THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2t, 1915. 13 I f BBVEN l I Walnut y'.'t-R- ho" ; ' 4-kouM 422.S0. V 0 i """11 FOR RKXT Am""1' and Flats. jtor BFNT New l-rnnm apartment; dla- nnrtni bede: tniim tla lvtr; f v shower baths; first-class in every pertlou- -,r. Flora Apts., MJoiifiPt. g kouMS. mmdkrn, r-a muku b-t rooms, beit condition, on on floor; FETlSis INVRWTMFNT COMPANT. 1fi"3 Parnam Bt. D. WW. 0 ST. CI.ARF, ?41h and Harney Bta.. 1 pleasant apartment. TV!. Hrnr 47- Board Fm-nlatied Boom that offer vry mod em ronvenlence and comfort In privet famine or boarding house, of the high set das will b found In the Fum1hd Room oolum of Tha Ilea. Phone Tyler K. SPKCIAI. LOW HATKS TO PERMANENT OUBPTS, KOTTIj MNFOHD, WD and Farnam. HOTF.L HARLtT. n and Faram. BEAUTIFUL 8. a room, steam heated. private bath, good board, h-n. nr. F.m. bd. W. Farnam. 422R FrWtl. i. Large rtn. Steam ht for ecu pi. Hwr. 62M. ROOM andboard for "ladles. Web. Km. Two front rtna.. with bd., private family, mod., on far Una. 17" Park Ave. H. MM. g-mrmUhed Bloase. WEST FARNAM. Furnished or unfurniahed homa ef 7 rooms. Mo and tV. nougiaa mi or Colfax 14SS. rarnlakrd Km ma. NI0TH large furnished room: all moVm; fine location. 8308 Wabater St. Phono Harney AH43. fine rim, yrt te eturanca. tin n.. uto. in nitvniTB. na or two larte, llKht. wall-kept and wall-heated rooma. In strictly modern homa. for traveling aaiaaman and wife; half block from oar: aar&ae; relerenoea xchanged.PJo8lnutm. LIGHT, nicely furnished room for couple or two- ;ntlemf"n, n Flold Club dla trict. Private family. Meals if desired. Referenoes required. Harney Tl'T, JJ1CEL.T furnished room; close U; all modern, 631 8. 22d Bt. 'aTRONT room In new home for two young men, cheap. 8978 Hamcy. aiO So 21at Ave. modern, furnished room. Cloae tn. yulet phone. Call Doug. 7819. !n rtn., mod, aultabla for I. tV Doug.. Oeorirta Ave, rooms good fur- pao. Tel. Harney J7 8. J3d.. furnlshett room for rent, In private home. Telephone Red 10. S7a Harney, rma. for gentlemen. 1.60 wk. Pvratlasted Haak. Baaa. eURNlSHRD rooms for light housekeep ing, B. th Bt., 615; 4 rooms, well fur nished, private bath and an trance; oloa In. : ' HsawkersUg Raoaaa. ttjl DAVENPORT TWO OR THRKTfi NICKLT FURNISHED HKPO. ROOiia NEW BRIL'K tUT. &( FARNAM Nice, modern, steam- heated pouseneeptny rooms. Uamaoa asd Cattaaraa. , Nortk. BBVEN room, 14S7 Charlea, $19. Phone R. house; mod. e. heat D. KhjM house, modern, ixul Lothrop, $22.60. Call at 1 Lothrop. FOR oolored people, i and e-joorn oot tagea. partly modern. 1M0-184 N. rid Bt. Call lug. D0. "FOR RENT beautiful modarn rel denca, 1 rooms and bath, not watat heat. Large garage; at 8920 Florence Blvd. Phone Colfax S880. Zeu Caldwell, small -room house, partly modem, oonvenient for small family, 318. Webster 8734. FOR BALK. Modern, 7-room bungalow, oak finish, beamed celling, built-in features, fire place. Florence boulevard; bargain. Owner. Telephone Colfax 866. ' oath. 3-ROOM HOUSE, 33.60. ' 110. PARK AVE. All modern and In good condition. The place Is near Park school and car serv ice ot both lines. Ideal for roomers. A KM STKONG-WALSH COMPANT, Tyler 1636. State Bank Bldg. 4-Ft. modei a. cottage, 3U. Tsl. Bar. Ua t-R. HOUSE. 122.60, 3U3 PACIFIC BT. All modern and near car. Hous had been newly decorated throughout and In tip-top condition. It is worth th money " ABSTRONO-WALBH COMPANT. State Bank Bldg. Tyler 1634. T-ROOM. modern. 3863 Poppleton Av. MODERN 7-room house, 1613 Park Av., 336. Phone Harney 16a. - k ROOMS, 3i& SOUTH. Oaa, alec trio llghU. city water, et. AMERICAN sliClRITT COMPANY, r?th and Douglas. Douglas 6013. o. CLOflEl In, (-room house, best conditWn, i3 a. 31st. Harney inn. 4 PARK AVBL Brick, modern. t-r. mod. house, 3814 Leavenworth. W. KM. 3iW4 DAVEINPORT STRK12T. 8-roora modern home, pretty corner, PBTlSRa TttUST CO. 1623 Farnam BC Doug. 38f o. M la o 11a , HI PEJR MONTH, five-room cottage, not an old house, but a neat, attractive oot tag, clean and newly decorated through out: on a nice lot ciose 10 car line ana m a choloa location; five large rooma, big closets, nice pantry, oonvenient kitchen, full concrete basement, pretty bathroom, polished oak f loo re, electric light, ga. window shade, decorated with rich oat meal paper, living room in brown and tan; a cosy, comfortable oottage that you seldom find for the rental. Just vacated by party moving to Lincoln, and to good partr will rant for only 313 par month. See It any time today or evening after 3:80. It will not disappoint you. Phone Bnson 122, or tax Benson car. get off at (1st fit. and com south H block to No. 2m. F. B. TRULLINQER. 315.00 -r. cottage, bath. 2107 Ohio. 316.00 6-r. cottage. 8304 Franklin. 118.00 6-r. cottage, mod.. 2208 Grand Av A).00--r. cottage, bath and elec LUrhU, 141 J Evan. IsMtt-f-r, modem noun. lt Georgia Mi.00-6-r. flat, 1S31 Park Ave. W. H. DATES. 