Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Thursday, October 14, 1915.
WHILE It mar be that "spring la the time when a young tnan'a fancy
lightly turns to thoughts of love," Just as surely the mellow days
of autumn la tha tlma when ha succeeds In getting himself
It la whispered by knowing onea In Washington that tha marriage of
tha president and Mrs. Norman Oalt will be solemnized this fall, Instead of
December, according to the first announcement. Cupid, however, la not
confining himself to the capltol.
Wedding bells are ringing In Omaha also. Miss Gladys Impey and
Mr. Harold Downey will be married at high noon at St. Peter'a church on
Saturday of thla week.
Mlsa Edith Norrls baa set Wednesday, October 20, aa the data of her
marriage to Mr. George W. Pratt, and lnritationa are out for the weddlni
of Miss Ka thelitis McClanahan and Dr. Joseph A. llenske, which Is to be
celebrated November S at the home of the bride.
- The announcement of other wedding datea is expected shortly.
Event of Today.
Mrs. Oaorc Breadeis save a bridge
luncheon at the Fontenelle today In honor
f W atstera, Mrs. Hanr Boeworth and
JrTra. liathew Camay at Chlce. Tan
a-ueats ware prrnt.
afra. A. W. fijrdney a brldse party
thla afternoon for Mr. O. L. Kajrmar,
who la visiting several of her friends In
ihe city. About twenty guests were
afcKlnley ladles' auxiliary of tha Bnal
B'rtth will meet thla evening In tha tVnal
Ami club rooms In tha Lyiio building.
Klectlon at officers will take place.
Tha J. T. W. club will meat thla after
noon at tha home of Mrs. Robert Adams.
Thirteen member t tha club and four
attests will be present. Current topic
will be discussed.
Tha .members of tha Sojourners' elub
will entertain their huabands thla even
ing at tha home of Dr. and Mrs. J. E.
hlmpson. Hallowe'en colors of yellow
nd black will decorate tha house. A
musical and literary program will be
riven. .
Kwninftoa for Bride-to-B.
Mine beulah Frailer entertained at a
Kensington Wednesday afternoon In
honor of Mlaa Kdlth Norrls. whose tnar
Hae to Qeorse Pratt takea place Octo
ber M. Those present were; '
Misses MUsss
Luolls. Tillman of Ileulah Rowlands,
Iona jonnson,
Hasrl Howard,
Venus. Neb.
!Mtnrva Fuller.
Jiildred Churchill,
arol Howard,
llelrn Muck,
llsrfa Helter.
II. H I'ratt.
Howard Mil.
A. H. Dunbar.
A. I. Overiwck of
lUpId City, 8. P.,
Iioita Johnson,
jtuny rraaier.
Myron Kuck of
Waterloo. la.
T. H. Norrii,
1.. H. Overpeck,
William Jfraawr.
Put Festivities.
The Carter Lake Kwlmmlng and Bowl
ing club met for luncheon at tha Com
mercial club Tuesday. Co vera ware laid
for twenty. Thla meeting oloaed tha
summer aeaaon. Prises were won by
Mendamea It T. Bierman. H. J. llackatt,
W. J. cattln and J. A. Hoe-are. .
Sapper for MUi Miller.
Following the ecnoert given by Miss
Christine Millar at tha Fontenelle last
evening Mlaa Olga Htors entertained at
a Supper at tha hotel' In honor of Mlaa
Miller, mho was her guest while In the
rtty. Tha table waa prettily decora tad
with a basket of pink rosea and lilies of
the valley. Covers were place dforr
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph fltors.
Ioulaa mors.
ST .
stopping with her sister, Mrs. Frank W.
Baker, and Mr. Baker. She waa called
here by the aerloui Illness of her father,
Mr. IU E. McKelvy.
Mrs. Walter TUIotaon la expected home
today from a month's stay In Denver.
hrlxtlna Miller,
'orlune Paulvon,
Ophelia Hayden,
Carl Paulson,
l aul J'auUon,
Olsa etora,
Carl Bock.
