OCTOBER ins. 10 TITE BEE: OMAIIA, I t ! i h I I I 1 WANT ADS Want aria received at any i.iiw, but t" tnaura nrrper classification must b pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for venln edition (inil 7 4 p. m. for morning nd Fundav edlttona. rnt d received after ucrt hour will be under th heading. Too Lai) to Classify." CASH RATBa areri ecnaecuttv time. 1 cent a word each Inwtrtton. Two or men ronaecutlv time. 1H cents word. On tins. I Null a word. CHArVJE II A TBS. ' Beren roneecutiv times. eentg Una -r Insertion. .... Three eonaecuUv time. 10 etnti a lln ar-. Insertion, On tun. 12 rent a lino. Count six average word to a Una. Minimum charge. SO cent. An advertisement Inserted t be until discontinued must bo toppd by written order. . , All clalnta for error nvust b mad within fifteen are after tho last Inser tlon of the advertisement. TELEPHONE TYLER 1009. nr. tm a mi rrJiERit noiicf. BABF.R-Katlilren, aged 2. beloved wife lon!y. . Itonler. .. ... Funeral Thursday from residence, South Nineteenth etreet, at .) a. m., io St I'hllomenn, rhnrrh at a. rn. Inter ment Holy Kcpulcher cemetery. HBMMAX-LufT K. W Florence boul evard, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. V. Hnmman. Monday. October It. 1K1S, BKrd N jeers, 4 month and day. . M . Funeral service Thursday Vom1rrr1" denoe. K Florenre boulevard, will bo private. Interment at Mount Hope ceme tery. No flowers. X,r:AT?T-r. II . seed 42 yean. Funeral Wednesday morning, October T at 8 ) . m.. from Hoafey & Hfry a ha pel at Twenty-sixth and Farnam streets, to 8t. Peter's rhnrrh at . m. Burial, Holy Bepulrher cemetery. O'CONNELL Lnnra. nged 74 year, fih la survived by three deughtera. Mra. . rt. Walker. Mrs C. C. Field of Taeoma Wash.: Mrs, O. II. Bell of Timmj, and one aon, E P. O Connell. Denver. olo. llemalne will be shipped from residence ef Mra. Walker. Mil Davenport, to Bloom- Jngton. III. rni ' thanks. WE wish to thniik cur frlenda and neigh bor! for their sympathy shown Ui In Ih elckn.sa nnd tlenlh of our father; alao for the beautiful floral offering and aery Jces rend red bv W. O. W. camp No. 104 :id Tnllora union No. MH.. MAKIA rTRAi niO A FAMILT. BIHTill AND BBATII9. nirtha Mal and Frank Illach, till fJouth Thirteenth. lrl; Aljot and Enthor Hlornbert. lll North Thlrty-f Ifth. 1rl; l.'.wt.h and iieulo Hlerley, Sw'.'i 8outh Tlilrtv-elBhth. Klrl; Frank and Mary Ultra. I3 North Thirty-ninth, Houth Wide, iri. untin nu 7 , .... vi ... v.., J-'ranklin, bov; B'la!lano nnd Lurla 'urcn, 100S Iiavenport, boy; Btlvatora and eVbaatlana 'apillo. 1211 lorea, Kill. Thadd'-ua and Maud Illbbard, Gold. )rl; Hnrold and Kate Motahter, 1 Houth Teentv-fitth. 8oi:th fide, boy; Wil liam J. McCaffrey and wife. ft. Clnlra apart mrnta. txiy; loula and Thereula Poa Jof, Ix Hnuth Fiftieth, alii; Oulnepp and ltona falerlno, 1!I2 Bouth Twelfth, mrl; e'xlvatora and Angela fcaleroo. 2744 eViuth Twelfth, Rlrl; Mlllam I. and Haael Hi aid in :l Hnuth Thlrty-firth avenue. rlrl; T. V. and Fannie Vaa.e, JT.17 Brlatol, tin. tieatha Joseph Trola K. 5' Wonlworlh; iUiHur Teddv Oel-b-r. 12. Dodira; Ha norah O l'oiinell, 74, rUl Iiavenport; Rob ert W. curiey, I mont h, -hoapltal. MtltltlAOB LltKJUEI. The following marrlngo llcenaes have been ranted; Name and Realdence. " llarokl Hid. lndlanaitolla, Ind 'A Mildred llotiue, Dmaha J Martin H. Ilrelnninrer, Olltner ilieulah' Uoyer, Olltner 31 Harrv Campbell, Berlbner V Floreneo WauKh. rVrrlbnor U Owen Pharkelford. Parllnarton Jrt, Mo. 11 Jeaalo Tullenwlder. Burllnrton Jot., Mo 19 Andrew l'llrh. Omaha 32 iNnra T. Hodwell. Omaha ill m II.DIU PERMIT!. C. R. Kroll. 2IM South Twenty-fifth, re- Piira, t'iii; Ixula B. I'etereon, 4W North ourteenlh. frame dwelling, ll.fWO; H. E. MoCltntoek, imo Mandern. frame dwell ing 3.3: Marv McNosp, 4ZUS Marcy, frame dwelling. $2.X). fXSZrtcl52SHS25Z52S72S2SnSi50 TODAY'S 3 PROGRAM Uswstawa. Empress IGth and Douglas. VAUDEMLLE. The Juggernaut Greatest rnilrond drama of tbe day, in five acts, featuring K A Uh WILLIAMS and ANITA STEWART, i also The Caiiimnted Xooz Pictorial Essanay and the The lie ward, Vitagraph. VKINCESS, ln-l DOUGLAS. Ijttt chapter of "The Broken Coin." MiKiion Anderson, ''John Kocks th Hlvt?r," omnia. KthH'a Roim-os. Csslno Star eomdy. l.nfot war news, current events, etc., a no a Kood Keystone comedy. aiorttt. CUAND, ICth and Binney "THE MAN FROM OREGON" 5 HEEL ML'Tt'AL MASTERPIECE, FEATl'RINO HOWAUD HICKMAN AND f'L-llA WILLIAMS. L6THUOPr21TirANU LOTUROP. William Fox preaenU Frederick Berry In Jtovtor juttnau. APPOLO. 2SJ4 LEAVENWORTH. Xrrw of Ftel. Kalem: Hj Ooldon titnin J-rel, V'ltagrs ti; The Fabi of the Through Train, Kar.r; hroncho y illy and In s rd Bhn, Ksaansy. Vat. MON'ROB, 1515 FARNAM. '. HUhjii Kox pret Betty Nanaen, in t'm.i.t 1 co Tokaer iiiasterwork. "A ifi.jri's Hcmir litn." tarts le. J4TIIANDN. Tl' H iiif.way Boxcar, Kalem: Her Hsn-Him-m, s-r-fl h..Uon: ll, FaM of th Pilr u;ri!i Mho I'ldu't Mak Good, E- UTH AND M. Tt Houa of Scandal, 4-reel master pio. lure. 1 MOVIES A FEATURES V TODAY A FMPRKS3, 16TH AND DOUGLAS. The Juircernaut. tb (treateat railroad drama of the day, tn i arta. featuring Farl Wtlllane and Anita Stewart. GRAND, 16TH"AND BINNKY. Tha Man From Oreaon, S-reel Mutual maaterpe.