Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1915, Image 5

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Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
AMD IHiTCLLKENT- J TQttfcHT- J V Eft AS I ' .OTM0 -y--' AM BUT " i'
' i wi i I I i , ... - Jll M -t ,.J eril J
American League Boss Sayi National
Commish Will Call Off Trip it
Anything Goes Wronj.
When the All-Star bass ball nines, pi
loted by Frank Pencroft. secretary of
tha Cincinnati club, started on their tour
of the west, llttla Penny Johnson, who
swings tba club over tha American
league, bid thatn a fond farewell by slip
ping them llttla alaP In tha mush.
Opon their departure from Chicago for
Oakoah, where the first came wu played,
cental Banny Informed the athletes that
Omaha Lad Makes
End Position on
Illinois Varsity
. Tommy Mills, coach at Crelghton uni
versity haa received 4 letter from Leo
Klein. Omaha boy and pupil of Mills'
when Tommy waa cwh at the Central
High achool, regarding tha llllnois-Ohlo
game test Saturday which wound up I
to a Klein played at end In the came for
"Qisxrterback Clark and Halfbaok
Fcgue were both out of the twin," aald
Klein, "and Clark and Pogus make up the
IlllnoU scoring machine. That accounts
for tha surprise Ohio gave ua. With
Clark and Pogue playing HUnoU la 100
per cant stronger."
Klein la making food at Illlnole and
it la expected that tha Omaha lad will
be regular end all of thla vear. Thia la
they did not have the aanctlon of tha , the tint year he waa eligible to tha
well-known National commission, which j vanity squad. Ha graduated from Con-
seems to nna lis enter pieaaura in lire in , trai High In 1814.
waJlopIng minor league towns. It might
be mentioned. In paaalnr, that tha All
"tars will play only In minor leagus
towna en tha trip.
Johnson announced that post-season
tour of baea ball playere are not a Rood
thing. "Should anything' develop on the
trip to mar tha national pastime, It will
be called off," aald Johnson. "Thla trip
never should have been started," he con
tinued. "Frank Bancroft took advantage
of tha man and hubbub of the world's
eerlea to plan thla tour.'
Tha All-Stars are somewhat net up
over tha klndly-dlsposed Johnson an
nouncement. Bancroft says ha got per
mission from each club owner to sign
each player, and that Gerry Herrmann
said It- waa all right.
Johnny Brem said he would do a
Johnson said, "Ban helped ma out' once."
said Johnny.'- "and If ha call a oft tha
trip It's O. K.'wlth me."
Jack Coombs feeleth not the same way.
"Johnson turned ma down when I asked
htm for a Job as an umpire when I
thought I was through as a pitcher, so
I don't feel tha same way as Johnny."
Regardless of the cheerful news from
Bee Bee, ail of the players scheduled to
make the tour war on tha job at tha
tart except Alexauder, and be will Join
tha tea-ma In Omaha.
Holiday Wins
in the Contest
STRACVSE, Nob., Oct. SO.-A horseshoe
pitching eonteat for tha championship of
Iowa and Nebraska was held between
John Itolllday, sr., of this city and Al
bert VaUtadt of Hawarden, la., and was
won by Hvlllday, who won, U$ points to
lot points. The Iowa ma and his back
ers earns here wtth the avowed Intention
(it cleaning up the local man, but were
disappointed and tha Iowa man was
clearly outpitched from tha start.
The village board in special aeaatoa re
voked the saloon license of M. r. WlmfoU
for violating tha law en two different
counts to which ha had plead guilty when
arrals-aed before Polio Judge Stanbro.
The saloon was closed.
Two purebred hog sales were conducted
Monday, at whtoh E. U Buach aold
fine lot of Puroc-Jereeys, constating of
fall and spring boars and a few gilts.
Thar ware thirty-two head sold, fetch
ing nearly two. or an average of over VI
per bead.
Nleh Bchriener. near Unadllla, held bis
annual sale of Poland-Chinas, consisting
of fall and spring boar and gilta. Thirty
elsht bead were sold for over (900. or ao
average of over t per head.
The foot ball team of the Oregon
Agricultural college will go through
Omaha next Wednesday on Its way to
Lansing, Mich., where the westerner
will play the Michigan Aggies. The taain
will travel over tha Northwestern road.
