14 TIIK I5KH: OMAHA, SATt'IJDAY, ncTOI'.Klt lC ll'l'i. By MELLIFICIA. Friday, October 15, 1915. SAIN we br-ld (he success of an On. aha maid. AMlsa Myrtle Moses has been engaged by Maestro Campanlnf to toe the Chicago Grand Opera company, which Is toon to Inaugurate a ten weeks' season at the Chicago Auditorium. Miss Moses lived here and received her first muairal training In Omaha. She is a youuz woman of unusual beauty and charm. Prior to leaving for the east to continue her musical studies Miss Moses sang in the choir of Temple Israel and the First Presbyterian church. Last year she returned to Omaha and gave a concert recital for her many friends. The Julius RosAjjwaJds and Mrs. Elsendrath of Chicago and Omaha friends early manifested interest in Miss Moses' career and sent her abroad, where her voice was ' placed" and her training was finished by Jean de Resrke himself. Her voice Is a meiro soprano. Campaninl engaged Miss Moses after ha heard her sing the Llbestod from "Tristan and Isolde." Emilia in "Otello," Mercedes in. "Carmen," Flosshllde In "Das Rheln gold" and the maid Suzuki in "Madame Butterfly" are among the parta for which Miss Moses has been definitely lUted. Entertain at Musical. Prof, and Mm. J. H Carnal eava a mosleal for the members of the 'Bllljr" Sunday party at their home Wdncwday evening. Lunch was served. Those pres ent were: Mime Mles Haani Silver. ShRildtford. iln Bturms, Wyatt, Vernle Fowler, Keliwy. Nee I. aleesrs. Miwuni Oeorre A. Firewater, Homer Rrwleheaver, Robert Matthew. Ueufge Sunday, Mr. and Mr. Rryat Haboock. Prof, and Mr. J. E. Carnal. Kitchen Shower for Bride. A kitchen ahower waa given Tiieaday evening for Mtas. Minnie Krejcl. a bride of the eomlng week. Music and sames were the entertainment of the evening. Thoee present ware: Mlaeea Lillian Harvey Mary Marveueo Anna Krejcl N. M., la visiting her grandparenta, Mr. and Mrs. O. 1). Munaon. and her uncle, Mr. H. O. Munaon, and Mra. Munaon. Hhe will remain here for aeverai months, Mlaa Anna Roller, accompanied by Mlaa Anna and Tina Rueer and Mlaa Olaon left Saturday for a month's trip to California, where they will vlalt both the exposition. OMAHA GIRL TO SINO WITH CHI CAGO GRAND OPERA. Mlraea Josephine Hayes France I.timlcren Tlllle Kaeaaner Jess Nl"n Mary neckenaten race ffmaan Mary Pelaer Helen Adam Mrs. Krejcl Julia Krelcl I.ydla ftulyarda Mary uwena llajrme Adam Mrs Anderson Recent Affairs. The Kewple Crochet dub waa enter tained Wednesday evening at tha home of MUs Oladys Deeterhaus. The members arc i Misses Mlsaea Lillian Ponahey, Madollna Peaterhaui France Kerry, Irene Aatleford, tlattle Starr. Oearsie Aatlcford, Maraaret Inahey, Kuth Jobs. The Bachelor Girls 8. O. D. H. Club held their first fall meeting; at the home of Mlaa Ruth Cowdery Thursday even Ing. The guest of honor waa Mlas Mar vet Beardaley of Klngaley, la. The even ing was spend playing cards. Those praacnt were: Mlaaea Malwl Herka, Idiura. Krauae, Ulanch Klwood, tithel Clark. Pertha Olbelet, le Watxm, Kuth Cowdery, Marvel lleardalay, Klngaley, la.: Eyenti of Today. Mrs. A. V. Klnsler gave an Informal bridge party this afternoon In honor of Mra. Harry Bosworth of Chicago, the guest of Mra. George Brandela. The Et-A-VIrp club will give a dancing party at tha Rome hotel this evening. Mra. J. M. Metcalf entertained at the Orpheura theater this afternoon for her guest, Mrs. Elisabeth Eddy of New Tork. Mrs. Franklin W. JShotwell entertained tire guests at luncheon followed by an Orpheum theater party In honor ef Mrs. Miller Hamilton of Topeka, Kan., gueat of Mrs. H. T. Cook. iThe summer, season at Seymour Lake elub will eloee with a dinner and danoe tbta evening and the presentation of folf trophies. Theatrical Folk Party. 