The ure way to aatlsfy your wants is through 'ise of the want ad pages of The Dee. Try a Dee want ad. Daily Be "ATTA THE WEATHER Cloudy n VOL. XLV NO. 10G. OMAIIA, WEHXKSDAY MOIINING, OCTOBER 20, 1915 TH1ILVE PAOES. " Oa Tralae, M otel Mews Stasia, etc, at single copy two cents. Omaha n ii h h; POLICE CREDIT ANOTHER HOLDUP TO THE APE MAN Kan Answering Description of the Smith Murderer Holds Up Clar- ence Anderson and Miss Stella Schoor. GIRL MANAGES TO MAKE ESCAPE Seventeen Suspects Arrested and Arranged Before Miss Slater and Ed Malone. TWO RESEMBLE THE MURDERER Clarence Anderson, 608 South Seventeenth street, and Miss Stella Bchoor, 815 North Thirtieth ntreet, i Were held up In front of the latter' home by a man answering; the de scription of the smith murderer. , The same build, wearing apparel , and the same manner were displayed by this holdup, who robbed Anderson .of $2, and then at the point of a re , volver compelled Miss Schoor and her escort to walk up the boulevard, in I front of him, until Indiana avenue was reached. Here he forced them 1 to enter grounds surrounding a va i rant house, and commanded Ander son to commit unmentionable lnde ' cencies. The latter refused and was ! etruck over the head with the Weapon. The robber then grasped Miss Schoor by the arm and dragged her Into a nearby vacant lot and atempted to at tack her. She fought with him and In the struggle managed to kick him In such a manner that he abandoned his attnek. I U1H Ulna ucucDli lliu .., -a T. . . ,. ,..- house and the holdup made his escape An the darkness. , Operated Here Two Weeks. Although this robbery and attack oc curred on October 2, the police are con vinced that it was perpetrated by the same man that shot . Smith and threat ened to assault Miss Grace Slater. Fur thermore Captains Maloney and Dempsey are- of the opinion that the fellow has been operating off and on in the city alnce tha middle of August. From that period of the year up to the present time a string of holdups by a lone highway man, whose description tallies with the ought-for murderer, as well as Incidents of the holdups, tend to convince that such la the case. "I think It more than likely that the same man is responsible (or all of them. I have questioned the Victims closely and in the statements of each event certain remarks has led me to beUeve, JbJbo liaa bee.n , herf ot, acme time,"' said .. Moloney.' Captain Dempsey was of the same opinion. - Besides the Smith affair, the Ander-aon-Schoor robbery and the WMUmti T. Slause holdup In which a cary party was interrupted at the Hause residence, 8324 Pine street, the guests robbed are a number of others, all perpetrated dur ing the month of October. Frightened by Alto Light. On the night of 'October IS. hurley Lelghty, 1909 Blnney street, in the com pany of a young lady, whose name he refused to tell the police, was robbed at Thirtieth and Wirt streets by a lone bandit, who took his watch, and had started toward the young woman when kthe light of an approaching auto threw Its rays on the trio, and ho turned and made his getaway. Hta description is the same as the Pmith bandit. The same night William Brener, 2118 Cass street, and Marie Holland, 411 North Twenty-fifth, were forced to deliver their Valuables by a highwayman, who took 15 from Mr. Brener and several rings from Miss Holland. The description of this man s the same as that given by the others. October 14. Miss Nellie Nanna, 8236 Miami street, waa robbed at Thirty-third and Lake street, by a highwayman, who took a valuable diamond ring, and used exceedingly vile and profane language flaring the operation. Robbrd of Diamonds. October C William Bro of the Nevlllo hotel was robbed at Twenty-second and Emmet streets of 1300 worth of diamonds j by a fellow of the reported type. John Husser, 2600 North Fourteenth treet and Beatrice Howard, 924 North (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) The Weather Forecast till T p. m. Wednesday: For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Cloudy; colder. iearrmira at vaiu Yesterday, Hour. Deg. 5 a. m... a. m... 7 a. m... A u. n... a m . . . 