Foot Ball Fans to
Go to See Game
BRA THICK, Neb., Oct . BpcUI
Over 100 tli ken to the Nebraaka-Notre
Liame game to be played at Uncoln next
fiaturday were sent hers Tueaday and
war gobbled up like hot cakes by tha
foot ball fans. Another 100 were ordered,
Beatrice will send a delegation of prob
ably sjO to Uncoln to as the big game.
Many will go by train, while more will
go by auto if the roads are good.
UeatrUs and Urand Uland High school
foot ball teams will battle for honors her
next Saturday afternoon, and the locale
are getting la the beat poaeible ahape for
tha fray. The Peru and Beetrlc reaerv
teams will alo play.
Taylor Guest of
Community Club
OOLETUDOK. Neb . Oct. .-Spctl )
Th regular tneetl-ig of tbs Community
club aa held, with Vr. W. E. Taylor of
Molina. Ill , the (,-unt. Frlenda of the club
wre prren.t In em b number that It
taxed the seating capacity of the opera
bouse. The dot i..r cke on "Soil Culture
and M43ern Farm Methods"
brventy pr rent of the oats In this
rojwiiutiliy are Ihroel.ed, (0 per cent of
wbtuh have gone into the. bins. Corn
far from niaturtd and it now aipeara that
a large pvrccntsge was caught by tne
Liogaay sa .y Wlaaer
I.IVIrtsAT. Nrb., fx-t. . Sp--lal V
l.ii.MAh Otri'.ra nt La tkll. I
to Vuaur) fll'bol f'-r arid
ir.rui k cut aijito nn. KoAic.a i'uuL
Aisiitant Creighton Coach Watches
Catholici in Action and Sayi
Nebraska Mut Fifht to Win.
"Tha Cornhuakars will encounter the
stlffeat oppoaltlon they have In years
when they tackle Notre Dam at Lincoln
Saturday," declare Warren Howard,
former Nebraska star and assistant
coach at wroighton, who haav Just rs
turned from South " Band, where ha
watahed th Catholics play In order to
get a fsw lines on their work, so as tj
teach a defense to the Crelghton war-
tors who meet Notre Dam later In the
"It's a powerful machine Harper has
built up. with only two new men on
th squad, th center and quarter," con
tlnued Howard. "Phelan at Quarter Is
unknown, but ha Is good enough, so that
JIarper put Bergman, who directed th
team last year, at half.
Notre Dame directs mast of their
plays toward the right std of their own
and the left side ii the side Ne
braska la weakest. Coamberlain la really
the only strong man on Nebraska's left
wing and that wing muat be depended!
upon to bear the brunt of moat of th
Notre Dame plays.
Bergman la a whirlwind at half.' He
a little fellow, but as isnt as light
ning and a wonderful open-fle.d runner.
"A trick that provea difficult for other
teams to solve Is the Notre Dame
method of punting. Th kl k Is mad j
from formation and It Is ltauOatb tj
tell when It la coming.
"I think Nebraska will win, I certainly
hop so, but it will be a mighty tough
scrap." ,
SUU Board of Health Bay. Anti
Toxin at Wholesale and Dis
tribute, it to Doctor at Cost
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DJ MOINKtf, la., Oct. 30. Hpeclal.)
The Iowa State Board of Health Is do
ing quit a business In handling anti
toxins and vaccines. Th plan of buv-
Ing the disease repellents In wholesale Ths sxperlment station At Ames Is n-
nuanllties and selling them to the phy- ;0.avoring to help Iowa potato grower to
counties In the state noted for apple pro
duction. An apple .how has been
planned at Bloomfleld for October 77
and .If It provea successful tha show
will be an annual evont hereafter. A
spraying demonstration last spring In
creased th Interest la spraying and th
crop thla fsll is one of th best ever
grown titer. From five acres William
Husaell has harvested nearly 4.000 bushels
of sppiee. He contracted his orchard
product early In th season to a large
wholesale fruit house.
Fetatee. Ooiag l'g.
Potatoes ars higher In price a the re
sult of late bllgbt la potato states to
ths north and sast of Iowa. Orowsrs
are finding a smaller yield than was
expected because the blight destroyed
the leaves and stopped th tuber growth.
