Jtir, li,n: OMAHA. iSATUUDAY, iKriltKlt lti. Wlo. ZEPPELIN SIMS BRITISHWARSHIP? Commander of Ainfcip Asserts Bomb Sank Vessel on Hirer Thames. DESCRIBES RAIDS OK LONDON (Correspondence of the Associated Tress.) BERLIN, Sept. 25. Lieutenant Peterson, German navy, one of the few German officer who hare re peatedly visited London alnce the outbreak of the war, la visiting Ber lin, where a correspondent of the Associated Presa had an opportunity ' to hare a conversation with him upon his Impressions of the British metropolis. Lieutenant Peterson, a young, beardless, smiling Westphallan, Is neither secret service officer nor re turned prisoner of war, but one of the senior officers in the German navy's aerial fleet and his visits have been made in command of one of the naval Zeppelins which have kept London in semi-darkness and ap prehension since the opening of the aerial raid campaign. He refutes the reassuring reports given out by the, English as to the small effects of the. bomb-dropping campaign. . Evidence of Aeeosnplishment. "Mr. Balfour aaya that the deatrucv i effect of the air raiders has been umil', almost tnslgnlf leant, from a military point of view, and that we are unable to see' what we accomplice." remarked the Zeppelin commander. "We see and know better When we aee a bis fac tory upder ua collapse after an ex plosion, or when we drop a fire bomb upon -the London docks or adjoining storehouses and aee theae burst Into bright flame a, we know that we are ac complishing something. From Our Near Neighbors TYeeplasx Water. , Rom To Mr. and Mrs. C. II. C.ileon Tii'lay, October 13. a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace I'hllpot leave Monday on a trip to California, Miss Ron Anderson visited with her friend, Miss Iva moots, at Avoca rHinday. Mra. Georaa Huell of Murdoch, was here Friday to aee Mra. Mary I'ool, who Is in 111 health. Mra C. R. Kngler haa hone to Culhert aon. Npb.. to epend aeveral weeke with hor parenta. Mr. and Mra. Cliarlea Dnn have mm-e.l back here from Lyons, Neh., where they bave been for aeveral month. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Davis left Sat urday In their auto for a visit with rela tlvea in the vicinity of Auburn. Oeonre Olive la able to he out afraln after being In bed for aeveral days with a severe attack of rehumattstn. E. U Lowler and aon Arley were on the Omaha market Wednesday looking for cattle to feed on their farm here. f. W. Orton returned Wednesday from a bitmjness trip to Dundy cotintv. Ne braska, and Cheyenne county, Kansas. Henry Morenaen has bought the resi dence property of Mra. Klla P. Uewton and will move hie father and mother here from Avoca. Beant.ctoa. Henry Pliant has been vlsltlns; relatives In Kansas during: the last week. Mra. William Sleber and children left laat Monday for their home In Oklnhomn City. Mra Charles Grau and' daughter. Flor ence, were Omaha visitors on Wednes day. Mr. and Tra. Chris Bach mis entertained a number of relatives at their home last Sunday In honor of their thirtieth wed ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Oua Tlmm. who recentl moved Into their new farm residence, were pleasantly surprised by a larttt party of friends laat Saturday evening. A number of little e-lrla were Invite I to the home of Postmaster Klrschner ' last Saturday afternoon to beln uiti Marguerite celebrate her etxth birthday. ' Several of the young- people are re hearsing for a play to be tfven at Oft's hall In the near fu'.ure. The proceeds will be for the benefit of St. Johns Lu theran church. Klkhorm. ' Mrs. Charles Witte spent the week, at Osmond with relatives. ' Mr. and Mra. J. N. Wyatt and daugh ter drove to Omaha Tuesday. 