Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1915, Image 12

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    TT77: BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1015.
Cnrrrtatit. ttlS. Intarnatlena)
News Bervtra,
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
Vo FTER- SUtIT nS yr 7 f wd LEND - 1 TERO
( zr--zrr-J I V 1 -J I HIM FIFTY UWL M !
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i B . ... , . 1 . I
Cairo IL Il, Fan Sqntta Tea Seter
ration la Lin with OroTer the
Great for Game Here Sunday. .
TImm twirw roe ten seat right In
ft line with Orover Cleveland Alexander
for the linn October t4 betwen the All
Natlenels Mid AHAmrlcn,' la the re
uest ef Dr. Tom Byrne of Carroll, la.,
writing to Pa Rourke. Pr. Byrne and
bt Carroll friends are ardent follower
of the 8L Paul. Neb., boy and ther are
taktnf the opportunity offered them by
Pa Itourke to sea him work.
The Carroll. Ia., Booster club Is also
coming te see the big league stars play
here. Tbe president of the club has
requested reservations, for twenty behind
the plat.
Scores of telephone calls and malt
Orders have beeen reoeived by Pa Rourke
for seat at the big game and It is likely
that Omaha fans and fanettee will not
be able to procure reserved box seats as
they are aU being snapped up by out
siders. St. Paul fans are planning to gtve their
favorite son a big welcome at Grand
Island. Even though Orover may not be
sble to pttoh at Orand Island as be will
work here Sunday, his pals In his home
towa have arranged te run a special train
from St. Paul to Orand Island which la
but a abort run and have reserved an
entlra section of the grandstand. Alex
ander will probably hurl a couple of ta
kings at Bt, Paul.
But Alexander Isn't the only attraction
with the major league lights. An Omaha
faa has asked Rourka for seats ee that
ha can aea Duffy Lewi clout the pUL
Others want to be close enough to sea
Johnny E vet's chin la motion. Rourka
expects a crowd of 10.0CO persons to at
tend the game with favorable weather.
Stccher's Jewel
- Belt on Display
at Burgcss-Nasti
The diamond belt which was given to
Joe Stecber, the pride and Joy ef Dodge
county and claimant to tbe world's heavy
weight wrestling championship, at Dudge
a week ago, with imprceslvs ceremonies.
Is In one of the BurgosK-Nssh company's
big display windows. The belt Is heavily
studded with diamonds and Jewels and Is
a gift which any man may well be proud
of It was purchased at a cost of S2.S0O.
of the 7M riflemen competing In the na
tlinul rifle matches bere today were tied
tonight with a score ef ITS out of a pos
kiuie lib. The distances covered In to
day's shooting were WO and WO yards
rsptd-Nre and WO yards slow fire. The
too and LOOO-yard slow fire matches are
to be shot tomorrow.
Those tied for the lead are: Captain
C. K. Lamotts, Nineteenth United SUM
Infantry; Sergeant J. 8. Stewart. Massa
chusetts, and Sergeant B. Otey, Wyoming.
Assistant Secretary of War Breckin
ridge was a spectator at today's shoot.
President of Brooklyn Club and One
of Big lien of Third League
NFJW TORK. Oct 11 Robert B. Ward,
head of bread baking companies bearing
his nama in many cities and widely known
as leading figure in tbe Federal Base
(tail league as ths president of the Brook
lyn club, died tonight at his home la New
Rochelle after a brief Illness at the age
of tt years.
Mr. Ward, a Itfe-leng fan, became one
of the chief financial supporters of the
Federal league at the lnstanoe of Its
president James A. Ollmore. early In
1911 He was ehosen vk-e president of
the league, thea organised the Brooklyn
vlub, and with his brother, George T.