61 SI 61 64 M 10 a. ro 2 11 a. m 67 12 m 71 1 p. m TS 2 p. m 74 i p. in 74 4 p. m "i 5 p. in 71 i i in 7 p. m... p. in m ' Comparative Local Record. una. iu. iiii mi (Highest yesterday 74 7 43 2 Lowest yesterday M 61 87 31 Mean temperature 62 d 35 W Precipitation 00 .00 T .00 - TeuifrrHture Hmi precip.ialion depar ture from the normal: Normal temperature &3 Kxcees for the day 9 Total deficiency nince March 1 4S1 .Normal precipitation 07 inch Deficiency for the day ' 07 inch Total rainfall since March 1.... 25.23 inches X'elu lency since March 1 .... 1. 23 inches flieflclency for cor. period, 1914. l.oti Inches deficiency for cor. period, lai3. 6.22 inches Reports trumm ut:ai at T F. M. Station and State of Weather. Temp. High- Rain- eat. fall. 1 .00 68 . 74 .00 74 .00 75 .00 70 .00 74 .UO 74 .60 16 .00 6S , M 71 .00 7 ' . Cheyenne, clear 64 lavcnpui t. clear 62 Ienver. clear St iDea Molnea, cloudy 64 Dodtte City, clear 64 Lander. cUur 60 North Platiu. pt. cloudy.. 60 Omaha, pt. cloudy ut Rapid City, clear ft) Hheridan. clear , M Kioux City, clear 63 (Valentine, clear U L. A. WULtill, Local Forecaster. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR WJI. SMITH Large Attendance and Many Floral Tributes Mark Last Rites for Murdered Man. FRATERNAL SOCIETIES ASSIST The funeral of W. H. Smith. Wood-' men of the World cashier who was shot Saturday night by a highway man, vas held at the home, 818 Fuller avenue, Council Bluffs, yes terday. The house and the lawn were too small to accommodate the hundreds of persons who came to attend the services. The floral tributes were of the most lavish character. Many of them came from Omaha. The aervicea began at 1:30 o'clock and continued for nearly an hour. Excelsior lodge, the. Bluffs Masonic organization where Mr. Pmlth had risen to the high est honor within the gift of its memberi, marched to the house In a body, escorted the hearse to the cemetery and conducted the Masonic rites at the grave. The lo cal camp of tha Woodmen of the World also attended as an organisation. The service at the house were placed under their charge. Palm Grove, Woodmen slrcle, convened Its members at the home of Mrs. Newton, a neighbor on Fuller avenue, and marched to the house. Other organisations. In cluding Modern Woodmen and Eagles, also attended In large numbers. Many of the prominent Woodmen In Omaha, in cluding tha officers and employes of the home office, were present. They united In giving beautiful floral tributes. Telia of Dead Man's Fine Character. Dr. A. a. A. Buxton, rector at St. Paul's church, conducted the religious services at the house. Mr. Smith was an Eng lishman and a fellow countryman of Dr. Buxton. He told of the splendid charac ter of the dead man, of his happy home ; . life and the universal affection felt for .. . .. . . him by all who came Into contact with his pleasing personality. He alluded but briefly to the tragic death. The pallbearera were all Masons, but nearly all of them were also representa tives of the Woo J men of thi World as members of the organization. They wete: Former Mayor Dell G. Morgan, Harry H. Griffith, Leonard H. OgJen, W. F. Thome, Earl Btlles and W 11 lam Johnson. The services at the grave In Fairvlew cemetery were witnessed by ajl who went to the home and by many others who had gone directly to the cemetery. Victims of Wreck Are Buried with : Fraternal Honor ;4 TlBCtrMEH;-'rb.? cki. lfc-M Special? Telegram. ) Tecumseh waa in mourning today. Tha oosecjulea of .A. O. Shaw and Theodore Smith, who lost their Uvea in the Randolph, Kan., wreck 'were held this afternoon. ' All places of buslnesa were closed dur ing the entire afternoon. Both funerals were held at the family homes and from point of attendance they were the largest ever held in the city. People came from afar to attend. The funeral of A. O. Shaw was held at l:t0 o'clock, and Rev. E. M. Furman of Kearney, formerly of Tecumseh, had charge. The funeral of Theodore Smith was held at 8:30 o'clock, and waa conducted by Rev. C. C. Wilson of the Methodist Episcopal church, and Rev. Mr. Furman mado brief remarks. Both burials were In charge of the local lodge of Odd Fellows and there were members of the order from nearby towns in line. The floral offerings were beau tiful and numerous. Interment was In the Tecumseh cemetery. Fourteen Killed by Giant Powder Blast In Mine in Montana BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 19. Fourteen men were killed at the Granite Mountain mine of the North Butte Mining company at 1:30 o'clock today by an explosion of M0 pounds of giant powder. Eleven bodies j have been recovered. Eight other men. all working at the surface, were seriously injured; one of them, Ed Bray, a shift boss, probably will die. Among those killed are: JAMES A. BLOW, aged 23, assistant foreman, married. J. D. LEAHY. 