THti UKfc: OMAHA, TUKiSDAY, lK :v),U.u i 11 J ? STRICT f 1 1 I c r FOH RF.VT llowaea 4 filti oath. M?i fm-nare.; talking distance. $3. H. T-ROOM. mortem. Fopplflon am. rillCTTLY modern 6-room house, north- wreet corner 1ih and Oak. CL03E In, six room house, beat condi tion. KU So. Slat. Ilarney r,. ' 627 PA H K AV EM' K Nine-room modern home, $36. Oar extia. Cull Harney 79u7. Carey Cleaning Comriny. MitDERN 7-room hou.-o. 1519 Park Ave., $. Harney VT. Writ. "WALKINC DISTANCE VW Dodge. room modern house, cheap rent at $28 look It through; key at next door west. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Webster ttn. rUU KKNT. -ROOM house,, 1F.D6 Ava; rant $J3. l'oug. Jew. W. 8. FRANK. 101 Nville Hlork. Georgia 7-r. mod. house. 3 14 I a Termor h. W. E O M inccllanenu". WALKING distance, SKIS Dodge, 8-room modern house, excellent condition, ready to move. Into, I-. Look It through. Key at L40. W. W. Mitchell, Owner. Wehter 475. EIGHT-ROOM house, strictly nrudern, one block west Cretghton college. Fhona H. f21S. BARGAIN A Strictly modem 9-room house. Flrst-clase d ndltion. convenient to car and echo ,. Good net h 'orhool, $32 ISO limned ate nawwlo-i. H'Hoy isasreasi Stores, moves, pncks, ships; S-lurse van -a n1 I man. II Der hr. : storage IZ per mo. KMi-in.non eimr n & Ty. 230. FIDELITY vU FRKK Phone Iotglae M for complete list of vacant houaea and apartments:, aiso lor storage, moving. Kth and Jcksjn g-ta Gordon Van Co.; Moving. acklng. Storona. &9 N. Hth Pt. Tel D S94 or Har. 19JT. OOOU auto sales room Very reaaonahle rnt Farnam Bt Doug. 40S Maggard's gS ?; lng, packn.g. shipping. 1"U Web no btorRK s for es- for mov- Webster St I0'lgl8S EE the Central rurnlture Store's FREE FtF.NTAL. T.IST . gEVLN and five-room houses; modern; walking distance: louglas 459. nft11aoa Crelgh Sons St Co.. Bee Bid. HOUtHiS ln parts of the cliy NEWLY furnished front room. 95, and i-room apartment, J& S23 Leaven worthy JC RfiCd Packlngf moving, storage, n. 14. 8 ROOMS, 1830 Georgia Ave., near Mason, eaat front, walking distance, newi ewly painted, four bedrooms, l'hone H. HJn 8. Usi, modern. 8 rooms 91. 00 Douglas, motlern, 8 rooms 92. 80 2( S. 41st modern, 7 rooms 30. Oi) Flat, 2805 Leavenworth. 6 rooms.... 20.00 2S05 Foppleton Ave., R rooms 17 00 22.H1 Charlea St., 6 rooms 16.00 'OLORF.l . 2308 N. aitn, a room io. iw Bl9 N. Hth, 5 rooms 12.00 JOHN N. FTlHIiW.RlR. POI'OLAS 554. ISO 5f,2 So. 28th, 6 lari,-e rooms, modern. $25 2vi6 Capitol Ave., 7 rooms, modern. $l83f,n4 St. Mary'a Ave.. 6 rooms, bath. 915 218 Be ward, 6 rooms, barn. $14 la No. th, 4 large rooms. $12.602220 Clark, 4 rooms. $10109 Ho. a&ih,' 6 rooms. KINOWALT, Brandela Theater Bids. WANTED TO BOIUSOW WANT to borrow $700 from party direct for one year or lesa on $7,5v0 home, ln good neighborhood, on which there la a $4,000 building association loan,, partly paid off. Will pay good Interest Ad dress,. C 206. Bee. WANTED TO RENT TWO or three unfurnished rooms, near Central achool; with heat. J -221. Boe. WANTED TO Bt'T OFFICE furniture bought and sold. C. Reed. Lr7 Farnam. Loug. ffl4u. Strictly high grade piano- Web. 3726. Yale buys everything 2d hand. Web. 4904. WILL buy a Ford. 614 First Nat l Hank. HIGHEST prices for old clothing. D. 4711 REAL. ESTATE FARM A RANCH LA Mil FOR 9ALI Cavllluraia. Live Oak Colonies, nune better. W. T. bmltn Co.. i lly .ac mb. u. imh Colorado. HALF, section of land, on rural route, It miles of Sterling. Colo. (6.000 popula- lon) ; across the road from school. Level, unimproved land; black loam sou; ex cellent crops Joining. Price 417.60 per acre. Will sell on contract, $6 per acre cash, balance $2.60 per acre each year for five years. iht cent Interest. Easier than rent. One crop of wheat will pay for tha tana, ana It win aouuie in value in two ye&ra a M. MORTON. Sterling. Colo. Cassia, FOR SALB OR LEASE Any part of 4,000 aores near Kcsetown, Saskatchewan. I raised 160,000 btuhels of oats and 30.009 bushels of flax on land this year. Price (heap and terms very easy. Frank Craw ford. Omaha, Neb., or Roaetown. Saak. . Ulwosrl. ' Farm for Sale 280 acres, close - to market: Vernon county, Missouri; free and clear; 80 acres In cultivation, balance ln valuable pecan timber and grass; Ideal stock farm; two and three cuttinua of hav rier vear: two sets of good Improvements, besides tenant nouse; three good -never falling weils; fenced and cross fenced: within three tulles of two railway stations. Will divide -arm u aesireu, gelling; 1U0 acres or ItH. Address owner, M KEE WELSH. R. F. I. No. 4, Rich HUI, Mo. Nebraska. 40, 90, ho and 160-acre unimproved tracts 2 to 18 mile from Omaha stock vards none over 6 miles to Ky. town; $126 to per acr; ta-o-trirrte cash required, IN. 1THKNZ14K, 111 S. 15th. FOR SALE Best large body high-grade medium priced land ln Neitraake; very little money required C. Bradley. Wal. Dacn, ieo. Wlaeusala. UPPER WISCONSIN Beat dalrv and general crop state In the union; settlers ranted; lanua lor sale at low prices oi eaay terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wlacon in Central Land Urant. Excellent lands for slock raising. IX Interested In truit lands ask for booklet on apple orchard Address Land and Industrial Mtp&rt.. to 4Qe IUtllWM.y. MUlUWllvil. -Mm" M lace I la see s. niVI YOU A FARM FOR SALET Write a good description of your land aad aend It to the Sioux City. la.. Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five worda every Friday v.nlni Hjuurdav irornlng and every Saturday evening and Sunday mornliig for one month, tlving sixteen ads on twelve different days tor U. or H sorda $4, or 76, worda K Larg rgest circulation of any Iowa news paper, vi,uu readers dally la four great atatea REAL KSTATE ACREAGE FOR RENT OR BALK. Two or four acres with water; will rent or sell; fur feediug: one mile and half rora slock yards. Phoue Mo. Ufel. REAL. ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN. To people wishing to build boines or buinn building For complete tnformatiun con cerning terms, etc., call on or addresa BANKiKS RfcALTY INVESTMENT CO O round Floor Bee Bid. Telephone uougias 'iJiv. $iv4 TO tl.uuw made prou.pily. V. li. Weed, Wead Bldg . lKth a Kamam Sta CTTY and farm loan a, (. VA. per oent J. 1L turnout 4k Co- 419 btate Banil, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Lurgrit Run of Wheat Durinj S on, Two Hundred and Twenty Three Cart ArrlTing. PRICE DB0PS. ONE TO FIVE OMAHA, October 19. 