THE BKK; OMAHA, FRIDAY. (HTOIJKR 15, 1H15. 13 FOR HE XT liana naa (ottiffi. Mlseellaaeaa. TentaETiTt rurnltur 8tor J.CJ.Keed .-V ksss 1 !3"7 Fsrnsm n. 144, rSili,l?2,Ti?- fi?-rT' ",rU' umihjT Pis Hamilton St. Web. ataj. tore and tmtces. BTCmE tnom for rent In M irrnj Hotel Bldg. Inquire Mr. Kitchen. Psxton hotel! WANTED To BOttKOW "WHiT to borrow 0from party direct Com h m irhood' .n .wn,ch ther im ?f f-i x'"on loan, partly W ANTED to borrow 110.000 for 6 years at per cent on Omaha real estate, valued at $1800. Address F 119. Bee. WANTED TO RENT WANTfc-D Nov. 1. to share small office with professional or business man; ceu Y'. loclin; state business and terms Address A. P. K Box loJ, Niobrara, re. WANTED TO RiiNT Poultry farm about ten acres, near Omaha, for period P tta.Be;8f'Ul1 1 P,rUcuUr- Address WANTED Two or three urfm mhed " - J ci. filinui TWO or three unfurnished rooms, near , "n neai. j-i-'i, nee. , WANTED TO ntr OFF1CK furniture bought and sold. A. r irnam. Doug. bl4u Tale bus everythlnit 2d hand Web. 4iM. WILL buy a Ford. 514 First NatJHank. HIGHEST prices for old clothing. bTflil REAL ESTATE FA KM at B.4.KCM L.tAUj Foil SAL Caitiuruia. OeJt Colonie. uune better. v T. Smith Co.. i;m ciiv ,nt. Hw. 1 2m I'll l L . 1 I . k - I . MO acres of Irrigated land In Butte county. California. Fine land, well drained, Good six-room house, large barn, fenced and crossed fenced. Good corn, grain Or fruit Und. Three miles m, tow1 of 2-u0"' n nl'n toud This Is 1150 land, but owner is forced to sell and will take $75 per acre Takes about $4,000 to handle it. This is un aualed bargain for quick ssle. HOMESEfciK ICRS' LAND CO., (Ino.) 626 Bee Hldg.. Omaha. Neb. Canada. FOR SALE OR LEASE Any pnrt of 4,000 acres near Rosetown, Saskatchewan. I rais uu.vw oueneis ot oats and 30.000 I bushels of flax on land this year. Prlco : . j cr' easy- Frank Craw ford. Omaha. Neb., or Rosetown. Sask. Nebraska. Home Farm Near Omaha fara atnd'ry road,1 acre"' u splendid Fine grove. Buy this Ideal homo. O'KeefeReal Estate Co., 101 Omaha Nat. Douglas 2715 o HUurxlU, ACRES, to miles from Minneapolis. one mile from town; lw acres under vttltivatlou; balance used for pasture: can practically all be cultivated; heavy soil; good set building, consisting 0f g. iooni bouse, large burn, granary, corn cribs, wind nulla, etc.; tha land ,.ro. iuc 60 bushels of corn per acre; tele phone in house; country thickly bottled; uomplete set or machinery; -Jl head of stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1 and 2-year-oMs; six Rood horses, & hogs, chickens; one-half of this years crop and everything, ou the turn toew at i-M per acre, half cash. 8cvab Bros., lutf Plymouth Bid.. Minneapolis. Minn' Wlwuult. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop stale in the union; settlers Wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet o4 on Wiscon sin Central Land Grant. Excellent In nils for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands uk for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Depart.. aotf Line Railway. Minneapolis Minn Miscellaneous. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR RALE? Write a good desc ription of your land and send it to the btoux City, Ja., Journal, "Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Me dium.'' Twnly-five words every Friday evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday mornlug for one month, giving sixteen ads ou twelve different onya lor I-. or DO words. $4, or 75 words, Vi Largest circulation of nny Iowa news paper, Xiu.Oou re!cre dally In four great tales. REAL. ESTATE L.OAX3 taOO TO ll.uuo made promptly. V. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 1Mb It Farnam Sta CITY and farm loans, 6, t, a per cent J. H. Zuniont A Co.. 416 State Hank. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture Into cash. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas 1'2S State Bank lildg. WANTED iKHl tana and city loans at lowest rates. PETERS TRUST CO., 162J Farnam. OMAHA homes. East . Ncbranxa farms, O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. I01 Omaha Nstlu ial. Phone Douglas 771. HONEY on hand (ot city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City National Hunk Bldg. 5c, CITY LOANS. C. G. Carlbtrg. 310. 'O 12 Brandels Theater Bldg. MONEY to loan on eastern Nebraska farms. Immediate action. United State Trust Company. Omaha. Nfb. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. K. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg REAL ESTATE KOIi EXCHANGE ENJOY ' LIFE IN A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME". A railroad man, who finds It difficult to get t his work In Omaha, has asked us to find him a home I n (tonahA In nv. change for his brand new. 6-room. strictly j uiuuc-iw, ui-iu-uaie nouse, ana one run acre In bearing k rupee. ics U.HK). Lo cation is Ideal, beimr only 4 block from street car on McPheraon Ave.. Council Bluffs. This is a great opportunity for some one wishing to gf-t a home In the country with all the advantages of the city. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha Nat l Bank PI.1 g p. iTKl . FOR, SALE or trade, 240 acres of land". Logan county. Will trade for city prop erty or for Jio per acre; caali. bounce to autt purchaser. Address 3S!6 Miami. Phone Walnut 1133. FOR HALF. Oft TRADE 441 acres. Lincoln Co. Neb.; fenced, windmill, small buildings. Want small property rn uood school town. BOX i3. SCHUYLEH. NEB. ONE small procery. shout II 0 0; fix tures, 5"0. Rent, I16.S0 Would want small cottage er one-third rash, bal ance lot or good equity. B 104. Bee. Store buil'llnc. country town, exchanne for merchandise or vacant hit. Col. 44.. