Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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    THK'RKE: OMAHA, S ATI! 11 DAY, (XTMIKK 1, 11)15.
Wsddlnt; BJnga Ed holm, J.wo'er.
fciasqalst, Tmilor (OS Patton Blk.
ts Boo Mat It Now Bcron Trt
Ocf fso percolator, fa, nurrwa-Orandea,
Mra. Sodra IMTOrra Mra. Minnla
B. Dcdiro has brought suit for divorce
against Robert M. Dod, alleging
"Todays Complete Marie Pro r em 4
classified aectlon to1r, and appears la
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY Find out what
Ua various moving picture t atera offer
Sr. Bluleto Lstrtur. IT. J. 8. Binnln
of Kaneaa City wilt lecture at the Ne
braska College of Medicine tonlRht. A
dinner will be given at the Omaha club
in hla honor.
Die of Pneumonia Chester Ulark
aged 35 years, died at 8t. Joseph' hos
pital Thursday nUcht of pneumonia.
Coroner Crosby has the body and will
hold a postmortem examination.
Two Different Mr. Hlahs P. A. High,
who la district superintendent of ttiei
Anti-Saloon league. Is not the same Mr.
High who Is cashier of tho enlarged
ftate Bank of Omaha. The banker's
initials are nearly the same, being F. N.
Peters Sprains Hla Arm Herman B.
Peters, former proprietor of the Mer
chants hotel. Is carrying hla arm In a
allng from the effects of a fall he had
while taking a bath. The doctor says
no bones are broken, but thnt Mr. Peters
will have to abstain from his usual
Borllngton Ken Here W. P. TMeliof'
of Lincoln, general superintendent of the
Burlington's Nebrsska district, and sev
eral division superintendents and other
employes of the road are In Omaha for
si consultation with B. B. Orcer, assistant
general manager. General matters of
road operation are being considered.
Bsw Mad Back is Xdgnter A new
kind of mall bag has been received at
the Omaha postofflce. It Is mado of
white canvas and Is very light, weighing
only a pound and a half. These bags are
to be used for light-weight mall, such as
packages and letters, but not for maga
zines, books or wooden boxed packages.
Saturday, October 16, 1915.-
Committees of the
Local Retailers for
the Ensuing Year
J. W. Metcalfe, eecretar of the As
sociated Retailers of Omaha, has an
nounced that during the month of Sep
tember, 1W accounts were opened by
new residents of Omaha. The largest
records heretofore for any one month
.was 133, which occurred last April.
The newly elected president, A. T. Ben
son, of Benson & Thome company, se
lected the following committees for the
year at the meeting held last night at
the Paxton hotel:
Railroad W. t Holiiman, chairman;
A. Hnne and Thomas Klynn.
Municipal Affairs F. King, chair
nmn: W. S. Stryker and Harry Kyan.
Finance George Urnndeis, chairman;
H. A. Thompson and Joseph Hayden.
Press W. Ci. Brandt, "chairman;- K 11:
Flltton and C. B. Brown.
Legislative L. C. Nash, chairman; . C.
C. Belden and Robert Kosensweig.
Membership Thomas F. guinlan, chair
man; Harrv Kyan and R. Kuisell,
Credit Bureau 11. M. Rogers, chair
man; E. J. M alone .and Henry Rosenthal.
Wholesale Charles H. -Sherman, chairman;-Kay
Klngsley and R. K. Wilcox. :
. Insurance John A. Swanson, chair
man; E. W. Mulligan and C. E. Black.
Approved Charities George Kyan,
chairman; Ii K. Magee and W. ii.
Brandt. 1 . ,
.Trade Extenslon-J. II. Taylor, chair
man; William ek'hmoller and EJmer
Special Committees, -
Musical Instruments George E. Mlckel.
chairman: A. Hosne, T. F. Qurnlan, W.
H. Schmoller and 11. Morten.
Clothing R. E. Wilcox, chairman: A.
8. Peck. E. R Magee. Geore Brandeia,
Thomas Flynn, John A. Swanson, A. T.
Benson, O. K. Berg and Max Rosenthal.
Jewelers John Henrlckson. ehairman;
George W. Ryan, Albert Euliolm and C.
ii. Brown. ,. , .
