THE HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1015. ONE HAH IS DEAD AHD FODRWODHDED Gnn Battle at Election Contest at Outcome of Democratio Pri maries in Charleston. STATE MILITIA IS CALLED OUT AUTO ASSOCIATION IS GOOD Protect!? Organization in Dei Moinei Returns Fint Car Reported Stolen. IOWA CITY CHIEF FEUDS IT CHARLESTON, 8. C. Oct. IS. Sidney J. Cohen, a newspaper re porter, waa allied and four men ahot In a melee that occurred here today Jot oataide the room where the dem ocrats city executive committee wi to meet to eenvaos the retnrna of the municipal primary lart Tuesday. W. A. Tarner waa hot in the rlfht rang and aerioariy injured; W. E. 'Wtngate receltred a aerlona tcalp -wound, II. X Wllaen Wilensky H ahot In an arm and Jeremiah OBrien m ankle. The commltte Just sbout to be rafted to order to canvas the return of last Tuesday's primary at which the trouble u threatened. A flirht started In the AJolntnc room from that In which th committee we to meat The ha not been determine. The aeufflliMr occasioned by the ftfht "barfly had started when a fusillade of ahota waa heard from the committee room. Thle continued for several min ute, aa the commit teamen, and specta tors made a frenUe ruh to rat out. X Arrests MaeU. rollcatnen were atatlaned la the eom mittee rvom edjolntac, but no arrests had bean mad two hour after the ihootler and aa far aa known at -hour no one seemed to know who had fired th firs ahot er whe Jiapt It utf. The sottln; for the affair waa dra matic. At the Intersection of King ami fteonre street, where la situated the bulldirnr In which the eomrolttae waa tu meet, a large crowd had fathered. The demeanor of thoae there had lad the chief of police te plan a Urge num ber of officer there. Op to the time ef the ehootlac. ho were, thle erowd bad The demooratlo municipal primary de- w1' wa"e veloped Into uoh a bitter factional fight between the adherent ef Mayor John P. Grace and Triatman T. Hyde, running at the head of the ticket,, that eerloua trouble waa feared. Representation mad to Governor Manning by the aheriff and member of the demooretlo lealslatlv committee resulted In the governor order ing lour companle of mllltla and three dlvUlona of naval mllltla held at the ar mories aa a precautionary measure. Ikeei W Coaat. The atate adjutant general waa hurried to Charleston from Columbia Monday aft ernoon to take charg of the situation and to save the mllltla take over the buaineaa of policing the city, had It ben deemed necessary. The aheriff swore In fifty extra deputto and had them ready for Immediate action. Charges that the governor waa Interfer ing with the primary In favor of one fao. Hon were heard and promptly denied. Those who made the charge pointed to the fort that there wa no trouble Tues day or Tuesday night aa substantiation. The mllltla waa ordered to report to the armories at o'clock Monday night and waa not dispersed until 7 o'elock Wednesday morning. ' The unofficial oount showed that Hyde had won by nineteen, votes, but more than 100 votes were contested. The com' tnlttee met teday to oanvas the return and settle the contest. . Governor Manning this afternoon called four companle of the Columbia battalion of mllltla, under command of Major Mer chant, to assemble in ;thelr armories and await eventualities In Charleston. Letter the governor called the entire Second rvidment of the National guard under arma Germany Makes i Eeport on the Progress of War rtRRIJJ. Oct 16. The teat of today's German official statement follows: "Weetern theater: Northeast and east of Vermelle the British have again been driven out oc our positioner. They nave been able to retain only a small portion of a trench en the' western Any of the Gravel quarry. "In the Champagne, east or Auberlve, gaaoa troop took the only remaining French fortified position from which a great atteoa? could t be rnad upon pur positions. We captured five officer and WO men. a well a several machine guns. '-' "During the night of October U-U the atatlooe of Uharlon and Sttry-le-Pran- eols, ef tnflltary Importance for opera tion now under way, were bombarded by our airship. "Eastern theater: Army of Field Mar shal Von Hlndenbwc. southwest and south of Dvlnak the Russian mad re wul aUacfcs yeeUtnlaF, - Bubtll eC . the Dvtnak-Nov Alsaandrovstt . line they were repulsed with unusual heavy kssis. "Two attaefca northeast of V?aaotowo alao broke down. At a third attack the Russian auuosedsd In penetrating eur position over a width ot on battalion. A counter attack la now In progress. "One of our alshlpa dropped bombs freely en the station at Minsk, where large number of troop were entraining. Five Urge explosion were heard and one large fir observed. "There la nothing to report oonoernlng the army group of rrinoe lopold. "Balkan tbetvr; The army of Field