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE REAL ESTATK NOKT11 SIDK Our Record In 5 Months in . ' Minne Lusa Broke down and humM th com utalkn. mored 250,000 yards to make perfect rad. n0 "FILLED" LOTS. ) Put In nearly 12 MILES of eldswalk and put in 6 MILES of Water MM II- I IMV QTnrV llIDVrT o'K or tnrm h;l,m rcen cashed at Cattlt Receipt Large and Prices Steady to Lower Sheep Are Generally Steady. HOGS FULLY TEN CENTS LOWER Mains Through the city engineer, worked out the finest eewer system Omaha. In OMAHA. October 14. Wf. Tterelpts were: fsttle. Ho(t. 6 heep. O'flc'al Monday 1 747 I Kr 41.770 OT'd-l T"erlav lff- Off-ini We1ne.Hy....l1 4"S Kitlmate Th:ita.1av R ino four days this week . .IW.IK4 f'ame days 'aat week. .38.f?l Psme days 1 wks. Pame days S wks. ago J 41 fame days 4 wks. ao MM Same days last year. B.lM The following table shows er rattle. ho and sheep at the omaha live stock market for the year to S.i4 47 in 4.rtV J1 M r.7i l:tMo 1S.4?t v.,4.:4 it. i i;t.Mi yiti 121.4 10.IC 14-vM II 411 144.'4 14 ST4 U4.410 the receipts Surveyed, staked and platted Into 792 lota. Obtained Oas Mains on 24th and 30th Streets (4 miles.) 8ecurd the paving of 24th and 30th Streets and created paving dtstrlcte for all Streets In Miline Lusa. Entahliahe vrait.a for H r.,1H aarh street. Leveled an ft aenHerl th anHp .rt nrvi.t. ..oir..i v.nn.. . ... dte as rempared with last rear . ....... iinvt. ,1,11 l J uvftuiiiui, iiiiiuvi u vf in r o mtv . . mil Tne being built at a cost of over 1100.000 and -we have sold over 400 LOTS for r,tie aoV tist- 1T44 nearly $300,000. ! lign mst;5 i.S4.t .t In thin great work we have been nsrlsted by the City Engineering De-, 8 t":;'"".';!' . partment. The Metropolitan Water Dlf-trlct. The Street Hallway Company, pr ine Omaha r,as Company, The Nebraska Telephone Company and the Llec-( market for tne last few days with com- inc tvignt company. We are proud' of MINNE LrSA and you will be amaied at the progress, If you will come out and see what haa been done. W are selling lots every day at $500, $550, $650 and $750 which Includes all Improvements, except paving. Terms are easy. MINNE LUSA Is Just starting Don't be too late. ' Charles W. Martin & Co. rhone Tyler 187. rarlaons .T?t.J 1 1915. 1914.1 m"j. 1P12.I Ml. 190. Sept t:" T T" fa 'mi m; m t f" Pept. w. T t IB It r 14( i a t r" n si-i s in s ssi i f li s 2i T W vci. 1.. 1 7 ' S 71) I 4S 742 Omaha National Bank Building. Fine Home Florence Boulevard If you want a well built homs in a good location, ready to move Into, yu should look at house No. 3422 Klortnce Boule vard, located hot ween Pinkny and Bin met ftts.. close to KounUe P-rk. Has 63-foot en st frontage lot. shale troea fn front. House has pressed hrlrl tonnila tlon, pressed brick flrcpl.u-o, hns rcp tlon hall, large llvlnc room, dlninit r4oin and kitchen cn first floor, 'InUhrJ In oK, excepting kitchen; has 4 h ol sleeping rooms on second floor and t'lith: lo large attic; first-class pli:nihln and he it Ing. Can be bought on payment of !,() rash, balance about the anmo as lent. The price will be made right. See It to day. Hastings & Heyden 1014 Harney Street. FUNTENELLE PARK Nearly new living room, dining room, kitchen, pantrv. blmn.n, stairway to floored attic, with ample epnoe Tor two rooms and bath, electric lWhts. tity water, dandy cement bas'oent end wa)s east front lot. nicely vulded. Trice, tl,"); 'i0 cash, balance mon'h'y. Located just a little east of the park. C. O. CAItLBERG, S1J Prnndela !'h"tt r Bl 1g. $3,150.00 t-room bungalow, modern, N. l"Hh St. II 300. 00 cash, balancu monthly to suit. Call owner evening, Harney MIS, WALKING distance, 263S Dodge, ft-room modern house, first-class condition, ready to move Into; key at 2640. Don't fall to look It through. W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phone Webster 4875. Ilr VOL r.avo tl.fro and want a nice home call Colfax 34&, owner. Address S. C. T. ee. PEAL ESTATF ACREAGE KEAL ESTATE! ACREAGE Acres Are Best to Buy L SOI 7 17 . 1.. 7 1.1 . I.. 1 V m 7 7 r, 7 KS T S4 T 9 Tl 43 7 S4-4, 7 17 7 SR I 77 I 0G T 40 7 Mi I 77 IS 47 1 tot 7 t7V T ti 8 1R1 I 44 8 IS I U II H I 1, 7 K 411 7 S M 7 ; I 7 88 S 4N 7 74 7 H. R 00 14 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 1 . v OcL Oct. Oct Oct. Oct IS Oct. 14 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at S o clock p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS C A ns. Cattle. Hogs. Sh"?. li r a I Oil 8 0i 8 SH 7 43 8 m 7 84 8 1(X 8 l4H)f 7 25 8 041 8 Mti i-M 8 17 7 an t M' 8 4J 7 r 8 471 7 &4 8 r 7 t 7 M 8 a 8 23 7 7 8 4ll 7 70 I KM ft 8 ST 7 40 II ( 14 ( 371 S7i 4 8 IS ffi 1 7 1 10 4 4 I 1 20 8 6 I 1 .. 88 61 t C. M. St. P Missouri Pacific t'nlon I'acirio 87 C. N. W., east... t C. N. W., west... 81 c. et. p.. m. o.. i C, B. e W.. eaat C, P. A Q., weat... 78 C, R. I. P., eaat. 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago O. W 1 Total receipts ...128 DJBrxKslTTON-H KA D. . Cafle, Ho. Phre- Morrls 4 Co 930 7 M Swift A Co 70 8H 1.817 Cudahy Packing Co 1.8M l.aos KM Armour A Co 1.H3 l,3"4 1 lfi tch warts Sr Co 155 J. W. Murphy Ri i.incoin racKing co So. Omaha racking Co. Morrell W n. Vanaant Co Benton. Vanaant A L... F. B. Low Is Huston A Co '. ... J. H. Root A Co J. H. Bulla I F. Husa Roaenstock Bros. Kellogg Wertnelmer A Degen.. it. F. Hamilton limos s.nce eionu.ty. euiitnH alio i on alHiui a atrnd) u,ii, t.tce imii ,u "Invr lliuittvi run on n mil. tne ic nu tation on tat ewe was letniiici nl the (at end ot a atriun u. .,. hum was tuni a n I al J A Feeders found a .'slriy ready out et to day at generally i,ly pii.ts. In rct. not enniigit goixl Itatn lainna, which are In beat demand, count ie found to eupplr all the huyeia. and Hiey were quotetl. If anything, a lltle at-onaer. Kculng iinu hreei'lnn ewes sold readilv cnoimit, but two strtnaa ef yearllna, one N'lng about the same as those which hromnt $,oo yesterday, had not bn an Id by the time the bulk of the tat et'iff vaa ii.