10 Tim BEE: CM All A, RATUTIDAY, OCTOREIt 16, 1915. iU! LJ HJUJlpe !gBg BRINGING UP FATHER Opyrlght, 1"1, International News Bervlca. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus OUR WEDDING rNT1IVEfttrRY nd rti ;om; TO 1VE Y "TUP 1 II CUE.bT NOW? rjv c 1 r t HEAf tit VE MUt7 JON THE r EE SURPRISED y Dt C,OULt- AIE-WHAT'S) THE ATK; ALL MbCOT? DWT YOU KMOW WHM DrY THtb? WASH DAY- r- WH WHAT ACrfMn- IT? ) 'V'tl ' GREIGHTON TOO MUCH FOR PLUCKY PERD Warriors from Hill Deicead on Teacheri, Overcoming Them by Fifty-Seven to Nothing. ALL VARIETIES OF GAME USED Meent for Rpsnb. Armstrong; for Gray, Ashley for Honey, Boyd for Cral;, Mor- 7:n for Shannon, Man sett for Fluintun. i'Kourke fur Kamanskl, Klepser for Plati, Cunningham for Hennessy, Brett nan for Lute. Officials: Ohee, Dartmouth, referee; Caldwell, Marquette, umpire; BC Clair, Iowa. head linesman. Touchdown: 1'lat ff. Nigra (S), Has ai'it, Wl, Cunningham. Meld goals: Data. Uoala after touchdown) Flati (4), Wla (2- DECISIVE DEFEAT FOR U. OF 0 What's the Matter With Yale? Fifty-seven to nothing- tell the tale of Crelghton' victory over Deru Normal yesterday afternoon. The Peru team, while outweighed by their opponent! at least fifteen pounda a man, put tip a fierce, scrappy tame, and mora than once aent a scar into the Crelghton eleven when a aucceaaful trick play 1 theatened to place the ball over the local J sToat Crelghton' Una, however, eaally prevented any scoring at critical time, The vlaitora suffered particularly from injuries, four regulars being- laid out early in the conteat from impact with VI 11 la beefy and eggresslv warriors. Plata Bends Oval froaa FlelS. Flats started Crelghtons' scoring early In the (am when ha aent a drop kick over the bara from the twenty-flv-yard line. The auspicious beginning waa not continued long, however, aa only one farther eoore waa made In the first quarter, when Vine snatohed up a fum ale and dashed forty yarda for a touch down. Plata kicked goal, making the aoora 10 to 0. Gray, Crelghton' 40 pound guard, beoama overly anergetlo at thia atage and waa removed from the gama for slugging, much to the relief of hla opposing player. In the aeoond period paru punted. Flannagajn, Shannon and Plata reeled oft ten yarda each on straight foot ball, whereupon riats carried the oval over for the only aoora of the quarter. ' The' kick for goal waa missed. Pent Pasta. After the following klokoff. Peru punted, the ball not going beyond the visitors' twenty-yard Una. Crelghton - tried a forward pass, which was cleverly Intercepted by Boyd, who then raced toward the Oelghton goal, but waa downed by Wine after a pretty fifty-yard run. Peru then worked the pigskin al most to to the locals' goal by clever for ward passes and a trick double pass, first laterally and then forward to a waiting man. Her Oelghton held and Wise punted. During thia period the ball was mostly In Crelghton' territory, time being called with the teams near the center of th field. Crelghtwa Makes Headway. The third quarter was all Crelghton', twenty-seven points being amassed. Peru kicked off to Ilennessy, and Crelghton proceeded to march down the field irre sistibly. Plata mad twenty yards aa a starter. Wis added fifteen, staving off half a dosen tacklara, and Shannon and Doty Increased the gains. On an end run Plats then carried the leather over and kicked goal. Scor. to 0, Wise kicked off to Peru, and the visitor made their yards. - LutM, however, spoiled further progress, and by two beautiful successive tackle threw the Noramlite back fif teen yarda. Peru was forced to punt, and Crelghton again advanced down the campus, Nigra taking the ball over for a touchdown. Plata brought th score tip to thirty by kicking goat , Bab Pat la line. Mills now put in a number of substi tute, who continued th good work for the Blue, and White. Klepser tackled the Peru runner on his own goal line on the next ktckoff. and on the following punt. Hasaett dodged through th entire Peru team for another touchdown, Wis missed goal. Score. 