1 I7TTC BEE: OMAHA, OCTOBER 1915. WANT ADS t nt rM-:ve.l al anv t-.me. but to tnaure proper rlaaelfK atlon moat be Pr" I ntj haroi II o clivk noon iw eeiii.. H'Mni and T-45 p. m. for morning and Pettday edition: want ads received after Such hour will he under the heading. "Tin Late to Clss'fy." CASH RATF3. Heean eoneerutive times. 1 cant a wora -h Insertion. Two or aiore consecutive tlmea, 1H win Ooe time, I r( word. OlARRE PATES. mm ronaecutiva tlmea, 8 a ' getch Insertion. . . Three consecutive, timet. 14 MOtl a Una ach Insertion. Ona tlnia. 11 cents a Una. Count tit averege words to ft Una- Minimum chant. SO cents. An advancement Inaerted to Da rn mil dlscrntnued must be stopped by -written order. . All claims for errors must be mad wtthln fifteen after lha last Inser- Uoa of tba advertisement Too caa place )our want ad In The Bee be telephone. TELEPHONE TYLKR 100a. DBA Til I AND ITSIHAt NOTICE". M'NA MARA Helen, October 14, at Funeral a-rrlra. OctnJM o'clock r. m at r1denoe, 141 Lothrop etreei. ntarmant pjbuque, la. TOPER Karland '"TI" denrw K"na. Idaho. P.inday morning. (Vtribar 1. 1M4; red 24 X' Funeral from residence of hla 4ster fra. Dr. 8. MeClenneghan. 1411 Kansag avVntie Ratm-day. fctrrfer 1. at rM p. K lnt.rm.nt Foraat Uwti vtnt.ry. BIRTH t AWD DEATH. P!rt1ia-J. J. and lAur f'tor. ha- pltat. trtrt: CtiaH-a and jsancy - ""-' ' &1 Charlaa, hoy: Halratora and Ma.rla Pa Olorra. tf norc". uy. " " ar Smith p-non. hoy; Loula and Ida Fryman, m N'orth Twnty-a1th. Bouth P,da, hoyj H, W. and Mary CWIln; .r La ..lal 1''1 North ThinlHh. jrlfl. Tlnoa Pd. V. 4H7 Hammon; rrank Fmlth, hnapl'at; P"r T?4, Fnklln: r"ator T). Nawall fi. !J1 Pon WMon aranu; Tniaabath Klttridco, 41. Thlrty-alith ahd Ctimlnar; Mra. M. p"hadt. R7, hnanltat: Tony Bolflora. 29, liJ4 Pouth Bavntaenth. WAnniAOB tlCKTfSES. IJranaa to w4 hare bean taeaed to the following: Name and Haa'rtanoa. Boaa 1 Fo.tar. Croaton la Fnnnle Warnar. Creatoi 1 Theodora M. Throat. Omaha , Barnardlna l,lttlrr. Omaha Fafl O. Kdwarfla Omaha. ........ laufla Tlorenca Baffer, Omaha Unbert B. Cailyla, Omaha Mary Beoher. Omaha - Oliver J. Ooaaard, Omaha vi. Bvhtl Caoron. Omaha An-. ... 24 ... U ... r. ... ... ... i ... M ... 4 ... M ... 25 Oonwllti M O PonoTan. South Omaha M i-ii.. h.t k vtaHaa-a. Omaha z BTJILII?IO PERMITI. Pwaneon Proa., romnany. 108-10-11 Bonth Tenth, reinforced concrete warehouao. TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM I Dewatewa, EMTKESS - 16 & DOUGLAS Through Troubled Water. -r. Vltagraph. Fit and Chills. Vltagrkph oomedy. :hlnk of tha Money. Lubln comedy. Haarsl-BeKg No. U. PRl.NCESa. 1817-1 DOUQLAS. Vrancel'a Bllllngton In Tha Bread Lino, a special druumtlo faatura In four aola. Oold Bricking Cupid. Borne comedy. Bllila, the Mill Bully. Comedy drama. Kartk. GB-VND, 16th and Binney. Neal of the Navy Two reels. No. 4. Junt aa It Happened. t-reeL featuring l-J Cuxen. fiuixratiuuus Fanny. 1-reel. lalstaff comedy. LOTHHOP, 24T11 AND LOTtlROP. World Film presents Allen Brady In Tha lAira of Woman. aaatk. APPOLO, 15 J 4 LEAVENWORTH. 4 Kar)om'f Folly, In 4 reel a Edison. Weat. MONROE, 2555 FARNAM. World Film Corp. present Holbrook Bltnn In The Faiiuly Cupboard, by Owen Levis. eatn Bid. aiTII AND N, BESSES, I Ksa! of tha Navy, latest chapter to Bessa program. a OKPULUM. 24T1I AND M. No On to Qulde H'm. 2-rae Keystone. )idnsied at the Church. 71, laut oa tha ht. 2-reeJs. A r MOVIES FEATURES TODAY APPOIaO. tEI4 LEAVENWORTH. Jiaoaora's Folly. 4 reels. Edison. AlUNitOB. 2556 KARNAia. Vor.d . Film Corn, presents Holbrook li Inn In The Family Cupboard, by T-RINCLsd; 1217-1 LrOCGLAS. Franeel'a Pll'ington In Tha Bread Line, l ml Uiaiiiailu featura In lour acts. V'11-., IVANlTiJusNliY: Isaal of the Navy, 2 rnlt No. 4. AXNOIXCEMENTS AUCTION. T'r.i-in Pacl'lc unclaimed baggaga to be B'-ll at p'lbilo aulctu.n at OmaJia Van A (-'i t o., I' ui and Laavenaui th bin , Vd. and Ihuta. nirms. Oct. li I I ai d 14. Kn;. stu ts at 7 e k sharp mwi catling. About M trunks, Mi'S i! cux'rtit to le sold to hiwhrat Lid-r-rn, Iwad Aueilun Co., Auctlineora. i -. 1 Al-:i. tiei. Ha.gaa Aattn. UlelM .ad tOLLKUfci 6TL'LENT3 4VE MONEY ON COURSES. r witii sKd reasons for sailing, a viirii, of coiraes in a reli&bis buil. i.i, c ihh'1, on t'f ti;e la.lmg b!iiuiaa tn -. i f ( mta. Will ta sold vsif t .i.l -b a y Lelow rrgjlar pri. a St ' r c'n,ldcf 'ii taking a coUTsa I-., v . t :: t tuia al t' e. ini- Fall tarip 'm. - -i.n. i 'alt flea, immht Kew. 1 .m-ui'I-'I, at f- M- C. A. iJuaioaaa Utrm. ArTOMOniLES Whenever you ar considering galling or btiylne a tiaed car and you want full value fnr your monev or you want peopie who are m tlitnir to pay for what thry ar fatting you ri have no regret If you uy or advertlre through thn used car eoiurrn of Tha Fee. Phone Tyler imo. ldiliiHtil.il llaniM Co.. ?oh Harnoy Kta. At it. clearing hius- Huy. aell and ex fhni nr-d rara Fa-nam P 2ii0 MILKS of mileage In your 'M tlrre Renin t. Kn tnam to ULU una. tJ., H11 Chicago St CnMMNATION auto for aala. haa trunk rd and can be tmad aa touting- car. tv'av. TS. Tol. WaVatar r744. Ovaitona for1.aa