Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1915, Page 11, Image 12

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Cash Wheat is Weak at Pricet Rang
ing from One to Four
Cents Lower.
OMAHA. Oct. 20, IMS.
The local rwh hnt market tu weak
today and ranged from in; lower. Trie
receipts of thla cereal were pretty fair
and the demand was fairly active, but
the sellers did not e-em Inclined to let
CO of their grain at these low price.
Corn reoelpta continued yry fltht and
consequently there were only a tew sales
reported. Although there waa a pretty
good cart demand for thla cereal tha
market eold unchanged to He lower.
Oata were quoted about Vc lower.
.There was a pretty active demand for
oata and tha reoelpta ot thla cereal were
pretty good.
There waa a rood demand tor rye and
It eold unchanged to t'o higher.
There were no sales of barley reported
and thli market remained practically un
changed. ,
Clearances were: Wheat and flour,
equal to 1.718.W0 bu.; corn. 1,000 bu.,
oata. 12,o0 bu. '
IJrerpool cloee: Wheat, unchanged to
Id higher; corn, 48M higher.
Primary wheat receipts wera J.239.W
bu. and shipments l,t)i9.(M bu., agalnat
receipta of 1.67K.OUO bu. and ahlpmenta
bf m.txA bu. last year.
Primary com recclpta were I2T.000 bu.
and ahlpmenta 307.000 bu., agalnat re
ceipt! of ssw.ouo bu. and ahlpmenta of
2. bu. last rear.
Primary oat receipta were l.VM.OOO bu.
and ahlpmenta 1.2 IK, W0 bu., against re
ceipts of L 3,000 bu. and ahlpmenta of
166,000 bu. laet year,
Wheat. Corn. Oata.
Chloagrj 87 74 lal
Minneapolis 1,073 ... ...
Duluth M ...
Omaha ....... Jul 16 24
Kansas City 144 lb
BC Louis K'l 11 24
Winnipeg ..1.964 ... ...
Balaa reported today: Wheat No. 1
hard winter: 1 car, $1.02; I can, 11.01;
cars, 11.00; 2 cars, Kc. No. 4 hard win
ter: 7 cars. Mc; cars, Kc; 2 oars, 94 -vo;
7 cars, 94c; cars, Mo. Sample: I oars,
Ho; 1 car, 90c No. 4 mixed: 1 car, trio;
1 car, Mc. No. I durum: 1 oar. Mo. No.
2 velvet chaff: 1 oar, 21.01; 1 car, 21.01.
No. 2 velvet chaff: 1 car. 21.00. Ne. 4
velvet chaff: 1 car, 21-00. Kye No. 2:
1 oar, jc. No. 2: 1 oar. tto. No. 4: 1
car, 94He; 1 car, 94c Corn No, 2 white:
1 car. t3c; 1 car. 43 No. 2 white: 1
car. SJHc No. 2 yellow: 1 oar, 44c. No.
2 yellow: 1 car, 4o. No. I yellow: 1 oar
svc. No. 2 mixed: 1 oar. Wc. No. I
mixed: 2 cars, 2toOs No. mixed: 1 oar,
61c Sample: 1 ear, tltto. Oata stand
ard: 1 car, 25H. No. 2 white: 1 car,
24Hc; 12 oars. $40. No. t white: 2 care,
24c; 2 cars. $8c; 1 car, 23lo. Sample:
1 car, 29c; 1 car, 28c: 1 car, 27c.
Omaha Cash Prloee Wheat: No. 2 tur
key. 21.03&1.04; No. 2 turkey, l,02wi.W;
No. 2 hard, $1.00fl.OS: No. 2 hard, tc&
21.02: No. 4 hard, 924r96c: No. 2 spring,
99ap41.01; No. 2 ipntx, ttc42tl.: No. 2
durum, 26tr97c; No. 1 durum, IMbfcOSc;
no grade, 76jvlo. Corn: No. 2 white, X
JSc; Ne. 2 white. 2Hft2tto; No. 4
white, C&tt,e: No. 6 white, l,ffc; No.
No. t yellow, 364c; No. 4 yelfow, 34r
WSc; No. t yellow, 33He; No. yellow,
2gac; No. 2 mixed. VlWii-Wuf, No. J
mixed. 62V62o; No. 4 mixed, 6232Vio;
No. 2 mixed, SlWitWc; No. mixed, 61g)
61 HC Oats: No. 2 white, 8MS3c: stan
dard. 86406Stc; No. 2 white,
No. 4 white, W3S3C. Barley: Malting,
4ShV3Ahbc: No. 1 feed, 46W&4Sc. Rye:
No. 2, tti?X,c; No. 2. S4Va6.
Chicago closing prices, furnished The
Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain
brokers, 316 So. Blxteenlh street. Omaha:
Artlclel Open. I Hlgh. Low. Cloee. Yes'y.
Wheat I
Dec. 1 08 1 1 M 1 04V4I1 SH
May. 1 07 1 071. 1 05 1 UCSVi' 1 ti
Corn; I
. Ded.. 68 8Mb B7 H SA t
May. uOVt& W SOS'S 6&H 69'AB tt&a
Dec. WcfWn 8St 8Hi 9T
May. m Wi SHtOri
Dec. 14 27
14 00 14 27 12 75 12 SO 14 55
Jan.. U 60-t6 18 M 1 12 M 26 IS 80-76
Oct 2 82 27
Jan.. 9 00-7 1 07 S 2 26 2 12
Oct.. 260 160 120 9 SI 120
Jan.. 1 mm 1 07! 1 Wl 1 12 1 12
B Bid.
Featares of tka Traalagr mmi Closlmc
Prices em Board ( Trade.
CHICAGO, Oct. 20. Government order
for heavy Import dutlos In Franca put a
new burden today oa wheat prices here.
Largely In consequence the market,
which was unsettled at tha elosa, showed
a decline of lo to 14lo net. with
December at 2LM404. and May at
21.06. The outcome in oora was tha
aama as yesterday to 49o lower. Oata
were off c to H&Uo. and provisions
down 17c to 65c.
Official announcement that Francs had
put Into effect a stiff duty on wheat waa
f:enerally construed here to Imply for at
east the time being a decided slackening
ot demand on this side of the Atlantic.