Special eaat fw Kl rasa.
. l: 1 1 v 1 -r i'i vi ja i . . j .
Wtleon today author-lied th taklne of a
ixw-lnl census In Kl Paso. Tex. The law
protidna met a epiai renetie niey be
ordered at the reu,uet of a city willing
to bear the exneiiees.
alclans through local drug storea, known
as distributing stations, la saving th
people from w to n per cent on th
cost of these supplies, according to th
statsment of Dr. Sumney, Stat Board of
Health secretary.
Th board Is now handling; typhoid
vaccina, diphtheria and tetanus anti
toxin. A few years ago th legislature
mad aa annual appropriation of !3,O0S
to carry on this work, la order that ths
people might have access to these sup
plies at a law cost.
Now ths board Is sending out consid
erable diphtheria anti-toxin. Not that
diphtheria la especially prevalent, but It
Is always In evidence, soon atar the
schools open in tha fall. Dr. Sumner
states. Tasterday th board sent out alx
ty-thre Immunising and fifteen euratlv
treatments. Th total cost of these to
th people through their physicians will
be 171.66, whereas at regular prioas thee
seventy-eight treatments would hav cost
I1K.M. Tha Urge hospitals report that
this anti-toxin has robbed diphtheria of
Its terrors and th fatalities from thla
disease are now les than IS per cent,
whereas they formerly were more than
per cent. -
Tbe board Is having soms trouble In
getting a supply of tetanus antl-toxtn
because of the denMtnds of ths war.
Oldest Newspaper Sold.
The Davenport Democrat and Leader,
Davenport's oldest dally paper, oontr oiled
by th Richardson family for th last
fifty-seven years, has been taken over
by a stock company. J. J. Rlohardson,
th present publisher, has retired from
actWe management, but will direct tha
auditorial policy of th paper. Th mem
bers of th syndlcat which bought out
th heirs af D. N. Richardson, former
owner of a half Interest In th paper, and
a large amount of stock owned by J. J.
Richardson, ars Frank D. Throop, pres
ent publisher of the Muscatine Journal;
Charles H. Msy, Chicago, formerly pub
lisher of th Peoria Herald-Transcript;
P. T. Walsh, millionaire railroad con
tractor, Davenport and Max B. Ocha,
wealthy real estate man.
Maalelpal Cwwrt.
Th petition for a special election to
vote en th question of establishing mu
nicipal courts In Des Moines to do away
with justice courts wss filed with th
county clerk with I.W signatures. This
Is l.ttt more name than wr necessary.
Th special election will be ' called . fur
November U. at which time tbs new
street car franchise will also be voted on.
Th authority to astabUah a municipal
Court was granted to Des Moines and
other large cities la th stats by th last
general assembly. Th establishment of
a municipal court would automatically
abolish th four Jus tic office and th
polio court. Instead of electing these
flv men th people would be callen upon
to choose four municipal court Judges,
whos salaries will be SZ.tOO each per
BelnT Apple.
Davis county Is boosting the apple in
dustry and hopes to Join the ranks of
get a good price this fall for their crop.
Tbe Ames men are trying to ptao Iowa
grower.' and snippers who hav oar lot.
for sal la touch wtth dealers and gro
cer, who want to buy.
Sapreaae Cwart Detafae.
i State , of Iowa era Inst Harrison B.
wle, appellant. Jefferson county, L.
i. Anderson, judge. Convicted of as
sault with intent to rob. Reversed.
J. B. bwh, appellant, against B. 8.
Brown, Woodbury county, John T,
Oliver, judge. Action to aet aside Judg
ment against pialnUff aa garnioheo la
a - auit brought by defendant, brown,
sa(nnt U. P. Matthew. Trial court
sustained demurrer. Affirmed.,
A. Conte, appellant, against Urban
InoortH), folk county. Appeal from re
moval of appellant Conte as adminis
trator of estate of Frank Bagnola. AX-
' r tL-jt- a a v
Meter leasra.
1st. Id. 3d. Tot.