24, nipper, single. GEORGE LARKIN, 28. nipper. JOHN M'CAULEY, 62, married, rope man. JOHN WINSTON, S8, shift boas, mar ried LACEY GRIPHAM, S9, shift boss, mar ried. ERNEST WATSON, 23, single, shift boss. RICHARD GENDLE, 36. electrician. married. ED CARLSON, J4, top carman, marriea. Moving Pictures Of Criminals Now CHICAGO. Oct. 1. Moving picture likenesses of criminals Fitting, standing and walking, are planned by Oh ef healy of the Chicago police force. By exhltT.- Ing the films at all statl ni, the pol ce are expected to gain a knowledge of the appearances pf malefactors that they could get In no other way, Chief Healey said. The Idea Is said to have originated with P. D. O'Brien, head of the detective bureau. Several negatives already have been taken, but are not ready for exhibi tion. CARLOAD RATES ON COAL FURTHER SUSPENDED (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. (Special Tel egram.) -The Interstate Commerce com mission further suspended from October 2S until April 2S tha operation of txrtaia scheduled Increases on rates on coal In carloads from certain mines In Wyoming and Colorado to Interstate point oa tha Union Faciflc railroad, tha operation of which is suspended from June W until October 28, 1X15, AND THIS IS FASHION! The young woman is wearing leggings of corduroy; also fur everywhere, ankles, wrists and about her neck and on her coat collar. S hi' : r l,. v iii"hii Jj SEVEN IH FIELD .iOILHEAD. OFFICE Many Odd Fellows Would Be Grand Warden, Who Suooceeds to Dep uty Grand Master. MARY IMPORTANT SESSIONS Beven candidates are in the field for the office of grand warden of the grand lodge of Odd Fellows, now in session in Omaha. The fight always centers on the office of grand war den, since from this office a man au tomatically by precedent succeeds to the office of deputy grand master, and the following year to grand master. The candidates already In the field are Dr. E. Arthur Carr, Lincoln; Dr. Des Jardines, Lincoln; Dan Gerber, Hed Cloud; C. A. Johnson, Fremont; II. A. Bralnerd, Hebron; O. F. Mead, silver Creek, and E. A. Miller, Kear ney.. A regular session of the grand en campment was held this morning at Odd Fellows' ball, and la again this afternoon. Graad Encampment Officer. Tha election of officers in the grand en campment Tuesday resulted as follows: L. E. Coy, Paxton, grand patriarch; George E. Turkington, Omaha, grand senior warden; K. J. Farr, Blair grand high priest; A. P. Hansenn, Omaha, grand junior warden; I. P. Gage, Fremont; (Continued on Page Seven, Col. Three.) Six Killed When. Rock Island Trains Collide Head-On OKLAHOMA CITY. Okla., Oct. l.-Mx persons are dead, two fatally injured and eigh others more or less injured as tho result of a headon collision between Rock Island southbound passenger train No. 11 and a northbound freight train, which occurred at 2 o'clock this morning at the Agawam curve, twelve miles south of Cblckasha. Of f icer Toolen , Shot by Auto Thief LOS ANGELES. Cal., Oct. 19.-Pollce 8ergeant Toolen was shot dead here early today in a roundup of auto thieves. The whole available police scattered to tha hills beyond the city, seeking Harry Duncan, at whose home Toolen was shot. Toolen arrested three men. lust night and the police tay they mode a con fession, implicating Duncan. General Pickler . Commits Suicide LONTJON. Oct. IS.-Oeneral Pickler of the Auatro-Hungarian army committed suicide today by shooting, according to a dispatch from Vienna by way of Ams terdam by Reuter's Telegraph company. Tha officer feared, the dispatch ad da, that aa operation whlob ha waa about to undergo, would not bring him relief; CARRANZA GIYEH FULL RECOGMTIOH a esasaaaasajs Governments of Pan-American Con ference Carry Out Their Plant Relative to Mexico. LETTERS ALL SIMLLAE IN TONE WASHINGTON, Oct. 19. Formal recognition by the United States of the de facto government of Mexico, with General Venustano Carranxa as cbief executive, was accomplished at noon today by the delivery to Gen eral Carranza's representative, Ellaeo Arredondo, at the Mexican embassy of a letter from Secretary Lansing. Recognition letters from the Pan American