According to a leading authority, tha
plan was evidently an effort In the direc
tion of a bearish oontrol of prices, and
would tend to make any export business
to France by ordinary merchants more
difficult even than has recently been the
case. Abnormally enlarged receipta
northwest, with signs of a continuance of
the huge movement there from first
hands, operated also to put the bulls at a
disadvantage almost from -the start and
to prevent any notable rally.
Estimates were current today that
the Canadian support surplus of wheat
might reach the Immense total of
260,000,000 bushels. Another forecast waa
that 2,700 carloads would arrlva at Win
nipeg tomorrow, as against only 137 cars
on the corresponding day a year ago.
Corn gave way owing to fine weather
and the weakness of wheat. A sharp
bulge In price at Liverpool had only a
slight temporary effect on values here.
In the oats crowd tha chief factor waa
the bearish action of other grain. Com
mifteton houses bought on the declines.
Sharp breaks In the hog market tum
bled down with provisions. What little
support there waa came almost entirely
from the shorts. . .
H wot attorn a of the Day oa Vartaaa
NEW YORK, Oct. 20. FLOUR Quiet
WHEAT Spot, weak;; No. 1, northern,
Duluth, 21.08; No. 1, northern. Manitoba,
11.071 o. 1. f. Buffalo. Futures, weak;
December, 11.12.
CORN Spot, steady; Nov 3 yUow,
770 prompt.
OATS Spot, easy; No. t white. 41
HAY Dull; No. 1. $1.201.; No. 2,
2Lft54n U: No. 2. 20rf(t00; shipping, 7Cti6c
HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice,
1916 crop. !t"o.luc; IW14 rrui, aifllc; Pacific
coast, 1916 crop. lplfcc; 1914 crop, Hti)3e.
HIDES Steady; liogota, 0&31c; Central
America. 29c.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 2?9
JJe- secoofla, Slirorp.
PROVISIONS Pork, unsettled; mess,
ri6.0ueu7 50: family, 2.3Wj"-3.&0; short
clears, tlt.30ftao.60. Beef, steady; mess,
tl4.a0ral7.0O; family, $18 0"6 19.60. Lard,
weak: middle west. 29.16&.X.
TALLOW Firm; city, 7c; country,
THc; special, 8c.
BITTElt Unsettled; receipts, i,74
tuba; creamery extras. 2!K9c; firsts, 26
:'Ac; seconds. 4tf Ac.
EGOS I ire (ruler; receipts. cases:
fresh gathered extras, 2fr53tc; extra
flntta, XimUVnfi; firsts. 2&&.A--; seouada,
CHEESEV-Flrm; receipta, 2,304 boxes:
state whole milk, fresh flats, white and
colored specials, lafcl&'fcc; average fancy,
I4c. . M
POITTRY Alive, prlcea not settled;
dressed, dull: western fresh chickens,
barreled, 140'23c: fresh fowls, 14ino;
rosea turkeys. la6Xio.
ftaoavolU Grrnls Market.
cember, c; May, $1.01; No. 1 hard,
Jl oS; No. 1 northern, tl.00M.MH.
FLOUR Declined: fancy patent.
$e.46; first clears, $4.a$; souood alears.
BARLEY 48$J66c.
BRAN No. 2 yellow, 3roe.
OAIS-No. 2 white. 2Jytf-S4.
LiTtrseel Grata Markov.
No. 1 Maniluba, no stock; No. 2. lis 4J;
N'o. S, Us l'l. No. 1 northern Duluth, Us,
CORN 8 pot. American mixed, new, le,
l Plata, as lid. j
rori.TRY-Hens, MlOo; brollera,
liSyOiic: springs, 10c; roosters, tc; tur
kes, 14c; ducks, 10c; geea. full feather
ed, c: aqua ha. tl.fca.) per doaen.
FISH Halibut, lie; salmon red, 12a;
salmon pink, 1c; oatflsh. lc; bull heatla,
14c; lake trout 16c: pi a. 15c; whiledah,
lnc: croppies, 12c; ptckaral, 10c.
ruit vesmabte prices lurnlabed by
Giiinakl i-rult On..
Hi.k.K CHI'S-Ribs: No. 1, lo; No. 2,
lio; No. 2, UtK. LoUiS: No, L 21 o;
No. 2, lo; No. t, 14c Chucks: No. 1.
Iwc: No. 2, lc; No. 2, c. Rounds: No.
t l4o; No. i. 14o; No. 2. Uc Platea:
No. l. 10c; No. 2, ; No. 2. 2c
FRUITS Oranges: California Valen
cies, i:a 160a, $4.76 box: California Valn
claa, 174s and srnaller, $T.W box. Lemons:
Kxtra fancy Oolden Bowl, 2Ae, 2&M) box;
extra fancy Golden Bowl, Jwa, $4.M box;
extra fancy Sunk 1st 200s, SMAa, i4 W box;
Red Ball, t4.W box. Grapefruit: SRa, 4rta.
Ma, Sim, $i'.60 box. Peaches: Colorado
Klbertaa, Ubo crate; California Balways.
6.H! ciate. Iara: Michigan Kelfera
II r bu.; winter Nellona, 22 25 box;
Bunrre Clargiuo, $160 box. Grapes: To
koya, tl. crate: Michigan and New York
liaskot grapes, 2&c banket Apples: Idaho
fancy Jonathana, $1. box: Idaho extra
lnrton Jonathana, $1.7$ box; Jonathans,
$.1 Si bbl. ; Orlmes Golden. Huntamana,
Pewaukeea and Greenings, $3.00 bbl.;
Illinois Ben Pavta, 22.7$ bbl. Bananas:
Medium fruit $2.00 to $2.21 bunch:
t'hangulnolaa ad Port Limon. Jumbo. 40
lb. Cantaloupes: Colorado pink meats,
75o crate.
VBXSKTTAJijr.a Cabbage, lo lb.;
head lettuce, $1 fO doa. ; leaf lettuce. ro
dox. ; celery, Jumbo, 76a doa.; celery,
western. o dox.; celery. Mlhlcgan, 2$o
doa. Celery: Jumbo. 76c doa.; celery,
onions, yellow, lo lb.; tomatoes, Cal
ifornia, $1.60 box; peppera. 600 basket;
parsley, 25c doa.; rutabagas, 1o lb.;
cauliflower. 10c lb.: wax and green
beans, D M baaket Onions: Spanish, $1.M
crate. Potatoes: Colorado white stock,
SOc bu. t Ohloa, 55c bu. Sweet potatoes:
Hamper. 21.00 hamper; Virginia, oar
rels. $2 7$ bbl.