1 Mr. Edward Lynch and several mem bers of bis company occupied a bog at the opening performance of "On ' Trial." The party Included: '' MIb Mlaea l-.ne McOraoe rlna lwwar t;rac Dale Carrie lxiwe Mxaar Measra JT dward Lrnch Arthur Ritchie Luiliater trait Edward O Cunnor tor Bridal Tarty. Mlaa Oeorge Trimble gave a luncheon today In honor of the Downey-lmpey trldal party. The table was artistically decorated wttli pink rosea. Covers were j4aod for; Window Hopping is to Become More Popular in Omaha International Newapaper Window Pis play Week, which la now holding forth, was primarily designed to demonatrate to manufacturer of nationally advertlaed products the desirability of newspaper advertising and the preference of the re tailers for that form of advertising. But the window display movement has done other things, too. It has awakened a re newed tntereat'ln window display on the port of the public. It Is . surprising what a person ean learn from tho display windows of the merchants. The windows are not only Interesting, they are instructive. An Illus tration of this fact ean be seen In the window display of the local branch of The Goodyear Tire and Rubber oompany. Rubber has alwaya been a vague, mys terious product but the Goodyear display, constructed In connection with the Win dow Pisplay Week, tells the story of rubber from collection of the sap until It reaohee the manufactured product. Other Interesting displays hold forth at the four stores of the Sherman A Mo Con n II Drug company, at the two stores of the Tatee Prug company, Merrltt's two stores. The Townaond Oun company, Iloaep's Muslo . store, the Walter Q. Clarke company, and the many other local stores. If local merchants continue their policy of "hooking tip" with newspaper adver tising they will surely Increase the value of their displays, and "window shopping" will have an added charm for the woman-folk. ' . : " : - r' v 'r ' ;- . ' ' . 1 Two Speoial Trains for the Notre Dame Game With Huskers Two special passenger trains to Lin coln will be run by the Burlington on Saturday, . October IS. One will be for the annual visit of the South Omaha Live Stock exchange - to the state farm. The other will be for foot ball fans who wish to witness the NebrasksNotre Dame game. The Live Stock exchange people will go from Bouth Omaha In the morning at I o'clock, while the foot ball special wtU leave the Omaha depot at ilM o'clock. A single special train, with ample ac comodations for all. will bring both par ties tiack horns, leaving Lincoln at 1:10 p. m., Ooneral Passenger Agent Wakeley announces. Meedames J. X.. W hit. St. Catherines, Out) Misses Qeuige Trimble. Meedames reward Hlakety. iaroU Sobotker. . illrea (Hattys lmpey, J rone Powney, Mary purry, Entertains at Fontenelle. Miss Edna R. Huffbaih. formeriy of ILls city, and now a resident of Iead--wood. 8. P., was the gueat of Mlas Haael A mail at the Hotel Fontenelle on Thurs day evening. ! Omahana at Exceliior Spring. Recent arrivals at the Elms In E5xceU iur Sprliiss Include the following Oma J.ana: W. F. BUHicker. Robert Levi, II. tit. Boylaa. Lora Power. Anne riynn and ;;thel King. f tork Special , 1 A eon waa born Wednesday to Mr. and Ura. V. N. Short. On th Calendar. ' Mrs. .James McKeena will give .a 'theater party at the Hrandela tomorrow efurooon for Mra EJdy. c Mlaa Nellie Wakeley will entertain at 4 mcheon tomorrow In honor of Mrs, x-harlee P. Eddy of New York, the guest ',t Mra. i. M. Metcalf. jitertaini at Kensington. S Mrs. T. P. Olin entertained at a kenstnalon Wednesday afternoon, fol lowed by tea. for the Women club of the United Commercial Traveler Personal Mention. Mr. and Mra. Chae. F. Weller returned thle aiurnoun from an cjUenalv vlalt to i acifle Coaat cities, while there Mr. ve 1r attended the meeting of tha National NVholcaale PruB;rtt. aaaoclaUon at ,-u.uta Bartara. On ihetr return tey tie4 at the Grand Canon. i Mite. Nan Halplren arid alater of the irDhum mere aueata of Mr. and Mra C F. Bilnscrtiind at dinner Thursday, ; Mr. and Mr. F. H. bhowers of Un wood, tirb., will celifhrate their fiftieth annlveraary October 10. Mr. and Mr. R. A. Swartwout left to day for a two wet-fca trip to the Call' fornla riciKisltlona Mra JoacVb M. Curtahy of Chicago, formerly of O-nah. la on of a num- tr of ( htckgo acivty u:atnm who will , e r-atronoeet