conferees, similar in tone, also were received by Mr. Arredondo, The communication from , Secretary Lansing was sent by messenger and later Mr. Arrendondo waa Invited to tha Stata department by the secretary for a general conference on Mexican affairs. Tomorrow Mr. Arrendondo will start for Saltlllo, Mex., to meet General Carransa and present to him the letters and notes of recognition from tha several govern ments of Central and South America, which arrived during the day, In accord ance with the decision of the Pan-American conference yesterday. Otaera Are Ex per ted. Recognition by other nations than those represented in the Pan-American confer ence Is expected to follow soon. Great Britain probably will be one of tha first of these. Although no final decision has been reached as to tha appointment of an American ambassador to Mexico City,, the most likely choice is Henry P. Fletcher, at present ambassador to Chile. He has had long experience In Latltv. American countries and although a re publloan In politics he waa promoted from minister to ambassador by President Wilson. Secretary Lansing's letter says In sub stance that the secretary takes' pleasure in informing Mr. Arredondo that the gov ern nu.nt of the United States recognises the da facto government of Mexico, of which General Carranxa Is tha chief executive; that the United States is pre pared to receive a diplomatic representa tive of the de facto government as soon as it is possible to send one to 'Washing ton and asks that Mr. Arredondo com municate this information to General Carranxa. Embargo oa Mnnltloaa. The question of an embargo on war munitions shipments Into Mexico Is under consideration. The probable proceedure. (Continued on Pase Two, Column One.) H G AT E- C I T V- 0 f -T H Vf ESI Omaha's most cordial welcome to Nebraska Odd Fellows holding their grand lodge sessions here. Omaha has always been strong for fraternal organizations and for this one in particular. Inrrrnmno rnn urrcniuuo run SUNDAY TAKEN IN TABERNACLE Collectioni for Payment of "Billy" Have Already Begun Instead of Waiting Until the Last Day. SPEER EXPLAINS CHANGED PLAN Says Many Might Not Be Reaohed if Opportunity Deferred Till Next Sunday. SATS CAN'T REPAY EVANGELIST "Venpranee Is mine; 1 will repay, saith the Lord" "mily" Sunday quoted In the course of his sermon yesterday afternoon nnd then he added grimly: "Just you watch the Lord get busy on sonic- of the old liars In Omaha that have hcen maligning me. Just mark down their names and watch them drop out." The offering for "Hilly" . were started yeoterday instead of being confined to the services next Sunday. Envelopes were distributed through out the audience end many checks and pledges placed In these envelopes will go to "Hilly." "This is .lono because ninny are here today who will not be able to bo here next Sunday." Rev. Hugh H. Speer said in a speech explaining the plan for get ting together the evangelist's compensa tion. "We can't repay Mr. Pumlay in mere dollars and cents for the wonder ful regeneration he has brought to Omaha and this money will be not so much an offering to Mr. Sunday as a thank offer ing to God that we have been privileged to have him here." "Billy" preached on the promises of God to his people and how they take away the sting of all troubles if people will but accept them. The sermon bristled with a score of verses containing definite promises to all who will believe and accept and rest upon them. It was an optlmlstlo aermon and not without Its humorous touches that set tha audience In ripples and gales of laughter. "Read your Bibles," he aald, "and aee tha promises. Some of you never open them except to fill in the famly record with births or deaths. You lose your 'specs' and can't find them and there they are, six months later, in the Bible." Frighten Wife with Klas. Again, ho spoke of cheerfulness. "Go boraa'. hfti. aald."aud .. speak kindly -to your wife. Kiss her; never mind If It does frighten her at first Why, If some of you old devils would go a day without cussing your wife she'd think you were sick." Worry, ha characterised as not only foolish and llfe-sapplng, but "aa big a sin aa stealing chickens." "Worry! Great Caesar's ghoetl" ha ex claimed. "What a dreadful thing I You worry about everything, Ilka tha old woman who said, 'I feel bad when I feel good because I know I'll