Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1915, Page 16, Image 16

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"!. tj - . r n Jif f I
jurist nears ry or roor ivian unu
Saves Him Oat of His Troubles
ruder eftmwn at the Tahemerte Mr.
Sunday preached hie eermon on 'Th
Ior Man'i Cry." Thla wee hla Ut:
This poor man cried and the lord
ho nil him and Hrrf him out of all hla
roublear., sxxtv, t:
Thla text waa put In the Blbla to
help every man who la hartnj- a hard
lima m thta world, for It means that'
what the Ixird did for thta poor man In
trouble Ha will do for every othar poor
mn In trouble. If ha will only do aa
tha poor man did. Thrra has never boon
a rasa known where a majt In trouble
did aa thla man did without (ettln out
ff hie trouble. When Jeeua was here Ha
htpod everyljody who aoufht Hla help.
He never amt anybody away from Hlra
lrh a heavy heart Tha dlactpiee aome
llmra wanted to aend people a way. but
Jreua alwaya aald, 'Thy need not de
part." The only one who went away
from Him eorrowful waa tha rich rmin
rulr, who had ao much wealth ha
thought he could vet aJonf without
Chrlat, and one of the Intereetlnff atorlea
a (halt hear la the world to oome will
be the story of the trouble ha made for
hlmaelf by doln thla .
What a familiar Bound thla word trou
ble haa to all of na. How wall wa know
It meaning. It la one of tha worda we
nerer hare to p to tha dictionary to
find out about. It met as near tha cradle
and haa kept etoae to ue erer amoe. Job
tal!s na that "Man that U born of woman
la of few days, and full of trouble," and
he aiao ears "Man la born unto trouble,
a tha sparks fly upward." There la bo
bavr.k that doea not hare Ita burden, and
Be heart that la not aeqaatoted with' Bor
row. Wa lire m world where trouble
la the eoiumoei lot of all, a world where
trowMe la known everywhere, from tha
paaao of the kioa to tha peeeent'i
Thla world aad the on to which tha
t wicked are to te sent are ne doubt tha
. only worlds la all the universe where
troubie la knoTn, but there la aboodanoa
1 of it In both. If we could take tha
wins of the morning and fly to tha ends
f tha oarth wo should find trouble there.
. helet la Cloaet.
X hare been entertained In many homes
. In many parte of tha country, and ao
hare been able to learn something1 of tha
home life of ail kinds of people, from I
tha poor to the wealthy. I hare bean In
some homea where everrthlns appeared
ao beautiful and ao pleaaant that I would
find, my eel f sarins, "Surely there can be
no skeleton In tha eloaet here. There la
no trouble In thla beautiful place," and
yet very often before I took my depart
ure I would dlaoover that It waa a home
of trouble In aplte of Ita beautiful ap
pearanoe. Sometimes I would leant that
a son had fallen among thteree on tha
Jericho road or that a daughter with a
hard and willful heart had brought great
trouble to her parent Often la such
homea tha husband la not a Christian,
and much trouble falls upon hla believ
ing wife In consequence.
There are all klnda of trouble, too,
In this world of trouble. Thar are
trouble that we bring upon ourselves
end trouble that others bring Upon
-i Much ef our trouble Is dua to
our own Improvidence, . I in prudence or
iSllgnre. Much of It haa come
through grave mistake that wa have
mailt, and much mere through Indecis
ion abeut matters of vital Importance,
but tho greater part of all our troubles
hn t.ten the result of sin our own or
cemebody else's, for wherever there is
n.n trouble Is the sure result "What
soever a man soweth, that shall ha alau
icap " There Is no way of avoiding It
The man In tha teat ta ealled a poor
man and what ta aald of him la alwaya
true of the man in trouble. Whoever it
In trouble Is a poor man, even though he
live In a palace. Jaiiua waa a wealthy
ruler, and yet how poor and helpless ha
was when tha word cam to him that
hi little daughter wa dead. Kow gladly
he would have given all his wealth to
have had her back again. Trouble make
u all very poor, beoaua wa are aa help
less against It When Marshall Field, the
great millionaire prlnoa of Chicago, was
flying with a apeclal train, trying in
vain to reach tha bedside of hla dying
toy, how poor ha waa. Poor bee use an
hta wealth could not obtain for him the
boon he sought The man wa fall
among thlevea who etrtpawa hlra of his
raiment, and wounded) bin, and left him
half dead o the Jortoh road, waa a
Poor man baoaaa a waa so hetpieea,
nd yat be waa probably a rich man's son.