f.T the ell kuoaa Clo- s. rtrlla dnc till wii.lcr. k.L Florence Booth Fuller of CarUbad, Assistant Rector of All Saints Will Come December 1 Rev. R. S, Flockart, now rector of the episcopal church at Chaaute. Kan., will come to Omaha December I to become assistant to Rev. T. J. Mackey, rector ef All Saints Rptscopol church. He la a brother of Rev. John Lockhart, rector of 6t Andrew's church. Rev. John Lock hart, sr., farther of two minister, and at present mlaalonary to the Indiana of South Pakota. will preach at St Andrew church Sunday morning. W. A. Clark, Former Senator in Omaha for a Short While William Andrews Clark, millionaire cop per kins: and formerly United States sen ator from Montana, was In Omaha a few minutes this morning on his way west lis traveled in his own private car, com ing in over the Northwestern road and leaving over the ' Union Pacific It waa said that he was going te California on a trip. RANGE OF VEGETABLE PRICES Green Stuff from the South ig Now Arriving on the Local Market BUTTER IS ONE CENT HIGHER Sugar la up a dime In the wholesale market and flour rose a quarter a bar rel In the last week. Sugar can still be had nineteen pounds for a dollar, hut dealers say this may not continue long. The rise In flour makes a difference of tte cent a sack of forty-eight pounda This makes the best flour $1.40 a sack now. ome canned goods have gone up also on account of the extremely wet sea son, which made It Impossible to get the garden produce at the right time for canning. Tomatoes suffered most In this way. The result Is that canned toma toes are hard te get now, and that some fsotorles have stopped taking orders. . Ripe tomatoes are 18 to 86 cents a basket now. while last year at this time they could be had for M centa Vecatablea from the geath. Was and green beans and other vege tables are coming on the market from the south now, as the home-grown etuff Is so scarce, due to the rainy fall and the frost some days ago. Jonathan and Belle Flower apples are on the market at U.M and tl. respectively. October 1 Is to be apple day all over the country. The day Is est apart for special apple shews and demonstrations. Hayden Brothers' grocery Is preparing a special display of all grades of appiee on that day. . Peaches, Italian plums and Bartlett peare are about oft the market. Lemon are IB to to cents a dosen. Kl offer pears are H.10 a buahet. The first grape fruit of the season is on the market The M else are selling at I3i cents apiece. CallteraU Fir Hero. No new figs frotn Turkey and no dates from Arabia are coming to the marke now aa they should at this time of the year. This condition la also attributed to the war In Burope. New California flga are en the market, however. New honey In the eomb la on the mar ket at n eente a pouad oorue. Strained honey tn gUas Jar ean be had at 93 cents a Jar of twenty-eight euncea. Bugs are up to M cents a doaen. But ter la up a oent over last week. Pork la high. Chope and loins are ID centa, wholesale. Beef te reasonable. Round steak In It cents a pound. That la lower than It haa been for three yeara. Last year It waa selling for 1(4 cents a pound at thl time of year. Shoulder steak la im centa Roearta are I to 10 cent. The beat rib roa'ta are M centa a pound. Hlndquartora of lambs are li centa a pound. Cowsrhaal for Tkre Years. A grateful sufferer write. "Tour medi cine, Pr. King's New Placovery, cured my cough of three years' standing." Mo. All druggists. Advertisement. CITY ATTORNEYS AND WEBSTER MIX Attorney! for Omaha Allege Street Car Company Does Not Comply with Court Order. SEARS CONSIDERS THE MATTER A spirited argument was precipi tated before District Judge Sears, hen City Attorneys nine and Lam bert and Attorney J." L. Webster, for the street railway company, went to the mat on the iReue whether tha company had evaded an order of the court providing for a statement of physical valuation of its property In the seven-fares-for-a-quarter Injunc tion stilt. " The company's statement as made to the court contained