Tim BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, OCTOHKU 19. 1915. 0 i V Avoid All Meat If Kidneys and Bladder Bother k Uric acid in meat excites Kid neys and irritates tho Bladder. Take Salts at first sign of Blad der weakness or Kidney-Backache. Kidney and Bladder vntjdini reeuit from uric acid, says a noted authority. The kidneys filter this acid from the blood and paaa It on to the bladder, wher It often retnalna to Irritate and Inflame, causing a burning, acaldlng sen sation, or setting tip an Irritation at the neck of tho blnrtUi-r, obliging you to seek relief two or three tlmea during tha night The sufferer la In constant dread, the water passe. smetlint' with a acald lnit senantlxn and Is very profUBe; Main there Is difficulty In avoiding It. llladiler weakness, most folks call It, because they can't control urination. Whlla It Is extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, this Is really one of tha most simple ailments to over come. Out about four ounces of Jad Baits from your pharmacist and take a table oonful In a (.'lass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three days. This will neutralize the acids In the urine so It no longer Is a source of Irritation to the b'adiler and urinary or gans which then act normally ng.atn. Jad Salts is ineptnslve, harmless, and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia, and la used by thousands of folks who are sub ject to urinary dlsordera caused by uric acid Irritation. Jad Balis Is splendid for kidneys and causes no bad effects what ever. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent Hthla-water drink which quickly relieves bladder trouble. Advertisement. THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT FOR LIQUOR - AND DRUG USING The KEELET TREATMENT re moves the craving for Liquor and Drugs and leavea the man master of himself. IT 13 THE ONLY TREAT MENT THAT WILL DO THIS, and the only one that cures alcoholic and drug inebriety. This treatment Has restored over 400,000 men and women who were addicted to liquor and drugs; among the number are over 100,000 physicians. It is the PIONEER In this work and has many Imitators, but no rivals or competitors as far as RESULTS are concerned. During the THIRD OF A CEN TURY that this treatment has been continuously and successfully ad ministered, nearly two thousand Im itation, or alleged "cure" concerns have started out as our competitors; today scarcely a dozen survive. Some of them so closely imitate our claims, literature, etc., to such an extent, as to indicate a - pre-determined Intent to deceive. They appear almost under every conceivable name, fool the people for a little while and pass on into oblivion, forgotten by the public, but not by the unfortunates whom they deluded and duped into trying their methods. The one regrettable fea ture is that they should be able to deceive any through false preten sions, or with their absurd and pre posterous claims, for in many cases they drive all hope and confidence out of the lives of those whom they have thus misled. If you need to take treatment for the liquor and Drug addiction, inves tigate THE KEELEY TREATMENT, a treatment that Is known the world around and which Is recognized by the public and the medical profes sion as the SUCCESSFUL TREAT MENT for these addictions. Look up some of our former patients, whom you will find in every com munity. They are healthy, happy and prosperous; many of them will tell you that they would not be liv ing today if it had not been for the KEELEY TREATMENT. All busi ness and correspondence with us is strictly confidential and all inquiries answered In plain sealed envelope. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE esth and Cass Street. Omaha, Neb: Hoto She Acquired "Feminine Charm" A nicely-dressed woman sat beside me In tho train. Kveryona stared at her. It was not her beauty of feature that held our eyes, nor her costume. But there was something about her face and expression t risked it and ask.d: "Would you mind tellinK Hie how you keep your complexion ao daizingly pure? Uon think me Im pertinent, but vou stpm over 3d. vt haven't a line In your face, and your vurcnn .id ijuiie Kucn-iiKe. now ao you do It?" . Laughing, she said: "That's easy; I re move my Bkln. Hound shocking, doesn't It? IJut listen. Instead ot cosmetics I se only pure mercoltzed wnx at any druxKlat's. 1 apply this niichtly. like eld ereun. washlnit it off m,.ri,.. This gently