Cochran .. 1 Iwt r Ml
J. Juroah.. 1" it Hi r,
M.rt n .... 1 1: ! t.T
TerrU ... lit 1-4 W tli
Nvtn Hi lit fee (
Totals.... n iurr vi
rtrgner .
hoot ....
fhans ...
l.l. )
.. lMi 11
.. Ill HJ
. 1&4 Ul
.. Ii4 li
.. 1M lil
Sd. To
1.4 ISO
Totals ... k mt 7
ftTH 1A MB.
lat. Id. H. Tot.
McCthy v lz 4 ,
kihrg ..
Uoff ...
W chOW ..
10 0 14
1M 1
1-4 i ivt
IN b) itl
wi i4 a b
lt. Id. W. Tot
H strora . Jji l"? l- -4
Ion. 1 11 17 M
li.,ill Ixl IX A HI
Mun'tua .. ! 1 1 H
Tuiusn ... 11 1 '7
lUMku . U U 11 M
Total..... 1T hi M n)
1st Sd Id Tot.
Johnson '...12 UT I. U
Wurd Ml U 14 I
tt.o H 1 1'
Cnrutensen, ! I 1 1 l&
Moiao ....! IM 1st 4,1
Usauas .. t Is)
Totals tut SIS J
Marner ...
Howell ...
r. Jaroeh
FrlU ....
1st. 2d. M Tot.
1 lsj 17S M
US ! lw 47
17 1 X t
1M1 1 1H 4M
,lv l.l l as)
Tt ale
A . Mowei
P-frv ...
tLiP .... mj aa ua
lst M Sd. Tot.
...17 170 lt 4H
s i J iti 17 en
,...V4 ll 1K7 4SJ
j4 ua ui
,...i?7 i; ui ta
Total. ...HIS M Hi tXU
1st iid. Sd Tot
Sau3 .......It 1M It tX
l-y.k In) IMt Ui 4el
N'vsKard .. li 1" 1M
Coaday ....127 til lbi
IUukii ....1 11 ua to
Handicap .. M e H UI
Totals ..m eS tag sJ
feed Leaa
lat. tA. td Tot
DeVson '.. 11 141
Kolbo tiT l. IM b"l
oboda . i0 11 1J '
V ! l. J 1st 4lT
Hollutk ... 1.1 1S 116 tU
Totals.... (77 TV4 Sat tut
l.t. id. M Tot
Hart 1M IM 1st
Huushlns . LS 1A 14 et
Hoedu4 .. 1A 14 16 -4
Itisby Ill 1.4 let 40
aD'Ple ... 1 hA lw 4Vl
Tctais ... m tm tU tist
( i.i. m. id. t
'doofleidi N. ld M LA 2t
11. im
braueli ..
UT 1T0
117 14
121 114
m 147
Fhsw ...
Foster ..
"eiine ..
Co harve
..- Kd su
l.t. 1.1
.. 11 147
.. 147 11
.. m 167
.. 144 144
. ii m
Sd. Tot.
lii 4 J
14 Ct
114 4'0
164 4-13
14 4:4
State of Iowa aaialnsl Will tun H,
iwenan, nonroe county.
Hunter, Judge. Convicted
Francis M.
slaughter. Reversed.
-Hl . y" iv PPollnt, afalnst O. B.
Q. R. R., Monroe county. D, M. Ander
son, judss. Action to renovae vsJiu J
oow k hid on leiennant'a right-ot-way.
Aaa a. Canfleld, appeUant, against Iowa
Dairy Separator (.. Black Kawk
county, Franklin C. inatt. ludse. Aotlon
for personal injuries. Judgment for d.
icnuani. Arrirmed.
James McDonald against John. P.
Green, appellant, Winneshiek count r, W
J Hprlncor. Judga. Action for personal
Injuries, judgment for plaintiff. Affirmed.
rsrraer at xsarcnants' Btat hank, ap-
nant. against i. At Shaffer. Hamu
u county. C. CI I lulr. J.uu...
for defendant en nrr.mmt.r ti.
firmed. ' '
tto of I6wa against U J. Row,
sppellarit. Cedar county, W. N. Treloh-
ler, Judge. Convieted of laroeay by am
bex.leiiient, reversed and remanded.
Witihauer against Wheeler. hearing.
Overruled. .
Telephone Men Meet
, to Better Service
SHENANDOAH. Ia Oct M.-6pcial.)
