Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1915, Page 5, Image 6

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    T1IK nEK: OMATTA, TITT'TiDAV. OOTOnKU 21. im.".
Sunday Preaches Sermon on
TL 7 r w t j
x 't- incarnation or JCSUS
' PiUr' Sunday preached Wednesday
Ubt on tho "Incarnation of Jesus."
11 said:
Teat. John 114, "The Word was made
flesh and dwelt among us.''
. Jmiii Christ la a world of thought.
There are vast continents and crowns that
never will be traversed by any rnlnd or
' I believe that Jn Jesua there are vast
ulijecls which no mind has ever fath
omed or ever will, such aa Hie deity. Hie
humanity. Ilia incarnation, Ills iiersonal
Ity, nd Hla plan for the redemption for
the world, and Influence. Although the
greatest winds the world ever produced
fcve all tried to master these, they have
Been convinced after noble, and laborious
rfort that there are vast regions of
thought which stretch out way beyond
their horizon or comprehension.
All say their experience la analogous
to that of Isaac Newton, who. In attempt
Ir.vf to describe hla search aflor knowl
Odgo, said he felt like a little, boy walk,
rng by the seashore, here and there occa
sionally ricking: up some pebbles, while
the Yaat deep rolled unexplored at his
And alncA that In fh flwrtonia nf
1 treat men, and. wise men. It would be Ihe
airhj f t absurdity in me at this time, to
itu4itri tu imbues inesc suujecis. i wisn
this afternoon to call your attention to
Just one phase of the subject, namely,
the Incarnation of Jesus. .
Webster defines it:.
"As the taking of the human body; the
mot of clothing with flesh."
Wo One Kim All A boat God.
I wish to speak of It aa a mystery, as
ft revelation, and as a prophecy. To be
1 convinced that It is a mystery you need
1 only to study the teachings of the Bible
J about the incarnation of Jesus. The Bible
always presents a suoject In the simplest
of language, and never attempts an ex
planation. The fullest,' simplest accounts
Are found in John And Paul's epistles.
The Jews took un itniwi n ui
i fend Jesus said:
ij "Many good works have I showed you
from the Father; for which of those
Jrorks do you stone MeT"
. The Jews answered Him:
"For a good work we stone Thee not,
fcuti because You blaspheme God."
A I hat familiar words these are. But
whi understands them? But they must
be understood before you can understand
the basis of the incarnation.
"In the beginning waa the Word and
the Word became flesh and dwelt
Among 'us.
o Ujat means that Qod became man
'"i Inornate In the flesh. Who
s all about God? I know something
JOUt God and Vnn hnAV nmfV,ln -I ,, .
. --" .viiie,iiiii n-WUl
f God, but no man or woman ever lived
that knew ail about God. -
So God, or a thing, or an object, or a
being, Is a mystery when there Is about
God or. that object, or being, or thing,
that which you cannot understand.
That watch Is a mystery. I can under
stand the time on it, but I do not under
stand about the wheels and all, so that
become a mystery to me when there are
things about it that I can't understand.
So anything Is a mystery when there
Jaiabout it that which you cannot under,
stfnd. -For all scholars will agree that's
bat it means, but on the scene cornea
the fool, who says, "I won't believe, what
I can't, understand," but 'you do every
ay that -you lit; : ; "? .
Tou believe that you cannot understand.
Taka reason. What is that? Reason ia
that faculty of mind with which we trace
the relation of causes and effects and
phenomena, and that which leads up to
nd causes the phenomena and effect.
What Is it by which you trace the cause
of the effect T
It is reason. What Is reason? It la the
faculty by which you trace the relaUon
f cause and effect.
So you see that you are a wheel within
ft wheel.
Where did reason come from and what
11 eoll8tot " Do you believe that
" ?u hav mason? Tes. Reason has dona
J"S5. things. Reason has penetrated far
into Science. Reason can tell you to
night fifty years from now the minute
When, the eclipse will take place or when
ft certain comet will swing within the
Vision of the human eye.
What Reason Says.
eaaon says, give the body drink. Rea
son says, give It food. I do that, there
fore my life la preserved, because I care
for my body according to my knowledge
But there; are a whole lot of things
iiftbout myself that I don't know. But do
I refuse to care for myself because there
ptm lot of things that I don't know?
Can you trace the circulation of the
Wood? No, you will get balled up In two
Do you understand how food as
similates to the body, and makes hair.
And corpuscles and veins, and bones, and
snuacles. No? Well, will you refuse to
M because you have not sense enough
t understand?
Then there are lots of things that peo
ple don't understand. Then don't vnu
butt Into God because there are lots of
Mings that you can't understand. You
poor fool, there are a lot of things that
you can't understand that you believe.
iHere are mysteries on every hand. I am
compelled to believe, or cease to exist.
Listen. We have a philosophy in our
day that is omniscient. If we accept this
testimony they are both wrong. The
world Is held in place, by two forces called
the centripedal and the centrifugal, and
one says: "I want to get away from the
center," and the other wants to go to
the center, and the operation of tho two
forces produces what we call the force of
gravity, and prevents us from flying off
on a tangent.