17 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 184. house, strictly rnodarn. Craig litun culteg. Phon Globe Van&Storage Stor. move, packs. shUa: X-bursa vaa and 3 man, 11.36 per nr.; storaga U per nio. Battatantlon guar. D. 418 A Ty. 230. LOOK AT THESE BUNGALOWS. No. aoil and M. Lafayatt Av.. 3 and f rooms, with beamed ceilings, paneled walls, fir place, bookcases, buffet, china closets, lighting fixtures, plumbing, heat ing; yard sodded, south front, oak and 11.- 1 1 ..... . of Bemis park In Montclalr. Call owner and builder for prices and terms. A. 11. Olmstead. Phone Web. VM. FIDELITY RENTAL Blj-RVlCH! FREE Phona' Dourlu 388 for eonaDleta list at vacant house and aparumnts; also for ) a-ROOM modern cottage for rent. Phone Walnut Quo. y storage, moviiig. imn ana jacsaoa ia Gordon Van Co.H torg. moving, lrttn and Jackaoa eta Storage. C N. Utb Bt Tel. D 334 or Har. 1UT. GOOD auto ale room oo Farnam BU Vary rvasonauie rent. 7e. Doug. 4n Maggard's.SSVSS big. packirvg, shipping. 1713 Web. tor St, Douglas 141 IFF the Central Furniture iur s FREB SE'KN and five-room bouee; modern walking distanc. liougla 463. Hri'icpo. Crelgb Sons A Co., Ba Bldg. t Am 1791 lli. a wiw... . . n.. k.,w i-J."U Jones', 4 rooms and bath. a. OT OLOVEH sc SPAIN V7l Ccig. 3962. 313 City National. o. J 1 " 1 Exp. t-o., moving, IVCGfl P"kn A storaga. 4VV-V-tJ. ,.(1 FRrrm ,, A For bale " ad will turn socend-haad furnitur Into cash. WAVTKO TO RF.XT UN FVRN ISH F:L room in mndtrfi homa. by lady emp'oyed. A Pt7, Bee. TWO or three unfurnished rooma, near Central school: with heat J-tTl. Boa. WANTED TO BfT OFFICK furniture bought and sold, O, Heed. IW Farnam. rw. 81. Ftrir-tly high grade piano Web, 3,T3. Tata bua everything 3d hand "Web. eft. Wll.l buy a Ford. M4 Firat Natl Rank. HIGHEST price for old clothing. IX 4714. WB ray Chicago prieee tor aiumtaum era eastings. Paxto-n-Mireaell l a. REAL ESTATE PA MM RANCH LANDS PO UL1 Arkansas. 380 ACRTO Mack land. 4 int. from beautt fill town, Prescott, Ark. I aora. 81.000 can. B. lusg, m c St.. Bo. Omaha, Neb, Ualllarala, Lira Oak Colon!, nun batter, W. T. Smith Co., tlMI City Nat. H. D. Mia Caaaaa, POX BALK OR LEASE Any part of 4.00 acre near Hr-cetown, Saskatchewan. I rataed 1M.O0O buahela of oaia and .nn buanala of flas oa land this year. Price cbeaji and terma very eaar. Frank Craw ford. Omar a. Nrt., er Roeatown. Saak. Mlasorl. Farm for Sale MO acres, close to- market; Vernon county Missouri; free and clear: W aores in oultlvatlon, balance In valuable pecan timber and araas: Ideal atock farm: two and tbrva cutUnua ot hay j-ar yar; two sets of good improvements, ueaioea tenant house: three good never failing wells; fenced and cross fenced: within three pules ot two railway elation. Will divide larm u dealreu, sell In - ltM acres or liW. ddreas owner, M'KSS WELSH, R. F. D. No. 4, Rich Hill, Mo. Ntkruka, 120 Acres on Paved Road 1 you want one of the best located farms. oHoae to Omaha, on a paved road, you should look over this farm, which we are offering for sale this week. The Improvements oonslet of a good J-room houea, good bam, room for 13 head of horses and U head mi oat tie. beside a great deal of storage for hay: a double com crib, granary, hog and chicken nouaes; reservoir for water, whJoh Is piped to the house and barn; about one acre In orchard. The bulklUuta are lo cated at a high Point so you oan see Into Omaha, South Omaha and Banson. This ie one of the best laying farms In Douglas county, just enough roll for good drainage. It Is located on the West Center road to Millard, on the cross road from Dodge to the Millard road; 11 miles from the business district of Omaha, mile from the city limits, only 1 mHe from Millard; 30 minutes' auto ride from 16th and Far nam Bts. A few thouaand dollars' pay ment will buy It this week, the balance I to I years, with i per cent Interest. The price will be made right. See us QUICK about It. Farms on West Dodge the same distance out are selling for over 11.00 an acre higher than the price asked for this one. Hastings & Heyden M4 HARNHT ST. CHOICE; farm for sale A snap; ownsrs need money and will sell at a sacrifice; it mile from Omaha; well Improved 160 acre farm. Clauaon Bros., Ktron, la. FOR BALK Beat large body Beat large body high-grade priced land In Nebraska; very ny required C. Bradley. Wet- medium Httl money baok. Neb. urosrew. 3W ACRE1B, all under cultivation, nearly all Irrigated; one of th best farms in th valley; near Klamath Falls, Or.; worta viuo, wui tax 60 par a., long tlm. My busin prevents m from living in Oregon. Addrea H. C. Pettlt, WSVk d Ave., Beattle, Wash. CPPBR wlBCONSIN Bat dairy and ganeral crop state la tb union ; settler wanted: land for sal at low prlc on y torma. Aak for booklet 34 on Wleoon in Cantral Land Urant Bxoellant land for atock ratalaar. U tntortd In fruit et on aDDl orcharda. Unds aak for booklet oa aopl. orct Addran Land and Industrial Depart, Sue Ltoe Hallway. Mlnneaooli Minn. 3Ctllaneia. RATB TOU A FARM FOR BALK7T Writ a good description of roar land and send It to th Bloux Cltr. Ia Journal, Iowa' Meet powerful Want Ad Me dium. Twnty-five word yry Friday (vening. Saturday morning and every BaAurday evening and Sunday morning tor on month, giving sixteen ad oa twelve dl fa rant day. for 82; or SO words, 7 worn. 3. est clrowiatloa of ay Iowa a.w. piaair any in rour great RBAIi KSTATK XjOAMB MONKT TO LOAN. To paopto wisMng to build htm or business buildings For OMBoMte Information con cerning tonne, eta., call oo or addrea. BuUfXCHB RJtALTT INVK8TMSNT CO. Urouca rvor tie Bid. Telephone Douglaa Mti. o Ci4 TO ' 81.000 made promptly. F. Waad. VVad Bid g., uti 6th Farnam Bta. Crt an4 tana loan, t, 4. 