THE HKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBKtt 19, 1915. CROWDS AT PLAY AS FLIERS COtlE London Theater Audienoei Not Bis turbed by Zeppclia Raid, Says "Appointed" Writer. SUBWAYS ARE PE3TETBATED LONDON, Oct. II. The following account of the ZTPlln air raid on Wednesday night wit prepared by a niter appointed by the home office: "On the erenlnj of October 1 an other aerial attack was directed against London which differed In no material reepeet from those made on pretloua occasions. The enemy'e sel or Tessels flew high, at an alti tude chosen, no doubt, to arold fire j from antl-alr craft guns. 'The darkening of the metropol- Murder and Suicide Is Yerdict of Jury in Schwichtenberg Case "Mnrder and stik-lrie" wss the verdlrt of the efH-oner's Jury, which Mt In Ju1 ment over the death of Mr. end Mrs. John llchwlrhtenber;, found dead In theli horns recently. The verdlrt declares that B'hw?ehtnrrs; first killed his wife and then shot htmeflf. ffome additional Usht on the rase, with poselblw explanation for the art, was discovered when Oeorre Usht, B4A4 Sah I.t street, candidate for city commis sioner In the last primary, appeared at the Inquest and testified with reference to business dealings between himself and Mrs. Srhwlchtbeif . Light declared that he hed purchased some property from Mrs. Rrhwlchtenbere when she wss the wife of Mrs. Chart F. Fry of Irvlnaion. He declared that at the time the woman constantly quarreled with Mr. Fry and that ah could not set alone; amiably with any of her neighbors. He further assorted that a der bffor th killing Mrs. Rchwlrhtenberg had com Jtan area, with the height at which : to him and offered to giv him a roduu the aircraft traveled prevented the tlon on which he tni owed on the fi-om dlMCOTrin the eiact Pronr ne coum pt n 10 ner im- enemy mediately. "he said, according to Light, position or positions of Importance. , that hf(, 'hu,baJ1(, nS(, ,ome u Haider la Error "As en th last occasion, th official report Issued In Berlin prorea the raid ers to hav been grossly In error In most cases as to where they were drop, ptng their bombs and If w can suppos that they had really some definite objec tive other than mere haphasard eeatrne tlon of th lives and property of non combatants, then owing to the height at which they flew, they entirely fsiied to attain their objective. "Eept for one chance shot the dam age was exclusively on property not con nected with the conduct of the wsr. Of the twenty-seven persons killed or wounded, none, save on or two soldiers, who were In th street at th time, was a eombstant Moral Effect Little. As for th moral effect for which pre sumably the enemy wns socking, that was all to his disadvantage. The raid occurred at an hour when practically no one ex cept children was In bed, snd though the shops In the principal shopping districts were closed, place of entertainment were fun and the masses of population were about their ordinary evening s pleasure or at business. "A very much larger number of people therefore were aware of th enemy's presence then on previous occasions, but th population of London, though hun dreds of thousands heard ths sound of bursting bombs, and the guns remained fre from panic. There, were, i possible, even less signs of excitement rn on tbe previous occasion. The official warn ings to tak shelter were better ofc."rved and when the aircraft passed and the guns ceased firing, most of th p6, le who had boon watching the bombardment went quietly to bed and war undis turbed by th second raid which took place, about midnight in another part of th London area. No Fnala In Theaters, "In tbe theaters from which th sounds of ths firing and explosions could plainly be heard, there was a commendable ab sence of p&nlo. "When Uis rt suits of th raids were examined next morning flvs distinct areas could be distinguished In which damase was don. Th first of thes Is an area In which titer l little or no" residential property, some large building devoted to various kinds of business and compara tively wide streets. In this area bomb were dropped containing high explosives, which In four cases fell upon th streets, and In th fifth upon th back