Tim DEE: OMAHA. OCTODETl 1915. 11 WANT ADS Went arte received at iF time, but to ensure pc-per classification most he pre Md before II o'clock noon for evening edition end T p. m. for morning and pundav editions, Want ads received after irh hours will he under the beading. "Too Lata to Claaslfy." CAM RATW Eaven (miwcuun tiroes, 1 eent word a-h Insertion. Yw or nor rwnaeetrtrr times, IH cents Ooe tint. I iti a word. CHAROR RATES. ... Haven enneeoutlv time. cenU Hn Three rmMcvUn time. M cent a lln oh Insertion. On time, 11 ftnll ft line Count eix verage words to IW4V Minimum charae, cent. An advertisement Inserted to be FWJ ntll discontinued must be Stopped by written order. . . ... All claims for erron roust bo rnn within fifteen cava after the last Inser tion of the advertisement Too ran place your want ad to Tr Be bv telephone. TELEPHONES TTLER lot. DFATIfS AND FfSKRAt NOTICE O'CONNELL Lennra, aged 7 "". u If survived bv three daughters , Mri6. V Walker. Mr. C. C. "t Trom"l Wssh.; Mr. O. H. Pell of Tm, and one eon. E I. O Connell. Denver Colo Remains will be shipped ,riml!m f Mra Walker. MSI Davenport, to Dlooro Ington. HI. . CARD or THAHKI. WE wish to thank our friend; and neigh bor for their sympathy shown i oi In th sickness and death of our ther; alao for the beautiful floral offerings and w K. rendered by W. (. W. camp No. 104 nd Tailors' onion Nj. .MltT MRS. MARIA STRAUBH ft FAM1LT- MARRIAGE tiriUJHM" Th following marriage licenses have been granted: . Nam and Residence, bm. 'Si will. Oreham leane. South Side.. Osf-ar Dunbar, Mason City. la... Anna, Slessegar. Maaon City, la. Jacob L. 6-hloht Omaha.. Sejma M. Swenburg. Omaha Ouleepp A. Oostanao, Omaha Maria Marflst, Omaha Aiel Sandherg. Marquette Neb... Hi arid Carlson. Aurora. Neb Claude C Carrlch. Bouth Omaha. Mabel Wiggins, South Omaha Robert P. Watson, Orlnnell, la Lettle plum. Orinnell. la . im "nr ........ , Oulaeppa Franklno. Omaha ' Jay C. Neal. Omaha M Irene; Wilson. Omaha . hm inn iimsna ............... BUILDING PERMIT". William ForaL 14 South Fifteenth, frame dwelllnn, l-'SX): 1'hllllp Oatwald, 13H T. frarn dwellln. V. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Dwwatwwa. Empress 16th) and Douglas. VAUDEVILLE. The Juggernaut Greatest railroad drama of the day in fire acts, featuring EAEL WILLIAMS and ANITA STEWART, also The Canimated Nooz Pictorial EBsanay and the -The Reward, Vitagraph. FRINCESS, 1S17-1S DOUGLAS. ptanley Close Call, l-reel Jungle drama. Ovey In Taking a Chance, comedy, North. GRAND. 16TII AND BLNNEY. Mutual Weekly. UUle Wlr Nxt Door, l-reei American drama. TM Treasure, Box. featuring Geo. Ovcy. Stanley' Bearch of tha Hidden City leatunng itoetocK snnnais. LOTHUOr. 1 4TII AND 1XT11R0P. William Fox present Frederick Berrr, in it. janau. APPOLO, 2314 LKAVENWORTIL A School For Scandal, 4-reel fs&tur. West. MONROE. J5BS FARNAM. William Fox presents Betty Nanaen. In Count Io Tolstoi's maslerwork, "A Woman's Resurrect ion." lis Ua.T Besse TODAY GOLD ROOSTER PLAYS "SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT So the first of th Path Gold Rooster R..V" ,''"?,Hy 5 Besee; it s enuiled lha Ueiluper' and la presented lu flva parts. wuf stiar1'UriDOff "d Clliua C'"tor4 OKPUEUM. STfil AND M. A good comedy Con th Car Conductor Teo-reel drama, Th Kool a Heart. America Jjirst. Th Haabeon. AVTOMOC1LK3 . Whenever you are considering selling or "ylt.g a used car and you wentfull vniue for your mouey r you want people wn are willing to iy for what thpy are . Ctliug ou as. Ill baie un regret If you buy or advertise lurou.h the used car eolun a of Ths bee. n.ne Tyir JID niont, In buainv; Ul aacufue l.li C-pas. touting car. J Jst spent t.t for new tires. t4 for fin sat covers, fur pajiillug. Car Is rxiuaraebl well IM in. siiM-l baee; W-II. P.: tIN-lih.AD motor; Autoiit elec- nc smrier ana HH.ls wlih diuiliurs. v lllttl'd betterv: fcirumbiir r,rl..h.i., esiciai!y sirong chassis, low hung, safe, y niUiit; tnlr roi.lrvl; raiu-vlalun wind ii4l; ovtnountable rims, slJar run. s time iwe lyou won t have to siei.u cciil oa tire rur a year or two) tube ran. f,t rt, spars scats, foldm l.ito flour Ilka Wit cars; run only l,i- n?v)t. it s a car uj II be m pruua to Tlilv In. hrlc, only l.-j casli, or e junaieriL. Call Uoug. li.i; eveulugs. jiil.rs of mileage In your oM tl'ea iiteoui i. Mm ineiu to JJUU TIHb. LO. I'll 1 (M' ko M tiUbjNATiO. aulu fur sale; has truck !i an I car. be ised sa t'iur g tar. Tiy. '& Tel YWLster V'liAf;A I'wi.ck r-rvt. Msilun, Jill A 0.1 lUAUl hL 1'iiUlM Lii44 111. rtszs MOVIES FEATURES TODAY l5r EMmES3, 15TH AND DOUGLAS. Tlie Jumernaut. th irreateyt railroad drama of the day. In h ar'n. fraturliil' liart William and Anita Hlewart. HLOliKOK. J6 SVFJinNJiiA. William Fo preeent rty Nanaen, In Count Io Tolatol a maaterwork, "A Woman' Reeurrertlon." AVOIAJU, LIS24 Uavcnworth A Pchool For P-andal. a 4-reel Nature. PRINCESS. 1J17-19 DO LOLAS. Th Fver Urirtg Tl. 1-reel drama. Tha Hlot on the Phlrld. I-reel drama. Aided by the Movlca, comedy. LOTUHOP, 24TH AND LOTH HOP. William Fn nreaent Frederick Berrr. In lr. Ranaii. AUTOMOniLEfl Jackson 45 Tn food condition. 