Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    - g-
Governor Dunne Name! Nine Per
toni to Look Into Qneition of
Unemployment in Illinoii.
GoTernor Dunn today announced
the appointment of a commission of
nine to Investigate unemployment in
Illinois. John H. Walker, president
of the Illinois Federation of Labor,
Springfield; Mrs. Raymond Robins,
Chicago, and John Fltzpatrlck, presi
dent of the Chicago Federation of
Labor, are members.
These three were .named to represent
labor, as provided In the resolution
adopter tT the laat legislature, which
appropriated o,000 for the Investigation.
Three others, named aa representative
of employer. wer:
A. H. R. Atwood and Oscar C. Mayer,
Chicago, and R. H. Smith, Toledo. These
wera named to represent the general
puhllo on the commission:
John E. Williams. Streator; Qraham
Taylor, Chicago and John Wallace Dun
nan, Pa ton. IU.
The oommlaalon ta to meet here Novem
ber I
Stockholders of
Eock Island to
Elect Directors
CHICAGO. Oct 14.-tStockholdere of the
Chicago, Rock I aland at Pacific railway
met here today. With the property In
the handa of a receiver It was expected
that many matters of Importance, par
ticularly finance, would add Intereat to
the session.
The Hayden and the A muter committee
of etockholdere recently agreed on a list
of directors to be elected, and It was
expected the llat would be choaen with
out opposition aa follow::
- Kdmmd D. Kulbert, vice president of
the Merchant Loan and Trust' com
pany; Charles U Dawes, president Cen
tral Trust company;. John O. Shedd, pres
ident Marshall Field Co., Chicago; John
R. Morron, president Atlas Portland Ce
ment company. New Tork; Nathaniel
' French, Davenport,' la.; William B.
Thompeon, director of the Federal Re
serve bank. New York; J eel W. Burdick,
president West Penn Steel company,
The foregoing names are all. new to
the Rock Island directory and their elec
tion la expected to give the west a much
atronger voice In the management than
According to Jacob M. Dickinson, re
ceiver, the stockholder can take no amo
tion other than electlrg the directors.
"All the affairs of the road are In my
hand as an officer of the court," ex
plained Mr. -Dickinson. "The stockholder
on take only, luch action aa the court
" directs and today's business include only
the choosing of directors."
London Gives Eesult
N Of Air Raithllpon
City by Germans
' LONDON, Oct 11 A complete Investi
gation of the loes of life and damage of
property resulting from the German air
raid, on London, last night shows that
soma houses were damaged and several
fires were started, but no serious damage
was caused to military material. All fire
were soon got under control.
The casualties In the raid of last night
bring the total for ail air raid on Eng
land up to ttQ, of which number 177 per
eons were killed and 4CI Injured.
The following military casualties. In
addition to the one. announced last night.
have been reported:
Fourteen killed and thirteen wounded.
The home offices announces the follow
ing casualtiea other, than the military
casualties reported:
Men. Women. Children, Total.
Killed tt - 41
Injured 4 tt T Ml
Total.. l Tt 1
Of these casualties thirty-two killed and
ninety-five Injured were In the London
area and these figures Include those an
nounced last ntght
London's latest Zeppelin raid exceeds In
the number of ' casualties any previous
attack on the British capital. The last
In which casualties were reported, that
of September I, cornea second. Twenty
deaths were caused on that occasion.
while elghty-ela persona were Injured.
Fourteen of too fifty-fire persona killed
and thirteen of the 114 wounded were mil
itary casualties, according to an an
nouncement made later by th official
press bureau.
ST. HELENA, Ore.. Oct 14. -After
shooting and Instantly killing bis di
vorced wife and her sister. Mrs. S. H,
Todd, here today, W. B. Stout set fire
to his house and held off City Marsbsi
X J. CMttlin by firing three shuts at
htm. Then with his last shot he killed
Accompanied by the marshal the two
women went to Stout's house to mako a
division of furniture. Stout Induced the
marshal to remain outatoe, saying; there
would be no trouble. After Stout com
mitted suicide the marshal euterod and
extinguished the fir.
Mrs. burnt was to remarry shortly.
Ornelas Leaves
Villa Government
KL PASO. Tex., Oct. U General Tomes
Omelas. military commander of Juan a,
crossed the Rio Orande and retired from
the Villa government today, according- to
reports at the International bridge.