Ward, built Washington park, the home
Mr. Ward was taken 111 with rheuma
tism last Tuesday and complications has
tened the end. He is survived by his
widow, who was Miss Mary C. Brenlng
of Pittsburgh; four daughters and five
Omaha High Wants
to Play Norfolk on
Friday Afternoon
The Central High school authorities are !
attempting to change the data of the
Norfolk game this week from Saturday
ta Friday afternoon. Many Omahane In
tend to see either the Nebreake-Notre
Darue or the Crelghton-IlaskoU Indian
game on that date and It Is thought that
a larger crowd would attend the game If
played on Friday.
Coach Mulligan Is looking for Norfolk
to give Omaha a hard game, for they
have nearly the same team that thoy
made so good a record with last year,
having lost only three regulars. Lucas,
the captain, and Barnes who played with
the Hyde Park High school eleven of
Chicago last year are the stars of the
team, Barnes plays a half and Lucas fuU
kac on the team.
Norfolk has defeated several of 1U
opponents already this seasoo by large
scores. They have aa experienced coach
fct Walker, who U an old Chicago man.
MulUgaa la drilling bis men hard for
this game. There probably will be a
change or so In the Uneup oa account of
'.he defeat at Dea Moines last Saturday.
A game bas been arranged between the
Central High second team and Commer
Tdal High eleven for Friday extern on. if
the Norfolk gama Is changed to Friday
the second team and Commercial High
will play the preliminary game. ,
Dr. Belt's rtee-Tar-Heaer.
Get a So bottle today. Xeep It for your
eevgh or cold. Oood for children, adults
and aged. AU druggtsts. Advertisement
Bohemians Downed
by Omaha City Lads
The Omaha city soccer team defeated
the Bohemians at Miller park Sundey,
te 1 The Bohemians put up a good fight,
but the city defense was too strong and
the Csechle ferewards bunched too much,
With the result that the city defence took
advantage of this bunching and swinging
the ball around registered the five goals.
Cockayne oounted three goals for the
Omelia city crew. Connolly, IVkard and
McGulre were the defensive stars and
Lytell and Lawrenaon played their usual
good gamee at the bark positions.
The game ectieduled betweea the Town-
sends and Caledonians at Carter lake was
called oft because the rein of Saturday
iade the field Impossible for play.
Foot Ball Claims a Vlctlea.
MOSCOW, Idaho, Oct. IS. Floyd OH
bert, captain of the Orenaevllle Hish
school foot ball team, died at a hospital
bere today from a broken neck sustained
In a game at Nes Peroe Saturday.
rhedale Aaaeaneed.
(NBW ORLEANS, La., Oct 1. Be
cause of the death here last night of
Pierre Duoos, 17, halfback of the Jeffer
son colleae foot ball eleven, the faoulty
ef the college announced today that all
remaining gamee of this season's sched
ule had been cancelled.
Gees Paolfle Coaat.
LOS ANOKLK8, Cel.. Oct 18,-Manager
"Mam" Patterson of the Wlchlla base
ball team of the Western league will
manage the Vernon team of the Padflo
Coaet league next year It was announced
today. .
Inquest on the
Bodies of the
Air Eaid Tictims
LONDON, Oct lfc An Inquest oa the
bodies of the three victims of the first
bomb dropped In the Zeppella raid last
Wednesday night oa the London area and
of three others who were killed, or who
died as ths result of subsequent air
bombs, all within ths same area, was
held today. Ths verdict In each case was
Death as the result of an air raid." The
father of one of the victims protested
against tbe taconlo verdict reached. He
My son was murdered by the order
of the kaiser. I summon the kalssr to
meet me before the judgment seat of
Qod to answer for ths death of my son
and of these other poor people."
Of those killed by the first bomb, erne
was a railroad employe. His wire, wno
was by his aids, escaped unhurt Ths
second was a man who was killed by
broken glass which cut through bis neck.
The third victim was a woman cloaa by.
Tbe other dead were the victims of a
bomb dropped la the middle of a wide
thoroughfare. The missile pierced a gas
mala, causing a fire which lasted sev
eral hours before the gas eoald be out
off. A driver, a conductor and a special
constable were killed In a motor bus
which the bomb struck.