-an.Hl up. There were also a few X:nrhea of fccdln, lamha atlll unaolil at this time. Wuotationa on ihe.p and Lambe Imba, gixxl t" choice, iSMv,l, lamha fair to aiHxl, IH.-iiH.4ii; lamha. feedera, 87.;Mi.40;i yeariinga, fair to holes, 8n 7 4j.7A, yeariinga, feedera. rt)r; it) wethers, fair to choice, 8i.itj u; en en good to choice. iV-it 10; ewes fair to goot 84 7?K(rft.5; ewea. feeders, 4,4i f. Hepresentatlves aalea: No. ! Montana feeders lambe ... tut Montana lambe 1ml Montana lambs HOP Montana lambs 1541 Idaho feeder lambe 4a Idaho feeder lambs , Ill Idaho feeder lambe 178 Idaho feeder lambs !1 North Dakola feeder lambs H (il South l'nkt f.eder lamle Vt South Dakota feeder lamba f 40 South Dakota feetler lamba U '0 South Dakota feeder lamlia 4 "47 South liakota feeder lambs fa 775 cull feerter lambe 3l Wyoming feeder lambe.... 'fO 'J yomlng feeder lamha.... 75) South Dakota feeder lamba 7c1 Wyoming feeder lamba.... 107 South Dakota lamlw j GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET KEY YOR STOCK MARKET Av. .. M .. M .. 80 . . .. 58 .. 7 .. 8 87 W 7 M 87 78 Pr 8 35 8 M 8 40 Ml 8 30 8 Id 8 OR 66 7 M) 8 80 8 ) 8 00 7 8 10 8 7 73 8 80 8 40 8 30 8 35 8 80 ciitrtno MVK STOCK markkt Cattle Firm -Rhees) Weak II oas Firm. CHrCAOO. Oct. U-'ATTI.R-Rocelpla, 8,000 head: market weak; native beef ateera, fiVi.oOftlo.40; weatern ateers, IS 11 8 35: cows and hrlfers. 2.(Mi .; calves, l7.7Pifll.7B. HOOS -Receipts. 18.W10 heart: market firm, moetly do higher; bulk 8S.HVu HO; x OCuW.m; mixed, sa.tnsjwpi; neavy. rough, 7.ifi.10; plga. $f..0iMf Why not invest $10 a month in Acres near Omaha! Acres j fl'Q,tln,5ro.-.. have proven to be the best investment in the past and will con-lcrialie?:...1'.::: i Higgina , tinue to be the best in the future. lour taxes are very loW'lMeyws?. .V.V.1""."::' You can buy one acre now, equal to six city lots, for the same SX'rjSnis smith! I TaMSSB t3A price that you would have to pay for one lot, and you would I John Harvey 1 J ' " I Dennis A Francis... have six times more ground. . Acres in Benson Gardens are the best acres to be had near car line, schools, stores and Paved- Road, and the terms are only $10 down, $10 monthly payments on an acre, or $10 down, $7.50 a month on Half Acres. Our salesmen with automobiles are ready to take you out any time during the day, evenings, or Sundays; or you can go out yourself to the end of Benson car line, then walk six blocks "West on Main Street to the tract. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY STREET. IV 1 1 Other buyers Totals 88 7 14 . Ill . 4W 4 " . 101 . 827 . 150 . X . fcW . 118 . 627 . 185 . 78 . 22S . 177 . 184 . 6 4 . 14 . 7 . 11 . H , 187 . 145 . 188 .1.467 18.040 FOR RENT OR BALE. Two or four acres with water; will rent or sell; for feeding: one mile and half from stock yards. Phone So. IShl. UKAIi ESTATE SOUTH SIDK Field Club Bargain We have Just ll.:tod a dandy it-room house, 28x80, finished In oak and strictly modern in every respect; east front, paved street, pnvlng all paid for; flno shade trees; right In the heart of the Field club district, where the lot alone la worth 82,500. We can sell this property for I'l.'iiO on reasonable terms, and defy snyono to offer a better homo bargain In Omnha. This property will undoubt edly be sold quickly. Call us up and let us show you this house. We know we have got just what you want. Payne & Slater Co. I6 Omaha National Rank Bldg. MUST HKLL) ' QL'ICKLY. To settle estate, beautiful 5-room home, on paved slrcet, all modern, oak wood work, highly finished, all rooms beauti fully decorated: worth over 8.1.6W; price, 88,000. 4120 N. Jth St., Phono Webster 4:J4. COSY 6-r. cottage, strictly mod., 2XM S. lhth H block to csr, small payment down, balunce like rent. Owner. Wal. WO. KEAXi ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS QUICK esohanmi of properties. .SHOfEN A CO.. 234 State Dank Bids. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Farnam Street A Growing Street We offer for short time oue of tLe best comers on Farnam St. for 1250,000. Hferrison & Morton ! 3 Bargains FIELD CLUB 84.7(0, fine 8-room mod ern house, with every convenience; bedrooms, sleeping porch, high lot, not far from car. Dl'NUEB-84.760. fine 7-room modern house with living room, dining room, kitchen and den first floor; 3 nice bed rooms and sleeping porch second floor, oak floors and harlwood finish lhro:ih otit, practically new house with full south front lot, handy to car. L'xtra good VB "kPT FA R N A M 6 XM a modern t room house, -8-story, large living room arrangement, hot water heat, lare lot. with cement driveway and irarag. elnnn worth $3.&u0. Located near 33d and Fat'nau. Glover & Spain Dovglaa 3W2. 819 City National. 5-Room Bungalow Cheap, $3,150 Modem; 8 blocks from car; good fur nace; electric lights, 2-r.; oak finish; but t-ln bookcases end buffet : on pnved street Csll evenings. Har. 34iig. Owner. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. BKEF CUTS Ribs: No. 1, UHc; No. 2; lc; No. 8, 12c. Loins: No. L 21 Vic: No. 2, 18c; No. 3, 14c. Chucks: No. 1. 10c; No. 8, Vsc; No. 8, tc. Rounds: No. 1, 14Hc; No. I. 14c; No. 8, Uc. plates: No. 1. lOVc; No. . Vo; No. 8, r.ic. FRUITij-Oranges: California Valen claii, 17tie, lUis, 216s, JTiOs, 86 box; Cali fornia Valencies. 