TITE HEE: OMAHA, OCTOBER 10b, 1 1 WANT ADS Want mil received ( any time, but t tnanr nrr-per rlilfi tlon miiMt be pre sented kefm- 11 o'clock noon for evening d'tlon and 7 3 p. m. for morning nil Punday edition want ads received after Ouch hour V.11I under the beading. Too Late to Classify." CASH PATES. Vven consecutive time. 1 cent ft word ch Insertion. T wo or more consecutive times, Di conte ft word. On time, t cenlB word. CHARGE FATES. rve eoneecutlv tlniea, cents ft line h Insertion. . ,, Three consecutive time. 10 eenta ft line ach Insertion. On time. 11 rmtl Una. Count lx average word to ft Una. Minimum charge. 10 centa. An dvertlement Inserted to ! run ntll diaccr.llnued mut bo stopped by written order. . . . All claims for error nwrt M mad within fifteen Cav after the lat Inaer tVon ot the advertisement. Too ca flare your want ad In The Boo bv telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER 1. nr. a Tim and funeral notice 6TRAURE Stanley C, Tueedsy. Grtohar IX aired years, a hla residence, 17 Itorcas atreet. . .i.w Funeral services Friday at 1 f,, from retldence. Interment Gr?,r Park cemetery. Friend welcome. He jaaa a member of the Tllcr' union and camp No. 1H. Woodmen of the W orld. BIRTH! AND DEATH". Blrth-le and Mario Vorl. '??.(a!b Twelfth, alri: Vlrtor I and Ivlitn A. Fleocher. t53S North Twentieth, girl; John InT Kata Horan. IT. boy; Crl and Kllen Johnson, 2444 Fmwn girl; bmrnfl and Ruth Manefel. 8078 Hamilton boy; SCSraVG and Anna Med.ork, fill cc. lur boy: Joseph and OI Nepndal. IS Ho,.th Seventh, girt: Patrick and Wlft Rr.nnan. rt iaAaon. South and girl: Chariea A. and Glady Carey, The, Flelen apartment, boy; J" " js-ora Svea, bo.pltal. boy ; W llliam and Kato bmleek. Twenty-fliwt and B. girl. r- niHtwth n Stnna, hospital. boy; George, and Marjorio Boardman, W Beward. gin. . . . - .v.. Tnhn RMiniHinL 43. noeriltai, r,i. n inieroe. 64. hospttal; WUlada Rottenbont. OA. hoai.ital; Mary Marfan, m, HI Jaekoon: William Beatty. a, Tnrrty-elKhth and Harney; Mary i hron- u in tKi nrit avenue: Henry Ijtatman. 74. Forty-eerenth and IT; Mayer txuier. M, Majeetlo apartmentai jei Hart, -. hoa.lfaJ: Raby Plavln, t 14 Rith PViurteenth: Winnie Bweaka, 6, li!7 South Nlneteonth. SSARRIAOB tlCBfllBI. IJcenee to wed haro been taiued to the following! Name and Realdenee. Taaao J. Wllklno, rand Txland Fadla Woodaon, Orand Ieland FSmer Bherry, Dallaa Center, la.. Theodoeta Hmlth, Omaha Benjamin Rejmolda, Omaha Tern Iewl, Albl. Ia Frwln Bhaff. Qmaha Kdna Jarkaon, Omaha Aire, ... 27 ... 21 ... XI ... 29 ... M ... C ... 1 ... 1 Vfcllnon Putman. Omaha..... A Walkiar. Knit Ikt City. 21 i;tah .' V BUILDING PKRMITf. Rebeca Homellua. m Dorcaa. frame dwellln. n.2w); John Hanaen. X'& North Tw,nt. fifth addlUon. HA): Drake Realty and lion utruct Icon company, 1J to R33 Mouth Thtrtv-flrat. anartment hotiao, $.i0,iii0: W. J. Haaaerbaia. 8103 Lafayette avenue, frame dwelllna:. Z.W 'ary A. Hiaaky, 4V. Hotith Twentieth, Booth Side, r-palra. Home Hulldera, 1 North Thirtieth, frame dwelling, .tn0; Joaeph Mnrrtn Hnnurvie bticfc atora. ttM: Harry Kelly. Ma Burt, brick and atuoco dwelling, lit.wu. rrc?ir.-rrr30r3or?rpir?cr7C?c?'?r?G Ur" ji TODAY'S MOVIE PROGRAM Dawitowt, EMPRESS 1G & DOUGIiAS Tn rough Trouble Water, t-r. VKagrarh. Fltai and Chills. VlUgraph comedy.' Think of tha Money, Lubln comedy. Hearst-Bella; No. KL PRINCESS. 