NUTSWalnuts: No. 1, 12o lb.; Bra
ille, 12e lb.; filberts. 16c lb,; pecans,
124o lb. Almonds: Nonpareils, 19c U.;
1XL, 17o lb. Drakes, 14o lb.; Ne Plus
ultras. 1c lb.; lnguldocs, ISO lb.
box. Craeker.lack, $3.50 caoe; oase,
$1.7ft; Cornpopa. $t.2S case; case ll.a.
IMtes: Dromedary, $2.26 case; sugar
walnut datoa, $1.60 box. Peanuts: salted,
ri is can. Poreorn: 4e-l lb. packaire.
f'.SO case. Peanuts: No. 1 raw, o lb.:
No. l roasted. c lb.; Jumbo raw, 7o lb.;
Jumbo roasted, le lb. Honey: as T case:
Airline, 2 dos. tumblers to case. $1.20.
Cocoanuts: $4.60 bag; 76o dox.
KasMi Cltr Grain Bad Provlaloaa.
1 hard. $1.061.12: No. 2 red. $1.1S1M.:
December. $1.001.W; May, n.raw
1 01 1
CORN No. 2 mixed. Mwmc No. 2
white. 1474c; Deoember, $c; May, 66
oa 10 No. I wriite. itatFioc; no. 1 mixea.
BUTTTCR Creamery. 27e: firsts, 26c:
seconds. IV; packing. MHc.
EGOS-Firsts. iho; seconas, uco.
POrLTRY Hens, 12c; roosters. 2e:
broilers, l&o,
nraaba Hay Market.
PRAIRIE HAY Choice upland.
210. 0W1
10.60: No. 1, $ 00010 00; No. 1, 28.
No. 1, W.ooiga w. Choice mraiann
, $1I
No. 2. $ OivfrS.oO. Choice lowland. $9.
(W: in o.
1. $xoo$.i.6o; no. i. X7.iwr-i; o.
STRAW Choice wheat. IS.SOfM.OO
1. $8.00
; choice
No. t
oat or rye. 2.00.60.
ALFALFA Choice, xil novu.uv;
tU.M911.60: No. 2, 27.S04o0. ,
It. Lewis ft rata Market.
ST. IXnilS, Oct 20. WHEAT No. 2
red. $126: No. 1 bard, $1.11; December,
$1.04: May, $1.0. . .
CORN-No. 2, 4TU4jeo: No. 2 whit, 6;
December. KUo: Mav. (T70.
OATS No. 2, 26(37o; No, 2 white, nom
Metal Market. -
NEW YORK. Oct. 20. METALfi The
Metal exchange qontes lead at $4.66. Spel
ter not qroted. At Lonaon: ueaa, n 10s.
Spelter, cox.
Coffeo siaricet
NR'W YORK, Oct. 20. The market for
coriee tutures was mora . acuve xoaay,
with prices firmer on reports that a more
active business In the cost and freight
market late veeterday had been fol
lowed by smaller offering from Braxll
today. The market opened at a net ad
vance of 2 to 6 points on a renewed
demand which seemed to come partly
from Wall street or Cotton Exchange
sources and March sold up to .too and
July to .Ma In the late trading. Toe
close was 7 to 1 points net higher. Sales
4.750 bags. October, .mks; November,
(60c; December. H⪼ January. $.u6c;
February, imc; March, Apni, s.sbc
May, (TOc; June. 4.76c; July, (SOo; Au
gust, Jsjo; Beptemoer, stec.
Spot steady; Rio 7s, 7c; Santos 7a
tc. Cost and freight market firm, with
Jiuotatlons ranging from about 8. 76429. 00c
or Santos 4s. while few it any offers
of Rio 7s wera reported.
Rio exchange on London was l-32d
higher with Mllrels prices unchanged at
Santos and 75 re is higher at Rio.
lagar Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 20. SUGAR Raw.
firm; centrifugal, 2.49c: molasses, 2.B2c.
Keilneo., rirm; uncnangsa 10 ju points
higher; out loaf, 4 16c; crushed. 105o:
mould A. 6.70c; cubes, 1.50c- xxxx pow
dered. S.Jfio: ftna granulated, $.15c; dia
mond A, t.tto; confectioners' A, t.ISc; No.
1 lie. Futures orened firm on heavy buy
ing by trade interests and aborts prompted
by the advances in ootn raw ana reiinea
sugar. At nooa prices wera 7011 points
OU and Raala.
TINR Firm si 4o offered: sales, none;
receipts, 12 bbls. ; shipments, 261 bbls. ;
stocks, 10,710 bbls.
ROSIN Firm ; sales, $22 bbls.; receipts.
648 bbls.; shipments, 700 bbls.; stocks, 64 -201
bbls. Quotations: A. B, C, D, E, F
and O, 24.10; H, 24.10jN.16; I. 24.10fjH.16; K,
$4 266.40; M, $6.16; N, $6.7$.$0; WQ, $S.M;
WW. $.61.
Cottaia SCarkw.
Futures opened steady: December,
12.17c: January, 12$ioi Marco, 11. 06c;
May, 12.19c
The cotton market closed steady, net
unchanred to $ points lower.
steady; good middling, 7.60d; middling,
7.2d; low middling, $.80d; sales, 12,000
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralts
APPLFS S'eady.
DRIEn FRUITS Prunes and raisins,
firm. Peaches, quiet. Apricots, steady;
uhotoe, c; fancy. 10filic
Dry Gaods Market,
Cotton goods were higher and active.
Yarns were firm. Men's wear waa
active. Worsted yams wars active.
Local atoeks and Roads.
Qaotatlaoe rernuhes by auraa. arisker A Oa
444 Omaha Natloaai bank ealMlas:
ABMrloaji Drug SradKat
tr Ooaipaar. 14
Fairmont CraaoMry, p(4
Howara INawa C-r-nr
Llnrota T.I. Tal. tg na
Malia Flav flrst ti . 1 pmr ssas....