120s. l&Us, 888a, 3ts, 85.7 box. Lemons: Extra fancy Oolden Bowl, , 86 box; extra fancy Oolden Bowl, ios, 84.60 box; extra fancy Bun klst, 300a, S0s. 84.(0 box; Red Ball. 81 box. Orapefrult: 86a, 46s, 64s. S4s. 80s, 84 box. Peaches: Colorado Elbertaa, extra fancy, C5c crate; Colorado tObertns, fincv C.c crate; California Balways, 65c crate. Prunes: :c crate. Pears: Clargiues, 82.50 box; Keifers. bushels. 81.2s. Apples: Large cooking and baking, 83 bbl Jona thans, 88.60 bbl.; Belief lowers, 11.60 box; fancy Idaho Jonathans), 1140 box; extra fancy Idaho Jonathans, $1.60 box. Grapes: Tokays, $1.55 crate: Concords, Mlchigans and New Yorks, 86c basket. Bamtnas: Medium fruit, $2tj2.2a bunch; Jumbo fruit. Changulnola and Port Llmon. 4c lb. Cantaloupes: Colorado pink mealed, 76c crate. FRUITS Oranges: California Valen cia. 176s. 200a 210s, 230c: 86 box; Cali fornia Valencia. 186s, 160s, 288s. 800a, $f).7 box. Lemons: Extra fancy Gol den Bowl $Uis, 86 box: sxlra fancy Ool den Howl. SG0. 84.60 box; extra fancy Sunklst, 800s, S60s. $4.60 box; Red Bail, 84 box. Peaches: Colorado Elbertaa, extra fancy, 6o crate; Colorado Kl bertaa, fancy. 66c crate; Utah Elbertas, 66c box; California Halwnys, 6o box. Prunes: Italian, 86c rrstc; Italian, quan tities. SCc crste. Peers: Clargine, V-.H crate; Keifers. $2.25 bu. Apples: Large cooking and baking. 43 bbl.; Jona thans, 83.6) bbl.; Belief lowers, 11.60 box Orapes: Tokays, $1.36 crate; Concords, home-grown, bajiket Bananas: Me dium fruit, $2 0otj2.26 bunch; Jumbo frLlt, Changalnale and Port Llmon. 4c lb. Cantaloupes: California, mission brand, standards, 88.75 crate; California, mission brand, ponies. 12 2b crate; Cali fornia, mission brand, flats, irk: erste; Colorado aiurwells. pink meated, 8uc crate. Watermelons: lSc lb. VEGETABLES Cabbage: lHc lb. Head luiift.; 1 d( s. Lnif Lenuce. 4t dos. Oi.lons: Red, tc ib. ; Washington yellow. l-c lb: bpanlsn. H.aO ci-Hte. vVax and green beans: tO: basket. Tomatoes: Market prKe. Pepr-ers: 60o basket. Parsley: 3-' dox. Ceiery: Jumbo, 76c dos. Rutabagas: lc lb. Cauliflower; 10c Ib. potatoes: C orudo w hite stock, 6c bu. Minnesota Ohios, 663 bu. Ne braska Ohlos, sue bu. Hweet Potatoes: Hampers. 41; Virginia, barrels, $2 76. NUTS No. 1 walnuts: 18c lb. Braxlls: 121,0 lb. Almonds 20c Ib. Filberts: 12"c Ib. Pecans: 1IH&IV) lb. Peanuts: No. 1 raw: tc ib.; roanted, 8c Ib. Jumbo: Raw, 7o lb.; roasted, 8u lb. Cocoanuus: $4.50 bag; 76c dos. MISCELLANEOUS -Cracker Jack : 83 SO case; V case, $1.16. Cornpope: 8J.16 caae; U rase, $l.e. Honey: $,.? csso. Airline, $1.W case. CATTLE For a Thursday receipts were quite liberal, there being 22.1 fresh cars reported In. This brings the total lor the four days this week to 60,024 head, which as over 7.0P0 head larger than ever before received during a whole week at this point. Good kinds were generally steady, while others were slow to as mucit as 10c lower. Urasa beef Is around l&t? 25n lower than last week. Good feeders are around tf0J!c lower, end the common to medium grades IJpjOc lower. Cows and heifer,' owing to the abun dance of common steers, were very slow and weak. They are 25c, lower and In cases more than that a compared with last week. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice feo yearlings, !.OOW0.7S; fafr to good fed yearlings, n.w(il.u); common to fair fed yearlings, $6 .604)8.60; good to choice heavy beeves, $!t.(ie.76; fair to good oornfed beeves, $.!). 00: common to fair corn fed beeves, Stt.75tf8 . ; prime grass beeves, $s.00ij.76; good to choice grass beeves, $7,503:3.00: fslr to mod arsss beeves S7.M 1 liT.w; common to fair grass beeves, $8.00 u i.w; gooa to cnolce grass heifers, -i.00 if..7o; good to choice grass rows, $H.00o C.40; fair to good cows. $.".0utt.00; com mon to fair cows. $4.0a6.00, prime feed ing steeis, 8H.0Oi8.W; good to choice feed ers. 87.4(KU7.M; fair to good feeders, W7.40; common to fair feeders. $.'i.K6.S0; good to choice Blockers, 97.7K4jN.4j1t; fair to good Blockers, $.75(&7.75; common to felr atockern, $t.6tQi.76: stock hellers. 15.. 6 tl.'.U); stock cows. $u.6oiyx,.2u; stock valves, $6.6o.60; veal calves, II.OOV 10.00; bulls, Slags, etc., $4.2&a-25. Representative aalea. BEE3F STEERS. No. At. fr. No. . Pr. n ire 84 ,....iut too 8 " I S 14 Ull 00 10 904 6 14 NEBRASKA. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 24 feeders.. 8i 6 10 81 oows 1018 8 66 60 calves... 8K T 40 21 cows 1034 6 86 4 steers.... 836 6 76 83 feeders. .111 7 46 18 feeders.. 7 40 6 feeders.. 758 6 40 17 steers.. ..10H2 7 86 10 cows 1031 6 86 88 feeders.. 716 66 16 feeders.. 875 26 7 feeders.. 111J 7 00 COIXRAlTO. 29 feeder.. 892 7 n5 18 feeders.. 829 26 . 7 heifers... 744 6 66 4 oows 9K0 4 26 80 feeder.. SY.2 60 18 feeders.. 727 60 feeders.. 7W 6 26 W YOM I'NQ. 10 feeders.. 