1817-19 DOUQLAS. The celebrated star, Dorothy Otah, In the apeclal fuur-rart Mutual Maalerptoca, Bred In the Bone. Capers of College Chap, clever domed y. Kortk. GRAND, 16th and Binney. James K. Hackett 4 The Prisoner of Zonda' ' Four reels end one real of good comedy. tOTHROP, 24TH AKD LOTHHOp", World Film presents Allen Brady In The lire or vt oman, oeiiau APPOLO. I8J4 LEAVENWORTH. The Quarrel. Vltagraph. A Lasting Lesson, P.lograph. An Unexiiected Romance, Kasanay. The Butterfly's leeson, Vitagraph. Weat. MONROE. 25S5 TARN AM. World Film Corporation presents Relno Pavlee In Bunday, Ethel liarrymora's great stag uccea. taafk aide. BES3E. S4TII AND N, The Ca.ll of the Dance, KaJem. The rVllo Champion, Toibln. ORPHEUM, S4TII AND M. The Garden of Uea, fire-real Broadway Kraal Vaitlll-aBi MOVIES FEATURES TODAY MONROE. 2555 FARNAM Wole1 aT41 . . . OU.tUb.LU, JTU AND M The Garden of Lies, flvo-roel Broadway fctar Fratur. ' FRINCESd, 1817-1 lX)UULAa, The oelebrated star, Dorothy OUh, In the special four-part Mutual MaslerUoca. lired la Uie Hun. ANNOUNCE.MENTS AUCTION. Union Pactflo unclaimed baggage to be aold at pul.ilo autction at Oiuli Van A feivriLse J., k.in and Laaveuwurth bia., 'J'uaa. W td. and Ttiuri. titMi-.ta. iw 11 II and 14. BaU start at 1 o'clock sharp iiu cufnern 10 I aoia u rii,iiMit bki aara. lAid Auction Co.. Auctioneers. o. 1 viirn, un. kKe Aitil ijUSl.NKSa COLLEUU 8TL'DENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSES. For Okie, with good reasone for eelllng. varvty or couitra in a reliable bul nee v hoot. one of tl.e leading buaint-as colics o Omaha. Will be auld very raoi!ati-awy below regular prl If you are rorudderlng taking a course InvrMljitta this at oiue, kin- Fall tvrta bminu mi.itn. "lt offHe. inha liao. L.s.UClt:& at T-UZ CrA3Uualna rue a' AlTOMOniLKS Wbenever you are coneidcrlng aelllnr or biiyli.B a neotl car and you want full value for rnur mnr or you want people who are willing to pay for what thvy are getting you will have no re;rrt Ir you buy or advertise throuch the ue.1 car Oolurrn of The Mce. I,ne T'r b. F()TniAI.F.'Mrtche' 1914. run only 4"0 nille. k-paaeenrcr. complete wMh eleo- trlo atarter and llahta, et cover, five good tire and winter top. Aio Btearn Kniftht 1911, in rtlorit running order. M,l eil or trade ( all K. M. 1'etera, Tyler . or Hurney KSM1. Indiietrl! Oarage Co . h Harney pta. Al'TU. clraring houe. Huy, eell and e change tird car t9 parnam. I. Hi M 1 LK9 of mileage In your old tlrea (Rebuilt), fiend tneru to Ulu llllKi I.U., iai Chlcngo St COMBINATION auto for aale. haa truck bed and ran be ued a touting car. toBV. ins. Tel. Webater 744. Overton forb-aky raoiator. toe, dealer KeHRAKKA fiulck Hervlcc ritatlon, UI4 Famam Kt. Fhon Pougia 731 STOP at M24 Florence Hlvd. If you want a f1rt-rlm, flve-paaaenger touring car, Chep. Colfa Ml. tint) RKWAHli for anv maaneto we can't repair Colla rend Hayadorfe.. 