-a. fextunn Hoaard Hick man and Clara William. MONHOE. 2G&S FARNAM. ('Illlam Fo nreaent Betty Nanaen. In Count Vto Tolaiola maaterwork, "A Woman'a Reaurreetlon." PHINCfcSa. 1317-1 DOUGLAS. La teat chapaer of 'Tha Broken Coin." AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are conatdeiinc aelllngor buying a naed ear and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret It you buy or advertise through the uaed car column of Th Ilea. I'l.ona Tv'r luoo. MILKS of mileage In your old tliea trieount). nena mem to uuo i mm 1611 Chleago Ht RKWAKU for any mauiieto we ran t repair Coll rend Hayadorfei . 210 ?J. lth. COMBINATION auto for aale; haa truck boil and ran be uaed aa touring car. Today, T7- Tel. Webnter C44. N K.I'.HAKKA Hub k Hervlre Htatlon, 1P14 Farnain Ht. Phone Imuglaa 721. Al'TOMOHII.K In running order for aale at a bargain. Telephone Walnut li'lS BTI HKHAK F.R "Z-.;" good condition. First reaannoble offer takea It. B. 11th St. Phone Red 1W Alio, clearing houe. lluy, fell and -chane urd car, lie Parnam. D. J3i0 Induatrlal Oarage Co.. ZOth t Harney Bt. Ovei ton a for leaky raaiator. too, dealer. AXVOUXCEMENTS BU8INKSU COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For aale. with good reason for telling. variety of eouraea In a reliable rul lri Hrbool, one of the teedlns buatnea college of Omni. a. Will bo a ld very reeaonabla-away below remjtar Prlr. If you are conelderlng taking a cour Invehtlgate thta at ern e, alne Fall term beslnt. aonn all office. Omaha Ree, EXERCISE at f- M. A- lluaintaa meu BUSINESS CHANCES If your Business Ctianco wTII atind rKld Inxeatlgatlon a no is just what It Is advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yourlf vou will be tr- fectly sat if fled If yiti usa the Bulne Chance column of 1'he Heo. When buy ing or nelilng a bualneas Phone lyior 1000. BOOK and ttlonniy store for aale on account of other Interests: offer for aale only store of It kind In county seat town of l.iKJO, eastern Nebraska; Invoice about 2. MO; bargain for cash; a good Income assured. Addreaa T lol, Be. Uih1) business. Ity Itu N. J4H factory; clears '20t a mo. l2i WILL, sell st once, grocery stock and fl tures. coiriDleta. value I'CO for V'ti. In- cludea horse, wagon and harness chanc for fine meat business In connection. Tel- D. 2W7 or call at 1M H. 1'tth St. WANTRD On young man for liualneaa partner, capital required. K. Z-'J. nee. BUSINESH olHces. land, c city pro!erty, WKAY. Stoux handled all atate. JIM W City. Ia. SEC'KETH of th grain business; fit you for position of manager at a salary of tD to $l,hu0 per year. Particulars fre. Write aulik. Welcrn Orsln Syndicate, Stanhope. Ia. GOOD drug store for sale, well located, gma town, only stock, win invoice about $.1,00(1; owner' reason for selling, wants business In - city. Clauaon Bros., Klron. la. T1 SELL or buy a bpalnera, call on Busrh Borchoff. Fremaer HlW. D. Mh. TO OET In or out of business call on GANOEfTAI. 422 Be Bldg. Doug. S477. THKATKH Buy. leas or sell your the ater, machine and aupplle throuch Theater Kseh. Co.. 14u Farnam. I. 1!7. $2,000 KyUITT in property renting for $21 per month, for land, lots, acreage or Interest In business. Box 7M, Omaha, FURNITURE, undertaking and piano buslne for al In good eastern South Dakota town. eatablUhed $6 ysara. Ad dreaa T $4, Bee. o FURNITURE and lea Hamilton Apt.. on or before Oct. 26. Call Dougla 607$ between and 11 a. m. Wed. and Thurs day. I HAVE a position opn In my bual nras for a young man who oan glva ma hut service and mak an In vestment of IwW. I will pay a good salary and Interest oa Ills Invest ment. Bog K If. Be. BEE Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In established shows. D. liHO. WANTED Toung man a partner In my tor; will guarantee over $100 month; investment of tuuo required, secured. Bos L MO, Bee. riCTCRB BHOW In town of $.3n0 peopie, close Omaha; bt up-to-date equipment, nice lobby, etc.; will take lightweight uaed car part pay Add res Y 1. Bee. Hnonilaar Haaa (or gal. 10-R. FURNISHED. $360 cash. D. t&O. EDUCATIONAL Boylaa Illdg. Tel. D. 1046. Omaha. Nb. FOR sale, th following scholarship la first class Omaha Kusln tooling! On unlimited combination bualuna and rhorthand course. On unllmltea stenngrsrhlo eottraa. On three-months' business or ateno graphlo courae. V 111 be sold at a discount at th office Of Th Omnha Pe. DAT SCHOOL BOTLE3 COLLEGE NIGHT SCHOOL Every day Is nrollmer.t day. Book, keetiln. Miorthand. Menotypy. Typewrit In. Telegraphy. Civil Hervtce all Com mercial and kiigliah branches. Catalogue BOTLE8 COLLEOE. 13th and Harney Hta. Tel. Douglas lMt. Tlie VAN SANT SCHOOL BTEN'OGKAPH T BOOKKEEPING; r- arhonl fop Taunt Women. Lv.nlug School tor Young Men and Women. Saturday m jrnlng class In typewriting. lone C Duffy. Owner and Manager. 