786 M 8 feeders. .1016 CO ?4 steers.. ..1270 7 80 HOGS Supplies took on more liberal proportions this morning, Ixilng heavier even than on Wednesday. Tne oay's ar rivals of ninety-one cars, or about 8,700 head, were larger than for any one day since September SO. During the lsst four daya a total of 16,428 head have been re ceived, being 4.000 head larger than last week, and a gain of 1,000 head over last year, but 6.UU0 head short ot two weeks ago. shipping demand took a back seat this morning. (Shippers' purohases were not so isrge as yesterday and what hogs they did buy were all of a nickel, and in many cases a dime, below yesterday. There wos nothing hore as good as the top hogs yesterday, but It took very good butchers to bring $.46, the day's highest figure. A few hogs that a ere bought by packers early might not have been more than 64i 10c lower, but as a general thing early bids looked a fist dune lower, snd while sellers put up a hard fight for nearly steady prloes. the bulk of the offerings finally sold at a dims decline. The. market dragged along until nearly noon berfore everything was finally cleaned up, and even then there might have been a few scattering bunches In flirt hards. Before the close a good many sales were made thet looked lutf lie off. and the lowest spot of the day was found on last rounds, when some sales were quoted a a flat 16c lower. General trade was a big dime undsr yeeterdsy. A spread of 8.lfr3 brought most of the tiogs, common lights and big heavlea. with some scattered down to 18.00, and a sprinkling as high as 8V46, the top. Representative sales: Ns. At. h. Pr. No. SI 171 10 I SO 4.. 47 1US M0 1 . T7.. 71.. 70 . Oasaba Umr Market. REAL ESTATE St'fit'RB.W r'lvrescv. See Kethaway for that farm. Florence 228. THE BEE'S REAL ESTATE COLUMNS today are worth looking over. Yon are doing yourself aja lav. Jusiire If you fall to share la ib oPportunJtiee offered. ...114 ... 1 M ... I80 ...4 ... 4 1 ... Ik in ...m ... 4 m At. tk Pr. 40 00 ..II to t II ,.l4 11 I 14 ..n tie 40 ..HI ... 140 ..; ... it. :i .114 40 PIGB. a 1 40 , , . 1 , . . . i,,v . . . . I ' . - .1 1 , . " -""'-r"", cnoic were even more moderate tnan on i,pLVJL'1L0,..1.,-o0i No; 1 ''"fHO"; No.. Wednesdsy. the ity i supply cf flfty t. 8.0nti 10 M: No. 3. $h.0O( Oj; choice mid-' one cars, or 180 had. b. i,g the smadost land Iio.604j11.00- No. 1, $19 0010.60; No. 2. for a Thursday in six wc-esa. 1 ne week s $i.tV60; No. 8. 8 0ii.o0; choice low- run amounts to 124.24a hesrt, being a fw land, $10.00; No. 1. $t.iiu.50; No. I, $.0i hundred head smaller than both last week ; . i4' 'd ve.r'f.o. but larger than two STRAW None on the market; choice wmka sgu by nearly 8000 nuad liespite wheal, 86.00'a6.60; choice oat or rye, li.aotri) the fact that receipts have been compaia-7-0 . , tlvely moderate the las: two las im-y 111 14 .A. V I lAr., k - a .... .A .,.i. ,1.. 11. - 1 . . . I ..u.uv, , j.v.u.i.,, iu. , i.j ir iv o ciuc i. ii.-uii an or ii-.e 1111 ,v-r,i- ,ii k. nrnvi lr4 tltf.uO. ImihIii were nil their wv In tha rl. bSStlC exertUeS Will PS piovnri llsht $7.S-K-u.W 7.00. SHEEP AND IAMHH Receipts. 8.0H0 hesd; market firm: wethers. $iUtr7.0(; ewes. 840M); lambe. 86.7Mtti.80. St. I.oals' Live dreek Market. ST. Il'IS, Oct. 14 CATTLE-Recelpts 6,5"0 head; market steady; native beef steers, $7.60tfl'lfl.'; yearling steers and heifers, $8 6tv()iio Ti : cows, $R.0iB.0(; sto' k ers nnd feeders, 86 ftHf7.7.i; southern steer. $6 2Cfiti.50; cows nnd heifers, $4.0ltr.5O; na tive cslves. 6.onit 11.60. HrxS Hecelpts, 8,V head: market hlBher; pigs and llnhta, $.7.V.8S; mixed nnd butchers, ISfS.iW; good heavy, $).40 ilH 80. SHEEP AND IA MDS Receipts, 1.WW head; market stesdv; lambs, W.ftW.OO; sheep and ewes, $6.00gr7.7S. Kansas City Live fltnek Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Oct. 14 CATTLE -Receipts, 8.70O head: market stesdy: prime fed steers, $9.60(710.00; dressed beef steers. 8S.fOm1 40; western steers, 8K.6043 8.76; stnekers and feeders, 8R.rxkfT8.00; bulls, K.2MH25;- cslves, M.Oixii'lO Ml. HOGS Receipts, 8. tied head; market higher: bulk, $8.2PU!; heavy, $x onw 8.H0; packers and butchers, I.Sfri,.40; light. $K.10tf .76: pigs. $ 75117 1H. SHK1CP AND UMHS- Receipts, 6,200 head: market higher; Inmba, 8H.26iff8 mi; yearllnas, 8 fiO-U'J.26; weiners, $6.76'fi.60; ewea, $6.5i(ij.0i). loss: City Live Stock Market. SfOlTC CITT. Oct. 14. CATTTE Re ceipt. 1.200 head; mnrket steady; cows and heifers, $4f'll60; csnners. $3.60474.50. Blockers and feeders, 86.10iti1.01; eaWes, $.oiniOj): bulls, stags, etc.. It.MKjiO.. H(X1S Receipts. l.WO head: market steadv; heavy. 8 8ft4JM: mlxel, $8 v 8 25; light, $S.004J.20; bulk ot sales, $8.20 J26 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,600 head; market steady; ewes, $4.00J6.l10; lamt. $.AKijS.25. Live "loe In Slgcht. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets were: Cattle Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 6. no 2,529 41.770 Chicago 6.010 18UX) 8,000 OCaras Olty 8,70) 6.800 6,200 flloux Olty 1.C00 1,C0) 1,600 SL Louis 4.500 $.600 L8O0 Totals .20,200 81.200 67,770 Coffe Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 14-The market for coffe futures showed continued stead iness today on a moderate demsnd. which seemed to oomo partly from Wall street sources, and reports of continued steadiness in Brsill. The opening was 1 point lower, and the market closed net unchsnged to 4 points higher, with March selling at 6.40c and May at 6.610. Sales, 20,500 bags. October, .27c; Novem ber. 6.27c; December, 6.20c; January, .83o; 'February, .S7c; March. 6.41o; April. .4Xe, May. 6 Me; June, 6u8c; July, 6.65c; Au gust, 8.70c; September, 8.76c. Spot, quiet; Rio 7s, 7c; Santos 4s, to Cost and freight offers were reported a shnde higher, with quotations rang Ino from 8.60c to t.COa for Pantos 4s. Kansas City Oral, and Provlslosi. KANSAS CITY. tct. 14 WHEAT No. 2 hard. S1.07O1 15: No. 2 red. $11601.19; Decemlier, $l.i'ii-1.0-"4; May. $l.u8Vs. CORN No. 2 mixed. 62n; No. I white, OOtiWVrc; I December, 68kjc: Msv, bWic. OAITjt-No. yellow, 47Su'38,.o; No. t mixed, Mitt 85c. B1TTTEH -Creamery. 27c; firsts. 2Cc; seconds. 8V; packing, 19V,c. EGOS Firsts, I4Vtc; seronds, 1943. POULTRY Hens, 12c-; roosters, c; broilers. 