Ir. 1 T. Hall.
For Bridal Party.
Dr. and Mrs. C. Impey will give a din
hit at their home thla evening, followed
l y a wedding rehearsal for the Downey.
Impey bridal party. Covers will fee
placed tor:
Mr. end Mre. R. M. Downey;
Airs. Arthur Blakeley.
I'r. and Mre. O. Impey.
ill i M lanes
Uladya Impey, C.eore Trimble,
irene Downey, thou p.
Moaars Masare
tlaroid Lowney, Jack McHhana,
Siierman McCaffrey, Hubert ItylauU.
Omaham in New York.
Registering at tha Hotel McAlpln. New
York, during the last week were Mr. and
Mrs. D. II. Corona, Mr. and Mr. M. &
Hart man. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hyson.
'Messrs. E. O. Ware. W. W. Men-lit. Jr.:
1L K. Schafer, E. P. Smith, J. II. Ryan,
it. 1. Dugan and Adolph Blors, t
tlarritf e Aanouncemeat.
Miss Matilda Novak and Mr. Lao La
tevlca were married Tueaday morning at
the realdenca of Rev. C. C Meek. The
bridesmaid waa Miss Eleanor Novak, sis
ter of tha bride, and Mr. Frank Laa
tovlca. brother of tha groom, was beet
r-n. After a short wedding trip Mr. and
Mrs. Lastovica will be at home at tlii
Mouth I'Uteenth street.
On their way to Washington to present
President WUson with sn Invitation from
tha San Francisco school children to vlalt
tha exposition, a party of three Cali
fornia women are expected to pass
through' Omaha today over tha Union
Mra. Qaillard Btoncy, vice president of
the women'a board of the exposition,
heade the delegation. Hhe la accompanied
by Mlaa Esther Bull and MUa Allha
The president baa already declined an
Invitation, to vlalt tha San Diego expoal-tlon.
President S. If. Felton of the Chlcaao
Greet Western railroad will be In
Omaha thla evening and Saturday on
aa Inspection trip over the road. He will
be entertained here by Ourdon W. Wat
Ilea, who la a director of the company.
A banquet ul honor of President Felton
will be given at Hotel Fonteneile Satur
day evening.
The "safety first" special train of the
Chicago Great Western road will also
be In Omaha over Saturday.
On the Calendar.
The Association ef Collegiate Alumnae
will give a reception Saturday from t)
to 6 at the 1'ntverelty club for new mam
or. Mr. Fred Hunter of Lincoln will
talk on the subject of "Vocational Outd
ance. Mrs. H. E. Newbraach and Mra
Jt A. Van Orsdal will be the hoateaaaa.
Ealks Dancing" Club.
The kills' lancing club held their open
lug dance at toe club rootna last evening.
TIium In attendance were:
J. W. Orrratreet.
Meeera. and
C. A. I evlu,
t B. K,
i'. I I Mttniftn.
A. W. u Mimona,
li. 1 1. Mart.
1". I, llarwuud,
i. J. KI.
1. K.UwIuoa.
Xl r.
4 !!! N tolaoa,
.a-k Yt.
li. 1 fhlelda.
X in.
iH.ra ttei,
Irnie IHatwe,
W. H. llatner,
T. T. Iay,
A. C. Hunt.
T. U t'nil.
11. Y. Kckonnaji,
O i YVlnlaraun.
T. Hradford.
tieoraa H Ht
h arunu Cty.
M uwt
Brtha Tobias
Ffrtonal Mention.
Mlaa Henrietta Reee returned Wdnee-
r.y front aa eateadad trip oa the P-
ct a eoaat.
A daughter, Marador Oeorgett.
born laat ThunrOay to Mr. and Mra.
Walter R. Cropper.
ilia. Charlea D. Eddy of New York.
t ormrrly Mlaa Ellaabeth Bajrilaa of Coan
ril muffs, arrived yeaterday te be the
au.i.t of Mra. J. M. Metcalfe.
