TIIE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1915. 8 i ,1 r J 4 kit WANT ADS Went arte rwUvH Hi any time, but In tneure pn.pcr elaeelflratton moat be pre sented before 11 o'clock noon for evening edition and T 45 r. m. for iwnilni ond Sunday editions, want ads received after such hour will under the beading. "Too Late to Classify." CAPH RATES. Seven consecutive Uidm, 1 cnt a word each Insertion. Two or snort consecutive timet, 1H cents a word. Cm time. I cer.ls a word. (TtAROE BATW. fieren consecutive tlnm, eontt lino ea h Insertion. . ., Three eonewcutlvt timet. 10 eentt a lint tarh Insertion. One Urn. 11 eentt a lino. Count six average word to a not. Minimum char. W eente. An advertisement Inaerted to no run ntll discontinued must bo stopped by written order. All olalme for errors must ho mad within fifteen Vave after the loot Inser tion of lb advertleement, ' Too eon plsoe Tour want ad In Tho Ba bv telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. dkaths and funeral notices. CVCONNELL Ignore, aged 74 year. She la survived hv three daughtere, Mrs. . ("I Walker. M"rs C. C. Field of Tacoms Wssh.; Mrs. O. H. Bell of Tacnma. and ona son. K P. O ftnmll, Piiv-r " Remalna will be shipped from reside nee nf Mr. Walker. Davenport, to Hloom- ington. 111. CAROTTTERS-Thomaa J . Hire jreara. t month and U daye; at hla late real drnc, 1724 Can St. Funeral will be held from a. Falconer Parlora. 34th and Harney frta., Monday. t t. 18th at 1 o'clock p. m. nterment Forest Un cemetery. Friends Invited. CARD Or THANKS, wish to thank eur frlenda and neigh bor for their aympathy ehown ua In tho elekn-see and death of o"r father: alao for the beautiful floral offerlnge and aery Irea renrt-red by W. O. W. camp No. 104 and Tailors' union No. M. .- MRS. MARIA 8TRALBE St FAMILY. g TODAY'S E TWflf f 7 I IT. lA -e PROGRAM Datrata. Empress Ifith and Douglas. VAUDEVILLE. The Juggernaut Greatest railroad drama of the day in five acts, featuring EAItL WILLIAMS and AXITA STEWART, also Tho (.'animated Nooz Pictorial Essanay and the The Reward, Vitagraph. princess. 1U7-X9 DOUGLAS Btanley'a Close Call, t-roel Junale drama. tieo. Ovey In Taking- a C'nanca, oomody, lortk. GRAND. 18TH AND BINNKT. GRAND. 1GTII AND BLNNET. SUNSTTINE AND TEMPEST, Vreel drama, foatutin Tloroaot ua thine and Marlon Tempaat. "Tho Myatery of K-ala Cllf," faaturln Helen Uaaley and Uirna Avary. "MotherTa Buy Day," foaturin Nova erber and WeLKw campbea LOtllUOP, I4TH Aib LOTiLROP. John Barrymoro In aa Ajnortcaa Cltlaaa, a Faramount feature.' APPOLO. 2824 LKAVSNWOfiTH. The Phantom Ha(iplneea. t-rwei Uubln. The Fok Trot Flneaae, Vltarraph. West. MONROE, 2615 FARNAM JESSE I LABKT Presents The Popular Romantic Actor MR. ROBERT EDESON. In the Thrilling Plav of the Trei-kleai Woods. THE CALL OF THE NORTH By OKORUB BROADHUR8T. Itafk fltt)o. Besse GOLD ROOSTER PLAYS "SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT" SJCK THE FIRST OP TUB PATIIE OOI.U ROOSTER PLATS TOMOR ROW AT THK BESSE: IT'S EN TITLED "THE GALLOPER" AND 13 'FRE3KNTED IN FIVE PARTS. KAMA MARINOFY AND CUF TON CRAWFORD WILL STAR. TODAY WE PRESENT THE VITAGRAPH fcl PER COMEDY. WITH EDITH STOREY AND Hl'GHIE MACK. EN TITLED. A QUEEN OF TIIE HOUR. OKPHEUM. Mutual Weekly, l unis of Q. U Ranch. T he Treasure Boa. lireety inil. Outcast, J. ilcluu-ilson. J4TH AND M I reels, featuring ANNOUNCEMENTS iJUfilNEab COLLEGE 8TL'DENT3 SAVE HiONEY ON COURSES. F-.r aiile. v. tin good reasons for selling. e varuiy of couiat-a In a reliable fctuel k hool, oi.e vt the Ueeing busiiMraa of Oiul.i. Will te sold very i .ru, l; -s y teiow rrsvilar prire it : Ui9 cwFioiiicl Ine tahlnf a course :i-..t :t ll: al cure, alma Pall te:u r...i. Mn. tali uf:it. Omaha liea. MOVIES FEATURES TODAY ft BESSE, I4TH AND N. The Galloper, In 8 part, featuring Ionia Marlnoff and Clifton Crawford. Gold Rooster playa KM PRESS. roTHANDbOL'GLA3. The Juggernaut, the greateat railroad drama of the day. In i seta, featuring Furl William and Anita Stewart. loth Rop, 2 4tTTani5T6th rop. John Parrymnre In An American Cltlaen, a Paramount feature.4 MONROE. 