16c. , Minneapolis Oral Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 14. WHEAT December, 9044c; May, $1.03; No. 1 hard, $1.0744: No. 1 northern. tl-'8riktPl-M8k. FI)UR Unchanged. H4.RLEY 474j6o. RYE 4Wc. H RAN $18.00. CORN No. 8 yellow, 6WiT7e. OATS No. 3 white. Uif0. FLAX-$1.8441.8,.i. Oil and Rosin. SAVANNAH, G., Oct. 14 TURPEN TINE Firm, 40c ; sales, 189 Jhls.: re ceipts, 1H8 bbls. ; shipments, 1X9 bbls.; stock, 10.807 bbls. ROHIN Firm; sale, 944 bbls ; receipts. m bbls.; no shipments; stock. 58, 0U bbls. Quote: A. B, C. D, R. F, $106; (, $X.G7S; H, $370; I. II SO: K, $4.06; M. 86.06; N. $r40; WO. t.0lV815; WW, 86.104jH.40. Llversl Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 14 WHEAT-Spot, No. t Manitoba, 12s 2Vid; No. i. 12a 11; No. t, 12s 4d; No. 1 northern Duluth, lis ltd: No. 1 hard winter, 12 2d. CORN Spot, Amerlran mixed, new, 8s d. London Steek Market, IX1NDON. Oct. 14 American securities on the stock market were Inactive. The principal business was in Canadian Pa cific, houthsrn Hallway and Southern Pacific at stesdy prices. Copper sharea were weak with the metal. Dry Good Market, NEW YORK, Oct. 14 -Cotton goods firm; blesihed goods .dvsnced half a cent a yard: fine goous active; yarns firm; men's wear active and knit goods In active demand for fall and spring. Sasjar Market. NFTW YORK. Oct. 14 44UGAR Raw, barely steady; centrifugal, 4.01e; molassea, $ I4c. Refined, quiet. Futures onened ea-der today; at noon prices were M points l.wer. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralta NEW YORK. Oct. 14.-EVAPORATEI8 APPLES Quiet. DHIKD FRUITS Prunes, flrrrt. Apri cots and peaches, stesdy. Raisins, firm. NEW YORK BANKERS ARE TO TRY SQUASH NEW YORK. Oct. 14. One hundred or mora of the leading bankers of the finan cing district are organising a bankers' athletic club, whl.-h 1 expected to be the wealthiest athletic organisation In the for sqiiNsh, hand bsll and other games will he In the club rooms in thn Fqtl'nble bilk! g. Oppcruni !e for is - qtet. tennis, fencing, boxing snd gym- Oood Cih Demand snd Light Re Cfiptt Snd Whtat Pricft Up One to Three Cents. CORN IS Q00D TODAY Day'i Session it Distinctly Irregular j When it it Not Reactionary. 'MOTOR SHARES ARE STRONG OMAHA. October 14. 1916. Wheat wss very strong, selling ltiflHc higher, with a very good rash demand. Light receipts of all cereals sends cssh merket tip. Corn wm m gMod seller todsy, advanc ing 14J1V.C iats sold higher thsn yeeterdsv. selling SiVc hlsher. Rve wbs quoted 1c higher. Itvrlev wss nomln'W unchnnge". Ciesrancea were: Whest Bnd flour, equal to Ml.Onn bushels; corn, 8,000 bush els; nets, 9.0110 bushels. Uverpool close: Wheat, unchanged te Id higher; corn, unchanged to Id hWher. rrlmsrv wheat receipts were l.fipi.trt bushels and shipments 1.616.HOJ bushels, sgalnat receipts ef 1.709,000 bushels and shipments of TSI.OOit bushels lsst vear. Primary corn receU-ts were 3H,000 hush els and Shipments 481. flno bushels, sgalnst receipts of S?7.0no bushels and ahlpmente of 1ih.000 bushels last year. Prltnarv osts rei-elpts were 810.000 bush els and shipments 9tf.0n0 bushels, against revelpts of 1,014.000 buehels and shipments of 6M.O0O bushels lsst venr. CARLOT RECEIPTS. W heat. Com. Gets Chicago .... Minneapolis Duluth Omaha Knnui City Winnipeg Pale reported today 806 IM . X.' S ...VM .. 61 .181 1,4X1 Wheat No 12 6 8X8 hard winter: $ cars, transfer. 81.10. No. 8 hard winter: I ear. $1 o; 1 car. $1.07; "tk cars. $I.H 1 car. $I WH. No, 1 hnrd winter: 1 car, $1.04; 1 ear, $1.'S; 2 cars, $1 U; $ oars, $1.08; $ ears, $1.01; i csra, $1 00; 1 car, 9te. Sample: i cars, fl 00, 1 car, 87e; 1 car, 9o; 1 ear, 96c; 1 ear, 98c; 1 car. screenings. 86. No. S spring: 1 car, $1.01. No, 8 durum: 8 cars, $l.i4. No; 4 mixed. I far. $1.02. No. 8 vslvet rhaff: 1 car. 81.0HV; I cars. $t.064. No. 8 velvet chaff: $ cars, $1 l9; I ears. $1.06. Rye No. 8: $ ear. 94c No. t: 1 car, 9SV; 8 cars. 2e. No. 4' 1 cur, 91V; t cars. 91c. Sampiv: 1 ear. Ulc. Barley Sample: 1 car. 44o. Corn No. 7 white: 8 car, (so: I oar. oeo. Ni. while: 1 car. Vo. 1 ye'lo-.v: 1 ear lc. No. 8 yellow: $ oar, tlo; I ear OVc No. yellrrw: IS ears, 04o. No, i mixed: I cars, 80c. No. $ mixed: 1 car, 80V; 8 ears. 0o. No. $ mixed' I ear, tc. Oat No. I white! t cars, 3e, Standard: 1 ear, No. 8 whit: 1 cars. 8dc; W cars, 84Vo; oars, 84Vc No, 4 white: H curs, 14V; 1 car, 84a. Sam ple: 1 car. 31V. Omaha Cash price Whest: No. t tur key. I1.lim.18; No. $ turkey, tl.0m.U; No t hard. $1 OMfl 10: No. $ hard, 81 06 l.m; No. 4 hard. 97001.04: No. $ spring. 81 04frl 06: No. 8 soring, it 0fl 04: No, i durum. 9WcJ1 00- No. I durum, 98So; no grade, DWC41.W. torn: no. 1 wnite, 69tioo, No. $ while. stVWwVj No. 4 white. 5U&Wkc; No. t white, 5BV; No. 8 while. 64k4T6V No. 1 yellow, wi4 tjiilr; No. I yellow, 4DH4M10; No. 4 yellow. Mfrftr- No. 6 yellow, 00TJ40V; No. t yellow tiHktreuvto; io. 1 mixea, wtrnovM!; No. Tdxsd. 6ifWHe: No. 4 mixed. 8 80c: No. 6 mixed, 69H4jTje; No. 8 mixed, rH tiitc. Usts: no. I wnite, Jt.wjinooc; BTsna srd, V1i4V.r: No- ' white. 8S4Q-34Ve. Hsrley: Malting. 4WHe: No. 1 feed. 4!lV4 NKV- Rye: No. I. SCStWc; No, V 947 Ch'l'l Ree it broke 1 1, Omaha go closing price, furnished The I,ogan Bryan, stock ana grant 316 South Sixteenth street. "Wheatl Deo.. I May. Corn Deo.. May. Oata Dee.. May. TVrk Dec., Dec. Jan.. Lard Oct.. Jan. Ribs Oct.. Jan.. I 1 m9 1 o 1 txu. 61tlWik SKMiflwl 4t4roTk I 16 IS . 