3 n km -.., .... .. ..v.. ( cM:una r riaay, returning Sunday, but with a-ood glasses we can aee things. Mr. and Mra. William Wlnterburn era very plainly. In a great city like London, tertalned for the latter's birthday Friday. particularly for one who has not via- Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Chamberlln enter- lted It in peace times, it la of courae Im-. I?'""? "om tt possible to aay definitely that one haa 5alrbury Sunday and Otto Hchunnan, president of the Rtate 1 hit this or that particular building. iooot'BV. SZr iMVf or storehouse, but we can Identify Very well ' the general locality, particularly of such regions aa the dock district along the river or the city and banking dis trict of London and find, our way easily to the spots selected for our attacks. ' Warship Destroyed "On one of our visits, and this la a fact that has as yet not been admitted by the British admiralty, we witnessed F"remont were callers here Wednesday. Meyers Bros, of Waterloo are busy lav ing sidewalks and cement floors In verl oua buildings in and around Elkhorn. H. A. Notte will soon begin the erection of a concrete implement house on the site where the old one burned a year agJ. Miss Ttllda Meyer entertained a party pf young women Monday afternoon In honor of her friend. Miss Kahler of Iowa. Mr. Schneider of TCwInv ram iWwnis. day to Join his wife, who has been here clearly the destruction of a warship on I the last week visiting her parents, Mr. the Thames, one on which a ratr ana mra. r. j. ueerson. square hit waa scored. On another oc casion I dropped a bomt squarely on a fort. I could not tell precisely the ef fect caused, but from the fact that the gruna of the fort, which had previously been conducting a vigorous bombard ment' of. the Zeppelin squadron, auddenly iors.se d fire and that the searchlight which" had been playing upon us went out after a flash of 'flame and a heavy esntoslon, I concluded that the damage hats been a very heavy, perhaps a niag aatne explosion." Attacks on warships at sea, said Lieu tenant Peterson, are difficult and dan gerous except In cloudy weather, since moat of the worships, new -are equipped with anti-balloon guna. Only when low hanging clouds permit trie- dirigibles to swoop -down upon the warship to an levtalon from which tha quickly man euvering ahlp offers a fair target, do such attacks offer a reasonable chance of success. British Do Little. Returning to the subject of attacks against London, Lieutenant Peterson was Ashland. Ne!., visited at the fundall home Sunday. Mra. llanna Panip visited her sister at 1OKan, la., Saturday and Sunday. Mra. l.ee of Shelton Is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mra. llaikman. Mr. and Mrs. ' Larson of Unison and Mrs. Clausen of Ix inn, la., vlMted at tho Pa nip home Monday. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Hall and Mr. and Mra. Kd Magee visited at the Albert Chnstophersen home Sunday. - Mr. end Mrs. Alan llaiard and Mr. and Mrs. tleorge Hsisr.l were enter tained at the Jacobaen home Sunday. Mra. John Hunter and Miss Tony Sinoveo of Pierce and Mra. John Mullen of Omaha were entertained at the lVIn home bunday. A surprise party was given at the Deln home m honor of Chrla Deln'a twenty-first birthday. More than twenty-five were present. ' Mr. and Mr. Fred Taulsen and family of Henson, Mr. anl Mrs. Lor sen. Mrs. Christensen and Charley and lora Chrte tensen were entertained at the Raamue svn home Sunday. Valley. Mrs. W. 8. Eddy waa an Omaha visitor Thursday. Mrs. N. Barnes of IJncoln la visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Whlt more. Mrs. C. It. Nichols returned Wednesday for a short vls.t with her aister In South Dakota. Mrs. Archer and aon. Joe Archer, were the week-end guest of Mr. and Mra. W. S. Kddy. Mrs. Charlea Webb gave a very en joyable "at home" Wednesday afternoon t her home In honor of her slater, Mra Barnes, of Lincoln. The "Busy Bees" held their regular meeting Wednesday afternoon at the Presbyterian church. Mra. Charles Blom quist served the lunch. John I-entell waa given a pleasant sur prise Wednesday evening. when Ma brother. Ernest, and his bride of Wool sey, Kan., arrived for a visit The regular monthly meet'ng of the Ladles' Aid was held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. McAllister Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs. McAllister waa assisted by Mra. J. 8. Kennedy In aervlng. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Blomqulst, Mra. Fonts and Admlnlatrator J. 8. Kennedy have been In Omaha settling the estate of George Fouls. Anton Blomaulst bought the farm at tl 41.60 per acre. Mr. and Mil. Lawrence Coy returned Wednesday evening from their wedding trln 'ln Boston aha 'other eaetern cttles. The Valley band gave them a serenade and were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mra. C. IL Coy. The members of the Kensington clut opened their meetlnga with a hike and we'ole roast Thursdrv evening;. - The fol lowing are the members: Mlsaea Waunlta Cook, PenrI Hntina. Irene Brown. Orpha Oalnes, Kthel ICnbsnk. Hope Muta. Ger trude Ingram, May Nichols and Lillian Morrow. , The rejrulsr meeting- of the Woman's chili was held Friday afternon at the heme of Mra. Coy. Mra. Adams gave a report of the State Federation meeting at Norfolk, Mrs. Roy Kubert. a blagraphy of Haydn: Mabel Johnson rendered an In strumental selection from Hnvdn and Mrs. A. C. Hldborg a paper on the "Phy sical Regions of Nebraska." Coin.. left fr her home Thursday, after visiting Mrs. Charles A. Mitchell. Mrs A. A. Mitchell of Coon Rapids, and .Mrs VarKa-et TeiWy t North Bind are lslting Mrs. Chsrl.s A. Mitch ell. Many slsnera were secured fur the pro posed amendment to make Nebraska drv when petitions were circulated In trie new Presbyterian church last Sunday morning. Itltlnn have also been cir culated about town thla week. lof M. M. Patterson, superintendent of schools. Is moving Into his new home IK's week, and W. N. Teuton Is moving Into the house formerly occupied by Mr Patterson. 'Brg Sait AW Men's Suits and O'coats of the Highest Quality at Unusually Low Prices The suits and orcrcoala riintalnod In thla Rrt MiM-a. of clothing, which In bf far tha largest la town, will Intermit every man who il reuse !. Suits and Overcoat for Men and Young Men- Kntiai m very respect to i carmpnta gold elsewhere at' M2.60. There are thousands rf. nen who dreai well and yet act not pay more than $lt) for their jrarnients. Our lar capacity of suits and overcoats at thla price enable ua to offer garment! of superior talue. Hin,d nome patterns and material and a por'oct fit in every Instance $10.00. -v.:.?v-:y4 i pi v ;ptY Vy J f 51 ffh Mrs. Mllke entertained the lsril.s bn Ington Wednesday. She was asalsted In erving a aainty lunch by her daughters. Misses Pauline and Rose. I Friends of August Plerbach were sorry, to learn he went to Omaha Thuraday to have haa arm amputated. He has auf- 1 fered with pain for several montha and aupposea it waa rheumatism, but now be lievea the bone to be affected. Avoca. . -. Asa J. Johnson and family spent Bun day with Omaha relatives. Mr. and Mra. Louia Weber of Cook spent Sunday In thla city. Alec Francis and wife were here from Dunbar the first of the week. Avoca haa contracted for their first Chautauqua for next season. Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell were at Osceola Saturday to visit relatives. Mrs. Fred Betta has returned from a visit with relatives at Royal and Nellgh. Henry Heine and William Kepler, sr., left the first of tho week for Oklahoma. Herbert Pate left Monday for Mitchell, Neb., where he will work In the beet fields. Miss Eda Marquardt, county superin tendent, was over from Plattsmouth thla week. . Papllllon. Mrs. J. H. McCarthy of Omaha visited friend here Monday. Miss Alice Rossard visited Saturday and Bunday with friends at Fremont. Miss Margaret Sweet men of Omixha wsa a Sunday guest of the C. S. West family. Mrs. R. R. Armstrong has returned from Omaha, where she has been In one of tho hospitals taking treatment. Mrs. 'J. M. Rrunner and Miss Mildred Rrunner of Klkhorn are spending a few days fct the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Roach. Mr. and Mra. Robert Beer and two sons of Uenoa visited Papllllon . frienda Tuesday. , Tho Kpworth league and the Christian Endeavor will have a union meeting at the PresbyterlHn church Sunday evening. 10. 8. Nlckeraon and II. A. Collins are leaders. Mra. C. T. Brown entertained the Woman's cluh Wednesday . afternoon. Miss Kdna Wilson led the lesson on "Standard Oratorios," which waa Illus trated hy selectlona on the Vlctrola. Mlsa Ida Fricke gave a splendid report of part of the Norfolk convention. Irvtasjtoau .i....... .k h. ...I,.. .n4 ff.e f .. "ev- iv.uasmora naa ne.en at WUODUUlrau . " i Albion attending the congregational con- the defensive measures against the irerence. dirigibles anti-balloon guns, rifle fire, Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Marquardt are the searchlights and hostile aeroplanes. Of ' gaSyparenU of .bbr by born last theae he attached Importance only te a-, 'Frey and family were here from tlllery fire supported by searchlights and i Burr this week visiting relatives and even In this line, he said, the British had friends, been able to do little agaloet thai raids. "The searchlights, of course, plok ua et B'.alr. UP new and then, but It la very difficult Mrs. J. H. Smldt and daughter. Lena, to hold a Zeppelin Ion la view, owing; uta n 'tJBe J1 J1 1 ln relatives here tiui to cloud, and the change. In direction. j daughter. Mr.. J. C. peed and altitude, which we can make ( ingles of Stuart, were visiting Avoca quickly, and It Is .till more difficult for relatives this week. gun. to get our range In the darkness TatrSuyX ueSI under these circumstances." , cf Miss Iva Bmoots. As to the attacks by aeroplane., men-' O. V. Maseman and wife and J. C. . . . K .i.. . A,. Zlmmerer and family were at Omaha tloned. a number or time, m pres. ois- iruegay and Wednesday. patches, tne commanaer reiegaiea me , Mr. and Mr, w X- Hollenberger and, to the realm of fables. He had not known ! John Weaver and family apent Sunday of an attack of this kind in any of the ' w"-h friends near Palmyra. ..m. nnn FnirlnH nor had he ever A- Oelkers and sister, Miss Tina, raids upon England, nor naa ne ever i 8mltnfleld thls week altendlnK ; seen a hostile aeroplane In any of his ' the wedding of a relative. various excursions thither. Aeroplane. k j. spencer and family were here can with difficulty navigate In the dark-1 from Talmage Sunday for a visit with ... h.v. v.ev little chance of find- uo lam" l a. marnuwroi. Ing or catchlng one - of the high-speed Zeppelins, so that the dirigibles had as yet no occasion to use "the defensive arm ament which they carry to drive away these waspa of the air. Mail Cross a Hark area. Navigation for the Zeppelins, too. Is by no means as yet an exact science. The trips must be timed so as to cross the English coast in the darkness, make the ' attack and get away again before dawn. Uaby's Birthday. "It Is not so easy to find England," he B.w, coming as anticipated with! aid. "We cannot navigate so exactly at J it is of the utmost im-l ea a. overland, owing to the uncertainty portaare that great ear ia taken to of the air current., absence of land- Jnak this Important event a happy marks, etc., so that tt is usually an open