11(1 N. lth. Foil HAI-'adllac, t-'. fc-paanger. lii!t overhauled. In good running con dition, a real bargain If you want a car that la well worth tlie money, i ome, 100a It over. Reynold, IWfi ramam nt. AtTOMOnil.K In running order for aalo at ft bargain. Telephone walnut rta. DfHIXESS CllANCFS If vour IiuBtneaa Chance will atand rlald Investigation and ia Juat what It I dvertlaed. or If you ate looking to atart In hiiHinBa tnr vnuraeif vou will be per fectly latlsfled If you use the Rucineaa Chance column of The H Hee. When buy Ing or aelilni a bualneae Phone Tyler loto. HOOK and atatlonery etore for aale on account of other Interest: oner lor ale only atore of Ita kind In county aeat town of IUD0. eaatern renraaa; invoice bout Z.wo; nargam ror can; a" com. aemirei. Aoorep i n". li(OI bualnee. cheap. Oate Cltjr Hug factory, cleara 10 a mo. N. 14th. FOR BALK Auto bualne, eatabllnhed agency for low-priced car; Nebraika and aome Iowa territory; email Mock, and can be handled on email capital; good location; rent very cheap. Addre C 117, Re. 1'AItTNKll for dreoamaklpg. Tyler 24W. FOR BALF. Oood hardware etok and bualnee In wentern Nebraska, iiox Pent f Uluff, Neh. lAkP:nT for ale;"come and aea It; good reeaon for eelllng. 1W ft. Mar.vg Ave. WILL aell at once, grocery Block and fix ture, cnmnleta. value for I'M. In clude horae, wagon and harneea. chance for fine meat bulnea In connection, lei I). SWT or call at 1548 B. 14th Bt. iH'hl.Nh.Sd plat, land, city properly. handled all states. JIM WKAl, Bloux City, la. OOOD saloon In county aeat town; Her man locality, yearly receipts 18,Kry, sure llcene. Addrces K 21K. Hee. RKHTAURANT for aale, good location, cheap price. Ask John Immark, Dodg hotel, nth and Iodge Kts Tel. Doug. vi FOR BALK or trade, garage doing pay ing uunlnesa. Agency ior gnna aeiiiug car. T. J. 1 , tK . ri. 11th. Mncoln. ONLY meat market Iowa town, 12. OO handles It JIM WRAV, SIOUX CITY. GROCF:ilY and oonfectloncry store cheap, 0 If ' taken now. Tel. Web. 4M. TA1IR and cleaning store for sale, reasonable. Good chance to make money Must be sold quick. Call M N. Wlh 81 TO BICLL or buy m bvslneas, call on Jtusch Rorehoff. Frenter Hlk. I. Ml. TO GET In or out o buslneaa call on OANOK8TAD, 423 Be Bldg. Doug. S477. THEATERS Huy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Kxch. Co., 140 Fa mam. 1. 1.000 EQUITY in property renting for 114 per month, for land, lota, acreage or Interest In business. Box 711, Omaha. EK Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In established shows. D. " NtVrk and mortgage due In i years, drawing 4J per rent, secured by Omaha. real estate. Aonran u, iiei. 1 HAVE apposition open In my bust ness for ft young man who can give me hla services and make an in vestment of tM. I will pay a good salary and Interest on his Invest ment. Box K m. Bee. ONLY plctu M IUI . mi l. r. . V " I . , , 200. JIM WRAY, BIOUX CITY. price 11, WANTED Toung man partner in my store; will guarantee over 100 ft month; Investment of td"0 required, aeoured. Box L 100. Be. FOR BALK A good, clean alock of cloth Ing, furnishings and shoes, doing ths leading business In a good northraat Ne braska town or l.ouu; oon i answer ume you mean bualne, and talk fast, a this ad won't appear In thla paper long. Ad dreas Y 71. Hee. BF-ST restaurant. Bo. Dak. town. 4,w); price H.auo, JIM WKAi, eiuuA v 11 . HooaataaT Kaoara for Male. I ROOMS of furniture for aalo at ft bar- Kitln. cheap reut. gooa locai.on. ui N. 17th. 10-R. FURNISHED, 1360 caah. D. tiiO. EDUCATIONAL Hoyleo Bldg. To). D. 1M6, Omaha. Neb. FOR sale, in following scnoiaranips in ft rlrt claas vnnana nuainsaa wouege; One unlimited oomblnaUon buslneaa and rhorthand courao. One unlimited sienograpnio