Omasa a C. . St. Rr . sf4
Oruu a c. a. Kr. a pM
OauJia a C. B. at. kr. Ka
New Btu Tataakoaa. jit
Mra.ajehnaiear-rovlar fSmjaaj
latna SUKk Tarda st,ak
CpOlka OnUa. eoa
Bid. Art.
M at
st te
44 M
47 b
94 Ml
M 94
94 H
9 M
H ins
et KSJ.99
H isi
1M bWti
H as
rt st
i ai
S W9
Aoslo-PraiMb I ear aa
luoola Tl. a TaL aa, IMS
Uaoola H . L. P. ta, 1
Lua Aasalas K, 11 war 4a, 140
lm maa I per arM Betas, l4
El Paae. T'X.. Sbhau4 ka let!
Nrw Htala T.lPiai 4s
Ooba AaSltonaa 44a. IMS.
Os.14 Waur 4Va. iMl
O-mmtM QmM ta, 17
Man-baata H A U ba. ISM
yuina TM A Tel. ba, lbU
rartna O. A L.
w trail Uatoe Sleek 1htm m laM..
n A Ce
Laatoa Sa4c Msurkat.
LONDON. Oct 20. Profit-taking In Wall
street waa reflected la a lower rang of
prices and a oulet tone in tha American
section of the stock market.
Apartments, flats, honaea and aottagea
aaa bo ranted quickly and cheaply t
Ilea "Tor Rant-" '
Cattlt Eeceipt Moderate and Frioct
Graerftlly Steady Sheep Weak
and Lambi Strong.
OMAHA. October 20, lo.
Receipts were: Csttla Hors. Sheep.
Offlolal Monday U i.Vi 24.M
tffwial Tueaday W.JW 4.M0 2.6
KeUinata WeUneaday.. 4,700 21.000
Three days thla weak. 20. 7 12.2W IT.IM
Pawie days last week. 44. 2M 9.7 110.744
Same days 2 wka ao.2V4tl 7 94.241
Same days 2 wka ago 21.77$ 12 M 101.
Kama days 4 wka ago.9s.104 ltk.tot
Same days last year.. 11.031 II. 2M U1.4W4
The following table shows the receipts
cf cattle, hogm and sheep at the Omaha
live stock market for the year to date, as
compared with last year:
191$. 114. Inc.
Cattle W6.74S 747.67T 172,221
Unas .! 17 1 X4.011
Sheep 2,70 2674.101 100.441
The following table shows the average
prices of hogs at the Omaha live stock
market for the last few days, with com
1911. I 1914-1 1912. 1 1912.1 1911 110-
Oct 1..I I 7 171 $ 201 1 6l 291 461
Oct 4..IT2M4 l$161$UtMtT$2
Oct $.. T67TM' 143 11 12' TU
Oct .. 1WS TMIM $2S14ir
Oct 7.. T WS T W 1 t 71 43 I 47 T 64
Oct I.. 1 94 7 27 T W 1 77 1 27 7 17
Oct. 1. . 2 06 7 40 T Ml 1 77 1 47 144
Oct 10. t 74 I 90 1 Mf 4 2 22
Oct. 11. I 21 $01 1 0i 4 ll 121 7 47
Oct. 1J. t 7 46 e tit) 4 94 I 41 770
Oct 12. I SB 7 24 2 Ml $ 27 2 26 T 61
Oct. 14. t244T26l04tmtnt27T4t
Udt 16. I 1M 7 24 7 W 1 tu 1 49 7
Oct It. I 22 T 2 T 1? 2 77 t M T 4t
t'ct. 17. 7 22 7 "t1 1 14 17 I
Oct l$.t2T ' IHIIMIII l !
-t. 1:114 JM J t 711 V 1 7 m
Oct 20. 7 t0 t 4 7 7t I t H t 27 t 41
ReceiDts en4 dlsnoaltlnn af live stock
at the Union stock yards Omaha for
twenty-four hours ending at I e otock yes
Caitie. Iloix Sneap. H'r'a.
C, M. St P 7 4 1..
wabash 1 .. ..
Missouri Pacific... 1 .. .. ..
Vnlon Parlflo 71 22 tt 1
C. A. N. W.. east.. 11 4 I 1
CAN. W.. west.. 94 U 12
:., St P.. M. A O. 1 I ..
C, B. ft Q., east.. 9 4 1..
. t, m. n . n is wi
. , m Ml, " 1. Mm mm ..
C, R. 1. at P., east 12 t 1
U., K. 1. r.. west .. ..
Illinois Central 2 .. 1 -
Chicago Ot Wast.. 2 4 .. ..
Total receipta 2M 7t Tt I
Cattle. Hors. Sheep.
Morris A Co. 4 144 1.041
Swift ft Co 720 till 1.6M
KJudahv Pkx. Co 1.1U 1.229 967
Armour ft
Le9 2,111
J. W. Murphy ...
Linoein rug. vo s
Totals $V144 4,681 22,402
CATTLE Receipts, while fairly liberal,
were not quite up to expectations and the
total for the three days this week shows
20.267 head, a falling off of 14,000 head as
compared with last week's rooord-braak-Ing
run. On tha other hand, the total
for the week la only slightly smaller than
most recent weeks and only r f'itr hun
dred head short of tha same poilud a year
Good to choice com fed beeves were In
fair demand at steady prices, and as high
as $9. t waa paid for right good yearlings.
On the other hand, common la pretty
good cornfeds were a little slow and ware
more or lass neglected, but that la not
surprising for this season of tha year,
when such eat t la come into dlreot com
petition with rang beef.
Range steers, both killers and feeders,
and also cows and heifers, sold In about
the sum notches as yesterday, there be
ing little change in either direction.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
fed yearlings, t OOfifl.76; fair to good fed
yearlings, tH.BOJft.00; common to fair fed
yearlings, $4 6tf8.&0; good to ohotoa heavy
beeves, $9 0OJVS.76; fair to good oornfed
eves, tt.201.00: common to fair oorn
fed beeves,; prim graas beeves.
m.wju.iu, UVU ,l llivm Si - I
$7 eoei.00; fair to good grass beeves. t7.00
'.M: common to fair grass beeves,
07.00: rood to choloa a-rasa heifers.
ft.7B; good to choloa grass cows, $4. 00 J
40; fair to good cows li.OOiJW.OO; com
mon to fair oows, $4.0096.00; prima feed
ing steers. $t.00tt.$0; good to oholoe feed
ers. $7.40y7Ja; fair to good feeders. M M
67 40; oommon to fair leaders.;
good to choice stockers, 27.764J.00; fair
to good stockers, M 7647.71; common to
fair stookera, $6.60t3.7$; stook heifers, M i$
fjpT.OO: stock cows, 2o.60 .26; stock calves,
tt.60tfc.6O; veal calvea, t7.0ftgl0.v0i bulls,
staga etc, $4.261.26.