Markael by Sim.
On, the poor people la thla warid. Kow
tar bean, aobaa aa I look a pan tbara aa
I g to aad fro where my duties oail me.
Thr are to many faces Into which 1
oaaaot look without seeing the tragi
inarka that hare been mad by tin and
aorrow. People ia who facet I oaa
a the very hoof warkg of the AerO.
Poor, helpleea, groaning, orying one, wtv
do not want to do wroa. aad rat they
aerv a maatar who drives them to It
There are times when I find my heart
torn with aorrow for such aa the, aotne
thlng Uk that I bellev Jaaua had wfcea
He etood oa Olivet aad stretobea at Hla
haads toward the great sinful city at El
feet and said. 0. Jerusalem! Jerusalem!
How oftea would I hare gathered you
aa a hea gathered her chicken and ye
would not!" Aa t walk through the busy
tue rushing pelimell toward ta grave
and the judgment, and have tha dread
ful thought coin to me in all It awful
neas of how great are the sorrows aad
the troubles of the Uvea of those Into
whoa face J look, there are time whea
I feel almoet like Jonah ta Nlaeveh and
want to cry out "lUpentt Repeat!
Many men get Into worse trouble bj
Vying to get out of their trouble In
their own way. How true thla la with
the man who commit on crime In try
ing to conceal another. We are there.
1 hard a man aay that he onoe told a
downright He by aay he waa a soldier
In the army, and M said ha had to
tell a thoutettd ether tie In trying ta
Mdo that one. We are ao shortsighted
we cannot se that w can aerer eoro
mlt one ln and stop and are kept In the
moat abject fear at all time for fee we
III be found out He waa a lam anan,
end when somebody aaked the rue of
hi lamenca he said that he had been
wounded la the army. Immediately a
man said; "What regiment, oomrader
"The forty.aeventh." said ha "Why,
that wa my regiment.' said the other.
"What company were you In f
Uad ta Keep Lyingr.
Another man said: "In what battle
were you wounded V Tou can ae for
yourself how quick fa wa in a cold
weat, and how he had to keep an lying,
because b couldn't ftn4 ui -
atop. I
1 shouldn't wonder If eom of you dont
find tw jut Ilk a ebapur right eut of
your own lieea Uvln in sin Is to be
like the ma you have heard of who
yoked hlmfelf up with a young steer.
Jut aa he had put the other end cf the
ifake oa his oa neck to see how It would
, feet the steer started oil a mad gallop,
and h had to get right down to It and
do hla best to keep from being choked
to diath.
When aay aln one gets a hold on you
you are In that very aame kind of a fls.
Standing at lit In aln Is a Impossible a
standing still In fir. All emheiilers and
bank wreckers begin by taking just a
little money In the start, but having made
the start, they must go on and taks
mora, and so Instead of gating out of
their trouble by more and mora dlshon
aety, they get deeper and deeper. The
poor man In tha text bad probably been
trying to get free from hla troubles In
hla own way for a long while before be
cried to the Lord, just a all of u have
I wrls en Trabl.
Thar will alwaya be trouble where
there Is sin, and wa don't hare to read
the Bible to know thta Wa have all
found It out for ourselves, and eom of
u by tha bittereat kind of experlanoa.
Tha little child soon find out that as
soos a It disobeys It parent It geta
Into trouble. "Ha that would hide his
eta ahall have trouble enough." tha Blbla
ay, "but ha that will con fee and for
aake It I certain of peace."
"This poor man cried, and tha Lord
heard hlan, and saved hlra out of hla
troubles." If you want to know what
Christian eiperienoe Is. read the Psalms
for they are full of It, and what you find
there la authentle. Tou can't alwaya tell
just what Christian experience 1 by
hearing people talk In meeting, for the
reason that no man haa ever yet lived
who could s zpreas himself about any
thing a to be clearly and fully under
stood. The reason far thla la that spiritual
things aaa at bast be but poorly ex
pressed m word, atom seera to aay too
little, others to much; but la the Psalms
we have Christian experience given In In
spired languag. and can much better
understand just what Is meant "Thla
poor man aried." Thla show that hla
trouble must have been very great for
whea a man art as he la generally la a
sorrow that la nigh unto death. "This
poor man cried.' He had reached a pteoe
where he had stopped trying to do any
thing to help hlmaelf, for he wa in a
piao whn there waa na earthly proa
pact of his over getting out Despair waa
on his track, and ha was hedged In on
very aide.. H was In a place Uk that
occupied by tha children of Israel when
they wrung their hands and cried out,
"O, wretched men that we are! Why did
we make tha atari T Wer there no
graves In Egypt, that w should coma out
to pariah la the wilderness T"
steal Be Sefar TTaeaa.