36 to 0. Crelghton again kicked off and on the first play Cunningham broke through Peru's defense, snatched th ball, and added another six points to Crelghton' tally with a touchdown after a thirty yard run. Wis kicked goal, th period ending with th score 43 to 0. Wis negotiated thirty yards nicely in the last quarter when h stlf farmed three or four tacklera. An attempted field goal by Crelghton falled. but a touchdown resulted Immediately after, when Peru punted to Nigra, who raced fifty yards through the whole I' ru eleven 'for the Score. A few minutes later Nlgro added another touchdown to Crvighton' list on a forward pass from Plats. The latter kicked goal, making tlie final score, 47 to . For the visitors, Boyd, Caldwell. Hous ton and Jones were th stars, although th entire team must b given credit for their piuck and clever piay. Crelghton waa several time outwitted by elusive rorvara paMoa, ana even the line was punctured by unexpected smashes. bvveral Indians, believed to be forrger Carlisle players, and at present Haskell Indian scouts, watched the gam from the sUids. Tie lineup: t'KujirroN. .1 K :u K .1 T. L. T ,u o iu a C. !' . R. i. .K T .fC T-... ..H E iK. E ... .4- 'J Grand Island College Trima Visiting? Flayeri by Score of Seventy Three to Nothing:. SCORING MACHINE STASIS SOON ORAKD ISLAND, Nb Oct. 15.-Spe-ctal Telegram.) In a drlssllng rain tha University of Omaha met th der.lclve de feat of TS to 0 at tha hand of th Grand Island college today. At no stage did the university men have a chanc to score and they succeeded In making th required ten yards only twice, it wa th first gam of tha season for tha Grand Island squad and th team showed -up strong. Th locals were not only much heavier, but also excelled In other lines. In th first half Orand Island piled up a scor of 5S and Coach Morrow put In som second team men In th second half. Ten-mlnut quarters were played. Th constant rain mad th ball- very slippery, though a gra ground relieved th matter somewhat. Grand Island was , penalised frequently by Referee Tully, formerly of Doan for pushing and hold ing. Th locals' backfteld machine showed particularly well and end runq of from twenty-five to fifty yard were frequent. Owing to the slippery con dition of th ball th forward pas was Ineffective and waa usd little. Th II n up: GRAND I8LAND. John .......UK Ulack UT, H. tioldensteln.ln. O. Taft C. Colson R.O. Rosens R,T. H. Ooldensteln.R K. Holts Q.H. Ij. unidenstsln.K.tt. Meack R.H. lx wry. Flynn.Ij.H. R. Taft. F.B. OMAHA I ID Helot ky L.T KG., C... R.O. R.T. R.R. Q.B.. R.il.'. 1..H.. F.B.., Melhert lldy Jewel Pebolt Debolt Lowe Leach ..... Bruce .... Adams ..... Jenka May Direct Takes Third Heat and the Two-Ten Pace Event LBXINOTON. Ky., Oct. li.-Th forty third annual meeting of th Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders' ' association closed today with th flnah of th aeo ond division of th 1:10 pao. i rled over from yeaterday. May Direct win ning th third heat and tha raoe, tha second heat having gonto Patrick M. Napoleon Direct, started by Geera to lower hi pacing mark of I:0Mi. failed to lower his record, making tha mil in 1:01. i . , Ktawah, also driven by Oeere, started to beat tM and trotted th mil in 1:01. Th first quarter waa mad In v:3l. th half In IKMi and th three Quarters In 1:8S . Pace. 1:10. 