General Benavldes, chief of staff of
General Villa, who ta In Juares. said that
he, Benavldes. had been Instructed to es
cort Ornelas to Cases Grandes for a con
ference with General Villa. Ornelas waa
to have been accompanied by a body
guard and returned to Juares la three
days. It was denied that Ornelas had
crossed to the United States, but he could
nut be found In Juarts.
alauMt Reaches Ceetary Bfarbu
MARINUTTE. Wis.. Oct It-Peter
lienedlct, aged tt years, a logging jobber
and the father of twenty-two children,
the oMi-t of whom is TS, died here today.
He ass the father of four pairs of twins.
(Conlntued from Page One)
gaining in one aector while losing In an
other they appear to have made no net
galua recently.
Serbia Tries to Stew Tide,
retrograd dispatches assert the Oerman
troop are three mile further from the
city than a week ego. Official Institu
tions which recently were removed from
Pvlnek and Riga are now being taken
The Hermans and Austrian continue
to report atcady progres on Serbian
territory, although admitting their head
way la being Impeded somewhat. Slnoe
the fall of Belgrade no encounter of
great atrategla Importance haa occurred
In thla new war theater.
Serbia la making a desperate attempt to
atom the large Oerman and Auatiian
forces, which are being augmented con- j foes. Is Vranya, on the portion of the
tlnually. Serbian officers profess oonfl- railroad which bends nearest to the Bul that It will be poertbl. to mak.l tlirl.n fronttat.( wnlc t lnva4tng
successful resistance even with Inferior Bulgarian, have been exited to strike
m aocouni oi me airricuities to cut the eommunlcstlons of the Ser
whlob the mountainous country presents Mans,
to the Invader. i
The Serbians are awaiting a Bulgarian
attack between Oulvevgueli and Strumlti,
near the Greek border. They expect an
attempt will be made to cut at thla point
the railroad between Salonlkl and Nlsh,
and in anticipation of such a movement
have concentrated artillery "In thla dis
Frenea Official Keaerl.
PARIS, Oct 14,-There haa been a Par
ticularly violent artillery encagrernent In
the Artola district, northwest of Hill
No. 140, In whioh both sides too part.
according to the statement given out this
afternoon by the Trench war office,
There haa been also active trench
fighting In the vicinity of Uhona
In the Champagne district the Ger
mans have been throwing asphyxiating
bombs on the French rear lines.
A German attack to the west of Te
nure has been repulsed by the French
In the Lorraine district the cannonad
ing between the antagonists haa been al
most continuous. The text of the com
munication follows:
"In the Artols district the artillery
fighting continued last night both sides
taking part Thla fire was partloulariy
violent to the northwest of Hill No.
14A. between Souchea and Otvenohy, The
fighting from trench to trench with
bombs and torpedoes haa continued with
great activity in the vicinity of Li bona.
"In the Champagne district the enemy
haa directed a fire with asphyxiating
bombs against our rear lines. To this
our batteries everywhere made reply.
A Oerman attack in the forest to the
west of Tahure haa been checked by our
fire. '
"There haa been a reciprocal and al
most continued cannonading In the Lor
raine district In the vicinity of Relllon
and Lelntrey,"
Raselaa Troop Withdrawn.
GENEVA. Bwltserland, Oct. 14. The
Vnlveraul of Bucharest say that Russian
troop have been dladrawn from Besera-
bla, near the Roumanian frontier, and are
being centrated at Odeasa. From thla
point the Unlvareul says, a movement
will be
undertaken against , Bulgarian
Economy Urged 1
that England May
' Meet Obligations
LONDON, Oct 14.-A great national
campaign of private economy waa urged
by ' Sir Oeorge Palsh In an address In
London aa the only possible means of
preventing ultimata suspension of specie
paymenta by Great Britain. .
"England Is carrying the great finan
cial burden of the war," he said. "The
war found some weak spots In our allies
which we must repair. Franca haa lost
a large part or It Income and therefore
we must find money with which to buy
the things nseded. Russia haa virtually
no exports, so we must help It
"In addition,' w must provide for Bel
gium, Serbia and other powers. The
result of all thla to that for the present
year we must find, outside our own ex
penditures, txm.ono.000 for our alliee.