3t4 flo 1Mb Bt. Omaha. nxi KKT ladv aivaotauhr will take Dutiia: shorthand, touch typewriting Biwilmg and t'Uiictuatiun taught. Indi vidual Instruction. - Douglas St. Tl. Walnut ii-7. FOR BACK FOR SALO-Here la a clasamoatton that la of the vtinoat Importance to every reader, a this column offer some excep tional iimi tumtiu every day and a aiuali want d will sell your arilcl at Ha lull value. I'hona 1 ier lo u.nn a ad Veatcie. FARM wagon. I'O; harneaa, f; both new. Johitaun-Denfuiln Co., ltllh and Clsrk fts. ilATCHJ'D nalr of farm mare. $.6u lb. L. l.ux"-lb. dtlKeiy liuiao. 1-4 civuin t4th Ht. SOLD ON K TEAM, J. ' i lb-.. fr m'.c; ytraig old. N. ;iii, Ibifin i. Ittltr, taut ami twinillos. MX1) grain, bw lbs. IS.Ti W agiiw . Mil N 11 b! EHKOT Y ftl ruatrloea nuil Itia bvt and cheapest litimg fr itouHry hoasea Thy r itui Invbes, alronvar and ruur durable than tarrsd ftrlt and piactUatly latsnioof. 7ao a hundred at la Ua otfic. FOTl RAIL Auction Sale By Order of Fidelity Storage & Van Company Oak etorea. baa burner, steel rancw. draperlea, bedding. rJa, finger aewing marnine. Kitchen cnblneta, braa and Iron bed, buffeta. dining room furniture. dreaaera, davenoorta. china cloeeta. li brary table, picture, dlahg, eto. SALE STARTS 9:30 A. M Wednesday, Oct. 20th. 1611 Howard St BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE, 1K N. 24TH. WEB.1OT. T).fl1-t bought and sold. J. C. Reed. mBI'a i:i7 Farnam ft. Dougla 14t Mlcal Istlrs mrati, TOUNO refined couple wlahea use of piano for It ktorage. Beat of reference furnlahed. Call Colfax 1141. Ull N. :4th Bt. Tyjtevrvlter. UNDBRWOOD, bargain. .Phone D. J147. Ilarellaneoaa. FOR SALE New and seeond-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of all kind; ensy payment The Brunswlck-Ralke-Collendei- Co.. 407-4 B. 10th St. N Becond-hand mieiors, dynamo. PW magnetoe. etc., mechanical WT reiialr I Bron Klectrlo Work 81C-t0 B Uih Bt O BEAUTIFUL, set mink fur, never worn; worth $00; price $30; also handaom black et, worth $78; price $16. !9l Mason St., near Park Ave. FOR BALE CHEAP Business College Course. Fait and complete scholarship In on of tb beat Omaha buarnea school. Uood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will bo ol1 very reasonably, jf Interested Investigate at one, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of course for sale. For particulars Inquire at tb of floe of The Omaha Re. $3.20r: Golden West Whisky, 4 full art not lien in Dona, pre paid, rackley Hroe.. omaha. CARPENTER tools, ahovoia. aladge. pick, Jackcrewa, 10 penny match vend ing machine, 60o each. Horae, harness, wagon, $100. On ictiiu lano. J. C. 1311. 10?$ B. Wth Bt. Harney 4 TWO rlcctrlo motor for sal a, room 6, Bee Bid. FOR BALE Building and stocK grocerle. luncheon and notions. Call Colfax $4M). ITELP WANTED FEMALK Clerical aad Offleet. BTENO.j $0. Diet, opr., $C6. Diet opr., $no. Mult. opr.. n. WATTB REF. CO., HM-40-48 Brand The. FREW office for publle atenocrapher. .1 . Factory mad Trade. GIRT, to learn halrdreestng. Oppenhelra. WANTED Experienced chocolate dip per; niec work schedule. Johrtaon Biscuit Company, Sioux City, Ia. II uoar keener nt HibuiIii. THE Servant Glr Problem Holveil. Th nee win run a servant Olrl Wanted Ad FIOJR until vou ant tha ilttlnul r-..ili. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa. Bring ad to The l'ee office or telephone Tyler io WANTtD Competent girl for general housework, by Monday, October Jo. Flat wash given out. No small children; $J0 per month. $1$ N. K Bt. Doug..414. 'WANTED A competent cook tn family vi iwo, wnere a aecona mJa la apt. (3$ B. lith. Phone Dougla 1M. WOMAN for second work in country home near Omaha. 1 Street car. Phone Benson 40$. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework: no wajthlns ond r'uiirnm requires, airs. M. u. Newman, tUO Howard. Phone Harney 6316. WANTED A competent girl for ganerai housework. No wraahlnar K0$ Dawey Ave. Tel. Har. 16ai WANTKI Young whit girt, to assist with general houaework In small homa. Colfax i'-n. WANTBD Jlrl for general housework no washing; small family. Annlv t mra. . . i.yie, o. mrx Ave. WANTKD A girl for general housework; viie nvin nwr win ana r amara Ht. iimprrwii to wor on or two noura a day. Apply 407 Farnam Bt. Tel. Walnut WANTliD-A girl for general houaework: good wagea; X In family. Tel. Wal. t4. COMPETENT GIRL for general house work, no washing or ironinT, good wages. a.tiD oun nt. PdMPKTEST white ITTTi fnT .n.r.l houaework: non other nsed aooly. Har. nwy (At). WANTKD Competent girl for general nouattwora in lamny oi 1. ssn Harney WANTFID-.