Mina Chruftlr.e Miller, who aejig at the
Fouienell laat veolng, left afW the
rxmi-wrt fur Ljaver, waere aha will atng
tf.i :tit. Frura there she win go te Baa
i ranrtaco.
Mr. Charies Dauiei of Beliarocd, Neb.,
Quickest, Surest Cough
Remedy is Home
Made Kaetir rreaared la a Few Mia.
tea. Caeaa aat I'aeajaale
Boms people are constantly annnred
from one veer's end to the other with a
persistant bronchial cough, wliloh Is wool
If unnecessary. Hera ia ft nonte-made
remedy that gets ritfUt at tha eauas and
Will niaka you wonder what beoama 01 it.
Get 2 V ounce Pines 160 cents worth )
from any drusgiet, pour into a pint bottle
and fill the bottle with plain granulated
sugar svrup. fctsrt taking it at onoe.
Omaha School for Girls ii Oiren Site
West of Omaha bj C. C. and
J. E. George.
Urownell Hall, the Episcopalian
school for women, which was estab
lished over a half century ago In
Omaha, Is to move to Falracres.
The board of trustees of tha Insti
tution at a special meeting Wednes
day definitely decided upon this, and
decided to start a campaign soon to
raise the necessary 1100,000 to build
and equip the new building on the
site presented to them in Fairacres
by C. C. and J. E. George.
The new alte comprlsea ten ecree of
round, with hard brie pavement con
nection with the heart of Omaha. Some
thing over a year ago, Oeorge Jc Co.,
offered to give thla alte for Brownell
I tall on condition that tha ecaool would
ralee Jjno.oOO for the building and equip
ment before July 1. WW. The building
according to the . stipulation, muet fee
completed and ready for ocoupancy by
September, 117.
Iaat Tuesday the truataes of the insti
tution spent a good part of a half day
on the ground Inspecting It and talking
over the propoaltion. The meeting of
yeaterday In the office of Oeorge At Co.
waa the result, and all the terme were
The Fairacres road, extending north
and eouth through Fairacrea. la now
being paved with brick, making a hard
paved road connecting tha new oollege
site with the heart of Omaha.
The board of truetees of Brownell Hall
la made up of the following personnel
Piehop William, prealdent.
Rlsht Rev. Oeorge A. Reecher.
Very Rev. J. A. Tancook.
Rv. n. Mill llayna, Abraham I Read,
Hon. L. D. Richards, Arthur O. Hmlth,
W. I.yman, -'. T. Kountse.
F. H. l ev . Judce W. A. Redlok,
Barton Millard. Ward M. Kuraeaa,
'. K. Montgomery, Luther Drake.
CVment Cheae, W. It. Buchitla,
Jwhn W. Towla. Charlea C Oeorge.
Ourdon W. Wattlea,
South Side Girls
Form Help-a-Child
League; Fifty Join
Fifty girts vt the South Side Illrh
school have formed a llelp-a-Chlld
league, a branch of the national onrnn
liatlnn of similar name. Ramona Mc
Elroy la president of tne leasue.
The work of the leasue Is chiefly to
help boys and girls who are alck or in
need. The girls will sew for needy ones,
visit them In homes and hospitals, furnish
flowers, nourishment or clothing and sing
at hospitals.
The committees sre known as vlritlng,
Investigating, donations and programs.
Story telling and glee club work will
be embraced In the scope of the league.
Helpfulness la to be the main thought
kept in mind.
Ta the Tattle.