"Is England content to go on living aa
"Money la being squandered on all
sides with the result perhaps, that later
our allies may coma to ua for money and
wo shall not have the means to support
"The adverse trade balanoe. If wa In
elude what wa have dona for our allies,
la already between eoo.000.000 and 1700,
000,000, to balanoe which we have suc
ceeded In borrowing tSO.OOO.OCO, our fnotety
of the American loan. Thla country
Heeds to aave yearly 400,000,000 out of
Its Income at U, 000,000.000. The great
mass of the people should save 10 per
cent additional, and the more wealthy
Mors per cent
"What U the alternative? Will It be
possible for ua to borrow 1,000,000.000 to
adjust our trade balanoe?
"I think It Impossible. If we go on
spending money as we are now, we shall
see another break in American exohange,
accompanied by a break in Canadian,
Argentine, Australian and Indian ex
changes. This probably would mean the
suspension of specie payments and we
should have to tell the world we
unable to pay our debts."
Loudon Denies
Bigamy Charges
NEW TORX. Oct It-Max Loudon, civil
engineer, said to be Count Has Lynar Leu-
don. a Oerman noblaman, waa under ar
rest bare today on a charge of bigamy,
which the police said waa filed against
nlm by Mrs. fuse O'Brien of Albion, N.
T. It la charged that Loudon married
Mrs. O'Brien at Albloa about three years
A a Investigation Is being made by the
authorttlea to learn whether as Mss De
Chlmang, Loudoa waa married In
Pougr.keepete. N. T to Miss Minnie
Wsndt Loudoa Is quoted as denying that
he and De Chlmang are the same man.
It la stated that Loudon haa enjoyed the
acquaintance of prrmlneat foreign diplo
mats and of of flclala high In the federal
service. He waa described today aa the
lnveutor of various military and nazal
Depart saeat Orders.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 14 (Special Tel
egram Arthur Bacon was appointed
iKjetmaster st Moore. 1'ennlngtun county,
fi. l., vice T. J. eltierwood, removed; Mra
Rosa L. Bhlck at Boyd. Weston count v,
Wyoming, vice Mra. I. M. Campbell, de
ceased. t. K. Murphy of Kansas City, Mo., haa
been apilnted a veterinarian Inspector
In connection wllh the bureau of aulnvO
Industry, In be located at Omaha, and
James A. Wheal y of aloudy county, Svtutn
lakola, at Chicago, ,
Athena Sends Report of Progren of
War in Arena In and Around
Kith and TrauhmTa Front
I ATHENS, Oct. IS. (Via Paris.
Oct. - 14.) General Sarrall, com
mander-in-chief of the French forces
in the orient, who arrived yesterday,
will take command of the expedi
tionary army. Communications have
been cut between Klsh and Trau
hmva for a distance of five miles.
rifty miles south of Nlsh, between Bel
grads and Salonlkl, posseaalon of whioh
Is the Immediate objective of Serbia's
(Conlntued from Page One)
country, aa sentiment is running very
high against him.
While he reallsesthe crime he haa com
mitted the prisoner appears to care lit
tle for the consequences, appearing In
fact totally Indifferent
In appearance he Is not overly Intelli
gent and of medium else. Although sev
eral men have ridden the range with him
since last July hi namsls not available
othsr than ths Initials "W. C."
Mrs. Nellie Heelan was the respected
wife of John Heelan, well known In the
state. Mrs. Anna Layport for many
years waa a resident of Valentine.
The body of Mrs. Heelan will be taken
to Omaha for Interment where relatives
live. Mra Layport will be burled In Val
en tine.
Daafkter of Oasaha Pleaeer.
Mrs. Nell Heelan was a daughter of
Mra. ' Margaret Heelan, a pioneer of
Omaha, residing at 721 South Twenty
fifth .avenue.
While ber melnden name was Hselan,
she married John Heelan of Arabia and
lived there at the ranch home, where
the crime waa committed.
John Heelan, the husband, was In
Omaha at ths time, having come down
with hi brother. William, to sell four
ears of stock. Yesterday Juat after ha
had taken his 11-year-old daughter, Mary,
who Is In Omaha attending St. Berch
man's academy, to a hospital for a minor
operation, he received word his wife waa
dead. He parted from the little girl,
who gave hlrn message after message to
carry to her mother, not knowing yet
the full details of the crime and not let
ting the little girl know anything about It
Maw railed Crlderanaaa.
Omaha relatlvss of the murderer's vic
tim say the man working for the Hee
lane In Arabia waa known aa William
Criderman. Ha was youth of 17 or Is
years and had been picked up aa he
traveled tnroug-b the 'Country. He said
his home was In Michigan, lis had mads
good on the ranch, and Mr. Heelan had
bought a suit of clothes and some other
wearables to take baok to him as a pres
ent because he thought so much of him.