-A girl for general houaework. tnrsa m ramuy. Apply 9i caa fct. TL ivainui znt. a WANTKD-OIrl for general housework. i nt noutn irmana. WANTKD Kxirlnced aecond rlrl with reference. Mra. C. T. Koumu a2& iewey av. I eiepnone Marney ZH. WANTKI Competent white girl for gen ereal houaework; no rooking, good wage and permanent to light party. US WANTED Experienced general house keeper. Pmall apartment. Th Colvart. fin anu jiarney. Apt, a. WANTKI-Kxperlenoed maid for gnral houaework, family of three; no wash ing. 124 N. Mh Ave. MKd. G. W. MEGF.ATH Competent cook; city reference required. Tele- pnona Marney wis. WANTKD A girl for general houaewerk: reference required. Call Monday morn ing 6vi i'avenport pI.. lunIM. WANTED A good girl for general honsa wurk. Apply at list 8. SMh 8t. Har. $4u. OIKL wanted fur general housework Perm n preferred. Apply 4fj lpd g WANTlID Maidfor geiieralhouaewoi German or laxn preferred. Muat ba neat and capable. Call Monday or Tuee. day weninga after aeveo. Itu$ Lathrop PL WANTKD A girl for general houaework. tTH Farnam St. Harney tbt. WANTED A girl for general houaework; three In family; houa oleanlng don. Mra. Julia Dreifuaa, $ N. 41st L Wal nut 1. ClHl. for general houaework. Harney tut. E. A. Lemon. The WANT Fl Competent girl for housework. 8-34 Farnain St. Tel. general Bar. kj WAN1 El A rlrl to assist with house work. 110 H. S4th St. W'ANTiU-A girl for housework; no washiaf or otniklng. Wal. lit. W ANTED A good girl for general houau work. 2M0 Harney tit. Har. WANT Eli Neat, experienced girl for K i.eiai housework. Chicago. Tel. W.illiUI li. ANTED A girl for general houaework. I tarn r 1K4. 1030 S. I..ih Ave. l AN l'Klk-A Kill for general houae work: small family. Call or phone Tvler 1W t for nova or after I p. m. s g. lmh bt HELP WASTED FEMALK Meaarkrefen nd llnmrttlr. WANTFO A colored girl for reneral houaework. No washing. Referene re Otilred Apply S K. -th fit I"hone Har pey Wl W A NT F IV A glH for general houaework. Mr Fred Hadra. 12S f. 36th ft. Har ney 64I0. WANTEI Olrl for reneral houaework. fmall family. Good home to right party. WK N. IMhW. EX pTcRI EN'CED white girl for general houaework; family of three: a;ood wagea. Reference rerjulred. H19 Ca. Walnut IM9. WANTED A young girl to aaslat with houaework, on who can go home night. Webater WSO. Mlacellaaeoaa. TOVKO women coming to Omaha aa t ranger are Invited to visit tne Toong Women' Chrlwtlan -clatlon building at ft. Mary Art. and Kth St. where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwla aaalated. l-ook for our traveler' guide at I'nlon atatlon, BTFNO . atat epernr K 18, Pee. W A NTEI Telephone girl. Olean'n. 11 N. lh ft. State Pry WANTEH WOMAN Oovernment rlerk ahlp. Write Immediately for details. Franklin institute iJept. CM H, Rocheater. N. T. LADIES make hle1d at home; $10 for lt; work tent prepaid; no canvaaaing; send stamp Ivanhoo Mfg. Co.. bt. uouia. MO. ! WANTED Good. tedy 1rl or mlddle j ged woman for restaurant work; steady wora tor runt party. Auorai v;. H. Bush, Bog No. 1 Ong, Neb. . WANTED Several waltrenae for lunch counter and dining room. Apply Oan son's Cafe. VM Howard Bt. ITF.LP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Office. GOOD position open. BUBINWHS MEN 8 REFERENCE ASSN. 14i Woodmen of World. BOOKKEEPER, $60. WATTS REF. CO., gW-40-42 Brand. Th. ORIGINATORS, NO FILING FEB. Beat commercial positions. ROGERS REF. CO., 640 Paxton Block. HIGH-OKA DK commercial position." WEST. REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. 72 Omaha Nat. Pnk B!dg. Aareats, Balecaesi s4 Bollcltosw. COAL agent wanted la every town: get a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte, Neb. Traveling Salesman Have good Nebraska terri tory open for first class pro ducer; permanent, lucrative position for man abl to show-result. Ulvs age, for mer or proaent employment, etc., In letter to 8. 286, care Bee. Factories aad Trades. MOLER BARBER COLLEOE LEARN th barber trade by our sys tem of exoert Inatructlon and free cllnlo. Positions waiting. Call 'or write for cata logue. Omnha, Neb., A. B. Moler, Pre. WE need mn; had to turn down two lob per week lately: get In: learn by our method: get on of these Jobs. Cata logue D. B. free. Nebraska Automobile School. $40 Leavenworth Bt. WANTKD Oordon feeder. Room , Be liidg. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trt-dtr Barber college: low rate tuition. Including set of tool; wagea paid: oleo ma massage, nyaraullo chair; catalogue free. 1124 Dougla rit.. Oaaaha. Drug flora Bnapa. lob Kneutt. B Bldg. Sf laeallaaaHtwa- WAVTFiD Railway mall clerk: $78.00 month, umana examination coming. Rample questions free. Write Immedi ately. Franklin Inatltut. Dep't tZi H, Rm'tieirter. N. T. WANTRD Men to try examination for government Jobs; $70 month; common education sufficient. Apply Immediately. Y si. Be. GOOD MEN WANTED at onoe to learn auto work to fill position which we hav open right now and ar waiting for com petent men. Learn by our ystm of actual work on autoa, tractors, eleo. starting gys. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE!, I0u3 Farnam Bt Omaha, Neb. I HAVT3 a position In my business for a young man who can give ma his service and make an Investment of $nuo; i will pay a good salary and interest en bis investment. U 190, Be. WANTED Tourtg man a partner In my tor; will guarantee over $100 a month; lnveattnent of $000 required. J W. lie. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Mn or woman to put out feather ventilator. Writ for aampl and particular by mall, 10c. L, 8. Har den. Hotel Neville, Omaha. DON'T quit your lob yet. look beyond It; Employ spar time establishing a cir cular mailing bureau many successes, whv not your Our copyright mailina in struction mak everything plain. Poat- paiq xoc. Direct ttaie Co.. Vfulncy, ill. WANTED Strong, reliable roan and wife, without children, for work on farm. Addreaa Box No. 360. Beemer, Nab. SITUATIONS WANTED POSITION wanted by young lady sta nographer; on year experience. Webater 1M. MOTHER and aon, Norwegian, wish po sltlons as janltresa and Janitor, or posi tion In private place; beat of reference; experienced. Phon Red HSJ. 81TUATHAN wanted a cook. Swedleh hotel or private family; wage $10 week. Addreaa 1M7 8. tM St., Ellen Magnusoa WANTED A Boyle college atudenl want a position driving private car out of school hours; 4 years' experience. Address A. F 41 8. SOth St., Omaha. CIVIL KNOUNEKH with complete set of surveying Instruments destrea a position, or would accapt draughting; th instrument may be used where em ployed. Address J. L. Ferguson, 42 Ben ton St., Council Bluffs, I a. MIDDLE-AGED LADY, competent and reliable, desires a position as a house keeper In a family of two, or a a child's nurse or second maid. No laundry work. Refrtnoea exchanged. Webater ti$. WANTED Powtlon houaekepr by colored lady, good reference. Tel. Poug laMt4. R E FI N ED middle-aged lady w lahs post tlon a practical nurse or housekeeper In good home. Mrs. Carrie L. Dunlap. Omaha uenerai ieitery. JKW1SU girl wanta position aa maid or nurse gtri. Auorvaa j iu. nee. MAN AND WIFE wish Position In hotel In small town. Addreaa $308 North lh bt. Tol' NO colored C atholic man want a position as butlar, houseman or portar. Call Web. KW8. No. Wl Miami Pt. INTELLIGENT young man. r. sales man, typist, correspondent and execu tive, speaking various languages, wishes suitable position, tan furnish best i-cf erances. H. H. Bchack. I42J Cass St. Lmugias "J' CXPF.HIENCED, accurate lady Ltenog rapher dealres position la office: com mercial education; references. Address V. F.. 4fl N. Sid. YOUNG lady stenographer wishes posi tion; ha had experience. Tet Heiutoa 146. HOUSE yardman wlahea position to p ri val family; gooa references. Tel. w so. SITU. TWO ladles wish work as demonatratois or as practical nurses. Eiperlsoced. In city or ul uoug. e&jr. lost axd rorxw Ixt or Found ad tn Omana Ixat and Found medium mean the Immediate re turn of that article If adrertleed la Th pee. th txT and Found paper LOHT Black feather boa. Saturday p. m. Reward. Tl. 11. f,9X 1117 B. th Ave. CMAHA A COUNCIL. Pt.HrFS STREET KAILWAT COMPANY. Person having nt om article would do well to call up th office of th Omaha A Council Bluff Btreet Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street car. Many article each day are turned In and the company I anxious to restore them to the -Ightful owner. C'l Doug. U. I f T Odd Fellow' badge. No. BS; owner" nam on back: return to , O. O. F. hall. 14th and Dodge; reward. LADY'S diamond ting. Tiffany mount ing: Initials L. to P. In ring; think at Burlington depot. Call Webater K2t. Re ward. I 1ST Pocket book on lth ftj near Owl Drug (tore. Reward. D. 277.; R. 117. PERSOXAL .0nu SUBSCRIPTIONS EARNS t3.W For the Invalid' Pension association. The Tjtdlea Home Journal, 1160; Satur day Evening Post. I1.M; Country Oentle man, $1.00. 40i needed In October. Your order or renewal contribute 60 cents. Please phone Douglas il'A or addreaa, GORDON, The Magazine Man. Omaha. TOUR furnace cleaned, $1; work guaran teed, tentral Tin Shop. Doug. w. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a atrangera sr Invited to visit the young Women's Christian association building t 17th Bt. and Bt. Mary' Ave., where they will be directed to sultabl boarding place or otherwise assisted. Ixik for our traveler' guide at the Union station. THE Palvatlnn Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, rurnltur. maza rine. W collect. W d'.trlbut. Phon Dougla 413S and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new homo. 1U0-U12- 1114 Dodge St. Suits, gowns and remodel ing at reasonable prices. ANNA 8IBTEK. $01 City National Bank Bldg. SWAPPERS CTTLCM Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any ue for and get something you really needT It costs you nothing to loin th Swapper' club and you will find It lota of fun swapping things. Writ Room 104, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1000. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. AUTOMOBILE Exchange big t-passen- ger car lor good l-ion auto iruca. joei Nllson. Alcester. 