absorbs the soiled, weather beaten film-skin, without pain or discom fort, thus revealing the tresn. clear un derskln. Kvery woman has a beautiful coim it-mou unaeriieuin. you Know. Then to ward off wrinkles I use a face bath made by dissolving powdered suxolits (one ounce) in one-half pint witch hazel a harmless astringent which 'tones' the skin wonderfully. Very simple, lan't It?" I thdnKht so. I'm now trylnif her plan end like it linmt nsely. Mil'lcent ilrown In The Stcry Teller. Advertisement. . Simple Way To End Dandruff There 1 one suie way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that la to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this. Just g t about four ounces of plain, rommon liquid arvci from any drug store (this la all you will heed), apply It at night when retiring, use enough to molHten the scalp and rub It In gently with the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your Band ruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dis solve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace, of It. no matter haw 'much dandruff you may have Jr Toil will find sit lt,.l,l, ...... ,ti, Si of the scalp will sI-d lnatantlv. ami .ur j - - . ... uifami f y hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred tunas better. Advertisement Nebraska JURY MISCONDUCT ALLEGED IN CASE Former County Attorney Xoenij iteia of Madison Say Bowling Talked to Members. JUDGE REESE APPEARS FOR HIM (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. is. -Special -Chanting that S. M. Powllng, father of Prose cuting: Attorney M. L Dow ling, of Madi son county, mingled with the Jurors and exercised Improper Influence upon them to convict the defendant, Arthur J. Koe ntgsteln Is asking the supreme court to set aside the verdict finding him guilty of accepting bribes, for which he was sentenced to serve one to five years in the penitential y. Koentgsteln was the former county at torney of Madison and a candidate In the democratic primaries for congress In the Third district against Dan V. Ste phens, tie was acquitted on one bribery charge, but convicted on another. The al leged bribery was the receiving of money from keepers of resorts In Norfolk, in return for which, It was chsrgod, Koenlg stein did not prosecute, them. Reese Appears for Ulna. Former Chief Justice M. B. Heese ap peared before the supreme court and ob tained an order admitting him to ball In the sum of 11.500 until his apnea) Is heard and decided. Sentence was suspenlcd, con ditional upon the filing of bond. The elder Howling, whose acts are complained of by Koentgsteln, la a court bailiff in Madison county, but In the trial of the ex-county attorney's case he was excused from duty. Notwithstand ing this. It Is alleged in Koentgateln's pleadings to the high bench that Dowl lng talked with the Jury and prejudiced them agr.fct himself. Misconduct on the part of the Jurors In talking to Dowltng and other persons during the trial, and In considering mat ters which were not In evidence. Is also complained of. Koentgsteln further al leges some of the testimony given against him was perjured. He says new evidence has been secured which would tend to prove his Innocence. Bids Are Rejected. The board of control has rejected the only two bids received for constructing a nursery addition or sun porch at the Milford Industrial home for women. The bids were too high and the board will consider the new ones next Saturday. - Direct Service to Farm. No Lincoln citizens appeared before the State Railway commission today in oppo sition to the proposed traction company changes to provide direct service between the state farm and the city campus of the university. The commission will issue an order providing for the service Just as soon as the city attorney satis fies himself as to the legality of the pro cedure. Aleck Paroled. F. J. . Sleek, convicted of extorting money from two Ignorant farmers in southern Lancaster county, has been paroled from the state penitentiary, after serving a little less than a rear-of his sentence, i George - Hlmber, his' accom plice in the affair, was given a complete discharge recently. Sleek and Hlmber rep resented themselves to be officers and claimed to hold a warrant for the farm era' arrest They secured S0 as ball. Crete Business Men . Entertain Farmers CRETK, Neb.. Oct. IS. (Special.) Thursday and Friday of this week are designated by the Commercial club and business men of Crete aa partners' day, and on these days will be held stock shows, a freo dinner and other sorts of entertainment. There will lvj prizes for all sorts of exhibits, with dances In the Sokot hall and opera house both nights The big feature of the program, how ever, la the big foot ball game between the Peru and Doane foot ball teams, which the business men have arranged, so that it will be free to all farmers. Jensen Killed as Result of Accident OXFORD, Neb.. Oct. U.