Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1915, Image 9

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Xansas Collegians Outclassed in All
Department by the Speedy
RorhMter at Pvr"iiw. o to 19
Crlii at ritli.urii. J to W.
Muhinburn at Kuu t. 7 t 17.
W'l tnMiH at Bmn lM tint met.
Vttvph.ire at fpnn t to li
Kwarlhmore n t i'rlmis, to ;
Howrtotn at Vlvan. to S.
Albright at Lhi(h. Mid not nvt.
kton annlnat obprlln at Oberlln.
Oklahoma at Missouri, i tu v.
Prakf nt Xuihi, 7 to M
hbum at Nraeka, T to 14.
Kns Asctca at Kansas State Nor
rhnl, did not play.
Kanf P'-hool of Mines at Missouri
S tnol ef Mine. to 7
Kno st ft. l,oul;, did not plfiy.
Vahlnuton at V!ni!i riM not p'av
VarTerwhuT Normal at Knnna t'l'T
Veterlnni college, did not ply.
The foot Mil UrAonii was opened at
Hnwtlna c lleir th'n afternoon, the local
em de'ritl"- Yrrk iflleee, to
I true' .-. ir'd n ni nwiO t y !Vt I ck
and coal m ni:il. Hrhlirk. ITInce
and White wero the principal rround
stlnere To H'itr
of Woroestot, Mim . and n memher of
the leglnlnturc of thnt i-tato, committed
aulclde shortly before noon to'ti In lla
gew llot.r. tho citti'.rv lione iif hl
brother. William 'lsco. at Klklua
ark. a faahloni"'c tiil;rli of '.'m city
le pla-el n revohcr ! his month imd
'iille. tho IMcrr r-1 it-' elit-t In-rt-n'"-
WASHINGTON. Ort. IS. Th T n.te i
fftate, has done all It can officially to
ward relieving the condition of the Ar
menians In Turkey, In the opinion of
State department officials
WASHINGTON. frt. la. A icTieat of
the) principal e Tre mmpanle foe rr
mlaalnn to eataM'rh Mlnl'nupi chariree
on shlpmenti of liquor was denied today
by the) Interstate Commerce oommlaplon.
f olnnel Glaaaew Kills Pelf.
T1T1 lADRT.THtV. Pa . Oct. -Colonel
Edward Prodi? Olaarow, 40 years old
lliuitlasja (Wlese Keats York.
f?ASTINP3. Neb., Cel. IB tSpiol
Vse The Bee's "Swapper" column.
Bellevue college dedicated Ita new Mold
yesterday afternoon, with a 7 to 0 victory
over Midland college of Atchison, Kan.
Bellevua outdated the Kanaana In all
department of the Kara and ahould hava
acored at least twice mora. Bellevue wu
the aKressor throughout and Midland
was within striking distance of Bellevue's
oat on only one occasion.
Bellevue' touchdown came right after
the start of the second quarter as the
direct result of a forward pass. The quar
ter began with the ball In Bellevua'a
possession In midfleld. Btewart gained
five yards on a cross-buck. On the next
play Famham hurled the ball twenty
five yards to Wenke, who ran twenty
more before being downed. Uazwell went
over for a touchdown on a cross-buck on
. the next play. Famham kicked goal.
Osea Plays t'aed.
Both 'sides used open plays profusely.
Midland tried an array of fancy shifts;
la fact, Tordy seldom called a play from
regdlar formation., The Atchison bunch
pulled off only onei successful opeA play,
however. Belle vue made four successive
forward passes for a total distance of
eighty jmrda Midland's open play failed
chiefly as a result o weakness in the
Una The Indian forwards broke up many
f them behind the Una before they got
started, or Midland pulled them off so
slowly that Erwin and Wenke spilled
them from the ends.
Yordy Pnlla Long; Ru, .
Midland's best ground gainers were long
nd runs and a delayed pass. Tordy
pulled off one long end run of seventy
yards, which would hava resulted In a
touchdown had not Stewart tackled him
from behind. Petere and Rowe gained
several times through holes In Bellevue's
Una as a result of delayed passes.