various fig ures and totals which applied to Its entire lines in Omaha, Council Bluffs, Fcuth Omaha and suburbs. The statement, Mr. Rine declared, waa "sn evsslon" because, he said, the order manifestly required a statement of phy sical valuation In Omaha, alone, where the seven-fares-for-a-quarter I applica ble. The statement, aa made, he de clared, waa useless to the court. "They Bay they do not know the valua tion In the city of Omaha," observed Mr. Wna, "but the petltlnn alleges the rate fixed by the ordinance would not allow a proper return on the capital Inveated." Somewhere among the statsments made by the street railway company, Mr. Rine then deduced, wss at least one which was "mendacious." wast Order Chaasred. Attorney Webster then cams back with the argument that the stateinnt of phyat- cal valuation, a furnished to the court. was exactly what the court's order re quired end what tho city attorneys had asked for. "Tho 'city attorneys now ask thr somethlng be Interpolated Into the order which they did not ek In their motion end which the court did not put in the order,", declared Mr, Webster. "They are now eetoned from reopening the laaue and seeking for additional Informa tion." It la conceded on all hands that the Information so far furntehed by the street railway company haa not been such as would clear up the aeven-fares- for-a-quarter Irsue. Judge Sears took under advisement the motion of the city that the company be required to make Its statement "more spooiflo and certain." Federal Grand Jury Finds Forty-Three True Bills Here The federal grand jury Friday afternoon returned forty-throe Indictments, twenty being In the Omaha district, thirteen In the Norfolk district rnd ten In the Chad ron district. Four of the Omaha district eases were for violation of the anti-dope law and ten cases referred to Illegal transporta tion of liquors. AH but two of the cases In the Norfolk and Chadron districts were for violations of the statutes regarding sale of liquor to Indians. Miss Gamlin Will Meet'S. S. Teachers At the "Y" Today Miss ABee Oamlln, Sunday party worker among boys and girl, says the meeting at the Tonng Women's Christian asso ciation Saturday at 4 p. m. will be "the moat Important meeting ef my depart ment during the Omaha campaign." . It will be for Sunday echool teacher and officers, and Miss Oamlln will out line her plan for making the best use of tha campaign among the boys and girls, I getting them interested In the Sunday', schools and making out of them regular) attendants and students and workers. Miss Oamlln has had much experience and wide observation In this field and Is eminently fitted to speak with authority on the subject. I Omaha Boy in Navy Drowned in China J.' C. Moore, Z107 Lothrop street, haa Just received a cablegram that his son, David Cory Moore, chief electrician en the United States steamer Qulros, de tailed to Chinese waters, was drowned. at Shanghai on October 11. No details of tho drowning were given In the cable. Apartments, flats, houses and eortag-es can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" MEN: You'll Find Comfort, Style and Wear In the New Fall Walk-Ovei "Ultra In black leathors plain or fai tops: all sizes $3.50 TO $722 WALK-OVER English A or tan . , v with MW ,A ...iw--'s a ue r I " .. '-rZ Hose for Men and Women Phoenix Guaranteed Colors BOO SHOP 317 South 16th Street MOVIE OPERATOR BOUND OVER ON ASSAULT CHARGE P. V. Blackwood, 4 North Eighteenth street, and It. E. Rudge, tS Howard street, were discharged when arraigned In police court on a disorderly conduct coin plaint. The two men, who are union moi tug picture operator, ware picketing near the 1-Tlncea theater Wedneadey end ask ing people not to patronise the place. W. C. lnny, another union picture operator, waa bound over te the dlatrkit court with bond fixed at MO for aa alleged assault on D. I.. Donaldson, nonunion operator of the Princess theater. lion Skckatfcmticfl AT FOUNTAINS, HOTELS. OH gkSIWHCRS Col LICK'S TKZCPJQSHAl HALTED UUl Thi