Druggists A. B. McConnell, chairman;
C. IX Beaton and P. B. Myers.
Dry Goods and Women' i Apparel
George Brandels. chairman; C. C. Belden,
L. C. Nash, Thomas Flynn. W. L. Holz
man, C. K. Berg, Sam Henberg and A.
T. Benson. . ,
Shoe Dealers J. A. Bryans, chairman:
R. B. Haaker, Robert Rosentwelg and
W. S. Stryker. ,
Furniture Dealers Henry Rosenthal,
.ehairman; W. G. Brandt. 11. R. Bowen.
V.. W. Mulligan, E. S. Rubel and H. rell
helmer. . , ,
Miscellaneous Lines Charles E. Black,
chairman: 11. M. Rogers, E. H. FlUton,
R. . KlngBley, Ralph Russell, R. C.
Goddard. II. G. Kranr, H. P. Kerr, W.
K Burgess. Fred Paffenrath, Charles H.
Courtney. A. V. Dresher. Guy UrnftU
II. A. Jacohberger. John Beklns, I. Kahu,
V L, Kernan. W. R. Matthews, Llmer
Biddeo, R. Stelnle, F. A. Waldman and
Vf. L. Masterman.
Could Xot Walk wltk nheomatUm.
yV satisfied patient writes, "Sloan's)
Liniment cured my Theumatlsra; am
grateful. I can now walk without pain."
Only 25c. All druggists. Advertisement.
Former Dewey Hotel
Clerk Ends His Life
After Love Trouble
Jesse V. Nold, one of the heroes of the
Iewey hotel fire of 1!M3. ended his life
with a bullet last night in a room at
the Overland hotel because of trouble with
hU sweetheart.
Nold had been employed as manager
of the Overland hotel. Thirteenth and
Howard, up to three weeks ago. At the
time of the fire he was night clerk at
the hotel where half a doson lodgers met
death. At the time he was given credit
for saving the lives of many by braving
the smoke and flame to arouse sleepers.
He was found last night by Mies Lydla
Nelson, chambermaid at the St. James
hotel and sweetheart of Nold.
Nold had been dead for some time. He
was clutching a picture of himself and
Miss Nelson with one hand and the re
volver with the other. note, which was
addressed to Miss Nelson, was found in
the room. It read: "Dear Lydla-Pleasa
forgive me for this art. I had to save
you from a life of misery and It was the
only way out."
Nold'a father was the builder of th
Windsor hotel. Tenth and Jackaon. and
in the early days was a prominent figure
In Omaha's business ami social life.
The suicide also 1 ft instruction to
notify a brother, L. J. Nld, at Latonia. O.
Oar Jltarr Offer Tk'a A Re,
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip,
enclose wltb &c and mail It to Foley &
Co., Chicago, IIll., writing your uam
and addrees clearly. Tou will receive In
return a trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs,
olds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, f r
pain in sides and back, rheunutis..i,
backache, kidney and bladdt r ailment;
and Foley Cathartic Tubli-t. a whi,.,--
soms and thoroughly -laii,.ns c.ithar-jc,
I'or const tptl n, biiliu-Mi oh. f'u.!..c '
and sluggis:! bowels ..tld everywl.,
Adveitist-iiK nt
Ylcter BeooWIe for Oetober.
Cesae Hear Them. Teartn floor.
.The Tamons Cbleker'nir.
Pisa is Void Only Her.
Phone D. 137.
Just Such Values As Are Mentioned Here Have Induced
Thousands to come to Burgess-Nash for Their Fall Need
ClIAllMLNG array of new sleeves and new collars in
the new blouse arrivals.
broidered Georgette blouse; Ra
dium lace and chiffon fashion;
Georgette In simpler styles; new
Georgette In hand embroidered fash
ions; new plaid blouses $0.50,
$7.50, $10.00 to $2.YOO.
Crepe de Chine, Pussy Willow, Crepa
Meteor, Taffeta in new choker col
lars, new tailored sleeves and fronts.
In white, flesh and suit colors
$3.05, $.V0O, $5.0ft, $0SO to $12.00.
