Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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15, 1IM5.
asSJ 'B9nkm rajs.
. A. Thompson, Secretary of Na
tional Biver Congress, Urges
Stream Be Kept Open.
S. A. Thompson of Washington,
D. C, secretary and treasurer of the
National Rivers and Harbors con
gress, believes that Omaha's greatest
and least appreciated asset Is the
Missouri river as a potential water
way leading out to the great wide
world of trade.
Mr. Thompson addressed the Knife
and Fork club last evening i
on the general subject of river trans
portation and to stimulate local In
terest in the development of the
"Unless you people here dovelnp the
.river you will be at a MnpeVsa disadvan
tage 'n rnmnetitlon with other waterway
canters for business, when the possibilities
of . rtumi cnal ara considered, '
Stated thla expert.
ThU river and harbor proponent be
lieve Colonel Peakyne of the govern
ment engineering staff has a vindictive
trite against the Missouri and he la of
tbe firm opinion that the railroad have
been exercising a "pernicious activity"
In trying to thwart the progress of river
Aaalataaee to nellroade.
"Experience has shown that river de
velopment has resulted In Increased busi
ness for the railroads who haul the bulk
of the finished products, the boats getting
In large part the bulky materials. Klver
traffic really helps the railroads," added
Mr. Thompson.
He dredlcted that ' If Omaha should
ver abandon Its sfforts to make the
river navigable the next thing to happen
would be that the railroads would ask
that tbe stream be declared onnavtgable
and higher rates might follow. Hhe
urges Omahans to maintain their position.
Referring to Kansas City, he men
tioned that the millers of thst city during
the present year were placed on an
quality with the millers of Minneapolis
by reason of boat lines leading from
East St. Louis to Norfolk, Newport News
and Portsmouth.
Oatlet for Ossebe.
With' the completion of a channel to
connect the Chicago drainage canal with
the Illinois river, for which the Illinois
legislature appropriated 15,000.000, Omaha
could have an outlet to the porta of the
world U proper river development Is
done bore. . , .
"Put on com boats, keep your river
open, build municipal wharves and get
after your congressmen and senators,"
wss his advice.
He said he did not know anything
whloh has to run such a gauntlot of op.
position and scrutiny as a river or her
' bor bill In congress. He also declared
that cheap transportation underlies In
dustry and commerce.
. He sees no greater accessory to Oma
ha's future growth than river develop
ment would be.
Big Increase in . i t w
the Use of Cotton
- During September
WASHINGTON. Oct. M.-Cotton used
during September was 41.J! bales, ex
clusive of llnters. compared with 414.MI
bales In September last year, the census
bureau today announced.
Cotton on hand September In con
suming establishments was,
against 666, S91 bales a year ago, and In
pubUe storage and at eompresses, 1.791,500
bales, against l.Ml.Kt a year age.
Exports during September were anj.OJl
bales, against 125,771, and Imports wers
H1W bales, against 11,111 a year ago.
Cotton aplndlea active during Septem
ber numbered tl.29s.10i, against JO.BOT.IM a
year ago.
Omaha-Made Goods
to Be Exhibited by
the Manufacturers
Omaha manufacturers, of whom there
are almost too, are planning to establish
a permanent exhibit of Omaha-made
goods la a prominent location. They will
seek to educate the public to use home
products as far as possible.
Lawtenee Smith of the Smith Manufae
tarlng company la now canvassing the
local manufacturers, and says he expects
t least 209 of them to Join the project.
All factories supporting the exhibit will
display their products end a man In
Charge will tell visitors the advantages of
lifting Omaha-made goods.
Diamonds Stolen
From Man on Train
A patron of the Northwestern r.tllroad,
who is said to be wealthy and prominent
In the business world, wao robbed cn the
train which arrived here Munduv morn
ing He lost I1.0CO worth of diamonds,
which mere taken from his berth In the
Pullman coach while he slept. He exacted
a promise from the railway officials not
to divulge his name while seeking to re
cover the property.
