped from J f Mra Walker, 2431 PaTanport. to Blootn- tngton. lit fcwTPTJA-Antia M.. wife of Bggart Petara. Tueaday, October II. . church. Twenty-fifth and Evan m. Interment at Mount Hope cemetery. SCHMIDT Mra. August aged 74 yara. pi.," ,i her htiaband by Vhre, sons. Herman at Bprlng field. Neb.. and Auguat ano wiiimm Omaha. Mra. John Urrmn of Oakland. Neb.; Mra J. H. ml',n' , 'Jr'' . V. l tt A lilwnn rtt Mill rn . nun Jim. riw. ......... . i Funeral Sunday afternoon front resi dence at Millard. Neb., at 1 p. m. inter ment, Moore a cemetery. r-.,tn, WW XAmrA fUArtt end Edith Mil llNI'i ' ' "T . H , Collin, husband and wife, aged 2S and 22, reatiectlvely. , ., t.-. rrAn. Mldanee of Mr. Michael Rlilrler. till Tturt afreet, Saturday, 1:30 . m., to St. Cecella'a church at a. m. Interment, BC Maryje cemetery. Funeral of Mra. Marjory McWIIllama. vn...i m.rvift.. for the late Mra. Mc WIIllama will be held Pnturday at I p. m., . , v.. taiK Chlraao street. Rev. Tltua Lowe officiating. The deceaeed i wa ii vara nf axe. Interment at West Uwn cemetery. Pallbearers. Mr. A. C. loa. Juflne. 8. J. Oordon. Mr. Frank Patrick, Mr. Lee Winkler. Mr. Charles Koran and Mr. W. W ftevens. . i MAMRIAGB IUEJIIEI, T.lcenses to wed hava been granted tha foliowln couplea: Ulrhmin Omaha Zl Jennie Kiael. Omaha 19 .lr.hn 1 M nller. Premont Joarrhlna Vnuk. lodse i Kanatanty Wlttman, South Side Stella Itadslkumakt. South Bide .. 17 BIRTH! AND UBATHI, Births Iveo ar.d Freda Hennlnghover. Iireyetta avenue, boy; Newell and Winifred Jonea. 8146 South Thirty-third, boy; Italle and Anna Hogera, J-2 Ames avenue, itlrl. ' !etha Mra. It. Sold, 46. tl North Fev. enteenth; AleKander Uuncan, M, 720 North Thirtieth; Mrs. R. P. Het, 47. 4H0 South Thlrty-flrat, South Side; Charles F. Vheeler, 4 months, tSH Monroe: Oordon K. Thompson, 6. hospital; lurnel llorwl-'h, 6. tv N: Peter bollts. J6, Thirty-ninth and O; Catherine lloljer, . KM South i.llthteenth. , , Bl'ILDISa PERMITS. ' C J. Sriiylh. 1SI Otlfomla. repairs. I'OO; Orant Benson, 4SM Miylierry avenue, frame dwelling. 2,(nH); Wltiaton Thomp son, 4.T Farnam, frame dwelling, t2.il; Harry Swanson. 117 South Thlrty-eluhth. frame dwelling. I2.4O0; Ira Pilous, SIX (south Fourteenth, frame dwelling, 11,001, TODAYS MOVIE PROGRAM Dswstswa. KMPKESS,1 15T1I -DOUGLAS T1IE DANCING DOLLS, 3-ItEEL KALEM. The Lure of th Widow, Vltagraph. Rronrhn Rlllv'a Parenta. Easanav. HKARST-SELIQ NEWS PICTORIAL NO. 8S. PKINCKSS. ill7-l DO U Q LAS. Wm. Roselle In Th Card Player, a 'spe cial -act Broadway atar feature. Harry Be ah am, Th Scoop at Bellvlll. I reels. Down on Phony Farm, comio cartoon. Nwrlh. GRAND. 16TH AND BINNET. Neat f th Navy, No, I. Th Barren Gain, 1-reel drama. LOTHROP, 1 4TH Aim LOTHROP. William Fox present Wllluun Farnum In The NlgRer, I reels. tat. APPOLO. 1114 LEA VENWORTn, Th Call of th Dane. 4-reel Kalem. Miss Micky Moufle Kiss. Vltagrapa. West. MONROE. 26 8 S FARNAM. World Film Corp. prnt Robert War wick In th Shubert featur. Th Flash of the Emerald. nth !. BESSE. 14TH AND N. Hearst-Sellg No. tZ. 1 h Old Sin. 1-reel Eaaanay. latest chapter of Nasi of th Navy. ORPHEUM. 14TH AND U. Mra Iesll Carter In Th Heart of Mary land, 4 reela AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are oonsidsrtng selling or BUU.S a used car and you want full VkIu for your mouey or you want people rii are willing to pay for what thv are gell uig you win usvw no regret It you lay or advertise through the used luuirfl of The Bee. Pbune Tyler 1000. il!LI-.3 of mileage in your old Urs iKtl'uuu. bond tueiu to IJO T1WJE (XX. Kll t'Mrago 1st Nt liKAcKA Buirk Service Station. lU rsrnsiij ri. rnonm I duiu in. UtlVAIili for sny utagneto we can't rrt.air vol, retwj naione. iiv in. lth, MUlJNE DKEADNAL'GHT In first cii.i conrtRlon; new tirea For mle tiirap. Smith A leafaer Garage, 1U h ;ln ht. I'hvne IKiutiu .uu. Al io, clearing liouee. Buy, sell clisnre u.d cars l-arnam. in J O HA. Industrial Osrsss Co.. Jvi a Harney Sua C'-.- ilun a for lenky radiator. &"C, dealers. or ly nuul .IIjo-4 Ave., V.U. inuws. J a. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lxi-Rt'lb at ? U. C A BuaUie MUVlt-5 A FEATURES V TODAY A APrOLO. Itti LEAVENWORTH. Tha Call of tha Dance, 4-reel Kalem. BES3E, 14TII AND N. lAteat Chapter of NeaJ of tha Navy. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNET. Neal of the Navy, No. 5. LOTHROP. S4TH AND LOTHROP. William Tot presents William Farnum In The Nigger, 6 reels. MONROE, 2566 FARNAM. World Film Corp present Robert War wick, In the Shubert feature. The Flash of an Kmerald. ORPHEUM. S4TI1 AND M. Mrs. Leslie Carter In Maryland," reels Tha Heart of PRINCESS, 111 7-1 DOUGLAS. William Resell In Tha Card Playera, a special four-act Broadway atar feature. ANNOUNCEMENTS fiUSlNKSa COLLKGii STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For aala, with good reason for selling. variety of oouraea In a reliable Busi ness School, on of the leading business colleges of Omaha. Will ba sold very rasonabl'-away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate this at one, alnce Fall terra begin soon. Call office. Omaha Be. SECOND Church of Christ, Scientist, of Omaha, Neb., announces a free lecture on Christian Science by William 1. Mc Crackan, C. S. R . of New York City, at the Auditorium Tnursdsy evening, tcto ber 2ft, WIS, at I o'clock. The publio la cordially Invited to be present. No col lection. Mr. McCrarkan Is a member of the board nf lectureship of the mother church, th First Church of Christ, Scien tist, in Rostnn. Msss. He is an author of considerable note and was a member of the . Belgian Relief commission. nrSLNESS CHANCES If your Ilusiness Chaao wfll stand rigid investigation ana e Just what It Is advertised, or It you are looking to start In business for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If you us th Business Chanc column of The Bee. When buy ing or selling a business Phone Tyler 10-X. FOR BALE Only blacksmith shop In town: machinery Is ail run by power. rltto Bros., Brady, Neb. nonv mnA Atstlnnerv store for Bale on account of other Interests; offer for asle only store of its kind In county seat town of 6.U00, eastern Nebraska; Invoice about 2.600; bargain for cash; a good Income assured. Address Y lot, Be. SEC RIOTS of th grain business; fit you for position of manager at a salary of fW to II, per year. Partlculara free. Write quick. Western Grain Syndicate, Stanhope. la. GOOD drug a tore for sale, well located, god town, only stock, will Involr about X.0Di; owner's reason for selling, wants business in city. Clauson Bros., K Iron. la. FOR SALE On of th best blacksmith ahnns In tha atate! rood farming coun try. Theo. H. Paschke, Hampton, Ilamll- ton oounty, NeDrasRa. T2 SELL or buy a bvalnes. call oa Buech A Horsnoir, rrwnser ma. u. uia TO OUT In or out of business call on OA NO EST AD. 421 Be Bldg. Doug. J47T. f H KATtLitH Buv. leas or sell vour trie s' er, macnin ana euppuea inroun Theater Kxeh. Co., 1401 Famam. !. W. 11,000 Kyt'lTT in property renting for Ui per montn, tor . tana, ioxs, ai-r- ur Interest in business. Bog 794. Omaha. 1 HAVE a position open In my busi ness for a young man who can glv me his services and msk an In vestment of IW0. I will pay a good alary and interest on his Invest ment. Box K 1M. Be. CAFE AND LUNCH. The best located cafe and lunch room In Omaha, doing a rapacity business, can be bought right, will taa ra car aa part payment. Am going west. Address c. IM'. care nee. WANTKD To leas or buy a moving plo tur theater In a town of 1,000. Must be a bargain. Box 8ft, Concord, Neb BEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains in eataliltshel shows. l. 3BJ0. WANTED Toung man as partner In my store; will guarante over 1100 a month; Investment of u0 . required, secured. Box L 100, Bee. PICTURE SHOW In town of !. people, ,i , . I.... Hhijut.,, ..nili.manl nice lobby, eto.; will take lightweight used rar as pBrt pay. Aoaresa i iu, nee. FOR SALE Building and slock groceries. lunrheon and notions, call t oirax ihw. IK YOU have aalea ability nd a Ford oar, you will profit by calling or ad dressing bit First Man xan uiag. EDUCATIONAL Tlie VAN SANT SCHOOL TKNOQRAPHT BOOKKEEPINQ. ruw bkI.imI tt9 Vituitf W fimtL Evening sWhool for Young Men and Women. Saturday moraine claw la typewriting. Ion C Duffy. Owner nnd Manager. SM So. Uth St Omaha. EIXi'FRT lady stenograpber will take pupils; shorthand, touoh typewriting, spelling and punctuation taught. Indi vidual Instruction. 4U4 Douglas SC IM. W alnut 7. Povlea Hide. Twi. D. VM. Omaha. Nhw FOR aala ih following acholarahtpa la first class Omaha bustn College: On unlimited combination busiueag and rhorthand course. Ona un imitea stsnorrapnia course. One thrve-montba' bus to ess or tn sea n h le tau rse. Of Th Omaha ge. DAT SCHOOL HOTLES COLLBGD NIGHT SCHOOL Every day 1 snrollmect day. Book keeping. Shorthand, Slenotypy. Typewrtu r TaUirsDhf. Civil Hervlce all Com mercial ana bugtisu orancnes. -aiatogue tie. . . , BOTIKS t-TJUJJ-'lCi. lf h and Harney Sta. Tel. Pouglaa 16. a "For Sal" ad will turn second-hand furaltur tnta cash. ronsAU. FOR A LKV Her Is a olsssm cation that la of the utmost luiportaoo to every reader, as this column offer some xcep Uoaal opportunitie every day aad a amall waut ad will sell your ariicl at Its full value, f ii one lyier iiw Vealm. Eaaa Sal sUm. UXD grain. Ivju lb. IL7V Wagner. Ml W 11 tTCHEoTIPk: matrtoes make ta beeg aad cbeapeat lining for poultry boueea Thav are 17all invhaa. slrouaer and mor gurable then tarred felt ana practically llreproor. lee a nunarea at 1 ae ii oirica a'A'AP OH eELL64 Buff Orptnatona. pekln ducks. 1 caponlsing outfit, 1 Incu bator. Geo. W. Campers, Kearney, Pit. Faraltwre, HamaekKka Uoo4i, BSfe. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE, 1K N. 14TH. W EB l(k)7, Da1vK bought and sold. J. C. Ree wetB 1X7 Famain St. Douglas i A, PARIjOK set. aix pieces; dining room table. 101 banford C ire la 1'Uon Web ster 1771 COMUEuRCk: eteel range for sal cheap. It N. 2ith. Tel. Web. 4j1. BANvjl'ET steel range. 