Blouses at $5.95
The showing at $5.95 Is an Impres
sive one, offering an interesting se
lection from tailored types In all the
new materials. Georgette crepes,
laces and suit blouses in dark shades.
Burgess-Mash Co, Beooad Floor.
"Wirthmor" Waists $1.00
Fall styles and Fall fabrics entirely new and particularly pproprlat
for this time of the year. The materials are all washable and the
waists so well made as to stand repeated trips to the laundry. It's
the real style distinction combined with the very modcpt pricing that
have made these waists so deservedly popular. "Wirthmor" waists are
sold here exclusively; all new Btyles on sale tomorrow, as always, $1.00
Bnre-la-h Co. Main P'oor.
GLOVES for Women and Children,
NEW embroidered backs, new washable leathers, splendid qualities
in wash fabric gloves have been brought out this season. We are
prepared to meet every demand.
Wash leather gloves at $1.25 to $2.50 the pair.
Fine French kid gloves, new colorings, at $1.75 and $2.00 the pair.
Washable fabric gloves at 00c to $1.00 the pair
Sample French Kid Gloves, at 95o
, Usual $1.50 and $2.00 Quality
stocks replenished, affording a thousand pairs to chooce from. A splen
did opportunity to supply your needs. They are slightly soiled and
mussed from handling, but otherwise In perfect condition; black, white
and colors in the assortment. l5c the pair.
Bnryess-yash Co. Main Pi opr.
Special Display Offering Saturday of
Just Off the Last Express
$19.50, $25.00, $35.00 and Up.
FEATURING the latest Ideas Military effects, flaring skirted; waist
belted models and fur collared coats. Exceptional values.
$75.00 to $350
If you want a beautiful fur coat It will pay you to buy "it now be
fore the supply Is exhausted.
$39.50 to $200
Of Bolivia cloth, Duvetyn? Vicuna, Wool Velour, Chamois cloth. Modes
that are removed many degrees from the commonplace by unusual
collars, cleverly applied trimmings and rich autumnal shadings,
Barffrss-Nah Co. BeoiuA floor.
Women's New Fall Boots
a Pair.
..... ... 4 V --if -f-s- J . i
m ri. ii I 14A
These 35c and 40c
Silk Ribbons at 25c
BEAUTIFUL selection of plain
taffetas and moire ribbons,
S to 7 Inches wide, in a wide
range of new shades. The usual
35c and 40c quality.
Borssss-lf . Co. Mala rioor.
EVERY boy enjoys the game of
foot ball. It's great sport and
splendid exercise. Our line of
foot balls is very extensive. Spe
cial Saturday:
$1.25 Wright ft Wtson. Ic
$1.75 Wright ft Ditson, !.
ft. 00 WriRht ft Ditson, ijt !..'
nrgsa-Kt h Co. fourth Floor.
Women's SI. 30 to 52
WOMEN'S union suits, fine
white cotton, round neck and
sleeveless; alo low neck, long
sleeves, ankle length; white
wool union suits, $1.50 aud
$2.00 values, Pflc.
$1.00 Union Suits, 75c
Women's union suits, white cot
ton fleece lined, Dutch neck, el
bow sleeves, ankle length, $l.ou
values, 7Rc.
Union Suits, 45c
Women's union suits, white cot
ton, lightly fleeced, Dutch nevk,
elbow sleeves. In extra sites, 43c.
Sleeping Garments for
Utile Fellows at 4.1c
Children's sleeping suits with feet,
cream color, fleeced lined, drop
eats, handkerchief pocket, sizes
2 to 10; special at 45c.
Bars; ass .Kasn Co. Mils rioor.
INK corduroy, full belt, collar
and ruffs finished with but
tons, ages 2 to 6 years, assorted
colors and very special, at f.l.WH.
Coats at $5.00
Coats In chinchilla.' with velvet
half belt, collar and cuffs, ages 2
to 6 years, special at K5.00.
Coats at $5.95
Coats of mld-wale corduroy, four
inch belt, turn buck collar and
cuffs. All the best shades; spe
cif at S.V05.
Burgsss-ITath Co. IhoM Floor.
New Neckwear
THK newest Ideas are always
shown here at Durgess-N'ash
New high neck fixings, Including
stocks and Jabot combinations,
5Uc to $1.50.