The Indian forwards completely out
played their opponents. Ltchtenwallner
and Klnnlor opened up holes whloh the
Bellevue backs pierced again and again.
Stewart, a second-string man. who earned
' his place en the team by bis playing yes
terday, gained from five to ten yards
again and again. Johns hit the line for
good gains through the same weak spot.
Bellerae la Dsager One.
Bellevue's foal was in danger only once,
at the start of the third quarter, after
Tordy had taken the bail around right
end for seventy yards. Line bucks took
the ball' to the three-yard line, but there
the redskins' line stiffened, and they took
the baU on downs, Wenke's punt out of
danger felt short, however, and Midland
rushed the' ball back to the twelve-yard
line. There Peters tried a place kick,
which was blocked. . '
. Klnner and Lichtenwailner were towers
of defense for Bellevue, bestdes playing
great offensive gamea Peters and
Tordy were the stars for Midland,
Tke Lineup. .
. The teams lined up as follows.
Edwin L.E.IR.B. Clarke
Ucht'wallner .L. T.IR. T Orothe
Hardlannert ..L.O.IR. O Warner
Klnnler CIO Rummy C.)
- Oustafson .....R, O.I L. at....... Bell
1 Ollmor ..R, TJU T Huffer
Kenke R. E.IU R Tordy
Faruham Q.IR.H... Rowe
. Maxwell ...... .L. H.IL. H..... Peters
. Stewart R. H.F. B Livers
Johns F. B.
Sbstltutss: Bellevue, Gllmore for Johns,
Johns for Gllmore; Mildand. Patterson
for Tordy, Tordy for Patterson. Peters
for Livers, livers for Peters.
Referee, Kearns.
Umpire, Patton, Nebraska.
Head linesman, Rahn, Nebraska.
Touchdown, Maxwell.
Tim of quarters, fifteen minutes.
' Crimson Meets
, Virginia Today
JJTEW YORK. Oct 15. Three games of
more than ordinary Importance are feat-
' urea of the eastern foot ball card to
morrow, 'the. meeting of Virginia and
Harvard, Pennsylvania and Navy, and
Colgate and Army, there are unusual
' possibilities for upset and surprises.
Should all six teams play strictly to
season form the result In each contest
Is likely to remain In doubt until the
closing period.
Virginia goes to Cambridge with the
prestige of a victory over Tale to en
courage the eleven In Us battle against
the Crimson. The southerners in their
two games to date have rolled up a
total score of 84 points to their oppon
ents' aero. Against Tale the Chariot
tesrllle team scored ten points and ad-
dad seventy-four in the meeting with
. Richmond last Saturday.
Crimson Weakened.
In facing Harvard the eleven from
Virginia will find a furthed advanced
and better coached combination than
. Tale lined up on October 2, but It is
doubtful U the Cambridge team can
muster the same power of attack and
defense that the Ells showed In crude
fashion WO weeks ago. , Injuries to sev
eral of Harvard's strongest players and
shifts rfroni the regular order of forma
tion may weaken the Crimson.
At Annapolis the middles will be celWd
upon to meet. In Pennsylvania, an eleven
with three victories ana one aereat to
Ita credit, while, the navy has yet to v4n
Its initial honor bracket. Georgetown
and Pittsburgh have both triumphed over
the sailors this season and Pennsylvania
has not escaped, since Penn State de
feated the big Quakers after the latter
had accumulated three victories at the
expense of Albright, West Virginia and
Franklin and Marshall.
The Army also roads a poor start this
season, being tied to Holy Cross In tlie
opening game, but defeated Gettysburg,
63 to 0, almost double the score run up
rvrneil aratnat the same team.
Colgate, on the other nand, has o'it-
classed Its two early season opponents.
defeatln both Susauehanna and Roe, es
ter br scores of 44 to 0. With the excep
tion of Holy Cross, neither the Army wr
Colgate has met a team which vss
capable of trying out the strong snd
weak votnte of the two elevens which
play tomorrow. As a result Colgate and
the Cadets will enter the contest as un
certain quantities and it will require a
gams of this type to fix their status in
the gridiron world.