The crime evidently occurred Wednes
day night for a letter to Mra Heelan of
Omaha arrived here teat night that her
daughter mailed at Arabia Wednesday
night on the trip to town which la men
tioned In the dlspatoh.
Th town of Arabia la twenty miles
sast of Valentine and the Heelan ranch
Is three miles from ths 'town. Crider
man had been working on the ranch for
alx weeks.
Other Relatives Live Hero.
Mra. Margaret Heelan, mother of the
murdered woman, to the widow of Major
Philip Heelan. who was ons of th early
ploneera of Omaha. Several other daugh
ters live here. Among the sons to Edward
Hselan, tor twenty-five years on the po
lio department of Omaha and now re
tired on a pension.
Mra. Layport waa a neighbor, who
lived only half a mil or o from th
Heelan ranch.
Greece Merely
Loosening Sword,
Declares the King
ATHENS. Wednesday, Oct lI.-Vla
Paris, Oct 14.) In response to a request
for a definition of the attitude of Greece,
King Constantino today made the fol
lowing statement to the Associated
"Greece to merely loosening Its sword
m its scabbard. It menaces no ons, but
It cannot permit that events shall con
stitute a menace to the Integrity of the
nation or the freedom of the Greek peo
ple. "It Is my duty to preserve my country
from the danger of destruction through
becoming involved In the general Euro
pean conflict I hope to do thla at all
hasarde-lf It to possible."
HASTINGS, Neb.. Oct It. -Special Tele
gram.) The police censors last night
closed three show In the carnival here
for being Indecent and Immoral and an
other was oloeed at the direction of trie
humane society because It featured an
alleged wild woman sucking the blood (
of plgeona Today Mayor Madgstt ts-1
sued orders for the closing of all punch-
poarda, slot machlnea and games of
chance In Has tins a The order affected
several carnival attvactioaa.
The biggest crowd of the week thus
far attended the South Platte exposition
today. There will be a parade of school
children tomorrow and Saturday will be
traveling men' a day.
Kle voter Ceadaetes- Rilled.
HA SINGS. Neb., Oct. it (Special Tele
gram.) Kay Mackay, freight elevator
conductor In the Clarke hotel, waa
crushed to death thla morning when he
attempted to get back on the moving
elevtaor after he bad Jumped off to
get something which be bad forgotten.
A sister, Mra. C. B, Cookssy. lives In
Unooln. The body will be sent to Ban
Diego. CaX, for burial.
roloael Hoaee Calls.
WA6HINGTON. Oct 14. Colonel E. M.
House, President Wilson's close friend
and political adviser, arrived at the White
House today for a visit with the president
The Day 9 a War Newt
BRITISH It AT IS MAD) s re a era I at
tack aloas; nearly the eatlre fn at
Iran Y sires, la Belgleaa, ta Loos,
la aorthera Fraaee, 4 he Oeraeaa
war office aaaeeaeed l4r It ts
declared that all attacks failed.
The llae of th aew attack re
ported by Berlla eateede for a
ililsaae of more (baa twenty-five
nil lee. If It does aet prove ta be
la reality a eoaetrtel offeaelvo
meet esteaalve that the British
have aadertakea. The British at
tack waa aeeosapeated by a boss
bardment of the Belgiaa eoast,
fa the allied movement la th Bal
kans, Rene Vlvlanl, the French
premier, told the French Senate
today. That Rossla woald narf let
pete la the Balkaa one rattens of
the allies began by Great BHtnla
aad France already ha area aa
aoaneed by Premier Vlvlanl. Sir
Edward Grey, la the British Hoaee
af Commons today mad a similar
aaaoaaeemeat, sarins; the Has
slaa troops waald be seat aa roe a
as they were available.
eoatlaaes la the gooehes region, fa
aorthera Froaee, where th Ger
mans recently penetrated soma of
the trenches fa th Gl veneer
woods, which they had previously
tost to th French. Today's state,
meat by th Part war ef flee men.
tlons partlealarly sever actlene
between Bonehes'nnd Glvenehy, ta
the aorthweet of Hill No. 140.
