TO TllE I IKK: OMAHA. SATCRDAV. OCTOBER Ifi. 1015. HAPPENINGS IN THE MAGIC CITY Toung Lad Almost Loiei Ear by Falling Beneath Wagon on Street. DOCTORS MANAGE TO AID HIM lapln- tnMant death by a hroVcn Tteck br but a few Inchon, Raymond Mer rill. yeara of ae, living at Fnrty-nlnth and H streeta. crawled from beneath a felt farm wagon, hla left ear rut almost entirely off. at Forty-aecond and It streets yesterday afternoon. The (ton wee groin went on I. tr-et and he In towed, empty, by R. W. Happ, a drayman of the Bauth Plde. Merrill, arcomianted by three other playmetea. ; i ,'icu. i. ' and Thornaa Jenaon, all llvlne; In that vicinity, had climbed on the open tongue by which the accond wagon wit belna towed. In aome manner Merrill fell from hid uncertain perch under the wheel. Officer llerdzlna, on whole beat the aocldent occurred, wltneieed the fall and uurriva ro in rceuuw wi iii7 imn atar. rra. KoenlR and Fnrxe were raced to the acene In taptarn rriftai car ana the boy wai taken to the hoapltal. Tlia ear wa sewed back In place. K aires In Hnya' Krap. Two knives In the hand of Jamea Fel lows, 14-year-old negro atudent of tha "Weet Bide achool, and another unldentl fled bor. figured largely In a hoolboy , scrap after achool hours yesterday after- j noon at S o'clock. Charlea Uvlck, one of tha fighting youngsters, was cut In eev- oral places about the face by tha colored " lad. Fallow! wis brought to the police station by Sergeant 8hehan and Special Of fleer Zaloudek yesterday afternoon, lie told tha captain that ho had keen set on by a whole gang of klda and In de- fens used a small jackknlfe, slashing; Urlck with Intent to wound. The ltttlo colored lad received several severe cut on tha right hand during tha scuffle. Deaths amel Fanerala. Wis funeral of Henry Kaatman, 74-year-old pioneer, who died at ft. Catherine hoapltal yesterday, will be held from tha home at Forty-seventh and V ajtreeta Sunday afternoon at I o'clock. Rev. It. Cornish will officiate. Interment will be In the Oraceland Park cemetery. Tha funeral nt Mrs. Ida C. Chamnuay, who died In Aberdeen. 8. IX, thlg week, will be held. Saturday afternoon at t o'clock from the Brewer chapel at Twenty-fourth and M streets. Rev. R. I Wheelar will officiate. Interment will be mad In tha Oraceland Park cemetery. John Earl Bhamblln, aged 4 years, died yesterday afternoon at the home of hlr parents at Twenty-sixth and Harrison streets. The funeral will be held Satur day afternoon at I o'clock, Interment being In tha Oraceland Park cemetery. John M. Yerga, aged 88 years, died at Ms homo, S301 South Twenty-ntnth street, Omaha, early thla morning. The funeral will b held from tha residence Sunday afternoon at 10 o'clock. Interment will be mad at Bellevue cemetery. Ho Regrets. Whan you buy good goods you never have any regrets. You can always fin tha good goods her at Flynn's. This big stock of Hart. Shaffner Mark'i every body doe. B tally underwear, Cooper's Kloeed Krotch underwear, Munslng un derwear, and numerous other good thlnga we have to back them up, should Inter act yW, dear reader. If you let us prlos them to you, wa know they will Interest you. Everybody likes the beat when It don't eoot more. JOHN fLTNN, With the Bowlers. The Union Stock Yards Company and tha Clay Robinson five fought a contest out on the Brunswick alleys last evening Which resulted In favor of the commis sion men by a score of I to 1. Nona of tha tally ware very high. The scores: UNION STOCK YARDS CO, 1st M. d. Tot. 4i7 HI rower 171 13 If ICIng Ul lu.ri.ard HI MUler 12 Lte Young HI K7 l.W 113 144 1,7 118 IIS Petals T0 6!2 7l JU CLAY ROBINSON COMMISSION Co. lit. 21. Sd. Tot. Ptark 1? V Wllkereon 17 Hanson Knoskl "4 118 gUailoy U I'1 14M ISO 17 1W IS 4ril 475 4;l 47 4j6 Totals 74S 7t 106 Uit Maftle City Ooaala. Office apace for rent In Bee office, 2211 K street Terms reasonable. Well known isK-atlun. Tel. South 27. The Red Men will give their first donee of lie season next Saturday evtnlng at their hall, IU North Twenty-fourth street, at o'clock. Tha Oerman-American Pemocratlo clu'o will hold Its monthly meeting SunUay, October 7, at o'clock in tlteir club rooms, ts) North