16 16 18 00 82U 7IV9J 1 09H 1 mk 69Vj im 40 ArtlcleJOpenJ Hlgh.j low. cnoee.Yea y. 10H 1 07 68H 80 87S 1 oiwt om 1 I .r'4b Oata. t 76 16 46 18 20 966 9 nm 9 76 9 86 9 7atp70)9 HVytH 9 76 16 16 17 93 9 2H 9 TO 76 8 70 1 07S4 0tiV4ii 88H 8H -Jy. 16 !W 18 00 9IVI 9 70 86 970 t 09H 69V4v; l 81U STsU40 MoD, 16 80 18 00 9 80 9 97H 9 76 9 76 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of tk TrstUg and Closlna; Price on Board ef Trade. CHICAGO, Oot. 14. Wheat showed de rided weakness ths greater part of the time today, although In the middle of the session the market for a while made a lively rally. Ilearlsh cable formed the chief depressing influence. The market closed heavy, llSc to 2V net lower, with Decemlier at Jl.OfiWUKI and May at I1.07H. Corn finished tflo down t V up, oats lAtPSc lower to V advance and provisions varying from 60 decline to a raise of loo. Unrespnrifilvrnesa at Liverpool concern ing yesterday's sharp upturn In prloes on this side of the Atlantic put the wheat bulls at a disadvantage from the start. Advices were at hand also that France was obtaining shipment on a liberal scale from northern porta of Russia, one day's total being represented as 9fln,0i0 bushels. Moreover, country offerings in the Dakotss and Minnesota were said to have increased to a material extent owing to better went her. Assertions, however, that Europeans were buying futures her and milling demand In the northwest was of a persistent character led toward a de cided upturn In values, with gossip mean while current that a big new foreign rredlt In the United States was likely to be established. The stimulus to buying, though, felled to isat. In the late trade selling pressure on wheat developed with renewed energy, ascribed In the main to prospects for larger arrivals at spring crop terminals before the end of the week. Considerable attention was also given to a bearish esti mate from Rome as to the world' total yield, the fact being overlooked that the ame estimate had been given out three weeks ago by the Dwpartment of Agri culture at Washington. Otrn swayed with whejt. The southern sections of the belt were offering new crop shipments more freely. In tha oats crowd good export business had a steady ing Influence. Weakness of other grain prevented any radical advance. Investment buying made provisions somewhat firm. Packers, though, were Inclined to stick to th hard spots. NEW YORK GESIChtL MARKET 4tnottlon of t Day Varlns Commodities. NEW YORJC, Oct. 14.-FLOUR-Unset-tled. WHEAT Spot, easy: No. t red and No. t hard, nominal; No. i northern, Duluth, S1.12M. and No. 1 northern, Manitoba, $1.0t, c. 1. f. Uuffalo. Futures, feverish; De cember. $1.14. CORN Spot, steady; No. t yellow, 7o, prompt shipment. OATi Hpot, easy; No. I whit, 4Ha 41V. HAY-Hteadv; No. 1, $1 JOC1.I7V4: No. 2. $1.0'.$ 1. Id; No. 8, 90.iill.00; shipping, 76 tU . HOPS Steady; stste, common to choice. 1KI6 crop, 22-J80C; 1914 crop, 8IJ12c; Pacific roast, 1U16 crop, lUtftic; 1914 Crop. lllBlSo. , HIDES Firm; Bogota,. 809131c; Central Anierh a, U -. LEATHER Firm; hemlock flrts. S21J SSc; secomlM. 110:12c. , TALLOW Firm; city, 6V; country, 1 ttr; special. 7V. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mess. $16 00; family. KO.'MiTibO, short clears. 1).F(r70.0u. Beef, stesdy; mess, SK.libJ 17 00; family, $IM)03 Itt.OO. Lard, firmer; middle west, $.K$ 10.06. Ml 'TTKH V taker: receipts. 10.864 tubs' creamer)', extras, 2XVtVa&V; firsts, 2!f Jto: seconds. HiiXV. KOiJS I'r.f uttlid, receipts, 10.21 cases; fresh gathr-red. extrss. 24fiX; extra firms, 21 4 -32c; flrsU. 27i)c; seconds. 4j0c. CHEESE Steady; receipts, 8.S31 boxes; state, whole milk, fre-i, flats, speclala white arid colored same, average fancy. 14,c Pol'LTKY Dressed. firm: western fresh chickens, barrel, irti?V: freh fowls, iced. 14.-14 1SV. frosen turkeys, 184.$ 2.V. St. I.onls Grain Market. ST LOI'I3 Mo.. Oct. 14 WHEAT No. '5 red. 11 "'J -: T: No. 8 hard, $1.17, December. f1.W4; Mny. $1 .0. CORN No. 2.; No. $ white, 3Uc: lecember, 6f.Se: Msy, MV- OATH No. 2, nominal; No. t white, nomliieX NEW YORK, Oct. 14 Eliminating some of the highly speculative war Issues and other shares indirectly related thereto, todsy's market wss distinctly Irregular when not reactionary. Ralls, ss a whole, were heavy, a fsrt attributed to further foreign selling. The same reason applied to I nlted States Steel, which held ta plsce as lender, but showed decided pres sure, every effort to elevate the stock be ing met by Increased offerings. Coppers, Tennessee and American Smelting ex cepted, also met th same fate and other Issues ef recent prominence suggested ll'iuldatlon. Motor stocks were the only features of strength, with the following new records: Wlllys-Overlsnd. up 9 to tS; Maxwell, first and second preferred, up 1 snd 2. at SB' and M, respectively, and Stude baker, $ to Itrr. Other new records In cluded Bethlehem Steel. 8 to 47; Pitts burgh Coal, 1H to 42H; the preferred, I to 114. and South Porto Rico Sugar, which added 81 points to Its recent phenomenal advance, at 149. lias shares enlivened the mld-sesslon. Consolidated rising 7S to 140 on reports of an early "extra'.' dividend of substan tial proportions. nrooklyn Dnlon tlu and the People's Gas of Chicago also arose materially. Many of thesa gain were reduced or entirely obliterated in the last hour. Some specialties, notably JMudebaker, re corded substantial net declines. General Motors, Hsldwln Iicomotlre, American lxicomotive, Oeneral Electric,, Cruel We Steel, l44ckawanna Steel and Continental Can were heavy to weak through the ses sion. Final dealings mowed a renewal nf selling, with price at their lowest avsrsge. Total sales of LOOu.oOO share were the smallest of any full session In over a fortnight. The weekly bank statements of th Rank of England and th Rank of Franc were Interesting for their widely different exhibits. The Pank of England showed a gold decrease of 96,600.00, with soma strengthening of It liability reserve, while the Rank of France