4 per eeal J. rt. umoi ant A Co.. 418 8tat Bank. FARMS and eHy loan at lowest rate. OUUi TMUMUULL, 448 Be Bldg. A "For Bale" ad will turn oond hand" furniture Into eah. CITY property. Larg loan a specialty. W. H. Thomas 2 Stat Bank Bldg. VV ANTltD Ood farm and city toaaa at ieweat rate. PKTKR9 TRuT CO., M33 Farnam. OMAHA homa. Eaat Nebraaaa farsaa. O KKEFbl RBAIi ESTATE CO.; yU4 Omaiia Natlo:tal. Pboa tougla 3713. MONEY on hand for city and farm loan. H. W. Binder, City National Manx iig tflcv CITY LOANS, O. O. Ca " 18 Rrandet I'hMter Bid arlbarg, au ApartnMni. flata, houa and oottage an b rented quickly and chaaply by a Bee "For Bent." RKAL ESTATE -'VT ANTED WANTED At one, realdeoo, Dundo. Waat Farnam or cathedral neighbor hood; will pay 34.000, spot oash. Full par ticular, jiox ais unooin. HEAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE ONE 180-acre improved farm clue to Omaha, 314,000, clear. Will trade for good clear city property of equal value. Address owner. 2100 B. 33d. COUNCILBLUFF8 COUNTRY HGlM All modern 4-room heus. brand new and one acre of bearing grape, only four blocks from strt car. Owner wants to exenang for Omaha residence. PAYNE INVXaJTMENT COMPANY, Fifth Floor Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1781 REAL ESTATE A CllEAGB 2.8 ACHES IMPROVED C-ROOM HOUSE ON PAVED EOAD Owner ha listed for sal a well lo cated, high and sightly pteoe of land. which has a 4-rootn house, barn and other outbuildings. Ouod location; only 1 miles west of Benson, on iaved street, at the very low prtoe of This is very nearly what the ground is worth a km without tii) building Be ua about it at once. HA8TINOB HirvnwI 1414 Harney St. 7 ACRES 6-R00M HOUSE, KEY. STONE PARK. Hlirh and .Ightlv location, rich aoll. House has 4 rooms on first floor, t on second floor. Will sell on small cash " ft" n. ut"" " I HASTINGS ft HEYDKNf. 1414 Harney. RRAli KSTATK NOIlTn MDB Don't Forget Big Auction Sale of No. 24th St. Rental Properties Tuesday, October 26th, 10 A M. NnnreeMaat owner tnstroet a to Mil at whatever It will brins oa Kaar Terma Just think of It! Tow g"t the lowest cash Price, but onlr have to pay one-fourth down and balance In five yean' Una oa montniy payments. 1IERE IS THE LIST Mo. 1. ltt-17m-11B N. 34th Bt. store. ( apartments and cottages. Oround sxlJ farina 1M and S4th Bta. Inoome L1.K4. No 1 17OS-1T10-1711 N. 34th Bt. Coal yard, large barn, office and living rooma. Oround Mil XX Leased to March L 11. Inoome t. No. 3. 1714 and tTN W. 34th. Bt. Frame building containing two small atorea and room tn rear, around 4ftx L. Tnoom 130. No. 4. Vaoent business lot, 34x139, next to above. No. 6. Vacant business lot. 34x130, nest to above. No. 4 1733 and 1T34 ft. 34th St, Bonth- west Comer 34th and Franklin, 40 fast on 34th and 130 feet on Franklin. 13-foot alley between No. 3, 4, I and 1 reserved for private alley. Building on No. I be long to tenant. Out be bought for l&O or moved off In 33 daya. All these propertiee are free and dear of encumbrano. 3300 muat be deposited with auction ear on each paroel. Baiano of first payment within 10 days. Ab stracts are ready for delivery on day of MR. BAROAm HTTrmtm, DON'T FAIL TO ATTHND THIS BALE IF TOV WANT A OOOD INVESTMENT ON EASY TERMS. ft ALTO TO TAKW PLAC3I ON THJ5 AbUVB FBBM1BKB, DOWD AUCTION CO, Auctioneer. N. P. DODGE &-00, AGENTS OWNH1H will aerlflea t-r.. atrtothy mod rn hooae, with largo sleeping room, oak floors, woodwork nicely decorated. Term. Phone Webster 1U7. OWNTO LBAVTNO OITT. Seven room and garag, lit floor fin ished tn oak; hot air furnace : laundry. Worth 38,000: 34,330 buys It this week. Terms If delrd. Tel. Owtr Web. 7314 Close In Un-to-dat -r. house, lust about fh- Uhed, at a bargain, by owner and builder. located at mil tJ m. lei, n. iwe. Get Settled FOB TILE WlKTEB In a new, " modern, up-to-date 7-toot nous, finished In oan. and rosewood; quarter-eawed oak floors. ISM Hahler. Owner, Colfax 4138. RBAIi ESTATE SOUTH SIDB COST 4-r. cot tag, strictly meet., 2 S. .ymeni Uth H block to ear, small payment down, balanoe like rent. Owner,. Wal. 1003. FOR SALB Strictly modern atuoo house now under construction in Field club district; T rooms and lnclod sleep ing porch: entrance to houa from I streets; can t flu la bad to suit pur oh. ear if bought now. hone OVMt and build) aarney nil, REAL ESTATE WEST gTJHl A Cozy Home At a moderate prlc In Crolghton'g addition. Modem, 3-atory fram and tuooo, on yar old. Has recap tion hall, dining room, k lie hen, sun parlor on first floor; thr fin bed rooms, screened sleeping porch, bath and plenty of closet on sec ond floor.' Hardwood finish throughout. Pull