Forty telephone managers from south
western Iowa and northern Missouri are
attending the first of a series of district
meetings, which Is being held her today.
Informal discussions of their problems,
shop talk, plans for mors efficient tele
phone service and an address on "Depre
ciation'- by A. B. Campbell of th en
gineering department of th Agricultural
college at Ames, la., occupy th promi
nent places on th program.
Th meeting la a part of tha movement
for better telephone service for Iowa.
On of th sixteen schools -of Instruction
to be held In th state for the "hello"
girts will be conducted In tw-" -i-rh
later. .
Big Price Made for
Western Iowa Land
SHENANDOAH. Ia., Oct. ft peclsj.)
Two hundred and twenty-fir dollars
an acre la th price psid by Frits Lgdaa
for th George Brewer, farm, two mil
east of Shenandoah. Th sixty-eight
acres brought UT.tM, and a few yea
ago were bought by Mr. Brewer for 10.-
US, or fl It an acre. Mr. Lydea Is a for
mer nursery employ and waa without
means until ths last few years. Sine
than he has been making good profits
I a mung rented land. Mr. Brewer uu4
his aged mother will move to Khenan
TIT t T71 S2tt
Name. l.t n. Id. Tot.
Mt-Kayden )S& 121 lil 4
lUworth ..141 lis tf .7
fctone 11 m an set
Hi I sad ,...17 1J lit sn
Huhsa ...117 lib IM ul
Totals . . S-4 lt m Uo4
Name. 1st. 11 Id Tot
French is m 4-
O Keefe ...US lit 1:4 41t
Itussell ....1S4 I 140 -
tisruett ....IM 1)4 l t0
Gaunt lJt l m tjt
Total. . . TTt 74
1st. M. td. Tot
If. M phy.. Ill 11 lit 46
I AlCjre .... Ikl 1-4 ). fi
In.eraoU . 17 lit 194 S7
tr beck .. HI 1U l S
Neisoa .... lul )w U4 4it
Totals ... (40 701 u 1x4
let. M. M To
1 lit 1:7 41
l. HI U'l V4
lis Ii im e-7
la i.i Ki
AdvertUlBgr Iowa Frog a eta.
SHENANDOAH. Ia.. Oct. SO. (Special.)
10 "Advertising an Iowa product la Hawaii
s th mission of Ellsworth Beaoh, a ho
leaves today for a trip to th Peif
roast and th Hawaiian Island. Ha Is
vie president of the Aaserteaa Live
Stock Powder company of Bheaandoah
nd will represent th concern oa tha
trip. Mr. Beach Is the manxber of the
city council that recently brought suit
tor l.u dmag against ths Elks
csfe, when the proprietor Is said to hav
put him out of th oaf for not paying
cash tor a cigar.
Hundred Killed in
Explosion in Factory
PARIS. Oct. 10. Ou hundred persons
were killed or injured la an explosion In
a factory In Hue I) Tolblac thla after
noon, according to a report received at
the prefecture of police.
Duke ....
Krlng ..,
Vv.i.e ...
He ...
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 10. By winning
todsys game from Oaklai d by a B -ore
of S to 4 the can Francisco club won the
championship of ths Paclfi Coast league.
Should Sat Franolao loa all tha remain
ing games af th g-ssaan, wbioo. closes
Capital of Nish Moved ' to Prkrend
and aa Attaok by the Combined
Annies of Ifiih is Expected.
8ALONIKI, Oct. J 9. (Via ParU,
Oct SO.) Tic cntents allies: are
marking- time,, pending the concentra
tion of a sufficient number of troops
for their operations in the Balkans.
A large French fore Is on the way
to Balonlkl. French forces havw
smcoaMsd thus far In protecting the
lower end of the NUh-Saloniki rail
Ths capital of Serbia baa been trans
ferred from Nlsh to Prisrend. In western
Serbia, close to th Albanian frontier.