Veronal Von Jju k.eei continuing on It course aSKorliig to prearranged plana Buuth f Bel red and Bemendrla the BerMans have been driven bark further. lrlaoocr to the number of 3e and throe gun, on ef them a heavy gun, have bn captured. "The werk on the southern front of iourovao were stormed last night and the fortified luwn thereby fell Into our hands. The Bulgarian first army ha begun It attack over the east Serbian frontier. It took possession of the heights ef the paase between Belorradjlk and Kujaae- TlC." ViUarpal Cuts Loose from Villa F.L. PASO. Tea.. Oct UL-Dr. VUlareal, chief of the Villa sanitary corps, re nounced aUetrlance to VtUa today, aa did e'so the head of the aecret servtr In E l- to. They followed the example of Ovn ml Tliotuia Ornelas, military com minder, and Mayor liontfort, who yt i. i 'ut abandoned the Villa isuse and tioutj to the l.'ulted Butte. (FYora a Btaff Correspondent) TKH MOINKS. Oct. 111. (Special Tele gram.) Py means ef the Automobile Protective association, organised by Sheriff John Griffin of De Moines, the first automobile stolen from a member since the organisation wa formed ha been returned to Its owner. The thief aa yet Is still at large. As soon Fulvlo Prosper reported to Sheriff Griffin Wednesday night that Ms car had been stolen, eards were promptly mailed out notifying all officials to watch for the thief and automobile, the number being given. The chief of police of Iowa City Inter cepted the machine at Iowa City and It ba ben returned to It owner. Mae Menrallty Cede Member. Prof. George H. Bett of Cornell col lege. Mount Vernon, ha been appointed a member of the Morality Code commis sion by State dunerlntendent A. M. Deyoe. This 1 a national body, of which Dr. Milton ralrchlld of Washington, D. C, la president, and It rurpos I to promote morality In the public school. The commission Is offering 15,000 In premium for the best articles on moral ity In our publle school system, suggest ing the beat methods of Inculcating good moral In children. Bsaplarrer Liability be. An Important principle in the employ er liability law baa Just been passed on In the ruling ef the arbitration committee In the case of John Richard against the Central Iowa Fuel company, with head quarters In Lucas county. The arbitra tion committee has ruled that he I en titled to 60 per cent of hi average weekly wage, figuring hi wage on th total amount h earned during the year preceding hi accident Riohard wa ask ing compensation on th basis of what his wage would have been If he had been employed during the whole year at the rata he received while he waa at work. The committee figured his average annual wa waa and average He I given to per cent of this amount Th member of th committee were Industrial Commissioner Warren Oarst, It B. Alberson. represent ing the employer, and Roy B. Cubbage, representing the employ. Paroled Mia De Well. In a statement Issued today by the State Board of Parole announcing Im portant changes In Its rules and plans of work, th board shows that closer sorwrvlslnn of paroled prisoners and th help extended them In securing work and In solving their problems la proving of great benefit. In th month of August this year the total earnings of paroled prisoner waa 17,114-H. Th avrag wage ef men paroled aa farm hand during August waa tM.9t and In addition to this they received their board. The average wages of those men other than farm hands waa $4&7I each fftr the month. The hoard ha doided to visit prisons offoner, make hearings earlier and glv closer supervision to paroled Prisoners, An effort Is to be mad to reacu eacep tlonal and meritorious cases early and to more readily place men out after they are voted a parole. "Blnoe the employ ment of a second parole agent a few month ago there I apparently an Im proved condition among paroled men, declare th board. "It 1 now possible to more quickly place men In good Jobs after they are paroled and to visit them more frequently during their year on parole and to more quickly respond to their call when they are in trouble. Th number absconding and the number who are having to be ent back to prison for violations ' havs perceptibly diminished. The rules have been amended In some partloulsr and th practice haa been dsveloped In handling th or mor who are constantly on parole, so as to make the most praottoal possible efforts to help them to beoome re-estab lished a producer outside Instead of state charge Inald. They are advised and assisted In saving a portion of their earnings," To Meat la 0eeela Osceola ha. been selected as th next meeting place of the state convention of th Church of Christ, to be held next May. Following th state convention dis trict conventions will be held In the five district of the state, at which plana will be made for the entertainment ef the In ternational convention ef the Church of Christ which Is to be held la De Molhe In October, IMS, At this International convention aom U,0u9 te JO. 000 visitor are expected. " Canada Land foe Sal. Hundred of thousands of acre ( land In Saskatchewan, Canada, are advertised for sale for taxes In the Saskatchewan Gaiette. an official publication put out by the provincial government and re ceived here. More than tot page In each of th last three Issue ef th Oaaette, Issued la bulletin form, are given over to land and other property advertised for sale for taxea. Aelkrei Net Petal. 