Hand embroidered and plain
georgette crepe, organdy and net
neckwear, collar, cuff sets, ves
tees and fichus, at noc to $3.75.
New Veilings
Fine mesh with dainty borders,
big display at 25c to OOc the yard.
Character Handkerchiefs .
The latest novelty in handker
chiefs for women and children
hand embroidered character de
signs at 25c to 75c each.
Barysss-lVash Co Mala rioor.
The Great Sale of
Eight New Model in Women' $5.00 Boot,
ItlOUei X "A JidlUf LICUIU1U,
toe cloth top, button, leather Louis
heels, light welt .soles.
2 A model In lace boot, patent
colt varap, circular foxed cloth top,
leather Louis heels.
3 A patent colt varap, black cloth
top, lace, with dull kid lace stay,
Louis Cuban heels.
4 A soft kid, button, Gypsy pat
tern. Derforated tin and back stay.
Louis Cuban heels.
6 A patent leather vamp,
with cloth top, side lace, leather
Cuban heels.
6 A patent colt, circular
foxed cloth top. button, light
welt soles, Louis Cuban heels.
7 A dull mat kid top, patent colt vamp, light welt
eoles. leather Louis Cuban heels.
8 A blue gray buck top, button, with' patent colt
. vomna rtrnieht Cuban heels.
Free Advice on Foot Ailments
An eminent foot specialist from Chicago will be in our Shoe Depart
ment Saturday, where he will give free examinations and expert ad
vice on all foot troubles.
nrysss Wash Co. -Wsoond Floor.
Solid Gold Pendant and Chain, $1
UETTY 10-karat solid gold pendant, set with snappy cut ruby,
amythest. sapphire, etc., also real baroque pearls, each pendant
on a 10-kurat solid gold chain. Neatly put up In a pretty gift box and
offered very special Saturday at l.o.
Bnrrssa-irasa Co. Main rioor.
Here Are Unusual Values for Sat
urdv in HAND BAGS at $1 Each
INCLUDING real leather, silk lined; some have inside frames; some
'are genuine Morocco; also a big selection of snappy envelope style,
purses in Morocco and patent vlchette leathers. Very special at 1.00.
v $1.00 Shell Frame Bags at 79c
Silk moire bags, fitted with mirror and purse, with shell frame aaid
handle. The usual $1.00 value; Saturday at 7c
Burtrtsa-Wash Co. Mstn rioor.
NCHjUDKI) in the lot are more than half a dozen different
btvles, with square, round and eolouial trusses. AH are
' 1 ' . . I .1,11.
Ouei Size wuu ruuwiwi wai, nuno
most of them have music compart-
ment In top. Finished In mahog
any, burl, walnut, golden oak,
ruined oak, mission oak and ebony,
Uvular prices $10 to $0.
$3.35, $5.75 and $7.50.
Baisiss-ICisa Co. Fourth Floor.
Which Started Friday Morning Coo
tinuci Saturday Wonderful Values
IP yon could not come Friday, do
not let anything keep you away
Saturday, for the values are most
Beautiful new hats all new and
desirable styles, trimmed in the
most bocomlng ways.
Trimmed Hats, $1.00
That were intended to retail for
$3.98 to 17.60.
Trimmed Hats. $5.00
That were Intended to retail for
$10.00 to $16.00.
Trimmed Hats. $10.00
That were intended to retail for
$20.00 to $36.00.
French Ostrich Plumes, Usually
$5.C0 to $6.00, Saturday at $1.75
Every one fully guaranteed to wear or a new plume free. Genuine
ostrich long flew, male stock, black, white and all the best colors,
plumes that are really worth $6.00 to $6.00; Saturday at 91.75.
Untrimmed Hats Intended to
Retail for $3.98 to $7.50, at 79c
New untrimmed shapes of Lyon's velvet, plushes, hatter's plush and
velours, in a most unlimited ranfe of selection. Black, white, brown
and all the colors In greatest favor this season. Not a hat that would
sell ordinarily for less than $3.98, and up to $7.60, at 7Vc.