Twenty -fourth street To secure Independence, practice sim ple economy have an account with the ' Savings department of the Live Mock National Bank, South Gmnha. Phil Kearney post No, 2. Grand Army of the Republic, will meet at the home of J. W. trees. Sua North Twenty-third , a treat Saturday evening. October 14. Hembera of the ladles' Booster club JLrte No. 1M. South Hiiio. Fraturnul Order M( Eagles, are requested to attend the 'funeral of Karl, son of Mr. and Mrs, . Li.Aj.ibltn. who died yesterday afternoon, 'emorrow afternoon at I o'clock (rum the - freaidence to the Uraceland 1'ark . cemetery. But few applications have been made e enter the propoeed nlsht achool at the local hurh auhuvl. ruix,rliitendeitt of Schools K. V. Graff had the matter In mind, but the ptor showlna" will prob. atly cause the plan to be lUien-a witn, rhertff Mutter of Parpy county and Of fir Poteen of the 8uuth Hu e police sta tion baaged no lsa than twenty-five fluo looking gray squirrels yesterday In the wilds hi fcai-py county ir t-priiigl ld. To show that they had done the Job, they brought some of the game to the police nation and presto ted It to Captain brtgga. . Carranza Will Come To the U. S. Border . UlREPO. Te.. Oct. lS-Venuetlen Carranza. head of the de facto govern ment In Mexico, will make a trip to the border during hla tour of the northern states of the republic. It waa learned un officially tonight. WASHINGTON. Oct. 14. Arnold Bhank 11a of ft. Louis, for the last seven years United Plate coruul general at Mexico City, today resigned frura the federal aervlos to accept employment In the Mexican capital aa Ivgal representative for an American oil corporation. The resignation was accepted by Secretary of . fctate Lanslug to become effective at rtwal Day's Activities. BHATTUS. Wash.. Oct. U.-The aa gloivai convention of the Woman's t'hri tta TeMiporaiu-e union devoted the final U of lis convention here chietiy te eenaldertng methods of campaign rork fr woman suffrage and prohibi tion. Miaa alary r'ranuva Aadetson of j jatoa waa scooted generr I secretary If tfi 1 wuug peoples btaacb of the i bulon. Firo Flies to Light Homes of Futuro PIHT.ArBMHIA, Oct. IS.-TMnmlna. tlon for the homes of the future from th" luclferoua lubatance carried bv fire fllre, certain other Iraecta. flan and animals, was predicted by lr. L'lrlc lahlgron, pro'eoaor of biology at Trlnee ton university. In a lecture here tonight at Franklin Inxtltute. Ills subject we 'Th Production of Electricity by Ani mals." Ir. Dahlgren said he believes the sub stances, these Insects, fish and animals carry Is of an altogether chemical com position, "once the nature and propor tions of these chemicals are dleovered," he added, "the light extraordinary for commercial purposes will follow. It wl!i render 99 percent of rfflclency where the lights of today can only produce 13 per! re nt.' Condition of Francis Joseph Daily Worse ROMR (Via Tsris), Oct. IS The Idea N'sslaonale saya It learns from trust worthy aourcea that the condition of p.mpf.pop K'ranrla woriH Tf,w mind Joseph Is growing of the Austrian em peror, the newspapers lay. Is weakening and he Is suffering from depression and has frequent spells of weeping. Karon Ilurlnn, tha Austro-Hungarlan foreign minister, when asked by a re porter of the Vienna Neue Frele lYesse ; concerning the health of tha emperor. Badly shook lil head, the Idea Naslonale asserts, TorQ HplllTlfl' SnPllQ To Russia at Cost NEW YORK. Oct 15 Okasakl, a mem ber of the Japanenea Parliament, who ar- rived here today on tha American liner St. Ixtils from Liverpool, said that Ja panese ammunition plants and arsenals are running at full capacity and that a considerable portion of tha products are sent to Russia. He said that Japan sells the war munitions at cost to the Russian government Asks U, S. to Act in Armenians' Behalf CmCAOO. Oct. lfc-Reeolutlons calling on tha government of the United States to use Its Influence In (topping atrocities j against Armenians In Turkey were adopted today by delegates attending th meeting marking tha opening of the lay men's missionary movement campaign for Increased Interest In missionary