-(8pertaJ.)-Harry' Jensen of Stamford was accidently shot and instantly killed here yesterday afternoon. With three friends he had been' hunting and stopped In Oxford on the way home. As the men were leav ing town the Jolt of the wagon In going over a crossing caused the gun to ex plode, the load striking Mr. Jensen In the abdomen, causing almost Instant death. He ran a restaurant In Stamford. He leavea a wife and two small children. His mother died within the last week. The fans of Raeamat tasa. Use Sloan's Liniment and you won't rare what causes it The first applica tion helps. Good for sciatica, neuralgia. 25c. All druggists. Advertisement CAPTAIN M'MILLAN MAKES TESTS AJJFAIR GROUNDS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Oct. 18.-(Speclal.)-Captaln Ralph McMillan, the new chief of the aviation department of the Nebraska Na tional Ouard,' successfully completed his first tests to determine his qualifications for the place. In a flight over the city yesterday Mc Millan took photographs of the state capitol and the downtown business sec- ; tion, which would In time of war be very I valuable. He dropped four bombs on the quarter i stretch of the state fair race track, at a height of about 800 feet. The bombs were Ignited by McMillan at the moment he 1 released them and exploded near the ' ground. The system of Ignition is a new : one, contrived here In Nebraska. It was found to work well and the process Will . be placed at the disposal ot the War de . pertinent. Tw Chlldrea la rms. The two children of J. V). Nix, mer chant. Cleveland, Oa, had croup last winter. One was a boy of (. the other a girl of years. Mr. Nix writes: "Both got so choked up they could hardly breathe and couldn't talk. I gave tbam Foley's Honey and Tar and nothing els and It entirely cured them." This re liable medicine should b In every bom, for It give Immediate relief from colds, coughs and croup, heals raw Inflamed j throat and loosens phlegax Bold evary- wber A dvertisemeat Nebraska News Notes from Around Beatrico BEATRICE Neb., Oct. 18. -(Special.) The riymouth Commercial club, which has been considering the matter ot buy ing current from the Falrbury Electric company, for the town of riymouth, has decided to postpone definite action until parties from Lincoln, who are figuring on establishing a hydro-electric plant be tween rteatrtce and le Witt can be heard from. The club will either build a p. ant or buy Juice fron some nearby plant Mr. Charles Bates and Mrs. W. 8. Burd received a telegram yesterday from Hannibal. Mo., atatlng that their sister, Mrs. Roaa Hlllyer, had been killed by a train. No particulars were given In the message. Mra. Hlllyer was tt years of age and is survived by her husband and two children. Walter 8. Blvens and Miss Kthel Pplnk, both of this city, were married Saturday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Spink. Rev. H. F. Oalther officiating. Immediately after the ceremony they left for Omaha and other points on a wedding trip. Among the guests In attendance were Mrs. Frank Parmer of Omaha, sister of the groom. Friday will be foot ball booster day In Beatrice, as the locala and Grand Island will play what la expected to be the de ciding high school foot ball of the season. Beatrice has not been defeated this season, and If the team can win from the Islanders It will carry off the state high school honora. Beatrice High is Easy for Fairbury FAIRBURT, Neb., Oct. 18.--(Speclal.)