Before them waa the Bad Bea, and be
hind them waa Pharaoh' host Oa one
aide wa a precipice, and on tho othar
perpendicular rocks. Thsr seemed to be
for them no possible way of escape, but
there are no Impossibilities, with. Ood, and
It wasn't long before they wer shouting
and singing, "Rejoloa, for the Lord hatq
triumphed glorlouslyl The horse and his
rider hath He thrown Into the seal"
"This poor maa cried and tha Lord
heard html" On of tha things Ood can
not da ia to turn a deaf ear to a cry like
that H would atop making a world If
necessary to help the an who sends ap
such a ery aa thla poor maa did.
The poor maa waa seeking Ood with a
heartbreak, and whoever sack Him la
that way la aever disappointed. The man
wanted God's help just thea more than
he wanted riches or fame or honor. Hla
aoul cried for immediate definite help.
and h fret It Standing up for prayars
amounts to little txiress ths heart gate oa
Ita knaaa.
Whan man seek Ood aright they do It
aa Um hungry aaek bread, aad aa the
famiahing aeek water; and whan they do
It In that way they find Kim. bue
they eeraply with oenolUona that war
mad before the foundations of tha earth
ware laid. "If thou aeek tha Lord thy
Ood, thawt Shalt find Kim, If thou aeek
Kim with aU thy heart and with all thy
Wa ar told in the fourteenth Psalm
where OavM waa when tha Lord heard
aad answered hla ery. Ka was In a hor
rible pit ainklng la miry olay, from which
be eould do nothing to extricate hlmaelf.
Tha mora ha struggled against the ml re
the deeper he sank Into It If ha cried
to men far help, nothing bat th mocking
echo of hla own roto name bank to him.
Aa long aa ha looked at himself or hla
situation a wa helpless aad hopeleea,
aaa tt waa not taatO ha began to look up
that he could find a ray of light Hla
aaa waa desperate bat ha cried to Hint
who ta alwaya ready to help th desper
ate. .
There only aaa way to get out of
tha mir of stn. and that la ta ba lifted
oat of tt by tha haada that war nailed
ta the nrnaa, Human hands might help
a Perhaps, If they could, hut they are
to abort and weak. Only tha hand of
Christ aaa reaeh aa when we fall Into
tha aevtl'a pit Th fact that ha took
David out t a sura prophecy that he wUl
deliver yc tf you wUI but ask Him and
trust Htoa to da It aa David did. If tha
Lord war not aa ready to help you aad
Bt aa He waa to hel him, thla Psalm
would not hare a place la the Blbla It
would have ao business there, because
what Ood doea for ana He stand pledged
to da for a nether.
Travel ta Mad.
Borne people consider tha Psalm poetry,
but th vary heart of them la Christian
experience. The horrible pit and tha miry
el ay are not mere figure of apeech, but
terrible realities In every unregenorete
Ufa No matter where tha sianer goee.
he ha to travel la the mud. and the
longer he Uvea la aln the deeper th mira
becoraea Bvery day that he remain
away from Ood put him dewa deeper and
(Continued on Pag fceventven.)
our mind art quite ts active as in
former years but our strength does not
respond when we need it most; perhaps
the kidneys are weak, the liver torpid,
rheumatic pains or stiffened jgints
beset us, and we cannot easily throw
off the colds that winter brinrs.
What we need is the rich cod liver oil
in Scott's Emulsion to renew the blood
and carry strength to eve ry organ of the
body, whila its glycerine soothes the res
piratory tract, and its hypophosphites
strengthen the excitable nerves.
Scott's Emulsion ts a scientific oil
food, cf unusual benefit to those past
fifty years particularly during the
colder seasons, it Imparts warmth and
create strength. On bottle will prove
its worth. Ka alcohol or harmful drur.