What la the force that produces mo
tion? What is the motion? The motion
Is the result of force; and that is as far
as your philosopher will go and he will
sash In.
Nobody ever saw. felt, or measured
yoroe. You simply see, hear, or feel the
Effects. You don't see force.
You say when that arm struck this arm.
And you hear, when the hands come to
gether, but you didn't see the force. You
imply saw the effects of force.
I shoot a gun, you hear when the gun
roes off. You see when the bullet strikes.
You feel It if It hits you. But you do not
see the force at all. You Just simply feel
the effects of force. Ho force Is A mys-
Now r. think that that Is enough to
how Any reasonable man and you all
look reasonable. You don't any of you
jT , Plays mm Heart as oa Keys. .
..J Explain to me the Influence of Jesus in
moving men and women to great things
to do mighty deeds.
None was ever equal to Jesus Christ In
sootdlng the lived of men and women.
From the beginning of His earthly career
2. years ago until today. In Omaha. He
has been molding and shaping the lWes
of men and women.
Our hearts are like a great big piano;
eai-h heart is like a key, to which lie sit
and upon whlih He plays. He brings
forth sounds and notes of sorrow and sin.
then great hallelujahs and triumphs over
the world and the flesh and the devil.
He knows the capacity of the human
heart. He knows all about iL Kxplaln
why it Is men and women come down the
aisles and take my hand. That explains
why it is.
It Is the name of Jesus Christ that
moves you to do great and noble deeds.
That explains why it Is that the name I
or jesus t tirtst appeals to you and leads
the boose fighter to cut It out. and the
thief to steal no more, and the aeons nx
man He makes pray, and leads men to
leave sin and Iniquity.
That explains to me why It ia that
Jeua Christ moves men and women to di
mighty deeds.
But Into tho scene butts the Infidel
Ho swells out his chest, some little two
by four, and he says:
"look here, Mr. Sunday."
"What is it?"
"How do you account for the fact
that so ninny intelligent men and women
or the world disbelieve In Christianity?"
Listen to me. It Is Just the ormosite.
There hus never been a time In the his
tory of this world when the dlvlnltv of
Jesus Christ and the Inspiration of that
Book has been more generally accented
and firmly believed by the intelligent
men and women that live in your dav
and mine. And for you to sneer and
scoff at Jesus Christ and the Bible Is A
sign that you are a fool.
DUbellevrra l.lre In Bin.
Tell you another thing: listen to me.
A man or a woman becomes too pro
gressive to be a Christian. Whenever
you become too intelligent to believe
In the Bible as the Word of God then
your Influence as a business associate
and as a companion for others Is at
an end.
Don't you be hoodwinked, young man,
Into supposing that to be a doubter ia
evidence of a superior Intelligence. It Is
evidence of a pigmy Intellect or A black
heart, one of the two, and I have never
met a man In my life that disbelieved
that the Bible was not the Word of God
who.wasnt living In sin. When I can
get hint to give up sin he doesn't have
much trouble about believing. v
Explain to me why It Is that mis-
slonarles leave their homes and leave
their bones bleaching on the sand
hills. People don't leave their homes
and go to burope and all that for Shake-
Explain to me why missionaries kiss
their loved ones good-bye and Co out
and live in foreign fields.
Bay! I am going to believe these
things. I see sinners being saved, drunk
ards made sober men, and women being
transformed. How are you going to dis
believe all you hear sweeping our land?
Accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God
and the rest will become easy. Listen.
If the embassy of the Chinese dynasty
sixty-five years after Christ had come
had gone 1,600 miles farther south In
their search.' China wonld be Christian
today Instead of pagan.
I. tell you It is the followers of 'this
Christ that make the wortd what It ts
""The .'word became flesh and dwelt
among us."
And . lastly, it la a prophecy not so
much of a foretelling. I am prophesying
His name. I ani telling you that by
faith the drunkard can be made sober.
I am telling you that the liar can be
made truthful. I am telling you that
God will transform you, if you will ac
cept Him as your Christ. Listen.
If a man starts out to live the kind
of a life he knows he ought to live, sooner
or later something happens to make htm
realize how far short he Is of reaching
his Ideal. ' .
Here Is a man that wants to be gen
erous, he finds himself a rasping, grasp
ing, squeezing old skinflint.
Here is a man who concludes he wants
to be truthful and hs finds himself a
Here Is a man who wants to be a pure
man and he finds himself a libertine.
And here Is A man that wants his hands
to reach out, his mouth to be filled with
words of praise and message of love and
he discovers that they are frequently
filled with obscenity And profanity and
In his failure to reach his Ideal he gets
Here Is a man who wants to be sober
and he falls off the water wagon. He
wants to pray and he cusses; he wants to
be honest and he steals. Now, In his
failure to reach his high Ideals - every
man starts out to live the kind of life
that he knows he ought to live. Some
day something happens that will maks
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Mm realise how far short he Is of attain
Ing his Ideals.
I want to help you. everybody. I don t
csre who you are. Then he ns:
"Woe Is to me. I am undone."