Ths roblw-ry was not reported to the
local puliu until yesterday, ahtn rt!roil
detectives asked for existence in running
down the thief. One of the stolen jewels
was a diamond valued it pi". Iri add!,
tlon to the diamonds, ths thief secured a
considerable sum of monn.v. It Is. ssld
the mill is at least w ll known In Omaha.
Seniors at Central
High Name Officers
The annual eloction of officers was held
Wedneadsiy by the senior e'ass of On
. tral HSb school. Wllber Fuiiaway was
elected president i'ultaway hss been
prominent In athletics at the hlh school
for the last three years, and Is full
back on this year's foot bail eleven. He
Is captain of Company I In the cadet
The vote for vice president was a tie.
the candidates being Helen HeUel and
Itargaret Hoaes. election for
, vine president will be held in a few daya
The remaining officers are: Martha
Gygr. secretary; John Morris, treas
, ui-er; Lucll tiuel and CUrenge Squires;
arg:nl-at-ariiis; Harold Wuilian,silas
'J v wu and tL li ilcMillfcH, cl&ea orfloera.
'If Any Man Will9 Sunday Says,
He May Have His Sins Forgiven
"Hilly" Sunday's sermon last night was
on the topic, "Mo Ood's Will." He raid:
Text: John vli. 1 "If any man will di
Ills will he shall know of the teaching,
whether It be of Ood or whether I speak
of myself."
I would like to make this messsge to
nlKht so plain end elm pis that not a
men or woman can rise on the day of
Judgment and say to Ood:
"1 went to the Tabernacle an unbe
liever. I went with the full determina
tion to accept Jesus Christ and take my
rtsnd publicly for Him. but I did not
do It."
And I say to you. If you have come
here In that honest receptive mood, there
will not be any one go out In the dafk,
but If you have come simply t listen. In
order that you might find fault, I can't
help you.
0d has msde It so plain that the way
faring man, though a fool, need not err.
t would like to strip It of It swaddling
clothes of mysticism, and speculation
that human Ingenuity hs wrapped about
It, and let It stand forth in all its naked
sirrpllclty, so thst sny man or woman
here tonight, no matter how limited your
Intelligence, may ley hold on eternal life.
One has very, aptly put It by saying
that Ood can roach any man or women
whethftr they live In a hovel or a palace,
no matter whether they are rich or p or,
Irsraed or Illiterate, whlto or black.
Qod asks, requires and demand of
every man and every wjman that has a
mind to know right from wrong, heat
from cold, black from white Ood re
quires and demands of every man anil
every woman that has a mlr.d to know,
and a conscience and ability to under
stsnd He requires and demands of you
three things.
First: A willing mind to kniw Christ,
end a determination to forsske every
known sin.'
"If there be first a willing mind It Is
adapted according to what man hftth
and not according to what ha hath not."
A sinner baa no willing mind; a Chris
tian bus and hss submitted It to Ood.
snd although Ood Is Infinite, Ood cannot
save you If you are not willing to fores ke
your sins, and If you will not forsake
them. God Himself can't save you.
There are not angels enough In heaven,
my friend, to make a man do right If he
doesn't want to do right
Follow the Hah as Yoa See It.
Tou have to adopt this principle, that
ss Ood gives you light you will follow It,
snd as He gives you more light you will
follow that, but so far as you know and
understand now you ate ready to forsake
evsry sin, snd as Ood gives you more
light to show other things In your life
wrong, you will forsake thorn.
And we will not be Judged according to
comparisons between ourselves, but each
according to his faith; That Is the first
Secondly: A desire to know the truth
In order that you might obey the truth.
The condemnation which will fall upon
multitudes In the day of Judgment will be
the knowledge that you knew what to do
but would not
One of the most cursed emotions that
stirs a man's heart Is a selfish desire for
knowledge to show off, but a derlre for
knowledge In order that 7u might do, a
dslre for knowledge lit order that you
might develop character a longing to
knew In order that yon might do what
Ood wants you to do, a hungering and
t hit sting after ths knowledge of what
Ood wa.its you to do In order thst you
might do It Is Commendable.