Ostrich Bands, Fancies and Stickups
Intended to Retail at $5.00, Saturday, 95c
Bands with large ostrich tips, stickups with furs, circular ostrich bands,
also large fluffy bands. Intended to retail to $5.00, at 0V.
Bnrgsss.zrasa Co. Second Floor.
Women's Fur Trimmed Suits
In a Wide Choice of the Season's Most Desirable Styles
tremendous demand for
fur trimmed suits, our stock
will be at its very best Satur
day, offering tho widest assort
ment of newest styles, fabrics
and colorings.
Particular attention is directed
to our showing of broadcloth
suits in blnck and all the new
shades of brown, green, blue.
find Vnoirl trilli trimminir nf
American marten, opossum, fA
beaver and other faslaonable "v,,
Many other attractive styles in
gabardines, iioplins and whip
cords, richly lined with lus
trous jeau do cygne or Dres
den satin.
Women's suits in splendid fall
styles, fabrics and tailoring,
priced here Saturday with
much modification, at $25.00.
Other suits priced $29.50, $35,
$50 and up to $150.
y v.
Enrfsss-ITMB Co. .Bsoond Floor.
Saturday's Drug and Toilet Specials
Dj Er Kiss talcum powder. . . .&tc
DJ Er Kiss face powder 6fto
Colgate's tooth paste, large slse
for 20e
Monoxide tooth powder, J6o sis
for 1
Sanltol tooth paste 10c
Abonlta toilet water, 25c slse, Ifl
Daggett & Ilamsdell'a cream, 36c
sice for
4711 Glycerin soap 12
Woodbury's Facial soap 17o
Rlcksecker s toilet water, 7 So
site for Bo
Canthrox shampoo ......... 50o
Pear'a unscented aoap Ho
Perfumes, 10 odors of regular
60c ounce, at
Williams' shaving soap . . . ,8Hc
English ivory combs 20o
Sal hepatlca, 60o slse i2c
Sodium phosphate, 60c site, 27o
Jad salts, 76c site 4l)o
Eskay'a food, 76c sire 07c
Bliss native herb tablets, $1.00
tie for OOc
Chamberlain cough remedy.. 17o
Sodium phosphate, lb 18o
Beef, wine and Iron, l-plnt..4i3
Red Wing grape juice, l-pt,.18o
Glycerine hand lotion, Z-oi. ,10o
Bay rum, 3 ounces loc
Bnrf sss-aTssb Co.
Almond lotion, 3 ounces. .. .10o
Castor oil, 3 ounces. ..... .10o
Antl chap, 3 ounces ......... 15o
Hot water bottle, 1-year guar
antee, $1.&0 value c
Combination syringe and hot
water bottle, $1.75 value, t)7c
Burnasco combination syringe
and hot water bottle, 2-quart
slse A1
Burnasco hot water bottle, 2
quart size 1.23
Liquid veneer, 25o slse ,17c
O'Cedar oil, 25o size 17c
Silver polish cream, 26c size, 17c
Crepe toilet paper, lOo grade, 4
roll for 23e
Crepe toilet paper, So grade, 8
rolls for 25c
Ivory soap, 10 cakes 88c
Fels or P. & Q. Naphtha aoap, 10
cakes for 3 Ho
Ivory soap, cake Oo
Household ammonia, 1-quart size
for 13c
Borax chips, large package.. 10c
Kirk'a or Armour's bath soap, lOo
size for .Oo
Hospital cotton, 1-lb 21c
,-Mili Floor.
Women's Fall Military Suits
Usually S12.50. Saturday $9.95
A REMARKABLY pretty range of styles, made up in
style, with or without belts. Serges and novelty
turea are the materials. Navy, brown, green,
Belgian and black, $12.60 values for $0.D3.
Sale of Pink and Red Peony Bulba,
10 Cents Each, or $1.00 Per Dozen
THE Civic League has chosen the Pink Peony as the official flower
of Omaha. Do your part and co-operate with the Civic League.
Plant your peony bulbs this fall and every Decoration Day Omaha
will be a riot of bloom.
Did you ever see a garden of peonies in full bloom? One glance at
such a sight would convince you that you must have such a garden.