"I feel that! owe the manufacturers of
Chamberlain s Col la. Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy a word of gratitude,"
writes Mra T. N. Wltherall, Oowanda,
N. Y. "When I began tsktng thla medi
cine I waa In great pain and feeling ter
tlbly sick, due to an attack ef summer
complaint After taking a dose of It I
had not long to wait for relief as it
benefited ma almost Immediately." Ob
tainable every when. All drnggleta. Advertisement
Omaha has two fans who did not pick
a loaer In the recent world's series. These
two played . their hunohea and bet on
every gamo Just right, backing Alexander
the first day and then stepping over to
Host on. When they counted their win
nings they were tl.MO ahead. They are
Fred Ilurllnslm of the Merehanta hotel
and RUl Ostenberg. retired banker, who
played ball on the Wahoo team ahead of
tha days of Sam Crawford. They are
willing to give anyone all the advice they
Objections of the glrl'a parents having
prevented their marriage In their home
town of Orand Island. Isaao J. Wllklns
and f1s. Sadie Woodson came to Omaha
Wednesday evening and yesterday they
scoured a llcenee to wed. They are stop
ping at Hotel Castle.
Mlaa. Woodson Is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Woodson of Orand
Island. Efforts of the latter hindered the
match, ao tha young folka quietly left
home and came to the Oata City to lie
married. Mr. Wllklns la a Orand Inland
business man, 27, years of age. Miss.
Woodson Is 21. They plan to return to
Orand Island and live after the wedding.
There ia an old aaylng to the effect
that there ia nothing new under the sun.
However, It has been questioned, and
now cornea forth a local bulnes concern
to prove that it la untrue. The King-Peck
company, dealera In polite clothing for
men, have an Idea which la entirely new.
Thla concern is advocating "Dress-Up
Week." The object of the "week" is to
prevail upon men te dress better and
with mora neatness, and to Impress upon
them the Importance of good clothes.
It la the desire of the King-Peck com
pany to make "Dress-Up Week" an an
nual affair, coming In October, and of
equal Importance with the fall openings.
Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
Lysis Groan, aged 20 years. Seven
teenth and Dominion streets was arraigned
In police court charged with abandoning
his wife and week-old child. Qrogan
asserted that he waa only receiving a
salary of 18 a week, and waa granted a
oontlnuanee of the case for a month,
on his promise to pay the wife 12. M
weekly. If he does ao regularly the
charge wilt be dismissed.
Cheek Year Fall Ceash.
Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-IIoney will atop
your cough and strengthen your lungs.
Oct ft bottle now. Only 26c All drug
gists. Advertisement
Minnie fiweska, t. years of age, 2327
South, Nineteenth street, died Wednesday
of diphtheria Tha Castellar school has
been fumigated and the children are being
examined for evidences of diphtheria.
D. F. Whitney Sayi He Had Under
standing Before Consenting to
Wife Securing Divorce.
Delbert K. Whitney, whoso wife,
Dottle E., recently secured a divorce
from him, asks the district court to
set the decree aside on the ground
that he had an agreement with her
that they would remarry, which she
has failed to keep. If such an agree
ment had not been made, Whitney
sets forth, he would have success
fully resisted her suit against him.
The following petitions for divorce
have been filed: Jennie II. Miller
against Bralnard A., nonsupport al
leged; Floyd U. Leslie against Ira,
cruelty alleged.
Many Desire to Be
Enrolled in the New
Night High School
Superintendent Oraff has received 210
applications from young men and women
who wish to enter the proposed new night
high school. Others wishing to express
their desire to enter may register at the
superlntendent'a office in the city hall.
At the regular meeting of the Board
of Education next Monday evening Mr.
Oraff will recommend the establishment
of a night high school. It Is proposed to
use the High School of Commerce for
thla purpose.
The teachers' committee of the Board
of Education wishes to know by next
Monday the probable number of those
wishing this form of education.
The county board haa renewed its lease
of parte of the Lincoln Highway In Doug,
laa county which lie within the Cnlon
Pactflo rlglit-of-way for twenty-five
years. The county Will pay the railroad
$26 a year rent.
Remove Dandruff In From
Five Nights.
One to
The following simple recipe, which you
can mix at home,' or have put up at any
drug store, at little cost, will remove
dandruff In from one to five nights. It
does not color the hair and la perfectly
Water One-half pint
Bay Rum One ounce.
Texola Compound One-quarter ounce.
Glycerine ....One-quarter ounce.
A half-pint la all you need. Hub it well
into the scalp at night and after a few
applications the dandruff and ' scalp
eruptions will disappear and the hair
will stop falling out and be aoft and
glossy. Advertisement.