tanator vr naaiara. r F.nil ASK A Ituiah .rlo Mation, Fnmam ft. Phone Iniitiae 1T 6T(P at t.124 Kl'rance Hl'd. If you want a f ret-claa. flve-paaaenaer touring car. C'ip. tT'olfax Ml. llul) llKWAIll) for nrtr manneto wa oan't rpalr Colle raft Hayadorfa,. fl N. lth. Ft in 8AI,K ,adnar, tZS. -pa"riar. luat ovarhaiilrrt In ool running; con ditlnn. a ral barraln If you want car that l wa'l worth ta iorv. t -nmv uoa It on-ar. navnoldaZl'o ramam pi. AT "TO M7 Pit .K 1 n runnlnf order for aala at a bargain. Telephone walnut ew. nrsiNEan citances If rour Pualneea Chance wfll at and tfrld ln eatlKatloD ana la Juat what It la aavartlaad. or It you are looking" to atart In hualnaaa for vnuraalf tou will be par footiv gatlaflaj If ou uee tha nualnaaa Chanoa column of Tha H-w. Whan buy ing or Bailing a bualnaaa Phone Tyiar lew BOOK and atatlonery atora for aala on account of othar Interaata; oriar xor Bale only atora of Ita kind In county Beat town of 6.1U0, eastern Nebraska; Invoice about 2.M0; bargain for cash; a good com. aaai-rad Arri T 101, Baa. lirtli buaitie chaap, Oate tJlty Bug factory, claara a mo. l'at rt. nut. Foil SALB tJood hardware Block and bualnea In waatern Nebraska. Bos 300, Pcot fa Bluff. Neb. llAKKPT for sale; come and ara It; good r e aon for Balling. H3 ft. Mrr'a Ave. WILL sell at once, grwery stock and fl lurat. rnmnlrln. value 10 for W, In cludes horsa. wagon and harnaas. chance for fine maat bualnoea In connecuou. lei 1). 2w7 or call at 164s M. 24th Mt. WANTRD One young man for buelnese partner, capital rai u 1 1 rijv. ill HNKHrl iiaa. laiitl. c.ty propariy. handled all states. JIM WHAY. Bloag CHy. la. BAKERY and lunch for sale; only bakery I In live central Iowa town of i.ihm pop-; doing a good bualneas; bargain If taken at once.AddresaY 105, Bee. QOOl saloon in county seat town; Or- man locality, yearly receipts sure llcenae. Addreaa K Si 4. Bee. RESTAURANT for sale, good location, cheap price. Ask John Blamark, Dodes hotel l'h and 1 lodge Ks Tel. loug. ONLY meat market Iowa town, $2,010 handles It. JIM WHAT. PIUUX. ( ITI. OROCKKT and confccllotiery atora cheap, tJ"0 If taken now. Tel. Web, U3H. 171 PIC LI, or buy a bitneee, call on Buacii A florrhoff, Frenaer Hik. n. ttlt. TO UKT In or ot oi bualneas call on 2 KfrT,!. a Be Bldg loug. 477. THKATKItS Buy, leaae or sell your the ater, machine and supplies throuvh Theater Kxch. Co.. 140 Farnam. . UW. 2,000 Ewl'lTY in property renting for t:'J per month, fnr land. Iota, acreage or Interest In business. Hog TM, Omaha. BKK Omaha Theater tiupply Co. for bar gains In eatahllahed shows P. 3A30. NOTB and mortgage dua In I yeara, ! rawing 4 per cent, nerured by Omaha real aetata. Addreaa O 220, Baa. 1 HAVK a poaltlnn open In my busi ness for young man who can glva ma his aervlcea and make an In vestment of I'). I will pay a good salary and interest en his Invest ment. Bug K 19". Bea. ONLY picture ehow. Neb. town l.Oort; prlca tl.Xu. JT.M WHAY, PIOUX CITY. WANTED Young man aa partner In my atora; will guarantee ovar tioo a month; Investment of touO required, secured. Bo L tuo, Bee. Ft'lt PA?K-A good, clean stock of cloth Ing, furnlshlrg and shoes, doing tha leading business In a good northeast Ne braska town of 1.000; don't ana-war unless you mean business, and talk fast, as this ad won't appear In this paper long. Ad dress Y 7. Bee. BKsT restaurant, o. Oak. town, 4,ow; prlca f!,a0. JIM WHAY, elOUX CITY. ioamlnar hwaaaa for gale. 10-R. FURNISHED, U0 cash, D. 4570. EDI'CATIONAL Boyle Bldg. Tel. l. i:, Omaha, Nab. FOR sale, the following scholarships In a first class Omaha Bualneaa Colleger One unlimited combination buatueaa and shorthand Otiurae. One unlimited s -enogTaphlo eoiiraa. One tlirea-montoa bualneas or stono- graphie course. Will be eoid at a discount at tha affloe Of The Omaha Pea. DAT SCHOOL BOTLES COLLBOB MIGHT BCHOOL Kvery day la enrollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand, Plvnotypy, Typewrit ing, TeWgraphy, Civil Service all Com mercial and tngltah branches. Catalogue tr' BOTLES COI.LZOK. Uth and Harney Hta. Tel. Oouglaa 1M6. llio VAN SANT SCHOOL BT&NOaRAPH T-BOOKKEKPINO, Pay School for You eg Women. Kvanlng bchooi lor Young Men and Women. katurday mornlnt elaa tn typewriting, lone C Duffy, Owner nod Manager, tot Bo lSth Bt Omahni TJXi'KKT lady ateaographer will taka puilia; shorthand, toucu typewriting, spelling and punctuation taught. Indi vidual Inat ruction. W4 lougiLS 8C Tel. Walnut FOR BALB, FOR BAI.n Here la a claasmoanon that la of the uUnoal tiiiaortanai ta avarv reaJcr, aa thla column effera noma eicap tioiutl oppoitumliea aery day and a an nil want ad will sell your aruole at IU full alua. J'liona Tyler luoa. fsrsltare, llewarhMia Uowda. Kite. BAlldilNS IN FURNITURE AND HA HPWAHK. 18 N. 24TH. WEB 1007. bought and soldi J. C. nea17 utjaua ,y,7 Fariiaintrouglaa 4140. EXCElndNAL OPI'OitV TUNITY FOR LAWYER OR DOCTOR. Two bookcases. One table. t'ne rocker. 4ne arm chair. Two small chairs. One couch. All In ficM-viaae condition. A bargain for cash. Douglas &4e. t;eraee aad VaW'e.ea. FARM wagon. harnawa, r0; both new. Johnaun-Danforth Co.. 14th and Clark Ufa. BOLD SORR KL mare, weight l.". harnvas and rubber tired top bugy, f .ft. 