task ta th weet of Tab are waa
cheeked by artillery fire, the
French report aaeerta. The Freaeh ,
rear lines ta tee r-aampan-ae dis
trict have been eabjeeted ta as
phyxiating bomb attacks, It Is de
clared. NISH-SALONIKI LINE has keen eat
for a dlataaee of five miles at a
polat believed to be aboat fifty
miles eoath of lftah, aeeordlns; to
a Atheas dispatch. This trunk
llae Is ths oao that woald bo ased
by the allied foroeo movlaar from
Saloalkl ta Serbia's assistance la
reelstlagr the Teataalo-BolsTartaa
toalo svdvaaee soath of the Danube
Is described la the enrrent Ans
trlaa war office statement aa most
, severe. The Anstrlaa attaeke,
however, are reported aa every
where prosrrsslng. ,
KRBIANg TOOK th Initiative at
one polat oa the Balsralaa frontier
Taeeday, aeeordlas; to a Sofia 41s
patcb to Loadoa, aad eroeeed th
border, bat were defeated after aa
all-day battle la their attempt to
oeeapy the heights weet af Belo
grrudchlk, Balsrarla.
ACCORDING TO a Stockholm dis
patch seveateea German are steam
ers which ply the Baltic are mlss
Insr aad are believed ta have beea
auak by British aabmarlaee. The
slaklagr af a half dosen German
steamera by British undersea era ft
la these waters already haa beea
English Cabinet ' '
Not Yet Agreed
On Conscription
LONDON. Oct It-No derision on the
conscription was reached at the cabinet
council yesterday, according to the Dally
News. There waa a prolonged discussion
and the conscriptlonlsts' ministers
pressed hard for a decision, but failed
to carry their point
There to little doubt, the Dally News
says, that Lord Kitchener's sympathies
now are definitely on the side of con
scription. The Tiroes asserts, however,
that the war secretary haa declined to
assume the responsibility of deciding
what course shall be followed. He to re
ported to maintain that ha entered the
cabinet aa a soldier, not aa a politician,
and therefore does not regard himself as
responsible for choosing the method of
raising men.
Lord Kitchener haa represented to his
colleagues that recruiting lately has
fallen off seriously and that men must
be found somehow, but that he la un
familiar with social and Industrial con
ditions In the country and that It la for
him to state his requirement and for
the country to fill them. Hence, ths
Times asserts, the real responsibility now
rests upon ths cabinet'
It to generally supposed that Lord
Derby, when appointed director of re
cruiting, was given six weeks in which
to show whether or not hie voluntary
recruiting campaign would be a success.
Apparently efforts of labor leaders to In
duce men to enter the army are not
meeting with the success expected and
the likelihood of some form of compul
sion is becoming stronger.
Beppella Raid aa Loadoa.
BERLIN, Oct. 14. An official report
given out today by the Oerman admiralty
regarding the Zeppelin raid on London
says that In addition to dropping bombs
on ths English capital the water works
at Hampton and the town of Woolwich,
where there to a great arsenal, were heav.
II y bombarded. Qreat fires are reported
to have followed the explosion of the
Zeppelin bombs.
t)E your own
- self in at suit
made for you. We will
tew satisfaction into it
for from $25 to $50.
Every garment guar
anteed perfect in fit and
Tailoring Co.
315 South 15th St.
New Elver Boat Plying Between
Omaha and Decatur Bring
Fifty-Ton Carg-o Down.
With a cargo of fifty tons of wheat
and oats, the "Ada Belle," the new
river boat plying between Omaha
and Decatur, arrived at Omaha, at
11 o'clock yesterday morning.
The boat brought ho barge, but
carried Us own cargo. "We've got
It drawing three feet of water with
that cargo on," said Captain Dare
Walters when he pulled ashore.
"W ran Into one sand bar that de
layed as a couple of hours, but oth
erwise got along pretty well."
Mrs. Walters and baby. Mary, a little
over I years old. are with the boat Baby
Mary, with ber golden curls tumbling
In th sunlight ran from on end of th
deck to the other looking at the big
building and th huge Douglas street
bridge which towered over her head and
over th top of the boat She had never
been to Omaha.
Mra. Walters waa busy frying bacon,
boiling potatoes and getting th rest of
th dinner. Ota, It waa a different at
mospbsro from that presented by the old
"Julia" when It used to pun Into shore.