af fairs. The convention committee of th movement wa Instructed to frame such an appeal, which will be sent to President Wilson. Cruiser Sunk in Fight In Gulf of Finland STOCKHOLM (Via London), Oct. 15 The Aftonbladet's frontier correspondent saya a naval fight haa occurred near Porkala, In the gulf of Finland. One cruiser Is reported to have been sunk and another heavily damaged. "Th correspondent adds that a Zep pelin has raided tha Finnish coast, caus ing fires. TWELVE TENTATIVE JURORS IN BOX TO BE CHALLENGED NEW TORK. Oct. 15. -Twelve tentative jurors selected yeaterday In the trial of William Rockefeller, Iwla Can Led yard, Edward 11. Robulna and eight other directors, past and present, of tha New York, New Haven aV Hartford railroad, charged with conspiracy under the Sher man law, took their seats in the jury boa when court opened today to await tha possible peremptory challenges. GREEK AND BULGARS PACTWITH GERMANY LONDON, Oct IB. It is openly asserted In lierlln that a secret treaty exists be twen Greece, Germany and Ilulgarla, says the Mornlnc Post Berne corre spondent Eat Big Meals! No Indigestion or Bad Stomach 'Tape's Diapepsin" Makes Weak Stomach Strong1 and Healthy At Once. Instantly Stops Sourness, Gases, Heartburn, Acidity and Dyspepsia. There woulj not be a case of Indi gestion or dyspepsia here If readers who are subject to stomach trouble knew the tremendous anti-ferment and di gestive virtue contained In papa's Dia pepsin. This harmless preparation will dlgost a heavy meal without the slight eat fuss or discomfort, and relieve the sourest, acid stomach In five minutes, besides overcoming all foul, nauseous odors from the breath. Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula plainly printed on each 60-cent caae of lape'a iiappaln, then you will reader underetan.1 why this promptly j overcomes Indigestion and removes such symptoms aa heartburn, a feeling ' like a lump of lead In tha stomach, ! belching of gaa and eructatlous of uu '. digested food, water braali, acidity, nauaea, headache, bit lout ncss and many , other bad symptuuia; and, besides, you will not need1 laxatives) to keep your ' lmn.ih. 1 1 v . i a , , .1 lnt,H... u. 4 I fresh. If your stomach la sour and full of gaa or your food doesn't digeat, and your meals don't seem to fit, wby no get a tO-oent case from your druggist and make life worth HvlngT Absolute relief from stomach misery and perfect digestion of anything you eat la sure to folVw five minutes after, and besMea one cas la sufficient to rid a who's family of such trouble. Burely, a harmless. Inexpensive prepa ration like Iilapepelo, which will always. Ither at daytime or during night, re lievo your stomach misery and dlgeet your meals. Is about aa handy and valu ahle a thing aa you could have In the house. Advertlawuient OPPOSITION TO EMPEROR TUNG Preii of China Generally Takei a Stand Against Retaining to Former Methods, WATCHFUL FOR THE FUTURE (Correspondence of The Associated Pen.) TOKIO, Oct. 2.-The polblllty of a "cc ip d eat" In fhliia. whereby Yuan Bhl-Kal nould proclnlm Mnvclf emperor. Is eagerly dlacussed throughout Jnpnn. The official view as eprcied Is thnt aa long as any political change la not accompanied by disorder which en1nn gera the material Interests of the Ja panese In China, the government of Japan la not greatly concerned about whether China remains a republic or President Yuan or eomoono tlao be comes emperor. If disturbances do arise the policy of the Japanese government In any case will have to be formulated at that time. The press Is for the moot part opponed to a return to a monarchy, believing en suing disorders would prejudice the In terests of Japan. On the whole, however, the feeling la thnt Japan will have no cause to complain If President Yuan be comes emperor, Just aa Japan had no cause to complain when China became a republic, although protest were Bent to China owing to damage done to Japaneso Interests by the revolution. Mr. Hlokl, the Japanese minister to Peking who has arrived here on leave. Is quoted as predicting that the Imperial regime will be resuscitated. As to the choice for the new emperor, he