sn. question at Just what point of the Brit- Mother! Friend, applied external jh coast we ahall bring up. Once there. y and to be had of all drurfists, i however, after w-e have confirmation of of the greatest value for it robs child-' the coast, we have the outlines of some birth ef its arordes and dangers, coast city that gives us our bearings and tnakea the mother comfortable and we can ateer a straight course for our ob- helps make baby strong, healthy and lective. i vigorous. It is effective and depend- "We can easily tell by Just what route W nd has been used aucceeafully' we are entering London. Laat time I r ? 7ri- DefiniU I taatructUM went in from the Surrey .Ide and navi- ( funusied with each bottle. gated without difficulty to the dock re- ( Ion. which we had been ordered to at- tack. Others of the aquadron went to the :ity district and found it, too." Bellevee, Many Bcllevue people continue to at tend the Sunday meotinga. Mra. Charles B. Patrick entertained the senior class of the college Monday evening. James Short ha. moved his grocery from the postofflce building to the inter urban station. James Tearson has returned to take up his residence ln Hellevuo after an absence of a year at Kearney. Albert Phnfer, asred 10. who broke his collarbone in a Kame of foot ball early in the wstk, Is rapidly improving. Mrs. J. A, Heinzman, Fort Morgan, Suits and Overcoats fori Men and Young Men-- Kqual la every respect Karments. sold elsewhere $18 and $20. This In a popular price for men's suits and. this season' we have made great efforts to have everything that ia best at thla prlc $15.00. i All the new models and 1, J and 8-button styles, ' , Suits and Overcoats for . Men and Young Men-- ' Equal In every respect to gar- , 2 eosvmoHT Equal In every respect to gar- TaaNoua. or menti sold elsewhere at $S2.50 and $25.00. V At this price we can sell you high class garment, and the man who Is particular and Insist, on having good clothing will bo highly Interested. Tailored by experts and' designed by nrtUts, raise these suits and coata above the ordinary $20.00. Suits, 1, 2 and 3-button modela. Overcoats,, M or V Silk. Serge lined. way and Grand Showing of tho Finest Hultn nnd Overcoats Made Fl nest Imported and domestic weaves and colorings, hand tailored, and represent the greatest ready-to-wear tailors In the world , . S25.00, $30.00. $35.00. $40.00. Soft and Stiff Hats There Is one way of saving money and time In buying your new Hat - "Buy It Here." Where you are certain of obtain ing a hat that is JuBt. right In quality and style. , Grays, Greens, Modes, Browns, Black, Blue and Oxfords $2.00 nd $3.00. Stetson $3.50. $4.00. $5.00 op to $10.00. Fall and Winter Caps $1.00. $1.50. $2.00. Great Show of Fall Furnishings Manhattan Ehirts, fresh and new $1.50 up to J53.00. . Other clever noveltloa, both aa to pattern. and fabrics. Sl.OO -nd $1.50. FALL I NIit.nWKAH, In medium and heavy weight cottons, worsteds,' wools and silk and wool $1.00 to $4.00. SWKATKM tXATS Several colors, big shawl collars -S3.50 S7.50. rxmaxT maxTB CriHeKS atrlped style., blue and white, purple and white maroon and white- ta.oo. rAX.1 a LOTS lines are complete; atylea for every purpose Mocha, chamois, pique or out Beam atvl, all colors SlXXk, 1.50 aa.1 fa.oo. Never aucn a -variety or Neckwear, at Oo Chris Peln left Monday for a week's visit in Pierce. Ralph Noyce of Crete visited at the Brewster home last week. Mlsa Tony Hynovea of Pleroe visited at the Deln home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Olsen and family of South Dakota task ea HaaaU riEltKK, 8. P., Oct. li (Special.) The rtate treasury is again registering war ant a for a few days until the returns ore received from the October call for axes, this after paying cash for prac Ically all this year. The showing of the Sate funds at the close of business! 