2665 FARNAM. Jeaae Lv Tiaky preaenta the popular ro mantic actor, Mr. Robert Kdeaon, In tho thrllllna play of the trackleaa wooda. Th Call of tho North, by Utorge Broad hurat. AXNOfTf CEMENTS The Cut Price State Dry Cleaning Company Phone Doug. 5072 Will call for, clean, press and deliver your suit (j QQ fadlea and men' aulta cleaned and preeeod better than over beforo and at lower prlcea. We alao clean portlerna, lac eurtalna, narpeta and ruaw. Remember, ail our work la guaranteed atalnat fire, water and thtervea. Men's Last Men'a aulta anon Bed and preaaed ...I .sn ... .50 rania rieanf d and preeeea.. Men'a two or three-piece ault cleaned ana preaaea in Kancv veata cleaned atvd Dreaaed.. Overcoata cleaned and preaaed 1 1(f) . naincoata cleaned Orevencttea cleaned and preaeed.. Men hata cleaned and blocked... Cut rricfl Ladies' Iiist I.adlea' aulta cleaned and preaaed 11.00 Ijullca' aklrta cleaned and preaaed )c and Tte Ladlea' pluah coats cleaned and ateamed Il.c and tl.JB Ladlea' oatrlch plumes cleaned and curled ic per Inch ladles' glovr., full alae lie Satisfied Customers Is Our Motto State Dry Cleaning Co. T11E PAXTON HOTEL HAS RE-FURNISHED A NUM BER. OF ROOMS, AND WILL HOLD A PUBLIC SALE IN ITS SOUTH 14TH ST. LOBBY STARTING MONDAY ; IN CLUDES DRESSERS, BEDS AND TABLES. EXJCRCISK at T- M. C. A. Buameae mom AUTOMOBILES wnatia-yar you are oonaiderlng selling: or Buying a uaed oar and you want full value for your monay or you want people wnu are wuung w pay inr wnac tney i ty are rmiing you win buy or advertls II bavs no regret If you y or advertlee through tho used car oolumn of The Bee. PUne Tirl-r 1U0O. NEED money In business; will sacrifice l.KO t-paas. . touting car. juat apent ft for new Urea. SoQ for fine aeat covera, t0 for painting. Car Is remarkably well daalgned; l.'0-ln. wheel base; Wi-II. P.J VALVK-lM-hbAU motor; Autoiite elec tric starter ind lights with dimmers; Wttlard battery; Htromberg carbureter; specially strong ehaeeia, low hung, safe, easy riding; center oontrol; raln-vlalon wind ahleld: demountable rims, a para rim. I spars tires (you won't nave to spend a cent on tires for a year or two); robe rail, foot rest, spars seats, folding Into floor like cars; run only ,0 mllea. welt kept It's a car you'll bo be proud to rids In. Price, only cash, or equivalent. Call Doug, 1174; evenings, Colfa 1M3. Jackson 45 In good condition. For quick salt. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. FOR BAUD Monitor ear, 10-horsepower auto, almost new, eleo. light and starter, run leas than WO miles a-paaaenger, ll model, fully equipped, tKO. Heynolds, J1U6 Famanv tluft REWARD for any magneto wo can't repair iona rpo wsysoorre.-. jw w. iatn. AlTOMOBII In ruanlng order for sals st a bargain. Tieifeone walnut Wi. AUTO, clearing bouse, buy, sell and e ohang used ears. I s-arnam. D. Hit. ju MILEd of mil mllaut la your old tuea (Rebuilt). Root till CM-ao tn. (Rebuilt). Seo1 toam to tJO T1HB CO., Industrial UuMt Co.. Kill Haraey Sts. 'or leaky A lloUT NkuraSk bervkie f ta(Wtt, 191? Famam Wt. Phone Deugtas 7W. STOP at itt Floreaoa Blvd. tf you want a nret-otasa, fjvo-sa anger Cheap. OuKet Ui. to string car. I.'(MMINA1HN auto for aaae; has truck bed and aan be used! as tourtug car, Today, ihl. Tel. Webster !. nreiTEss chances your Buetnooe Clukoot wTTI stand raid lnwtiaUuB and Is Irnat what It Is aaertaed. or u you are looking: to start in Duslneee rur yoursatt you will be per footly saUsfted If yeu vae the Business Cnaneo column of The Iee. When buy ing or setting a buslneea Phooo Tyler UMu. lOOK and atatlunery store for sale oa account of otber Interests; offer for sals only atore of Its kind In county seat town of a. uiM. eastern Nebraska: Invoice about tM; bargain for caah; a good Income esaured. Addreaa I mil, riee U'HM) huslnaee, cheap. Uate City Rug factory; clears 1.00 a mo. IW N. 14th, WILL, sell at oiice. aroeary stock snd fix turra. c-oiiiuiela. value sawt fer MO. in cludes horse, wagon and harneaa. chance for fine meat buaines In connection. Tal- D. or call at IMt 8. ttth ft. WANTtai One young man for bualneaa partner. tJJU capital roquiied. K. Hi, ilea. bl'nlNKhd plucea, land, city property, handled all etatra. JIM b.oux Oty. la- Oak ID saluon In county seat towi.; Omt- man lucalliy. yearly receipts Ili.UuO aure license Addreaa IS 11 . Mee. 10 Sh.Ll. or buy a bvaineea. aail oa Buk , h.M-khtff. Freuanr riik. 1. U.a T) QKT In or out of bualneea ca.1 OANOKfTAD. r.fi Dee lUilg. loug. VTI. THKATEHS Huy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies thrvu'H Tlieater ETich. Co.. It Karaem. D. IT. f2.J0 Evil' ITT ia property renting for M per month, for land, lute, a'ieae or Inlei-eat In liunlru-a. Boa 7iei. Ouiaha NliTK and murlsase due In b ea:a, drawing per cent, secured lA Omaha real eataie. Addrvae O tv. Bee 1 IIAVK a poeitUin oen In my busi ness for a young man who can give me bis services and nuike aa In eetrieiit of 1 wl!l pay a good enlary and Itiiereat ou bis luvaat uxenu Bug K 1A, Bee. ft business chancea BF.H Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar fain In eatahllahed ahowa D. 3it. WANTKrt-Tnmi man aa partner In my atore; wi guarantee over Itno a month; Inveatment of 3ift0 required, secured. Bos L lm. Bee. I'lf'TI RK SHOW In town