I despise a man who waits to see what
Ood desires him to do and then doss the
opposite and rails and sneers at Ood end
says he doesn't believe the BIMs Is the
wot 4 of Ood. I utterly dtett I abhor a
fellow like that
Hut a desire for knowledge that by and
threugh the poscssslon and obedience to
It yoa can develop a Christian charactsf
that's great! Come up and give me your
hand, t Ilka to see a man that wants to
knew In order that by doing hs : night
please Ood.
Third An honest open public confes
sion with yovr life and jur Hps, that so
far as yeu know Ood's will, yeu are
going to do It
U04 will not give you more light until
yeu use whst yeu have. Lets of people
do not do that. They are waiting for
Ood to give them more light
You'll rot In bell waiting.
Now, urtll Ood gives you more light,
use what you have and don't growl about
God not glvlrg you more light when you
don't use what light you have. '
Tou know you ought to be a Christian;
then use that kncwledge and If you use It
by doing what Ood wants you to do He
will give you more knowledge, but If you
know you ought to be a Christian and
yeu alt there and don't be a Christian
you will rsver get another speck as long
as you live.
If you want to know, that's knowl
edge. Then live up to that light Do what
Ood tells you to do and by doing It He
will give you more light.
I.antera Won't Light It Yew Doa't
Take Step. '
A man might stsnd out In front of
the Tabernacle with a lantern. Some one
might say to him:
Where are you going?"
"Why don't you start?"
"I'll not start until this lantern lights
my path from where I stand right to
my door,"
I say to him: 'Tou will rot In your
That lantern will never penetrata the
darkness ons Inch beyi id where you
stand until you take a stop forward and
'the rays of Until will nenwrate the il:i k-
nes Just ss much further as tlie dis
tance from where you stand to where
I you step.
I And I take the next step and It pens-:
, Irate, and the next, eni the next, and
when at last I gt ovei he.-e. that Is
light, but ss loft as 1 stood there this
place would be dark every time.
I And ae long as you stand and do what
you are doing you will never get a
bit of light, tut if you start to do Ood's
win this darkness win disappear and as
you keep on. going it keeps on getting
, lighter, until at last It will burst Into ths
i gates In the city, srd I will see Him.
A lot of you fellows have sat around
I snd waited for light. Tou poor fools!
i You will never get it until you use what
lisht you have.
I know more about religion and the
plan of redemption now than I did a
year ago. I want to know more. I'm fol
loving the light and intend to live up to
It. Things ara plain to me now.
They were dark when I was a sinner.
We are all framed up In a great big
network called swlsty, We rub el cwj
with other people all the ttra-, and si
do your neighbors and your aire and your
children and your business aveo e.e.
and the men under you, in the factory,
and the mumtwrs of ymir lodge, they oil
have a right to know from your life snd
frum your Hps by. the life you lesd and
by the worlds yoa speak, that so far
as you know and under.itanl Go 1 s wit
you sre going to do Ood's '..l. Tou are
going to do It.
Believe Wkea Yoa See.
Now listen. Tnere are two wya to :
lesrn axiout everything; religion or any- ;
thing else. One Is theoretical, the other j
Is practical. I
There, are two ways to learn about '
Jesus Christ about God, or auout sal- ,
ration. To understand all about Ood
you would have to explore with the In- '
finite mind all time and all space. You j
would have to have the greatest mind j
and the greatest ,eVelopmcnt of mind the i
world has ever known. You would have !
to be God yourself and have Jast as
much sense and brains as Ood has to
know all about time and history and
space and mystery and prophecy.
Don't you see that you wou.d have to
he Ood, and there can't be two Gods?
That Is true In the beginning of the
Christian life, but all you neid to know i
about Ood Is to Just Mv up to Ood t
and 6o His will. Thst Is tr-e In the i
beginning of ths Christian li t and It Is I
true In every step of the development of j
the Christian life.
'If sny man do His will he shall know ;
of the teaching, whether It be of Oad or
whether I speak of Myself."