Tale and Princeton will play Spring-
field and Lafayette, respectively, and
tooth should come through to victory
without more than the ordinary early
season opposition.
Oamea scheduled for tomorrow, together
with the scores of iat season's games
where the same inslUu'.lons met, follow:
Virginia at Harvard- DI1 not meet.
Pennsylvania at Navy, 11 to .
Lafayette at Princeton, fl to 14.
Co. gate at Army, 7 to i)
BucVnell at Cornell, 0 to V.
Springfield at Vale. Did not meet.
Vermont at Dartmouth, 0 lo 44.
North Carolina at Georgetown. Did not
"Amherst at Trinity, t te .
Men's Day at Brandeis , Stores
A day for men and young men and a day to see what's new and proper for the well dressed fellows and to sec what hand
some clothes what thoroughly good clothes can bo bought at Drandeis Stores for a little money. Just at the right time, too, that is
out way. We have made some extremely good purchases of Men's Apparel and offer them at prices that should encourage men to buy
their entire outfit at once and get everything that "goes together" properly.
3,000 Overcoats and Suits for Men and Young Men
A Big Spot Gash Purchase.
t English model coats, the new double-breasted coats for young men, Chesterfield coats, ulster coats with shawl and convert
ible collars, balmacaan coats, covert coats with new set-in sleeves, all newest models and fabrics. Sizes for men and young men.
Materials Chinchillas, Vicunas, Kerseys, Coverts, Homespuns and
other different fabrics
The selection of materials comprises everything from plain blue serges, fancy worsteds, grays and
browns, to all the most fashionable checks, plaids stripes and English tweeds.
The workmanship, finish and fit of every overcoat and suit is of uniform high standard, and the sizes are
so complete that every man, from slim youth to partly middle age, can be fitted perfectly.
$18.00 to $25.00 Values, in two lots Saturday
1 1
is ati:
f ' ' L-'-e :i! I i
, 7
( ... - ,'. .. f v. - I
f.-'.:. vl -v :';ii.w'".v ... 'v..
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f' ' ' 1 . '
i ' "i
i- -r u j. t
AV ; : c -
A 01 wm
VsVaVHaTaaTaMeBlBV aTaTJaw
1 mm
The Home of
Schloss Bros.
Suits for Men and Young Men
These values demand your
consideration. You'll find in
them more real merit, more
quality and more satisfac
tion than in any other
clothes made.
$15.00 to $35.00
Genuine fur lined
Coats,astrakhan col
lars; all wool Kersev
shell. Regular $35
values, at
Genuine pieced coon
Coat, at
Omaha Headquar
ters for full dress
and Tuxedo Suits
$15 to $35
Exclusive Distribu
ters for Styleplus
Several Hundred Dozen
Samples and overstock from one of the best east
ern glove makers, on sale Saturday at about 50o on
the dollar.
Auto and Driving Gloves.
Men's Unlined Dogskin All
Leather Gauntlets.
Men's Lined Dogskin Gauntlets.
Men's Pur Lined Gauntlets.
Men's Dogskin Wool Lined
Gauntlets. . ; . .
Men's Imported Cape Leather
, Men's Dogskin Gauntlets, grip
Actual values
to $4, at pair
A New Lot of 145 Dozen
more of those Beautiful Silk
Four-in-IIand Ties, every tie
in this lot a regular 50c sel
ler, special,
65 Dozen Men's Sample Flannel
Shirts, E. & W. (Ely Walker),
make. Wonderful values, many
sample shirts made up in amy
style, blue, olive, drab, gray and
tan. Worth to $3.00 fig
at 98c, $1.49 and...... ipI.VO
Men's Imported Cape Street
Men's Pique Dress Gloves.
Men's Lined Cape Gloves.
Men's Fur Lined Cape Gloves.
Men's Unlined Mocha Gloves.
Men's Black Cape Street Gloves
Men's Suede Dress Gloves.