Representatives sales!
Ka At. rr. Me. At. Pr.
M Ml 1 M tt 14U 1 69
It oows 1044 t 16 t feeders.. tS4 6 60
It feeders.. t7 t 60 W oows 91 t 16
36 feeders. . 094 t to s feeders.. 106 7 00
U cows. ....1016 $70 10$ feeders. 917 126
r, steers.... $40 $ 76 47 oows 974 106
76 steers 944 t 4$
62 feeders. .1052 7 10 20 steers.. ..1160 t 75
f heifers... 771 t 410 M feeders.. 1060 7 00
t stockers. tOO t $0 4 feeders. . 700 t 40
I feeders.. 796 t 40 1 calves... W 100
1 bull mo 6 00 2 stockers. lea t 00
2 atockers. 6M 00 2 oows 972 4 It
HOOS Receipts wera lust fair, al
though larger than on moat recent Wed
nesdays. A total of seventy-lb rae cars
or 4,700 bead was reported In, bringing
the supply for the .three days up to
12.28$ head. This Is nearly 4.000 larger
than last week, Is $.600 heavier than
two weeks ago, and about $00 mora than
were received during tha aama days last
Freeh arrivals this morning war net
burdensome, but a holdover of some
1,200 head gave buyers a very liberal
selection from which to "make their pur
chaaes. Shipping demand waa slack and
the few hogs bought on shipping orders
were fully 30c lower than yesterday's
early trade. Tops failed to go over $110.
snd there was only a sprinkling above
$8 00.
Packers early bid wera very bearish.
showing declines of fully Uo as aom-
Krea wun yesieroay s cioae, or aswe
low yesterday c first sales, but a good
many sellers had decided that a break
waa Inevitable and that the best polio y
was to sell on tha early rounds If pos
sible as the close was almost aura to
bs wesker than the opening. The re
sult was that the few sellers who were
fortunate enough to get bids before still
greater declines were aaked oaahed at
figures that vera not more than a
quarter below yesterday's average. The
next offers made showed a nickel do from the first sales, and It waa
only a very short time before killer
buyers were offering figures that were
fully 25c below yeeterday's average, and
getting all the hogs they wanted at
that. The close was a repetition of
Tuesday's wind up. Buyers made a few
nnai purchase at prices that ware all
of 60c lower than yesterday morning,
and then the trade flickered out, with
thirty to thirty-five loads still unsold,
A good many cf those bogs had never
oeea oia on.
Ma at. ga. Pt.
44 rt ... 7 le
) k4 ... 144
97 9T M 1 49
40 bM IH 1 40
44 OT let let
tt 2a4 ... 1 44
44 IM St T T4
49. M 9"4 1 14
71 971 t f Tl
44 14 BUS 1 11
Ka v. lh. Pr.
Tt 1st 129 7 94
74 HI 44 t 44
14 14 19 1 Bt
Tt 24 la) T M
1 tse
: is
silEi.-6fferings wera tha smallest
for a Wsdneaday slnoe early lo August,
about elghty-ooe oars, or 21.000 bead, being
reported In. The supply for tha first
half of the weak amounts to only tl,M
head, belna; smaller than a weak ago by
2t.0ui head. t.OuO short of lee weeks agu,
and a daoreaae of 24,090 as ooraparad with
the same days last year. Kooeipts for
the week to data are smaller than fur
any similar throe days since the third
week of August, a fu.l two months ago.
With reduced supplies lua lamb markot
got under way la good season at fully
steady and In spots stronger flguras. and
a fair oiaaranoe had been Boada by 11
o'clock. One string of good lambs sold
aa hlaTB as la. TO. wbioa la the klghaet prioe
paid tor a'most two weak a. Tbey were
nmtaa of ana of the H Si etrtags aaataraay,
Otbar deaarable strings reaohed Sn.AL
1 soma under sorts that war not aulta ae
baavy as on Tuesday and a sVeoant grada
brought St 40.
Keadare wera In good daraaad again to
day, and movatt reaulliy euovarbj on a
fully steady basin, bin re than cue bunch
of real gnod faavllne; lambs sold oa bbch
aa $4.44 and tops reaehed MIA. wfh a
fnlr V good kind ss!''nt largely at It JioJ
1 ta stir -fi-i o-i,r et.e rM ti 3 -. '
VoUnbT year:iua sold as bUU ai 7.0X
The eld mutton trade took a sharp
lump after the early rounds yesterday,
and some sales made after noon looked
a quarter lower. Today's market was
not much better than tti lata trade yea
ten! ay, and was 1'WISo to In eoote 9Se
lower than the high time yeaterday
morning Beet ewea here t.Mtav sold at
M en They wwr not ao rood as the
choice A yomlngs, which brought M 26
Quotations on sheen ard lambs: Lambs,
good to chnb-e, $ iff.?"- lambs. ttr to
good $.tOj10; lnibs. tecdera, 27 TlffllO
yearlings, fair to choice. Js omji.OO; ir.
lings, feeders. 9 COfr? 10: wethers, fair to
rholoa, $A.&otr.W: ewee. good to choice,
MNr.10: ewea fair to good, $V0ri.f.7$;
ee. fardera, It.hWC.f.
Representative sales:
No. At. Pr
12 native feeder lambs $2 1 00
112 native feeder lambs 2 7 CO
1SS1 Idaho la-nb 74 t 7
ir Idaho lambs Tl 1 (S
S4 Idaho ewes 13t t 00
449 Wyoming lambs , f 1
ina4 Montana lambs 11 1 tt
' Wyoming feeder lambs t 1 ?
122 Montana feeder lambs 1 1 It
Cattle Vaeettlea Haas Weelr
Kheep Weak.