'A' new 'tern from New Tork tolling of the Illness of a man In Delia ue hospital who haa contracted anthrax, .evidently from, cattle, declare th disease I always fatal. Dr. J. L Gibson, state veterinarian here, say' this la erroneous, fiom year ago five person In Bloux City war 111 with this disease and all' recovers!. It la a germ dtaeeae, to which man la sub ject. a are all classes of live stock. lewa Literature Wanted. "Wanted An Interpreter of low life." This wa th subject of an address by Austin lialne, assistant advertising man ager ef the Iowa Homestead, given before the Iowa library association meeting at Colfax yesterday, Mr. Haines lamented th tact that there are no wrltor who really depict with th human touch th life of the Hawkey. It waa pointed out by Dr. Cora William Cboat. trustee of the Marahalltown publle library, that li brarians of the state receive much lower salarle than de publlo school teachers. ' k Water with Fiea. Nearly l.COO.OO fish hav been placed In the river and lake of Iowa thla fall. according to a report mad to Governor Clark yesterday. Th work ot reatook ing th Iowa water will be continued until they trees up. All ef th fish handled so far thla fall hav been rescued from the slough and shallow lakes left by the Mississippi river when the water fell after the raluy season.' They consist of th mailer varieties, most of them being las than six Inches long. BATTLESHIPS ARE OR THEJROGRAH Officials FifcTirinff How to Expend Money Provided for in Pro- . poied Appropriation. ALASKAN ROAD IS TALKED OF WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. The na tional defense plana of the adminis tration, calling for an expenditure in (he next fiscal year of more than $400,000,000 for army, navy and fortifications, were completed today. Secretary Oarriaon baa forwarded hla estimate, already approved by Pres ident Wilson, to the aecretary of the treasury, and Secretary Daniel sub mitted bi estimate today, after golnic over the final detail with President Wilson. Secretary Daniels today discussed with the president the question of how many battleships, battle cruiser and smaller warship to recommend each year during the five years for which a program ha been mapped out. He and the president reach an agreement but the secretary said be could not give the figures until later. It waa learned, however, that th expenditure will t distributed as evenly as possible over the five yeara Report from Secretaries Oarrlaon and Daniel will be made pubtio within the next few day. Th nevy stlmatea prob ably will be mad public tomorrow and those of th army on Monday. Th plan of th navy, Secretary Dan iel Admitted, Include a large building program. He aald he wanted to Increase the capacity of the varioua government navy yards and do much ot th new war ship construction In those yards. It Is planned also to hav some aeroplane for th navy built by th government Th secretary conferred In Orange, N. J., last night with Thomas A. Edison, chairman of th naval consulting com mittee, regarding the committee' recom mendation for a large research labora tory. The navy estimate will Include a recommendation for an appropriation for research work, but Secretary Daniel ha not asked for 16,000,000, the sum th com mittee thought should b spent for a laboratory, because such a large sum for thla purpose Is believed to be nnecessary the first year. Secretary Lan saw th president re garding Interior department estimates, which will total approximately CUO.OOO, 000, or about ttOOO.OUO lea than the esti mates last year. Ills estlmatea Include fs.OOO.OOO for the Alaskan railroad, $760,000 for the Flathead Indian reservation re clamation project between $S,O0O,00O and $9,000,000 on other Irrigation work, $3,000, 0U0 lea than last for pensions, about the same amount as last year for the land offloa, a alight Increase for the bureaus of mines and education, and more money than last year for Indian work and na tional parks. The Increase for national parka has been made neceaaary by the fact that this year mor than twice a many peo ple visited th parks than did last year. Th European war caused many tourist to visit the parka Instead ot going abroad. Additional money to employ ) more patsnt examiner ha been asked by Beo;tary Lena Lawyer in Dynamite Case Is Near Death IvOfl ANOBLES. Cel.. Oct IS.