191&. There were 223 para of wheat received on the local exchange today. i This Is the biggest run of wheat that has been received In Omaha during the preeeni atason. The demand for this cereal was not very good today and the market dropped from lo to 6c. Torn receipt were very light and the demand was fairly active. Corn waa quoted unchanged to higher. The run of osta waa pretty heavy, hut there waa hardly enough demand fur this cereal to take care of the heavy receipts. Oata sold to lc lower. Tha rve mir ket was a trifle weak and sold Vdlo lower. Ftarlcy was quoted nominally un changed. Cliarances were: Wheat and flour, eoitnl to RTS.OjO bu. ; Corn. 6, 000 bu.; oa', li .000 hu. Liverpool close: Wheat unchanged to V.d higher: corn, unchanged. Prltrary wheat re e ta ere t WOOD hu. ind ahtmnenla 1 tfTT 1 hu ar.ln,! r relp's of "tt.'lOn' bu. and "ahinmenia of ! 1.27T.O(iO bu. last vear. Primary corn receipts were ITS 000 hu. and "'ripments 2'.0ft. hi., igaln reots of bu. and ahlpmenta of 448,000 bu. year. Primary oats recfrta were C 013 000 hu. and shipments 7SS.0U0 bu , ag.ilnst receipts of 1.27,m4) bu. and shipments of i2,0"0 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago SS 40 190 ae io i 21 21 26 0 Minneapolis l.13 l;iluth 1.2-W Omaha 2 Kansas City 370 Bt. Louis Winnipeg 8.S49 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. hard winter: H car. t1.o84; 18-6 car. $1.W: 1 car. $l.(-4,; 1 car, 11.06. No. S hard winter: 6 cars. SI 16: 4 ears. H.04V4; 4 cars. U.04: R cars, ll.CSVi; 2 cars. si.uj; i car, ti.ux. 09. No. 4 hard winter: 1 1 us, 8c; 1 car, 97c; 1 car ic; cars. r; 12V4, cars, car, 11.00; J cn "Hc; 6 cars. 9tit-; 9 cars. 9n-ir: 12V. 9f.c; 1 car, 94Vc; 6 9-6 car, Mc; t cars ,3c. Famrle: 2 cars. 93c; 4 8-6 cars, !0c; 1 car, 9c; 1H care, gSc; 9-6 car, iwc; 1 car, sue. No. 9 spring: 1 car, $1.02; 1 car. 1101; 1 car,- 1 00. No. 4 spring: 2 care, $1.00; No. 4 mixed: 1 car. 9::vc. No. 2 durum: 1 car. no. 4 nurum: i car, i.oo; 1 car, IWHo. No. 4 durum: 1 car sue. No. 1 ivelvet chaff: l car. $1.07. No. 2 velvet chaff: 1 car, $1.07; 1 car, Sl.OiVj. No. $ velvet chaff: 1 car, $1.03; 1 car, $1.04H; 2 cars. $1 04, No. 4 velvet chaff: 1 car 97c. Corn No. white: 1 car, 6Hio. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 63c. No. yellow: 1 car, 63c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car. G2c. No. 2 mixed: 1 oar (near yellow), 62'4c 1 car, U3c. No. (I mixed: 1 car, 1H Sample: 2 eara, ilVc. Oata No. 2 white: 1 car. SVo. Standard: 2 'Cars. 9fiVc; 9 care, 3c. No 3 wnite: i car, 1 car (local). 9f: 11 cars. S-tc; 17 cars, 34Vic. No. 4 white: S rare, ac: s cars. 34c. Sample: 1 car, 31c; 1 car, JUVto. Rye No. 2, 1 car, 36c, REAL ESTATE LOANg A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash- CITi property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas 22 State Bank Bldg. WANTED 3ioU farm aud city loans at tow csx raiaa PETERS TRUST CO.. 129 Farnam. OMAHA homes. Eui Nt-brasKa farina O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO. 1014 Omaha Natloial Phone Douglna 2711 MONEY on hand (or city and farm loans. M. w. Hinder. City National Hank Kldg. fiC' CITY LOANS. O. O. Carlberg. 210. u 12 Rraneta Theater nidg. MONEY to loan on eastern Nebraska farma. Immediate nrtlun. United States Trust Company. Omnha. Neb. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. it. w. Hinder, city National liana Bids ItEAI, ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALS . OR TRADE 441 acres. Lincoln Co.. Neb.: fenced. windmill, small buildings. Want small property In good achool town. BUA n. bUUUI J-.B.K. IMgJH. ONE small grocery, about $1.0X); fix tures, $600. Kent $10.60. Would want small cottage or one-third cash, bal ance lot or good equity. B 204. Bee. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Close In TTD-to-date -r. house. Just about fin ished, at a bargain, by owner and builder, located at 207 Cass St. Tel. H. 1S4X. Get Settled FOR THE WINTER In a new, modern, up-to-date 7-room house, finished In oak and rosewood; quarter-sawed oak floors. 1824 Sahler. Owner, Colfax 4193. $3,150.00 6-room bungalow, modern, N. 19th Bt. 41.3O0.uO res'i. balance monthly to suit. Call owner evening, Harney $463. RE Afj ESTATE SOUTH SIDE At Four-Fifths Value The best equipped and arranged 41-acre farm and feed lots,' 2 miles south of Omaha, 1 mile from Bellevue college. In the county. Buildings fine, plentiful and modern; 26 rods from trolley line . Also, modern 10-room house at 2129 Wirt St.. finished ln oak; all recently overhauled Inside- and out. Owner old, can't look after them. A. M. BYKR3, 1320 8. 96th Ave. Harney 4996. COSY , 6-r. cottage, strictly md, a. loth Vt block to car, ' small ayment down, balance like rent. Owner. 1 1000. FOR SALE Strictly modern stucco house now under construction ln Field club district; 7 rooms and Incloaed Bleep ing porrn; entrance u nouse irom 1 streets; can he flnluhed to suit purchaser If bought now, Phutie owner and builder, Harney 7ti. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE Monday, Oct. 18th, at 1 P. M. Sharp. S. W. Corner of 20th and Lake Streets, on Car Line. Improved with modern 2-atorv Dressed brick flat, nearly new, and one 6-room residence. Ulse of ground loo ft. frontage on LJUi.-.