8ep omber SO was: Cash In all funds, M5, U; In ths twine plant fund tS.00O; com non school Income, HS9,00O; game, $37,S19; ounty agricultural. tll.Sov. Apartments, flats, houses and cottages an be rented Quickly and cheaply by a Dee "Kor Rent." Korea. Prlssa CesaaatMlva. WA8HINOTON, ' Oct. Is. President Wilson today appointed John Koren of Massachusetts as a member of tha Inter latUmal Prlsoa coiuiuts&lun. There will be the usual Week End Kale of Choice FTeh Can dies at Um 4 Sherman & McGonnell Drug Stores Saturday, October 16th. Ever) fHult Is cut, fitted and made In Omaha. 15I2H IKMige, . r-Ji y jmmmmmmm"mm0l f i"S i "N J B at. m aa m mm m i r i ava a.a.fe.sa r- w as 1 1 v l m A I (. i. a, M ilBSSJk. I One Good Turn SHOULD be all you need to start your motor these cold days. But one good turn requires The Gasoline of Quality if it is to bring best results. Red Grown volatilizes quickly; you won't have trouble getting started. Red Crown plus one good turn and away you go ! Don't say gasoline say Red Crown. At garages everywhere. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) litwes mi FROM THE LEADING MAKERS At the Central Furniture Store Select your stove from such well known make as the Medal Dockash base burners, the Comfort and June Day Hot Hlant boater, Kins; and Crown Oak boaters. Commerce, the Kins; of Steel lUnftes; Prince Hearer cast Iron stoves and ranaos and many other splendid makea of service flvlna; quality, and all at a price which will mean a savin to you of from 25 to 86, made possible on account of our ineipenslve puthllna; and location and a vory small operating expense. jf(? Soc onr ben ut I ful three-room home otit- V'4 fits, eTcryihlnff complete for $1.00. fie our beautiful four-room oulfiU, everything complete for $110.00 1 V-wrfilii.l.'i An economical - and ' pe.rfu', heatlns; ntove, haa a heavy i ol lalind stasl body, solll cast Iron I una. heavy rllilisd fire t.onl, and heavy sratea, nickel foot tall, to,- tall ana hams pint a, acrrw drafts, larra ash pan, etc. Aholotly fruarantesd to a-vo e-f.'ct aatla action, nor prti IT. BO. o W SJTTN AWST a0X.17TXLT rBBB. A t'ommerts Knr(g, a Medal IViekaaS Base Ilurtier, A Comfort Hot Hlast H-ater, A Clia-w-ll Washlns Machine, An Kldrldte Prarlna pfnrhlna and a ll-atwcll Mattress. Tha above article ar nnw on rhlbltlin in our show window. For full In'omiatUn in rard to thalr distribution call at our store. Comrnsrco Ranges T if Commerce ranges havs blue steel tops, h laa fire box lined with tha heaviest of caatlnss and duplex arates. 1 ha wal l are p-B'I of heavy p- llahed steel or dou ble thickness with asbestos board Inter I In In a. They are beautifully trimmed In plain nickel, which makes It easy to pol ish and keep clean. Priced from fa.09 to $00.00. You Make Your Own Terms at the Central. TRIPLE COATED ENAMEL WARE Tt ltQlOlSK BLl'K, M HITK LINK!) AND Sl.AMKKSS. sjaWniai isii ssBasfwsMaasaV Havo ths Central figure on your fur niture bill f ''1' iri -j No. ft tea kelilo, wiv.. iiaiuel cover, our price, 3U , The Cen tral is a safe place to trade Two-quarf' rorfea pa4 with en amel, cover, our . 4 1a price' .... HQ PeallUc. fcastlnai rooster. our -piioe. snlf- - j ! ' Four-quart double cooker metal cover, our price .... Ten-quart white lined water 'f C pail, our price ........ I 00 If even teen-quart dish tah,' Nn. our price .MUM Two-uuart whits lined dip- Cn per, our price wtf Feven teen-quart dish pah,' our price , out or the man rent district (C aiassl sTas ill si --j - 1 -r--rn- , , ,a See the Movies on a Free Coupon of The Omaha Bee Watch for combination coupon good for free admittance to various moving picture shows in Omaha and suburbs, to bo published in The Bee Next Sunday J Si