cemented base ment, with furnace; large lot. beau tifully sodded ; cement walks; everything right up-to-the-minute. ' This Is a home that will suit any one, no matter now particular tbey may be. Terma can be mad. W. T. Smith Co. Otty National Bank Building. REATj ESTATE WEST SIDB Near 27th and Howard $2,000 A client of oura authorised tut te sell his one-story and a half, all modern cot tag., located In the abov mentioned dis trict. Th hous I in good condition and would max an Meal noma investment, and oan b bought on vary reasonable terma. The lot aion i worth th pne h l asking, and tn paving on both street all paved. , W can highly recommend this to you. as this property is located right in lln with tn growth of th city. For a mar complete deoriptton and In order to e tnis property call Hiatt-Fairfield Ca 333 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 43d. New, 5 Rooms $50 Cash Balance $20 Month PrtoRduod front 33JE to 11.460. Bargain. Move Into your own home. Pay tor it just Ilk rant. Buy from ownr; don't overlook It- Phon owner, Mr. Kyan, lougua xi. , CLOSE-IN BARGAIN 7-room strictly modern horn, m hlxn els as repair, on choloa 40-foot lot that will soon b worth 3100 par foot; near loth and rarnam m. or a quioa sal. 84,260; aair term or small property taken In exchange.. RASP BROS. 1M MoCagu Bldg. Doug, yal WALKINli DISTANCE nut Dodaa. room modem huuat. first-eiaaa aandl. tlon: ready to mov into; key at 340. ln i tail w loom ii inroegn. vy . w, MUcheO. owner. rTvon Webster 4873. REAL ESTATE rTTJBCRBA If Ut.iM. YOU SELECT DECORA TIONS. WE PAY FOR THEM for th f-roont all modarn new borne tn Dundee, ue-to-dat la every way. Vn and location Ideal. Pttoe only 4AV; S-ind cash wui do. Har la a btg pturt unity RASP BROS. 103 McCagu Bldg. Doug. 1853. I Apartments, flat, bouse and cottages ran ba rented aul.klv and k. - 1 - " ." 3 TRAIL HITTERS PRAY FOR MAYOR Ken, Women and Children "Testify" and Ask Rody to Pray for Some One Else. IRATER FOR MAYOR DAH1MAN j Nttror nag tn Sunday Ttbornaelo i,v it.,l i"nd meaning of it you know soma earned mow arged with gpirttual h)nc power than at tho union prayer meot-1 8uch Kiideer. Eagle By and tag hold tavra yesterday morning. Fnllr 1.600 people, molt of them wrrmen, were present. , Hundreds taeir testimony of conrejraion ana reconsecratlon. Many gobbed at they i roee ad aahwd prayerg tor hnsbandi, father-, brother., gl.tera, loved one., j neighbor. Homer Rod .heaver waa the leader and Mr. Sunday sat on the platform also. After more than 100 had risen and testi fied. "RodyM asked people to max their statement of thoa for whom they want prayer. Tim wn t taken fr each person to say even a sentence. They simply roe and said: "A brother," "my husband." "two so as," "my boy," "my neighbor, and so on. Several roe and aak ad prayer for th mayor. 1 bare been praying that Mayer Dahlraaa might come to Christ ever lno the meeting started," sM on woman. rrmy fer Sehe Board. Several other naked prayer tor th school board. An aged woman asked prayem "for a lot of people and th mayor especially." Three person re quested prayer that th oily official hnlght be led te hit th trail. If the mayor only knew how many good folks are eonoemed about hi oul he jua couldn't help coming," said Rode- heaver, and en woman roe and said he did know It, for she had told him. A white-bearded man in a front row, wfth tears ktreamlng down his eheak. asked prayerg for "my boy." A young fellow aakd prayer for "the gang I used te belong to." A orinpted nwsboy akd prayer for his father and another and next door neigh her. Tledr" then offered th prayr for ail them classes et people with special pe tition for th mayor, school board and city offtctala. Th meeting opened with quotations of Bible premise. Ysg nl Old. Swiftly they came from every part of the audience, emUm several speak ing at eace. A llttl girl I year eld gave oo quotation and waa xouowea soon by an aged woman, who aald ah a ft year eld. Then testimonial of parson eonverted r reconsecrated in thli cjnnalgn were called for aad there w.r at least s.v-nty-flae et them. Many were given In voice that had a "catch" in tnm ana some sobbed outright, Hre are a fwi 'I reoonoecratad myself at the meetlaga and have been ab. te toad thlrty-etx te Christ." 1 waa toe much entangled in busm, it now I have reconsecrated myself and Joy has eome Into my Uf e. I brought my sea te Curie. "I hare been hoisting noose ror years. said a man, "aad it pretty aear got me. Mew. whenever I .want a anna, t so Mmethlag fer God and. believe me, I never want It then." I gave my hand to Mr. Sunday a in Audltorttrm. and t have brought my brother aad slater te Christ alnce then." T beoame a Christian when I was a tittle girt.M said a woman, "but I baox lided and became a Christian Solent!. I have recotiaearated myself and bwoome a personal worker." I was a Christian, but strayed away. Thank God, I earn back. Pray fer my husband and three sens." A man said: "I asked my deugntor te come to Cnrktt, but she said. 