- ai.u so ru frontage on 20th St. Must and will be sold to highest bidder. Propurty rents for ij.W per month and is permanently rented. For reasons not mentioned this high grade property must go ou the auction block Monday, October 19. at 1 o'clock In the afternoon, and be sold. Terms: Terms can be arranged on day of sale for an $fc.000 loan back on tha property at low rate of Interest Bal ance cash as soon as abstract of title la furnished purchaser) $200 to be paid to auclioueer on date of aale to be held In escrow uu ueva ana soatract is de llverea. I Frank Rohacek, Owner. DO WD AUCTION CO, Auctioneers. Phone Red $226-o NOTICE t am forced to aacrifl e my fins 4-room til modern licutse on the boulevard; nice location: no special taxes. Don't fail to see it. Let tne show you through. Price 9i Juu. TV. R FRANK, 901 Neville Blk. Doug. $000. No. ; 1 ear, tSo; I oara, P4o, No. ti I oara, nc. Bafpl: 1 car, M v. louaua Cesu iicee v heat. .So. I tur key, UVJVyui 09; No. I turks. $1.001 0k; No. I hard. U.y4; W; No. I hard. 11 ( Cfl.tWj. No. 4 bard. WoOltOO; No. I spring, (; No. spring, 9c$41.02; No. 1 durum. lakWHc; No. i durum. SKmvxvyc; no grade, 7s1no. Corn: No, I white, UJ Jo; No, I white, StTK No. 4 white, UtiStlV: No. ( white. lflHHc; No. 4 white VUKl4)e: No. I yellow, &i&K34o; No. S yellow, 3tiTio; No. 4 yellow, 6JH1r3c; No. I yellow, BvtK!ci No 4 yellow. fiSr: No. I mlxe1, 1HtJtc; No. I mixed, lfin; No. 4 mixed, 61t lo; No. I mixed, 41fllHr; No. mixed. 41t)lHo, Cas: No. t white, !u;wc; standard. e'4c; No. S white. M' f'e: No. 4 white, $'S'Mic. Rarlev: Malting. 4vunfua; No. 1 feed. WHO. Rye: No. X, seVslJWe; No. S, MHIt e. Chicago closing prlcea. furnished "The Pea hy Igan Rrvan. stock and grain brokers. Jl So. Sixteenth street. Omaha: Ar Iclei Open. Hlh. Uw. Close I Kat y. Wheat I I I 1 04 1 Og'4 1 K 1 07 1 OTSVi I WVi ' I i ' K4JH 5SA SOS W-eu'S ewSlVkS. 1 i S tl 40H ' SSmo 4-"A 40S0H ; 14 7 U 10 U 17H ' , 1, JW if Mli li Uiv, 40 40 1 M 37 Si I J7H I 45 90 90 97V, ' 9 45 4S tilt , Ieo..,l lrV 1 May. 1 ft Corn I lec..fSi May.lal'eu Oata ) 1 tHJ..4K1 May. 40V. 1 0VH Leo.. .nil., Lard -'ct.- lan Riba Oct . Jan.. 10 0(1 00 A Asked. B Bid. CHICAGO ORAIW AND PROVISIONS Feat a res of tke Tradlaa aad Cloalae; I'rtees as Bvarg at Trade. CHICAUO, Oct. IS. Hitjlu.r receipts at MUineapoiis, Dulutb and Winnipeg, with promised contmued heavy niovement in the northwest throughout the week dlil a good deal today to deprnee the wheat market here. Prices clvsed unset tled, 2nY2a to 2iiiiO net lower, ut $1 'my 1.06S for lecemher and $1.07lStf $1.07U for May. Other speculative artl- ci''"' too howed loeeea, corn, o to lc; tati' to Mk'UHo, and provleiona, vc ,.S-4' .... w neai prroee neanen aown eraae right at the start, and failed to make a decided rally at any aubaequent time. Many i'trr-loa orders were uncovered, as the prospect of favorable weather gave epe iiil emphasis to the big arrivals at the ihlv apring crop terminals. Winnipeg In particular naa a surprising exhibit, more than ten times as many carloads being received as on the correnpondtng day year ago. The total at Minneapolis and fMiluth waa nearly trebled. Bulls here were thys directly threatened, for the prices In the northwest disclosed a full nhlpplng difference against Chicago. Comparative weakness at Liverpool, where receipts were also on the Increase, tended further to discourage holders. 1 What little reaction from the lowest level of the day took place In the wheat market appeared to be due to the small ness of the gain In the United States vlnthle supply. The seaboard sent word that 1.000.0O0 htrahels had been purchased for export, hut that almoat the entire amount wag from Manitoba. Corn receded In value as a remilt of the break ln wheat. The Improved weather tended alao to stimulate selling. Oata followed the bearish lead of other grain. Cash houeea unloaded freely. Commission houses went to the bear side of the provision marVt. The In centive seemed to he the fact that an earlv advance In the price of hogs had gradually disappeared. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotstloas of tke Day oa Vsrlona Cons modi ties. NFTW YORK. Oct. IR.-FLOUR-Steady; spring patents. $o.S0r"a.00; winter patents, $u.36ii666; winter straights, $6.1b(;6.46. WHEAT Bpot. weak: No. 1 northern. Duluth. $l.UVi. and No. I northern. Mani- toba Ji.oiV c. l. f. Buffalo. Futures, weak; December, $1.144. OORN Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow, 771io, prompt shipment. OATS Spot, easy; No. $ white, 424 430.. v HAY-Steady; No. 1, $1.20ga.26; No. $, n.OMcl 16; No. $, $0c(1.00; shlpplag. 7.i&6c. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1916 crop. 22i-30c; 1K14 crop. 8tfl2c; pacific coast, 1916 crop. 13i'16c; 11)14 crop, llfiflic. HIDES Steady; Bogota. 30ft31c: Central America, 29c. LEATHEK Firm: Hemlock: nrsta, I2l 23c: seconds, 310.32a, PROVISION Pork steady; mess. 111.00 4317.60: family. $20.6023.60; short clears, $18.600120.60. Beef, steady, mess, $l.60(3i l7.oo; family, $in.o(tri.po. Lard, easy; middle west, 9.80fa.W. TALLOW Steady; cltr. 7c: county. 7 7c; sreolal, Te. BlTTTEFU-steadler; receipfa. l.sig tubs: creamery extras, 29V4S2Vc ; flrsta, WjXbc; seconds, W'fiWc. Efias Firmer: receipts. R.752 cases: fresh gathered extras, JVtJTUj: extra firsts. azif4c; firsts, 27llc; seconds, 211280. CHEBHE Firm: receipts, 4o2 boxes: state whole milk, fresh flats, white and colored specials, 16345 4o; state wholo milk, average fancy, 1414c. POULTRY Alive. prices unsettled: chicken, dressed, dull; western fresh barreled, 16f30c; freah lowls. 1 , , , , iced, 14, lTVsc; froxen turkeys, 166Zi!, OMiUl OKNERAL MARKET. Fruit and vegetable prices furnished by Ollwski ru!l Co.. UjuaJf OU lo Kibs: No. 1. 19Mc: No. 2. 16o; No. , Uec. Lulus: No. 1. iliio; No. 2, Ui; No. i, 14c Chucks: No. 1, loo: No. 2. $ko; No. 3, 9c. Hounds: No. L 14Ho; No. 2, 14o; No. $, Uo. Plates: No. i lHWc; No. 2. No. $, Vc. FKLlTb (OraJiges: California Valen- claa, la luOa, Ki6 box; California Valen das, 17s and smaller, $6.60 box. Lemons: aoLtra fancy Oolden Bos 1. kuua. $6.00 box: extra fiuicy Ooluon Bowl, Mua, $4.60 box; extra fancy Sunkiat, 3u0e, Stioa $4.60 box; KeJ Ball, tt.uu box. uraperruit: 96a, ta, , 90a. $o.6U box. feachea: Colorado Llbertas, tsc cralei California S&iwas. 66a crate. Pears: Michigan Keif era. $1.26 bu.; winter Heltons, $2.26 box; Buerre Clargiue, $2.60 box. Orapes: To- koys, $1.06 crate; Michigan and New York basket grapes, 26c basket. Apples: Idaho fancy Jonathans, $1.60 box; Idaho extra lngton Jonathans, $1.76 box; Jonathans, $3.35 bbl.; Orlinea Uoldun, Huntsmans, Pewaukeea and Omenlnga, $9 00 bbl. : Illinois Ben Davis, $2.7$ bW. Bananas: Medium fruit. $2.00 to $2.26 bunch: Changulnolas ad Port Lmon, Jumbo, 4o lb. Cantaloupes: Colorado pink meats, 760 crate. VlXJBTAJUJtS Cabbage. lo lb.; head lettuce. $1,00 doa.; leaf lettuce. 