-C. H. Fatralt of Ban Francisco, chief of coun sel In the detens of Matthew A. Schmidt, on trial for murder in connection with the dynamiting of the Loe Angeles Times building October 1, 1910. was said today to be near death. Relatlvea telegraphed for Mrs, Falralt to come at once. Attorney Falralt la at the home of his father-in-law, Ed Horan. at Venice, near here. He was taken tber yesterday when Illness compelled him to leav the court room where Schmidt Is on trial. The nature of hla Ulnesa Da not neen determined. Unsecured Loans Wreck the Sing Sing Prison Savings Bank OSSWINO, N. T.. Oct 15. The Pm Sing prison aavlngs nk ha suspended payment after an exlstene of five days, and today the prisoner are mourning the loa of th "token money" they hd deposited. An excea of loans without security, followed by unsuccessful gambling by the borrowera, wrecked the bank. The plan of using "token" money In the prison was put Into effect last Friday and each prisoner was paid K for two days' work, Saturday. Financiers among th convicts promptly started a aavlngs bank and many prisoners deposited their saving. Warden Osborne notified the prisoner Tueeday morning that they must pay 40 cents a day In the "toaens" for their board. There wes a run on the prison bank, which revealed the fact that Its funds had been dissipated by bad loana The warden ordered the bank dissolved. A depositors commltte has been ap pointed to aave all possible from the as sets and the Mutual Welfare league I expected to put the bank' officer on trial for malfeasance. New Duty Rates Into Mexico Now LAREDO. Tex., Oct U. Increased cus toms on Import Into Mexico, ordered several month ago by Carranxa authori ties, became effective today. The law require that 10 per cent of all duties shall be paid In gold. Carranxa bank note will be accepted for the balance. There has been heavy Importation of foodstuffs from the United State during th last few day In anticipation of the new duty ratea. QUIET REIGNS IH BAIKH COUNTRY Brief Forayi j Serbian, and Bui l-ariang Only Thing: to Mark Activities of War. LOHD0N KEVTEWS SITUATION LONDON, Oct. 16. Actual mili tary operations in the Balkans ahow but little change since the capture of IielgTade, except for brief foraya by Berblana and Bulgarians. Defend ing Itg action in declaring war, Bul garia claims Its neutrality waa vio lated by Serbia. Official announce ment tbat Serbia had declared war on Its neighbor was made today. It asserts that the Utter on Tuesday made a vurprts attempt to obtain pos session of strateglo polns In Bulgaria commanding th rout to Serbia, but were defeated and driven back. A pre dispatch from Nlsh t Part assert the Teutonlo force hav not progressed mor than four mile outh of the Danube at any point whll the Bulgarians are being held along the border. Greece 1 being financed by th entente allies to an extent sufficient to pay the expense of keeping the army moblllxd. according to an Athens dispatch to Milan. The sum or aS.OOO.OOO already ha been advanced. It I declared. In the Dardanelles th Turk claim to hav Inflicted heavy losses on th all! near Anafarta by the use of bomb and to hav had a similar success near Sed dul Behr In hand grenade attack. Allied torpedo boat hav been driven from The Narrow by th fir of Turkish batterlea Z3 5Tx e s dd! Three Story ST 1ST TflT OF Style for style quality for quality the values you'll find here are unexcelled anywhere, by anybody. Back of every sale stands Beddeo'g UNQUALIFIED GUARAN TEE of PERFECT SATISFACTION to the slightest de tail, and we are "on the job" all the time to protect that guarantee. Just pay $1.00 a week. FOB LADIES Ladies' Suits Splendid Fall and Winter Suits, all of the latest accepted 1 styles, in Gabardine, Serge, Cheviot, Poplin, uroaaciotn and Nobby Suitings. Some plain tailored. Others elabor ately trimmed with Braid, Fur or Velvet. Alteration free. $12.50, $16.90 up to $37 Bcbol thlldrca ta Fa rate. HaHTINQS, Neb.. Oct. !. (Special Telegram. A parade of . school chil dren, a third of whom were from rural districts, waa th feature of the South Piatt exposition today. Haln in the afternoon epulled the day'a attendance. THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL ' TREATMENT FOR LIQUOR km DRUG USING The KEELET TREATMENT re moves the craving for Uquor and Drugs and leaves the man master ot himself. IT Is THIS UNUI TKniAT- MENT THAT WILL DO THIS, and , the only one that curea aiconouo and drug inebriety. This treatment , has restored over 400.000 men and women who were addicted to liquor j and drugs; among the number are j over 100,000 phyaiclana. It Is the PIONEER In this work and has! many imitator, but no rivals or competitors aa far ad. RESULTS are