360. For quick ale. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. $100 RKWAMIJ for any marneto we can't repair Coll repd Hydorfei. I0 ff. lth. Al'TOMORlI.B In runnln order for nale at a l.araaln. Telephone Walnut "7J. A I "IK. clrarin houev Wuy, aell and e chanae urd car y Farnam. D. fi. Induatrlnl Uaraa Co.. SO! h AV Harney Hta Over ton e for leaky ramator. ttr, dealer. I'foP at f.ir Florence Hlvd. If you want a flrat-claas, f lve-paenger tourlnf ear. Cheap. Colfax ttU AXXOUNCEMKNTS BUSINKHH COLLEQB 8TUDENT8 8AVT5 MONKY ON COURSES. For Mia, with aood reason for eel I Int. variety of course In a reliable Bu. neas Bcnonl, on of the leading buMnea rollee of Omaha. Will be aold vary reaaonablaway below regular price. If you are considering taking a coora Inventljrat thla at on re, alnc Fall terra beglnu noon Cll offle, nmha Baa. EXKRC18B at T- at. C. A. Bualnaa tnea ni'SlNKSS C1LVNCES If your Hunlnee Chance will at and rigid Investigation ana I ut what It I advertised, or If you are looking to start In buslneas for yourself you will he per fectly aatlnfled If you usa the Ruslnesa Chance column of The Hea. When buy-. Ing or celling a bualnea Phone Tyler 1000. HOOK, and stationery slnr for sale on account of other Interests; offer for ale only stora of It kind In county eat town of e.uuO. eastern Nebraska; Invoice bout t.M; bargain for cash; a good Income assured. Address T 101, Pee. U mi buslnea. cheap, oate ( Ity factory; clear fao a mo, 182S N. 14th. W1LL sell at once, grocery stock and fl turi'S. coniolete. value t0 for IrMtO. In cludes horse, wagon and harness, chance for fine meat business In connection. Tel- I. 2MS7 or call at lf4H H, 24th St. WANTKIJ On young man for business partner, sji) cs Pjuu roquirea. tv. i-i. uea. IU'SINl'.riii ulacea. land, cay property, handled all alaUa. JiM WIIAY. bloux City, le. OOfiU saloon In county seat towi.: ier- man locality, yearly recetnut IIS.UUO: sure license. Address E 818. fine. TO 8KCI or buy a boslnesa call on Husch Boreboff. Freaser r Kik I J, etlk TO OKT In or out of buaintss call on OANOKWAl), 2J Pee l)il. IXHig. M77. THKATKK9 Huy, lease or sell your the ater, maoblna and sjprJlles throurh Theater K'h. Co.. M Va-rnam. D. 1H7. 2,iXiO EtjL'lTT in property renlfng for 121 per month, for land, lot, acreage or Interest In business. Hon TM, Omaha, i'URNl TU"31C undertaking and piano business for sal In good eastern South Dakota town, established 26 year. Ad drees T H, Bee. o I HAVIi a poaJUon opan In ray busl riees for a young man who can gtv . ma his services and maks an in vestment of xi. I will pay a good alary and Interest on his Invest ment Km K Itt. Bee. BKR Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In eatahllshed shows. D. s30. WArfTKIV Toun man as partner h my tore; will guarantee ever flOO m month; Investment of ft) required, sec u red. Box L . Bee. 11CTURM SHOW in town of l.0 people, close Omaha; best up-to-date equipment nice lobby, etc; will take lightweight used car as part pay. Add re Y HO. Bee. FoR bALK A good, clean stock of cloth Ing, fumlshlrgs and shoaa, doing the leading business In a good northeast Ne braska town of 1,000; uon't answer unless you mean business, and talk fast, as thla ad won't appear In thul paper long. Ad dress Y Is, Bee. Maaantaaj HauN far Sale, t-R. FURNISHED, 1360 cash. D. 8ST0. EDUCATIONAL Boy lea Bldg. Tel. D. 1Mb, Omaha, Nab. FOR sals, the following scholarships In a first clsse Omaha Uuslneea Collage.' One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. On unlimltea stenographlo oours. One three-month' buslnea or steno Taphlo course, , Will be aold at a discount at th offlo sr ine umtnt fee. tjXt'KRT lady tenogrspher will tak pupils; shorthand, touch typewriting, spelling and punctuation taught. Indi vidual Inst ructton. C4 Douglas St TcL Walnut KXI. DAY SCHOOL. BOTLES COLLEGB NIQHT SCHOOL, Every day Is enrollmert dar. Book- keepln Hhorthand, fitenetypy. Typewrit ing, Telegraphy. Civil bVrvlce ail Com mercial and English branches. Catalogue ira. BOTLES CO LI JOG II' h and Harney KU. Tel. Douglas 1W. Tlie VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPH Y-BOOKKEEP1NO. Iar School for Touna Woman. tvntiuf School for k'ouni siaa and w omen. katurday mortutuj olaas In typewrluag. Ion a Duffy. Owner and Manage. M Bo, Uth EL Omaha. FOIl SALE, FOR SAI.n-Ttere Is a claesmcellon that la of ths utmost Uiiuorianoa to avers reaJcr, as tbts cuiiunn oiiera some axcep liuiial oi'Imii tun. ties every dav and a iiuUI waul ad will sell your arucle at lis lull value, t'nooe iier luuo I'srstlsrt, Hsswhsla ueasi, asia. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND lUhUWAKK, IK N. !4TH. WEU.lio7, EXCEITIONAL dPTOKT" TUNITY YOll IaAWYER OR DOCTOIl. Two bookcasea. On table. ( ne rocker. One armchair. 1 wo small chairs. One cout h. All In ftrst-class condition. . A bargain for raah. Douylaa t4. ALL or part of the lurnlture of an I room house for sale at a bargain. II. FOR SALE .Neat M nuay. Oct. 17. at mi isortn itn ht.. alore future, such aa sr.oe cs s. countrr. shelving, vei y cheap. T")t;l.