40c dos. ; celery. Jumbo, 760 dox. ; celery. western, Due dox.; celery, Mlhlcgan, o doc. Celery: Jumbo, 7fo doa.; celery, onions, yellow. lc lb.; tomatoes, Cal ifornia $160 box; peppers. 60c basket; parsley, Sfc dog.; rutabagas, l'ac lb.; oaullflower, 10c lb.; wax and green beans, $1.00 basket Onions: Spanish, $1.60 orate. Potatoes: Colorado white stock, 0e bu.; Ohlos, 65c bu. Sweet potatoes: Hampers. $1.00 hamper; Virginias, t ar ils, 92.76 bhl. NLTS Walnuts: No. 1, lc lb.; Bra- i1ls. inVJ lb.; filberts. 16e lb.; pecans, 12o lb. Almonds: Nonpareils, 1o lb.: IXL. 17c lb. Drakes. 14o lb : Ne Plus ultras )o id : ingutnocs. 11 10. MI8CKIJMNBX1U8 Figs: 12.10 ot $0c box. Crackerlack. $3.60 cae; Vi tx.Ti; Cornrope V. eaae; H rase 1 4. Dates: Dromesry. $3.2 case; eurar walnut dates. $1.60 box. Peanuts: salted, gl.n can. Ponoorn: 4-l Ih. perk see. t60 case. Prrnuts: No. 1 raw. an in.i No. 1 roasted 9- lb ; jumno rew. 7e id.; Jumbo roasted. 9c lb. Honey: 93.7B cese; 1r11re. 2 1. turriblrs to ease, V.90. Cocoanuts: $4.60 bag; 7Ee dox. Ksasas Cltr Orals nsd KANBA" CITT. Ort. if. WHMT-No t hard tl.07IM.19: No. 2 red. $1. 1991.22; Pecemher $1 .02" CM .02 c- M,y 11 08V4 COtN-No. 9 mlve-4. S4fM6c: No. t wMte, $4Ae6c- Decerrber. 64c: My. 6456-SiO. OATS-No. t white, 8340c; No. t mixed, rffc. BUTTER Creamery, 27c; first. 26c; second. Vo; packing. 19Hc. rnn- wr,t. I4ic: aeconda 1Mc. POULTRY Hn. 12c; roosters, 9o; broiler, 16c. MvmMl Orals MrVe. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 1 W'tFVAT-po) No. 1 new Manitoba. 11 414d: No. $ new 11 9Vtd; No. 9 new. lis 9d: No. 1 northern Duluth, 11 lOd; No. I hard ter. 11 $d CTRN fipot, American mixed. $ lid FliOTTt Winter patents. 42 td. Hups In Londoa (Pacifl eoaat), 4o 6a 15 28 IB K 47H 47V (47 V, 60 9 10 CO t MSI OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Stead to Stronger snd Fairly Aotiye Sheep Steady and Lambi Higher. BOOS STEADY "TO HVE HIGHER OMAHA. tVloher IS, I1V fteeelpte were: Cattle. Hoga. Rheep. F.atlniate Monday 11. 7i 87 Same day last week...l 747 t.f-n 41.770 Rame day I wks. agn.lS.Wl VM 4J.1M Same dar S wks. ago. iifr4 X.71I Same day 4 wks. ago.17.lM li 7 Same day last year. .. .U.77 I.5M 47fc The following table ehowe the receipt of csttle. hugs and sheen at the Omaha llva stock market for the year to Oata as compared with last year 1915. 1D14. Ine. Cattle J.lM TIBS R'.W Hogs .3.ttJ l.MiW SaH47 Sheep 10.71 .44,JM ll The following tahla snows the average price of hog at the Omaha live stock market for the last few day with euro-larlscna- Date 1C16. I 1914 1918. l!Hf I If 11 1D10. .'Oct. 1.1 1 Oct. 2.. I Oct. 9..1 Oct 4.. Oct. $.. Oct. $.. Oot. 7.. Oct. $.. ' Oct. . . Oct. 10. 'Oct 11.! I Oct. 12. ' Oct. 13. i Oct. 14. oct. is. Oot. 14. (.ICt. I l et. 17 Oct IS. I T 1SSI 7 ' 9 21 $ 43 I $ SS T r T 9..HI T W $ IS $ 441 $ 96( 7 9 7 7i 9 $ol 3 61 4 9 4M 7 $H 1 $ 161 $ 6' 4 241 $ j 7 $1 7 67 7 $ 43 4 2.1 $ 7 7 7 S 7 70 9 201 14 32i S 401 7 g7 7 92S 7 H 7 lt $ Til 431 $ 47 7 64 9 17, 7 e; T W7V T 171 7 m 9 Tfl I t 06 I 7 40 7 s; t 77 $ 47 7 44 7 74 7 9 M, 4 94 1 9 2t 7 44 21H I $ Oil 9 ), 4 2l 9 23, 7 7 2 SJ-S,! 7 46 4 9bi 4 24! $ 4l 7 70 9 7 34 . 9 io) 14 S7 $ 7 M 9 24-t! 7 $l $ 01 R 09 4 37' $ 371 7 40 H 7 14 7 921 9 9W I 1 4H 7 49 4 32 7 96 7 2 $ T7 4 90 I 7 44 II t." 7 IV I 741 i'l $ 66! 7 22! 7 '(' C4' 97 $ V.I I 7 W $ t 4 n 9 $H 7 27 !7V Sunday. . CATTLB Receipts were very liberal, 4W carloads being reported In. The run. however, was 6,000 head short of the ree-oril-breaklug run of last week. There waa a good Innulry for beef steers at prices thst ranged anywnere from sicaiiy to mo unci iw nigucr iniii nii ,,r points on Inning tor outsute ao- week's close. The fact that Kansas City! counts at.d influenced hv atendlnesa In w as reported early as having an over- ( llraul and llhi-ral shipments from Ulo whelming run, with a sharply lower mar- i snd Santos to Europe. The demand was kel, ma. io puckers at this point a little , not akfresMn e, however, and the market cautious, hut still they took hold in fairly lost prt of the enrly gain under lliu. la good shape. Itlon. The close was net unchanged to $ Cows and heifers opened steady to 'points hlghet. Sales. 20.2.V) hags: October round 10c htKher, buyers picking out ,WM. VIAJVim t., V such stuff as suited them, but neglecting othor kinds somewhat, which gave the ninrket an appearance of alowneea. v fitockera and feeders were the first cat tle to sell, and they were fairly aotlve at prices that were anywhere from atrong to HKyl6c or more higher, ln other worda. stockers and feeders sold In very nearly the same notches as a week ago today. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choloe fed learllngx, $9 0i"o9.75; fair to good fed yearlings, 9i.MHiK.O0; common to fair fed yearlings. $9 6rd9.60; good to choice heavy beeves, $9.u0Ul.76; fair to good corn fed beeves. $8,301(1 n. 00: eommon to fair corn frd beevea, $.7Tg3.90; prime graa beeves, t".KTK.7fi. good to choice grass beeves, $7 6048. 00: fair to good grass beevea, $7.00 tfl.w. common to fair grass oeevea, u w SJ.oo; good to choice grass heifers, $K.OO 6r.76: good to choice grass cows, $6.0d 4.40; fair to good cows. 4fi.0Wrt.OO; com mon to fair cows. $4.00(8)5.00; prime feed ing steers, $8 OO-aS.60; good to choice feed ers. $7. 404f7.K6; fair to good feeders. 94.90; common to fair leaders, $6.60fii .60; good to choice stockern, $7.76(3i.0O; fair to good stockers. $ 7i87.7?; common to fair Btockera. $t.604ji.76; stock helfera $6.:$ W OO; stock cows, $&.60'.X; stock calvea $Q. ,. 60; veal calves, $.'.U40.w. bulla, Stags, etc., $4.26u6.96. Beprcaentatlves sales I ..ef. TOWS, No. Av. Pr. Ha Av. Pr. I M 4 95 W4 4 H 9 719 6 16 1 U 6 $. lMl 5 m U ...1HI 6 64 STOCKERS AND FKEDKKS. 