Incendiary and expivetva bombs were
dropped la the same spot These pierced
water main, and the rush of water
quickly extinguished fire caused by the
Incendiary bombs, but several people
passing at ths time were killed or in
Jured. A number or the victims over
whoee bodies the inquest was held today
died from shock or in a hospital as a
result of their Injuries.
The Hev, C. M. Knuthum. Havanna.
Fla.. writes: "For three months I suf
fered Intense pain In kldneye and back.
which at times laid ma up entirely.
read of Foley Kidney Pills and after
trying various remedlee without reeult
I decided to try the Foley treatment.
v,a rolieved almost with the first doee
and It U a fact thst I Used only ISt
buttles when all of the pains disap
peared. I an tt years of ass and no
fc Uke a young nva aceia." Sold
every w tiere Ad vertliH.'Uent
Faculty Changes
Made at Normals
by State Board
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Oct U. (Special.) Some
changes la the faculties ef the Kearney,
Peru, Wayne and Chadron Normals were
approved by the Normal board at the last
meeting. R. IL Shrsves waa elected head
of the department of eduoatloa at the
Kearney Normal at a salary of SIM a
year. Howard Stoutemeyer waa eiectea
ah assistant In the department at a sal
ary of $140 a month. Mrs. Rose Clark was
mads teacher of piano and Ernest
Btaubets as teacher of violin.
The board a proved the following:
Kearney Mrs. H. II. Olbeon. assistant
tn drawing, 124 per month; Miss Margaret
L. llck, asMsiant In mus o, f0 per month;
Mlllord 'orsythe and John Myers as
library aaelalanis. eaoh ll per month:
science laboratory assistants, Parson, ISO
per month; Johnston, ta per month;
fcohmeevkle, ISO per month, and Harriet
Knutsen, aa reader, at i cents per hour.
Peru Mlits Ce reenter, eaelstant la music
department, U.SO per week; Miss M. A.
Knight, ssalstant professor In home eco
nomics, tlUO per month; Superintendent
Oeorae w. Brown, head of department
of rural education, work to begin In sum
mer school of lste, I1W per month; MIms
Ana Draper, rural demonstration school,
l& per month.
Wayne Miss Stella Trotter, secretary
to president, liOW per month; Mine Joee-
pnine Macs., teacher or elocution ana
reedltur fur Balance of Dreeent semester.
U0 per mimtb; John J. Oroes of Wiener,
as coach, lino per month; Miss Agnes Kin
nlgan, assistant In biology, chemistry and
aomesuo science for remelnder of year,
at 1W per month; James Mclntyra, sub
stitute for Miss Anthony for the year, at
i'M per month.
Chadron Miss Magdellna Hnrmaeek,
teacher of physical culture for the year,
at lu per month: Mr. Owne Weymouth.
aa - coach, at MO per month. Authority
waa granted to readjust work aad ' se
cure necessary supply teachers to esslst
ien Ptockdals and relieve Miss PelseM.
Mies avrte llulbert, Lincoln, to fill va
cancy caused by release of Miss Pollack,
at tin per month. Arranaesnent with
country school districts for dtmoniinv-
Uon work approved and authority given
to pay part of salary of rural teachers.
HeaUluetment of work approved:- Mra.
Viol,- f 1 n : i.. ... .
.v , ,w a..w.wv v, . .-feu UW1IIM,
Mra Phllpott to take two ilsssee for reci
tation with aalary Increased to 00 per
month; Miss KdUh LaUirop, head of
traluliur high school, at salary of IU
per mourn.
Joseph Hillstrom
is Sentenced to Be
Shot to Death
SALT LAKE CTTT, Utah. Oct U. -Jo
seph Hill strom, convicted of the murder
of 3. Q. Morrison and Morrison's son
here January 10. 1814, was brought before
Judge Ritchie of the dUtvict court today
end resentenced to be shot to death Fri
day, November Ik Few persons outsiae
ths officers knew he was to be sentenced
today and only a small audience was
Hlllstrom declined to say anything be
fore sentence waa pronounotd. He under
took to say something afterward, but wss
nut permitted to speak. He was taken
back ,to the prison immediately.