Increased Its gold holding by over 89.0U.0U0, bat ex panded Its not circulation by almost $14, wO.ouo. llonds were again Irregular, weakneaw In some quarters being offset by iMa talned strength In convertible Issue. To tal sales, par value, atnrnurated 14,771,000, Government bond were unchanged on call. Number of sale and leading quotations on stork were a follows: galea Hlti. Low. Claa. Alaska Oolt . , Ailt41hslniars Amsrtean bmmi Sugar. .... AsHs t'as Asiertesn LeoereetlTe ,. Amsriran . R Am. 8 R. M Am. Susar Rstlnlns , Amarlosn Tel Tal Ameiiosn Tnhaeo , Ansonnit Copesr Atrhlma Hai4wtn lenmstlT .... naltlmoca a Otilo IMhlilws steal BnxrTB ItselS Transit., t'allfnnils ivraleia .... Caasdlan Psotrto Hsnlral iMIter tlieasvasks a (Ale. (tilreso U. W Chiiwao, M. a at, p Phli-aso A N. W CMw-o. R. I. P. Rr. China Cevper (Nilonuta F'nel a Iran.... Owlbla Slesl lkMiTer A R. a. pi liutlllsra' riersrltlM .... Kris Oontral Clertrle Orsal Northern ptA Oraat No Or elfa auRceshetm Ktiptorstlon. Illlnola antral Intartwroush toe. Corp. Ineplratlnn tppar Intarnatlonnl Harvsator.. Kaniaa Hr Bautbarn... lhlsh Vsllay Ixmlptllla NahTllls.. Maitcan Patroleum .... Miami t'aepar Mtaaourt. K. T Mlaaouri Paoltle Nnllonal Blarult Nallnnal, Ie4 Navstta ttpar Naw Tsrk Oseti-al N. Y , Ni H- A U...... Nortel It A Waatsra Northern Psoiris Psotrio Mall Paolfle Tal. Tal....... PannsrlTtnla PullavM ralae Car Har I'm. Copper Raaillns Ilavublla Iron Steal... gnulharn Parlfle Potifharn Railway Htuilahakae Cnmpsnr Tannaaaae Ctippar Taxaa rninpaav t nlon Parltle I'slsn Parlfle pf4 tlsltas auiM atasl 11, . Ktaet pM t'tah Coppar Waatant t'slon Weatlnchouas Blertrta . Montana Hnwar Ganeral Minors 44 i 41 41 4.V 4.404 7.IM 8. MS new I. Hi . m 10S 0 111 8,no 114 1MH M4 1 touts in 119 111 4" IM It, toe TT 4.t 104 it 1(1 8.11 74 9T.40A ist s i m tn nk an, 447 tr 14 447 41 1 4 ty ASK I.SM 14 l'n I" '4 114 02 17 8.40S t too 1W 14, e 14,4110 'i'.im It.!" ll.lfO M K 4 'iH 4 at sn no -4;4 1 8 M 174 1 4 lNk I 12 H 4ft M 1 17 II .t 1 lit 17 1 l. son 14 4 I e m Ml V 74 4"t ; in 4 1 1 4 ' 104 11 4 11 100 7.4 HI 81 4.7IW 44j i.rno 67J 4.1O0 1110 0.!- 44 1.1)10 114 in i t '4j !7'4 74 71 1-86 : 44 It t 121 't 1 f o 4 l:'S r l''t - f.i 11 'i' l.T) 111 111 111 100 It 44 44 l.o 1; ll.jen r. 7 4 1K4 : 77 MS 80 IM 4 in 1 -1 4j i" I. frt It 4I0 n i- r.iooo tn 4 f7H Mi !4 7. F4 "US 14 "I 'S li:S 13S IC4- 1"S II 114.700 lt4 l? HH. l.tM 114 114V, 114 71 U.t 7.1 44 mo 1-4 It) M.MO 4 Toul salas for th dar. absras. MS 71 B7 13) New York Money Market. NF5W TOTtK. Oct. 14.-MF.RCANTILB PAPHJfl aft1 per cent. BTEHUNU EXC4ANOB-4-day bill. $4 8060; demand. $4 6776; cables. 4.5. SlbVEK-llar. 4Sc; Mexican dollar. HONI9 Oovernment, steady; railroad. Irregular. T1MB IOANB Firmer; 80 days. tW per cent; 90 deya, 8 per cent; six months, 110X3 4 per cent. CAUL MONET Steady; high. 1 per cent; low, 14 per cent; ruling rat, 14 per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; closing bid 14 per oent; offered at t per cant. Closing quotation on bonds today wer a follows: .. T Ma Pes. rr. Ss H .. 1 N. T. O. Sab. a.. ..!' ..l(alif. T. Clir 4s....l0i ,.10l)N. T. I lata 4a....l0v w. t . m. h. a n ..1(10 ST. 4s ..!( No. Paeifls 4s Am. almaltsrs 4a do Is 1 T A T a. 4..IM (I. a L nl. 4a... Armour Co. 4s.. t Paa. T. T Is. Amhlaoa sen. 4a. ... I Pena. sea. 4s.., Dal. A OMe 4a. 17 to (aa. 4s..., Can. Pacific 1st 80 ".naillDS las. 4s., Cbes. a Ohio 4s . 4I4. U as. P. r. C. B. 1. 1 4a ... nma. ras. er. ss iuisj C M A g 4s..lo do raf. 4s C R. I. P. r. 4s. . Rallwar is O. tl. rat. 4a.... 0t;nlnn Partria 4a.... p. R. O. rat. 4s.. W do or. 4a la Brls n. 4s T1V. tk. Rnhbar 4a... 0344, (ion. Blantrt as.. ...104 U. n. dul Is 4j Ot. No. lat 4 MWahah lat In ml III. Cos. raf. 4a 14 Want, t'ntoa 4s. ... 41 K. C. no. rat aa..., It Waat. Bla. sr. 4s. .14 U A N snt. 4a..... rAnilo-rrnch Is .... 94 St. K. A T. 1st 4s.. 79 BI4. C. B. rof. 8s. rag do coupon ..... C. C. a. rag 4a soupos TJ. . rag.' 4a coupon Panama la eoupoa 114 ... 9144 ... (i2 ... r ... M a It I.oeal atoek and Bonds. Quotation furnished by Burns, Kr'nkef A Co.. 449 Omaha National bank build ing. Omaha, Neb.: Stocks Bid. Asked. Americsn Prug Syndicate .... 9 11 Avery company, wfd 84 Deere company, preferred.... 9n4 98 Fairmont Creamery, pfd. ....WHtj .Kalrmony Creamery, com IH Lin. T. 4 T. Co., common. O. A C. B. St. Ry pfd O. A C. 11. Ky it II., pfd. O. C. B. St. KV., com... Nye-Schnelder-Fowler Co. ... t'nlon Stock Yards, Stock . Bulxburger ft Sons I'pdlke Gram, common' lionds Anglo-French 5 pet notes. 1910 9.) Chicago Mtnliipal 4s, l'j'JS.... fcS'j l,llK-o,n T. '1'. 1":J .... 91 Is Angeles Rallwsv bm 140.. Hi Kl I'aso. Tex.. Srh.-uil 6s, li5.102 Kaufman County, Tex., 6s, 1968 91 Metropolitan Oas fs, 1-H 91 CHruths Audltorum 4Hs. 193i 9tH4 Omaha Water 4'-ts. 141 ....100 Omaha Gas it. 1917 9vt Menhsnts H. A I.. 5a. HC2 .... 93 Pacific T. r. b. 1SHI 97 Wichita V. 8-k. Yds. 6s, 1931.. 99 Swift A Co M 70 tU 47H 97'i 91 98 13r4 W 72 66 W. 8i y u 2 tol 94 s;i M's 87 HSJ 9) 91 l'l lO-'W Vj 94 Hi's K 9.. In Your Business Tom SCJtow tk Taota. Tot Tacts aboat Stock aad Bond st iat iMkisrui $ rucKtT uandai. lasueS montblr r paaaa. InTaluable to la Taatora glvaa praaaat Btarhat T4luoe aa4 pravloua fluctulatloos of oil Uatod Storka an4 Boooa. Vaur Brokar will bo glad to giro you S copr froo. or you cos ftroctua rurrent eooT.for 10a from Tha naUI rreas. H4 free! kt..twVsrfc jj American Talephona & Telegraph Co A dividend of Two Do'lar per ahart will be o Id on Friday, October 1$, I91i, to stockholders of record at th close of busintss on Thursday, September 89 1918. CL D. MILNBL Traaaurer.