feel bad again.' Soma people worry because they think tha Germans are going to lick us. They haven't got enough people over there altogether, Including the Japs, to lick this bunch. Calamity howlers! Rely on the promises of God. Don't worry in time of trouble. Don't throw away your ticket when the train goes Into a tunnel. It'll come out again all right. Borne people go 'round with a face so long they could eat oatmeal out of a gas pipe." Responsive Reading; Useless. Faith, reliance on the promises and having the Spirit of God, he said, are requisites. Blnglng and going through responsive reading ara of no avail, he declared. . "Responsive reading!" ha exclaimed. "They Just drone through It. What good does It do themT" Tha audience waa large for an after noon service, numbering about 4,500. A collection for the International Rvangol- Istlo association of which Mr. Sunday Is an officer, was taken. Safety First is the Slogan Sounded PHILADELPHIA, Oct. Safety first, not as a matter of dollars and cents, but as an effort to aava human lifs and limb, is tha keynote of the fourth annual safety congress of tha National Safety council, which opened hero today. This council is a representative organ isation In tha United States working for tha prevention of accidents In the Indus tries, on the railroads and In public places generally. Tha seaaion will close Thurs day night. The Day's War News SEN TEN TBS POWERS have Informed U recce la friendly note that they Intend tending large reinforce ments t tha Balkan front, It la . stated In Athens ndvlcaa. ITALY HAS BKliN added to tha Hat f powers that nave drrlnred war f Balgarla. A Isrsul declaration by Hnaaln la atd to he Imminent. SALONIKI-NISII LINK la allll open, Pari la Infornard front Athena. UeHUAII AGAIN have been attack, tng; tha Kreneh lines northeast of Snnehea, tho Parts wrar nffloa ro norta. POSSIBILITY of farther ckU(H la the British eablnet, following; tha resignation, of Sir Kdward Carson, tha attorney general, nnnoane'ed last Blent, Is being; dlaenssed la Grrat Britain. PREM1KH ASQL1TH la 111, an nffl. elal bulletin In London announced teday. MISS LUCILLE COVING TON, who is suing Dr. John Wesley Hill, noted preacher and president of the Peace Forum, for $100,000 for breach of promise. She says she will introduce letters from Dr. Hill as evidence. J f )'', 1 I ' - ( 1 EARLY COUNT GIVES JERSEY MIS LEAD Unofficial Returns So Far Received Show Equal Suffrage it Lost. COUNT PROCEEDING , SLOWLY jfmsrrr tjity r n: j. ' 6'cin f r Unofficial returns from eighteen dis tricts In Jersey City, Elizabeth and Plalnfleld give 1,020, votes for and 1,718 against adoption of the woman suffrage amendment. - M Complete unofficial returns from three districts In Trenton and par tial returns for seven others at 9 o'clock ' tonight give 633 votes for and 1,128. against the amendment. Wilson Given Noisy Welcome on Visit To Jersey to Vote WASHINGTON. Oct. 19 -President Wil son returned to Washington tonight from Princeton after casting the first bl!ot ever given by a chief executive of the United Btates in favor of woman suf fraga. The president's brief visit to his lcqnl residence was marked by a more enthusi astic welcome from the Princeton stu dents than ever before had been riven him on any of hla numerous trips there since he entered the White House. The young men gave noisy evidences of their approval of his . stand on tha suffrage question. Cheering, singing, whistling and march ing in close formation the greeted th for mer head of their university uproariously and hundreds of them remained near Inn from the time ha arrived until his depar ture. Women suffragists were not much In evidence during the president's visit, and only two approached him to thank him for voting for-their cause. There wero no women watchers at the polling place and no women In the vicinity soliciting votes. Tho president put In a hard day's work going to and coming from Princeton. He spent several hours on tha train with his stenographer dictating answers to letters. Ha also worked on the note to Great Brit ain regarding interference with American trade, which waa sent him from th'j State department some tlma ago. Zeppelin Strikes Chimney and All the Crew Killed LONDON, Oct. 19.-4:25 p. m.