HUUtrora waa originally sentenced to
be executed October 1. A respite until
last Saturday was granted by Governor
pry at the requeet of President Wilson,
whose aotloa was a requeet of the 8ed
Uh mlnlstsr to the United States. The
U-Boats Destroy
Twenty-Three Ships
NEW ' TORK. , Oct 17. Count roa
Bernstorff, the German ambassador, an
nounced today that an official communi
cation ' from Berlin stated Oermaa sub
marines had recently sunk twenty-three
vessels. Including four transports of the
allies. In the Mediterranean.
The anaaaaga reoeived by the ambassa
dor read;
"During the last few weeks Oermaa
submarines, operating ta the Mediter
ranean have sunk twenty-three vessels
having aa aggregate tonnage of 190,000,
Of the vessels sunk four were transports
of the allies.'
No statement waa made as to the) loss
of life Incident te the sinking at the vari
ous vessels.
Two Klilion-DollaT Home of the
Scottish Bite Branch of the
Southern Jurisdiction.
WASHINGTON. ' Oct IS. -The new
SS.000,000 Masonlo temple, headquarters of
the supreme council of Scottish Rite
Freemasonry for the southern jurisdiction
of the United States, which alas Is called
the Mother Council of the World, was
dedicated here today with elaborate cere
monies and in the preeence of a large as
semblage of distinguished Masons from
many parts of the country.
The stately structure fashioned after the
famous mausoleum erected for - King
Maueolua by Queen Artemisia at H alios r
naesus one of the seven wonders of the
ancient world Is unique among the many
magnificent buildings In ths national cap
ital. It has been under construction since
1PU when ground was broken. It stands
on" Sixteenth street 'about one mile from
the White House on the capital's finest
boulevard and In a section of the city
where many of the nation's most cele
brated pabiio men have lived during their
publla servloe tn Washlngtoa.
Viewed from the exterior, oa a plateau
above symbolic flights of steps, the
structure presents a plain base, above
which rises a lofty pyramidal entablature
supported by thirty-three massive columns.
aeatlstasT ef the BalMtasr.
The approach to the main portal Is by
four flights of steps. Two- colossal
sphinxes, symbolic of divine wisdom and
power, are at the entrance, Oa the plinths
of these figures are inscriptions In Fhoe
nielaa and in Kgyptiaa hieroglyphics. Just
before the great dear, let Into the pave 4
ment, are two flaming swords, and be
tween them ths Inscription, "The Temple
of the Supreme Counedl ef the Thirty-
third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rita of Freemasonry for tho
Southern Jurisdiction of the United Slates
Erected to Old and Dedicated to the Serv
ice of Humanity. Salve Prater!" Carved
Inta the frieae over the great door Is
"Preemaaonrr Builds Its Temples In the
Hearts of Men and Among the Nations."
A placque oa the great door bears an
oblong square ' with a rayed triangle in
Its center and with the figures "ST' In the
Through the great doer the atrium, a
large hall, flanked oa either aide by four
massive fluted pillars of polished green
granlta. is reached. A doorway oa the
left leads to the apartments ef tbe sov
ereign grand commander, another on the
right te those of the secretary general.
Both apartments are panelled from floor
ta celling ' with Russian ' walnut la the
center of the atrium Is a great marble
table and on either aids between the pil
lars four marble seats. On ths walls be
hind the pillars are plaoques bearing sym
bolic designs.
Is Is aad Nertass.
Directly opposlts the great door Is tb
grand staircase guarded on either side
by the seated figures of I sis and Nep
thys. Doors to the right and left of the
staircase lead to the library and to the
supreme council executive chamber. At
the head of the staircase, on the first
landing, at the back of the ellipse. "two
other flights, curving tc the right and to
the left, lead tc the door of the temple,
in front of which ia the marble seat of
the grand tiler. Inscribed "Know Thyself."