He sits up yonder and I am down here.
"Now then," he says, "here Is whst I
am, there Is what I ought t be. Now
how am 1 going to get what 1 am trans
formed Into what I ought to be.'
Tanae ho ley C ItrUt Are Mare
Old Mother F.ddy butts In and says:
"It Is nothing, it is nothing."
On comes the t'nlversaltst and says:
"We villi be saed.'V
Tou lie.
On comes the I'nltarlan with his faith.
You're a liar. Any man is a liar that
doesn't believe In Christianity. He is a
liar. Many a man lies who doesn't
preach Jesus Chrlxt from the pulpit. 1
don't care whether he I a tVngroga
tionnllHt, Baptist or what be Ir. he la a
liar. A lot of you preachets are going
to slxzle, too, like a burnt boot.
Whenever you reach the s:xt In your
life when yoO will honesty say:
"Here ts what I am. I am a boose
fighter and I ought to be sober; here
I am, I cuss and ought to pray; here I
am, a libertine and I ought to be pure;
here I am, I lie about my nolKhhors, en 1
I ought to keep my mouth shut; here I
am, in debt and I won't pay my debts
and I ought to be honest.
Whenever you ask that question Jesus
Christ will walk out and stand in front
of you and He says:
"If on are not tvhrt ru ought to bo
aVd If ou want to become what you
nucht to be, the only way to do It Is ti
aoej-t Mo."
The only way to dig out of what you
are and get Into what you oukM to be
Is throush Jesus Christ
The r.lWe tells you end me that the
only man who ever lived that waa what
Ho was and what He ought to be was
Jesus t hrift.
hrlst lloeka tar Cradle.
The world la A great bin cradle and
Christ stands bs It and rooks It and ro. ks
it, and as he rocks it He says to the
I world:
"1 am going to make great men and
women, make Impure men puro, going to
make drunkards sob. r, going to make
j blasphemers Christians, going to make
thieves not to steal, golnu to take nil who
nre obscene, vu and Iniquitous and trans,
lorm them."
He rinks tho crade cnllod Christianity,
and He r-oure out Taul. the greatest
preacher anil teacher anil philanthropist
the worhl has ever known.
Accept the Apostle Paul and his trans
formation without the Incarnation of
Jesus Christ and you Insult and slander
Jesus Christ.
He rooks tho cradle and from It comes
AiiRiistlne. Account for Augustine bein
transformed to a 8t. AiiRUstlne without
Bcecptlnir Jesus Christ and you Insult and
Slander Hod.
Ho rooks nnd rocks tho cradle and forth
comes Martin Luther. Germany's great
monk, who biased out tho word of God
rml It on the ilwr of th eV:r-h.
Account f.r Martin Luther and hs iv
formatloit without Jesus Christ ns the 8on
nf U,h1 and you Insult Martin Luther and
history and slander Ood.
He says: "Here, men, you were not
what you ought to be."
Me took Paul the murderer and made
him an apostle. He took Augustine and
made him a saint. He took Martin Lu
ther and transformed Mm Into a l laxtng
He says: "I am going to take men and
women who are not what they ought to
be and make them Into what Ood wants."
A Challenge to the Saloon,
Will you do It? He rocks the cradle
and forth comes Wealey and Fpurgcon
and multitudes I can't name. He rocked
the cradle.
Down the streets of New York City,
one stormy night went A' missionary. He
was thinly clad and he shivered with the
cold. A a he passed the door of a grog
shop It flew open And out came a great
big, hog-Jowled. buttermllk-eyed, red
nosed son of perdition,, shoving a poor,
staggering, muttering, apewlng drunkard
out of a stale beer joint and says:
"To bell with you! Get out of here!"
I have been told that A aaloon keeper
said that if local option wins, It will be
the damn drunkards that do It.
You black-hearted scoundrel, come up
here and tell me that, and I will knock
you down. If I have to pay fln the
next minute. You have belched forth
your double distilled liquid damnation;
you have ripped the carpet from the
flror; jnii hnve wrecked the homes of
bsniness, and blighted the lives of
wives and children, and then have the
nerve to stand up and make A statement
like that, you miserable skunk.
out ho staegered and he lay there
bleeding and groaning. The missionary
helped the poor old man to his feet and
talked with htm. The drunkard said to
"rant. If you want to help me glvs me
your overcoat."
Tho missionary was thinly clad, but he
pulled his ovrrcoat off and wrapped It
around the shivering form of the old
drunkard and said:
"Come up to the mission and hear about
He staggered to the front and accepted
I Urn as his Saviour. He started out him
self preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
One night he ass preaching In A mis
sion of his own when a man arose and
asked permission to speak. He came to
the platform and said:
"I sat and listened to that man and he
moved me to tears."
He told that three years ago a petition
waa presented to him to pardon that
man and ha refused to do It because
he waa in the penitentiary. That man
standing there making that contesslor
was Governor John Dlx of the state o'
New York. He told that that man hm
served seven terms In the Ping Blng pent
tentlary. There hs was preaching Jesus
Christ and they flocked to hear him.
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