premise ef on laxg building thronged with people. l ' "On of th bombs, 'which apparently was of Urge else, penetrated th street into th subways containing gas and water mains, and, in exploding, melted th gas pipes, setting alight a fire which, though alight in extent, lasted for several hours. Th explosion of this bomb dam aged buildings around about considerably and destroyed almost all th glass In th neighborhood. It also was respenslbls for a number of casualties, which will all be th subject of an inquiry. Those killed were cither sitting in th front rooms of the buildings, or were working or walking la th streets. rail la Uardea. "Th second area contain a large block of residential flats, some of which are occupied as offioea. Lilt many other blocks of flats in London, they hav a stretch of gardens behind th buildings and on of th enemy's high exploalv bomb fell la this garden close to th flat taeniae! v. On or two . room oa th ground floor wore wrecked and oa th first floor considerable damage was done. Another bomb fell on th top of on ef th buildings and demolishing th top story, la this are Uier were ao casualties, "Th third area contains two damaged business buildings. On ths first, a large modern building constructed of rein forced concrete and with steel and con crete roof and flooring, two bombs were dropped, one of them actually on th root and one on tbe pavement lmroedl ately beneath the doorway. The bomb on the pavement appears to hsve exploded ld way. At any rate the damage done. which consulted chiefly of broken gl and piaster, occurred mainly in the bouses on ths other sido of the street Th bomb which dropped on th roof of th building Itself did little damage Hotel Ulovra l. "In th same area, a bomb dropped on the roof of a small hotel, the ground floor of which was occupied as an office. la this case the strength of the building, was entirely blown up. Fortu- sufficient to withstand the force of the explosion, and the whole of th hotel, which consisted of three floors of th building, were entirely blown up. Fortu nately in this area, those indoors had been warned by the sound of previous explosions and they expected Injury. "Tbe fourth district in which tbe dam. age was done is one consisting entirely of working class property with small, lo buildings, some of them used to house small shop of various business, but la most cases occupied and In many cases overcrowded by private residents of the poorer claa la this area more bombs were dropped than In those previously de scribed and the damage done was exclu sively suffered by private trader or householder who behaved with the ut Clout heroism and coolness, and. who suf fered d&cnage, and In some cases loss of lit with no compensating military value fur the enemy. OM group of small houses la this area was entirely destroyed by a slugl bomb." on the board of trade recently and that she wished him to apeculnte with the money Tight owed her so that she could If-ave her husband, with whom she salj she was hawing trouble. Light said he was on his way with the money to pay Mrs. Schwichtenberg when he read of her death In the papers. Red Light Zone in Springfield Closed SritlNOFIEIJl. III., Oct. IS. Th so- gregated district her was closed tonight at the order of Sheriff J. A. Wheeler, who declared It was one of ths principal cause of th spread of disease. Italians Storm Riva Position in Trentino ROME, Oct. W. (Via Paris. -hTe Ital ians have stormed Pregaslna, an Import ant advanced position of the llv d fonses In Trentino, according to an of ficial statement Issued today. Oar Jftaer Offer This sa4 Do. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with Be and mall It to Foley A Co., Chicago, Illl., writing your name and address clearly. Tou will receive In return a trial. package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, oolds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, bllllousness, headache and slugglslt bowels. Sold svery where. Advertisement. now that Barn. AN FRANCISCO. Oct IS. Fir de stroyed feet of snowahed at Summit, Cal . today, on the main line o( the Southern Pacific railway, and caused a temporary tie up of traffic, according to dispatches received her by th rati road company. Break a Child's Cold by Giving Syrup of Figs Look, Mother I Is tongue coat ed, breath feverish and stomach sour? lenarr (iUlit t area. Dr. King- New Life Pill will rid the system of furwentlng fuoJs aud f 4011. Ka stomach and liver healthy. JUi. druu c Istsv Ad vertlaemeut. Ml wSrc ate of Oeeaa Bteaeaere, - Arrives, ' felled. KKW TO.lC.,.,.rhiiiUiphl...., Arooae KSW TURK..... UtaAmm.. ........ and cold Cleanse the little liver bowels and they get well quickly. When your child suffers from don't wait: give th little stomach, liver and bowels a gentle, thorough cleansing at one. When cross, peevish, listless. pal, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally; If breath la bad,' stomach sour, glvs a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and. in a few hours all ths dogged-up, constipated waste, sour bU and. undi gested food will gently mov out of th bowels, and you hav a well, playful child again. If your child coughs, snuffles and has caught cold or Is fsverish or has a sor throat giv a good doss of "California yrua of Flga," to evacuate th bowels no dtfferano what other treatment I given. Slok children needn't b coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Millions of mothers keep it handy because they know Its action on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and . sure. They also know a little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, Ask your druggist for a BO-cant bottle of "California Syrup or Figs," which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on th bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold her. Oet th genuine, made by "Califor nia Fig Byrup Company." Advertisement. WHAT WAR CAPITALS SAY Berlin and Tarii Report on Con ditions on the Battle Fronti. BULOATJA ISSUE3 STATEMENT TIKPLIN, Oct. l.-Vla Wireless to Payvllle, N. T.)-The following official communication wss Issued today: "The hopes put by our enemy In their last offensive and th foreee they em ployed In It are Illustrated, aside from General Joffre's order of September 14, which has already been published, by the following order found on a dead French staff officer: Into the last offensive near Arras. (Signed) 'MOFFRE.' " Sofia Tells It to is. LONDON. Oct. IT. The following of ficial communication Issued at Sofia last IVI'lay wss received her today: "yesterday, despite the bad weather In th theater of operations, rala and fog and snow on tbe mountain tops our nrml pursued the offensive slowly with great exertions sll along the whole front. "On the western slopes of the great Palkan range our troops reached the line of Novokorlta. Aldlnate, Itepttrhnltsa, navnohoutche and Tsnlvrh. In the val ley of N'lchava our forces occupied the Important strategical point of Vraje. "In Macedonia our advance proceeded rapidly. In the region of the upper Bre galnltsa valley our troops hav attained the line of Dratoha. Tehoukaaolak. Oeneral headquarters. bureau No. II, 975, September 21. " 'Secret orders for army groups. " To all regiments must be explained, possibly in the following way, the enor mous fore of the. blow which will be executed by the French and British armies: " 'In the operations will tak part thlrty-flv divisions under Oeneral Castneau, eighteen divisions under Oen eral Foch, thirteen Rngllsh divisions and fifteen cavalry divisions, among which ar flv English. Further prnjnred to enter the battle are thirteen infantry divisions and the Belgian army. " Thre qusrters of the French forces! will participate In the central battle, helped by J,oK) heavy and field guns. The provisions of munitions are now larger than at the beginning of the war. " 'All the preliminary conditions for certain success hsve now been removed. It will be remembered that only fifteen divisions and JTO heavy cannon entered TchlaVka TPk nil Pnln. w ti.