To secure tlie most satisfactory rrnu'ts, peonies must be planted in tlii
fall. Ths otl settles around ths roots unci closes all sir cavities, tills
tiravuntu tha roots fiom drylnx out in tho Fprlnir.
llsj-dy pink nd red peuny bulbs on sain HktiinJny at lOo each, or 1.00
pur doiten. Co. SaMmsnt.
3 Boston FERNS at 15c
OSTON and Whitman's ferns in 4
inch jtotd, large hardy plants, spe
cial Saturday in the basement at 15c.
t i 1 1 I ' I 1 A ar
jjosion anii unman s ierus in o-
inch pots, beautiful plants, larffo tsize,
Saturday, basement, at 29c. COv Sss.msni.
faU military
brown mix-
Women's $7.50 Dresses, $5.95
Bilk poplin, also serge and taffeta combination
dresses in black, navy, green, Belgian and
brown, nsually $7. SO; Saturday, 93.03.
Women's Coats, $J.95 and $12.95
Astrakhan coats, in the new Fall styles, full
flare, with and without belts, black, navy and
brown, worth $15.00 to $22.00; special, SU.03
and $12.05.
Women's $5.50 Rain Coats, $3.95
Navy poplin waterproof rain coats, full length,
worth $5.50. for .03.
Burg.ts.lTssh 0-"
Hot Water Bottles.
Soaps. Etc.
Hot water bottle, 1 year guaran
tee, regularly $1.50, for 6c
Combination syringe and water
bottle, 1 year guarantee, $1.75
value for C"c
Hair brushes, 50c kind 2c
Tooth brushes, 25c kind lOc
Liquid veneer, 25c kind. . . . . 17e
Wospilal cotton, 1-lb 21o
Combs, 25r: kind for 9c
Toilet Soaps, regularly 10c cake,
for, cake 3c
Pearl white laundry soap, 7 rakes
for 23o
borax naphtha laundry soap, 10
cakes for 83
Diamond "C" laundry soap, 12
cakes for 23c
Household ammonia, 1 quart. 1J
Barsss-BTash Co. Bss.rn.Bt.
Cold Weather
Duck's oak heater, cone shaped
fcrate, reinforced steel body, full
nickel trimmed, $18.00 values,
for 913.50
Japanned coal
hod with rein
forced bot
tom, 16-Inch
size, 26c val
ues, at ..lOo
Dam pers, o
lnch size, Oc
Duck's steel range, perfect bak
ing oven, one-piece body, stay
level top warming closet, sani
tary ft eel base, special. . $3.TK)
Duck's Uadlunt base burners,
large beat radiating base that
insures perfect circulation. Iarge
fire pot, a guaranteed fuel saver,
$05.00 value 910-5O
Needs Specially Priced Saturday
131 ue steel stove pipe, C-inch size,
10c value, at 6c
Duck's gas range, cabinet style,
canopy and high shelf. Alumln
umlzed oven linings, body made
of copperlsed steel, white ensm
eled drip pan, a great gas saver,
$30.00 value, at 9-7.5U
Majestic electric heaters, econo
mical and practical; special,
at .75
rtove pipe collars, G-in. size. . ,4c
Adjustable blue steel elbuws, C-
Inch size He
Mlack silk stove polish, paste or
liquid, 10c value, at He
gapolin stove pipe enamel. ..12c
Perfection oil
heaters, four
quart leaded
steel font,
guaran teed
smokeless and
odorless, spe
cial, at 92.H5
Ga s heater,
nickel plated
top and base,
blue steel
body, sped'."!.
at .... 91.08
Two- hole I
laundry stove.
all cast iron.
special, at 92.08
101 bows, one-piece corrugated
blue steel, 6-lnch size, special,
at 8o
Barrsss-Basa Co. Sas.m.iit.
! V
Roller Skates, $1.39
R(ll-LI"'t sKdt-8 for both boys or
giil. , r.:. t.l (.'u't . but! b" ..-.
tl. i. v ::(.- tor 3.. ti-r. !;.. .n !..::
'everydody's store
$1.50 Ostrich Fancies, 15c
Also stickups In black and the best
colors. A very desirable trimming.
Very special, Saturday, at 13c. Co. B asemeat.
r. s . i n m.