'I ml Waluul 17. Sniml laalrwaaewla. STRICTLY high gratis piano. Web. 8TS. YOUNO refined couple wlshea use of piano for Its atoiaga, Best of raierenoas furibshed. t all Colfax Ltii. kill N. 84th fcL IU)LTUN cornet, coat , practica'-ly new; cheap fur caetu Addreaa E 2iK. Be. raillri, fe.uaa aa4 fceillee. MXD grain. J) lbs. 81 76. W agner. 801 W 14. CTERKOTllPrTmairlcea make tne beet end rheapeat liiiiug for poultry bouaea Thv are l7xt lm lias, strongrr and mora 4 ualiie than tarn. I felt and pi actually tarMouf. Tee a bundled at Tee lie eflice. ron balk VNDRRWOOn, barraln. Phona P. 2147. lrl ' firowa. roll PAI.F New and ewond hand curmn and rwkt M'.llard tahlaa and bowline Blirva and accFaaorlre: bar flituraa of all ainda; aitay taymanta The Hninawlca ttaltta-Oollf.ndwr "n., 4f7-4i a. iith Ht. FOU SALE Billy Sunday Tabrrnacle f,Jll ft. lumbar. 4 wlndowa, I doora, lTa.fc; mo roll l-r!y rnofma;. tJround to be rlaarad on or befora No rambar 1IMh, nat Mda r J" ltrd not la'ar man noon, ftrtohar 1th. 1"1V by Wm. ttda - a,t, i. ikiii i...,n,.rii, at New Kacon1-hnd mwra. dynamoa. Inagnatoa, etc., mechanical reialra I Prno ElMtrlo Work a. riH-Jn iaih ft o FOIl BALK t.'HRAP Puainaaa t'ollcga Courea. fuH and cortiilrta tcholarahlp tn one Of the teat Omntn buamaaa Brhoola. Uood raaeon for Bailing; perfaetly relia ble; worth full prlaa. hut will ha al1 very raaaina.bly. If Intaraatad Investigate t once, ba'-auaa fall farm haalna iixin, Tl.era are a variety of coaraaa for aale. For rarlloulan Inquire at tho of floe of Tha Omaha Haa. Ft I R RALE 1 anwa. farrow about Nor. 1;1 Immune Iuroc boar; I alngle wag'-n with dump boards. Al Calfler, MM Vernun Ava. BF.At'TIFVL aat rntoH fura. never worn, worth 90, price M. AIbo handaome black rat., worth I7&, prlca tie. 2l Maeon Ft., near Park Ave. $3.20?; Golden West Whisky, full arta bnttied In bond, pre paid, rackley Proa.. Omaha CAKPh-NTKll tcKla, aliovaia. aledgaa, iiii'Ii, h,ks-i 1 ( Miin, mataK vantl- Ing niachlnaa, lioc each. Horse, barnoaa. wagon, 1100. one ele'-tno piano. i. C. tsiu lC B. Wh St. Harney t rrei-p wAjrncn fkmalb riartral aad Wfflew. BTFNO., f: evcallant ftittiro. BU81NFPS Mr"N'H rtEFKRENfTH ABST. ld Woodman of World. Aaanta null IfllriwowaB, LAPtKS Weil dressed and experienced ranvassera are lnv:rd to raa demonstra tion fast selling article, ofrlce, tub Ware Block, l.'.th and Farnam. City. Faatory aa4 Trade. "WL to learn halrdreein oprnhalnv WANTE1 Experienced chocolate dlp pors; rleca work schedule. Johnson Biscuit Company, Sioux City, la. Ilowselieepers rtaiweartcs. THE Pervant Glr Problem Bolve.1. Tba Bea will run a Servant tllrl Wanted Ad KitKF! until you get tha desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha. Houth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Hrlug ad to The I'ee offlra or telapuotie Tyler luM. WANTEI-Oirl to assist with hoTTaework and care for small child; one attending evnoui nan pay preiarren. t'none rt. uo.. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; small family. Apply to Mra. W. I,yle. IM Park Ave, VVANia.1 ouiLtuiit white Kirl for eu drVwohri,,",'H:rnr,l?v J& am"yi " "Un I wh' "ol ""7 malUn ln ary work. Hnrn.y 14a. jatructlons make everything plain. Post- WANTB.1' A girl for general housework, 11 H. sum Mt. liurney t4W. WANTED A girl for general housework. i: Park Ave. Har. WAN'l 0 aisld Tor general housework; references required. Mrs. M li. New man. ;) Howard, flarnvy M15 W ANT D Competent girl for general housework! no laundry work. Phone Hsr. !W0. Mt Harney ft WANTEl A altl for general housework. Mra. A. P. Tukey, Chioaxo. Harl? WANTED A competent cook ln"family of two, where a second maid la kept. 422 8. 24th. Phone Douglaa 1M. ANTED Competent girl for general housework. I'hono Hamey 22. WANTKl A good Catholic girl for gen eral houae work; no cooking; 6 tn fam- iiy. ppiy -m n. tit WANTED A competent white girl for general housework; no cooking; good wagea end permanent poslUjn to right pariy. 1336 R IT.th Ava. WA NTE D Ex pe rlnnced maid for general housework; family of i, no washing; Oerruan or Danish preferred. 124 N. 3Hh Ave. ' "VVANTKI-Olrl over 14 to assist wltt. houaewark. II. (10, WANTED A girl for general housework. 224 Fa rnam tit. WANTED Good girl for general houae work. Good wages to right party. No washing. 4,60 Davenport Hi. WA NTE1 A girl for general housework. Small family. Good home to right party. 106 North svth St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. Beat whhhs given to capable girl. No washing. 1'ij Ho. 3d Bt. WANTED A good'alrl'for general house work. 116 Bo. 17th Bt. Phone Har. 4602. WANTED Competent girl who la a g-tod cook; no laundry; good wagea. 