1 71 I M 11 0I 4 79 91 7U 9 M 40 3t 4 99 4 M i M 1 W 19 6 Sri 4 4 KL-nRiairi 44 feeders 966 4 70 $ feeders.. $66 t 70 HOOS SuuDlica of hoara ware somewhat larger than most recent Mondays, the run of fifty-eight oars, or about $,9tK head, being the heaviest for a Monday since the last week of August. The day's offerings showed a gain of 1,300 over last weak, were 1.400 larger than two weeks ago and a few head heavier than tor the aame day a year ago. Shipping outlet waa very fan this morn ing, and outnlde buyera took a fair share of the supply on a strong to 60 higher basis. There waa an unusually large gup ply of light hogs here, some of very de cent quality, but they aren't very eagerly sought after, and as no straight loads of choloe butchers showed up, the tope failed to go over $8.46. Packer started out buying: a lew nog about a nickel higher, but the Inquiry waan't so lively as It might have been, and prlcea weakened before the close, quite a number of the later sales being quoted as no more than steady. A good share of the hoga had been sold before 10 o'clock, but there were still a few loads left In first hands at that time. Values were anywhere front steady to 60 higher, with the general trade quotable as largely 6c up. A spread of $9.$0i;.40 bought the big end of the offerings, with a sprinkling around 9X.26. and a fair Bhowlng as high aa $9.46, the top. The spread today waa the narrowest In a, lulls uiiic. (i.i.iiiau; v. i , t-.Vne.4a a suread of only 20c The cutting dowo of the premium on ship ping grades, and the steady advance In packing hoga are responsible for this nar rowing of the range. No. 1. ., 40... 4.. M.. 77... U.. I... 19.. At. Bh. Fr. N. Av. Bh. Ft. ,.9M N IHH ..11 140 9 40 10 9 4 ..944 90 I 40 ..144 149 4 4 ..114 90 9 4IS4 ..9e 4 4 4 .144 ... 9 96 .931 ID Hi .m io to .UU 10 1 90 .Ml I'M 9 .W0 Ul IK .1M IH IH vo... 90... M... bt... (I... 40 9 7 UHULP Receipt were very fair, al- thougu not as large aa on most recent Monday. A total of Ut car, or OT.euu tiad war reported In. wtilcn u about 4,uum suiaiier than last week, 400 short of two week ago, and aooul lu.uuu ugntar than for th corresponding day last year, feat lamb opened sUoug Lul morning. and the early trad waa all of a duue above laat week' close. Among the early aia were several bunches at 9av, and a mail string reached $.66, tha beat pilu lUMt na been paid slue a wees, agio ut uav. On the whole. It waa a pretty dreggy trade, and there were tfll a few fat lame unsold at midday. Price showed a Utile more of a spread tban at th cloe of laat week, bulk of th offering moving at A s general thing riots were quoted as strong to loQloe higher than Friday, or just about Uady with a week ago today. Feeding lambs, which mads up th big end of th offerings, opened at fully steady prices, but owing to delay In getting- them sorted up were pretty low ln moving. A good snsrs of th desir able tuff moved at $8.26.6.e0, with a couple of load of choice one at $$.60, Feeding ewe sold a high a $6.40. There was a good showing of aged stock a compared with last week. Sev eral bunches of yearling ware on hand and sold at price that wer troog to poestbly a llttl higher. A number of salea of a good class wer reported at M 7C.86, and on choice bunch reached 17. 00. Let ewe sold a high a $4.1$. th highest flg-ur paid for a good mgny weeks, and a mixed bunch of owes and wether mad 99 26. Quotation on sheep nd lamb: Lamb, good to choice. $; lamb, fair to good, 99 4(.ff$ .60: lamb, feeder. 97 TV? I 60; yearling. flr to choloe. 94 004W.00; vearllns. feeder. 9 0O7W.10; wethers, f.le ta choice 98a0r.60: ewe, good to rholc 96.264M.16; ewe, fair to good, tt.OOtfci.7?; ewe. fe(!er. $4 603.M. CHICAGO LITI 9TOCK MARKET Cattle gtross Hogs Weak keep Weak. CHICAOO. Oct. 19.-,ATTLE JtecsHt. 14ono head: market atrong; native beef eettl. $.10r7aii.6o: western steer. $4.7M$ 9 0: oows and heifers. 22.90. 96; calve, 17 TRW11 T5 HfKW- Reeeltvts. yw) head: irmrVet weak, at about Heturrtev'a average: milk at vvr nr.: sno.86: mlxeA tis 9 95: heavv. tt.06a.9S;, routTh, $.60J.$0 rr. K Wvf7 W rTEFIP AND LAAR-Rcslna WW head; marVet weak: wethere 9g.2S7.0ri we. M.107 4: Urnh. 9 7Mr 90. 4. Tral Live Iteck Market. T. TrrT. Oct. 1 OATTLT5 Re eelpts. 9O0 bd: market, hleher; nalv beef eteera. 97WM?- yearllnr eere n4 heifers 9g.nW.2- rows $ ofw 10 stockers and feeders. $".or(v7 7B: sou'hern steera 96.9B4TM: cows end heifers, $4-0o4 $S: nstlve calves, 9" murni n HOO Reeelo, U.1 hed; market lower; pig and light, $n. 773.71; mixed anil butchera. t.xtiK70; good heavy, IH40 4i" n 814 RFT ANP I,A M Receipts. 1Rr head, market straJy, lamha, t.0Oti.MI, sheep and ewes, 4.nmr7.7. k 4 IT Live gtoek Market. KANftAS CTTY, Mo., t t. 1R.-CATTL.B Kei-elpia, KtoOu head: market hlghet': prime fed steers, $M.ff 10.36; dreaeed beef steers, as0nf9.4; weetern steers. huf 9 h; stockeis and feeders, 9Tv.Hnj.iiO; bulls. tHa'wffti.; ralvea. K"ifl0 a lit mis Kece.pta. 8. AX) head; market higher; bulk of amies, 9S lia.IV; heaejr $H.litig 50; pAi-kera and butchers, i H4i.; light. $ Uhi 50; pigs. tikjK lV MlKKP AND UMII8- Receipts, 4 000 head; market steady; lambs, gs 15.(1 6 yearllngn. K.vPM.afc; wethers, ewes, f.x6tirrU0i. 96.7fctra.60; Rloax tlty Mr Btex-k Market SlOfX C1TT. la.. Oct. 19 CATTLFJ Receipts. 9 300 head; market steady to 10c mere. PKMN Ii; stockers and feeders, 900 4i7.1); ralvea, $7.0nHj'lO.W; bulla, stags, etc, $4 bXif li. ll GS -Receipta. VVo head; heavy. Hi ); mixed, 9N.4ViS.4o: light. $A..i?!.40; bulk of sales, S.4"V f"l. 8IIKEP AND lMHS-Recelpts. 1.000 head; fed muttons. $.0XiiAlN; ewes, $3.96 fj.S.76; lamha. $S.0iu 60. . Jwsenk Live gtnek Market. ST JOSEPH. Mo.. Oct. in CATTt.P) Receipts. 9.600 head: market stea.1v: steers. 4 POHJ10 00: rows and hoLfera, K00o $ 60; calves, 9.OOcT10 60. i HOOS-Hecelpts. 9,600 head: market strong to v higher; top, $966; bulk of Bales, $ 1660. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipt a, 1.90$ head; market steady; iambs, S.(ija,t. Live Rlerk In ftlskt. Ilecclpts of live s:ock ul u.e five prln dlal western markets: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Polith Omaha Floux cltv Kansas City Pt. I ouU .... Chicago Totals ... ... 11.7ft) . . . 9 ...ST.OiiO ... ...14.000 9.900 1.600 9 , 97.600 9.7i0 2CI.O00 .7510 46,300 2,0i0 Coffee Market. MEW YOMK Oct IS -COFFICP3 Tha market fur futtiren ni.eticd at mm advance and November. :ac; I'ecemher. 4 4"c; January. 4c: February. 4.46c; March, l4Sc; April, Mo; May. iWc; June, .V; July, fiSo: Aumist. .73o; September, 6 TMp. Spot steiuly; Hlo 7. 