Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Ladies' Gloves
Derby, rrrln'8, Monarch the best by oyery tet:
complete Hoes in all sites and colors, one snd two
clasp styles, fitted and nil rarnteed
$1.50 $1.75 $2.00
$1.50 ULOVKS, ft. 19
Guaranteed washable kid
gloves in all best colors
and styles: di i n
special, pair. J X 1 7
$1.00 rsun'KB, IMV
Duplex KloTes in all col
ors and sizes; regular
11.00 values,
Drug Dept. Specials
26c bottle J erg on a Almond Cream
1-plnt bottle Witrh Hatel or nay Rum
76c set Military Hair Urushea
60c tube l'ebeco Tooth Taste
$1.00 bottle Horllck'a Malted Milk.
H.M Ever Ready Safety Raaor
ill O
tne reason
Sir 1
(tils. l !a ill 11 ft
Clothes May Not Make the Boy
but on them unquestionably
depends his appearance. The
parent looks for service' giv
ing quality in boys clothes
the boy wants snappy
style you'll find both in
these, Saturday specials.
Boys9 $7.50 Suits for
Two Pant With Each Coat I
Wo hnvfi hfifin nslrpri whJ
we can't get Boys' Clothing $
on sale like you have men's.
Here it is
J" HA a r e mm .
uver z,ouu aoys' suits jfi .ipf.
bvery suit made of
strictly all wool or silk and wool fabrics
finely tailored and trimmed the best styles
that can be had from New York or Chicago
tailors. Boys, 6 to 17 years, 2 pant suits $4.95
e J
Women's Underwear and Hosiery
From the cheapest that's
good to the finest produced.
You can't afford to miss
Saturday's specials.
Ladies' sterling underwear in silk and
wool, all wool, silk and lisle, flesh,
pray or white, high or low neck; Bhort,
long or no sleeves CO Ol
any style, $ XU
Saturday '.
Ladies' all wool, silk and wool Union,
Suits, regular and extra size, any style,
at $1.98
Ladies' heavy fleeced Union Suits,
low neck, short sleeves or high neck,
long sleeves, at 4i) and 98
Children's heavy and med
ium fleece Union Suits, all
sizes, at 49
Children's all wool Vesta and
Pants at 39
Ladies' Outing Gowns, all
sizes, heavy quality; on sale
at 49 and 98
Children's Sleeper Gowns
and night shirts, heavy qual
ity outing, at 49
Women's "Wayne Knit Silk
Hosiery, in black and -colors
and fancy clocks, regular
price $1.25; special 89
Women's Fibre and Thread
Silk Boot Hose, worth up to
75c; on sale 29 and 49
Women's Wayne knit mer
cerized lisle and heavy cot
ton and fleeced lisle hose at,
pair 35
iw Millinery at a ridicu-
Hats, $2.97
irehase r. ' -
i """"These hats come in
black, - also colors.
e. i
trimmed with ostrich
s plumes , and fancies,
others witn leather
"novelties, ornaments,
""flowers, furs, etc.
1.00 Fancies
- 'VT 7
ipoD8, in asua axgreiies, :
las shackle and coque
some in
. - II II II II II i r
lashVelvet Shapes at-
hri'obrnes, Tar-
7 made of silk, ..
to When Trim.
A Saturday Sale of Modish Suits
mat divings big savings lour way
ooo Deauzirui i auorea ouns
In Fur-Triiamed Velvets
In Fur-Trimmed Broadcloths
In Fur-Trimmed Whipcords.
Poplins and. Novelty Cloths. .
-'"'': 1 rWeU Worth $25 and $30.
Twenty distinctively new and approved styles for
your selection. All sizes and most wanted new colorings.
A Display of Gowns and Dresses
for all occasions that stand second to none in point of assortments
or values.
The Range of Pricings is Very Broad
but from the most moderately price d of the dresses to the most elaborate
gown for evening or afternoon occasions, you'll find exceptional beauty
and becomingness in design and superior quality in fabric and finish.
jjn mm,
Coats Featured by Distinctive Difference
A remarkable showing revealing all that is best in fashion's Fancies for Fall and Winter, 1915-16,
in every wanted material and color.