6-bole. fit Jvit N. Uth St.. Benson. FOR BALK raraltare, llwaaehold (rawaa, K PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, Oct. M, at 10 a. m. and lasting all day, mahominy parlor set, mahogany parlor table, several ruse aa good as new, round oak dlnlnc room table, 1 sets of oak dlnlnc room chairs, Circassian wal nut it.dreaaera, I prlncesa dressers. 1 large ' ... mirror. 1 I.,, style bras. beds, good frets, mahogany china cabinet, t cliests wa buffetf, mahogany china cabinet, t chests of carpenter, tools, good linens and chinas, ona Vlctrola. Thla sale consists of rmne but first class furniture of all deacrlp tlons. Tou can't afford to mlsn It. Omsha Van and Storage, SOS g. nth St., 17th St. entrance. II era ea anal Vefciclea. FARM wagon, $M: harness, tV); both new. Johnson-Ianforth Co.. 16th and Clsrk Sts. WA?JtEI Team to haul brick. Kriten- brtnk eV Sona., nth and r reoerlck. SOLD Trevlter. UNDERWOOD, bargain. Fhon D. J147. TV P14W R1TEKH Bold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exc. 1916 Farnam. FOR SALE New and second-hand csrom and pocket billiard tablea and Dowiing beys and accessories; bar fixtures nf all kinds; ensy psyments The Rrunswlck- alke-Coilender Co., ft-4 . linn at. Mlscellaaeoas. XT Second-hand mimri, dynamos. I P A magnetos, etc, mechanical t'v',,T reilra. L Bron Electrio Work. 114-10 S. Mih St -o ALMOST new drug flxtdres; Englloh wall fixtures at a discount, writ ranzen Pharmacy, Pruning, Neb. FOR SALE Drug fixtures; complete out fit of English wall fixtures, show ons-, etc; sJniont new cash register and ac count register. For desrrlptlon and rrlres write ' ran ion Pharmacy, Brunlng, Neh. FOR SALE CH1LAP Ruslness College Course. Full ana complete scholarship In on Of the test Omaha busmeaa schorls. Uood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be kolt very reasonably. If Interested Investigate at once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety or course ror sais. For particulars inuulre at th of tic of The Omaha Bee. tT0 faoMn West Whisky. 4 full Xllquerta bottled In bond, pre r pd. Cackley Bros.. Omaha CARPENTER toola. ahovoia, sledges, Dicks. jackcrew. 10 penny match vend ing machines, too each. Horse, harness. wagon, 1100. On lectno piano. J. C. i-SH, Via 8. th St. . Harney TWO electrio motora for sale. Bee Bldg. room 6, BAROA IN Edison phonograph, with 1H0 records, ttt, or best offer. Tel. Wal. 2bQ. ITELP WANTED FEMALB Clerical til Office. STENOGRAPHER DICTAPHONE OPERATOR .... IUCT. OPR. ft STENO COMPTOMETER OPR. MULTIORAPU OPERATOR 35 BOOK KEKPER .....i WATTS REF. CO., 3-40-41 Brandels The, 8TENOG.. '; bookkm-per, 1; otflce clerk, ISO; Comp. Oper., 16. WATTS RRF. CO., g:Jl-40-42 Brand. The. STENO., SO week; good future. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 1406 Woodmen of World. DICTAPHONE OPR. ffi.CO COMPTOMETER OPR IWOO TMHi cainu AUKnui-e-j.BaH bluu, Factor T rages. OIRL to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhetm. Hewsekeepers mH Ilomestles THE Servant G.rl Problem Solved. Th He will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad fit KB until you get th desired results, his applies to residents of Omaha, tiouth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler li. Vv'ANTED A competent cook In family of two, where a second maid la kept. C23 S. 14th. Phone Douglaa m. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; , no washing, good references required. Mrs. M. B. Newman, UW Howard, Phone Harney 1316. WANTED A competent ulrl for general housework. iso washing. 3U03 Dewey Ave. Tel. Har. 1023. WANTED Young girl to car for - year-old cnua. can w. au or I), soos. Mra. Chasson. COMPETENT girl for general house- work; no washing or ironing; good wages. &H16 Hurt St. - WANTED Competent girl fur general housework, hinall family. No washinu. Telef'hone Harney 16a. 3903 Dewey Ave. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and car for small child: on attending school half day preferred. Phone Harney 7V. WANTED Reliable foreign girl for gen eral Housework. Must be neat, and strong. Harney 4o8&. .WANTED Girl for general housework: two in ramuy. call Douglas yt before w a m. and after 7 p. in. RELIABLE colored woman wants nurs ing. Douglaa 74t. WANTED A competent white girl for general housework: no cooking:: xood wages; permanent position to right party. rteierenu requireq. narney eixi. WANTED A gTrl for general housework. Kit Harney feu - W'ANTED Young girl for housework; no wasnnui. Jiyyiy sransnn. WANTED White girl fur general house work: no washina. Mot HawLhorns Av. Be mis Park. Walnut 7M. W ANTED German or Scandinavian girl for general housework, two in famiiv. Harney WANTEl Competent girl for general Har. Sat housework. . A r ar truant Ht. Tel WANTED Competent white girl for gun- eral house worn; small family; good wages. H. am. IMP 8 Mth St. WANTED A girl for general housework, 17 a week: laundress kett 1 dava xvi Csss St. WANTED Girl for general housework. ff S. Mh Ave. Doug. 3151. WANT El A girl for general housework, family of I: references reuulred. Mra C. B. t-hackleforu. i 6. fctd tit. Har ney 611. WANTED A good girl for general house work. 116 . 