I was In an Iowa town preaching and
the people said if a certa.n man, a Mr. I
Batrhelder, was brought to Christ, many
others would follow. Batchelder had a
paper egg crate factory, he made tha
paper for the crates. When I went to see
him he began talking about the machine.
"Thla machine made this crate," he
"I don't believe It."
"But it did."
"I never saw It," I said.
"The machine is out of order todsy,
but you come again and I'll show you."
I went again and ssw It deliver the
When you are shown thit Old Al
mighty Is delivering the goods, yeu are
a fool If you don't believe It
You're a fool I? you Intend to wait
until you knew all eb-ut God bfora
id're a Christian; you'll go to hell.
All you liciu uu w ....! c....i.r your
will te Ood, If you want to know about
Him., We've got a lot of mutts here
who think they can get so far, and there
is nothing else to do.
I might as well try to think with my
fingers; this pulpit might as well try to
undcratand the words I am talking over
It now; this chslr might Just, as well at
tempt to walk down the aialo, as for you
to know anything about Ood or religion
by any other method other than the sur
render of your will to Ood.
Life Fownded on Faith.
In your day or mine we hear them
ray, "take nothing on trust; I find out
everything myself," and they consider
people of faith weak-bralncd, over-credulous
souls, that never use the reason God
gives them. j
But to the reasonable, faith, belief, the
acceptance of truth on the authority of
others, Is the basis of our Judgment our
conclusions, our reasoning;. I hold a man
who yields to Ood's will uses his reason,
and that a man who does not yield does
not use his reason.
Yeu can't convict a man of a crime and
you can't liberate him on a charge, ex
cept on the testimony of others. Our
business system, everything, Is built on
faith. You can't plant a seed without
faith. You can't run a farm without
faith. You can't do It
I have never been In Rome, but I can
tell you of Its streets, of the Coliseum,
of St. Peter's, on ths testimony of others.
I have never been In Egypt, but I can
tell yeu of Its pyramids, of ths river Nile,
and the sphinx on the testimony of
I would be a fool to stand up here and
say that I dldn t believe It because I
have never seen It. Tou can't turn
around that you are not bound to be
lieve the testimony of others. You can't
do It
I didn't live In the days of Jesus and
of the apostles, but I believe and X ac
cept the gospel as authentlo history, on
the testimony of othsra.
I read In the newspapers of trouble In
Mexico. How do I know? I haven't
heard a shot. I believe on the testimony
of others. Don't you see?
The doctor tells me, "You have pneu
monia. Bill." and X believe him.
The chemist telle me that two gases
combine in water and X believe him.
The Bible tells me Jesus Christ died
on the cross. I believe It.
It tells me He resurrected from the
dead. X believe it
It tells we there la a heaven and hell.
X believe It.
It tells me If X repent I will be eaved.
I believe It I would be a fool not to,
and so are you. So I must believe on ths
authority of others or cease to exist
Now, every man and every woman has
a perverted will. That Is every sinner.
You act your will to please yourself.
You do things because It pleasea you to
do them.
It may not please you to get drunk, or
to lie, or to steal, or to swear, or to re
vicious, but you are set only to please
If you want to know if Jesus Christ Is
the Son of Ood and the Bible the word
Of God. trv It and ae. If vou aren't m.e
the kind of man God says He will. Do
what It says. -Commence to obey Ood.
Your will Is sovereign.
How Some People Live,
The nstural man la In rebellion afelnst
Ood. The dlfferenc between a alnner
end a Christian Is that the sinner does
the devil's will and a Christian does
God's will.
The development of this one faculty
doesn't make you a genius, but It will
inoko you a Christian.
I once visited a summer resort where
there was a merry-go-round with the
. .... 7"-''"
usual wooden figures representing anl-'
A stlrl who was a sort ot fUKy-fluffy
mlaa with a handful of fudge selected a
swaa uron which to ride. A tough se -
lected a lion, telling his pal to ride a
tiger. Then a farmer and Ma wife da.
termlned to ride In an automobile.
All the peoplo were going in the same
direction because the machine was cen
tered on the same pivot.