416 Ho, Win fct. Har. iJ0. WANTED A German girl, with refer. ences; family of three. C. B. Hhacklca lld, W4 Houth 83d fit. Harnry 5111. WANTK4 A girl for general housework. Jdra. F. Martin. TeK H. VHl or II. JJ37. WANTED A girt for gem rat housework; no extra work, lot JR. Sttth Pt. WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework; no laundry work. 112 H. 84th Pt. Tel. Hamey 85)1. WANTWD A trl for general housework three In family; houseoleanlng done. Mrs. Julius Dreifuaa, iJi No. 41st tit. Wal nut 1S03. WANTEl) A girl for general housework. &m Knrnam t. Harney Hi?. MIsrellaataBt. YOUNO woman coming to Omaha aa SI ranters are Invited to vtalt tne Yuung Womeu'a Christian association building at Kt Mary a Ave. and lith alt., where they will be directed to suitable boarding placee or otherwise assisted. Look for o-ir travelers' guide at Union station. STKNO.. state experience. K ISi. Bee. WANTKlJTo conauit wllii lady golna to Bait Lake thla month. Will imr wail I for time. Phone D. 8147. WANTED t O.MAN Government clerk shins. Write lininadlately for details. Franklin institute Dept. U II. Rochester. N. Y. WANTEl l.aillrs with Uachera' exper ience or. teachura' tralu'ng, to handle special proposition In Omaha for neat sixty days. Call Ralea Drjwrtruunt. Ill Balrd Building. Thurwlay, October 14th, between 8 a. in. and li) a. in., and Mon day morning, October Uth, between 8 a. m. and 10 a. m. WANTF1D Stock gtrt. Aprly Orkln Broa., V. a National Bauk Bldg. iVA.VTFlMVomn cook for small hotel In northwest. Mo. Must be good cook. State wga and experlcuca In first let ter. Addreaa T 104. Bea. HELP WANTED MALE t leriee, s4 Uftiee. WANTED Bookkeeper prominent lneur ' gnoa of flow. Moat be thoroughly com petent and experienced, otherwise pleaae 4o not apply, k uh. alee. MKiH-AiltADS commercial poaiUuna. W EST. RM KRINillt tt )3'M ASSN. 2 Oiuaha Nat "lali B dg OFFICU aolicllor over telephone, boy aome experience, 11 to 80 yeaia old, good personality, good baulla. aieur Voice, W month. Boy, age 14 ta 18 yearn, learn gen, mdaa country store 216 ma and board. HOOK1UI RF.K. CO., 6i Iwxiea Block, SALESMAN, NebT territory. I c and ex WATTS KkF. CO.. WMM1 Brand. Tht Ageata, galaesaea wed gollellera. COAL agents wanted In every town: get a trial Car. 1. M. Cox. No. piatte. Neb. AUK.NiTWa have a new household proiwaiUon; rapid seller. Write today for our booklet Ivra 2, Great YVeaiero Supply Houae. Fort t'o'lms. Colo. AGtTNTsi-Ariy where in U. S. wrle to tlav for our Profli-Siiai Ing Plan. liLddle agej moil prelvrttiil, eeilriHe UMunxtt ary li-g ramcy-muklng coirtuuit y. Pad Mo Nura i t o., l'.. pt. U. liuoert Sauaeiit Bldg., Portlaud. Ore IIKI.P WASTED MAI,R rarlwln aad Trad. WK nad man; had ta turn down two Joha pt waak lataly: rt In; learn by our method; gft one or thaaa Joba. Cata logue I. II, fraa. Kahraaka Automobile honl. ?W Ia van worth St. WAN T EI A t onra aTpariancad maat cuttar; no booiara wan'ad; wir, lit parwaak. Addrase Bo fcifi. Corning, la. W A NT h.1 Jood Itarnar, good wagea, at once. Addreaa Floyd Shoemaker, beavar Pit y. Nab; WA VTED Gordon feeder. Hoom 4, Uee Hl.lg MOLER DARBEK COLLEGE I.FARN tha harbar treda hy our Bye tm of enpart inatrtictlnoa and fraa cllnlfl. t all or wr'te for catalogue. Omaha. Nab., A. 11 Molr. traHdnt. I.FARN TH K PARBF.R Tit A PF. j TrM'ltjr Parbar collaga. low rate tuition, j Inc'ndinic at of tot. I-; anf'i paid; alac- trle maaaaga, hydraulic chairs; catalogue fraa, 1124 Ihtuglaa Ht., Omaha. Drug Mora Sunpa. J,,ta Kne at. Bee Bldg. SITOFMAKFR. repairman,- who can run wa thread machine and work acme on bar nan Pteady Job. Plata axparlanca at each treda. ana. na'lnnallty and waga expactad. Stalrnar f'o.. Landar, Wvo. WANTFO Machlnlata and tool mikeia for out-of-town contract shop work. P VT. Pe. M tare n a . WANTKX) Tlnllway mall clerks: rS.'X) month. Omaha eyamlnstlina coming. Pample eueitlons free. Write Immei'l ataljr.' Franklin InHUtute. Lept El II. Rorhaa'ar. N. Y WA NTTD Men to try examinations for government Jobs; $70 month; common education sufficient. Apply Immediately. YJ2. Bea. WA NTF.D A n.an about J to tako charge -f offlre; vacancy tVt. 15. Wnta V.. I Wsfaon. Falls Olty, Nh OOOI MEN WANTED at once t learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and are waiting for com petent men. Uini by our system of actual work on autoa. tractora, elec. starting ays. Free catalog at once AMERICAN AUTO COLLFOR. l'i Farnam 8t Omaha, Neb. INTERNATIONAL employment office wants fifty laborers, car rcpa'rers. carpentera. flrst-c!aaa bakers, rnl'road men of all kinds. Wa apeak all language's. 1.!2 Cass St. I HAVE) a position tn my business for a young man who can give me his services and make an Investment of 100; I will pay a good salary and Interest on- bis Investment. L 1W, Ilea, WANTED Toung man aa partner In my store; will guarantee over 1"0 a month; Inveatment of (000 required. i U7. Bea. HELP WAXTED MALI! Atl FKVttt.K. DON'T quit your Job yet, look beyond It; Employ snare time establishing a ,'lc cuiar mailing oureau many suoceaaoa, paid 25c. Direct Paloa Co., Quincy, 111. SITlTtTTOS WAVTKI, INTELLIGENT llht colored girl wishes position In office or bachelor a apart mint. Web. 7072. POSITION wanted by young lady ste nographer; one year experience. Webster 1V2. WIDOW lady wlshea position as house keeper tn good home; neat and experl eni'td; desires on a western "ranch. Ad. dress Mra J. Moore, Omaha, General Da- livery. References If necessary. EDUCATED ounir woman wants office work, not stenographic; forenoons only. Call Wal. 2068 In tha forenoon. lost and Found Lost or Found ada in Ornaiia'a Lost and Found mediums means tiie Immediate re turn of that article If aavertlaed la Tha Bea. tha Lost and Found paper OMAHA e COUNCIL BLUFFii STREET liAl bWAI COM PAN T. Persons having lost soma artirla waiu da well to call up tha office of tho f. siria. ft...?; 1 whfoIE tSTiT. wnetnar they left uniana at council muffs company to ascertain It lu tho street cars. Many articles aaoh dsr ara turnaA in and tha company to anxious to restore them to the -lglitft'1 owner. Cell Doug. 48 LOST Wedding ring; reward. Bee office. LOST On E. car. black handhaa- con. talnlng keys and receipt; reward. H. 1S74. IaJH r Gold watch on ribbon lob with gold cross. Monogram E. F. J. on case. Return to 701 New Hamilton ar Ik. aohool ofilo and receive reward. PERSONAL i.lwu bLBacRlrTiO.SS EARNS 83,00o"" tr the Invalids' V..n1n iun;.iinH The Ladies Home Journal. 11.60; Satur dav Evening Hoat, 81. bt); Country Gentle man. 11. w). 401. nee-dud In October. Your order or renewal contributes 60 cents. rti ase pnone uotigias 71ta, or addresa, OOrtPoV. Tha Maeagina Man. Omaha. AKlUMll knowing the addreea of Mra. Fmodn.e,W-.,nla rK?J Av. ft FV.i K.-.Vi.a" ' YOUNG woruen rninlna to cmaha as Ktrnngers ara Invited to visit the Young Women's Cliriatlun association building at Uth St. uud Bt Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable hoarding plaeea or otherwise assisted. I-ook for our travelers' guide at tha tlnl-j.t atatlon. THE Satvattun Army 1nduatttl home eo- icita your jioi clothing, furniture, maga. fines. We collect Wa d.atrtbutr. Phooe PoLl'laa 41.15 and our wagon will call. Call and inapect eur new hum, 11 10-11 1114 I lodge ttt. TOUR furnace cleaned, 21; work guaran. teed. Central Tin Shop. Doug. 4M4. fluits, gowns and remodel ng at reasonable prices. ANNA BISTEK, 201 City National Bank Bldg. . SWAPPERS ttJLVM.f Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get eometlitng you really need! it coats you nothing to join the Swappers' club and yi u wi.l Una it lota of (un awai'ping things. Write Room 1M, bee Bldg., or phoue Tyler lmXl. ABOUT 60 feet 8-Inch furnace pl;ie. gal vanlaed Iron, and 7 floor registers, nearly new, will trada for ahotgun, 2J rallbcr rifle or anything I can uaa. a C. , Bee. AUTOMOBILE. For olner au.oinooas baiaa-na sea the "Automobile ctaaeifi- rr.iiou. I-EAUTIFI.'L, large I 'o0 Regina music box; large bwioh of tune sueeta; to trade for email car. B. C. Ul Bee. E9' books on embalming and un dertaking. What have youT Addreaa S. C. 814. Bee. BRAND new, high-grade baby grand piano to awap lor good builumg lot. ts C. J ). care tunaha Bee. 42000 CLOTHING stock for clear cotLage. 8. C. A Bee. COAL box, dol. wagon, cook stove, heater, double set lV-tii. work harneaa, almost new. What have you. B 4 all, Uee LROP bead sewing machine for elanjard na k e Iv-f I at col net, d. C. 8J6. Ree. FOlt THA Da 1 -o tin set of Amerl-'an-EngUeh encyclopedia of law fox; a good slioigu cr i ai iKud rn,( S . e4- Fl.NK dout.l barrel siiota'Uii, practically new: will trade for Ansoo foldinK post card alae cams i a. Addreaa S. C. 1. Bea. FOR EXCHANGE Fur lined overcoat, good condition, for iTaveueite or U C.H ft C. . Hee, F.R'.LSa ooker. nearly new for aiand- ard inaae -rint cornet. B. t . 1, bee. Git il lnaiiiure lypewr ter. two s for electric eweeper. B. C. T2, Bee. 'ap IRKJD P C. g.tber; will tiade for chickens. 2-i Bee. . HAVE 6-puasengar touring car, thor ounl ly orrnai.led and In firat-claaa cout liion. V i-1 lake fnat iuorie.age or live etovk. S. C. evV, bee. SWAPTKrW C0LO15. LATHE. motor, amery whaal and atanfi, entire aquli'ment, to swap fur anything. W7. B. ON F) hlrh grada watch chain and rom- paas, one atai and rioar ooua iruna. Pne leather llnad bag, for typewriter, or what have youT 8. C. 114, Be w ONF, oak ball traa, Hooaiar caLlnet. uak buffat, all In good condition. 111 ex change one or all for furniture that I can uaa. Addraaa 8 Jh4. Baa. -PAB. auto, in good ordar. for engine lathe. I. c. dynamo, gaaollna engine or lot. What bava youT Addreaa 8. C. 28S. Hca. gl'AKTER aactlon aoutharn Wyoming land to azchanga for Omaha houae or lot. Addreaa TO. Uaa. ROYAL AOORN baaa burner No. 47, me dium alae. good aa new, to trada for gaa rarota with high bake broiler and arming ovan. Addraaa B. C. Si, Paa. afii sf,( K i L.tulrm. fur liw tottaue, will trade to Xl.OiO lota for a-ilo. Add'aaa P ". ?rti. F.ee. SANITARY couch, kit' hen table, spade, two ihovela, two rakes, hoe and coal scuttle, to trade for reading lamp or farm producte, euch aa Jelly grapes, ap ples, etc. Address. P. C. Bee TO dr. 1.1, or trade your shot u .in or rifle. II Vlitvnt, . . ' 1,11 1 WILL trade my l-paasenger touring car with good top, good tirea and high tension magneto for Ford roadster. 