of !. people. close Omaha; beet iip-fo-dte eoulpment nlre lobby, etc: will lake lightweight uaed ear aa part ray. Addrena T Bee. FoK HAI.K-A soffd, clean Block of cloth Int, fumlahlrca and ahoea. dome; tho leading- bualnena In a rood northeaat Ne braaka town of 1.000: don't answer unleaa you mean bualneaa, and talk faat, aa thla ad won't appear In thla paper long. Ad dree V 78. Bee. Hofiml t Moaaea lar Sal. lt-B. FVRNI8JIED, MM caah. D. C5T0. EDtCATlOXAL froyleo Bldg. Tol.'D. U4S, Omaha, Nob. flrat rlaee Omaha llualneaa iolloge: Ona unlimited combination bualneaa and abort hand couree. One unllmlten einorrapnio eonraa. One three-montha' bualneao or atano raphk; courae. win l. aoid at a dlamunt at the offloa Of The Omaha Pea- DAT BCHOOt. BOTI.FJt COLt,E(lB NIGHT BCHOOL Bry day la nrollmer.t day. Book keeptn. Shorthand. Htenotypy. Typewrlu lng. Telegraphy. Civil Service all Com mercial and Kngllah brancheo. Cataloguo free. P.OTLK8 COLLKOB. 18th and Harney 8t. Tel. Oouglaa 15A.V The VAN SANT SCJIOOL STENOGRAPH T BOOKKEBPINO. Tay "chooi for Toung Women. Evening School for Voung tiaa and Women. , Saturday morning elaae to typewriting. loao C Duffy, OwDr and Ma&agar. SOt Bo 1Mb Bt Omaha. ECii'ERT lady stenographer will take puplla; ahortnand, toucn lypewruing. apelllng and punctuation taught, indi vidual Instruction. 462t Douglas Ht. ToL Walnut UH. VOill 8ALB. FOR SALIO-Hero It a elaaeinoatlon that Is of the utmost Importance te ovary raador, as this column offers soma excep tion! opportunities every day and a small want ad will roll your artiolo at Its full value. Phone Tyler MOO Karaltare, llewarkake. Oaaads, Bta. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1W N. 14TH. WCT.1107. Auction Sale By Order of Fidelity Storage & Van Company Oak stoves, base burners, steel ranges, draperies, bedding, ruga. Singer aewlng machine, kitchen cabinets, brass and Iron beds, buffets, dining room furniture. dreaaers, davsnporta. china oloaets, li brary tablet, pictures, dishes, ate SALE STARTS 9:30 A. M., Monday, October 18th. 1611 Howard St EXCEPTIONAL OPPOR TUNITY FOR LAWYER OR DOCTOR. Two bookcases. Ona table. One rocker. ' Ont armchair. Two amall chain. One couch. All In flrat-class condition. A bargala for cash. Douglas ALL. or cart of the furniture of an - room nouse for taia at a oargain. iu N. 40th. SAn BALE oheao. larre bard eoat burner. 14M Missouri Ave. Tel. m. la. FOR 1SAI.K Ne-t Monday, Dot. IT, at U North Mth St.. atore fixtures, such at showcases, counters, shelving-, very oneap. ACORN Base Burn er, good aa new, Hu Webster 7. FIacItu bought and told. J. C. Reed, JJeSK.8 Karnam bt. Do u alas Wet. HOUSEHOLD furniture for aale. from Saturday. IV a. m., till monoay. iu tamforcl Circle. Webster Wl. Haraea aad Vekialea. FARM wagon. ti0; harness, both new. Johnaon-Danfortn Co., lam ana Clark Sta. MATCHED pair of farm, I alao l.Ouo-lb. delivery h' mares. 1900 lba. orae. Ui tiouitt 14lb Bt FOR BALE cheap. Bis stook or test plga, 4t to to lbs. 8. I. ico. pi a w. inn, . umana, aou RADIANT Horns base burner. luoutre tU N. fcth Ave, Iouglaa Mlt. after Bunday. Maslcal Iwstrasaeals. TOUNO reflns4 couple wtahes use of piano for Its storage. Boat of references furnished, (ell Colfax l&U. tail N. Ml. BC liuLTON oomet. ooet M, pracUoaJly Addreaa S t.i new; cheap tor caso. Bee. teallrv. Km aal tapaltaa. MXD grain. lo lbs. ti n. Wagner, Ml W 11 tTKHKOTlPK matnoea aaaae tbo aad cheaDeat I In live for aoultrv houses. Tbey are !JU Inr bee, etrwtger and ntura durable than tarred felt and practically rareprooc. 7M a hundred at TM uat office. MVST sell by Monday pen of partridge wyanodottea. Maae ortnr. Kea T7W. AIL my thoroughbred Rose Comb Rood Island Reds for sale. Reason. Wal. 174. FANVT breed ducks. SI each or S10 per oosen. 4(U n. iui at. weaster 7. Traewrllen. VNDHRWOOD. bargain.. Pnona D. 14T. niirellaaaeea. FOR SAl.li New ana seoond-hand camra aad pocket billiard tables and bowUng allevs and aooaasurtes; bar ftxturae of all ainoa; easy payments The BriuiswicA Balke-Collender Co.. 47-t a. ioth ell FOR SALE Billy Sunday Tabernacle 0t.Sl ft- lumber. t4 windows, M doors. Hill; 600 rotla s-ply rooriiig. Ground to bo oleared ea or before No- vember 16th, nest. Blda reoelve4 not later tnan noon, October lth. hub by W Redgwiok, S14 Leavewworth t f OH BALK CHllAP ' Rualneaa College Course. r uu ana cn.piete tattolaralilp tn ant or. me cest uiuai a liuiltiwt schools. viooa reason for selling; perfectly rail b.e; worth full prtoa. but will bo aol very reasonably. If Intere'rd Inveetlg-ate at once, neoajae rail t n.i Drains auon. Tl.ere are a variety of coulees for ale. For particulars luoulis at Ut uflioa tl I ne timana tie. (JO Qrviiold.