'Papa, you haven't eeme.' Bo I came. too. Fray for me. but Tm going to stick whether you pray for me or not" This meeting ha saved me and my husband, and my daughter and her hus band, and my stater and her husband. Pray that my sea may come, toe." Snfe Among th "My Ua Is' tree-triramln," said a young man, "And sine Jesu has com Into my heart I always feel safer when I am up among the Mm." "I prala God and Me him that mr son cams to Christ last Sunday after noon. Pray for my husband." A woman said: "I was a backslider for seven years. My Htff .-year-old son said, Why should I go te Sunday school wnen yu and dad don't - go to church f We'll set him sa example from now en." REAL ESTATE HtTBURBA! Dcadee, Dundee Two . Bargains Will Be Sold 4,B0 Seven-room bungalow, big living room, dining room, kitchen, bed room, toilet and lavatory on flrtt floor. Three fine bedroom nd complete bath on second floor. Oak woodwork. Brick fireplace. At tractive lighting fixture and V tasteful decorations. Lot 10x136. One-half block to car line. A won derful bargain in one of the best location In the village. 36,380 Owner wants an offer on this fine home. PractUally new, with all the little detail, that a discrimi nating buyer is looking for. Liv ing room 1 about 18x24. and all th other rooms are large In pro- porcion. rin. cncK nrepiace, roiir good bedrooms and large sleeping porcn. tvot suxiao. Ueautlful shad. On block to car line. Armstrong-Walsh Co. TyUr 163. State Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Farnam Street A Growing Street W ran offer on thl street for a sort time, lu feet near 31st St.. for tU.SOO. 144 feet aear this, soma lmsrovmnts, 26.400. 84 feet east of Farnam school, 313,300. Harrison & Morton 3U Omaha Nat D. 314. How's- This? First -class tmpreved Inoom property, located on en of tj best trets In the West Famam district. Rental. 3716 per month; price,; Incumbrance, 313.414. Caa make very easy terra with eaati paymeat a low a M.OOu. or might take Part trade in desirable oloee-ln property. Thl is not trading property or trading prio. but a flrst-elaas Investment In every way. Investigate at once. Glover & Spain Lot-gia. Ji.. 3 3 C.iy Nation Sunday Preaches on "His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful." "Billy" Sunday's sermon yesterday aft ernoon waa ss follows: Text: Isaiah Is 1 "Hi nam shall b railed Wonderful." In olden timet all name meant, or toed for something, and this I still th Among Indian, and all other peopl who are living tn a primitive way, Whenever you know an Indian's nama Buffalo Fare, sitting Bull, tells us ome- tn,n about the men who poseesmd them. pllt tU1, eropi 00t n wm. fi nd whenever men are thrown together In an unconventional way. In mining. "witary and lumber camps nearly every --- - ( man's nlcknam 1 nearer the real man than hi right nam. All of our family nam today had their origin In something that meant something. There are 364 name In th Bible for th Lord Jesus Christ, and I suppose this la becau He wa Infinitely mot than any en could express. Ot th many name given to Christ It Is my purpose at thl tlm I briefly con sider this on: "His nam shall be called Wonderful." Let ua look Into It somewhat and whether He was true to His name, which waa given te Him by th prophet 300 year before He was bom. Do th name fit Himr I It such a nam as He ought to have Wonderful means something that Is transcendently beyond the Common, We say that th Yellowstone park, Niagara falls and Orand canyon of th Colorado ar wonderful because there Is nothing else like them. What David killed Goliath with hi sling he did a wonderful thing, because nobody else ever did any thing Ilk It It was wonderful that the Red sea ohould open te malt highway for Israel and wonderful that th sun should stand still for Joshua, Let us see whether Jesus fits Bis name. Birth Aaawng Lowly WMdwrrml. His birth was wonderful, for a other ever occurred that was tike It It waa wonderful that He had but one human parent and se Inherited the nature ef man and the nature of prtneee and the King of Kings, and yet His birth waa not looked forward to m glad expectation, as th birth of a prince usually la In th royal palaoe, and oelebrated with marked expressions ef Joy all ever the country. There was ne room for Him at the Inn and He had te be born tn a staMe, and eradled In a manger and yet angels proclaimed it with Joy from th sky, to a fw humbl shphrds In sheepskin ooats, who were guarding th flocks by night Mark how He might have eome, with all the pomp and all th glory of th upper werld. It would have been a great condescension for Him to have been born in a palaoe, rocked In a golden cradle. and ted with golden spoons, and to have had the angels oom dowa and be His nurses, But H gave np all the story of that world, and was born of a poor woman. and his cradle was a manger. Think what Be had com fort H had oom te bleaa, not to core; te lift up, not to east down; to seek and to save that which was lost; te give sight to the blind; to open prison doers and set oaa trvs free; to reveal the Father, love; to give rest to th weary) te be a blessing