8. . ), Bee: WILL trsde a dandy 2-year-old saddle poor with bridle nod weafrn B'dd'e for Ford car or yearling helfera. B. C !. He. WILT, exchange a flrat-claaa piano player with popular rolls for good rook stove or chickens. P. C. S7. Bee. WILL trade a 116 Indian motorcycle for r ord or other small car. or what nave you .of equal value? Machine hti run less than 75 miles and la In perfect or der. Address S. C. 417. Bea. ron rei Apartsaewis Plata. Tha For Kent advertisement appearing In the For Kent column of Tha Uee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any ona desiring to rent, rhune Tyler ln CHOICE HEATED APARTMENTS. NOTHING BETTER IN THEIR RE SPECTIVE IiOCATlONS. THE PICK. 104 South 80th Street $ rooms and sleeping porch; well ar ranged; first class oonditlon: private porch, heat and Janitor services furnished. THE LOOMM. 1007 SOUTH 80TH AVE. large !ght rooms; conveniently ar ranged; private porch; laundry; private entrances; heat, not and col 'I water and Janitor aervlcea furnished. )46. THE MASON. S1BT AND MASONS STS. Apt. No. 4- large light rooms; ideal arrangement) hardwood finish; nicely decorated. 140. THE CARLTLE. 628 SOUTH 18TH ST. 4 rooms, strictly modern and up-to-date; hardwood finish; tlied bath; large porch; very cloaa In. THE BTOBCKER. (25 SOUTH 24TH ST. Apt No. 84 rooms. ery light; margaln at ti summer, 830 winter. All apartments open for Inspection. Look at them today. Wa have othera. tee our complete printed list before renting. PAYNE BLATER CO., 414 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. BOOMING HOUSE . FOR RENT. 8-room modern house tn brick block, close In, 840 per month. J. H. DUMONT 4k CO., 414-la State Bank Bldg. Doug. 490. 838 10-R. BRICK FLAT. Fine place for boarders and roomers; five minutes' walk to, Union depot.; on car line. AMERICAN SECURITY CO.. 17th and Douglas. Douglas) 6011 DOWN-TOWN rVXMERS. Eight-room brick on lth, 8W. CKEBJFE REAL ESTATE CO., tws. Omaha NatWmal. Douglas 2T16. NEW Apt., 6 rooms and sleeping porcn, 632.60. Call Harney 44. 40ROOM, modern, practically new flat for rent. Call at 688 So. &th St. , UNUSUALLY desirable 4-r. coerier apt. fine yard. 4042 Isard. Tel. Wal. 8266. 2112 Chicago. 7.r. modem. Tel. Doug. 20-HOOM FLAT. X cross street front Pentenetla hotel. Hit Pe i month. Will still furniture. AMERICAN BECURfTT GO. DOUgi, ton. 17th and Douglaj o STEAM HEATED WINTER H0ME Standard Flats FEW VACANCIES In theoe desirable a.,wn nun heated modern apartments. Fine finish, private hall, bath, pantry, range. Free hot water alt year. Janitor service. Walking distance. On liveliest street In Omaha. T. J. HOOK, 1101 N. lath St ST. CLARE. 24th and Harney SUk nleaaant apartment. Call H. 647. EST A BROOK. 4-r., modern .except heat Close InT O. P. tet.blna. 1W Chicago. 7-R APT.. 2 betha. sleeping porch, large rooms, beautifully finished, strictly up-to-date: larae Dorch in front, private; fo ' rent NOW. Clartnda Apis, n. ONE 4-room and onoH-room apt.. Th. , Hamilton, iioujiiiw. DOUBLE brick flat. T rooms and bath. 821 Park Ave. FIVE rooms, on- firs froor, modern ex cept heat. 272S No. 27th. Phono Web. 41S. Beevrd aa B-eeaaa. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern .onv.nlei.ee and- comfort In private families or boarding housee of the high est class will be found In the Furnlnhed Rooms colun. of The Bee. Phone Tyler loOo. BOARD and rooms. 88 wk. awie Dougiaa. 2632 ST. MARY'S AVB.7 84.W and 46 weekT fel'KCIAL IiOW KATlrS TO PERMANENT GUeST8. HOTKL SANKORD, 18th and Farnam, HOTKL HA RLE Y. 30th and Farnain. HviiiTiFi;!. (L 8. room, steam heated, private bath, good board. I'h. Har 7wX Faralstted lleaaes. FOR RENT -Until April L. Furnished fine t-rootn stucco houae, hot water heat, oil burner garage for two cars, heated from the house. This la the pret tiest house in the mile on Florence boulevard. Will rent cheap to tne right Deny for the winter. No children, for Information telephone Douglas lit. FOR RENT Furn. dwelling, 7-room; all mod.; must Pe responsioie. paw Harris. . ui.sa.cd Hwoaaa. FURNISHED room; all modern; for ona or two. 2414 Spencer. Tel. W eb. ELECTRIC lighted, ail modern rooms. Ii Caaa. . CLKA.N. MODERN. NEATLY furnished o itsld rooms, rise uodge BC NK'FV iwrse furnished room: all modern; fine I oca ilon. Webster St. Phone Harney 4"4i 410 S. 2:ST AVE. Modern, furiiishud loom; uuiet home; just what you ara k kliig for. Phone Doug. 1li. . W fcdT FARNAM. T rooms, furuished. Uviar In California ffl the wlt.ter. Weo. I f. tou. fam. toon- Uuilng can.i. ai. tl i t-L Mary a NR'LLY forn-ahed room; clue lu; ail ntodurn. Wl - m u FRONT room In new home fur two young men, cheap. 89. 8 Haruey; fTtOST ROOM, with alcove and cloMt; heat end Uifht UMa Park Ave t keeei ear Haeeuj. 8018 PA V EN PORT TWO OR THRU NICELY FURNIFHED HKtO. ROVMo. NEW bRICK FLAT. FARNAM. 282 Two nice housekeeping rooms, elect rtotty. gteam. ubM teiiag's. er. T BOOMS, 8tn Charles Bt.; tl; near car. phouaW.'aiaut 84. f"rChouae; modTax. heat D. 468. CONTINUED ON COLVUN SvJ, TUIS PAQ4. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO, oldest abstract offloe tn Nebraska. 