CHTPAOO. Oct. 20.-CATTLE-Reeelpta
1A.0O9 head; market unaettle1: native beef
Steers. M.0M2100; western aeera, $4 71
$90; cows and heifers, tt.2C1Tt.2b; calves,
$7.7Vfr!1 6a
JIfKJS Ttecelots. $1000 head: market,
weak, 4tyrfc under yesterday's average;
bulk of aalee, 27 0fl4 W; lleht. r.JOrrUlt;
m'xed $7.60l 20; henvv. 27 JtTClS; rough,
t7..?fT7 60; pigs. t4.H fx.
head; market, weak: wether M. JRUW.W;
ewea. $ lambs. flm$X.
Kaaaaa City LI to Stock Market.
ceipts. 12.000 head; market etrong; prime
fe,4 steers, $t 2otri0.40; dreee be- s'eera,
$4 0or; weetern steer. tt.S0fft.7B; stock
ere and feeders. $.'. HCidi.Ii; bulls, $6.2641; calvee. xa ootmo.ftn.
HOOS Receipts. 11000 bead- marVet.
lower: bulk cf aales. $7 76S00; heavy,
r.7nT nfi; packers and bnicbera. tl.Wes
10; I1rht. r Wt1o-. rig H svf7.H0
SHEEP AND l.AMBWoeer 11 roa
head: marVet strong; lambs, tt.2Mtt.7t;
yearllnrs. II 6o7.26; wethers, t6.7o49t.60;
. Low Is I.lve Stoek Market.
ST. LOTUS, Oct 20. CATTLE Raoetpta,
4,701 head; market steady; native beef
steers, t7.SO4tl0.26: yearling s'reera and
heifers. t$.60id10; cows tA.ontfltOO; stock
era and feeders, t.OMff.76: southern
steers. t5ff S0: cows end helfera. 24.0T4S
t.60; nnUve calves, 2 3nl no
hikis Receipts, 11.800 bead; market,
lower; pigs and lights. t.i"tt 00; mo
and butchers. 17.7MT1.IO: rood heavy. 17.10
BHEir AND IA MBS Receipt S, 1,7X
head; market, steadv: lambs, ttcoiT3.00:
sheep and ewea, M.004M6O.
lows City LIt Stock Market.
Reoalpta, 7, 900 head' market steady: na
tive steera. 2A.40O m- now. and helfera
$4. 6004.26: eanners, $S,WfN.rf,; stockers snd
feeders. $6.0W7 tn elves, $6.0P4).00; buils,
stars, etc., $ 7Mr.60.
HOOS Receipts. $000 head: market,
40c lower; besvv. $7.9Mr.26: mixed, t7 7M
7.96; light $7.737.76; bulk of salea $7.70tr
'RirmBP AND LA MRS Recelnts. K ffOO
head; market steady; ewes, $6. 4696 76;
lam os. f7.gotr.w.
t. Joaepfc Live Stock Market.
ceipta, 2 600 head; market steady; steers.; cows ana neiiers,;
calves. M.OO'fflO.OO.
HOOS Receipts, 1 000 bead; market
slow, looks 2ufJ26o lower.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, tot
head; market steady; lambs. M.Wttft.M,
1.1 va Itook la light.
Tteee4nta or 11 v a stock at tha flva Del IV-
clpal western markets:
Cattle. Hors. Sheep.
South Omaha 7.600 4.700 21,ri0
(Chicago ltW Mono l,(vr
Kansas CXty U.oro u,ov
St. Louis 4.700 11,100 2.700
Sioux City MOO 1,000 2.600
42,900 47,200 41,200
Aiio-French Five Year 5 External Loan
Tho and eoveral obll
CsZloa dtho Governments
of the Uoitdd Ulnott ol
Great rrtain &nd IrebLtid
and tha French HcpisMlo
... -
' . '.
Det2 OstdlW 13, 1515, Doe Otviber US 1520, bAan-t p-ryabT April 15 and Ootooer 15, xth prtiolptl 'kb3. iatas
ft&tiA is Trw Trit Olty, in UiiiUd BttAtt Oold Oobx, "vrttkorrt dwdoctioa for any prosent or futnru Britih or
FM iattM. Ootxpoa Btnrds is titmcinttiiootr: 4100, $300 mod $1,000, wbioh may b rteuirMa m to pjrhxripl. Hz
fajgwil toacU, ia dcwirrinflrtona of $100, $1,000 aad tyOOO aad aithorL-4 midtipltja. Cfcopoa and raglaUnd boada
biimWthtmetti, 4j4w4v4&Wf at t&t option of h bolder, on azrj tlaU not latar than April 15, 1030, or (providod tltai
xxrtinfobo firttot laior thaa April 1 lS20ft at matnritT', par for par, iato 15, 23 jwar Joint and MTeral pear eont
beads of tho coverisnMDts of tlvo Unitoi lUxmx. of Oraat Britiaa and Iralaad and tho French Republia Booh iV
par ooniiiosaia will bo paTavtU, pciadpaitMad ixUrwti, in United atooGoU Coin, in Kow Tork City, fre from dtdxtv
Horn lor aay proaast or fottavo Dritiaii or lYntch taxoa, will matnro Ootobor 15, Q4L but will bo redeemable at par
and aeocood fnttreavi, la wiWe or la part on any isterrNt data ad cot eariicrr Ikaa Oetobor 15, 1S30, trpoa three
TOOTbthaT XsOti'-
A large amoczit af tbaao booda haTtejf already boon wiUu3xawn for toTPtHmeit, we whoae
names speor belew, offer on behalf of a oortry widafroup of Inaiitullone azvl banksre
th QBsSaU t4
Fkymont nury be mo-de tether la full on October 2Dth or at the option of the ptrrchasor, CO per eent on October 29th
and tho iii m DtMatxbcr 3d. ApplioeitLoa will bo niade to liet these bonde oa the New Tork Stook Ezchanfjo.
Atsnporary tpead will bo reodyfor detlLwmy oa or about Ooitbor 2ath, exchangeable for tho doiiaite bonde when
Aido from More Orderly Advance
No New Featom of In
ter $t
NEW YlMlK. Oct. 20 -Aside from Its
more orderly advance In BpeotAltlca, to
day'a market presented no pronounced
features of new Interest. War shares
dominated the eeaalon, with eome latent
strength In a few ot the representative
ItetMehem Steel made the new high
record of 6TP. an advance of 29 over Its
previous maximum Other stocks that
registered new l-uth (imitations included
Ptuilebaker, up 74 to K44, and American
woolen, t to B74. There were tains of 1
to 1 points In American locomotive, Bald
win Iocnmotlve A me' lean far Bid Foun
dry. Lackawanna Steel, t'nltrd states In
dustrial Alcohol, Distillers' Securities and
the fertilisers.