The banks and most of th legations are
being removed to Prsrwnd. Th Russian
consul at Balotxlkj has sent an automo
bfl to bring th Russian minister to
Serbia to this city, but owing to the
muddy condition of the roads. It Is
doubtful whether this effort will suc
ceed. Th Austrc-Oerrnan expedition Is com
posed of mixed forces of about twelve
divisions. Th Austrian hav advanced
well up to th Morava valley and are
nlaavorlag to affect a junction with th
Bulgarians, who are making an attack
n-fth of th Nlsh-Zajecar sector. ;
Army officers her believe tha com
bined armies, when a junction tia been
effected, will not be satisfied wtth open
ing a rout across northeastern Serbia,
but win attack Nlsh.-
Aa other asrtou attack also fs under
way by th Bulgarians with fjskap as
Its objective, ' It Is admitted that this
fore already hag aceupted Istip.
Prince Andreas, a brother of the king.
accompanied by his wife. Princes Alio,.
has joined his regiment her.
A "For Sale" ad win tam s4Mad-hand
tarmtur Into cash.
Whales Declared
World's Champions
CHICAGO, Oct. SO. Tha members of th
Chicago team of th Federal leagu will
be presented with medals by the league
declaring them champion, of th world
for MIS, areorcing to a letter received to
day by Jo Tinker, manager of the team,
from James A. Gllmore, president of the
les g us.
In congratulating Tinker on winning th
Federal league pennant th letter says:
'Inasmuch as ths National eummlsslon
failed to accept our challenge for a ser
ies to decide ths championship, your taam
Is th unquestioned champion of ths
world, and It will be a pleasure to m to
present to you and each of your player
a medal emblematic f that title."
Be Want Ada Produos Results. te Wosaoxt T erf lava.
livnnw rVn sa tm mmI-. - 1
men of military are In London tbe polio
aiaveunoad tbla evening that hereafter
licenses will be laued to women to work
aa omnibus snd street car conductors.
Uphand Makes Talk
to Real Estate Met-
Ivl it-
rV.'ft A si
nlvHn 6
N. J. Uphand of Duluth, prenldent o"
the International Realty Associate, th
body which mnkea Investment f r thj'
changes, gave a .hort talk at the regi'1
W meeting of th Omaha R-al E.taU"
exchange at the Commercial club at noort '
Rec:tly the International aaso-latel" ",
purchased a tract of land near the Lil "
Institute for th purpose of platting - '
Into lots. No action toward thla hai"M "
been taken yet, said Mr. Uphand. but ht
declared that he expect plans will r,4 """w
mad for th platting very short. y. - 'fr
. . nl"
F. H. Myers, Byron Hastings and George u sf
T. Morton have been appointed a nom-w.4 s.J
mating committee for th Omaha Real rjl"
Estate exohange. They are to bring lat snt
their report of nominations for officers sncn-.A
for ths ensuing year with In a fow days; o4
and fhs election Is to be held November, .i f,u
S? fl. 11. Greatest Plooif Hemcdy
Gfocs lenutg Vtn Others Pail
SWISW UvwyZf-p PlKl pwI4. T fj f rrrtm. It Js absorb into.
BQ-1-- rtmi ftfJrW
letoyctf fioa t
eallirlBI - JeM
TPs ft
fs tmtttte rot
Tllaf TnifrSfi I
xi OC
&a neitk mm 4 eatTr.
9 pdtewt.
sWsUrte toimomx sx is,
.1 isil.'a
ml 1
tAWaSaWalt. , '.'.'hovv
iOl as in M) t'is week. It sUU would cont aus
, S47 Ct4 tje Ijjj ' huad of th pcrcentag eoluj
MifirrmBi nMinn ni. .
- "
1 A
Don't Build Castles
In the Air
Build a Bungalow
In Omaha
It's all rffht to plan, and of eonrse
you HAVE been planning this long time.
You know Just how you want your home
to look. But. even so, a professional
builder can give you much advice and
tell you things you never reckoned on.
Better call Mm in go that you will plan
However, It Is time to act. Tou have
planned long enough. To continue
planning Is Just like building castles la
the air it gets you nothing.
On the other hand, If you aet you
will be taking a definite step toward a
richer, better, happier life. Lots may
be had now far cheaper than you can
buy them next year. It will be wise for
you to Invest now and take advantage
of this natural increase in the value of
Watch the real estate columns of
THE BEE. Use THE BEE as your real
estate guide. Thus you will be put In
touch with many opportunities and with
reliable business men offering real es
tate and building service.
1"t! fi'T I
L-j5 -