8" Brandcls Thea. Kerr ?'1tle Guarantee and Abatract ., a modern abstract office. VJb B. litn rt xnone x. wi. ACCo'f.fTAJITB. E. A. DWORAK, C. V. A. 4TO-457 Ramge Bldg. Phone Pong. 1404. AUYEItTISIXOIfOVELTIES. M. F. Phafer A Co., lith. Fam am. P. 7474. AMATEl R riISIIIMG. FILMS deve'oped free If purchased from Photo Craft Bhop, 411 Be Bldg. Dept. D. ARCHITECTS. Bverett B. Podda, ffll Paxton Blk. P. 2Q81. ATOHVRYI. 4) C. T. Dickinson. 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1M. WTLL N. JOHN PON, B W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Douglaa 4S"4. AtCTIONKERS. Powd Auction Co., 111619 W.O.W. R. r85. AI TO I.4 8VRA St K7 AUTOMOBILF, MUTUAL INSURANCE nn IUIIII 017. Al'TO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 2n?4 Far. P. Jfril. BATHS. BATH-214 Balrd Blk.. Uth and Douglaa. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Faxton-Mltehell Co., 27th and Martha fits. BONDING COMPANIES. OMAHA Agency Co., 813 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 3486. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. PTEVENSON, 422 & 22d. Douglas 66M. Ie award A Bon, UK Cap. Ave. T. 11?. HIROPRACTIC SPINAI. ADJJU'MtT Dr. J. C. Lawrence, l Balrd Bldg. D. S441. IR- MACNAMARA. 674 Brandela Thea- CHIROPODIST. " Carrie J. Bu ford, 420 Pax. Blk. Red 4587. COrFEB B Y MA IL. frtfrr S"?r" money. Use better VOHee ofr " high grade ij xn ti . by parcel post, prepaid, " " W A. Pkalfe A Co.. Omaha. Neb. DANCING ACADEMIES CHAMBERS' academy, claeslo. D. 1871. FALL term open at Mackle'a. Doug. S444 GENEVIEVE! HAUFLAIRB, Rome hotel. TimPIN ACADEMY, 2th and Famam. Th, IV open- Reglnnera Mon. and .io. c. iV . . nln acnool class Sat Private lessons. Harney 6143. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college, 2Qth A Farnam Oura'g Presemk'g School. 252 California MISa BTtTRPT. 2414 Cass St. Red 7320. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE Kelater'g Dreesmaklng Co., 162S City Na. DYRRS AND C LB A NE R S. BTATB Pry Clnf . Co., 120 N. 12th. P. 6072. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Block. EV4- """ aecurea in ail cases. Tyler 1134. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, U W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcklee, 724 City Nat Bank. Tatt Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. 2184. ' DRUGS. DRUGS at rut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. TKLKCTRIU MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC Co., Bee, Bid. P.287S. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 424 Bee Bldg. Red. 3C65. KVERY THING FOR " WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst box pleating; covered buttons, all alsea and stylea; hematlttchlng, point edging. Km- oroiaery, peaaing, braiding, cording, eye.et rut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 300 Douglaa Block. Iouglaa ltotv. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERKTROH, 402K Hamilton. Wal. tm. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, l-4 Farnam St D. 000. L. HENDERSON, 1S14 Dauglas. D. 1268. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Aaa'n. HESS 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St A. PONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 100L Finr.IEHii. BAM KNEETF.R, 120 Farnam. Red S34. INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. S Lyric Bid. JISTICES OP THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 512 Paxton Plk. Red 7401. Notary public, deposition gteno. C W. BRITT, 801 Baker Blocks LADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Miss Fox. Open for busi ness; satisfaction guaranteed, eti r-ax.ug LANGUAGES. Languages taught; private or classes. Webster sum. LIGHTING FUTURES, WIRING. TlTTT?TTr Thomas. Douglaa 2619. 'lJ'""" M16 Cuming St LIVB STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROa eTcO. Exchange Bldg. COSTUMES AND LODGE SUPPLIES? MNFO. of lodge regslla and costumes. The largest stock of maaouerade and theatrical ccatumea In the co r try. Theo. IJeben at Son, 1614 Howard. Dojg. 4116. IOTORCYCLKS. tiipt gT.nivtnmiv MOTORCYCLES Pargatn In used machines. Victor Rocs. "The Motorcc!e Man," 1708 Leavenworth. MOVING P1CTLRB MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture max-nine ana mra bargains. NOTIONS. NOTTON3, news, rlgara. candy. 1X9 Park OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARM9TRONQ. 416 Bea Bldg OCULISTS. Eyea examined, glasses fitted, pay aa you can. Dre. Mccarty, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. PATENTS. D. O. BaroeH, Paxton Blk. TaL Red T11T. H. A. aUurgaa, 4J4 Brandala Theater Bldg. quality and exucrt service that faitlio ajid p.rr.Rt?io. irrOH M MANUS, 417 N. "h. K. FBI, riLLoWS AXD BEPUMO, OMAHA PILLOW CO.. Mittressee) mada to ordar or remade. 1917 Cjtnlng. D. 8407. PLIME! 4 I. K A. NED. CrRI,EP, dyed. P. Elaela, 11W City Kat. rRl'TIVO, WATER3-BARNHART Ptg. Cft, quality printing. Tel. Loug. 2i. t2i & Uth SU CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS S754. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Ponglag 444, SAFE AND TI SAFES: SAFE AND TIME LlKK F.XPERTS. opened, repaired, eomh, changed. F. E. Daven port, 14 Dodge, IX 18-U SC ALE REPAIRING. Cm. Standard Scale Co., 6U 8. 