ootrrao. One three-moolba buslneaa or steno graphic course.. Will be aold at ft discount ftt tha offloe Of The Omaha pee- DAY SCHOOL BOY LBS COLLEX1B . NIQHT SCHOOL Rnrv dav la anrollmr.t day. Book keeping. Bhorthand, blenotypy. Typewrit ing, Telegrapny, nyii oervicw an Lonr marolai aud English branch. Catalogue Ir. Uth and Harney Bta. Tel. Douglas 166. Tlxo VAN 8 ANT SCHOOL 6TENOORAPH Y-BOOXKEEPlNa Day School for Young Women. Evening bchoul (or Young Alea and Women, iiaturday maralnc olaaa In tyuewnting. Ion C, Duffy. Owner ftnd at an agar. 304 Bo Uth Bt Omftha, HXi EKT lady atenographer wilt tako Duptia: ahorthand. touch typewriting. spelling ftnd punctuation taught. Indi vidual instruction, iui ioustaa du Walnut 21. POK SALS FOR 8ALEJ Here Is ft claaamoatlon that la ot tha utmost Import dc to every reader, aa this column offers some excep- lluiuil oppoliunitiea every uay ana ft small want ad will sell your article at I la full value, fnone -1 yier rw or clothing house. Call at 1116 N. l&th St.. or phone Wal. 7M. Dottl-C. bought anu sold. J. C. Reed. lesK3 VM jr,irBm (J,, rOUglaa i4t Horaaa 4 VSi:cla. FARM wagon. harneaa. $30; both new. Johnaon-Daufurlb Co., 16th and Clark Bt. BOLD BUKUEL mare, weight l.oO, baiura and rubber tired top buggy, $.'6. TeL W aluut I7W. Ms.lril llriU. STRICTLY high grade piano. Web. F. Pwaitrr. Kfta baille. UXI) grain, luv Iba. II 75. Wagner. 801 N 18. llr-KtUTIl'l. matrices make tba beat Bod cbeapait linuig for poultry Uuumm. They ara LxXt inch, atrunger and nmr 'irabla than tarred fell and piavtically llrrpUHf. ;ye a bundrvd at Tba ! uftits. Trrrl.r, I'NDEKWOOD, barcaln. PUou D. 1147. F.rll-r,. M.-arftol. .-d. E- J V Al VvBTAPI H IJNM ,21 BARGAINS IN FURNITUKK AND okVm? 't , VrTA VLrVMwV-" "ilTMVBai.n. Tfc CANO AtVENO X, iBU, FOR BALE Wardrobe aultabl for off Ice I ITT-i-m: "rrrr.rr-rT . .. . -r- FOIt R.I.K l ierrllanenaie. FOR PAI R New ard second hand rsmrn and pocket brilaM tihin and bowlInK alley and acceaeorlea; bar fliture of all klno: eney rayment The Mrunvwlck-lalke-Collenffer t o.. (7-4'0 P. lt'th Ht X 7 Becond-hand nnr, dynamos. If:1VV niagnetoa, etc., mech.-vnlcal 1 w f reialrs X lran tlectrl.! Works Jltjn H uih ft o FOR BALR CHICAP Puslneea College roure. FtiTI and complete rcholrhlp In nna of the tet Oma' a buemns schools. Uood reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full prlc, but will be aoH very reaa-mably. if Interested lnvetlgte t once, because fall term bejn soon. There are a variety of courses foe aale. For particular Inaulra at the ofllco of The ctmaha He. FOR BALK J aowa. ferrow about Nov. 1:1 Immune Duroc bonr: 1 slnalo wagon wlih dump board. Al Calllcr, a:Jj Vernon v. Golden Went Whlfky. 4 full arta bott.ed In bond, pre Id. r ack ley Brna.. Omaha CAKPF.NTF.lt tool, elioveia, eledge. pict. Iackcrewa. It penny match vend ing machines. Sue each. Horse, harness, wagon, 100. One elc-trlu piano. J. C. 1HII. lOtl 8. th St Harney l HFI,P WANTED F EM A LB f lerlcal 4 Office. CAPHIER, COUNCIL P.LUFFM IW) BUBINKSS MK.N'H REFER KNCH A93 N, If Woodmen of World. 4 cent and Kdlrinoraf. LADIKH Well dressed and experienced canvaaeers ere) Invited to eea demonetra tlon fant eelllng article. Office, 3U Ware Block, l.