te the whole world, aad yet thsr was a room for Him. The wise men of the East were lad te Him by a star, but as soon as His birth waa known, the king of the eoantry sought His lifs, aad ordered th slaughter ef th Innocents at Bethlehem. The babies were th first Christian martyr. His character was wonderful, for n other has ever approached tt In perfec tion. It Is wonderful that tha gnat set eba aotsr vr produced should have some oat of such obscurity to become the moat famous in all history. That such a tint, and such a eeuatry. and such peopl should have produced Jesus Christ oan be accounted fer oa ao ether ground than His divinity. CeUag frex Sewh Pwepta Woader- fL On his return from a trip te the Holy Land, I aald to a preacher friend. "What mad the greatest lnierwarAoa upon you whll thsr 7" "Naxareth," h answered Instantly, "and ' for this reason. The same kind of people are living there today as tn the tune ef Jesus, and they ar about th worst apecdman of humanity I have ever seen anywhere. Laxy, lustful, igno rant and wicked, and to think of His oomlng out from such a people is t ro ure proof of His divinity. Had I not been a believer In His divinity be fore going there, I would hav te be lieve In ft now." His life was wonderful. Wonderful for Its slnlessness and for its usefulness and His unselfishness. Even his enemies could not bring gainst Him any graver charge than that he claimed God for His father, and that He would do good on th Babbath day. Not th slight evidence ef seifish na, of self-lntoraat, can be found tn the story of His Ufa. H wa always helping other, but not ono did He do anything to help Himself. H had th power to turn ton Into bread, but went hungry forty days without a morsel of food. While escaping from enemies who were determined to put Htm to death II saw a man who had been blind from birth, and stopped to glv him sight doing so at th risk of Hi own Ufa. II never sought Hi own In any way, but lived for other every day of Hi llf. His first mlmet was performed not before a multitude to spread Hi own fame, but in a far away hamlet to av a peasant's wife humiliation. ' He had compassion on the multitude and wept over Jerusalem, but Be never had any mercy oa himself. t Jean Created Parable. Wonderful for th way In which H taught; for Its simplicity and oiearne, and adaptation to th Individual. You do net auywhr find Him seeking th multitude, but He never avoided the Individual. And Hi teaching waa always adapted to th comprehension of thoa whm H taught. It Is said that th common peo ple heard Him gladly, and this shows that they understood what H said. H put the eookl on the lower shalf. No man had to take a dictionary with htm when h went to th hear the see. men oa the mount He ted His thought and mad plain HI ma an log by th moat wonderful word pictures. W ar told that without a parabl epake He not to any man. H mad peopl see thing and see them clearly, It la wonderful that thl humbl Gal ilean peasant who may never hav gone te school a day tn His llf sbould hav mad Himself a teacher of teachers for all tlm. Th pedagogy et today I modeling after th manner ef Christ closer and eloaer every day. Let m also say tn passing that th originality of Jue I a proof ef HI divinity. Th human mind eeanot crest anything In an absolut sen. t ran build out et almost any kind ef mat rial, but tt cannot create. There I no uoh thing aa eut and out originality belonging t a man. Teu cannot Imagine anything that doe not resemble something yea have previously seen. I grant that you Can lake a cow and a dog and a hers and a sheep and make out ' of them enough animals to fill Noah's ark, but you must have the cow for a beginning. Everything you mk will sitnpry be a mod If logt ion of th various parts and proportions of them. There 1 said to be nothing new under th un and ther la a sens In which It I tru. Everything t th outgrowth ef something else. Th first railway car looked Ilk th old stage and th tint automobile locked Ilk carriage. It I that way about everything. No man ever mad a book or oven a story that was altogether unllk all others. The stories we hear today on ih Irish and Dutoh ar older than th Irih .and Dutch. You find stories Ilk them In th earliest literature, but you can't find any stories anywhere In any literature tht even in the remotest way reeemblo th parable of Jesus. ' Such parable a th good Samaritan and th prodigal son ar absolutely new creation and so proclaim Jesus a dl vln because H could create. Thing tkst He Toegbt Wenderfnl. His teaching waa wonderful In what H taught, as much as tn th way H taught. H taught that H was greatar than Mose. Think of th audacity of ttt Mak ing such claims as that te the Jews, who regarded Mose as almost dlvtn. Think of the audacity of a man stand ing before us American and trying to make us think he waa greater than George Washington, He also declared that H fulfilled th prophecies aad the law ef Moses, and th only ffort He ever mad to prove His olalms was te point to th works that He did. The first thing an Impostor always