-The Falrbury High school foot ball eleven outclassed the second team of the Beat rice High school Saturday afternoon, 7 to 0. Each team played good foot 1 all, but Falrbury held the visitor at Its mercy throughout the four quarters, and at no time during the game did they have a chance to carry the pigakln over the opponent's goal line. Will Thomas, right half for Falrbury, registered a touchdown for the locala In the last quarter when he broke through the Beatrice line and made a forty-yard run. Wilkinson, colored quarterback for Fairbury, successfully kicked goal for Falrbury, making the final score 7 to 0 in favor ot the locals. Eev, Mr. Tyler is Honored as Delegate CRETE. Neb.. Oct 18. Special.) Rev. William A. Tyler, pastor of the First Congregational church here, has been honored by the Blue Valley Association of congregational churches of Nebraska by being elected a delegate to the na tional council of Congregational churches, to be held In New Haven, Conn. This council meets every two years, and the date of Its session this year is from October SO to 27. Rev. Mr. Tyler, left Sunday night, going east by way of Chicago. Before return ing home to resume his duties he ex pects to be the guest of his father-in-law. Judge I- O. Kimball, Washington, D. C MRS. MILES DIES AT HER HOME IN HASTINGS HASTINGS, Neb., Oct. 18. (Special Telegram.) Mra. Clarence J. Miles, prominent in club and aocia) circles, diod at 6 o'clock this morning at her home after two months' Illness. She was one of the best liked women of Hastings. Her husband recently announced his candi dacy for governor aa a republican. Funeral services will be held at the home her at Wednesday afternoon. (Jives 1'p Mal Roate. TECTJMSEH. Neb.. Oct. 18.-(Speclal.)-Benson Harmon, for a dosen years car rier on rural mall route No. 1 out of the Tecumseh postofflce, has resigned the place. . He has gone to Lincoln, where he has secured a position as guard at the Nebraska penitentiary. Edgar Wist the Gasae. EDGAR, Neb.. Oct. 18. (Special. ) Edgar and Hebron high school foot ball teams played their scheduled game Sat urday. The score: Edgar. 10; Hebron, 7. Referee: Janah of Mlnden. Umpire: Sconoe of Edgar. Put Stomach in Order and Stop Gas Indigestion Tape's Diapepsin" regulates disordered stomachs in five minutes. No more dyspepsia, sourness, heartburn, pain, belching, or acidity. Nothing will remain undigested or sour on your stomach If you will take a little Ulapepsin occasionally. This powerful digestive and antacid, though as harm- les, and pleasant as candy, will digest and prepare for assimilation Into the blood all the food you can eat Eat what your stomach craves without the slightest fear of Indigestion or that you ill be bothered with acidity or sour risings, belching, gas on stomach, heart burn, headaches from stomach, nausea, bad breath, water brash or a feeling like you had swallowed a lump of lead, or other disagreeable miser! t Should you be suffering now from any stomach dis order you can get relief within five min utes. If you will get from your pharmacist a tO-cent oas of Papa's Diapepstn you oould always go to the table with a hearty appetite and your meals would taste good, because you would know there would be no indigestion or steeples nights or headaches or stomach misery all the next day; and, besides, you would not need laxatives or liver pills to keep your stomach and bowels clean and fresh. Papa's Dl pepsin can be obtained from your druggist, and contains more than sufficient to thoroughly overcome the worst eaa of Indigestion or dyspepsia. There U nothing bettor for gas oa the stomach or sour odors from th a-h or to our a atomaoh headache. e Toa ooalda't keep a haadfcar or Boor usaful artlok ka th hoi s. AdverUs-int. Nebraska AGENCIES FDRNISH BONDS Six Omaha Org-anisaUoni Comply with Labor Law Recently Teste! THOMAS BUST OVER STATE (From a 8taff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct. .-(8peclal.) Six Omaha labor egenclea hav compiled with the new law, resisted for the last six months, regulating and licensing suoh bureaus, and har paid 10 each to Labor Commissioner Frank Coffey, making a total of MX) In revenue to turn back to tho state. The agencies who have paid their fees and provided their tt.000 bond are: Danes Western Railroad Labor agency, Relia ble Employment agency, Freeland Broa.' agency. Rtnplr Labor agency, J. K. Hutt Contracting company and J. W, Engle. Fourteen more application ar pend ing from Omaha, four from Lincoln and several through the state, altogether enough to bring the stat In from $1,600 to tl,X. A few concerns, known as "bonding and reference companies," hav held out. The labor commissioner has brought suit against thre of them, and Intends to start action Immediately against the others. Ceatraet tor Boiler Pleat. A contract for the extension of a boiler plant at th Norfolk Hospital for th fTOUUTOOTOOOTa Many eorporatieoa, in tha past, hare made the erloug mtstaka of depending upon tha atia of their dollar beapa, alone, to