The temple ia a lofty room m cube form
each dimension measuring seventy-five
feet surmounted by a dome supporting a
skylight 10 feet from the level of the
floor. Ia tbe temple are three great arched
windows, one oa cither aide and one op
posite the door over the Orand East Bach
window la divided by two pillars of pol
ished green granite, with the lower part
screened by a tracery of bronaed serpents.
Extending around the room la frieae of
black marble, bearing ' the tneoiiptlon.
"From the Outer Darkness of Ignorance.
Through, the Shadows of Our Earth Lite.
Wtnda the Beautiful Path of Initiation
Unto the Divine Light of the Holy Altar."
At each of the four corners Is a placque
bearing an emblem of two patterns, the
( From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Oct IS. --(Special.) -Articles
of Incorporation for the Orala Exchange
J Realty company of Omaha, which will
have charge of the new bulldlg being con
structed for the Omaha Qraln exchange.
have been filed with Secretary of State
respite vac terminated and Hlllstrora's ! PooL
application for commutation of sentence Capital stock tc the amount of K00,or
was denlod by the board of pardons Sat-; is authorised. The officers are F. 8. Cow
urday. as no new evldenos waa presented. ' gtl I. preeident: J. B. Sweariniren, vice
fee Tie Bee's 8aap(-er eeluma.
eeideut; F. P. Manchester, secretary;
IL rttoan. Irtueer.
square and compasses and the six potnted
tar ia a circle. The apex of the dome
Is ornamented by four double-headed
eagles, one oa each slds with the tablets
of the Ten Commandments between. High
ever the main doorway la tbe organ loft
In the center of the temple stands the
great altar, a solid block of black mar
ble veined with white, with four horns at
the corners. Ia the fleer around . the
great altar Is the Inscription "From the
Light of the Divine Word, the Logoc.
Comas the Wisdom of Life, the Goal of
Ths ceremonies ware performed by
Sovereign Orand Commander George
Fleming Moore, assisted by Lieutenant
Orand Commander Charles E. Roscnbaum
and Sovereign Orand Inspectors Oeneral
Charles F. Buck of Louisiana, Ernest B.
Hussey of Washington, Trevanien W.
Hugo of Minnesota, John H. Cowlac of
Kentucky, John W. Morris of West Vir
ginia. 1 Adolphus L. Fltxgerald of Nevada
and Sam P. Cochran of Texas, the next
highest officers of the supreme council.
Maeieml Servlee.
A musical service waa rendered by the
Scottish Rite choirs of St Louis, Mo.,
and cf Louisville, Ky., with the Scottish
Rite orchestra of St Louis, under the
general direction of A. F. M. Custancc of
Duluth, Minn., by whom, with the as
sistance of Inspector Oeneral Huge, the
program was, arranged and many of the
numbers were especially composed tor
the occasion.. ,
The ceremonies wars performed oa aa
Improvised platform at the head of the
four symbolic flights of steps at the mala
approach to the temple and la full view
of thousands of Invited guests.
, Proocdlng the dedication ceremonies,
lieutenant Orand Commander Rosea
baum, aa It chairman and on behalf of
the executive committee la charge cf the
structure, formally presented the new
temple to Sovereign Orand Commander
Moore, by whom the cratloet .cf the day
was delivered. . . The grand commander
waa attended by the camp guard of
Arkansas consistory cf Little Rock, Ark.
Among Masons from ether Jurisdictions
present ware Sovereign Orand Com
mander Benjamin Allea ef Canada, Leon
Abbott lieutenant grand commander, and
Sstsreign Orand Inspectors Oeneral
Janice H. Codding, secretary general;
Harry J. Outhrie of Delaware, James B.