A . Wonderful Special Showing of Coats Saturday
Plush Coats, Ural Lamb Coats,
Chinchilla Coats, Novelty Cloth
10. 00
able colors, complete line of sizes for
women and misses.
Pur Coats, Pur Sets, Pur Scarfs, Pur Muffs attractively priced.
Surprising Shoe Bargains
for Saturday Selling
Prices on shoes for Saturday
that will rfiake you sit up and
take notice.
The following priced shoes will
SURELY appeal to the man or wo
man who wants to save a dollar.
lien's Kid Laced Shoes, semi-English last, Goodyear r Qg
elt soles; regular $4.00 values JJ
'toys ' and Youths' STOBM CALF high cut Shoes that OC
ill wear and keep the boys' feet dry. $J.OO values. . . f wr-r
; Vomen's' patent leather, black cloth top, button, OC
, tyS A
-''' VZ. J;"VJ- if
A Peerless Showing of $
Blouses, made to sell to $7.50
Fresh, new stock just received from two of America's most
" Vtiutvi!tlnn4 Irf. -mo . . . . i w 1 . n ,i n t eternal .wfc A 9 I. .... i. D 1 .1 .
signs, in snauow laces, raaium biiks, pussy wulow tattetas,
embroidered crepes and Georgette crepes; designs suitable
for all occasions; all sizes and colors. Unquestionably the
greatest values of the season at $3.95
leel; $3.00-values.
c.j,l 1, !,1 a-nA nmn TrAal VilltfAn fillAOB fif WT1 T Alld
rfiftBY au xiv vcm
f i,ral)le : $2.50 values
A Remarkable Showing of Children's
Three Special Lots of
Children's Dresses
A big shipment of new
Dresses, secured by our
buyer for ca&h at a bar
gain. Dainty designs in all
choicest styles and mate
rials, and un equaled val
ues, at
Coats and Dresses
A Routing Special in Children's
Winter Coats
Tiatt Our Babr taui.
tflv2) uiir Hundreds of them for your I
sfcltion, in all sizes, 2 to
Sn ClfrA years, and in most ap- I
rf rL Prove materials, colors i
L 1 jT and styles. Coats made to
"Tr to $7.50, 'sale price,
" TUtt Our Bk7 Bmmi, V
Example of Zaccheus
Is Used by Sunday
To Win More Souls
(Continued From rir fll.)
rk all the nawdut P and to rub tvery
particle of It thnuigh their hands and
hunt for tha thin tn that manner, pay
In the min $5 a day, then I would h
truly aeekln It. The flml effort I made
rareleaaly down the alalea would be look
in for the article, but the laat effort
would he aeekln It.
Tor tha fun of Ood l come to eeek
and aave that whloh la lout."
Tha Klhle aaya ye ahalt aeek Jeua.
What If a faat train la put on one
track. Jmt bark of It. headed In the iame I
dlreotlon, waa placed another engine, n I
alow one. Tha raault would be that tha !
alow train never would catch the first
n n .4 .. 111.. . 1. ..... I
.ml iiiv. wfc ( L uirj tv ii
the aame track, facln each other, no
matter how far apart, they aoon will
meet If atarted. Jeaua aeeka ua, and It
la our duty to aeek Jeaua.
At a meeting which waa held In Bngl
daw, Mich., Colonel A. T. Ullea waa
amon tha oonvarta to como forward.
Later at a meeting he dlactmacd the con
version and hta Christian experience. He
aald that when he went Into the army
ha went out aa a private and he waa
advanced to colonol. Ha then had tha
opportunity to give hta heart to Ood,
but ha aald, "No" to Him. Later on he
thought If he only had the opportunity
to represent hla district In the lowet
house of congress, that ha would give
his heart to Clod and would e a pro.
fesalng Christian. Hut he aald. "No,"
after that He aald that he uellaved
that It he could only ba governor, he
would take the atand, but he also aald
"No" then. If he could only be rich,
he would do so then. Hut when he be
came a multi-millionaire, he atlll waa
disinclined. Finally, when did did ao.
he found that tha best time always Is
now. Make haste I
Looked tor He ia White City.