3. Ill St. Tel. Harney 4.r.-2. WANTED A girl for general housework; amall family, good wages; references required. Vul. IMS. WANTED A nurae girl and a maid, itkxi Poppleton Ave. Tyler 7. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. Liberal wages and a good home. 3M Farnam. Harney ISTJ. W ANTE li A young glTi-!-help with housework, two in family; referanoe required. Harney IMS. A MIDDLE aged lady to help with light housework fur room and board and b company for single elderly lady. No waxes must be e spooled. 2it4 Grant bt. Webster lltt. WANTED Girl for general housework. Harney 4974. WANTED Good steady girl fur general housework; good horn to right party. Harney 1104. WANTK1 Competent woman to lake full charge of small home, I In family; must 1m snod nl&ln cook Mint i'.i l.unilrv i. I work; good wage and permanent place. i r, . win ri. eosier WANTED Good girl for general house work la amall family; no washing. Mra W. C. Lyle. 644 lark Ave. 'WANTED A girt for general hou rnrk references; mornings or venliiKS. B. Uth ht. Har. 64IM. IIKI.P WANTED FEMALE Mfiekeewrr ad llomeatlee. WANTFIV-A white girl for general hounework. Must be neat, capable, and a aood plain cook. References required. Call Thursday afternoon. 1613 Lothrop Pt. Mrs. K. Iavenport. Mlacellanenae. TOTTTs'O women eomtr, to Omaha aa strangers ere Invited to vtult tne Tming Women's Christian aclatlon building at St Mary s Ave. and 17th Ht., where they will be directed to aultable boarding places or otherwise aaeteted. look for oir travelera' gulrle at t'nloii station. STENO. afate enperlence K 1ft. Hee. WANTKD WOMAN Oovernment clerk shlpa. Write ImmedlAt-ly for detalla. Franklin institute tept. 6f4 H. Rochester. N. T. LApiES make shields at home; , 7 vinOTIi. C! W Mo. tin for nvaselng; tiU Louis, HELP WANTED MALE I lerit-hl anil ofnee. SALF1SMAN onlv A-l Implement m need apply, IliiO to 1150 and ejtpene Watts Uef. Co., tOt-i-U Hrandels The F-TKV (' l" I STENOGRAPHER TIIK CANO AUBNTT-eO BKE I75.no HLLx 1. i ORIGINATORS. NO FILING FEE. Rest commercial positions. ROOERS REF. CO.. MO Paxton Block. IfirSH-ORA commercial poeltlons. WEST. REFERENCE & BOND ASSN 7J Omaha Nat. Sank Bldg. WANTED High clasa, experienced man to manng district and sell monthly payment accident and health inaurance for large old line company. Top com mission contract with an allowance for six months will be made. Only men of strlcteat Integrity and those who can produce result need apply. Here is an opportunity to secure a high class con nection. Surety bond required. Write, giving age, qualifications, phone and street address to Box L 235, Bee office. JUNIOR OFFICE CLERK. BRIOTTT YOCNO MAN, 1 TO IS YEARS, CLEAN-CUT. OOOD HABITS, FOR POSITION WITH LAROB WHOLPXSALE HOI'SK. SMALL MAURT TO START. EXCELLENT CHANCEH FOR AD VANCBMBNT. ADIRES.SS 238. BEE. TTT'IST Bright, clean-cut young man, IS to 20 years, for assistant to cashier with large firm. Small salary to atnrt, hut must be capahln for rapid advancement. Olve age, experience and references In first letter. Address P 237, Bee. Agents, ftaleantesi aad Solicitors). FIVE good men with Ford cars to handle the best money making proposition on the market. Absolute necessity, not lux ury. Here's your chance to make real money. Emerson-Sharp Sales Co., 212 S. tfith ft. LIVE aalesmen wanted, every county in the state, to sell beat and absolutely guaranteed device on the market. If you are looking for an opportunity to get in on tha cleanest, beat proposition yet. here's vour chance. Kmerson-Kharp Sales Co., 21J 8. 2T.th St., Omaha, Neb. CO A 1 "sents wsntcd in every town; get trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte, Neh. TfYOU save sale ability and a Ford car, you will profit bv calling or ad dressing 614 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED Road men of ability and pep. Must have clean record. Good money for right men. 403 Nebraska Stat Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. TRAVELING salesmen of experience as state managers for a Dotrolt manufac turing company, one accustomed to look ing after men. Ask for J. Park Smith, Henshaw Hotel. Factories nnd Trade. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE LEARN the barber trade by our sys tem of expert instructions and free clinic. Positions waiting. Call or write for cata logue. Omaha. Neb., A. B. Molcr, Pres. WANTED Car. repairer, carpenter and all klnda of railroad mechanics. No strikes. International Employment Office, itill til ss St. WE need men; had to turn down two jobs per week lately: get in: learn by our method: aet one of these lobs. Cata logue D. B. free. Nebraska Automobile School. 2406 Leavenworth St. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college: low rate tuition. Including set of tools; wages paid; elec trio massage, nyorauno cnatrs; catalogue free. 1124 J'ougiss St.. uauana. Drug More Snnps. jobs. Kneist. Bee Bldg. - MIseellaaMn. WANTED Railway mall clerk; 7t.