concerned. During the THIRD OF A CEN TURY that this treatment has been continuously and successfully ad ministered, nearly two thousand lm-l ltation, or alleged "cure" conoerna have started out as our competitors; today scarcely a docen survive. Borne ot them so closely imitate our claims, literature, etc, to such an extent, aa , to Indicate a pre-deter mined Intent to deceive. They appear almost under every conceivable name, fool the people for a little while and pass on Into 1 oblivion, forgotten by the public, but j not by the unrortuuatea whom they, deluded and duped Into trying their methods. The one regrettable fea-; ture la that they should be able to ' deceive any through false preten-! slons, or with their absurd and pre-; posteroua claims, for In many cases ! they drive all hope and eonfldence i out of the Uvea ot those whom they hav thus misled. If yon need to take treatment for , the Liquor and Drug addiction, lnve- : tlgaU THE KKELKT TREATMENT, a treatment that Is known the world around and which Is recognlied by the public and the medical profes sion aa the SUCCESSFUL TREAT MENT for these addiction. Look up some ot our former patients, whom yon will find la every com munity. They are healthy, happy and prosperous; many of them will tell you that they would not be liv ing today If It had not been for the KEELEY TREATMENT. All busl aess and correspondence with us la strictly confidential and all Inquiries answered In plain sealed envelope. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE E3th and Cass streets, Omaha, b. lvTWt) 11 Ladies' Coats Beautiful Fall and Winter Coats in Plush, Arabian Lamb, Astra- chan, Chinchilla, Zibe line, Corduroy and Nov elty Mixtures. Styles and tailoring , the best. Alteration free. $8.50, 518.93, $16.50 up to $30.00 Ladies' Silk Dresses from $3.50 up. New Fall Hats from $3.50 up. - Girls' Coats from $3.25 up. Girls Dresses from $1.25 up. aassjai ByBBBajj BUBBaUBUUUUUeBeBSBeBBBBsgs1 BBBI SaeBBsV EOESSARY ri 4 Shapes, Felts, Colors and Trimmings that will incline you to a sense of satisfac tion. And remember if our patron knows just, what he wants he gets it without our men questioning his good judgement. If on the other hand he wants our advice and help in selecting, then a thoroughly com petent hat man is on hand to give it Gloves For Men by Mark Cross London's most exclusive leather workers, From Selected Skins, such as Cape, Cheverette, Kid, Chamois, Mocha and Buckskin. IS, 'll5, $2L and 2ig Saturday's Scarf Service Commencing Saturday, October 16 A special value and an entirely new Scarf will be shown in our East "Window every Saturday until Christmas. The scarf for this week is known as Persian Ombre; price 50c In our Exclusive Men's Shop. Benson & Thorne Co. 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. rr$ not n TO PAY CASH ! WE WILL GLADLY CHARGE YOUR PURCHASE 4 P m Men's Suits and Overcoats ' Stylish Tall sad Winter Suits tbsa. fit your form, para aaa testa. Xfo Baetts haw aaaktas yon si t a, yoa will find a Bolt aere te sasst y oar every reealresisat. . 512.50, S1G. 50 up to $25 . Young Men's Suits mart Tall Salts for yoaaf mem. All the asw fabric aa colorta- tbat appeal at a fleao to ta.0 yeaa sua was know. 50.50, $10.50, $14.50 to 924 Doys' Suits and Overcoats W sell the sattsfylnr klad ef Boys' Baits, la Toriolk, Xoubl.Srted as Blouse BtyJ. Btai. dr, styllsa fabrlo mat tv ta wear tbat Bar est lasist epos, suits r Have You a Vacant Room? Every vacant room increases your rent, and lessens your profits. Place a small " Furnished Boom" for rent ad in "The Omaha Bee" for one week. It will cost you only , a few cents each dny. Yon will reoeive inquiries from a very desirable class of prospects, ' from which you can choose a good tenant. "We will gladly help yoa write your ad, telephone us at ' once. THE OMAHA BEE Clastfled Deipartsxesrt, 104 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1000. There will be the usual Cut-Frice Sale on Drugs and Toilet Articles at the 4 Shsrmsn & McConnsll - Drugstores this Saturday, Oct. 16th. 52.50, $4.50 up to $6.00 3dQj6)H 1417 Douglas Street Out-of-Town People Can Duy On Credit. write tc c laiosue. Photo Engravings to Order The, are ucd todty ar estanthely Ihsa ever before la elnnM ail linns el work. -Look si the eewipatMri, au-uMuee tad atr ulM Suiter seine throuss Uis sule tbsy are all lUuatni by eagrsvtnsa, Tel as lbs surpass lor vbleh ye eish to see snsTSVtnc snd ereD Ml yes how ta hev ibea Bktda Tbai't ear uaioest, suk inf abate ess raved pietee Wt also operate electrotype and otereotype plants under th same ruot. Can furnish any Alnd of printing plates. mi I mm mv 1 Healthful Tasteful Sav Coupon VtaM) Doagsss LuizirJcrccntibCo. EISTKS3TCU Fullest and timelicat (port news and tfoulp in The Be dsy by dmj. Special Sport Section every Sunday.