-a Writ Whiaky. 4 JaJ.U',u"rtB bott:el In bond. paid. Cacklei Bros.. On full pre Cackles Bros.. Omaha FOR BALE Mlerrllaaeaai. CAHPBNTIR toola, ohoToia. aledrea. plrka. jacki-j-rewa. it pen" matoh and Inc maehlnea, ana earh. H ra, harnroa. wafbn. 1. Ono ele'trlo idano. I- c. win. Vet . fth ft Hamay 1 TWO electric motora pee Tld. for aaie, room &. FOR PALK-Rulldine; and atock rooer1e. lunrheon and notlona. Call Colfa 4". HELP WANTED FEMALK tlerteal Office. TFVOO.. fro. eicelletit future. BU8INKS" MENU RErF.rtfc.NCK A68N. 1 Woodmen of World Aarenta and taleawvaaea. IA DIE Well dreaaed and eyperlenoed canvaaaera are Invited to aea demonstra tion faat aelllng article, office, 306 Ware Block. lMh and Fernam. City. Parlor? aal Trades. OIRT. to learn halrdreaaln. Oppenhelai WA NTB1 Experienced rhocolato di? pera; piece work ached ule. Johnson wlacult Oompany, Slou City, la. Ilmirkeraer riameattea. THB Servant Olri Problem Hoi veil. Tb Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE? until you get the dealred reaulta. Thla applies to raldente of Omaha, South Omaha and Council niuf'e. Hrlng ad to gne I'ee orrice or telephone Tvler M. WANTKIi t otnp-tciit white girl for gen eral houae work. I In family; no laun dry wnrV Harney 14C.1. WANTfc.1 A girl for general housework. 12a H. asth Kt. Harney Mflrt. WANTED A girl for general housework. i:o2 Park Are. Har. M. WANT ED Maid for general huuaework; reference required. Mra. M B. New man. .M Howard. Harney 3J15. WANTED Competent girl for general houae work: no laundry work. Phone Her. W. 2J Harney rVt WANTED A competent cook In family of two, where a second maid la kept. C3 8. Mth. Phone Douglaa 1IK. WANTED Competent girl for general houeework. Phone Harney 3 housework; family of three; good wages. evn Bt., council murrs, ia. Phono WANTED Experienced girl for general houaework. No waehlng. 100 Deer Park Blvd. Tyler l(Wrt. WANTED White girl for general house- work. 404 Hawthorne Ae. Wal. 7:. WANTBI-01rl for general houaework: no washing; email family. AddIv to wire. w. L.yie, r"ark Ave. WOMAN for se-ond- work In pleasant country home neartOmaha. Mile from atreet ear. Phono Benson 401 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family; good waxes. Har. M). lno 8. gh A. WANTED Whits girl for general houae- won; no waaning; references required. Phone Wal. K WANTED An experienced girl for gen oral housework; no cooking, good ences required. Mrs. M. R. Newman, 3M0 Howard. Phone Harney S315. WANTED A good reliable colored girl for general housework; good homo and wages to right party, walnut 4M. WANTED A competent girl for general houaework. 390S Dewey Ave. Tel. Har. ua. WANTED A girl for general houaework; one living near tatri ana rtmam His. preferred; to work ont or two hours a day. Apply 4807 Famam St. Tel. Walnut iWv. WANTED A girl for gnneral houaework; good wagea; I In family. Tel. Wal. 4W. COMPETENT GIRL for general aouao- work, no washing or Ironuvi, good wages. 16 Burt Bt. - COMPETENT white girl for general houaework; none other need apply. Har- ney 2206. WANTED Competent girl for general SM7 Harney. housework In family of 1. WANTED A girl for general housework, tnrso in ramiiy. Apply 4tus vjass bi. lei. Walnut 2716. WANTED Girl for general housework, Ml A fit., South Omaha. WiMfmn-PniniutlMit whlta H rl for ven ereal housework; no rooking, good wages and permanent to right party, use S. Mta Ave. WANTED Experienced general house keeper. Small apartment. The Col vert. Ma and Harney. Apt. . WANTKlJ Experienced ruaid for general housework, family or three; no was fl ing. 124 N. 8th Ave. MRS. O. W. MEOEATH Competent cook: city rerersnoet roquirea. -.tele phone Harney 60. WANTED A girl for general housework; references required, uau Monaay morq ng. m Davenport St.. Dundee. MI1DLK-AGKD LADY, competent and reliable, dealrea a position aa a house keener In a family of two. or as a child's nursa or second maid. No laundry, work. References exchanged. Wehater taw. WANTED-An experienced girl for gen eral housework. ; good wages ana gooa home. MOt Famam. Her. M.. WANTED Aa experienced white girl for general houaework; relet cea requirea. Tel. Walnut 94 N. Wth 6L WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. Best wagss givan to es pable girl. No washing, lull Pp. KM St. WaNTECD A good gIrl"ror genera) house work. 11 Bo. I7tn Bt. rrwn t-iar. ta. WANTED Competent girl who la a good oook; no laundry; gooa Nages. is ao. tth St. Har. 2&iX WANTED A German girl, with refer ences; family of three. C. B. Shacklcs Rd, M4 South 23d St. Harney Hie.. WANTED A girl for general houeework. Mrs. F. Wnm., lei, ri. tni or mi. ji. WANTED A girl for general houaework; no extra worn. ii o. winm. GIRL wanted for general housework, 4ftn Dodge. German prererrefl. Appty WANTED Maid for general housework. German or Dans prererret. Must be neat and capable. Call Monday or Tues day evenings after seven. MIJ Lathrop St. WANTED Aa experienced white girl for general housework: no laundry worx. 118 S. Mth St. Tel. Harney Ml, WANTED A trtrt for general housework. three In family: noueecieamng done. Mrs. Julius Drelfues, S3 No. 41st St. Wal nut lSu. WANTED A g1H for general housework. 