(4 month. Omsha examinations coming. Sample questions free. Write Immedi ately. Franklin Institute. Dep't 221 H Rochester. N. T. WANTED Gordon feeder. Room 6, Bee Bldg. GOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill posklons which we have open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autos, tractors, elec. starting ays. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, Jtx'iS Farnam St Omaha, Neb. t HAVE a position In my business for a young man who can give me his service and make an Investment of 1600; I will pay a good salary and Interest on bis Investment. L 1W, Bee. , a- WANTED Men to tr; try examinations for government lobs education sufficient. Apply Immediately r M. Be. WANTED Young man aa partner In my store; will guarantee over li) a month; Investment of IO0O required. J la7. Bee. HELP WANTED MAI.K A Nil VKMtlE. WANTED Man or woman to put out leather ventilators. Writ for sample and particular by mall, 10c. L. 8. Har den, Hotel Neville, Omaha. WANTED Cooks, waitresses and house girls. International Employment Office, 1M3 Cass St. DON'T quit your Job yet, look beyond it; Kmploy spar tun establishing a cir cular mailing bureau many succeaaea, wliv not you? Our eopyriaht malliiia In structions make everything plain Post paid Zjc. Direct galea Co.. Wuincy, UL SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Steady position on farm by sober, steady, experienced man: state wages when writing. G. W. Larsen. Gen. Del.. Sioux Falls. H. l. POSITION wanted by young lady ste nographer; on year experience. Wetwter IM. ' NEAT colored girl want position aa cook In private family, or chamber maid. Call Walnut M73. WOMAN wlahe to do bundle washing. Colfax 140. WANTED Position as fireman, any kind of hotel work or In private home, as 1 am an all-around house and yard man. Cell F. W. Carter. I. 70K7. WANTED Position as housekeeper by colored lady, good references. Tel. Doug las i"t YOUNG lady stenographer wishes posi tion: experienced. Benson 1S6. 6TENIR1RA PH E'.R wlehes position. Will ing to start with small wagea 3017 Chi cago St. WANTED Position In tailor shop or cleaning worka Douglaa kV3t. YOUNG man 16 year old. furniture re pairer, polisher, etc.. wants a position. Don't drink or amok. Will worn for moderate wagea Phone Red 1193 for ap pointment. CO LO HE D lady wishes position as cook. In or out of ths city. Call Tyler lw-W. j-OMTloN aa chambermaid wanted by neat colored girl. Call VNeb. 7i7a WANTKD By midllu-agd man a place for llaht work; uare of office; can care for small set of books; understand th lumber business fairly as oouuler man. E. White. Ta N. ;th Ave. W A NT EI Position as hotel clerk In or out of the city. Minor. Hotel Lyon. Phone Douglas It el LOST AND FOUNTJ Lost vr Found ads in Omaha's Lost and Found mediums mean trt tmruedtat r- lai'turn of that article If advertised In Th Lee, th Lost aud Found paper. lost ax Forxn OMAHA O C.V it. FI-Ur-fN STRE.KT RAILWAY COMPANY Persona having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council niuffs Street Railway company to acrtein whether they left It In the atreet cars. Miny artlrlra each 6ny ara turned III and the e.-impnny la anxious to restore t h em t" the -Ightful owner. Ca'! Poug. LTST A cretonne bag contaJnlng cro cheted lac. Finder please call Colfax 1JJ4. PERSONAL .'iu M Rs.RIHTiNB EARNS H.onn For the Invsllds' Pension association. The T-ail" Home Journal. $1 nO; Patur lav Evening Pet. II. H); Country Oentle inan, ll.Oi. 4Ki needed In ctober. Your order or renewal contrlnutea w cents. Plense phone Loiiff1a 71fi3, or addreea, OfUION, The Maiarlne Man. Omaha. YOl'NO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christ bin wssoclatlon building St 17th St. nnd St. Mary's Ave, where they will be dlre-ted to suitable boarding pinre or othcrwUe assisted Txxk for our travelers' guMe at the Unlo.i station. i ri i. raivaiion rm? inniwtnii nome sw llrlts your jld clothing, furniture, maga- sines. We collect. We d.stribute Phone Poi.Klas 41.TB and our wagon mil can. Call and tnsrect our new home, liio-llu-I114 Iiortge St. C. E. M The folks went to hear from you. Write or telegraph. M. Suits, gowns and remodel ing at reasonable prices. ANNA SISTEK. 201 City National Bank Bldg. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker at college. Harney 1703. KeUter SWAPPERS COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really needT It costs you nothing to loin the Swsppera' club and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Writ Room 104. Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1000. Al'IOMOUI LEI For other automobile bargains see th "Automobile' classifi cation. AUTO"MOBLE Exchange big 6-pasaen-ger car for good lVs-ton auto truck. Joel Nlloon Aleeeter. 