finds that some prefer Emperor Hsuan Tun, or the descendant of Confucius, while others favor a scion of the Ming dynasty. However, the minister thinks that publlo opinion Is generally hostile to the restor ation of the Emperor Hsuan Tung be cause It Is believed that this would restore Children Hate . Pills, Calomel and Castor Oil Give Fruit Laxative when cross, bilious, feverish or constipated. "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stom ach, liver, bowels. look back at your childhood days. Remember th "dose" mother Insisted on castor oil, calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how you fought ag&lnat taking them. With our children It's different Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don't reallie what they do. The children's revolt Is well-founded. Their tender ; little "Insides" ara Injured by them. , If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only delicious "California Syrup of Figs." Its action la positive, but gentle. . Millions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxa tive" handy; they know children love to take It; that it nearer falls to clean the llvar and bowels and sweeten the etomach, and that a teaspoonful given today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bottle of "California Byrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on each bottl. Beware of counterfeits sold here. Bee that It la made by "California Fig Byrup Company." Refuse anv other kinrt with contempt. Advertisement There will be) the customary Sale on Standard Brands of 5c, 10c, 15c CJjjars at the 4 Sherman & McGonnell Drug Stores this Saturday, October 16th. III sQmZl i u urmmj&'L . I ' ; Ar; tested v, waa. I i rv "b'ivH - Si i .. . ' : jr'- lk TWIN CITY LIMITED To St. Paul & Minneapolis Leaves Omaha - Councll Bluffs Day Train Ltavet Omaha 7:29 A. M., Covncil Blafft 7:50 A. M, eni Arrives St. Paul 7,40 P. M, Minneapolis 8:15 PM the Influence of the Manchus, to get rid of which waa the chief object of the revolution. So fir aa tha Confucian or Ming nominee are cowperaed, tha Chinese generally consider them unworthy of consideration. Coming down to Yuan Shl-Kal, Mini ster Hlokl sahl: "Representative Chinese express the conviction that not entirely faultless as his past administration haa been. President Yuan Fhl-Kal Is the greatest of Chinese statesmen and exer cises such ability and Influence as render him the most eligible candidate for the throne. To the president's accession to the throne none of the present high of ficials of the Peking government can have any Insuperable objection since they were officers of the former Imperial gov. ernment and therefore would be In their element under an Imperial regime. Some of the military commandera at first took exception to the Imperial restoration, but not after they understood the president's real Intention." The minister concluded: "The question Is being officially dis cussed of the creation In China of a peerage of five degrees. The opponent cf monnrrhlsm are particularly watchful of this since they regard It a a prep aratory step toward the declaration of an Imperial rente-ration. As for the diplo matic corps In Teklng. the general Im pression Is that they ought to assume a neutral attitude on the queatlun aa no TRADC HAWK RCO. U- .PATENT OPFICg look for This Label Top; if you want quality ask for Tip-Top; if you want pure food ask for Tip-Top. There's no reason under the sun why you should not get the best bread in Omaha, because every grocer can supply you. Demand TIP-TOP no other bread can quite take its place. 5c and 10c at Your Grocer U. P. Steam Baking 1915 Milk Fed Spring Chickens 1915 Forcquarter Lamb .... Steer Pot Roast 9a Tig Pork Roast IS Ho Pig Pork Butts...... 1494c Young Veal Roast 11 He Young Veal Chops 14He Porter House Steak. .... .17 Mo THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Wool worth 5c and 10c Htoro. JJ3 Bonth 10th St. Tel. D. 2307. 1915 Milk Fed Spring Chiekens Pig Pork Roast Pig Pork Butts 14940 Steer Pot Roast Otto Young Veal Roast 11H Young Veal Chops ....... 