8234 Farnam at. namey an. M laocllaaeoea. WANTBD Stock girl. Apply Orkln Bros., U. . National Mull mag. YOUNG woiuea coming to Omaha, at a (ran gar a are Invited to visit tne Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's Ave. and luh St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aesisiea. ixios tor our travelers' guide at Union a'atlon. 8TENO.. atate experlem-e. K 188. Bee. WANTED WOMAN Government clerk ships. Writs Immediately for details. Franklin institute Dept. 6t H. Rochester. N. Y. . LAT1WS make shields at home; 810 for la); work sent prepaid: no canvassing; send stamp. Ivanhos MIg. Co.. L Louis, Mo. WANTED Good, steady girl or middle aged woman for reataurant work; steady work for right Jty. Address C. H. Bush, Box No. 2. Oiig. Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical est Offtaw. WANTED Bookkeeper prominent Insur ance off lea. Must be thoroughly com petent and experienced, otkrwiae please do not apply. K IX. Bee." jl&ST. buyer and system man; must be progressiva, wideawake, familiar with modern business systems and methods; beady; bustler; able to assume charge of offli-e and stock; give ste, experience, references, salary txpected. etc. Address K Bee. HIGH-OKA DK commercial poeitlona. WEST. Rfc.FKRENCK A BO V D AbSN. 7K2 Omaha Nat. Pink Bldg. A seals, SatVsaaea aad SsHeitors. COAL agents anted In every town; sret trial car. I. M fox. No. plaito. Neb. M I SMAV Neb. terrltorv. tiSj and em 'ATTd iUkF. CO. fto-U Brandela The. HELP WANTED MALE A O r. NTS A n y where In IT. B . write to- day for our P roflt-Rharlng Plan. MVd'lla- a ire. men preferred, experience unnecee- aary. B' rmmey-maklng oprmrcuniry. Pecfflo Nuraery Co., Kept. O. Lambert Baritent Bid. Portland. Ore. ORKJ1NATORX. NO FIL.I.NO FEB. Beet commerrlal poaltlona. ROcjfUS RKF. CO.. MO Paton Block. Faetorlea aad Tradca. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE LFJA RN the barber trade by our ayt tem of eanert Inatructlona and free clinic Foaltlona walling. Call or write for cata logue. Omr-ha Neb., A. B. Moler. Pre. WE need men; lad te turn down two ioba per week lately: get In; learn by our method: get one of theao Jobe. Cata logue D. B. free. Nebraska Automobllo School. 240 Iavenworth 8t. WANTED !ood barber, good wagea. at once. Addreaa Floyd Shoemaker, Bearer City, Neh, WA NTED Gordon feeder. Room (, Bee Bldg LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Tr-Clty Barber college; low rate tuition. Including aet of toola; wagea pnld; elec tric maaaage, hydraulic chalra; catalogue free. 1124 Dnuglaa Ht.. 0aha. Drug More Snaps, jobs. Kneist. Bee Bldg. SHOEMAKER, repairman." who can run wax thread machine and work aome on harneaa. Steady Job. Plate experience at esch trsde, axe, nationality and wages expected. Ptelaner A Co., Lander, Wyo. WANT BD Machinists tnd tool makers for out-of-town contract shoo work. P K5. Bee. WANTED C'oatmaker who can alao make amall lobe: pay for coats t ua: $2.n0 for amall jobs. Tailor, Box 346, Ra venna, isen. Mia llaaeoas. WANTBD Railway mall clerks; I7J.0I month. Omaha examinations coming. Sample questions free. Write Immecll etely. Franklin Inatltute. Dej't 221 U, Rochester. N. Y. "WANTFID Men to try examinations for government lobs: 170 month: common education sufficient. Y M. Bet. Apply immediately. WANTED A man about 36 to tnko charge of office; vacancy Oct. 16. Write E L. Wataon, Falls City, Neb GOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Learn by our systsm of actual work on autos, tractors, elec. starting sys. Fret catalog at once. AMERICAN AJTO COLLEGE. COM Farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. T HAVB a position In my business for a young man who can give me his services and make an Inveatment of (000; I will pay a good salary and Interest on hit investment. L lis). Be a. WAN'l'KLV Young man an partner In my store; will guarantee over $100 a month; Investment of $600 required. J U7. Boa. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. 