8. I). AWTOd Lli-gant 7-paanenger Mitchell special. In excellent order; full electric equipment; a powerful car; good looker. Want a clear lot or 2 small cars, or com mercial paper, or what have yout Ad dress c3.' C. 7NH, Bee. AUTO Light weight, W16 model, perfect shape, fully equipped, new tires, to swap for four or five-passenger car. Address il. C. 332, Bee. tf RASKKl'RNER, medium size, to trade for sectional bookcase, chiffonier or anything of equal value. Address S. C. S2:, Bee. BILLIARD TABLE Home sixe Bruns wick; condition good; complete in every respect- What have youT Make ma an offer. S. C. 7, Bee. BRAND new vineyard plow, one ad justable garden cultivator with com plete attachments,. ine set Russian sad dle chimes, one-horse dray and single tree, ror a fair sued nog or yeaning calf. 8. C S2H Bee. COMPRESSOR, 4 h. p. combined gaao- llne enslne and air compressor, cylinder 44"x4f4." air capacity 20 cubic ft. per mm.; suitable ror power ana air supply for garage or shop. Cost S0, had 2 yrs. intermittent use; condition excellent- Will trade for light auto or chassis not worn nut or put in a little money II condition good. S. C. 321, Bee. ENGINE Nearly new 4 h. p. single cyi. enirlne for Indian motorcycle, equipped with free clutch pulley; paint and plat ing in good condition. Trading price, 117.00. Trade for good wheel, gasoline engine or anything can use. S. C. 31, Hee. i ELECTRIC AUTO HORN Motor driven. vibrator type; cost 110.00. Will swap for assortment of late Edison (Amberol) records. Address B. C. 333, Bee. tf PRESTO TANK Style "B." with gas regulator, for an 80 a. h. storage bat tery In good condition. 8. C. 839, Bee. FOR TRADE A Cartercar, new tires all around. Will exchange for light road ster. Ford preferred. S. C. 824, Bee. GARDEN TOOLS Spade, 1 shovels, 1 rakea, hoe and grass knife, to trade for 4 mlnute Edison records, or anything. Ad dress S. C. 334, Bee. tf GltN Slnulo shot, 16-gaugu gun for .22 caliber pistol or revolver: $40 violin and $10 for H-carat diamond. 8. C. 331. Bee. GUINEA FOWLS Fine young Pearl gulneaa; want to swap male with some one In order to get Strang blood. 8. C. 819. Bee. HAG EN BACK-WALLACE circus pic tures, 4 reels; also Keystone comedy, plenty paper and outfit. On or two peo plo can travel, make big money; no experience needed. May trade for motor cycle. What have youT F. Voerg, Gen eral Delivery, South Omaha. , II AOKN BACK-WALLACE circua pic turea, 4 reels; also Keystone comedy, plenty paper and outfit. One or two people can travel, make big money; no experience needed. May trade for motor cycle. What have youT F. Voerg, Gen eral ueiivery, aoutn omaha. SI.N'GBR aewing machine; drop head; In good condition, ror a good heating stove, or what else have youT Address 8. C. S.. Bee office. STOVE Have Garland coal range, worth 156; will trade for Western Electrio vacuum sweeper or a high oven gas stove. Aaaresi h. j. ks, tsee. STOVES Cook stove. Garland. half range, in good order, to trad for gas stove. Anaress b. u. it, iee. TWIN ludlan. 2 speed, electrio equipped with side car. in best of order; will traoe tor UK tic cnassio in good repair. B. C. 821. Bee. MOTORCYCLE 1011 twin Indian motor cycle, clutch machine, to swap for auto or anything l can us, a. j. Xli. Bee. REAL ESTATE.. e SHOW CAjsKS and ail fixtures of a millinery store lor what nave you 7 . c, vt wee. ONE gold plated Cone slide trombone. u--iiiuii -, ill uuvu i-mr, hdtci used, cost 1110, to swap for anything of use around a restaurant, or a diamond. 8. C. 3S6. Bee. TO SELL or trad your ahotgun or rlfla See fkikdman. r.'ii Liougias. WANT to swap fin opera glasses for Victor or Gaofonola records, a. C. lis. Bee. WILI, trad my 6-passenger Maxwell touring car, model r.'ll. 34 hp., in per fect condition, for a Ford or other light car. Address B. C. Bee. WOOD Turning Lathe, motor, counter shafts, emery wneei and stand, with full equipment, also stamp collection for anything I can use. Address 8. t. sai. Bee. WANTED Good auto in exchange for flrat-clasa cement work or paintlna. Address S. C. Sl'O, Bee. FOR RENT Aaartsaeata nnd Flats. Th For Rant advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee daily cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill th needs of any on desiring to rent. Phone Tyler 104, I.I.KGANT, I room with I baths; 1 ex posures Also 4 rooms; all modern. New Hamilton. IHiug. ISM. 8TEAM-HEATED WINTER HOMES Standard Flats FEW VACANCIES, desirable g-room, steam-heated, modern apartments. Fine finieh. Private hall, bath, range. Free hot water all year. Janitor service. Walk ing distance. On liveliest street In Omaha. T. J. HOOK. 1101 N. llth St. DOWNTOWN ROOMERS. Bight-room brick on lth. l. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1011 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. lo-ROoM FLAT Across street from Fontenelle hotel. $126 per month. Will sell furniture. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. Uth and Douxlss. Doug. 6ulS. o. I.Te-10-K. BRICK FLAT. Fine 1lace for boaraers and roomers; five minutes' walk to Union depot; on car line. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. 