8. D. AUTOS Elegant 7-passenger Mitchell special. In excellent order; full eleotrlo equipment; a powerful car; good looker. W'ant a clear lot or $ small ears, or com mercial paper, or what have youT Ad drees 6. C. 788. Bee. BASEBURNER. medium slie. to trade for sectional bookcase, chiffonier or anything of equal value. Aaorea u. S29. Bee. BILLIARD TABL1I Home else Bruns wick; condition good; complete In every respect. What have you I Mak m an offer. 8. C. 82f, Bee BEAUTIFUL, large $250 Reglna music box; large bunch of tune sheets; to trade for small car. . C.,314, Bee. BRAND new vineyard plow, one ad Juatable garden cultivator with com plete attachments, one set Russian sad dle chime, one-horse dray and single tree, for a fatr aised hog or yearling calf. 8. C. S2. Be. . COMPRESSOR, h. P. combined gaao llne engine and air compressor, cylinder 4vi"x4V4." air capacity 20 cubic ft. per min.; suitable for power and air supply for garage or shop. Cost $2S0, had $ yrs. Intermittent use; condition excellent. Will trade for light auto or chassis not worn out or put In a little money If condition good. B. C, $23, Be. ENGINE Nearly new 4 h. p. lngl oyl. engine for Indian motorcycle, equipped with fre clutch pulley; paint and plat ing In good condition. Trading price, llfot. Trad for good wheel, gasoline en gin or anything can ua. 8. C KO, Be. FOR TRADB A Cartercar, new tire all around. Will exchange for light road ster. Ford preferred. 5. C. $24. Be. FOR TRADE Ifi-volume set of American Engllah encyclopedia of law for a good shotgun or small diamond ring. B. C. 4. GUINEA FOWLS Fin young Pearl guineas; want to swap male with some on In order to gat Strang Mood. 8. C. $19. Bee. GOOD Dnnsmore typewriter, two swap tor electric weeper. p. j. .. Drm. HAG ENBACK- W ALLAC E clrcu plc ture, 4 reels; also Keystone comedy, plenty paper and outfit. On or two people can travel, make big money: no experience needed. May trade for motor cycle. What hav youT F. Voerg, Oen- eral Delivery, Bouth umana. ONE! high grade watch chain and com paaa, on ateel and fiber bound trunk, one leather lined bag. for typewriter, or what have youT B, C. $1$. Bee. 7-passungnr 1U Kisselkar to trade for motorcycle or clear lot. Colfax $814. ROTAL ACORN base burner No. 47. me dium else, good aa new, to trad for gaa rang with high bak broiler and warming oven. Addrea B. C. 813. Bee. SINGER aewing machine; drop bead; la good condition, for a good heating stove, or what else have you? Address & C. 330. Bee office. STOVB Have Garland coal range, worth SS6; will trade for Western Elect rlo vacuum sweeper or a high oven gas stove. Address 8. C. 79. Bee. STOVES Cook stove. Garland. half range. In good order, to trad lor ga tove. Address 8. C. 787. Bee. TWIN Indian. $ speed, electrlo equipped. with side car, In best of order; will trade fur light chaaslo In good repair. B. C $21. Bee. TO Ua.l.Lt or trade your shotgun or rifle. FRIEDMAN. 111 Dougla. WANT to wap fin opera glasses for Victor or Gaofonola records. 6. C. 81$. Be. WILL trad my 6-passenger Maxwell touring car. model Imi, $0 hp.. In per fect condition, for a Ford or other light car. Address 8. C. 83, Bee. WOOD Turning Lathe, motor, counter shafts, emcrv wheel and stand, with full equipment, alao stamp collection for anything I can use. Aciarcss u. t pee WANTED Good auto In exchange for first-class cement work or painting. Addresa H. C. $30, Be. WILL trade a 116 Indian motorcycle for Ford or other small car, or what nave you of equal valuer Macnln na run leas than 76 mile and 1 In perfect or der. Addreaa 8. C. 117. Be. FOR RENT Aytu-taucate sat Flat. Th For Rent advertlaement appearing la th For Kent column of -Th Be dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and till the needs of any on deslrtug to rent. Phon Tyler W. HEATED APARTMENTS. liOSWOKTII XZ17 UUWAKJi 8T. $2T.S0-$3J.S0 Two room and bath, cloae In and best arranged a,.runeiiia of the character In the city. Fur nished and unfurnished: UKBANA. 1311 PARK AVE. $40.00 Five rooms and bath; fine loca tion; first and third floors. bT. GEORGE. 11S N. S1ST AVEV. $45.0 and JjD 00 Ftv rooms and bath, fine location; large front and back porches. The above are all first-class apart ments, good janitor aervlca, heat and hot water when you want It. ARM8TKONG-WAL8H COMPANY, Tyler l&'A Mtate Bank Bldg. APARTMENTS. FOLK ROOMS. no-Lea" iota and Capitol Ave , $&-40. "Athloue, th and Dougla. $J7. up. FIVE RiMJilS. "Georgia." HwO Georgia Ave . $17 SO, "Autatian," IIS . Xth Su. $43-15. SIX ROOMS. "Meyer." S30 Poppl. ton Ave.. $37.54) $i7. 50 EIGHT ROOlj. "Mever," $'H poppleton; sleeping porch. PETERJ THUST COMPANY. 162$ Farnam Pt; Iwuglaa Me $11$ Chicago. 7-r. modern. Tel. Doug. 7;io. CONTINUjEU on column seven, THI3 PAG J. Ready Reference Directory rm. . c it ; r. -re- Alle IOIIU w 1UJ5 11IU1S Wlltl will please the most critical. ABSTRACT! OF TITLB. RFTTTD ABBTRACT CO, oldest abstract offloa In Nebraska. 1 Brandela Thea. Kerr Tltl Guarantee and Abstract .. a modem abstract office. $ S. 17th St. Phon D. MK7. AlCOtSTASTI. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 5-47 Ramg Bldg. Phon Doug. 140. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. M. F. Pbafer A Co , Uth, Famam. P. T474. AMATEia FI.5I8HISG. I JLM8 develoned fre If purchased from Photo Craft Bhop. 41 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett g. Dodd. mi Pax ton Blk. P. tm. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1W4. WILL N. JOHNSON, n. W. Cor. 14th and Potigla. Dougla) 4!fi. AUCTIONEERS. IViwd Auction Co., 1115-1$ W.O.W. R XXS. AUTO INSURANCE. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Dougla 2S19. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. W Far. T. J001. BATHS. BATH tl4 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths foe ladles and gentlemen: lady ft.t.?0S"'nt or '"": Pedleh massage. 1M Fsmam Bt. Douglas 34J7. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Pa rton-Mitchell Co.. nth and Martha Bta. BONDING COMPANIES. OMAHA Agency Co., tu Bee Bldg. Phon CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. $23 a Cd. Dougla BE Laasiard tk Bon, 190 Cap. Ave. T. 131 Chiropractic spinal, adjvmts Dr. 3. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg;. D. $41. DR. MACNAMARA. 674 Brandela Thea- ter. Douglas fTSk. CHIROPODIST. Carrl J. Buford. 630 Pax. Blk. Red 457. COFFEE BY MAIL. fr-hfrr BaZ rn(nr. Us better VAlHee Sffee lb, high grade tKn -or a c, "".Z! Prepaid, W. A. Pkalfe A Co.. Omaha. Neb. DANCING ACADEMIES. tnajujiuta- academy, claaslo. D. 187L FALL terra open at Mackle a. Doug. $446 OENBV1EVE3 HAUFLAIRE, Rom hotel. TITRPIN ACADEMT, $8th and Farnam. CTase now open. Beginner Moo. and Tnuns. Advanced Tue. High achool ' " "-t- rnnn lessons. Marney 6143. DRESSMAKING. Terry Drewmak'g college, KXh & Farnam MIBa BTURDT. $41$ Casa Bt. Red 73. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE Keller' DTeaa-maklng Osl. , 128 City Na. DfERI AND CLEANERST STATE Dry Clng. Co., 120 N. Uth. D. $07$. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, $13 Neville Block. Bvl denco secured In all case. Tyler 1134. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 813 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickle. 734 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Room. 1S1T Dougla. D. $184. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut price; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman at Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. EMPLOYMENT. INTERNATIONAL Employment Offloa, 1S1J Caaa St., furnish bst help. French cook, store room men, waiters, maids, waitresses, kitchen help of ail kinds. Call Tylor J4B1-J. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender, $24 Bee Bldg. Red $088. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN.. ACOORPBDN, aid, knife, sunburst, bo pleating; covered buttons, all else and tylea; hemstlttchlng, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., $00 Dougla Block. Douglas lf3 FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH. 402 Hamilton. Wal. $971. . FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St D. $000. I HENDERSON, 1814 Dougla. D. 126. Member Florist Telegraph DL Ass n. HES8 A 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam Bt A. DONAGHUH. 16S8 Harney. Doug. 1001 FURRIERfe. BAM KNEETER, IMP Farnam. Red tM. INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. $0$ Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H H. CLAIBORNE. 611 Paxton Blk. Red 740L Notary public, deposition steno. C. W. BRITT. 801 Baker Block. LADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Miss Fox. Open for busi ness; satisfaction guaranreeq. w raa-oa, LANGUAGES. Language taught Webster S&64. private or LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. TlTTRTTTV Thomas. Douglas 251$. i-JUIUVlV 241$ Cuming 8t. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS CO. Exchange Bldg. (0TLME9 AMD LODGE BIPPLIES. lTNTG. of lodg regalia and eoatume. Th largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theof Lteben Bon. lo!4 Howard. Doug. 4116. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVIDBON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain tn used machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." ITuI Leavenworth. MoViNQiciURB MiCHlNESL OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, news, cigar, candy. 183S Park. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarty, till W. O. W. Bid. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARM9TRONO. $1$ Be Bldg. -., Xnn. 4Vint nuauijr auu VAJ'Vit on ko j jr PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Bturres. 3g Brandets Theater Bldg. FAINTING AND PAPERINO. mrCHI M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. FTM. PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO . Mattrease tnd to order or remade. 1907 Cuming. D. "!. PLUMES CLEANED. , CURLED, dyed. P. Elsele, 11 City Nat PRINTING. WATERfl-BARNHART Ptg. Co., onallty printing. Tel. voug. ziw. 8. 