'WANTED Man or woman to put out feather ventilators. Write for sample and particulars by mall, 16c. L. S. Har den, Hotel Neville, Omaha. WANTED rUrong. reliable man and wife, without children, for work on farm. Address Box No. 20, Beemer, Neb. DON'T quit your job yet, look beyond It; Employ spare time establishing a cir cular mailing bureau many successes, why not you? Our copyright making In structions make everything plain. Post paid 26c. Direct Fa lea Co., Qulncy, 111. SITCATIOX9 WANTED INTELLIGENT light colored girl wishes position In office or bachelor's apart- tnent, Web. 7072. POSITION wanted by young lady ate- nographer; ont years experience. I eoeicr iva. MIDDLB-AGBD German woman, good Dlaln cook, wants position in olty by day or week. 1011V, 8. 11th St WANTED Position, anything, by youru man years old; eduactea: Has had elerkial experience. New Tork office; would prefer outdoor work; six feet tall; very strong: wining to tacxis anytmnar and not afraid of hard work. Address S. 22li, Bet. SITUATION wanted by first-class oook; hotel. In city or country. Anna Oeraghty, Oen'l Del. EDUCATED young woman wants offtca work, not atenographlc; forenoons only. Call Wal. fcVJI In the forenoon. STENOGRAPHER with eight years' ex perience desires position: has had book keeping experience; farm loans and banking experience. Can furnish best of references, uougi&s sut4. MAN AND WIFS wish position in hotel In small town. Address 2301 North 26th St. YOUNG colored Catholic man wants a position as butler, houseman or porter. Call Web. 8908. No. 2812 Miami St. INTELLIGENT young man. 27, sales man, typist, correspondent and execu tive, speaking various languages, wishes suitable position. Can furnish best ref erences. R. R. Schack, 242S Cast BU, Douglaa 82t4). WANTED Position as housekeeper by colored lady, good references. Tel. Doug las 248. EXPERIENCED, accurate lady stenog rapher desires position In office; com mercial education; references. Address V. F.. 408 N. 2d. YOUNG lady atenographer wishes poal tlon; has had experience. Tel. Benson 166. L08T AND FOUMJ Lost ar Found ads In Omaua's Lest and Found mediums means the Immediate re turn of that artlcla If advertised In The Bee. tho Lost and Found paper OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TREKT RAILWAY COMPANY. Parsons having lost soma artfcto would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Blurts Street Railway company to asoertaln whether they left It in tne street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the -Ightful owner. Cell Doug. 48. LOST Hiack feather boa, Saturday p. m. Reward. Tel. H. tna. 1117 H. Xri Ave. LOST On E. car. black handbag-- con taining keys and receipt; reward. H. to7i. LOST Light bitndle Boston, one white eye; tag number M5; reward. Tel. H. 413. PERSONAL t.OuU SUBSCRIPTIONS EARNS 83,000 For the Invalids' Pension association. Tho Ladles Home Journal, 81.e0; Satur day Evening Poet, 81.50; Country Gentle man, SI. 00. 40u needed In October. Your order or renewal contributes 5 cents. Please shone Douglas 7183. er address. GORDON. Ths Magaslne Man, Omaha. YOUR furnace cleaned. 81; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Ivoog. 4M)4. TO UNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit the Voung Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and Sc. Mary'a Ave., where they will bt directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aaaistd. Ixxk fur our travelers' guide at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your jld clothing, furniture, maga tinea We collect. We d.strlbute. Phone Ifciutflaa 4138 and our wasou will call Call and Inspect eur new home. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St. Suits, gowns and remodel ing at reasonable prices. ANNA 8ISTKK, 201 City Nsllonal Bank Bldg. SWAPPERS UOLCMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advert-as something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need? It ousts you nothing to loin the Swappers' club and you will find it lots of fun swapping things. Write Room lu4. Bee Bldg.. or phone Tyler 10"u. CONTINUED ON COLUMN SEVEN", THIS PAOal, Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OF TITLB. RFTF D ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. Brandela Thee. Kerr Title Ouarantee and Abstract Oo., a modern abstract office. IT B. 17th flt. Phone D. MX7. accoiVtants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. i2S-tf Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 140. ADVERTISI!VfiOTKLTIES. M. F. Whafer flt Oo.. 12th. Famam. D. 7474. AMATEin FI7IISHI7IG. FILMS developed free if purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg. lept. D. ARCHITECTS. Everett0. Dodda. 612 Paxton Blk. D. tm. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. 511 Paxton Blk. D. 1904. WILL N. JOHNSON, 8 W. Cor. 14th and Douglss. Douglas 4tt. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-W W O W. R. 8?3. AUTO INSURANCE. AITTOMORILB MUTUAL CO., Douglas 2S1. INSURANCE AITO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. jn?H Far. D. 2nfr). BATHS. BATH 114 Baird Blk., 17th and Douglas. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladles and gentlemen: lady attendant for ladles: Swedish massage. 11 Farnam St. Douglas J4T7. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha 8tt. BONDING COMPANIES. OMAHA Agency Co., 212 Bet Bldg. Phont Douglas tost. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. KSBd. Douglag 6. Lsaaard A Son, lo Cap. Ave. T. 16SJ. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, l Balrd Bld. D. 8461. DR. MACNAMARA, 674 Brandelg Thetv iougias imty. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford, 3D Pax. Blk. Red 4587. COFFEE BY MAIL. Coffee Saire money. Use better coffee 15 lbs. high grade ts.so. W. A. Pkalfe & Co.. Omaha, Neb.' UV TlBa rot I rVrtar auattaM DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBEBS academy, classic. D. 1271. FALL term open at Maekle's. Doug. 644C OENEVIEVEJ HAITLAIRE, Rom hotel TURP1N ACADEMY, 28th and Farnam. Classes now open. Beginners Mon. and class Sat. Private leaaons. Harney 6141 DRESSMAKING. Tarry Dressmak'g college, 20th 4c Farnam Clurt'g Dreaamk'g School. 2529 California MISS STURDT, 241 Cass St. Red 7320. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE. KelBterVi Dressmaking Col., 1S2S City Na. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. D. S07J. . DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 212 Nsvllle Block. Evl denoe secured In all cases. Tyler 1138. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Hj W.O.W. Bid. Pyorrhea, Dr. Flcklea. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. 2184. DRUGS. DRUGS at rut prices; freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Mo- Conneil Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. EMPLOYMENT. INTERNATIONAL, Employment Office, 1812 Cass St.. furnish best help. French cooks, store room men, waiters, maids, waitresses, kitchen help of all kind a Call Tyler 248 W. ELECTROLYSIS. tTtoa Allender. 824 Bee Bldg. Red 2068. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACOORDION. tide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hsmstltlchlng, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding. cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. Douglas !:. FURNACES AND TIM WORK. HABERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Famam 8t. D. 8000. L. HENDERSON, 1814 Douglas. D. 1258. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HESS A 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE, 122 Harney. Doug. 1001. FURRIERS'. SAM KNTEETER. 10 Farnam. Red S34. INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. 808 Lyric Bid. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 512 Parton Blk. Red 7 401. Notary public, deposition tteno. C. W. YlRlTT, 'l Baker Block. LADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Miss Fox. Open for busi ness; satlsfsetlon guaranteea. ui in.oi LANGUAGES. Lnnguagea taught Webater 5654. private or classes. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. riTTRTrrV Thomas. Douglas 2&U. U V XUVliN t41t Cuming St. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS CO. Exchange Bldg. COSTUMES ANB LODGE SUPPLIES. MNFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. Ths largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Ijeben A Son. 114 Howard. Doug. 4115. MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man," 27u8 Leavenworth. WANT a lot or rash for my Harley Davidaon Motorcycle. Colfax 155 MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargaisw. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, news, cigars, candy. 13 Park. OCULISTS. Ryes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra. Mccarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg OSTEOPATH" rilTSICIAWI. JOSnPTIINT, ARM8TRONO. r8 Bet Bid. PATENTS. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. II. A. Sturprea. tag Brandels Theater Blflg. PAI.KTISO A.1U PAPERING. HT'O't M'MANt'S, 417 K. 40th. H. STM. PILLOWS AND BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Mattreaseg madt to order or remade. 1907 Oumlng. D. 2407. PLUMES CLEANED. CtLFP, dyed. D. Elaele. 11W City Vat. PRINTING. WATBHfl-BA RNHART Ptg. Co., rrnajlty printing. Tel. Doug. 21(0. 624 8. lith St. CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS S754. DOrOLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglag 444. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. Ev Daven port. 140 Dodge. D. 182L SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 813 S. 12th. D.1l SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shot repair. HI a 14. JTarlev Fhoe Rep'r. Co., rt FV'm. R.2440 SEWING MACHINES. We rent, repair tell needles and parts for all sewing machines. "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney. Douglas int. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 B. 10. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shear ing, etc. We bur, sell. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., 414-18-18 8. 12th. Doug. 27J4. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS. ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, furnace colls, etc. .Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Wks. 1206-8 Douglas St. Tyler 2ft. TELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHTT.L ELECTRIC Co., Bee Bid. D.287S. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. Mth. D. 6 TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELTNG tk STEIN LB, 1808 Farnam S. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter t rao. for IS. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange. 318 S. 18th St. All makes for sale or rent. RENT a "Remington " not Just a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 1284. WATCH SPECIALIST. Cnrlatianaen, Id fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES, 201-2 S. 13th Bt Wines, liquors, clgara. Plate dinner 11 to 2, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor house, 622 N. 16th. Douglas 1809. MEDICAL- PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. EL R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARHV, 2W Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM trested successfully, re sults guarant d. Dr. Bowser, 114 Bet Bldg. SWAPPERS' COLUMN ABOUT 60 feet 8-lnch furnace pipe, gal vanlxed Iron, and 7 floor registers, nearly new, will trade for shotgun. 22 callher rifle or anything- I can use. S. C. 80S, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. AUTOS Elegant 7-passenger Mitchell special, In excellent order; full electrlo equipment; a powerful car; good looker. Want a clear lot or 2 small cars, or com mercial paper, or what have yout Ad dress et. C. 788, Bee. BILLIARD TABLE Home sist Bruns wick; condition good; complete In every respect. What have youT Make me an offer. 8. C. 327. Bee. BEAUTIFUL, box: large lama 3250 Regina muslo bunch of tune sheets; to trade for small osr. S. C. 314. Bet. BARNES' books on embalming and un dertaking. What bavs youT Address B. C. 810. Bee. COMPRESSOR, 8 h. p. combined gaso line engine and air compressor, cylinder 4V4"x4V," air capacity 30 cubio ft. per mln. ; suitable for power and air supply for garage or shop. Cost 8250, had I yrs. ' Intermittent use; condition excellent. Will trade for light auto or chassis not worn out or put In a little money If condition good. 8. C. 322, Bee. 12.000 CLOTHING stock for clear oottage. S. C. 308, Bee. COAL box, del. wagon, cook atove, heater, double aet 14-tn. work harness, almost new. What have you. S C. 311. Bee. DROP head aewlng machine for standaTS make It-flat comet. 8. C. 306. Bee. ENGINE Nearly new 4 h. p. alnglt cyl. engine for Indian motorcycle, equipped with free clutch pulley; paint and plat ing In good condition. Trading price, $17.00. Trade for good wheel, gasoline engine or anything can use. 8. C Kit. Bee. FOR TRADE A Cartercar. new tires all around. Will exchange for light road ater. Ford preferred. B. C. 3B4, Bee. FOR TRADE 45-volume aet of American English encyclopedia of law for A good ahutgun or small diamond ring. B. CT. 74. FIRfcJLhSS cooker, nearly new. for stand ard make B-flat comet. S. C. 304. Bee. GUINEA FOWLS Fine young Paerl guineas; want to swap males wlig some one in order to set strange Mood. S. ('. 31. Bee. GOOD Denaiuore typewriter, two swap for electric sweeper. 8. C. 312. Bee! HAGENBACK-WALLACE circus pic tures, 4 reels: also Keystone comedy, plenty paper and outfit. One or two people can travel, make big money; no experience needed. May trade for motor cycle. What have you? F. Voerg. Gen era I He livery, Kouth Omaha. LATHE, motor, emery wheel and stand1, entire equipment, to swap for anything. 8. y. 307; Bee. - ONE high grads -watch chain and com pass, one stel and fiber bound trunk, one leather lined bag, for typewriter, or what have youT 8. C. 318. bee. ONE oak hall tree.- liouaier cabinet, oak buffet, all In good condition. Will ex change one or all for furniture that I can use. Address 8 C. 2!H. He. 7-pasxenger lttll Kiaselkar to trade for motorcycle or clear lot. Colfax 2SA (Continued on Pace t Column i. t A I