11.000 (two heats yesterday: May Direct, b. in. by Very Direct (Taylor) 1 1 1 Patrick M. br. g. by Norbelts (Val entine) a i s BmhI R, br. m. (Robinson) I 4 t Krrn Hal. Gold e C. Comet. I'alara talker, Filmer IDckson and The Im porter aleu ran. -nine X:UH. 1X, l:oH. KEARNEY HOLDS BEATRICE TO TEN TO THREE VICTORY BEATRICE. Neb., Oct. 15.-(Speciai Telegram.) Outweighed twenty pounda to tha man. Kearney held Beatrice High to a 10 to I victory her today. Th game was played in a drlssllng rain with scoreless first half. Kearney' speedy of fensive waa a surprise to Beatrice. Kyi' touchdown and Kilnatiick' thirty-five- yard place kick In th third pjriod eon- muuiea oearaic a scores, imm drop- kicked for Kearney from tha twentjr-yard tine. Lineup: lutes rs im ffe r muaruiki .... a sn M ivi.non (C.) )i!inMy .... TO HIS I.. M. It. !J.. If. B 'tcix.agan .K. H M hvlfctt. 0 K. B. !. H Ci.i-tiluU. Hall (or ., t ' t : I 1 .-vl ' t X 1 f 1 I ' ..'Oil DOANE TIGERS WHIP IIALLIGAfi'S BOYS Negotiate Twelve-to-Nothing; Score on Cotner Team in Hard Game. JOHNSON OF DOANE FEATUEE3 Tula la having it trouble on th foot ball field even at this early stag of In Mason. Th 10 to 0 defeat by Virginia 1 rankling In tha breast of th EU ad herent. , . For several seasons Tale ha bad aa In-and-out team, which would show flash of form en on Saturday, only to play tha moat amateurish sort ot nam tha following week. Who la to blame T Th coaches, Cap tain Wilson and every on els connected with th gridiron sport at New Haven has been condemned for th poor allow ing mado by th Plue eleven.' Whether or not Captain Wilson I to blame I an open question. 3ut this on thing Is true, Wilson had not been play ing tha gama thia year that he did last year. Early In tha season he waa shifted from quarterback to a halfb&cic position ou account of hla IBS pound ot weight. but vn this shift, with Thompson at tha pivot position, failed to bring the bolstering up In tha tsanl that waa ex pected. . Look Ilk a real blue aeaaon for Tale with both Harvard and Princeton hitting a good st rids Just now. CRETE, Neb., Oct. 15. (Special Telegram-) Coach Schlssler's Tigers defeated Vlo IlSlllean's Bulldogs her today on a muddy field In a drenching rain to tha tune of 13 to 0. Doan outplayed it opponent In all de partment of the gama from the sounding of th first whistle and had It not been for the condition of the field, which made open playing Impossible, should have overwhelmingly defeated the former Nebraska star's proteges. Time and again a Doano man would get, Into th clear, only to slip and fall, on account of the lnseoure footing. Alt the playing of the entire first half was in Cotner's territory, and the greater majority of It waa Inside their forty yard line. The half ended with tha ball on Cotner' forty-yard line. New Pep la Second Half. The two teama came out for the second half with a new pep Instilled Into them. On a play on which Doana should have been awarded a safety, th officials de clared It a touchback and Cotner took the ball on It twenty-yard line. With the ball in the middle of th flel In Doane's possession, Brambgugh, the Cot- ner captain, wa sent out for roughness, and although Doane should have profited to th extent of half way to the goal line. no penalty waa scssed. But th Tigers l were not to b denied and on a crlsa. cross, Klndtg went thirty-fiv yards. A few bucks put the ball within strik ing distance and Klein wa given th tall to make a touchdown, but he fum bled and Edmonds recovered tha ball over the line, Edmonds missed