ISvery one in the universe of Ood Is
going in the same direction, for they are
centered on the same pivot
I would be frightened If I lived the life
,me people do. Paul said: "I am not
worthy to be called an apoatle I am
chief of sinners."
I don't believe Paul waa getting worse
every day. N j, I believe that every day
Paul was striving hard to find out what
God's will was, and ae ha d d that It
brought him nearer to Oud, and the
nearer be got to Ood the more disgusted
he became with tbe life he used to live,
Sunday isms at the
On the Fly by
and he said: "How could I ever have
lived that life?'
Just as long as you live In the same
old sin you'll he satisfied. You start to
do God's will and you'll wonder why you
did the other things.
I believe there Is no Infidel, no drunk
ard, no gambler, no harlot, no man or
woman anywhere on God's earth but that
they all might arise In the freedom if
they would only yield to God by faith in
A minister at Nw Haven, Conn.,
started a revival. In the city waa a doc
tor, an Infidel, and he had forty-two
young men In an Irrfldel club. The In
fidel finally attended the meetings be
cause of their "imral" effects and was
eventually converted, along with his fel
low men who hsd been of the same belief.
Infidels make me sick. I get a stom
ach ache and I want to take a soda mint
every time they talk about "moral ef
fect." All the morality they have, they bor
rowed from the Lord, and they attempt
Vt make the people believe It is inherent
In them.
Morality Is a rart of Christianity. You
take awsy Christianity and you'll assas
a.nate virtue.
Wky Skeptics Don't Belter.
Skeptics don't believe In the Bible.
Why? Because they don't know enough
to believe In the Btble, that's all. '
Your father and your grandfather
didn't believe in the trolley car, nor tn
the automobile, nor In the battleships,
nor In the submartns torpedo boats, nor
In electric llghta Why? They didn't
have enough sense to, that's why they
You don't believe tn the Bible. Wb
You haven't sense euouai.' to believe In
It, old skeptic. No. sir.
"If any man will do His will he will
know." Do you want to know? Yea All
right d God's will. What is His will?
It Is His will that you believe In Jesus
Christ, whom Hs hath sent
A man says: "I would do It, Mr. Sun
day, but there are so many hypocrites
in the church."
Shut your mouth. You will agree with
me that I don't spare that bunch. It
there la anything 1 profsee to be an ex
pert and a past master In, it Is skinning
hypocrites. I am a specialist In that
Why. I can have their hide off. salted,
and on the barn door drying, before you
have wet the grindstone to sharpen your
knife to go after them.
Any man who will una that argument
"Cascarets" for
Your B 3vels if
Headachy, Sick
J -ri MnnmMs Vinrl breath
0T DlllOUSIieSS, Dad DIeaUl,
colds, indigestion and
Enjoy life! Liven your liver
and bowels tonight
and feel fine.
Your tongue is coated! took Inside
Y6Ur watoh cover and see! Thsts bad
I buslnera. What have you been eating?
j What were you drinking? What kind of
s laiy chair did you laae exercise inr
Now don't think It doeen't matter, be-
cause, it s your bowels that talk now
' MUr mouth. That
i doeen't help your popularity, nor your j
earning apacity. Besides, a person with j
bsd bowels la tn a bad way and a coated
t tonaue or a bad breath are sure signs of
' bad bowela and poor digestion.
Why don't you get a lo-oent bos of
Cascareta at any drug store and give
your liver and thirty feet of bowels the I
nicest seat lest cleansing they ever ea-
perlencedT Take one or two Cascareis j
tonight and wake up feeling ftne und tit
All Headache, Dullness. Biliousness. Bad
Breath. Stomach Sourness, Cold and Con-
lr-tlrM n u u- h n with W.I 1 1 r "V O. A !
j c(ear. tongue clean, stomach sweet; Uv.r 1
.. k..i .rtiv. Md com
plexion rosy. j
Cascarets work while you sleep never j
gripe or sicken. Cascareta act so gontly 1
that you hardly realise you havs taken
a thorough cathartic. They don't bolher
you all next day like salts, pills, oil or
calomel Ctuacarets being perfectly harm
less Is beat children's laxative. Advertisement
Tab as Caught
Our Staff Artist
Is a fool. If you wait until the earth is
free of hypocrites before you Join the
church you will be In hell for a century.