There wa a cook aboard, and th galtoy
ahooe In polished white, with frying pans
hanging neatly on a wall aa whit aa
Th "Ada Belle" to a "seaworthy" craft
in appearance, and doe not show th
affects of wear and tsar aa th Julia
did. It haa a powerful borisontal engine
of ninety horsepower. Captain Walters
expects to make the run up stream In
about one and three-quarters days.
Political Campaign
in Africa Round of
Rows and Fights
CAPE) TOWN, Booth Africa. Oct It
(Via London.) A lively campaign for the
election of the members of the House of
th i ssemMy of th union of Bouth
Africa to being waged throughout th
country. The chief fight to between the
follower of th premier, General Louis
Botha and th nationalist, th nation
alists having opposed the operation
against Oerman Southwest Africa, and
being against the dispatch cf a contin
gent of the union forces to Europe.
Many of the political meetings degen
erate into fights, and General Botha,
Who Is speaking in districts where his
policy Is strongly opposed, to accom
panied by mounted Burghers.
The nationalists have candidates In
every constituency where they have the
slightest chance of winning, while the
unionists, who support General Botha
and many Independents, have withdrawn
from th . race in . order to make it a
straight conteet between the two princi
pal parties.
Throughout th land tt la a contest be
tween . the unionist and the labrotories,
each, of whom, support General Botha'
war policy, but are divided on internal
questions. There are few uncontested
VJhy's "Gets-It," for
Corns, Like a Kiss?
Becaae Everybody Trice It, Every-J
wuj unco it, it's nunieM asm
Takes bat a Moment
to Apply.
"Oes-It" Is ths wonder of the corn-'
Pestered world. Millions say so, because
- mi ii, iuui vw maaeo
,11 the biggest selling corn remedy, on!
Veveelo Vy rife k Anytklag At ft
taiekly Mollscleally aa 'teeti-lu' j
earth today. "Gets-It" will surely get
that corn or callous you've been trvlna for
a long time to get rid of take It right off!
; ciean as a wnutis." Apply It In 1 seo-l
onoe put your your stocking and shoe
riaht over Jt nothing to etick, nothlna to
hurt, lou needn't luas with thick ban-
danges that make a package out of your!
vom. no antvee, raaore ana scissors, no
taps, no trouble, it's simplicity Itself, I
sure, quick, painless. Try It also fori
bunions and warta. I
-Gets-It" Is sold at all druggists. Be af
bottle, or sent direct by ti Lawrence &,
Co.. Chicago. Bold In Omaha and reenm-t
mended aa th world's best corn remedy)
v Sherman sl McConnell Co's. Stores. I
For Loss of
Where there is impaired diges
tion, with little relish for food, it
indicates weak, general condi
tion, caused by lack of phosphates,
of which th system has been
deprived. Supply this lack and
appetite will assert itself with the
returning vitality. To accomplish
this, lake
Acid Fliocphato
Fall Salts aad Overcoats laade-to-order,
$30. 835. 840.
15iaW Dodca.
t i 1 1
n Keep a kettle ai
Thompson-Belden & Co.
Dainty New
Women's Corset covers,
lace or embroidery trim
med, good quality, all
sizes, - - 50c, 60c, 65c
Women's Corset Covers,
hand - embroidered, ma
chine or hand-made,
New Piaid and
Striped Silks
for Waists
One of the striking feat
urea of the display is
Dark African Browns,
Buss Green and Field
Mouse Gray.
SUk Department X&i a moor.
rc Bungalow o qc
DJ Aprons &r
A special for Friday
only. These are large,
well-made garments, in
light and dark percales,
57 inches long, in all sizes.
Regularly 50c ; Friday, 39c
BV W saT- ssvVJ ysy 9 f frs. sTgt VTfi - T 'J "'AtCfMI LTv S1MlsfLVlsfSaW l Mi
VJill It Save You Honey? Absolutely!
Saves You Much Bodily Exertion, Too
"Vulcan Coke" comes to you at about $1 less per ton
than hard coal There's a saving! But scientific tests of
"Vulcan Coke" vs. Hard Coal prove that Vulcan Coke
will last LONGER, ton for ton. That's a saving upon a
saving. Then there's the lack of bother; "Vulcan Coke"
leaves only about half as much ash as hard coal; leaves
.NO clinkers; sends forth NO smoke or soot." Vulcan
Coke" is a by-product of coal, but it's much to be pre
ferred to the very coal it is made of. The ' 'good left in, '
the "useless left out" that's the theory that MADE
"Vulcan Coke" what it is.
Tyler 1754.