7to; Kiintos No. 4, 4"4e. Cost and freight offers were atead'er wTth Sntoa 4s qiotl at 9.9nt 90r; Lon don credit; Rio 7a, 7c, AmerlcHn credits. I Rio exchange on London 3-32.1 higher, iMItrela prices were 60 reis higher at Rio ana uncnangea si oimow. Metal Market. trow TORK. Oct. 13 MKTAL The metal exchange quotes lead offered, $4..V; spelter not quoted. At London: Lead, 24 lis 3d; spelter, 63. Copper steady; electrolytic, $19,00. Iron, steady: No. 1 northern. Hl.srifl0. 7 ; N. , $l.tolf. .60; No. 1 southern. $i6.Wf.5o; No. 2, $16.7?'14.?ri. Metal exchange quotes tin quiet, $'!2.7ti1 12. At I,nndon' flpot roprer, 72 6; futures, 72 10s; electro'ytlc. JlIS Spot tin. C150 6s; futures, 17.2 10. Antimony, UH. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frwtta wirA1 voi?v n. 1 Q rvinnoiTrn APPLICfl Kteailv: fancy. 8Ifc: choice. '!r: nrline, "i 'TT" DRIED FRUIT -Prune firm: Call- fornlaa, 9i6'10Hc; Oreirons. 7t10o. Apri cot strong; choice. Sc; extra oholce, lOc! fancy, 10o. Peachee steady; chotce, 44 S: extra oholce, 6ti'c; fancy, 6Vfr4". Raisins, firm: loose muscatels, 17740! choice to fancy reeded, 7'tfK(,; seodless, 9flllo; London layers, tl.ftotFi.4n. Cto Market. NFTW TORK, Oct. W COTTON Putures opened firm; October, 12,fV): De cember. ia.Sc: January, 12.97c; Mar"h, 19.10; May, 18 2V. Bpot, quiet; middling upland, ll.fioo. No sale. The market closed ieady with ptico 4 points higher to 2 point net lower, LIVTSRPOOL, Oct. 18. COTTON Knot, Pir.u7, gun.1 iiiiuuiiii.,, iuiuukiih, 7.2d; low middling, t-81d; sales, 1,00& bales, Oil and Roela. SAVANNAH, Oa.. Oot li. TERPEN TINE Firm at 42o; salea 9$ bhla; re ceipts, 191 bbls.) shipmsnts, 90 bblal tock, 10.1779 bbl. ROflTN Firm: ale, B19 bbl.; receipt, 476 bbls.; shipments, 1,692 bbl.; stock, $7,941 bbl. Quote: A and H. $3.76; ( D and B. $8.90; F, $3.88; O. tS 87H: H, t8.90; 7, 94.00; K, 94.16; M, 96.10; N. IS.m; WU, $8.90; WW, $8.40. Mlnaeapoll Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 18. WHKAT-De- eember, 9o; May. $102': No, 1 hard, tl o; No. 1 northern, $1.02JJ1.0S. FlXiTJ R Cnchanged. B A RLET AfJ64o, BRAN $19.00. COIIM-No. $ ysilnw, r?)-Mo. (1AT8-N0. $ whits. $7)mr8o, FLAXr-tl.MViim.90S4. Dxr Good Market, muW TORTC. Oot. 18 DRY OOOr Cotton goods, firm; sale of gray rood ar beoomtng larger; yarna flrmi men' wear has advanced; raw material mar kets ar stronger. War Draws from Teachers' Banks in Dominion of Canada PI'S MOTN70S, la, Oot H. (Upee'el Telegram.) Th world war ha ortppled th schools and oollag of Canada as to th faoultla trmndouly, goeordlnv to Prof. F, W. Snow, th new Instructor In romane language at th University of low. Prof. Bnow ha Just reoent'y earn to low from Toronto, H say that troop are drilling" on nearly very Cana dian campu and, achool work I Mosndary to military training, whit professors and Instructors are flocking to th front Mor than $3H per cent of the educators hav enlisted, he saya J. M. Evvard of th low, Stat Agri cultural college at Ames ha figured out that If all lows' pig wer to march In review at a normal "pig gait" before a person stationed on level ground, at such Interval so that as on pig disappeared from sight another would Psa th re viewer, it would consume a period of too year before the laat pig would disappear from sight. In other word th pig popu lation of Iowa now stand at approxi mately 1700,000. Petition for a peelal election on th municipal court question will be filed with th city clerk Monday morning. Th law passed by th last general assembly giv ing the light of the people to rote on th question of estsbllahlng municipal courts has prompted the activity her. It la planned to hav th election held at th same time as that for th adoption of th new street car franchise. Bank clearing for th week exceed th clearing for the corresponding week year ago by $1,000,000. Thla I on of th best showings mad by th Des Molnee bank In any on week. Th showing I th mor remarkable because thla rear a large amount of clearing la being dons through th federal bank at Chicago which waa not In operation a year ago. The total clearing tor the week wer $6.20,OK7.W and for th asm period a year ago they wer $4 M, $34.88. On Friday and Saturday combined th clearing totaled $1,000,000 There la no special rea son for the unurual clearing except good! business and prompt collection. A campaign to raise $300,000 for Simpson college I on In th Des Molne confer ence. At the Methodist church bar to day th money raising plan was pr. ented. Blmpson Is th conference achool for th Des Molne Methodist oonfsrenc aud I located at Indlanola. Us Th bee's wappr column. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Higher Prio Are Eegiitered by a Majority of Better Known Shares. STEEL IS THE CENTRAL FEATURE NEW YORK, Oct. 1$. Higher Prices were registered by a majority of the better known stocks today, with renewed activity In war specialties, but trading lacked much of its recent vigor, until I the final hour, when United States Steel became the central feature, rising 3' to W'V Its best price since 1910. This was achieved by purchases of Individual lots running from LOW to 4,000 shares, Oalna ln the war group were general, but extremely variable. New records were made by Bethlehem rVeel, which rose 11 Points to 496, Willys-Overland, M to Studebaker, i to 147V American hteel Found i Ice, 6 to 70S; I'nited States Industrial Alcohol, 74 to 107H, and Cen tral Leather, 1 to 6S. IJggett A Meyera, one of the tobacco Issues, also shared In this distinction, advancing 2S to 246. In addition to these records, sharp gains were made by Bethlehem Steel preferred, General Motors. Maxwell common and second preferred, Westlnghouae, Oeneral Kleclrlr, Crucible Steel, Virgin a Coal. Iron and Coke and several of the metal shares, notably American Smelting. Canadian Pacific, led the rails, rlslnz 4 points to 149. with marked strength id St. Paul. Great Northern. Baltimore A Ohio, Krlea, New Haven and some of the southern group. Hariiman and coalers were up I to $ points, but lost aomo ground later, profit taking making 'for some Irregularity at the active close. Total sales amounted to 9.10.000 