17th snd Douglas. Douglas 6013. o. (CONTINUED ON COLUMN eVW, TIII3 PAGE.) Ready Reference Directory The following: firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. RETT) ABSTRACT CO, oldest abstract office In Nebraska. Jnfl Prandels The. Kerr Title Ouarantee and Abstrert fV., a modern abstract office. JOS S. 17th St. Phone P. MS7. A CCOT T AST 9. E. A. DTVORAK, C. P. A. 433-4.17 Ramge BUt Phone Poug. 140. A D V E R Tl I KQ J 6 V ELT I E S . M. F. Phafer A Co., 12th. Farnam. I. 7474. AMATF.IR FIIHIG. FTLMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 416 Bee Eld. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett W. Dodds, fill Paxtnn Blk. T. 1. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. Rll Paxton Blk. D. 1804. N. JOHNSON. S. W. Cor. 14th and T)ouglaa. Douglag 4W. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co., U1B-1 W.O W. R. IT5S. AUTO INSt RANCH. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., DouglM 2810. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. mt Far. D. 2oni. BATHS. BATH 214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglaa. Mi?1?JC-','ED vPor and modern Turkish baths for ladles and gentlemen; lady nV,ant for ladles; Swedish massage. 1i19 Farnam St. Douglas S4.T7. BAKERIES. H. REEDER, ISO N. Mth. Web. S597. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha St. CARPRNTERS AND CONTRACTORS. BTEVENSON, E3 S. 22d. Douglaa 5C0. Leeward A Son, 19QS Cap. Ave. T. 132. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. DR. MACNAMARA, 674 Brandel Thea ter. Douelas 729B. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4M7. COFFEE BY MAIL. Coffee Save money. Use better coffee ifi lb, high grade TiV rvx rtol i a 350. W. A. Skalf eft Co. Orln h ik DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS" academy, claaslo. D. 187L FALL term open at Mackle'a. Doug. 446 GENEVIEVE- HAUFLAJRE. Rom hotel. DE LITXE ACADEMY. Ill S. isth St, DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college. 20th ft Farnam MISS STURDY, 1116 Blnney. Webster 49S9. DRESSMAKING COLLKGkI Kelster'g Dressmaking Col.. 1628 City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. 6078. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Block. Evl- nenc secured m all cases. Tyler 1136, DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 111 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle, 724 City Nat. Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglaa. D. 21M. DRUGS. DRUGS at rut prices; freight paid on 110 orders ; catalogue rree. Bnerman ds o Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red S0C5. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, aid, knlf. sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all slsos and styles; hematitlchlng, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. Douglaa 19;t6. FURNACES AKD TIN WORK. HABERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 1971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florist. 1804 Farnam St. D. 8000. L. HENDERSON, 1814 Douglaa. D. 1268. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Ass n. HES8 ft 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam St A. DONAQHUE, 16H Harney. Doug. lOOL FURRIERS'. SAM KNEETEB, 1920 Farnam. Red 4A34. INSTRUCTION. English, rrench Instruction. 108 Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF TUB PEACE. II. H. CLAIBORNE. 611 Paxton Blk. Rd 740L Notary public, deposition atano. C. W. BRITT. 801 Baker Block. LANGUAGES. Languageg taught; prlvat or claasea Webster 6&M. LADIES' TAILOR. Max Bchwartx, 407 Paxton Blk. Doug. 1867. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. DURKIN Tho,nV4 Douglas 2E19. 2419 Cuming St. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN RROS CO. Exchange Bldg. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES, MNFTV of lodr resralla and costumes. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costume in in country, j neo. Lieben ft Son. 1M4 Howard. Doug, tils. MOTORCYCLES. JIARI.ET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. HsrirHln in used machines. Victor Root. "The Motorcycle Man." 2701 Leavenworth. I MOVING PICTU HG MACHINEi, OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, new, cigar, candy. 1539 Park. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 616 Be Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Bturges. 636 Brandels Theater Bldg. PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PI LI XI W CO.. Mattresses made to order or remade. 1917 Cuming. D. 2407. PRINTING. WATERS-RARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. Uih SL CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 1751 DOUGLAS Printing Co, Tel. Douglaa 644. PLUMES CLEANED. t' CURLED, dyed. D. Fleets. 