aire them prestige, and to In gplr confidence amon people for whom (her wish to render a service. This la a mistake we are folng- to attempt to avoid; for while we, who have made ample financial provi sions to properly carry on our business, realise that large capital does mean much to the man who Is to de termine our financial responsibility, we also realise that large capital la not enough. . The corporation which la to Inspire public confi dence must be backed by men who hare the character and force, as well as the business calibre and ability to conscientiously and efficiently fulfill the obliga tions they assume. So, before starting our series of building service articles, we will give here a brief explanation ot who and what we are, and why We feel that we are entitled to the full confidence of people who contemplate the building of a home or a commercial building or, la fact, a building of any character, large or small, hero in Omaha or In cities aad towns in Omaha's adjacent territory. The Bankers Realty Investment Company Is a corporation Incorporated under the laws ot the Btate ot Nebraska. This company's authorised capital Is $1,000,000.00 and Its present assets are More Than a Million Dollar. This company's working capital has been Invested by people living in the middle west; principally in Omaha and Nebraska. The bustnesa of this company Is that of handling, complete, the designing and erection ot buildings ot every slse and character. The complete description of the extraordinary or ganisation which wo have built up, and which is at the present time handling a large volume of building business, we will touch, here, but very lightly, by simply stating that It is modeled after the organisa tions ot the biggest and most successful building con struction companies la the United States, who, as a result ot building owners' experience, demands and requirements, have perfected methods of handling building operations that minimise the wastefulness and Inefficiency of the older day systems of conduct ing the buslaess of building thus giving to the build Nebraska lnaan has been awarded by the Board of CVntrol to an Omaha concern for at.KSO. Another contract for the Installa tion of automatic stokers at a coat of rt.WB was let Judge J. J. Sullivan. William DeRord and rrank Uainea. all ef Omaha, called on member of th Stat Banking board today to assure th board that there was nothing wrong with th recent mer ger of the City National with the Stat bank of Omaha. Th board had ex pressed displeasure because the transac tion had been made without Its approval and sanction. Thomas Kept R.. State Superintendent Thomas goes to Tecumseh Tuesday for a teachera' In stitute; Wednesday, he Is In Omaha, at tending a meeting of the committee ar ranging for the seml-centennlal of the admission of Nebraska to the Vnlon; he delicate a new school house In Friend Friday, and Saturday, ha attends a con ference of Washington county school boards at Blair. fl. A. R. Vetera Dead. Lncal Grand Army cf the Republic veterans have Just learned of the death In New York of Wesley Raaer of Cen tral City, Neb., who stopped off In tha east to visit after he had attended the national encampment In Washington. Burial took place Sunday In Chapman, Neb., his old home. Apartments, flats, houses and cottage can be rented quickly and choaply by a Be "For Rent" AN ADVERTISEMENT Explaining why our building serv ice is proving decidedly popular in Omaha and the Middle West We with, here, to call the attention of the prospective builder to the fact that oar "Single Contract System" of handling building operations will enable yoa to secure every part of your building service, including architect's service, specifications and the services of all the other building professions and trades necessary to build a first-class building, from a single institution in the most convenient manner possible. Write us for farther information. jganhers jgealtii Jfnucstmcnt (jtompanu (Asset Over On Million Dollars.) Offices Ground Floor Bee Bldg, 1 Omaha, Ntb. This Company is a middle west institution in spirit and in reality bat we are not depend ing on these facts for your patronage. We expect your patronage only because of the actual merits of the service we are prepared to render you. You can determine that this service is meritorious by giving us an opportunity to show you how we are prepared to render you greater value, at the same, or possibly at