-fc bouglit antl sold. J. C. Reed. l-"T Fariiein ht. Douylas itC ll ifSKIlOLD furniture fur sale, frovi Ktuitly. li a. . tui XfunUay. M klttuifuid Clitie. Webster 1.14. ton fill.K tlnreea M Veklelre. FrtM wagon. Jin; hameee, fl; both new. Johnson-1 'anforth Co., Kill and Clerk . HATCIIF.r) pair of farm mares, l.flriO Iba; siS' 1,-I. delivery hinm. 1.4 Kouih 4th . , FOR KA l.K ch.an. Ml slork or teat rias. 4R to Wi t.s. 8 J.v. 1 N. 17ih. B. Omaha. many RADIANT Home base burner. Inquire Ml N. Z-i'ri Ave. Ixiugla ilv, after Hunnay. Maaloal laslrssiealt. TOlTNfJ refined couple wlahe use of piano for Its torase. Best of reference! furnished. Call Colfax 1032. Wll N. 24th SU I'ealtrr. Raraa sal Ilea. MXI) grain, Kin lb. 11.7V Wagner, Arn ti 1. TfCKEOTTPH matnree make tha best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. Ther are 17c21 Inchee. etronaer and mora durshle than tarrr-d felt and practically rireproor. 7kO nunirea SI inn lee on ire. MCBT sell by Monday pen of partridge Wyanodottea Make offer. Red 77SO. A I.I, m my thoroughbred Rosa Comb Rhode nd Red for sale. Reason. Wal. 874. Isla FANCY breed ducks, $1 each or (1" per dosen. 4713 N. 14th ft. Webster J72. Tru'erltrn. UNDERWOOD, bargain. Phono D. 1147. V Iscella neoae. FOR 8AI K New and aeeond-hand carom nd pocket billiard table and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fliture of all mas; easy r: ayments The Brunswick- Palke-Collender Co rre a. lotn nt. fjPX7 ma net os, elo., machanlcal reilr. iJt Br( ron Iklactrlo Work. He-tn 8 Uih 8t BKAl 11F1L. set mink fur, never worn; worth e; price a); also handsome black aet, worth 176; prlc (it. 1 Maaon Bt., near Park Ave. FOR BALK CHRAP Business College Course. TI and eonnlet ycholarahlp In n the best Omaha business achoola I reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will he toll very reasonably. If Interested Investigate t once, because fall term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for aals. For particulars Inaulr at tha ofOoa sf The fimaha Baa. $3.20 Oolden West Whisky, 4 full quarts bottled In bond, pre paid. Cackley Bros.. Omaha CAHPKNTK.H tools, shovels, sledges. picks, jsckacrews. 10 penny match vend ing machines, 50c each. Horea, hameaa, wag-on, $100. On e lee trio jdano. J. C. ISIL. IOCS . nth Ht. Hamer Ml TWO dec trio motor for sale, room t, Pee pld. FOR 8AL.K Building and stock groceries, luncheon nd notions. Call Colfax tits). HELP WANTED FKMALH Clerical sal Offlo. Dictaphone Operator fGB Watts jU.f. Co., HJOMft-U Brandels Thea. Ageati t4 lilnats LADIES Well dressed and experienced canvassers srs Invited to see demonstra tion fast selling article. Office, Sua War Block, lf.th nd Farnam. (Ity. Factory staid Trades. OIRT, to learn hatrdreasing. Opnenhelna WANTED Experienced chocolate dlp .PPr,; E,eo" worl1 achedule. Johnson Illacult Company. Slaux City, la. Ilttaeeheesiers nil llosnralles. THE Servant Olrl Problem Bolval. Th Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FUKB until you get ths desired results. This applies to realdenta of Omaha, leouth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring; ad to Tha Pea office or telephone Tyler 10n0. WANTED A girl for general housework. lSU Park Ave. Har. tm. WANTKI) Competent girl for general housework' no laundry work. Phona Mar. IfiO. S331 Harney ri WANTED A competent cook In family Of two. where a second maid la Went 123 8. 14th. Phone Douglas 1M. WANTED Experienced girl for general nouseworx; lamuy or tnree; good wages. 4MB. th St, Counoll Bluffs, la. Phona WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. No waahlna. Juiia r Ymry Blvd. Tyler UM. WANTED Whit girl for general house- worx. sua iiawtnorne Art, Wal. Tt WANTED Girl for general housework; no waahlns: amaJI famllv. innl. i. Mrs. W. C. Lyle. 681 Park Ay. WOMAN for second work tn pleasant country horns near Omaha. M 11 from Street car. Phone Benson 40a. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; email family; good wajrea. Hsr. 44i. T 8. 4th Ht. WANTE1-Whlte girl for general ho use- work: no washing; references reaulred. Phone Wal. H4 WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework: no washlnar. auod references required. Mrs. M. B. Newman, go.'v iiowara. I'liona Harney 131b. WANTED A good reliable colored girl for general housework; good horn and smti iv rrgnv party, vvainut ssa. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Out Dewey Ave. TsL liar. 1(13. WANTED A girl for general housework; one living near win ana f a mam sis. preferred; to work on or two hours a day. Apply 4807 Farnam Bt, TeL Walnut ft. WANTED A girl for general housework ; yoon aires; i tn family. Tel. wal. a4. COMPETENT UlRL for general house work, no washing or Ironln.l, good wages, nun Pi. COM PET K NT whit girl for general housework: none other need apply. Har ney wuo. WANTED Competent girl for general nouseworx in family oi I. asor Harney WANTED A girl for general housework. tnree in ranuiy. Apply m caas eu iel. w ainui in. WANTED Girl for goneial housework. zsii A Bt., tuth Omaha. WANTEJk EalM-rlulived second girl with reference. Mrs. C T. Kouutsa. &2& Dewey Ave. Telephone Harney XA. WANTED Competent white girl for gen real housework: no cooking, good wages and permanent to right party. UX n. torn Ave. WANTED Experienced general house. keeper. Small apartment. Th Colvert, nun and Harney. Apt. a. WANTKIs EJipertenoed nuUd for generaJ housework, family of three; no wash- in:. u'4 n. win Ava. MRS. U. W. MEOEATli Competent cook; city refereuoe required. Tele phone Harney 60s. V7ANTEI A girl for general housework; references required. Call Monday morn Ing s-txi Iaveniort at Dundee. M 1 1 IDLE-A G ED LADY, competent and reliable, duelres a position as a house keeper In a family of two, or as a child nurse or second maid. No laundry work. References eachansed. Wenster Avex. WANTED An experienced slrl fur sen eral housework; good waass and good nonu. 3ai y-arnam. liar. M.N. WANTED An experienced whit girl for general housework; references required. Tel. Walnut 1S. 4 N. Jilth 8t. WANTEls A girl for general housework. Mr F. Martin. Tel. H. 41 or It. 3237. GIRL wanted fur general housework German preferred. Apply 4301 loJn WANTED Maid for seneral housewoik Oerman or I Nine preferred. Must be neat and capable. Call Monday r Tues day r,nlnge after seven. IjU Lathrop WANTED A girl for general housework. ar4 rarnara t. narney al VANTEI A slrl for general hausawork thiee In family; house cleaning dona Mrs. Julia Dreifusa, 1M4 N. 41st bt. Wal nut 1M. Oi HI. for ariieral housework. T'hon narney a?., r.. a. l'lnon. WANTEle Competent gltl for avneral housework. Karnarn St Tel Har. i.J WAKTKIt-A riil to assist ltb houau crk 1l 8 84th St. . VVaNTV.I A kIiI fuT housework; no wash.ng or r.ejkln. Wal. UTi. HFI.r VANTF.I FFMAIK WANTKD A good flrl for general house, work. App y at 1-N 8. HAth tt. Har. M"Q. WAV TBI 'A good girl for general hnust wnrk. 3T1e) Harney 8t. Har. Jt WANTED Neal, espcrtn'-ed girl for general housework. 6"i3 Chicago. Tel. Walnut TW. HI leeellaaeoas. TOTTVrl women coming to Omaha I ran iters are Invited to visit tne Young Women' Christian sclt'on building at Ft Mary Ave. and ITih St., whera thry will be directed to sults-hle boarding place or otherwise assisted I.ook for our traveler' guide at t'ni si station. 8TFVO . state enperience. X W5. Pee. WANTF.I Telephone rlrl. State Dry Cfesn'ng. IK N. 12th 8t WANTED WOMAN Oovernment clerk ehlps. Write Immediately for details. Franklin inatitut Dept. 6U II, Rochester, NT LaDIF.H make shields at home; $10 for 100; work rent prepaid; no canvassing; rend stamp. Ivanlioe Mfg. Co., ft Louis, Mo. WA NTE7 Oood, steady girl or middle ased woman for restaurant work; steady work for right party. Address C, H.Bush, Box No.2, Ong, Neb. WANTF1) Several Waitresses for lunch counter and dining room. Apply Oan son's Cafe, 1008 Howard St. nEIJ WANTED MAI,K Clerical aaa Uftlee. Oood Positions Koe Vs. BUSlN?i8 MBN'S RKFKRKNCB A68 N, "J Woodmen of World. HALEriMAN, city. S-'iK lo t. WatU Kef. Co., M4J Hrnndel, Theater. WANTED Bookkeeper prominent Insur ance office. Must be thoroughly com petent and experienced, otherwise please do not apply. E 1W, Bee. AB3T. buyer and system mn; must be progressive, wideawake, familiar with modern business systems and methods; heady; hustler; able to assume charge of office and stock; gtv age, experience, references, salary expected, etc. Address K r2. Bee. ORIQINATORS. NO FILING FEE. Best commercial positions. ROGERS REF. CO.. M0 Paxton Block. HTOII-URADK commercial positions." WEST. REFERENCE BOND A8SN 7J Omaha Nat. Tank Bldg. A treats, IsIhimi and Solicitor. COAL sgenta wanted In every town; get a trial car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. AGENTS Anywhere In U. 8., write to day for our Profit-Sharing Plan. Middle aged man preferred, experience unneces sary. Big moaey-makrng opportunity. I'ailflo Nurscr) Co, Dept. O. Lambert Sargent Bldg., Portland, tire. Factories asa Trades. MOLKR BARBER COLLEGE LEARN tha barber trade by our sys tem of expert Instructions and free clinic. Positions welting. Call or writ for cata logue. Omaha, Neb., A. B. Moler, Pre. WE need men; had to turn down two jobs per week lately: get In; learn by eur method: get one of thea Jobs. Cata logue D. B. free, Nebraska Automobile School . 3406 Leavenworth St. WANTEI J Good barber, good wages, at once. Address Floyd Shoemaker, Beaver City, Neb. WANTED Gordon feeder. Bldg. Room t, Bee LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition. Including aet of tools; wages paid; eleo trlo massage, hydraullo chairs; catalogue free. 124 Douglas lit.. Omaha. Drug More Snaps. Jobs, Knelst, Bee Bldg. 8FTOEMAKK.R. repairman, who can run wax thread machine and work soma on harness. Pteady lob. State exoerlence at each trade, age, nationality and wage expected. Stelaner V Co., lender. Wyo. WANTED Coatmaker who can alao make amall lobs: pay for coats K un: tl 60 for amall jobs. Tailor, Box 246, Ra venna, Neb. af Iseellawettae. WANTED Railway mall clerks; T.0 montn. tmana examinations coming, ample questions free. Writ Immedi ately. Franklin Inatitut. Dep't 221 H. Rochester. N. T. wANTMD Men to try xmlnatlon for government lobsi t70 month: common education sufficient. Apply Immediately. i ra, tsea. WANTElv-A man about 36 to tako charre of office: vacancy Oct. 15. Write K. U Watson. Falls City. Neh OOOD MEN WANTED t ono to learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and ar waiting for com petent men. Learn by our system of actual work on autos. tractors, lea. starting ays. Free catalog at once. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, KKJ Farnam 8t Omaha, Neb. I HAVH a position tn my business for a young man who can give me his services and make an Investment of 4900; I will pay a good salary and Interest on his Investment, L 1W, Bee, ABLE-BODIED MEN for firemen. brakemen. 3130 monthly. Railway. T 44, Be o. WANTED Young man aa partner In my afore; will guarantee ovor 1100 a month; Investment of 4600 required. J U7. Ba. HELP WANTED MALH AND FGHAII. WANTED Man or woman to out out feather ventilator. Writ for aanwle and partlculara by mall. 10c L. 8. Har den. Hotel, rseviile. Omaha. DON'T quit your Job yet. look beyond It; Employ spare tlrna establishing a cir cular mailing bureau many aucceaawa, why not youf Our copyright mailing In structions maks everything plain. Post- paiq xao. Direct hales Co.. Qulncy, III. WANTED Strong, reliable man and wife, without children, for work on farm. Address Box No. 380, Beemer. "Neb, BITTJ.A.TIONH WANTED INTELLIGENT light colored girl wishes position In office or bawhelor'a auart Binil Web. Tu73. POSITION wanted by young lady ate nographer; one year's experience. Webster 13. M 1 DDLE-AGED German woman, good plain cook, wants position In city by day er week, loim 8. nth St SITUATION wanted by flrst-claas coot; hotel. In city or country. Anna Oeraghty, Gen I lel. 6TENOGKAPHER with eight year- ex perlenc dealer a position; has had book keeping experience; farm loarta and banking experience. Can furnish bast of references. Douglas 4Uo4. MAN AND WIFE wish position In hotel In small town. Addreea liOl North Xth bt. YOl'NG colored Cathollo man wants position as butler, houseman er porter. Call Web. No. 2!3 Miami St. INTELLIGENT young man. V, sales man, typist, correspondent and execu tive, speaking various langjagea, wlsiiea suitable position. Can furnish best inf erences. It. R. Schack, luS Case St., louglas KtS. WANTElv Position as housekeeper by colored lady, good ralerenoea. TeL Doug laa tasa. EXI'ERIENCED, aocarate lady atenog rapher desire position In olflce; com- niertlal education; relerenoea. Add V. F 4flA N. 2d. TOL'NO lady stenographer wishes posi tion; has had experience. TeL Benson WANTLi Position by young lady ca pable to do office work or cashier; can slv reference. Phone Walnut iJiA. liuL'dE yardman wishes position In pri vate family; good references. TcL Web. J17U. liOST AND TXJUXD Lost or Found ads in Croatia's Luet and Found uiedluiua insane the tinnMxliata re turn of that article if advertised la The Bee. the l-oet and Found Paner , LOST- lllai k featber boa, Saturday p ro Keoard. 'iVI 11. L.Vi. 111! b. loth Ave. IXXT AXD KOt XD OMAHA A Ol .VCII. Pl.i;fK-4 8THEKT RAHWAT COMPANY. Persons bavins; lost aoma artkle would do well to rail up the office of the Omaha gc Council H luffs Ptreet Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many article each dsy ra turned In snd tha c.impanv I anxloti to restoro ttiern b the -lirhtfi-l owner. Ca'l Doug. 4 I.T Ught brlndle Boston, one white eye; tag number M.": reward. Tel. II. 413. I.ADV'H diamond ring. Tiffany mount ing; Initials I. to P. In ring; think at Burlington depot. Call Webster S6J6. Re ward. PERSONAL i.ttt KUTlUNS EAKNS H.dfs) For the Invalids' Pension association. Tha I. alles Hume Journal. II 60; Satur day Evening Post. SI W; Country Gentle man. 4i needed In October. Totir order or renewal contributes W cents. Please phone Douglas 7163, or address, OORDTiN. The Wagsflne Man. Omaha. TOI'H furnace cleaned. 11 work guaran Doug. 4.r4. teed. Central Tin Phop. Tfil'MI women coming to Omaha a strangers are invito! to visit he Young Women's Chrtetbin nssoclatlon building at 17th Ft. and 8L Mary's Ave, where they will be d treated to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Ixxik for our travelers' guide at the ITnlv.i station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your jld clothing, furniture, mui- I'nea. W collect. W d.atrlbute Phon I'oUL'la 413S snd our wagon will call. Cnll and Inspect our new horn, JU0-1112-1114 t)odire 8t. Suite, gowna and remodel ing at reasonable prices. AMNA BIMIH.K, ZUl National Bank Bldg. City SWAPPERS COLriHN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need? It costs you nothing to loin the Swappers' club and vou will find it lots of fun swapping things. Writ Koom 104, race mqg,, or pnone i yier low. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see tha "Automobile ' classifi cation. AUTOS Elegant 7-passenger Mitchell special. In excellent order; full electric equipment; a powerful car; good looker. want a clear lot or I small cars, or com mercial paper, or what have you? Ad dress et. C. 7SS, Ben. BILLIARD TA BLE Home also Bruns wick; condition good; complete In every respect. What have youT Mak in an offer. S. C. 427. Bee. BEAUTIFUL, large 1250 Regtna music box; lam bunch of tun sheets; to trade for amall car, fl. C. 314, Be. BARNES' book on embalming and un dertaking. What have youf Address 8. C. S10, Bee. BRAND new vineyard plow, one ad justable garden cultivator with com plete attachments, on set Russian sad dle chimes, one-horse dray and single tree, for a fair slxed hoff or yearling calf, a C. KS. Bee. COMPRESSOR. 4 h. p. combined gaso line engine and air compressor, cylinder H"x4V4,'T air capacity 20 cubic ft. per min. ; suitable for power and air supply for garage or shop. Cost 4J60, had 1 yrs. intermittent use; condition excellent. Will trad for light auto or chassis not worn out or put In a little money If condition good. 8. C. tS2, Bee. 43. OuO CLOTHING stock for clear cot'-age. 8. C. 804, Bee. COAL box, del. wagon, cook stove, heater, double aet ltt-tn. work harness, almost ntw. What have you. S. ,C. Ill, Bee. ENGINE Nearly new 4 h. p. single cyl. engine for Indian motorcycle, equipped with free clutch pulley; paint and plat ing in good condition. Trading; price, IllOO. Trad for good wheel, gasoline engine or anything can use, 8. C. 1, Bee. FOR T RADIO A Cartercar, new tires all around. Will exchange for light road ster, Ford preferred. 8. C. S24. Bee. FOR TRADE 45-voitime set of American English encyclopedia of law for a good shotgun or small diamond ring. B. C. 7H4. GUINEA FOWLS Fine young Pearl guineas; want to swap males with some on In order to get strange Mood. 8. O. 19. Bee. GOOD Denamore typewriter, two swap for electrio awceper. 8. C. Ill, Bee. HAGEN BACK-WALLACE circus pic tures, reels; aiso Keystone comedy, plenty paper and outfit. One or two People can travel, make bUr money: no experience needed. May trade for motor cycle. What have youf F. Voexg, Gen eral Delivery, Bouth omana. ONE) high grade watch chain and com. pass, on steel and fiber bound trunk, one leather lined bag, for typewriter, or what have yout 8. C. 318, Bee. 7-passenger 112 Kissel kar to trade for motorcycle or Clear lot. coirax zsi. ROYAL ACORN base burner No. 47, me dium else, good as new, to trade for gas rangs with high bake broiler and warming oven. Address S. C. 813, Bee. SANITARY couch, kitchen table, spade, two shovels, two rakes, ho and ooal cuttle, to trade for reading lamp or farm products, such as Jelly grapes, ap ples, etc. Aaaress, . c a, lie. STOVE Have Garland coal range worth 3L6; will trade for Western Electric vacuum aweeper or a high oven gas stove. Address 8. C. 7K, Bee. STOVES Cook stove. Garland. half range. In good order, to trade for gas stove. Address 8. C. fs7. Bee. TWIN Indian. 3 speed, electrio equipped, with side car. In best of order; will trad for light ohasslo In good, repair. S. C. 321. Bee. TO SELL or trade your shotgun or rifla. See FRIEDMAN. 1211 Douglas. WANT to swap fin opera glasses for Victor or Gaofonola records. S. C 313, Bee. ' WILL trade my 4-pasaenger Maxwell touring car, model IsnS, 36 hp.. In per fect condition, for a F'ord or other light car. Address 8. C. 8.6. Bee. WOOD Turning Lathe, motor, counter shafts, emery wheel and stand, with full equipment, also stamp collection tor anything I can use. Address 8. C. I. Bee. WANTED Good auto In exchange for first-class cement work or painting. Address 8. C. tK Bee. WILL trade a 1D16 Indian motorcycle for Ford or other small car, or what have you of equal value? Machine has run leas than 74 miles and la In perfect or der. Addreaa S. C. 317. Bee. ron RErr Aoartaseats aa Flats. Th For Rent advertisement appearing In tha For Kant column f The Dee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any on dcalrmg to rent. Phone Tyler 104. VERY choice 4 or 4-room. steam-healed apartment on West Farnam at reel, JOHN W. BOBBINS. ld Farnam Bt. UNUSUALLY desirable 4-r. corner apt., fin yard, 4033 lxarJ. Tel. Wal. 3113 Chicago. 7-r. modern. Tl. Doug. ST. CLARE. 34th and Harney Sis, pleasant apartment. Call H. 647. 7-K. APT.. 3 baths, sleeping porub. Urge rooms, beautifully finished, strictly up-to-date; large porch In front, private; fof rent NOW. CUrlda Aprs. H. 13W. ONE 4-room and one room apt, Th Hamilton. Douglas 6T. LOTld decorated. 20. flat In Bemla park, newly Call Doug. ,V0, or Harney THE HELEN 1464 Harney SL Very choice 4 and a-room apart meats In close-in fireproof building. Call Doug. S'ol'K HooMd, ii.t)W. . 3813 to ZX Lwy Ave., four-room apartments, second floor, modern except heat. Keys at 2M, first floor. N. P. lx)lGE 4k Co.. 16th and Harney. FL'RNISHED APARTMENT FOR KENT As we ar going away for six months, desire to rent tbe apartment In which we live at 3123 Pacific tot-, furnished, until our return. Six good rooms besides bath, steam heated. Also excellent Janitor serv ice. Inquire at th residence or at my ((if iu tbe '. O. v . oiu. B. W. JEWELL, Mwardl Hevoaaa. 