Fooddrlnk fsr Ail Ages Delicious, invigorating sod sustaining. Keep k on your sidcooud a home. Don't travel without HT A quick luacb prepared la a tribute. Unlemm you avey Ham.JOtCS you tnxy got a Subutltutam .The Drexel Kid Says: "Any Kid's Dad that don't buy Steel Shods for his kid ia only cheatin' him self. My dad aaya go." Saturday Is Boys' Day at Drexel's On Saturday when the boya are out of achool we give them the preference. You will be served promptly If you buy TEEL noD DOES for your boy tomorrow. They outwear two palra of ordi nary boya' ehoee. In button and blucher. Dors', 1 to 6tt.S2.50. Little Oentg, 9V4 to $2.25. Parcel Post Paid. Drexel 1419 Farnam TiiO Hop I Eg Friendship Links Free Aubowwm th occupation of the former store of A. S. Rips, gnoostsor to Lindsay the Jeweler. THE ROYAL JEWELRY CO., located THREE DOORS NORTH OT FARNAM , ON SIXTEENTH STREET, bids you welcome to Inspect iti ' New and Complete Stock of Diamonds Watches, Jewelry and Silver Our low expense allows us to seQ 70a QUALITY merchan dise at LOWER FBICZ& We Arc Gift Specialists Come to Us for Sareestioss. Our WATCH AND JEWELRY REFAIRINCr La absolutely GUARANTEED. It Wm Pay You to Get Aoqu&hxted. ' Friendship Link Free Every adult who signs and brings this oovpoa will recetre, absolutely FREE, one of these STERLING SILVER FRIENDSHIP LINES. Good only Saturday October 18, 181& Your name Address 221 SO. 16TII STREET PAXTON SSvtwGa BLOCK Three Door, irorta ef Fanuua on lfttk. km ty-Ji y Jill! u II mml Mtalatrr Uitm Tnllaur. The fUv. C. at. Knishlun. Havana. Fla., errttes: "For three months I suf fer! Intense pein tn kidneys and back, which at times laid me irs entirely. 1 reed ot Foley Kidney Fills and after try Ins varioua remedies without yasult I decided to try the Foley treatment I was relieved almost with the first does and It is a (act that 1 used only 1 bottles whan all of the pains disap peared. I am U yeare of ao and now (eel like a youns man acala." Sold everywhere. Advertisement. '7T Coffee Delicious" The glorious weather brought to pur windows such crowds that we felt sure there would not be enough Hats to go around at the Friday Sale. We got the wires to work and as answer we have re ceived about 200 more. And so we concluded to have a sort of oEisolation Sale for the isappoiof ed Saturday; then, 200 more of Beautiful Hats fully equal to those sold Friday morning. Price the same. 04.00 Each Nor Is This All! Here is something by way of a teaser JUST 8 DOZEN UN TRIMMED HATS will be sold same time for the economical ones or for those who are artistic and deft with the needle, who may not want to take sufficient time to trim the "Sunday go to meeting" HAT but for the everyday hat like to keep their hand in. 96 Hats . Ladies of Velvet, Plush Crown; large, medium, small, high, low or medium crowns 83c Each ONLY FOE A DAY. IF WE COULD GET THEM BEFORE YOUR EYES THEY WOULD NOT LAST AN HOUR. Really only enough for a teaser. The Merry Whirl on Skirts Continues We can now say with every assurance never have we turned out more attractive skirts. If you want one soon you must get your order in soon; it's $2.00 FOR THE MAKING. Splendidly tailored, well sewn, latest styles!. Oh, If Only Old Plato Was Alive! What a busy time he would have on Saturday. For was it not he who rebuked ARISTTPPUS for being so sweet mouthed? If he had only known about "C0BBS." Listen: We are going to Mu 500 boxes of Caramels on Saturday at 25 PER BOX. Caramel or Caromel which ever you wHL definition, "A SWEET variously composed and flavored, but generally consisting of chocolate, sugar and butter, and usually dark colored." This does not tell the whole story of "Cobbs" there's a smoothness, a richness, a chewiness, a lastingness such as the ordinary caramel does not possess. Only ONE box to a customer, sold at a quarter, merely that you may know "Cobbs are so different.'.' Care has been taken in selection no such box selling at 40c. Sweeties to bestow on the ladies. 8 :30 this sale starts. Yes, and the next day is Sunday, too.