13n Bt. CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 1754. POUOLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 4. SAFE AND TIME LOCK F O A T7TC? Opened, repaired, comb. NAh changed. F. E. Paven- KJA. AA ArfV f 1Jn- rw, n inn SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 613 S. 12th. D.291I SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. Ill 8. 11 Harley Shoe Rep'r. Co., $004 Furn'm. R.S441 SEWING MACHINES. VV e repair e11 needle and "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., reth and Harney. Dougla I8R1. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 8. 10. STORE AND OFlriXEFIXTURES. DESKS, safe, scale, showcase. hehr Ing, etc. W buy, aell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 414-18-18 8. 12th. Doug. 1774. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water front, fnrnae coll, etc. Quick ervlc. Omaha Stove Repair Wks 1208-8 Dougla St. Tyler $0. TELECTRIO MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHTLL ELECTRIC Co., Bee Bid. H tm. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, JOT 8. 11th. D. S2S TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. PRELINO A STEIN LB, 1808 Farnam St TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter $ mo. for $$. uuver lype writer Agency, vk Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 81$ & Uth St. All makes for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington " not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Dougla 12S4. WATCH SPECIALIST. Christiansen, td ft Paxton Bit., 18 yr. p. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcement. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIttUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-$ 8. 18th St Wine, liquor, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to $, loc. HENRI POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquor at Klein Liquor house, 622 N. ltith. Dougla 180B. MEDICAIi PILES, FISTULA CURED. ' Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disease with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, J40 Bee Pi le. RUPTURE cured In few days without Pain. Call or writ Dr. Wray, M B Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1884. -o RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sult guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, $14 Be Bldg. FOR RKITT Aaartmtati ass Flat. 80-ROOM FLAT Aeroa street from Fontenelle hotel. $116 per month. Will sell furniture. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. 17th and Dougla. Doug. 6011 o. $38-10-R- BRICK FLAT. Fin plaoe for boarder and roomer; five minute' walk to Union depot; on car line. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. 17th and Douglas. Dougla 6018. o. VERY choice 4 or 4-room, steam-heated apartment on Wt Farnam street. JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1802 Farnam Bt UNUSUALLY deslrabl $-r. corner apt.. fine yard. 4032 Ixard. TcL Wal. 2S. ST. CLARE. S4th and Harney 6U. pleasant apartment. Call H. 847. 7-R. APT.. $ baths, sleeping porch, larg rooms, beautifully finished, strictly up-to-date; large porch in front, private! tog rent NOW. Clarida Apt. H. im. ONE 4-room and one 5-room apt. Th Hamilton. Douglas 254. ST.' LOUIS flat In Bemls park, newly decorated. Call Doug. 6790, or Harney $02). THE HELEN. 2404 Harney St Very choice 4 and 6-room apartment In close-in fireproof building. Call Doug. $790. Board aa Row as. FurnlartiKl Room that offer very mod ern convenience and comfort tn prlvat families or boarding house of th high est class will be found In th Furnished Rooms coltupu of Th Be. Phon Tyler i wo. 618 BO. MTU 8T.-Clean rooms. xcl lent board. SPECIAL LOW RATE'S TO PERMANENT OUESTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, l&th and Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. SOth and Farnam. BEAUTIFUL S. 8. room, steam heated, private bath, good board. Ph. Har. 7O30. Faralaheal U WEST FARNAM. Furnished or unfurnished bom of T room, $-w and 1 46. Dougla 6oli or Colfax 1458. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. Very deslrabl -rooin furnished horn In West Farnam district 1 block from car Una, $o per month. GEORGE ft COMPANY. Phon P. 7:. M City Nat. Bank Bldg. ' Famished Ruwaas. NICE, larg furnished room: all modern; fine location. 3Ju6 Webster St Phon Harney K43. LIGHT, nicely furnished room for ooupl or two gentlemen. In Field Club dis trict. Private family. Meals If desired. References required. Harney 7167. NICELY furnished room; clos modern. 131 8. 23d St. In; all FRONT room in new home for two young men, cheap. iS7 Harney. $10 So Slat Ave. modern, furnished room" Cloae in. Quiet phone. Call Doug. 78 Kt.ral.ae4 Hskeesl RMB. FURNISHED room for light houaokaen In. S. 2bth Bt., 61S: 4 rooms, wail furl nlshed. pnvat bath and entranoa; cloae In. (CONTINUED OM PAOB ELEVEN COLUMN ONE. 31 J 5 I 1 1