Metal shares, especially Inspiration Cop
per, were in demand, with a revival of
rumors of a consolidation on Inspiration
wlh Anaconda Foreign buying of re
llned copper also proved a fnrtor In that
tiuarter of the Hat.
Among the backward specialties were
Weatlnghousa, Oenaral Klectric, New
York Airbrake and a tew others which
recently claimed a largs meaaure of spec
ulative attention. Consolidated Oss made
a further decline with the nvproach of
the time for action on the dividend.
I'nlud 6tatee Steel wna again the most
active of the former favorites, In fact of
the entire Mat. attaining Ha best prioe In
the early afternoon, whan liberal buying
In large Individual lota waa resumed. Its
rise coincided with trade advices, which
reached additional price advances, for
finished materials and an Increased In
quiry for pig Iron and raw products.
Steel fell back In tha final trading how
ever, the balance of the list especially
railways, denoting moderate pregsura.
The closing was Irregular and dTulL To
tal sales amounted to tto.000 shares.
Fetlmatea of November Interest and
dividend disbursements show aa Increase
of over $11,000000. compared with the
corresponding period of last year, and
account In large measure for the prevail
ing monetary ease. New foreign credits,
including ons for Ruela, war under dts
ousslon In banking circles.
Bonds wars firm on diversified dealings.
Total sales, par value, aggregated $4,410,
000. Government bends wera uaohangad
on call.
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks wars as follows:
falsa Kin. 1. Olaaa.
Alaaba (MIS
Aatertnea Baat Sasar...
Amertwa Oaa
Aaiartraa IceeaotlTa ,,
Amertnaa S tt k
Amerlowt A. A H efd..
Am. Sugar Raffntnt
Aaiarloaa 11. A Tel....
AaMiinaa obaeae
Anaroa4a Copper
naidwta Locomotive ...
flaltimnre A Ohte
Pet Mr ham 8tt
RrocRlra TtTid Transit.
Oallfcala PMraUaa ...
renaAlaa Ptteins
rVatnl Laaihar
riwatMaka A Ohio
Oi!eaa 0). W
OhtMae. KIM P....
mteun A N. W
rtilcaao, H. L P. Ry.
China CApear
Oolerad raal Iraa...
Onwlbla Mtral .
Heaver A R. O eM f" i
ntMtuars' Marttlaa WW
Brta !.
Oeaaeal Maotrt 1 " l'1
(Vwat Nerthara 1 lit
Oeaat Ne. Oa ottb f
OurnVlm Kvpioratloa.. I.SjO
flllnola Oantral ,,..,
falarSsrousH One. Oes., I tof
InatH-atton Omrm 14.1"
!ntrnattfttal Harrartar... ba
Kanais City aoathars..., V4
lklKk ValUy TOO
Lmttiwtlle A Naalvrlll ,
Waaliaa rstralana 1 4"4
Miami Oaevar I.M4
Mlaannrt. K. a T. Pt4..
Mlaaaart Paelrta
Ntttlenal Blaoatt
Natlnoat Ul ,, l.lue
NaTbAa Oopeer 4'W
Naw Tor Oaataal , I.Ta
N. T.. N. K. ft 8 1.700
1.T0O H4 irtl Ilea I
91 e 44i t . 44
lid 4441 90
I. H tt 41 ai
99.7W) Tt T Tl
lASTKI 94 94 94
W Kl 109 loa
l.l'4 111 lit 111
I.IC 1M lt IN
bn Bti Ml 21
it. m T T Tl
I an IM IM xmH
L4XO let lie IN
l.4"4 M Tt 91
1.109 IZt m 414
404 rr 4T 94
in It 14 14
1.404 17 1M It'
Iron II at (I
lioo IT it
tt) it 11 11
tl"4 94 9t
1 60 in 111 19S
19 too 11 11 II
IM Ml 41 49
II. 104 II II
IT.tno It 91 91.
'40" 4t4
14 It
m 119
in in
'Hi q
lie 11 !
n tV,
..... 194
II 94 44
4 9. V
i:t4 -it ' I "i"
mo its in im
99 IT
11 li it
lie 91 109
NartlMea Paoitia
P-lfle Bltll
Pcltva Tal Tel
Pallman PaJar-e Car....
gar raa. Ctmr
tthlle Ires A Ptael..
Sabra Paoirta
P-wthera HallwaT
atuaiaitTr 'eapeay
Tnneaaee foeper
Teiaa romeaeT
t'nioa IMririt .
t aM Parllla ara
tnl4 Hiaiet A Mat
ti. M. Kteel bM
Ilih ratpe
M'Mrtera I'nlaa
Wratlnatteuaa Kleetrle ,
Montana rnwer
OaaTral Motors
Total sataa far tka 4
LKW lil
.. tea M
". "itm
. t ana Tts
. m.;w us
!! ". toe 'rs
. J ane
. I. mi
. I I' ln
. 14.V) tKl
OS H14
in.r s
it nt
. T C4 71
.. H'1 Sh
.. M.WO 7(1 H
iMk la
91 91
lift 4
tm 944
it. 9in,ee ah
Ttevr Vark Maaey Market.
PA rKItKttS per cent.
a T K RLlNtS rcXCIIANOIO-Klsty-dav
bills. 4.'N); demand, 14. . cablea $4.4o$.
PII.VIOIt-Bar, 49V; Mexican dollars.
luiNlV Government, straJy; railroad,
TIM B I lAN'R Easier: slKty days and
ninety days, iV per cent; sis months,
$ per cent.
TALL MONKT fttendy; high, 1 per
rent; low, IV per cenl; ruling rale, IS
rr cent: last loan, 1 per cent; cioang
id. IS per cent; offered at 2 per cent.