-i Fast army headquarters- Third ..j T..r..i x..,.i.. .. Berovo. "A heavy winter rain fell yesterday on th Austro-Oerman theater. Nevertheless the German advanes continues, th Serbian being repu1d on th whole front south of Belgrade. "The armies of the allies hav reached nfiw ui nouicnini, rmointvi, urrn -ten! and Pltopek and rn th Moravs val ley hav reached the lin of Oudovttehe, Salakovats, Smollanas and Orsoevo. Tbe Serbians have evacuated the bank of the Danube and as far as QolubaU." Story from Parle. PARIS, Oct IT. Th following official statement was Issued tonight: "Violent artillery engagements eontlnu befor Loo th 'Bots-en-IIsche' and to the east of Pouches. W hav consoli dated and enlarged our position In th Olyenchey wood. "On tha Alsne close righting with gren ades Is reported In th environs of Oooat. "There has been a continuous artillery duel of an Intense character In Cham pagne, particularly in the region of Tahures. "On the Lorraine front we have re plied energetically to the cannonade of tbe enemy by an effective fire which caused outbursts of flames at several points In the Herman lines near Lein trey, Amenoncourt and Oondrexon. Vio lent and repeated German attacks and counter attacks sgslnst our positions to th north of Relllon were arrested by our barrier fire. "The Germans, having again recently carried out aerial bombardments sgslnst English towns, and on of their aero planes having dropped two bombs on Nancy, a group of our aeroplane today bombarded the town of Treves (Rhenish Prussia) on which thirty shells wer dropped." Th official eommunlcstlon from Bel gian headquarters reads: "The night and morning wer relatively calm. In the afternoon the enemy dls pleyed more activity. lie cannonaded the region to the south of Dlxmude and bom barded with artillery and bomb throwers the district between Steenstreet and the ferryman's house." Korea am Prteoa Caaaaslsstoa. WASHINGTON, Oct IS. President Wilson todsy appointed John Koren of Manaachusetta as a member of the Inter national Prison commission. HOME RECIPE FOR -DANDRUFF Rlmnl) Homo Made) Hair Tonic Rev. mm en Dandruff in From One to Five Applications. Dandruff can be removed m from one to five night by the us of the follow ing mixture, which you can make at home or have put up at any drug store at very little cost It is perfectly harm less and does not color tho hair. Water One-half pint. Bay Rum One ovmcc. Texola Compound ....One-quarter ounce. Glycerine One-quarter ounoe. A half-pint Is all you will need. Rub it Into th scalp well at night and after a few applications the dandruff and scalp eruptions will disappear and the hair will stop falling and become soft and glossy, Advertisement USE THE BEE WANT ADS. I MADE- IN a 11 . Always Talk, Use and Serve Omaha-Made Goods A Mother' Peace. It every expectant mother wxmld ret Mothers Friend fa-pro her drug-- riot and would apply this wonderful external remedy and valuable help as fllrected, she would topq experience famfort and peace ff Wind. For many; ear thja time-tried remedy has been psei ana etrontty tnaorscl ef expert- need mothers, fa h it the one safe, flenenUBti e remeijy that penetrates to relieve all strain on nerves, cords, lie- atnents and all part? Involved. It makes tha muscles expand naturally an stops pain. 3 i MADE. IN OMAHA A r 1 anything made with Calumet Bakinz Powder. Mother never had . such wholesome) bakings until she used Calumet, "It's Calumet surety, uniformity, purity, strength, that nukci every bak ing turn out njrnt tnat saves million of houewiree Baking Powder money. . Its utr to yourself uso Calumet. ' iteeereed Hlsheal Awards JTw Cho Bank yej C.ORUCEa'S Tho Original HALTED niLtt ( Vnl yoct tuty -HORIIOSTS tajty get as Subrntitrntetm NOT HMfcttfTri' 1 rlTTmMrtHai CHlCAa wTH E ES CR YOll U WL Phono Douglas 1889 and have a case sent homa You will not be disappointed as you will get an article of the highest quality. Healthful, Invigorating and Refreshing. Save Coupons and Get Free Premium. Luxus Mercantile Company DISTRIBUTORS. MAKE YOUR DOLLARS GET ACQUAINTED AT HOME BEFORE THEY GO TRAVELING A lonesome dollar, traveling about in the world, he knows not whither, is a sorrowful sight. Sorrowful, ' indeed, for it is the symbol of a negligent, irresponsible people a people who lack community pride, who do not care whether their city thrives or decays, a people who have passed up their chance to grasp prosperity for themselves by helping their neighbora. Buffeted about from pillar to post, the traveling