gooal. Doane's Ceater Leads. In the fourth quarter, while House car ried th ball over for th second touch down, goal waa missed. The Individual star of th gam waa Captain Johnston, Doane's big veteran center. Ha played his position in all atata style. Nlokl and Klein hit tha line Ilk veritable ma chine and It was on their line bucks that Doano surpassed. For Cotner Zimmerman, th big half back, took honors. Had it not been for his gains on their shift formation, Hal II gun's pupils, would never have mad their downs Schlssler's men, although outweighed ten pounds to the mar) in th line displayed excellent teamwork and fought like tiger throughout. Lineup Landstrorn 179 167 1W S3 Boord m 1 114 47b Hayes 1st 149 13 6l Kelner 195 1E6 150 ft Totals 933 864 - Sl 1.60 MURPHY DID IT. 1st. M. M. Total. MoCab 17 178 170 611 Bertwell 203 l" W Gibson HI 18 lf.7 , 457 Dober 17 169 l"- Fits 143 1 191 493 . Totals ....801 m 846 1.638 Games Played Today On Foot Ball Fields Of the Middle West . i CHICAGO, Oct. 15. The following are tha Important foot ball games scheduled for tomorrow In the central west: Wisconsin against Purdue at Lafay ette. Illinois against Ohio State at Colum bus. Indiana against Chicago at Chicago. Northwestern against Iowa at lows City. South Dakota against Minnesota at Minneapolis. Case against Michle-nn at Ann Arbor. Carroll asralnst Michigan Agglea at En st Lansing-. Freshman against Notre Dame at Notre Dame. Western Reserve against Ohio Wes leyan at Cleveland Kenyon against Cincinnati at Cincin nati. INDIANAPOLIS IS TO GET NEXT CONVENTION SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 15. The execu tive committee of the National Women' Christian Temperance union decided to day to hold the next national conven tion In Indianapolis. Th data, to be fixed later, will be In November or De cember, tni vrM. ;i , , -vwv.;jy!vi t PAWNEE RACES ARE CLOSE Two-Sixteen Pace Goes to Five Heats, with Four Hortei Contending. COTNER, BEATRICE. Bott Huhka ... Bush Krickson . Ward Kiloatrtck Johnson Harsh .... Pht-llenberg L.F- ....UT. ....L.O. r a. ....n r. ....K.E. ...,...u. L.H. Noble R.H Jonna K B J onus F.B. Kereree: Stiehm Meyers, Omaha KEARNEY. un. UT,., KG O R.O R.T H.U Q UH , R.H F.B F.B T l .1 , 1.1 VIII, Timeaeeper: .. Wilson Reynolds Itasatna Johnaun . Bur for,! Bell Kuhn ... Frank .... I.ents Reari.ilty Bear4slty ... Pam-k. Vmptre: Uarrvtt, Beatrice. buhatltutee: Beatrice. Hive. quarterback; fabcrwood, right halfback; Moll, led end. PKRl j?Msr"'r &K'Lan L. -i . . ,.. ixicril ... Ilaiiey . Caldwell liuustoi) .... (rat Handlers BaiUatrvm, Graa4 Ialaa High Vlas, ORAND ISLAND, Neb.. Oct. U (Spe cial Telegram.) The Lakavlew grounds, on which the gridiron covered all of the base hall grounds, waa so wet that one uayer ven lost ni shoe fin J ndthor team wss able to do its U-st In the York i rsnd Inland lllvih eho l .vintest. which Oiand Ialtind won, t '. i J Mur'i rriticlhti was exei-esst ri oe the Yor' uinpl'e de-i-iftocia. (Jrand ll i d h lt4 petia'is.-d about ten tines and Vo k once, for ikee Ms. irnd la'and aei'tirel a touchl.ai k drin the ttrst and cnnut-i iive t:iiui in the am'und by Grand isltul yHJJ the oniy luutnaown in ma same. REAL FIGHT OPENS IH HIZZOU YALLEY Straggle for Title On in Earnest Among Foot Ball Aggrega tions Today. KANSAN3 OPPOSE DRAKE MEN KANSAS CITT, Oct. W.