doe. la to overprov his ease. Jesus never tunned Hi hand over to try to convince His enemies that He was th Christ You have te explain a coal oil tamp, but you doat need to waste any breath In giving Information about th power ef the sun. ' The springtime will do that Sober pray ing men and women explain Jeaua. Jesus taught that H was equal to God. H said: "H that hatcth Ma hateth My Father also." (John av. 33). Did you ever know ef anybody else making such claims He said! "Come unto Ma, all ye that labor and ar heavy laden, aad I will glv you rest" Offering te bear the burden of the whole world) Think of ttt He aald t "I am oom that thy might live, and that they might have tt more abundantly,' And He said: "I am the resurrection and th lit; aad he that beltevota tn Me, though he wers dead, yet h shall live. And whosoever livath and belteveth In Me shaU never die." Surely He wag wondarful In that H a stirred them in the Capernaum syna gogue, where He taught th.rn not aa th seribes, but as one having authority. Is It any wonder that they were right after Hun for heresy T Let anyone to day begin to teach In our church some thing entirely new as th teachings of Jesus war and ss what wilt happen. It Is wondarful In that He prophsid tt Himself. He foretold how He would dl aad when He would die. It was won darful that H should hav been be trayed Into the hands ef the who ought His life, by one of His . awn trusted disciples, and wonderful that He should have been sold for o low a prlc. Wondarful, too, that H should hav been condemned to death la the way in which He waa by both ths religious and civil authorities, and on th ts.timony of fal witnesses, In ths nam of God, when all th law. of God were defiled In the trial. It was wonderful that he was tormented aad tortured so cruelly before being seat to th cross, and that II should have been put to death wa also wondarful en th day of th pasovr. thus Himself baoomtng the real paasover, to which ths Passover lamb had so long pointed. Scene Attending Death en Crews. Th great publicity of Hi death was also wonderful. It Is doubtful If any other death was svsr witnessed by so many Peopl. Hundreds of thousands of people were in Jerusalem, who had eorr, from- verywhere to attend th pasovr. Th sky wa darksned and the sun hid Its fae from ths awful scene. A great arthquak shook th city, th dead came out of their grave unto many, and th volt of th temple wa rent, from top to bottom. And remember that up to that tlm no eye naa been allowed to look lolln.l that veil except that ef th high priest, i.nd than only one g year, on thi day ef atonement e f He had foretold tt te His disciples, and ha don so frequently, always saying whenever He spoks of His death, that He would rise again on th thir.t day. and yet yry on of them appeared to for get all about It, and not on of them thought of going to th sepulchre on th morning of tha third day except the women, end they only to prepare HI body mor fully for th gravi.. Woman hood has always been en thi filing line. This shows how fully they abandoned all hop when they saw Hint dead. Bom left ths clt, for we ar told of two who want to Fonmaua Th manner of His resurrection waa god-llks. No human mind would svar hav Imagined such a scene. Had sora man described It la th way In which h thought It should hav occurred he would have earthquak and thundering, and a great eommotloa tn th haevans. A aound Ilk that of th last trump would hav proclaimed te alt the torriflad Inhabitant of Jerusalem that He wa risen. But see how far different It was. Manner of 3tenrrtta store Tftuaa WoaderfaL. Aa angel rolled away the axons from the mouth of the sepulchre as quietly as the opening of th bud In May, and the woman who war early there found ne disorder la the grave, but the linen clothes with which they had tenderly robed His body were neatly folded and tidily placed. And than how wonderful- were th re corded appearanoe after th resurrection, again so dlffarent from what man would have had them I He appeared te every one ef His friends and fo His beet friend, but not a single on of His enemies got to se Him. I know tht th story of the insurrec tion 1 tru. because none but Ood would hav had thing happen tn th order that they did. and in th way In which they ocurred. Had th story been fain Jems would hav been mad to go to PI! at and th high priest and te th other who had a part In HI death, t prove that H was rln. Remember, that He left no great ooW legee to promulgate His doctrines, but committed them to a few humble ftehar mn whoa name ar new th moat il lustrious tn all history. Looked at from the human slds alone, how great waa ths probability that every thing He said would b forgotten wlthm a few year. H never wroto a sermon, Hs published no books. Not a thing He said was engraved upon ton or scrolled upon bra, and yet His doctrines have endured for 3,000 years; they hav gone to the ends ef the earth . and have wrought miracle wherever they hav son. They hav lifted nations out ef dark- . nesa and degradation and Sin, and have . mad