Hear me! You give your heart to God
and you will have all you can do to take
care of yourself. I meet many, fellows
who say, "Oh, when I become a Chris
tian I tell you I'll do so-and-so."
Oh, yes, I have heard fellows like
you blow before. If you know so much
how you ought to live, then come to the
church and give your heart to Ood and
set the example and be an Inspiration to
help us to climb to your marvelously ex
alted heights of the conception of Ood's
will. If you have such Ideas of It. j
Serve God.
Come In! You give your heart to Ood
and it will keep you busy taking care
of yourself, and you won't have any
time to stop to find fault with ths hypo
crite, only to try to help him become as
good as you are.
You Join the church; then thereH be
one less hypocrite. '
You don't refuse to go to your lodge
because there are hypocrites there. Then
why do you refuse to come Into the
church because there are hypocrites?
Just look at yourself.
You say that you would do Ood's will,
but ygu are afraid that you can't hold
out ' Haven't you been holding out for
the devil?
Borne of you fellows have been holding
out against religion, against your moth
er's prayers, against your wlfe'a plead
ings until you haven't a hair on your
head between you and hell. You have
held out against every pieading that has
The Armour Oval
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Reduced rate-, round trip winter excursion tickets on sale daily to
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Liberal stopovers allowed. Other attractive diverse rout tickets on sale, also delightful tours to the
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s.wwwMfssMm8a wie aawjis ihwi
i ever Pfn nrougm to rx-fr to mnu you
to 'be a t'hriptlan. Tou have fousht
against It.
I My God. If you have hnd that much
. grit If you can hold out that long axalnst
i Ood. you ought to make a masnlfleent
success serving God and holding out the devil. Tou have been hold
ing out against everything decent
I I'm an ordained minister of the church.
' I never officiated at but one wedding in
my life and the Lord forgive me for
I I was In a town when a girl came to
! me and made the request. I asked her
i why she didn't go to some other minister,
1 but she said she wanted me to perform
the ceremony. I finally consented to do
J so; but I went to see a minister and he
' accompanied me to the wedding and as
, stated me.
I I got .10 for It and gave It to the min
ister. Then he whined around later and
said he wouldn't have any more mar
riages and I said: "You old ninny, you
I don't deserve them."
I I have had people come around and
j beg and plead wlta me to marry them,
but I won't do It again,
j Now, supposing I should agree to (but
j I won't); supposing for the sake of ar-
gumcnt I should agree. The couple
would stand before me,
"What Is your name?"
"What Is your name."
"Tom, do you take Lueflle to be your
lawfully wedded wife and do you promise
i to love, honor and cherish her until death
do you part?"
"I am afraid I can't hold out."
Do you know what a girl would do If
a fellow said that She would say:
"You hike and I'll get a fellow that
can hold out".
(Copyright, William A. Sunday.)
Mme. Gadski Will
Be Here Saturday
for Concert Monday
Mme. Johanna Gadski, the prima donna
soprana of the Metropolitan Opera com
pany, who will give the first concert at
the Auditorium under the auspices of the
city of Omaha, will arrive here Saturday
evening, accompanied by her daughter
and Prof. Paul Elsler, a celebrated plan
ts. Mme. Oadskl's concert will be the first
vocal recital In Omaha thla season and
much Interest has been roused among the
lovers of vocal music. From the advance
sale already In, Indies Hons are that the
first concert under municipal auspices
will be greeted with a capacity audience.
Madame Gadski has reserved apart
ments for her party at the Hotel Fonte
nelle. Sunday snd Mcnday she will be
entertained and will also make automo
bile trips through the city as the guest
of Commissioners Hummel and Drexel,
at which time she will give them her
views as to tho beautlflcatlon of
Omaha's streets, boulevaids and parks.
A special onion train carrying eighteen
cars passed through Omaha yesterday.