-Th struggle for th foot ball championship of th Missouri vahey will get under full swing tomorrow. Practice games with minor teama are out of tha way and from now on until th curtain fait on Thanks giving day th eleven of the valley will ba fighting for high order la th grid Iron sport. Th Kansas Jaybawkers will be put through a conference test tomorrow when they tackl Drake at Lawrence. A comparison of strength between th Uni versities of Kansas and Nebraska teams may b reached after the gama. Th Cornhuskers piled up a big scor against Drake, but the Iowana twice crossed tha Nebraska goal Una. Clash at CwlaaabUw Tha University of Missouri and Uni versity of Oklahoma will cl.sh at Colum. bla. Th Tigers expect to run into a hard game. With last Saturday's defeat at the hands of Washington unlveraitv fresh in hla mind. Coach Schukta has been sending hla charge through a stiff dally practice. Ha believe he has Im proved a number of weak spots. Washburn la not expected to giv th University of Nebraska much of a battle In Lincoln. The Kansas Agglea will meet tha Kan. sas State Normal school, which last week suffered a defeat at tha haoda of the University of Kansas eleven. Followers Us The Bee' 'swapper" colum a. Both games ar expected to ba closely contested.' An Interstate contest to b decided ia th game between th Missouri School of Mines and th Kanaas School of Mine, at Holla. The Missouri eleven I said to ba In good shape. Athletic Carnival to Take Place of the Fall Street Fair An Industrial exhibit of Omaha for the Auditorium, open to th pabllo during Ak-Sar-Bn festivities, ia a suggestion the Omaha Manufacturera' association will make to the board of governors of Ak-Sar-Ben. This was roughly outl ned at a meeting of the astoclat.on at noon at the Commercial club rooms. It ia planned that good manufactured In Omaha could be exhibited there at that time to advantage, and that deni lu strations could bo given. Further the association will suggest that to take th place of the street fair, an athletic carnival ba held, when ath letea from all over the atat and sev eral adjoining statea be brought her In competitive work on a carnival ground where an admission fee would be charged nd prises would be offered. This tea lure, they behove, would bring large crtwda and help to mak up a F&iad f jnd aa th carnival does now. Lawrenc Emlth wa befor th asso ciation at th meeting with hi tentv- tlv proposition for a permanent Indus trial exhibit la Omaha. He reported that ha had seen aom forty or fifty manu facturers who were willing to eo-oparat to provide rooms for such aa exhibit as near Sixteenth and Faraara aa pualU. wbere exhibit of Omaha-mad good could b shown all the time. Tb home patronaa commlttc waa In structed to arrange fjr a meet ng of manufacturer on thia avsbject som t ni Newman Bropaw Bradley .... Paramenter Brumbaugh Brill Thomas ..... French Z'mmerman Moss Strain .L.E. ...UT. ...L.O. C. ...R.O ...R.T. ...R.E. ...UH. ..R.H. ...f.r Q.B L.E., UT.. uo., c... R.O. R.T., R.E. UH. R.H. F.B. Q.B DOAN EL Wallace Edmonds Blust Johnston Jellnek Bayer Kins Koester Kindts' Klein Whltehouse Substitutes Kinney for Wallace. Mlckln for Klndtr. Klndla- for Mickle. Mlckle for Koester. Wsllace for Kinney, Dewltt for Jelinek, Haytell for Klndlar. Johnston for Newmon, Hscermsn for Brumbaugh, Kennedy for Zimmerman. Keferoe Racely, Nebraska. Umpire: Eager, Ne braska. Head linesman: Kobes, Crete. Touchdowns: Edmonds, Whltehouse. Kearney Normalites Blank Central City KEARNEY, Neb.. Oct. 15. (Special Tel egram.) Tha Normal 1eam defeated Cen tral City her today in a Jowly played game on a muddy field, 39 to 0. The vis itors were apparently not at their best and wtth three men out of the game on account of Injuries they never threatened th cKarney goal. Shielda was th indi vidual star fir th Normals, accepting a forward pass for fifty yards for a touch down. It rained during the entire time of th game. Lineup: OTHER EVENTS OF INTEREST. PAWNEE CITY, Neb., Oct. 15. (Special Telegram.) Yesterd&y'a racing program for the Pawnee county fair waa run off today, aa rain interfered with the sport yesterday. The fair will continue over Saturday on account of th rain. The track waa heavy today and no fast time was made. After th final heat of the 2:S0 trot today Earl Beeiley of Syra cuse, Neb., who was driving Len Medium, was fined $10 by the Judge for pulling his horse. Following Is th summary . . Pacing. S:1A class, purse $360, mile heats: Belle Robertson.. Orpheus Pan Claude W Western Flyer.. Pld V Mollie Brlnger. Allator Alice R Drift Allen Time, 2:23, IHB'A, 1:171. :( Trotting, 1:30 class, purse $350,, mite heats: Alexandria S 1 S 1 Len Medium 3 4 12 Todd Wo'ney 1 J 4 4 Allle Axwood. 4 S S 3 Time, 2 30, 2:2f)i4, S:2i4, 2:S0. Running, three-eightha-mlla dash, purse $25: Stalby, first; Merrifleld. second; Paw, third; Bob Logan, fourth. Time. 1:S8H. Running, three-fourths-mite dash, purse $75: Blue, first; Concha, second; Merri fleld, third. Time: 1:26. , ... i , i , . . ;. Chlcaaro Defeats Jap Toeuau TOKIO, Oct. 15.-Tha University of Chicago base ball team today defeated me nine or iveio university. n.n.t;. i.nicago .... 5 8 8 1.1 114 8 1 1 4 I 3,5 I I 1 I I 5 14 4 T 5dr T T dr 8 8dr 8 dr . ... . 1 T 1 .-.-. ...... .Q $ 1 I &EI4F-LOADING R1FLE8 I .32, .35, .351 and .401 Calibers 1 CEN. CITY. Waxgener h-ngle .... Bennett .. Wilder ... Wardman Hunt ..... Hockett , RtKht Hxnson . .. .. Meyers 11. Meyers... Ii:::: IT.... T.... io.... lo.... If.,.. C I H..., ....H.H.... . ..H i F. B .F. B. F. B .Q. U. Q. B ..T. ..T. ..O KEARNEY. , Shields Jensen Came-on Hetder Randolph Hoeftl Eickmeier Hatny Miller Bobb Rich .... Esaert .. Cameron Carrlg siK.r as a result win De able toi,-, within a week. a un un ire mauve strength or, th Aggies and th university players for their i-onlrai a week later. 4 loa Fight Kapected. Washington university and Et. Iouls university will play Wabash college and Kooa collegs. rcspectivtly, tomorrow. Foot stall Beawlta. Crelghton. f7; Peru, . Lflnvun, 7; Midland. 0- Uiaiid island co.u-gtt. IS; University of Oll.dlia. . . . liaakell, "-Vrr . Ua Th is "s)waptr" colum of With the Bowlers - - Oat City Leacss, LBW1S' BUFFET. 1st. 2d. Id. Total. Shaw lift 14 lie 471 Radford 1 1J U8 47i Johnson 1U 140 st Roaey 171 144 11 b4 MoOoy J.O 174 8J3 6tfl Totals 808 TH ' 87 1.181 ROGERS CANDT KIDS. 1st. 81. Id. ToUl. Glbb 131 161 130 413 Coreon IS) b JaJ v. Dudley 1) If 171 4M Purshous 141 141 in 474 Metster 171 W lr 41 Handicap 34 84 K n ToUto Tl T41 836 t848 MICKEY UIBBON. 1st. M. 8d. ToUl. Hoffman 1M M 171 t.77 Winchester Self-Loading rifles are not cximbersomo, com-. plicated or unsightly, but simple, handsome and well balanced guns. Their use permits rapid shooting with great accuracy and on account of the novelty and easa of their operation, they add much to the pleasure) of rifio shooting either at target or game. Por hunting gams which is generally shot on the run, a Winchester Ealf Loading rifle is particularly handy and eSsctJve. The four different calibers In which this typo of Winchester is made are suitable for hunting various kinds of game, the cartridges being of the most modern type, giving excellent penetration and great shocking effect, If e - at ijaj . you are going to nuy a nno con t lau to look over the Winchester Self-Loadcrm, Tho Trigger Controlled Repeaters JJ. PSEM FORD OWNERS OlO Simplex Slnrler J310 r c D Flexible Rider U S gaole Guard Man d Horn Total SPECIAL Durinjj the rest of this month all three articles for PHILLIPS fit BET2 Stlte Davenport att., Omaha, Neb, y ) rem