1TW Cltv Nat SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. CI "CTTC? Opened, repaired, comb. O M n W changed. F. E. Daven-A-w- port ilt rjoage. d. ig2L , SCALE! REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co.. SIS S. 12th. D.J9U SHOE! REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., ho repair, til 8. It Harley Shoe Rep'r. On., XH Fnrn'm. R.344t SEWING MACHINES. rnt- repair sell needles and parts for all sewing machlnea "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., lEth and Harney. Douglas 1R1 STEEL CEILINGS. CARTE R Sheet Metal Com pany, 110 S. 10. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co., 414-l-lg 8. lZth. Doug. 1724. STOVE AND FURNACE! REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water front, furnaea colls, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Wks. 1206-1 Douglas St. Tyler M. TKLECTR1C MOTOR REPAIRING. CAITTLI. ELECTRIC Co.. Be Bid. D MT. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, WT S, 11th. D. HI Tree Trimming;. TREE TRIMMING Reference. Har. fBl TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELTNG A STEINLE, M08 Famam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter t mo. for IS. Oliver .typewriter Agency, woo Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 811 8. 18U St. All make fur sal or rent. RENT a "Remington " not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglaa 12n4. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fl Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WEOUl.VO STATIONERS. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ftg. Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-8 S. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to 8, 10c HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house. &!i N. liith. Douglaa 1D09. MEDICAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrfte for bok ok rectal diseases with testimonials DU. E. K. TARRY, 240 Be Bldg. RUPTURE cured In few day without pain. Call or writ Dr. Wrar, 304 B Bldg. Omaha Established IBM. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guarant d. Dr. Bowser, git Be Bldg. FOR RENT Apartment and Flats. FOR RENT New I-room apartment; dis appearing beds; pneumatlo elevator; shower baths; flrst-clas in every particu lar. Flora Apta.. 2661 Jones St. o S ROOMS, MODERN, 1901 Mason SCi I bed rooms, best condition, on on Door; rents 130. PETERS INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1622 Farnam St. D. 896. VERY choice 4 or 6-room, steam-heated apartment on West Farnam street. JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1802 Farnam Bt 7-R. APT.. I batha, sleeping porch, larg rooms, beautifully finished, strictly up-to-date; lnrge porch In front, prlvaUl fog rent NOW. Clarida Apt. H. 13M. ONE 4-room and one t-room apt.. Th Hamilton. Douglas 2M6. ST. LOUIS decorated. 2029. flat In Bemla park, newsy Call Doug. 6790, or Harney THE HELEN. 2464 Harney St. Vry cholc 4 and 6-room apartments in close-in fireproof building. Call Doug. 6790. 1 t. . v.uAnC4 ma aim nwuj vu., pleasant apartment. Tel. Harney 647. UNUSUALLY desirable B-r. corner apt. fin yard. 4082 Ixard. 835. Wal. 826. 2111 Chicago, 7-r.. modern. Tel. Doug. 7665. Board sal Atowaea. Fttrnlahad Room that offer vry modV rn convenieno and comfort In rlvat families or boarding housaa of th high est class will b found in th Furnished Room ooluma of Th Bee. Phon Tyler looo. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SAN FORD. 19th and Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. 20th and Farnam. Rm. ft bd. W. Farnam. 4225 Far. Val. 726. Large rm. Steam h't for couple. Har. 6293. ROOM and board for ladle. Web. SK36. Two front rms., with bd., prlvat family, mod., on car line. 1708 Park A V. H. 6186. Faraiahed Itoases. WEtST FARNAM. Furnished or unfurnished horn of T rooms, HO and to. Douglas 6ol3 or Colfax 1451. FOR RENT Furn. dwelling, 7-room; all mod.; must be responsible. 20 Harris. FURNISHED HOU8B FOR RENT. Very desirable 9-room furnished horn in West Farnam District, 1 block from car line, lv per month. GEORGE ft COMPANY. 802 City Natl Pank Bldg. Phone Douglaa 766. Fwru.alieU KtMims. NICE, large furnished room; all modern; fine location. 330s Webster St Phone Harney 6M3. . IN DUNDEE, one or two large, light, well-kept and well-heated rooms, in strictly modern home, for traveling salesmsn and wife; half block from oar: garage; reference exchanged. Phone Wvalnut7l9. o SLEEPING room, close in. 1321 8. 8th Bt 2913 MA SON On room for two gentle men. Can have use of den. RMS., modern flat Phone Douglas Wus. GOOD rooms; reasonable. Red 8.V. Furnished rms. on car l.ne. Douglas 4163. RMS., well heated. Tel. Web. 2957. NEWLY furnished rooms, heat. Red 6o61. Fine rm. prl'te entrance. 2111 Cass. R. 7795? LIGHT, nicely furnished room for coupl or two gentlemen. In Field Club dis trict. Private family. Meals If desired. References required. Harney Tiff. NICELY furnished room; close in; all modern. Ml S. 22d St. (10 So 21st A vs. modern, furnished room. t lose in. wuict phone, fall Doug. 7419. Fl'R rm., mod, suitable for 2. 2126 Doug. 67 S. Zid.. furnished room for rent, la private home. Telephone Red 6108. 2t73 Harney, rma. for gentlemen. 11.60 wk. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 17) COLUMN ONE.). Hi J K v f;0