Itoys and girls of Kellnm. Lour and
Cass school are orssnlslna an orrhee'.ra
under the direction of Eunice Ensor,
supervisor of extension work In tha pub
lic) schools. Rehearsals will be started
next week. Twenty children of Kellom
school have enlisted. Mlsa Ensor expects
to have not less than forty juvenile
players In this new orgsnlxatlon.
The plan Is to' have the orchestra co
operate thla winter In the social center,
programs to be given In connection with
the recreation board's plans.
Chsrlea Haffke has reslKned the posi
tion of fh-st deputy m the office of
CVunty Attorney Mngney In order to alve
more attention to hla personal business.
Ray Abbott haa been apolnted to suc
ceed Mr. Haffke by County Attorney
Sterling Silver
That add so much to the
elegance of table appoint
ment are here In abundance.
The new designs are ex
tremely artistic, especially
the Cellini patterns, which
were adopted by the Jewel
ers of America at the na
tional convention last Au
gust, which makes a blgi
"hit." Your preference will
be anticipated in our com
plete stock.
The price range offers
something for every purse,
and every price is fair and
Just for what It buys.
Ultras eas?
s -g tiw eoar
aao aoovtAS r oaaawa.
"m3i LaJ
No Job Too Little rt
we like small repair work.
And, at the same time, we
are equipped to handle bis;
special orders, too. We
can make any kind of a
special trunk or ease to
Osjsss'i Beat Baffsft Bailssts
1808 Famam
3 U
f II aV il4 aWasuSi
a AlBP X a
Millions of
housewives know this is the
iruth they realize the cost of a
single bake-day failure. That's
vrhy they stick to Calumet.
Be on the safe side -avoid dis-
appointmentt se Calumet next bake-
cy be sore of uniform results learn
Why Calumet it the most economical
to bur and to use. It's pure I
can purs in the baking. Order i
Reeerree Hlihsst
In the!
aw -
Awards fT I
t tm rmmd If, BlX.
Rent Your Vacant House . by
Use of Bee Want Ads
phleirra thin out and then disappear at-
wiKtintr, tuua enamf a
never thought would end.
Gradually but surely J"u will notice the
couch that vou
It also. Imiaina
the drv. hoarse or tibt cough and heals
the inflammation la a painful cootch with
remarkable rapidity. Ordinary eoiurha
sre conquered by it la 24 hours or less.
Nothing better for bronchitis, winter
cotik'h and bronchial ettlima.
J hla 1'inex and husar rvnn mixture
maaea a iuii pint enouirn to last a
family a Ions: time at a cost ol onl
centa. Krrpe perfectl
ant. l-asily
with 1'inex.
v &
and tastee pleas-
full directions
1'inex la a special and hiehlr concen
trated compound of genuine Xorwsy pine
extract, rich in miaiaeol, and is famous
the world over for its ease, certainty and
promptness in overcoming bad cougha,
Cheat and throat colds.
(let the renuine. Ask vHir dnimtst
for "2 Vi ounces l'iuex," and do not accept
anvthinr else. A auarantee of absolute
satisfaction, or money promptly refunded,
ruea with this preparation, Tha I'lne
PoZ, It, Wayne, lad.
Friday Your
o o
There used to be considerable superstition connected with Friday, and it is particularly 6trange that there should be such feeling in this
land of the freo and home of the brave. Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain, on his voyage of discovery on a Friday; discovered land on a
Friday; set sail on return voyage on a Friday; arrived on a Friday; discovered mainland on a Friday. , Henry VM gave Cabot commission
through which North America waa discovered on a Friday. Oldest town in America founded in Florida on a Friday. On that day the Pilgrim
Fathers, reached harbor on the Mayflower; same day they landed at Plymouth Itock. The Father of our country was born on Friday. Burgoyne
surrendered; Cornwallis surrendered; Arnold's treason discovered on a Fridav, and on that day Adams motion was made declaring that "these
United States are, and ought to be, independent.' ' AMERICA'S LUCKY DAY, YOU'LL SAY. But that's all past history. This FRIDAY, O0TO
BER 16th, in this year of grace, 1915, and the 21st of the Royal House of Quivera, you are going to have
l4Kk for Yoa, Lack for Us I
The man we have succeeded la fettlns
for Skirt 'Maker Is a crackerjackl Never
saw more deltrhted customers. Bala Is
a-hummlng! If you want a tailored skirt
made to your measure made to fit per
fectly up-to-the-m Inula finished flnl
cally and you want early delivery, take
warning- get your measure in, for first
coma Is first served. Can still promise de
livery la on week later must be longer.