SooU ft Suwae. BioMnScia. M.J. u-j
Neckwear for Apparel Day
in "no urganaie venter, vai- np
uea to 76c, at JOC
Iacr, Embroidery, Orraodla and Taney
Net Collara, values to 76o. or
al aJOC
Feather Boa, value to 15. o rt n
apeclal at dJ.UO
-r We Are Advertised By Our Customers;
. i .1. -i i i.. ii . . - ii. tin 1! il I i mm -. i i ii
Save Your New
Corset Fitted Here
There are marry advantages In having
your corset fitted by our corsetieres. First,
they have a variety of models to select from
for all types of fif ures so you are sure to be
fitted correctly; second, we do not hurry
our fitters but allow them plenty of time to
take care of every customer properly. Then,
e give the best value, that mon;y cm buy
W have m complete ani heauH'ul
lime SJon Ton and Royal Worcuter
ConeU, and tea vonuU $uggel thal$ou
a far yourttlf and have on of our
fitter txplain thtir poinlt of tuptrtority
and $e!ecl the ana suited for your In
dividual fgure.
Our fitting service h free.
Bon Ton .Corsets for Tall Figures Front laced models,
made of handsome pink broche, medium hlfh bust with curved
waistline; long over hips with wide band of elastic at bottom of
Skirt in back. All whale boning in this model,
which makes the corset comfortable and serviceable
'Other models In plain coutil, at . . .$3.50 and $5.00
Don Ton Corsets In back laced models for medium and
heavy figures, medium high top, with sufficient fullness to allow
figure- to rest comfortably In corset, either sitting or standing.
Long over hip and back with six heavy garters attached; extra
wide graduated front steel This Is an exceptional (Jo aa
value, at P3aUU
Models for slender figures in beautiful broche $3.50
Royal Woroeater Ooraata for alaa
der figure, In fancy malarial. Fro
blp aection, four tartars ) ft f
attached. Special af aCe V U
iv. '
Olrla' Corsets In all soft boned mod
els, a four-hook front ateel, making
tha corset eapeclaUy good aV ff
tor school glrla )1UU
We have designated Saturday as Women's Apparel Day. to pro
advantageous purcnases and collections or everything tnat everviro
and household affairs; in the the afternoon the appurtenances of vis
before six o'clock. In the evening the things that belong to the evening, dress, am
forts of the last hour before sleep the things that belong to the boudoir and bedroorr;
Special Lots. Dresses & Frocks
specially priced for this big occasion.
oeen maae
which are less than their wholesale value,
speciar purchase. Every one a bargain.
Choice of 150 dresses, worth to 15.00.
serges and combinations of all colors. All sizes
Extra preparation has
e for the offerinjr of these wonderful lots, manv of
borne are from
Special choice of sport eoeta worth to $15 .V
One lot of the smart sport coats nnm
cherlota, wool pluabaa, boucles, etc. Every
good color, made with tb extra pock
large collara and belts. Plalda and cbaaksl
also In thla lot
A lot of 225 beautiful afternoon frocks in serges and
silks or combinations. All sizes and colors. Worth to JU9
Dancing and Party Frocks
For dancing frocks, worth to $32.50. About 30"
dainty frocks for dancing and party wear, in dainty silk
and races; pastel colors
For choice of party dresses worth to $35.00. A lot of
dainty, fluffy evening party and dancing frocks, in soft
pretty colorings, in chiffons, silks and laces. Women'a and
misses' sizes. $25.00
Pot choice of a big lot of coats in a large variety of
cuts, styles, materials and colors. Flared, belted and with
large collars, some with fur collars.
A wonderful lot of smart coats In every good idea of the
sea5on plushes, wool velours, chinchillas, mixtures, etc. Large
fur collars and cuffs are much in evidence; large belted wide
swinging effects. Every wanted color and size
New Decoration and Favors
for Hallowe'en Just Arrived
Choice of lot of White Chinchilla Coats, worth $15.00. About 22 coats
of good white chinchilla, large pocket, wide belts, high collara, eto.
Miasea' and women's sizes.
Tor Woman's and Misses' Skirts worth to $7.50. For this occasion
w naa aasemtia a lot or aairts tnat nave oeen selling regularly up to
$7.50, and Include eTery good fall model and material.
Choice of Silk Petticoats worth $3.00. About 250 aU-all taffeta and
satin petticoats. In eTery good color, made In different styles of flounces.