a lower cost than you can secure elsewhere. Not only will our method of handling your building save you moneybut it will also re lieve you of a burden of worry and responsibility that any busy man or inexperienced man would gladly avoid, if possible. Husband in Corner, Wif o Has Revolver HASTINOfl. Neb., Oct II. (8peclal Tel egram.) "I shot at him because I love him," was Dolly Lackey' explanation to the ptlloe when they found her In her room this morning, a revolver In her hand and her husband, missed by th shot crouching In a corner. Th ceupls cam her from Omaha to Join th Rio carni val. When Mra Lackey later said th shot was accidental both were fined til and coats for disorderly conduct MADGETT BRINGS WRATH OF CARNIVAL MANAGERS HASTINGS, Neb.. Oct ll.-(Speclal Tel egram.) After th sale of tickets had continued all week, George Deltsch, em ployed by th Chamber of Commerce, was arrested lata Saturday and will be tried tomorrow on the charge of conducting a raffle. Much feeling has been aroused by Mayor M ad get t' a action In closing this and other carnival attraction late In th week. Th carnival commute says th Chamber ot Commerce lost about M0 through th closure. Mayor Madgett said today he was not Invited to dl'ne with Overnor Morehead Saturday, hut denied that was tha reason he closed th game last night President F. R. Corey of the carnival commute asserted that he personally Invited Mad gett not only to dine with the governor, but to alt on th opera house platform with him. Th eladlng minister preached sermons yeeterday lauding Madgett for hia attitude reltlve to th carnival. ts Th Bee 'Swapper" column. ing owner what he is Justly entitled nam sly building that meets his expectations from every view point, satisfactorily. This company's buslaess is controlled, managed and operated by Nebraska men men whoso long as sociation with the people of the middle west places them la a position to know and to understand the Ideals and requirements ot the middle vest building owner. , That these mea have been successful In the tip building of aa organisation that fits tha needs ot this particular section of the countryis best Indicated by the hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth ot building business we have handled aad sow have under way. . That the men in charge of this company's buslaess are well fitted to undertake the obligations aad responsibilities-required of a modern building construc tion corporation, we will leave to the judgment ot those who have seen this company take its place as one of the largest and strongest business institutions of its kind in the country. This is most evident to those who are watching the way we are handling our continually growing volume ot business; ond to those who will Investigate our reputation for Integrity and moral and financial responsibility among customers and creditors alike. Bankmrt Realty Investment Company re tponsibility mean not only the acknowledg ment of obligation, but the ability to ful fill it. This responsibility underlies all of our service which sees that every one of our customers secures a building that will meet his special needs: and that this building will be as durable and of aa high a qual ity, as modern building professional service and ef ficient bulldlng-tradea-raechanlcs' ability caa make it aad that it will be constructed at the most econo mical price possible, quality considered. ' In other words, we have an organimation that the man who buildt ehoufd get ac quainted with, if he wants a permanent buildinr that will be worth alt it co$t$, and that will be delivered complete at the price named in advance of starting the work. PRICKLY HEAT -AliJl HEAD llcnrli and Bar!. Sore, Red and Inflamed. Itched and Burned, fretful All Day." HEALED BY CUTICURfl SOAP AND OINTMENT My betty was Wsfcsa eve al ewer hat head and heads and back wte prickly he, Bar tka was sore, red aad tatlaisd, and H lchd aad burned case, tng her o earaseh and trWae the artt- part. She was fretful U day aad would U awak at eight aod bmp me awak far hour al a time. Her TV. j- -"'"I j J a r sca very ary ana "Fte allr a tMsgbjbar told awtetw Cu tloura Isa aad Ota sat aad I got se-e. I tsssd th tw r stare tlss si a day, aad hi a short Ms sh was healed and aasa't bo I I mill sUo," (gtsjasd) Mrs. Mag Wlatacaa, Otaaha, Ark., March 12, Ills. SanpU Each Free by MU With M-av. Md a Book oa request. Ad- si sd CtUwfns, ke t. T, Wmam atd throewbaul Ma wostd. 'ei'