We wiU accept orders for the making of
1 0 Suits, also not mora this wreck. Coma
and see tha Skirt Models. No advance la
the price of the dress goods, and you pay
only for tha exact length you gel
There's a little corner la one of our
windows marked "Sweets to the tHrecd
Friday night we ll tell about It.
Bet the alarm; tie a suing to your toe;
have someone ling the ball - anything ao
as to be prompt on Friday morning at the
Hat Bale.
Appropriate In weight, color and style;
seasonable wool fabrics, such as serges,
checks, French poplins, silks and aatlna;
should be 115 to $18. Friday, 89.05 eack).
A lot more people will brave the Friday
About 350 Beautifully Trimmed Hats
Fine velvet, furs, flowers and feathers for trimming; bedecked and gar
nished with ribbons, tinsels, tassels, stickups, etc. ; tailor-made such
quality, such style, such finish, such character, if you will as you will
rarely find in hats selling at $7.50, $10.00, $12.00 d J nrt C.L
and $15.00. Your pick at. .......... Pt.UU LaCll
They have been on display for several days. The interested crowds
indicate that we will have a great rush on Friday morning. Sale com
mences at 8:30. YOUR LUCKY DAY? AVe think you'll say so if you
get one, and there's no reason why you shouldn't if you're punctual.
Special and exceedingly Important news froimthe
Ready-to-Wear Section
Ready-to-Fut-Oa preaa Skirt a We
have made arrangements with one of the
great Skirt Manufacturers of America to
send us weekly the very latest In Skirts.
This man Is to the Skirt business what
Ford is to the Automobile business. His
name is KORACH. 8. Korarh, and hla
habitat Is Cleveland, Ohio Manufacturer,
successful business man, philanthropist.
He Is the author and maker of what la
known as the "Korach Bkirt," and what
the trade knows as the Korach plan. On
Friday we will abow a lot of new arrivals
from the Staple Serge, at S..00, up to
the newest kink In Silk, at $22.50.
There'll be thoae who will not, or who
cannot wait; who dislike the pother of
fitting and fussing. Such will welcome a
sale Friday of Korach Skirts $10 and $12
kinds, at 85.05 Only a few weeks
old, under the Korach Plan. Out They
Dancing Days Are Mere From tha
days when Miriam danced yes, long be
fore, and while there are happy hearts la
this sad old world of ours some will
dance and be glad possibly without
either prudlshness or pruriency. Those
who don't want to don't have to. Friday
will offer a Kroup of party dresses for
girls and small women. These have sold
from $18.00 to $25.00, on Friday, choice
'or 811.75 E.
You cannot be correctly costumed with
out a Silk Petticoat nowadays. We have
for your approval two specials 1 08
Instead of $3.00; 82.05 Instead of $4.60.
AT O O'CLOCK After the first gTeat
rush and excitement is over, aa interesting
Italian, Tricot, Milanese and ribbed
Vests, bloomers. Suits pink, sky. white
and other popular colors 3 Lots at 9
Vests and Bloomers, formerly up to
lt.00. at OSe.
Bloomers, Vesta and Imported 8w1a
Suits, were sold up to $3.60, at 81.05.
Suite and Brocade Bloomera and Vests,
formerly sold up to $9.00. at 83.45 each.
Thla ends our story for today.
la the city edoeaday and Is