Closing quotations on bonds today were
ss follows:
U. g. rt 9a, rag.... 9T Mo. Pae. t. la .... It
n seabne 01. r n. a. a ....1
t. C. la, rag tb'N T. m 4a ,...iai
4a esaaaa lot M T. State
V. a. 4a, rag ' . 7 H. A H.
As aaata 10' T. 4a til
paaama neaeea ITiibNo T"arins 4a 11
Am. satttars 4 a. as eya
A T. T. a 4-a l4 (V 4 U 4a 4
Aria our Co. 4 .. 91 fas. T. A T. U.... 47
Atoblana san 4a.... iel-tis. aaa. 4a IM
1.1 'a Ohla 4a ! lo era. 4a M
Oa HarKta la ITllsa4laa fa. 4s H
a S Olila 4Ha.. e- i a e. r. r. a.
a (J. I. 4a rro. raa tt. h n--
at A F g 4s.. M AO ret. 4 I
H lap r. ta. an, Ptllwa. la M
C. A r ta ... tolnlaa rtoltte 4a.... tt
P A n. O. rat. 44.. U 4a sr. 4a 91
avis im 4 14 V Fabbar 4B....1M
Has. glectrlt 4a... .104 P "teal 4e ion
Ot. Ma 1st 4a..... HWaharb brt la Its
III.- Oaa. rl. 4 kVi,Wo. t'nlos 4a ... N
K. c. ?a rf. It,... IIWm. Fleo. a. bt. 1
U A N. uol. 4a.... 9lAasle-rraeab ta ... 94
14. K. A T. 1st 4a... tl
Baalc Clearlaaa.
UnAllA, wun 1 irn i iih i '
Omaha today ware HOM.MAH and for
the corresponding day last year, $I,I04,
774.19. ' Culls from the Wires
The sale of a sest on the New Tork
Stock exchange for ft. 009 was announced.
The prloe Is $1,000 highor than ths last
sale, a few days sgo, snd Is several thou
sand dollars higher than a number cf
sales between tour and sU months ago.
Pradlotloa that all steam railroads In
the United States would be electrified In
the nest few years was made by M. w.
fttorar of New Tork in an address at a
luncheon liven ta the members of tha
American Institute of BlacUloal Bngr
aeors at their convention In 81 Louis.
Nicholas Dumas was found guilty cf
murder la the first decree by a Jury, after
twenty-five minutes' deliberation, at WJ
tenburg, Colo. Ths penalty was fixed at
death. Tha crime oharsed waa Participa
tion In the shooting February It of Will
lam Dick. Oakvlew mloe paymaster,
Many delegates to the National Council
of Congregatlonl Churches era In New
Haven. A number of missionaries from
foreign fields were among the arrivals,
their especial object being to attend the
104th annual meeting of the American
Hoard of Commissioners for rot-alga Mis
sions, which begins iuadsy,
Exports from tha port of New Tork
during the first two weeks of October
reached tha record-breaking total of
$71,114.11$, of whloh virtually two-thirds
represented wer munitions and supplies,
aooordlng to ftgursa mads publlo. Vir
tually all of these exports went to Eng
land, Wanes, Russia or Italy.
FodarMl tarsjaaa Wtl Retire.
WABHTNQTON. Oct It.-eJurgaon John
T. Anderson, for more than alx years di
rector ot the hygenlc laboratory of the
public health aervlos and aa authority on
dlstnfeitnnt and vaccine virus, wilt re
tire from the ssavlos January 12 acoept
private srapleyraeat,
tterTeta A W
Commandant of U. S.
Aviation Camp Knew
Nothing About Flying
court-martial of Lieutenant Colontl Lewis
H. Ooodler, Judge advocate of the west
ern department, for "Inciting discord anl
disrespect" against Captain Arthur H.
Cowan, commandant of ths army avia
tion school at San Diego, Cat. records
Ware presented to show that Captain
Cowan had been drawing $112 a month
for more than two years, a It per cent In
crease of regular pay for hasardous work,
and ier-ilrrony that he hat never made
a flight alone.
Captain T. P. Dodd, ons of ths officers
who preferred charges against Captain
Cowsn. testified that one of the reasons
why the complaint was signed by him
self and another aviator waa that In the
event one ot the two met death by. flying
the other would press the contention that
Cowan was drawing pay to which be was
not entitled. The other offloor to sign
ths charges was Lieutenant W. IV, Talia
ferro, who waa killed recently at San
Diego while making a flight on October IL
Captain Dodd said Captain Cowan knew
no mora about aviation than the ordinary
layman. Cowan had no technical knowl
edge of flying, hs said, and declared there
was no record that tha San Diego com
1 man dar had ever made a flight by him
DBNVTCR, Colo., Oct. 11. The Stock
holders of tha Denver ft Rio Grande Rail
road company today sleeted Benjamin
Nlokoll and David H. Taylor, both of
New Tork, directors to suooeed Joel T.
Valla of Denver and S. T. Pryor of Now
Tsrk. resigned. Other directors were re
elected. i, kg At, ifonciai
Scaled proposals will be raeotved by
the owners, C P. Coffea and B. P.
Pitman, until t o'clock p. ro., Monday,
November 1. 1016. for ths erection of
the fireproof superstructure of tha Coffee-Pitman
building at Chadroa, Ne
braska. All proposals must be baaed nprm tha
drawings and specifications which will
be on file with tha owners at Ctiadron,
Nebraska, at tha Builders Sxchange,
Omaha, Nebraska, and at tha office of
ths architect. Jamas O SUtt, Norfolk.
Ekrh nroposnl murl be aecotnpanled
James C. Btltt. Norfolk Nea.
with a certified check m th aaanotrnt of
one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars, made
pavabte to the own era Jointly, as a
guaranty that ths bidder will Immediately
enter Into oontraot and band If awarded
the work.
These checks win ha returned to un
successful bidders when contract Is
awarded, and to the successful bid let
whan contract and bond are executed.
The owners reserve tha right to re
ject any or all bids or to walva Infor
malities In wit hid.
COinmrc ft PITMAN. Owners.
Chadron, Nebraska, October If 1111.
ood Lota af Naw Tar gtonk CMhange aa
turlftas 1 sktra. 1 taaree. 94 aaaraa aay
mount laet tha ma tharee JiatHbil ia
Trig COD Urr ksiVlEW. laraad ararr Bat
vMtr. It a rr. gt4 far samrla sool-s.
lukllh.4 by Joha Malr A Ca., 41 BrsUway.
Naw tork Ollr.
CO.. Now York.
a CO- Omalisu