FursI i
Everything for decorating the table and house Lunch
Sets, Table Covers, Dinner Favors and Cards, Tally Cards,
Greeting Cards, Invitations, Paper Caps, Napkins, Garlands,
Festoons, Streamers and Masks of all kinds.
For Our Little School Friends
Here are things you need every day that you can get with
out spending much money.
Pencil Boxes, containing pen
cils, pens, penholder, erasers,
etc, at Z5c
M. & B. and
Prang's School Paints.
Rlnrs .
History Paper,
too sheets for.
School Tablets,
up from.
Composition Tablets
6c and ,
Students Loose Leaf
Note Books, up from.
500 Fancy Imported Tea Pots
Made of finest quality imported
jetware, full gold trimmed and
decorated with scroll and enamel
beadwork in (dainty colors.
4-cup size J Worth $1.00, jq
6-cupsize (choice at 07C
China Department Main Floor
items are so num iv.
tpect I J.
lew barrel and f J !v
a 4 a m a
special lots or rurs nave been: ..t
and although the items are
idea of what to exp
Lpossum Muns, new
Skunk Martin, new barrel and rillor-
Fox Muffs, all the different colors nnj
Hudson Beaver, in the new melon aq4 . j;
Biacx ana baDie come bets, from..".;
Brook Mink Sets, from , .
Fox Sets, all colors, from
Mink Sets (Jap and eastern), from.; .
$3.45, $5.95 and $9.95
Clever New
Wonderful values at 15.95 and $9.95. An emphatic
demonstration of our supreme position in offering, dis
tinctive styles at popular prices.
The hats offered in this sale are the results of a
number of well-timed purchases and include hats for
morning and daytime wear, for afternoon and dress wear.
Gold and silver lace trimmed hats, fur trimmed hats, new
white hats, in such materials as silk hatters, velour and
velvet. Values positively up to $25.00, at $3.45, $5.95
and $9.95.
Is G
R a.
Made of gofcd
rv 1 Vinrh l"trrhtf
j ......
wide. Colors nV
gold, taupe, 'whit.
blacks. Values "to,
special Saturday .(.
Oa Main - ftoer.
1,500 Filmy Lace Blouses
Choice at $2.95
sa eiivti
Candy Specials iff
Silk Shadow Lace Blouses. Filet Lace Blouses.
Radium Lace Blouses.
In white, cream and flesh. Some have transparent
Georgette sleeves. Blouses that are fascinating" in their
a it - x a . e .
loveliness. iwenry-rive styles to select
from, at
Dressy Blouses At $5.00
Georgette Crepe Blouses. Striped Taffeta Blouses.
Extra quality Crepe de Chine Blouses.
Chiffon Blouses.
ii Wonderful values and styles; all the details ff
and stvles of hirher Driced models at ehD.IIII
Freah Home-Made Pea- f
nut Brittle, pound ..1UC
Our Delicious Home-Made Di
vinity, braall aut, almond and pe
can but Regular ' 0o
grade, pound a3C
Freeh Maple Confections
every (Saturday, pound
Our Pompeian Chocolate Bitter
Bweets and Swlsa Style MUk Cho
colates, nut ana; fruit center.
Special Saturday, OCi
pound , eC
Very Choloa Chocolate Cherries,
In cream. Regular 60a, oa
apeclal, pound OaC
We have a beautiful line of Halloween Novelttee for table and nart
Quality and Economy Go Hand in
Hand in This Glove Sale
Extra special lot of women's fine real Kid or Lamb
Gloves, t or 2-clasp styles; in white, white with black
backs, black and several colors.
These gloves are absolutely perfect and should retail frqm
Jit. 25 to $1.50 a pair. The majority is worth rf
$1.50. Pair OJC
435 French Hei
Ostrich Plume
Ranging in lengths frorn I
inches. Extra wide stock,
ply goods, in black, wH
some new colors ofthd
Positively worth to $ 1 2.5C
, , ,.
Untrimmed Shapes'"
1,080 Beautiful New UntrimnjAt
Hats from one of New York's l.irp4:
manufacturers, in large black silk vel
vet sailors, hatters' plush effects, v:l
vet facings, some very fine velour and
fur beaver hats. Values to $4.oo, spe-cialat-
(Hi i- v?
Advertisers in The Bee are assured of results that
come from commanding attention of customers with purchasing; power