th wilderness to blossom as th torn. When Jesus began Ms ministry lbaen ' ruled th world and her Invincible 1- glon were verywhere. but now, through the teaching of th humble Galilean peasant, whom her minion put to death, her power d her religion are gone. Th great temple of Diana ef the i Ephestan I In ruin and no worsnlpar cf her can be found. When Jesus fed th 3,009 with a few -loaves and fishes, and healed th poor woman who touched th hem ot Hi gar msnt, there wasn't a church or a hoe-. PUal or an Inaan asylum or other 'e monsynary Institution In th world, and ' now they 'are nearly as counties a th aands upon the seashore. Spread ef Hie Teaahnagrs Wwa "Wen derfnl. When th cloud hid Htr froea the, gas of thoa who loved Htm with a devotion that took them to tTMrtyrdom, the only record of HI. sayings was ' graven anon their heart! but feaw libraries are devoted te the eonstderatlen of them, N words were ever a weighty or so weirhed a. tboss ef Him who was so poor that H had now tier to lay Hi head. Th scholarship ef the wortd fca sat at His feet with bared head aad haa been compelled to say again and again! "Never man spoks as thl man." His utterances hav been translated ' Into every known tongue and have car ried healing In their wing, whejwror they hav gen. No other book ha aver had a tithe of the circulation of that whloh con tains HI. word,, and net only that, but His thought and the story ef Kla life are so Intsrwovsn In all literature that If a man should never read a Una in the Bible, and yet be a reader at all, he could not remain Ignorant of th Christ Teu hav only te lift your eyes and look about you to see that HI wonder ful salvation 1 gotnf en verywher today. A man would be a great surgeon wna would save 30 per cant at thoa upon whom h operated, but mark this, Jesus Christ never lost a ease. Ha never found a ease thst was tee hard for Him. HI disciples war continually finding eases that they thought war hopeless, but thl. how. hew little they knew Htm while He wa. with them. ' Jesus never sent anybody away whe cam honestly and ariteetly seeking Hi help. They brought to Him alt kind of desperate oases, but at a word or a touch from Him their trouble waa all gone. The hardest esse, were no more dif ficult for Him than th easiest and the same Is true today, for ther la a change In Him. , Plaa ef Salvation Weadewfal. He Is a wonderful Savior, too, because He can save so quickly. Quicker than you think, H can glv you ttfe. It Is only look and live. As quick as yea can eome Hs reoetve and as quickly as you could reoelve a present yeu had been wanting for years you can have salvation, "Him that oom eth te Me I will In no wis east out" To aa many as received Htm to them Be gave power te become the sons et ' God. No ad tor taking vory much Urn about that la a meeting Thomas Harrisea was holding a man arose with his watch in his hand and said: "Mr. Harrison, can I be savsd in tea minutes? I must lea- here te take my train out there." "Tea" replied Harrison, "yoa oaa he saved In ten minute." Th man dropped on his knees, waa quickly caved aad had seven minute to pare. And new I some to th last evidence I will give yeu that He is true to His name and that Is: He Is a wonderful Saviour because B a red ma. Thar la nothing that oc b as roa vlnolng to a man as his own xperientM. I do not know that I sm ths son of my mother any mora certainly than I know that t am a child ot God, and I do not know that I hav been born In a natural way any more convincingly than I know that I hav been born of th Bpirlt And now let roe aak you this: Has this wondarful Saviour saved you T Do you know Him as your Saviour Hav you ever given Him your casef When the proof is so overwhelming that He dues save and ha been saving for centuries, and that none hav ever been saved or ever expect to be saved through Him, la it not wonderful that anyone tan be indifferent to the claims of Jesus Christ? (Copyright William A. fluudayj "Billy" Would Liko to Write Poem About Man Without a Soul Th audience which gathered to hear "Billy" Sunday at the Brandels theater yesterday filled th seats of the floor and baJoony and most of th gallery and much standing room wa occupied, "Billy" talked on "Th Man Without a Country." 11 re-.ated the story ef Philip Nolan, who wa compelled to live for many year on a warship without news of hi fatherland, because he cursed the United Stat, hi native country. A com panion piece whloh "Billy" said he would Ilk to writ would be entitled, "Tha Maa Without a Bout" Dvery man haa a double eltlxenahtp in this world and in tha world to cotnew Sunday asserted and he urged his hear ers to taks as much car of their rights la th next world as they do In thl. Prayer differentiate man from ani mals, "Billy" declared. He hammered this point vigorously Into th eonaotova aa ef hi hearera, "If you don't pray, you bank president: If you don't pray, you street sweeper, ypu have gone no rurthar than the brute," he declared. The evangelist wag aordlaUy walootaad by the aadteno and he nciiMSjial aswr tlons war applauded.