aharea. The restraint which marked dealings In tha fnn,nAAti mtmm nr.illrt. tA nn rumor ri.j.iins' with the tons of Waahlnaton a note to Oreat Britain and further all 4.0r) I ing for foreign Interests. Offerings 1 Mn , throuah London were asaln eatlmsted at i . substantial flrura. but the setback re sulting from this liquidation waa only temporary. Speculative Interest as represented by the activity of commission houseg was again an undnuMed factor In the rise. Advices from Important western centers bore particularly on the Increased con fidence begotten of crop prospects. Borne stiffening of exchange on London and Par la, with a shading of time money quotations were among the other favor- ble developments of the day. Bund quotations were nlgner. despite an Increase of European selling. Total alea. bar value, aggregated $3,970,090. United Sta tea bonus were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stock were as follows: alee. His. Lew. Cl-a, A1m Owl a 1,7V n Allln-ObalRiar NTH Atnrrlre aM 9kisar.... 9.TU0 Inwlm Iks lg. 441 I'W 1194 41 lH S5 1M r.t l)Nt 10444, K' IH 41 974 1H tsn 14 4H 4 'gin in its 4I4 H M NS loH IKH 114 1 9M4 7H 100 131' 4iH 4l 97 1 14i 44 H ft It n 1SH 94 l'H 9414 f IW14 4941 America lno4lre ... 4. M AmortcM H. H.. 11.4" Am. H 4 R pM Am. Pusar Rrtlnlns 1.404 Amrrlmu Trl. Tel.... !. 1H Amerl-n Tohaceo 1 1 tS Anarenda Copper 9.fno 7 AlrhUon l.M 10T B'Mwtn LmrniotlT .... 1. US) IM a Ohio A4 n B"(hlhrm Steal 9. 414 nronklm RipKl Transit., 974 Otlllomla 1-atrnleam .... MS 1"4 Cn4l r.rlflo t XI 14 Ontnil IMIM U.tnO U. CheMiHia (Mile 4.4O0 UUj rlilnasn o W (Tllratn. M. A ft. P.... 4.K (lilrnsn tk N. W t0 I' K. I a F. lit-. V."0 Cilnii Oneper 1 WW. Cnlnraitn Fol AV Iron.... IMO ft Cruel t,L Rteel 11.70D t Ixnvnr M. O. pfd 4i 11 IMMtlkws' rWourltles .... 140 9714 Krl. 9 WO Uanrral B.(re 4 .aw 11 Orwt Northern pM 1"'4 Ort No. Or alts 14.70 44 H 0.itcvnhlm Riiploratloa., i. we tM Illinois (Vntr.1 107H lntertmrmih (Vie. Corp., l l"l UH Inspiration (Vipper 9.7 44 Intcmitlnnal Harreeler.,. 11 lit Kansae nty Bnuthsra.... 9(M fS lhlrh VeJIsr 9. 7414 4H 94 M4 II 4 tov 14 114 1" 4H i 10T14 tt 4i4 llM4t a 0 41 4 LouUtIII A Nuti'llle. Mciliaa Petretwaai .... 19414 9.009 9114 9iVj SS 94 14 kt.aml (otner ... Mlrannrl. K. A T. pfd Mlranurl Tarlfle l"n (14 National Rlacult 90 199 4 199 'iiii ln M lit 111 in National lot , Navada oaer Naw Tnrk flaolrai N. T.. N. H H.... Norfolk A Weatara.... Knrthani Faelfls Farina Mall Faelfla Tal. Tal Fennayleanla Pullman Palaes Car... H lonil' 909 9.400 11. OKI 4. ore 9.9AO 9nn 9,to lS 101 1144 H'4 94 444 444 111 111 90" 4H IH Ray Ooa. Capper H Ha4lns Repnblla Imn A Htsel. gouthara Farlfle Southern Railway ..... ntuftuhattar rVnnpaay , Tannea rippr 99.700 90. 4S 904 W4t Tltt H 14U 9TS4 9I4 1.4M IT.SOO 14744 9.100 i 904 Its 9, WW IMS 1 M4 144 V4 941 1444 "ft U 114 " rH TO 14 Tnu Oneipany Tnlnn rarine 114V4 lit Pnlnn Panrio rM 400 tiv 1'nllM axataa Slaal IM.SKO U V. A. meal pfd l.ano ill 1'tah (pwr 7. TH Wnrtara tTnlon 1 On TH 114 TO T4t T1V4 714 Ml Waatinsheuaa Bleetrl ...101,100 7914 Mnnnwia Powar e." IT Oanaml Mntors 9M 917 Total aalas for th day. M0, 000 sharaa New York Meaey Msurket. NT0W TORK. Ort 1$. MERCANTILE) PAPER CM per cent. BT BR LINO EXOHANOFJ-fllxty-daT bills, $4rT.; demand. $4 a; cable, M.7lili SILVER Har, 49c; Mexican dollar, Ke. bondh-oovernmeni, steaay; raiiroaa. strong. ... TIME I.OANS Firm; sixty days, z'.wy 244 twr cent; nlnoty days, I1&1 per cent; alx months, t per cent. MONEY Call, eaaier; hlghet, t per cent; lowest, lVk per cent; ruling rate, lit per cent; last iHn a per oam, ciuain bid, lf4 per cent; offered at $ per cent. Closing quotation on Donas toaay wef a follow: V. . rat. Is. ... n sta rss. ev. ae aat ... 91 N. T. C. dak. 4a.... V ...10"44N. T. riir 4H....lfl74i ...100N. T. Dtaia 44a...lu4V4 N. v., N. H. A H. ...lODUj av. 4i 11(14 o aouaon , TJ. C. at. ra aoupon C. A. a. ra a aoupea Panama la rospoa. ioo Am. flmaiur a.....H0 1 nes No. Pacing 4a 144 40 la it 7. T. a T. a. Isti .ltlHO g. L raf. 4a..., 90 Armour A Co. 4s.. IlliPaa. T. A T. 4a.... 7H Atonieon . " ... n.i A. CvVIn la It do sm. 4Ua. MVfc Can. Fmoine Ut ru.'Raadlni ni. 4a Kit Obaa. )4ale 4Mi ' 9- L. 4 9). F. r. 4a 74 O. B. A Q J. 4s.... 97HSo. Faa. cv. la. lof O at A P g 4a V so raf. 4a 1114 C. R. 1. a r. r. O. S. r(. 4V4a... D. A A. O. rf. 9a Bria pae. 4s rU.11 waa- la. mix , H).4!nloo Pa'ifla 4a.... . t0i 4o av. 4a...; Ms . 11440. B. RuMar 9s... .IOJI4 .104 D. 9. fkaal Is 10144 . WHWabaah 1st Is lf . SUl'W 1. Cnlos M Oaa. Elaotrla Is.... HM, No. 1 4a.. III. Oaa raf. 4a ... K. C. Bo. rf. 4a.. li4Waat. Kiac ar. I..11I4 MV'AMlo-rraork 9s ... 17 LAN. anl. M K A T. tat 4s. 74 Bid. Loeal 9 tocka aad Roads. Qaoeatlaae faralsnea by Berna, nrlnksr A 0. 441 Omaha National bank balMI: Mocks- M- Aaaad. Aowtoaa Drag Srndloata Daare Coaaaautr, pfd Fairmont cvaamer,. pta Howae 9a-a company Llnrola Tal. A Tel. aom Molina Plow first pfd . t par oast.... OaaM A C. B. 84. R , pM Omaha 0. B. Rr. a 9)., pM Omaha 4 C I at. Rr . etna New Stale Talapkeas. pf4 Nve-rVhoatgar-FvwIar tT'ompaar Unlaw allocs Taroa atook Vpelte Urals, eoaa Benda AjKle-rveaeti 9 par sent sotaa 1999., Lineal Tal. A Tal. 4a. Llaeela R . U A F. ta. lie Los Anseles Ratleay la 1H0 Oaraaa 4 par (anl Bote. li , Bl Pneo, Tan., atohool la, lrb4 , Naw Btat Talepaoaa 9s , Omaha A4lur1um 4"4a. 2999 Omaha Water 4Ha. 141 Omaha 4lea Is. 117 Merahanta I. I U k, 139 Pactfla Tat. A Tal. 9s. 1941 Paotfla O L Wlrhlta raloa 9 look Ysres 9. 194. Rwlft A f I II 9V4 97 1WV4 17-i M M n TO 71 44 444 4T H 40 96 97H 99 101 94 94 4 4 1 . 91 m ;. 100 101 ll VI ' MS4 101 100 l"4 0 Ml 4 N r t"4 rv$ s4 99 10 944 H Las4e 9tk Market. LONDON. Oct. It American securities on th stock market were neglected ow ln to the riee In exchange. Canadian Paotfla and United State Steel were firm exceptions. hi LVK H Har, 2$ 16-14d per oune. MONET 9HN per cent. DI49COT7NT RATES Short bill. 44. per cant; this month. 4404 11-19 per cent. ' ' Bask Cloeurlmss. OMAHA, Oct. VS. Bank clearinga for Omaha today were $4 787.AlS.le, and for the corresponding day last year, 43.4U.47t ii Snsar Market. NEW TORK, Oct. 18. 