413 SO. UrTIi ST. Clean rooms, excel lent board. BOARD and rooms. M vt k I4 iKiuaiea. CONTINUED ON C O LITm N8 E VW, THIS PAOiO. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and export service that tfiII please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OF TITLR. RFTPD ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract office In Nehrssks. Prandela Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 8. 17th Ft. Phone D. M7. ACCOIBITAJIT". R. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 4t7.-4.Tf R a mire Bldg. Phone Doug. 1404. ADVERTISING MOTEIT1F.I, M T. Fhafer A Co., nth. Farnam. D. 7474. AMATEIR FIXIsitQ. FTLM8 developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 411 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ARCHITECT!. Everett B. Dodda. tn Paxton Blk. p. FBI. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. 511 Paxton Blk. D. 1804. W-TLI, N JOHNSON, 8 W, Cor. Mth and Douglas. Douglas 4K. AUCTIONEERS. Dowrl Auction Co.. 111S-14 W O W. R. rS ALTO INSURANCE. AJU0?0BIL'R MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Doug la IR. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. tDW Far. P. Jftftl. BATHS. BATH 214 Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. MKPJCATED vapor nd modem Turkish toio - '"r u,e"it cweaisn massage. f lanAartA 1. Ji... J f imm OI. l-'OUglaa 8437. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 17th and Martha 8ts. BONDING COMPANIES. DugiasAJsMCy 00 ' m Be Dlig- Ph0n' CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS? STEVENSON. 82J 8. 2Sd. Douglas B6T0. Leasard At Bon, 14 Cap, Ave. T. lfiM. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTI Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg, D. 4461. DJL MA,CNAMA5- T4 BrandeU The- CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford. 430 Pax. Blk. rled 4!W7. COFFEE BT MAIL. rrfta S"X """ tTae better LOIICC coffee" u Iba. high grade DV tVArtr1 rWiajr nmntA W-W' W- A. Pk.lfe A Co.: Omaha Neh' DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' academy, classic. D. 18TL FALL term open at Mackle'g. Doug. 4444 OENEVIEVD HAUFLA1RB, Rom hotel. TtTRPIN ACADEMY, ISth and Farnam. ThuV- 5W.opn' Banner Mon. and T ufA ii2nc!d ,Tue'- High achool Class Bat. Private lessons. Harney 614S. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college. 30th A Farnam Clure's Dressmk g School. K2 California MI88 STTJRDT. M14 Cass St. Red TM0 DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. Kelster-s Dressmaking Col.. PBS City Na. DYERS AND CLBANErT " STATE Dry Clng. Co., 1W Jf. 12th. P. (071 DETECTIVES. JAME8 ALLAN. 311 Neville Block. Evl denoe secured In all cases. Tyler 1134. . DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No-pain. 411 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea, Dr. Fickle. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas. P. 114. DRUGS. DRUGS at rut prices; freight paid on 418 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Mo Oonnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. EMPLOYMENT. INTERNATIONAL Employment Office, 1613 Csss St, lumlsh best help. Frera-h cooks, store room men, waiters, malda. waltreaaea, kitchen help of all klnda Call Tyler 24fil-J. ELECTROLYSIS, IHoa Allender, 424 Bee Bldg. Red 3rS8. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box pleating; covered buttons, sll alsos and styles; hemstltlchlng, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, yelet nut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating . Co., 300 Douglas Block. Douglas 1SWA. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HAVER8TROH, 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 3971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St D. 3000. I HENDERSON, 1314 Douglas. P. 1268. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HESS A SWOBODA, 1414 Farnam Bt A. PONAOHUB. 1623 Harney, Poug. 100L . rURktlERb. a SAM KNEETER, 1920 Farnam. Red 4834. INSTRUCTION. English. French Instruction, tf Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 613 Paxton Plk. Red 7401. Notary public, deposition steno, C. W. BRITT. 301 Baker Block. LADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Miss Fox. Open for busi ness; satisfaction guaranteed. 407 Pax Bk. LANGUAGES. Language taught; private or classes, Webster 6664. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. DUBKIN Tbom, Douglas 3619. 2414 Cuming St LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS A- CO. Exchangs Bldg. COSTUMES AN U LODGE SUPPLIES. MNFO. of lodge regalia and costumes. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. L-ieben A Bon, 1514 Howard. Doug. 4116. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Hargnln In used machines. Victor Rous, "The Motorcycle Man." 27(4 Leavenworth. Isio V I NG ICT t RB"m"ACM IN kT OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargalna MOTIONS. NOTIONS, news, clgans. candy, in Park. OCULISTS. Eyea examined, glaaaes fitted, pay as you can. Dra klcCarty. 