dollar stays in no one place long enough to do much good. Think what a volume of benefits it would bring if it stayed in one community Omaha, for instance long enough to get acquainted. John Jones spends his "stay-at-home" dollar with , Bill Smith, the grocer, for Omaha-made Groceries. Bill Smith deducts his few cents profit from the dollar and . sends the balance along to the Omaha wholesaler. He gives part of it to the Nebraska farm er, who produced the raw food; part of it to the Omaha work ers, who convert the raw foods into finished products, part of it to the other Omaha manu facturers, who make goods that he needs. In the round of busi ness activity, the "stay-at- N home" dollar visits many places, bringing its mite of prosperity and happiness to every one who touches it. How prosperous each one of us would be if the dollars in Omaha today were all "stay-at-home" dollars! OMAHA ICE Did 70a ever stop to think of the magnl tnde of ice) manufacturing In a city of 200,000 people? It la one of the big- industries of Omaha and does much to Increase the general prosperity of our cltlsens. And, too. It is an Industry that we could not well do without. It is conducive to better living, more happiness, better health. ICR A WINTER NECESSITY. How the life of the "stay-at-home" dollar differs from that of the "traveling" dollar the dollar that unthinking Omahans send to other cities, when they do not specify Omaha-made Goods the dollar of which we never hear again. And it is not altruism not charity to our manufac turers when you demand Omaha-made Goods. .It is the one logical way to build up your own prosperity and protect your own interests. By speci fying Omaha-made Goods you accomplish four things; you do your part in keeping Omaha money in Omaha for the benefit of Omahans; you assure yourself of the best quality quality backed-up and guaranteed by Omaha manufacturers and men who must make good in their own community; you secure lower prices be cause the goods are made at home and no excessive freight or other distribution charges are included in the price; you increase your own prosperity because every dollar kept at home helps each individual. Ice ahould be and Is. in well-regulated households a y ear-around proposition. Tn the winter it purifies and protects the food the same as in the summer. For tha sake of health, every household should use Ice the year around. Tbe best and purest loe in the world Is made by the People's Ice & Cold Storage Co., 1224 Chicago Street. Omaha Ice & Cold Storage Co., McCague Block. You can always depend upon this: '"By specifying Omaha made Goods, you secure better quality for the same money or the same quality pr less money, Make your dollars "stay-at-home" dollars. Put then! to work for Omaha and you. Al ways say "I want Omaha-made Goods." . I MAH IN "H IomahaA T 1 it. a. a. ej?g . . .iishmsssi ;"3nmaitiimtniiwniimffiM Tiers is ths Answcrfin VEB5TE1& New interiiatio.ial Tax IHssum KtosTa Rverr day la your talk and readln, at koine, co the street car. In tne oOice, eltop end school rem Ukely Question the kcu. in 1 of soma mm word. A friend eakei vt hat aiakes mortar hardenf Yea seen UMWouimoiMKoMworUwprai ciuliuo of JaJatea. hat U MAlim mm Tlits New Irealioo anawera all kinds of ?ueeimain tnstiase,liltorr,81raphy, Vtioa. foreign Wurile. Trexim. AM. tH 3 Dcteuces, wits saal setaeKti. W. 3 40OXO0 Word. ,' rj www iiimmmm. bl Cast Moo,OvO. aioo . 3 Theoolv dlrtionsrr U UteapweUeaMsasa vltar H sx-leruea as Abtntk of I Oeuius." I twftserUrtkat i P".,Ul'B P1. tree;, 9 India paper. What a ut H fu-Uoa toows tlteiferrieiB) (i WcbeUr In a form aa hvht F3 and so rcnventrnt to km I g Oi half the Uitt km-es and 1 1 RsswiaradUsat On strons bouk paper. Wt. Matins. MiitH( n 1 Wyitm Urn SMaa, ' stnttaatkle mgm- - liM.e Kll.M fcS- ate. HUt RUM CO, arwnsstlassBX V Wawl 1 1 ii, ; It Gets Thorp B s. First TWIN CITY LIMITED To St Paul & Minneapolis Leaves Omaha - 8:30 P. M. Council Bluff 8:50 P. M. Dey Train Inmi OmaU 7:2f A. M Cemrtf Blufft 7:59 A. Jtf, mmd Arrlttt St. Paul 7,-49 P. M, Miiuuepolit 8:15 FM. Arrives St Paul - 7;30 A. M. Minneapolis 8:05 A. M. Ticket Office: 1523 Farnam BU, Omaha rbone DohtU S60. tit