These were shipped from Sacramento to
Fort Wayne, Ind., and Columbus, O.
The onions are of the Australian brown
variety and were raised principally In
the Sacramento river delta south of Sac
ramento City. ' ;
The approximate onion crop this year
tn California will amount to in the
neighborhood of 4.N0 cars, 1,000 of which
originate Id the Sacramento river delta
and 1.M0 to 1,800 of this number will be
shipped out of the state, principally to
the east and north.
Milder Bros, and Rome Miller, charged
with selling liquor after hours In a com
plaint filed by JT. A. High of the Anti
Saloon league, were arraigned before
County Judge Crawford and were re
leased under bonds of $600 each. The
date of trial will be set later.
is best appreciated
when the cost of living is high
est. You can afford to
family spread it on thick.
contains only the same pure ingredients tht you toe
daily in yov "wn kitchen. Better even than butter
for shorten'ngf. The uniform purity ' is guarded by
Uncle Sam's constant
. B.OT. BTOAT. stgr. 11 AZ!!?!X "Ss.J -
Vhoae oug. 106. N I ft ' 7s i
J 13th. and Jones rWfl i Mi I Y ' ' ,, si 1
, 9U.18
aia immi im-mm
i l.SBl Sim
Says He Is Greatly Improved
and Must Give Tanlac
Due Credit.
J. A. Crawford, well known young man
of Omaha, residing at SIS North Seven
teenth street, added his words of praise
In t V, Inn Hat tt KlltMnanla frnm nfl-
ple who have tested Tanlac and have
been g res try benefited by the "Master
Medicine." In describing his case Mr.
trii w n a. Irarv n t h llftl AM tl n Vi nil t
the reeults obtained after so many
things had failed to even give him tem
porary relief. Thla la what he had to
say regarding his case:
"I first read of Tanlac, and after hear
ing so many people speak of the wonder
ful results they had obtained through Its
use, decided that there must bo some
thing to the medicine. I can safely suy
that I had tried most everything I ever
heard of In hopes of getting some relief.
My kidneys were in a terrible condition,
and my stomach constantly gave mo
trouble. After eating I would suffer for
nours witn a pain in my siomacn, gas.
forming almost immediately after eat
ing. I had severe pains In my back, and
one physician told me that my whota
troirble was an affection of the kidneys.
Ire also said that my stomach trouble
and the headaches I often had were due
to it Well, all I want to say Is, there
is nothing like Tarilao, and even though
I have taken this medlolne only a wee't,
I feel like I am the healthiest and hap
piest man In Omaha today. All I could
say to anyone is, try It."
Many people are Just aa warm In their
praise for Tanlac an Mr. Crawford.
Tanlac can be had today only at the
Bherman McConneJJ Drug Company's
stores, as they have the exclusive agency
In Omaha. Demonstration at tho 16th
and Dodge streets store. The price N
$1.00 per bottle or six bottles for I5.01.
Mailed to any adttress for $1.10. Adver
Photo Engravings
Made to Order
They' sre used todiy more extensively
than ever before In almost ill lines of work.
Look at the newspapers, magazines and cir
cular matter going through the mails they
sre all illustrated by sngravlnga
TeR us the purpose for which yoa wish
to use engravings and we'll tell you how to
have them made. That's our business, mak
ing photo engraved platea
Beq Engraving Dept
103 Bes Beading m Omaha, Nek,
Just Jry ThU When
Hairy Growths Appear
(Modes of Today.)
A smooth, hairless skin always follows
the use of a paste made by mixing soma
. i , i -1 -i . m.1.
water wiin iftin iiuwucito umaLuiig. iu
paste Is applied to the hairy surface 9 or
S minutes, then rubbed off and the skin
washed, when every trace of hair will have
vanished. No pain or discomfort attends
the use of the delatone paste, but cau
tion should be exercised to be sure that
you get real delatone. Advertisement.
let all the
Paul Railway
many points in the South
Havana, Cub $87.18
Charleston $50.66
Gulfport $41.18
$61. OO