12ih. D 2911 SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROfTrihoe repair, ttt H. 14 Har'ey Shoe Rep'r. Ci t 01 Fnjm'm. R.2444) SEWING MACHINES. We rent, repair sell needle anil parts for a'l sowing machlnea, " MICTO-L'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE 00., 15th and Harney. Douglas KKX STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. U 8. M. STORE 'AND OFFItF, FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, eheWo lnr, etc. We buv. ecll. Omn.ht Fixture A Supply Co., 41--16-18 8. 12th. Doug. r24, stove: and furnace repairsT" ALL REPAIRS Water fronta. furnaew coils, etc. Q ck service. Omaha Btov ttepair ks. louglas St. Tyler t ' TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply. 20T 8. Uth. P. tit TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FTTTTTrVf A PTR'NT.F. IVm r earn TiPEA HlTEUS 4 OR at .H i'. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo. for IS. Oliver Typewriter Agency, iswb Farnam. BTTTT'S Typewriter Exchange. JT4 S. 18th Pt All makes for aale or rent RENT a "Remington " not Jtiat a type writer. Low rent. Call Douglaa 124. WATCH SPECIALIST. iTirlstlansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exp. WKUDIKO STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Pong. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIUUORS. ALEX JETE8, 201-8 S. Uth St Wines, liquors, claars. Plata dinner 11 to 8, loo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSH. ISth and Capitol Ave. Ten-oent lunoh. BUY your family liquors " at Klein's Liquor house, ba N. lttu. Dou.Uvs Uus. MEDICAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. B. R. Tarry curea plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until oured. Wrhe for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. Dlt E. It TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. . - . RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re suits guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 814 Bea Bldg. RUPTUHK cured In few days without pain. Call or write Dr. Wrwy, 804 Bea Bldg.. Omaha. Established UM, a FOR RENT Uwwaea ana tottagee. North. FOR RENT. Seven rooms, strictly modern, foil lot tn paved street, 21 blocks from car Una Rent 430 per month. J. H. DUMONT & CO., Doug. foO, 414-18 Bin to Bank Bldg. " BE1I IS PARK DISTRICT 8518 Lincoln Blvd. Ideal residence dis trict; surrounded by fine homes; close to car line; 11 rooms: new; strictly mod ern; hot water heat; newly decorated throughout; south front. Rent tou, O. W. GARLOCH. 232 State Bank Bldg. Phones Sunday, - wlnut 1 B'M; week days, l"ug. 181H. a ON "Prettiest Mile," at 6014 Florence Boulevard. 7-room modern cottage. Phone Owner, Colfax 20O9. FOR RENT Beautiful modern residence; 7 rooms and bath, at X20 Florence Blvd.; hot water heat. For particular! phone Colfax 39S0, or call in person. Must be aeen to be appreciated. R-room cottage, reasonable. Colfax 6'v4- Jix HAMILTON St., 8-r. house, modern except furnace; (23 per month. Tel Tyler 1763. f-ROOM cottage. Ul 8. lh Bt. tie. Water paid. 416 N. 18TH e-r.. all mod. flat; well ar ranged for renting rooms; dose In. I. 1112 N. 22d 4-r. fiat, steel range, gad stove, kitchen cabinet, water paid, I17 RASP BROS., DOUGLAS 1S. 6-Tt modern cottage, Tel. Haf. U4S. 114 . 2Ttl 7-r.. all mod. houae, newly paperea, piumea. Close in, RASP BROS.. DOUGLAS MM, 4-ROOM house at &S0 a 29thSt: three bedrooms, aewlng room and bath up stairs, cement cellar; big furnace; walk ing distance; east front; large shade if.4-E0.JPhone'Harneir 2810 'ALL modern 4-room cottage; half blook from atreet car; 7l S. 87th Bt Call Harney 171. 7-ROOM. modem. ?hS9 Poppleton Ave. -H. houae, close tn, ll.r. Tel. Doug. 4uli. 4-R. and hath, ne ly laiwi-D arid deoo rated, lis mo. 2421 e. 24th. Tel. D. lltil. Wrel. WEST DAVENPORT, 448. 8-r. and uiuld'a room down; 4 rooms and; bath up; hut water heat; big corner I garage: decorate to auit. OKEEFE REAL LbTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat Doug. 271 . W A LK I NG DIST ANC E 2. Jt8 Dod goi fcl room modem houae, cheap rent at 834. Look It through; key at next door wast. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Webster 7-r. mi d, house, U i oivenaor h. W, 8viA. AiiuMlautaai, EIGHT-ROOM house, strictly modern. one block west Cretgntoa col.cge. Pkoae H. 2216. , 4-R. mod, house. 122.50. Tel. Web. SifT. BARGAIN A Strictly modern 8-iwm house. First-claia c .ndit.on. convenient to car and school. Good nei .hoorhoo 1, 6J2 60. I ii lined ste pcaaeaaio-i. Ha-pey 88. l-O.to-7-r.. West FaTnain, unfurnUhed. ' Ili.OO 6-r.. all modem. Ill 00 4-r., newly papered. South Side. 815 00 6-r., near car, school. Ho. Side. 112.00 8-r., near car, scnool. So. Sl le. 814. 00 4-r., elec. lignt cenieut baaeroent one-half block to ci,r. I. 10-r. flat, modem, on ear Uaa, I minutes' walk to Union depot. 84". oo 7-r.. West Farnam, unfurnished. liS.OO 2-r., tartly furuished for light housekeeping. 126 ou oti.ee room with skyUgtit heat furnished. AMERICAN ttKr-mj rr-r muai j-r DOUULAA aOU. 17TU AND XAJUULAJa.