1111 W. 6. W. Blag. OSTEOPATHY PUYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 414 Be Bldg. PATF-XTS. D. O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. LIL A. Btureea, r Brandels Theater Bldg. . ..... i , e. r , vp. ITUOII MM A NT'S. 417 N. 40th. H. TO PILLOW AND DBDDIXO, OMAHA PILIOW CO.. Mattresses md to order or remade. 17 Cuming. D. 37. PUMKS (LKAIVKD, CT'RLFD, dyed. D. E'sele. nta city Nat, PBIJITISO. WATmS-BARNHART Pig-. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 21J0. 624 8. 13th Bt CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 1751 POUOLAB Printing Co. Tel. Dougla 444 i IAFB AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS O A Opened, repaired, comb. kj- Jt1 r.J changed. F. E. Dnven- SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 61S 8. 13th. D.?91t SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, tn 8. It Hariey Shoe Rep'r. Co.. M0I Fajn'm. TLltelO SEWING MACHINES. We rM,t rP,r needles and "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney. DourIss lnfiS. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 114 8. 10. STORE AND OFFICE FIX T U RE sT" DB8K8, safes, srales. showcases, helv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 2721 STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. " ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnaee coils, etc. Quick service. Omaha Stove' Repair Wk. 116-3 Douglas St. Tyler 30. TELECTRIO MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHTLI, ELECTRIC Co.. Be Bid. P.tlTs. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Bupply, 207 8. 11th. P. 133 TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRETJNO A STEINLB. W04 Farnam St, TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter mo. for SB. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1904 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 314 8. Uth St, All make for aai or rent. RENT a "Remington not tast a tro. writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 12M. WATCH SPECIALISTS. Ohrlatlanaen, Id fl. Paxton Blc, 13 yr. . WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug, ptg. Co. X WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JBTE8, 201-1 8. 13th Bt Wines, liquors, cigars. Plat dinner 11 to t, loo, HENRT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 16th and Capitol Ave, Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house, 622 N. 14th. Douglas 1808, MEDICAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Pr. E. K. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrh for book on rectal disesses with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RUPTURE cured In few days without Pain. Call or writ Dr. Wrtty, 304 Baa Bldg , Omaha. Established liH e RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, alt Be Bldg., FOR RENT Board aid Roasa Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In privet families or boarding bousaa of th high est class will be found In th Furnished Rooms column of Th Bee. Phon Tyler looo. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUKaHTB. HOTEL SAN FORD. 1Mb and Earn am. HOTEL HARLEY. 30th and Farnam. LARGE ROOM In beautifully furnlahed home for man and wife or two men. Breakfast and dinner. Everything first ciass. narney BEAUTIFUL & 8. room, steam heated, private bath, good board. Ph. Har. Km. Karsilahcd Uwsuwe. FOR RENT Until April L Furnished fine 8-room stucco house, hot water heat, oil burner, garage for two oars, heated from the house. This la ths pret tiest house in the mile on Florenc boulevsrd. Will rent cheap to th right f tarty for tbe winter. No children. For nformatlon telephone lHuglaa 714. WEST FARNAM. Furnished or unfurnished horn of T rooms, 440 and 146. Imuglas 613 or Colfsx Hog. FwratabesJ hsvu, LARGE! front room modern home, one block from West Farnam car, HO per month. Phone Walnut 7u3. MODERN room; gentlemen only; refer ences; Hanscom Park line. Hartley 2.H6. NICE, large furnished room; all modern; fine location iJi Webster St Phone Harney 6K43. HEATED room, furnished to rent, suit-' , v. i , , . . . .Kit a u. 3 room during carnival. 3162 St. Mary'l NICELY furnished room: close in; ,1 I'M a a. A Oe uuurra. ooi o. u di. FRONT room In new home for two young a. titstl XIasHAir FURNISHED rooma for light housekeep ing. 8. 3Hth St., 616: 4 rooms, well fur nished, private bath . and entrance; cioee In. NssHkres'sf Rsoau. 2013 DAVENPORT TWO OR THREB NICELY FURNISHED HKiO. ROOMS. N EW BRICK FIAT. FARNAM. 2ti22 Two nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, steam. stoasca aad Cttaa. Narth. 4-ROOM. 113.60. bath. gaa. electrio light 3ial Corby St. Webster 1346. pROOM (Wtlae. LI 8. SStb EL, 116. Water paid 4-R. house; mod. ex. heat. D. M. 4-RvKiM house, modern. 18u7 LolhroP, 1.1 60. Call at IMS) Lothrop. FoR colored people, 4 and 4-ruoin out tagea. partly modern. 1M0-1&U N. ZlA. 8t. Call Itouir. ;!t0. "FOTl RENT Beautiful inodoin isil dence, 7 rooma and bath, cot waur heat. Irge garaxe; at t20 Floren Blvd. Phone Colfax 80. oath. 4-R. modern cottage. n. Tel. Har. 126. 114 e. bTll-I-r., all niou. house, newly rliTa. rinimi, Kvowm in, aje. RASP BROS.. IK?UOLAji U44. (CONTINUED ON PAQiTee"Ve!7I