210 S. 17th St.
Thar 1 real Joy In wearing a hand
some genuine diamond or fine watch,
but if you wait until you can pay all
cash you may never own or wear one.
You can buy of ua at lowest oash
prices and pay la small amounts
monthly. All we require o: any one
in order to open a charge account ii
plain, old-faahlonet honesty. Every-
ining mrictiy confidential.
8 Ladies' Ring,
14k soil 1 gold Jf
tls "Perfection
mounting, f In
brilliant r(l
Diamond ..W9U
5 a Month,
STO. 114 I -a Val
uers, fin solid
gold, set wltil
genuine perfect
cut brllflant Dia
mond, black en
amel center, 1
genuine pearl, 1'.
In. solid go'd
To, 4 Men a Dia
mond King. pron
Tooth mountine.
14k solid 9RR
n-k KiA KM
v a "ituw
tl.SS a Wees
l.5 a
BTe. SI Thla picture shoas the exact
site or cio
very pecll
1. a d 1 e s'
Watch ws
are offering.
Klgln move
ment with
14k awlvel
p e n d a n t ,
solid sold
case: has re
volving bow,
eo back or
face may be
shown when
w a t e h Is
wurn sus
rarirf nastli tl.A a afO
Opsa Daily till p.m. Saturday till Si30
Cell er wrue to Ceul.s Ne. toi. Pnoe.
r....i.B 144 maA our ulitui wtll esll.
Credit Jewelers
Rent Your Vacant Houses by
Using The Bee Want Ad
4&mm -saw! i a' -, uswireV,! assvasdsssBassaaas
Under Muslins
prices, $1.85, $2.00, $2.25,
$2.50, $3.00, $3.50, up.
Women's Envelope Che
mise, lace or embroidery
trimmed, prices, $1.00,
$1.25, $1.75 and up.
VBdsrmaslina Third moos.
Value Friday
$1.00 to $2.00 Colored
Dress Goods
50c a Yard
All broken lines and dis
continued patterns find
their way to this counter.
Dress Ooods Pept Mala rioor.
Linen Specials
$1.75 Hemstitched Linen
Pillow Cases, $1.25 a pair
$3.75 Scalloped Hand Em-
broidened Linen Pillow
,Cases, - $2.75 a pair
$2.50 Bleached Table
Cloths, - - $1.89 each
$3.50 Bleached Table
Clothe, - - $2.75 each
,Per . We Are Wholesale
Ton. and Retail Agents
Brandeis Theater Building.
Ths Idol of tb lontsj
Francis X. Bushman
Bands yt Marie Dressier la TXLim
tomato aranus.
Tonight, a 125, aad
st a esa
CO HAW arid kli,iui srsssat
Ths Birrsot Xli la IS Tsars.
W1'1'1". I Saturday Met .
aoo to aa.00 I aso to $io
Three sTlg-hts, Berinntns- In... rw
Th Aotor-aingsr la "srrxagll H t
s-nos sso, soe. Toe, 1, SUM.
Aid Associate Player
stejpea Bus-, Oct. get
With Cn-AJSA I3MBA&X. totjtto
and WH.TOW yACUTal
Matlnses, 1 to I I, M 10
Bights, 7:18 to 11 T. M. .lOo-Soo
Wit Bruce MrBss and Chul Kane.
"OBtajaajsj T
"OMAHA- m csmi
Daily Kats..lB-SS-BOi
Xvaa-s- ls.aa-6o.TS
That Qnalateet of Oomedlaaa.
("waor. I ruj Vl l V And Th
DOVfi") .,l, xaoomparebl
Juet aa N. T. saw It ell Uet stuns at the Ce
lenbls, Bvr. Yoa're sees nut It s U t-'-sI
abew aov thla en. i ear pr'cw
Xritdlss Dime Matinee Wteli Say.
Set. Mite Wk. "The TuurUts."
The Only HIT. Class YaadevlUe Cltenit
Dally g:le Bvery Klrht, Silo.
Tfcia tie-avduer.e a Rum I'nii.. s.n m.i.
atria. Tb. 111.. I'tapWil Guthl.r. D..I S Co.
Caaterae a i.arlurd. Moere t firr ataaw
freak le Uarphj. Waealr.
fnna: HatUai lii.Utj. teat U (
seat Kelsraar as bsadajl. Aa. Kisau lue
be. tad Tea
i S J-sk'"i"'"""'""