-A London firm of glass manufacturers, which has a plant at Maubeuge, Yance, received the following cable nieMage today: "The chimney of our Maubeuge works has been destroyed by a Zeppelin dash ing into It. All the occupants of the Zeppelin were killed." Two German Boats Sunk by Submarine STOCKHOLM. Sweden. Oct. l.-Tho Derma a steamers, Pernambuco, 4,7X8 tons, and tha Soederhamn, 1,48V tons, were tor pedoed last night by a British submarine off Oxeloeaund, along the Baltio roast of Sweden. Tha Pernambuco sank, but the Soeder hamn waa kept afroat by Its cargo of wood. Both .vessels were bound for Ger many. The Pernambuco carried a cargo of Iron ore. TEUTON ARMIES MOVING SOUTH FROM BELGRADE Gain Fifteen Miles, but Outcome of the Fighting Continues to Re" . main a Mystery to the Outside World. BULGARIANS REACH RAILROAD Claim is Made that Serbians Have Driven Back the Invaders, Re gaining Lost Territory. FRENCH ARE IN STRUMNITZA RILLKTIN. PARIS, Oct. 19. An Itallaa squadron has left for the near past under sealed orders, supposedly , to participate in the blockade of tho Bulgarian coast, according to a Urlndlsl dispatch received here this evening, but which has been delayed in transmission. LONDON, Oct. 19. Italy has de clared war against Bulgaria, but the question whether It will send troopi to Join tho British and French forces in Serbia remains as obscure as the results of the fighting raging on Ser bia's eastern frontier. The Austro-Cerman armies which occupied Belgrade appear to hsve advanced more than fifteen miles south of the city, but the outcome of the fighting between Bulgarians and Serbians along the important Salon-lkl-N!sh railway cannot be summed up so easily. At two points, the northernmost of which Is Vranya, the Bulgarians es-. sert they have reached this railroad, while to the south the Serbians nro reported to have driven back the In vaders. Both Athena and Taris maintain French troops have occupied Struinnltsn. In southwestern Bulgaria, but there aro available no official reports relating to tha struggle in this quarter, and none is expected until tha fighting reaches a more conclusive stags. Removal of General Sir Ian Hamilton from command of the Dardanelles foroa waa received In England with mixed feel ings, coming on tha heels of rumors of a possible withdrawal from Gallipoll pe ninsula. In tha best Informed circles, however, the appointment as commander-in-chief of Major General Charles Munroe is,. Interpreted an -an.' Indication that tha campaign will be prosecuted with renewed energy, as tha country has great confi dence In tha new leader's ability. . - War Declared Upon Balgarla. ROME, Oct. It. Italy, has declared war on Bulgaria, according to an anounce ment by tha Btefanl News agency. The Havaa correspondent at Rome tele graphs: "Tha Italian government, by order of tha king, declared that a state of war existed between Bulgaria by reason of Bulgaria's , having opened hontillltlea against Serbia, thus allying Itself with the enemies of Italy and combatting its allies." Anstre-German Advance. LONDON, Oct. 19.-Italy has declared war against Bulgaria, but the question whether it will send troops to join the British and French forces in Serbia re mains as obscure as tha results of tha fighting raging on Serbia's eastern fron tier. Tha Austro-German armies which occu pied Belgrade appear to have advanced mole than fifteen miles south of the city, but the outcome of the fighting between Bulgarians and Serbians along the Im portant Balonlki-Nlsh railway cannot be summed up so easily. At two points, the northernmost of which Is Vranya, tho Bulgarians assert they have reached this railroad, while to (Ccntlnuod on Page Two, Column Two.) THE WANT-AD-WAY I All aicnta nowveS, STo nsnu what year anaineea, ' If ttm ealea nro JnUag alow. Why don't yon advertine if . And watok your proma grow. Ve man erer snado M sooner , eJ : ' nuung; nis lusloees light, row will aoe Beo Was Ads - Ton's got Ma- saaalts nllrtyha, Tboro as a great many tenia ' ataf aaadn omry day, By man who are eonstantly Mt&r Tho reoulS-dottUa- Want Ad Wa. Now la tha proper tune to start your campaign for fall business. Anayso your proposition. Studv tho wants It oaa beat rill. Ill en tell the buying pub. be aooat It fta your oopy. Should yon deal re assistance in pro posing yonr advertising oopy "Tile fW" will readily alve vou any and nil tin help you may need. Telephone Tyler 1000 and PliT IT IN THE OMAHA BEH. I - ! sweat I'ttTN, i,