A policeman notioed ft l.U boy and
a little girl atandlng bewildered at
the Fifty-aeventh atreet anlranos to tha
White City park. Ha a kid tuem whit
they wanted. They told hUn they ware
looking tor their mamma, aayln that
she had died several weeks before And
had aald aha waa going to the Whjte
City. They were there, In their Inno
cence, to try and find her. Hava you
anybody In God's Whtta City you want
to meet sometime T
Your soul Is worth 10.0i0,00t worlds;
why don't you give God ft chanoe to
save It? If I could preach one sermon
of salvation to tha Imps and devils In
hell, and give them the same Invitation,
1 would depopulate hell tn fifteen min
utes. Yet ft lot of you peopla with
chances to escape hell are breaking
your necks to get there. You'ro ft pack
of foolat
I wish I poaaesaed the power to plo
ture the beauty of heaven which will
be lost to many, and to picture tha ter
rors of hell and the glory of aaJvatlon
and the repulaivenesa of aln.
And you are lost to heavon. The
thought of heaven cornea to mo like a
shower of glory. Home day I will be
swept through the gates waahad In
blood. I'll " Hhn whom, seeing not,
1 hava loved, and whoso gospel I have
,' If eternity meant to me eternity with
out Ood, without wife, without children,
without all that la dear to me, then
ttofnlty would be the saddest word In
the dictionary to me. But It doesn't. It
only means that when you don't accept
Jeaus. How can you know and go ahead
as you are?
Whatever else you may say about ma
after I've left town, you can't aay this:
'Me said It was easy to be a Christian."
No, I never aald that, but I hava aald,
and do nay, lt'a easy to get right, but
hard to keep right.
Way Pared by Llnoola'a lot.
During the civil war conditions became
such that Abraham Lincoln issued an or
der that none of tha soldiers would be
granted a furlough. A while after that
order, one, soldier got word that hla wlfo
waa dying. His superiors couldn't grant
him the furlough, but they did let him
go and try to ae tha president. Iiut
when ha reached the president's office a
guard outside stopped him and told him
It waa Impossible to aee the reat man.
Tha soldier went away discouraged, hla
yes filled with tears.
Outside a little boy saw him. The boy
was Tad Lincoln. The little boy said,
"What's the matter, Mlater SoldlerT" The
youngster had to ask several times before
tha soldier heard and answered him. And
when the man told the child why he
mourned, the little fellow said: "Como
with me; I'll take you to see him he's
my papa." The boy got the Soliler pnal
the guard at the door and Lincoln signed
the order allowing him to go to the bed
side of his dying wife.
That story Is perfect. Here Is sin, tho
guard at tha door, asd you can't get by.
Bin la tha barrier. Twenty-nine years ago,
In a Chicago mission, Jesua Christ en mo
to ma. "I can't get In," I said. But He
took me In and tha peace of Ood has
been with ma aver, alnce. Try It, you
(Copyright. William A. Sunday.)
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Oct. 15. (Spe
cial) Kata Little Thunder and her sister,
Grace, are Indian girl students of the
government Indian school In itapld Clt.
They have just returned to school for
the winter term. That they did not spend
their vacation In Idleness, Is Indicated
by a letter which the school authorities
received yesterday from the father of
the girls, aged 70, on the Rosebud reser
In the letter the father ajuerta that the
girls were of great assistance to him
during tha summer and fall. He has no
boy at home and la too old to work. To
do the work on the farm which the fam
ily owns, tha girls operated mowing ma
chines and a hayrake to the extont that
they put up twenty-four tons of hay,
cultivated the potatoess and harvested
thirty-eight buahels. They aleo cut and
hauled sufficient wood to Iwt during the
winter months, ato their ad rarenta
would be as comfortable as ponnlblu dur
ing tha tlma they are completing their
education in the government Indian
Mora DMttn Utaaarre.
PIBRKC, . V., Oct. 10. Btwclal. Tha
Stata Ltv tUock commission heard th
arguments In tha depute In the Ntwdo-auer-WelWr
ctr from Sptnk county. In
which NUderauar auks that th certifi
cate to praotlce vnuHiv'i.ry u-.ln ine and
surgery, granted to vv'JJa;-, be cancelled
on tha grounds that Waiter ia not a
graduate veterinarian. It la tho contest
which Is being urged by tha graduate
vetarlnarlaria agaroat allowing tha old
fashioned horse doctors to practice tn the
stata. Tha board did not announce Its
dectoion, but will consider tha matter
for tha present.
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