Krausc cf Pennsylvania, Charles T. Gal
lagher and . Frederick W. Hamilton of
Massachusetts, Robert A. 8hlrrefs of
New Jersey and George W. Currier of
New Hampehlra,
Plot to Release
Prisoners Fails
plot for the delivery of ten cf the most
desperate prisoners In the federal peni
tentiary here failed It became known to
day when Richard' Brown, a guard, gave
battle to Joe Lewis, a negro prisoner
armed with a hack saw. The attempt
waa made at night la the Isolation ward.
where the moat desperate men arer con
With the saw Lswts severed the lock
of his cell and escaped Into the corridor,
where he leaped oa Brown from ths
rear. The negre demanded tbe keys to
the other cells of the ward oa the threat
cf cutting tbe guard's throat with the
saw. Brown resisted and the scuffle at
tracted other guards, who succeeded in
subduing Lewie. - -
Dae The Bee's "Swapper column.
Lay Cornerstone of .
New Church Today
The cornerstone of the new First Pres
byterian church building at Thirty-fourth
and Farnam streets will be laid this aft
ernoon at I M "Billy" Sunday will make
aa address at the ceremony Immediately
following . the afternoon session at the
Tabernacle. The program will be aa fol
lows: . Invocation, Rev. R. L Wheeler.
Reeding, Psalm xxlv, James H. Adama.
Dvpoelting the bex H. A, Dond,
Laying the stone. Rev. E. H. J auk a
Prayer. Rev. A. B. Marshall.
Aditreea. Rev W. A. Sunday,
lieaediution. Rev. M. V. liigbee.
Yes: S. S. S. Is Purely Vegetable
Nature's Safe Blood Treatment
Knows for 60 Years Aa tbe
Krcaedr for KheamaUsm, Oetarrb,
tk-rofnU, ftkin IHaeasce.
Bc'.iCtUata have discovered that the
forest aad the field, are abundantly
aupplicd with vegetatlea of variant
kinds that furnish the Ingredients
for tuaklag a remedy far practically
every 111 aad ailment of maaklie.
Medicines made from roots, herbs
and barb which. Nature has placed
t tbe eUpeeal of man, are batter
than strosg mineral mixtures aad
ooscoc liana. Mineral medicines work
dangerously oa the delicate aarU of
the system, especially & stomach
aad towel, by eating oat the lining
membrane, producing chronic dya
pepela and often entirely ruining
the health.
8. B. 8, Is guaranteed to be a
purely vegetable remedy. It la made
entirely of geaUe-aotlaf , healing , pu
rifying roots, herbs and barks, po.
eeeelng pro parties that build up all
parts of the system, la addition to
removing all Impurities and poisons
froai the blood. S. S. S. ta a safe
treatment for Rheumatism, Catarrh,
Scrofula, Sere aad Ulcere, Skin Dis
ease. Contagions Blood Poison, aad
all disorders ef the bleod. It cleanses
the entire system and It's perman
ent. Owt S, ft. 8. at nay drag store,
ft. ft. B. Is a standard remedy reeog
jilsed eei fm here aa the greatest
blood antidote ever dlaoorered. If
yours Is a peculiar eaae writ to 8.
S. a, Cos Atlanta, Ga.
fen 7fcm
Rlflb Pistol
For accurate and uniform shooting:,
penetration and reliability, Win
chester cartridges the V brand
are unexcelled. They are mado
for all kinds of arms and are sold
everywhere. When buying
I i
The Rich Chew
You want your chew
to have the luscious
richness of ripe fruit.
Spear Head has ib
You want to tasto
that fruity flavor long
as the chew lasts.
Speah Head holds it
' is made of the most richly-
flavored red Burley.
"In only a very small part
of the annual Burley crop
have the natural juices'
reached that perfect rich
ness required for SPEAR
most delicious of all
chewing tobaccos.
I Apartments, Hals, Houses and Cottigea can. ba rented
I pdckrj and cfceapiy by a Bee 'Tor HtsL,"