81)1 A R Raw, firm; molasses, $.ooc; centrifugal, 4.27c. Ute fined, firm; rut loaf. 116c; crushed, 4.06c; mould A, 4.70c; cubes, t.40c; XXXX powdsred, 4.90c; powdered, $27x3 ; fine franulaled, 1.16c; diamond A, t-lbc; oon SLtWners' A, .0tc; No. 1. 4.90a. 1 I ' : HAPPENINGS IN THE MAGIC CITY Anstrian Laborer Lo$ei $30 Short Time, He Tells the Police. la NEGRO ACCUSED BY GIRLS Flushed with the reward of several week of hard labor on a bridge building gang In western Nebraska, Joe Mlloulrh, Austrian, allowed Paul Pakokyka and Nick Martsevlch, also Austrian, to pilot him to a place at 2830 8 street. South Side, where he lost $10 In a few minute. IVtectlves Allen and Dworak raided the plao and five Inmate were taken besides th proprietor. Frank Komputr. Ha Ion h is Raided. Th saloon of Frank Oood, with F.d Akromla In charge, was raided by Offi cers Allen and Dworak at 12 o'clock Sat urday night. Fourteen Inmate were taken with th proprietor. They ar be ing held at the police station. For . several weeks police have been keeping a close watch on this partlculnr aloon. At last when th "lookout," ac cording to the police, had doxed off, offi cers rushed to the door and demanded entrance. A bewildered crew of men backed against the bar the officer entered. No liquor was confiscated a the men wer all leaning up against the bar at th time of the arrest. Abe San ford, negro, of Portal, Neb., lie In South Side police station No. t facing a charge of attempted assault on one of two white girls Saturday evening at a late hour. Th man waa arrested on a minor rharg later In the evening. The girls, one a nurse, came to the police station yesterdny afternoon and Identified th negro as the one who had followed them at 1130 o'clock Saturdny evening from Twenty-fourth and N street to Twenty-fourth and Q street. . At this Intersection, according to th story of th girl, the negro grabbed one of them about the wslst and waa about to attack her when their ertea caused him to fla. Former South aider Retsrns. William MoGympsey, former welt known stock yards man of th South Bide , and t)ow assistant superintendent at th . Armour packing plant at Sloug City, ha been transferred from hi present posi tion to th Omaha office a an assistant superintendent hers MoOympeey left Saturday for Sioux City after h had apent th week her looking ovr th new field, to return to bring hla family to Omaha for permanant location har. Ke waa born and raised In th Maglo City and ha a host of friend among lodge men of th city, naralar Frtahteaed Away. Unidentified persona attempted robbery at th horn of Rufua J. Maxson. 901 North Nineteenth street. Sooth Side, ariy laat rnlng. Whll th ownr waa away from horn between th hours of T and 11 o'clock a screen and window pan oa th wast aid of th horn was broken Into, Trace wr left to show that aotneon had entered th house. Nothing waa missing, however, and It I believed that tha would-be burglar waa frightened away. "Billy" listsy Meeting. "BMy Sunday meeting haw baen an nounced to tak plaoa Tuesday morning at 10 'clock at th following designated place : Section lit Mrs, R. B savers, Twanty vsnth and R. Section 144 Mr. Rlckabaugh, 140$ North Twenty-third. Section 146 Mr. Brydson, Twenty-seventh and I. Section 13 Mr. Barrett, Twanty-fourth and D. Section 147Mr. P. J. FarralL lilt North Twenty-third. Section 148 Mr. H. Vore, $2$ North Twenty-flrt. Section 14$ Mrs. Parsley, Twentieth and Missouri avenue. Section U0 Mr. A. Nixon, 721 North uignieentn. Section 1M Mr. Roy Towl. Section 162 Mr. O. Merrlman. Thir teenth and Boulevard. Section 1E$ Paraonag. Ralston. Magi City Ooaals. Offlr apace for rent In Be office, 2211 N street. Term reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South $7. Speolal prlcea on all atovas during com bination gaa and ooal tov demontr , tlon. Drop In and see it bak. Koutaky I'avllk Co. Th Moos will atv their regular Wednesday evening dance at their halt. Twenty-fifth and M atreeta, next Wednes day evening. Th Mystlo Worker of th World will ' meet tomorrow evening at th Odd Fel low' hall. Twenty-fourth and M street, at t o'clock. Th Woman's Horn and Foreign Mis sionary society of th St Luke' Lu theran church will meet at the horn of Mr. J. J. Mortenaon, Fifteenth and Jef ferson streets, Wednesday afternoon at . 1:80 o'clock. Photo play fana will hav th opnnr- ' tunlty to witness th naw Path UoU Rooster pioture at tha Hesse today, en titled "The Galloper." Whll thla I a apecinl release, the usual 10-cnt admis sion price will prevail. A man's duty to his family la not done Whan he provide for present neoesaltio only; he must also prepar for. th future and a "rainy day." Th Saving Doner', ment of th Llv Stock National Ran' South Omaha. I for th bonaflt of ' man who want to gat ahead. . Wheat in Millions of Bushels Moving Through U. 8. Porta NEW TORK. Oct. 13. Tha Urgent movement of Canadian whsat through the United States ever recorded Is now going on through thla port. Record of th produce exchange compiled to and Including Friday, October 17, show that 4.206,791 bushel hav been brought her from Canada alnc th early part of August and reloaded on steamship for shipment, mainly to England. Franc and Italy. Thla wheat. In order to avoid to payment of a duty of 10 cent per bushel, come through ln bond. Th Canadian wheat crop, estimated by grain men for thl aeaaon at approxl mately $32,000,000 bushel, la on of thl largest ln th history of th dominion and comparea with 264,000,000 bushel raised last year. Th total export wheat ' movement through New Tork from August 1 to October 15 1 placed at U.llLUt baahsls, of which 7.946.734 bushels wer grown ta ths t'nlted Bute. Oraln men say they expect th heavy xport movement will eoatiau through) th entire season, or until about January 1, when th Argentina crop la available, 1 TJ Th Bee' "Swapper" column. IpaaUh Mtaiatry to Qalt. MADRID, Oct. 14. (Via Part.) Th Heraloa state that at a council yester day th ministry decided to resign. Yaw mj bar as little aa see aaara of Naw York Stock Bichanpa aacarlllaa. TUB OLD ttT HBVIS7W lalla kaw. laauag avarj Ha arOar 41 00 Ban lor aanupla apr. Publlahad b jfHM MU1R A CO., fa Brea4 war. N.w v-- cur.