14Hc Mutton Roast 7 He Mutton Chops 14Ho Porter House Steak. .... .17Ha Salt Pork ....894 PUBLIC MARKET r 1 8:30 P. M. St. Paul - 7.30 A. M. 5:50 P. M. Minneapolis 8:05 A. N. foreign power could Justly Interfere with another's Internal politics." KILLS TWO WOMEN AND THEN TAKES OWN LIFE ST. HELENA, Ore.. Oct. lS.-After shooting and Instantly killing his di vorced wife and ber alster. Mm. 8. H. Todd, here today, W. K. Stout set fire to hla house and held off City Marshal I J. Chlttlm by firing three shots at him. Then with hla last shot he killed himself. Accompanied by the marshal the two women went to Stout's house to make a division of .furniture. Stout Induced the marshal to remain outslae, saying there would be no trouble. After Stout com mitted suicide the marshal entered and extinguished the fire. Mrs. Stout was to remarry shortly. CARRANZISTAS OCCUPY EM PALME AND GUAYMAS OUATMAS, Mexico, Oct. IS. (By Radio to San Diego.) Oarrania forces occupied Ouaymas and Empalme yes terday, following the evacuation of the two towna by the Villa troops Tuesday. Carranxa'a troops now control every port on the west coast of Mexico except Eneeneds, a town in lower California, held by Villa. TiP-T.OP BREAD Whether you get the best bread or not depends en tirely upon yourself. If you want purity ask for Tip- Co. 14c Mutton Chops 14 He Bait Pork 8 94 c Skinned Hams 14io Sugar Cured Hams 1194c Extra lean breakfast Bacon. 18 94c Sugar Cured Bacon IS 94 c Fresh Oysters, quart 45c 14ic 12&c Skinned Hams 14 94c Sugar Cured Hams 1194c Extra lean breakfast Bacon, 1894o Sugar Cured Bacon 18 94c SPECIAL Prom 0 to 10 p. m., lamb Chops . . . . 1610 Harney St. Phono Douglas 2793 It Gets There First Arrives Ticket Office: 1523 Fanuun fit, Omaha rhoae Douglas SOO. Your Unrestricted Choice of Any Hat in the Store Saturday for This includes 150 Silk Velvet Dress Hats, trimmed with Ostrich Plumes or Flowers, Fancy Feathers, Fur Bands and Ornaments, values up to $15.00. This is our most extraordinary special of tho season. Street Hats, Large Silk Velvet Shapes, Small Sailors, Misses' Soft Felt Hats, etc., at greatly reduced prices. On the Seeoal rioor m WWimm Wttm SKINNER MANUFACTURING CO. Lmrgumt Afaearonf Factory in Amertom 14U St Jaeksoa Streets. Oauba. Neb. Teleaheae Tyler 15M POTATOE In carloads are rolling la fast. NEBRASKA RED RIVER extra good quality this year. 1 Bu., 60 lbs., ft:ic; In 6-bu. lots, 51c. 2c less If you bring your own sacks. PECK, 15 lbs., 14t Watch our prices; we will have several cars of different kinds. Colorado Alberta Peaches, probably the last this season; while they last : 4 tJAUtiAU-ni, per cwi. oc; less Another car Salt: 5 lbs. 6c bag .......8c 6 lbs. 10c bag Bo 14 lbs. 20c bag 13c Shaker. 10c pkg 7c Per bbl.. bulk $1.47 Stove pipe, 6-ln., per Joint, 7c Extra heavy .8c Elbows, 6-ln Elbows, 6-ln. Collars Fire shovels . corrugated adjustable. ;;;;;;v;; .7c .9o .8c ..4o Long handles 9c Open Jap coal bods lOo Funnel Jap coal hods 20c WAerever you trade get II The Basket Stores North Omaha people will probably he pleased to know that Basket Store No. 34, at 2010 Sherman Ave., will be open soon. , Eat It-You'll like it and it will do you good Metzger's Bran Bread The natural food laxative. Being made of pure, whole wheat, just as Nature grew it, with a little extra bran added; it is the ideal health, bread, a gentle, yet effective, laxative. And remember that it is a natural food, NOT a medicine. Buy It Anywhere, 10c If your grocer doesn't keep Metzger's Bran Bread, he will no doubt be glad to get it for you, because all he need do is phone us and we will supply him. A. Metzger Baking Co. The Home of the Celebrated QUAKER and PURITAN Breads t 1512 Douglas Street Cooks in 12 minutes. Tender and firm. Tastes different and better. One trial proves it AO Leading Grocers' Writ for rwcipe book frt SKINNED ' Macaroni quantities, per id Crlsco, $1.00 size 85c Crisco, 50c size 43c Crlsco, 25c size 22c Cheese, best Wisconsin yellow cream, per lb 19o Cider, per gallon 24 2 glasses Bo Vinegar, best cider, per gal lon 100 FEED: Cracked corn, cwt.. . . . . . .$1.88 Wheat, per cwt. .$1.98 Shorts, per cwt. ........ .$1.83 Bran, per cwt, ........... $1.10 Oats, per bu. .400 what you pay for.