Men's Wool Lined Cape Glovea
Men's Lined Mocha Gloves.
Men's White Kid Dress Gloves.
Actual values
to $2, at pair
Our Annual Sale of Webber's Hand Made'
Men'sSample Sweater Coat
At Actual Wholesale Prices.
Webber's Sample Jumbo All Worsted
Sweater Coats, worth $10.00 j-rv
and $12.00, at; aP.OU
Webber's Sample All Worsted Rope
Stitch Sweater Coats, worth cc rQ
to $8.50, at 550.yO
" i" ' .nt vr. ui i " , ii" 'r-
bber's Sample All-Wool Sweater Coats, V. V''' 'te:!"';; ' r
k and ruff neck collars. Worth c, ftQ ottfe t'
.t $4.98 mx UmM
Webber's Sample All-Wool Sweater
Coats, worth to $5.50, at..
Webber's Sample Woo Sweeter Coats, o c
worth to $4.50, at 4Z.OU
We consider this a lucky purchase, a( we are only able to secure these sample
sweater coat onoe each year.
One Large Bargain Square
of Men's Ribbed and
Fleeced Union Suits, ecru
and gray color. Closed
crotch, medium and heavy
weight Values to $1.75,
Munsing Union Suits for
Men. We are Omaha's ex
elusive agents for this
famous underwear. All
sizes, in all weights of all
fabrics. Suits,
$1 to $5.50
One Big Lot of Men's
Wool and Wool Ribbed
Shirts and Drawers, nat
ural gray color. Worth to
$1.50, special Saturday,
What Do You Look for in a Hat?
Distinctive style lustrous color steadfast quality rich trimmings right price! They're all here in the
hats that havo just arrived for fall and winter, llat connoiseura pronounce them best we have ever shown.
Brandeis Special
"Mayo Hats," sold here
Stetson Hats
$3.50 to $10.00
Other Standard Makes
rfT iXSpecial Offerings for Saturday
Dors' and children's
headwear, both hata and
caps, all (all and winter
styles, at tic,
tfc, Me, up to
Men's Sealskin
Caps, $3.95
Saturday w will place on
ale about 400 men's genuine
Alaska seal caps sample
llnee; not a cap worth less
than $0.60; choice rj (ir
Saturday at CO.yO
Men's Fur
Caps, $1.65
Men's genuine) black Rus
sian squirrel fur caps, Detroit
style, allk lined, all sties;
regular I3.&0
Talues. Saturday e?l.00
Men's Sample
Caps, 65c
Over 100 dozen sample lines
of men's (all and winter cape,
many are allk Used with (ur
Inside bands. Values to 11.60
in one big lot
Saturday, at ,
Men's Austrian
Velour Hals, $1.45
Men's genuine Austrian
yelour hata. Importers'
samples, all silk lined.
Values to ffl if
$3.50. St....
Sale of Men's Fine Shoes
A splendid offering in Men's Fine
Shoes for Saturday's selling. We
accepted by wire about 600 Pair
Men's Pine Welt Shoes from a prom,
inent Eastern manufacturer, pro
viding be ship them to us by ex.
press so that we ean hare them for
this day's sale. These shoes are
worth at an average of $3.60 a pair.
Patent and dull leather, tans and
blacks; button and lace. All new I
styles, strictly up-to-date in every
way and every pair worth the orig-
inai price. ,
jf . fj . e . st ft' "1
we win piace me enure 101 ror your iv .
selection Saturdav. in enr new en-r
Urged men's shoe depart, (h j r
ment, at, pair Pae4t)
Finest Shoes for Men Hurley Bros.
make. All the late lasts and pat-1
a T - . - J m fi
icriia. impurieu leaiuers. i an or
black, button and lace. Shoes for
every occasion, fair AAI H
$5.00, $5.50 snd ....fcO.UUvi
5 'I'
Canvas Iggins for Men Regular
75c and $1.00 values, m all jri ,
sizes, ai, pair , sl
I MEX'S" S H Or m.T A"RTMttTyOiniTB0c,T0yST0HE ;