-.th and Fsrnam, City. Factory aa4 Tradea. OIR to learn halrdreenlnr. Oppenhelm. V A N f E D Expe ri enced chocol a t e d I iv per; pleca work chedule. Johnson Biscuit Company, Bloux CH, Ia. EXPF.RIF.NCEI sale-girl.-'cloak de , ParUjient; rcfcrcr-e. J. ileiphaud Clothing Co. Ilooarker per m a Oomratte. THIS Servant Glr Problem Bolveil. Tbe Bee will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FR KB? until you get tha deelred result. Thla applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Hluff. Hrlng ad to The Hee office or tolephone Tvler liXO. WANTKIi(Jlrl to a7it a IthlioT e work and care for small child; one attending school half day preferred, phone H. 7oM. WANTEO Olrl for general housework; no washing; small family. Apply to Mr. W. C. Lyle, m Park Ave- WANTED A girl for general housework. 112 Park Ave. Har. 3.t. WAMlili Maid for general houework; reference required. Mr. M B. New man. ajQ ll'iward. Harney K3I&. WANTED-Compctent girl for general housework: no laundry work. Phone Har. DUO. Mil Harney ct WANTED A competent girl for general houneuork, good home. Mrs. Frank K. Clark, 1414 Dewey Ave. Harney 141. WANTE1-A girl for general housework. Mrs. A. P. Tukey, SIM Chicago. Har. 1I74, WANTED-A girl for general boui worn ; good 10 S. JCth St. it once. NEAT appearing girl for general houee i.worf !"" new apartment; 1 In fam- ny. rnwn iiarney mia, vt h. 42 Ht. WMfuri'-VT white girl for general ..J' L ..'Vr"; .no WK' : no washing. lm B. Mlh Wt. Iiarney 621. , WANTED A competent white girl for general housework, one who can cook: no laundry; best wanes. Please call In person at I3T.& Woc.lwirth Ave. on Sun day afternoon or Monday evening. ANTED A competent cook In family of two. where a aeciinrl tnM 1. L..nr mm O 11.V. , , . . . . Vm, WANTKIt-Competent Kill for general ii"run, i none iiarney " " . i p,i a gooa t amoiio girl for gen eral housework; no cooking; S In fam ily. Apply -0 N. 23d Bt. VAenTa.Dh.rZr;?en' i,u"...5,.r' I general housework: nn ennkinv- ,.,.a wages and permanent position to right party. 1S3S fi. 3f.th Ave. " A ANTED Experienced maid for general housework- family of 1; no washing; German or Danish preferred. JJ4 N. bth Ave. WANTED Olrl over 18 to assist wltU housework. If. S10. W.A,Mk;I A irl for o-eneral houaowork. ZH Farnam Bt. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Oood wagea to right party. No washing. 4i60 Davenport Bt. ANTE1A girl for general housework. Bmall family, Oood home to right party. 106 North Jth Bt. WANTED A white girl for c.iokin. .-.i general hiiysework; small family; good wages; rvf.Tonces requlre1. Mrs. Tluy Liggett. 4.":3 DoiiKlas Bt. Walnut 2441 VANTICD Experienced girl for general housework. No laundry work. 119 80. 4th Bt. Harney iWl. WANTED An experienced girl for grtv ernl housework. Rest wk'- given to capable girl. No waahlng.108 Bo. 83d St. WANTEI A good' white girl-for-gerw eral huusework. Bmall family. Mra. H A. Blmon. 2316 Bo. :'d BU I hone Har. 4101. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. Liberal wages and ft good home. References required. SS11) Farnam Bt., Harney 6TH. WANTED A good girl for general house work. 115 Bo. 87th Bt. Phono Har. 4503. WANTED Competent glil who la a good cook; no laundry; good wages. 418 Ho. SSlh Bt. Har. 20uH. al iM-eJIa . LADIEB make shields at homo, $10 for loO. Work aent prepaid. No canvaaa wg. Brnd stamp. Ivanhoo Wfg. Co.. tic 1-oiiis, Mo. YOUNG women coming ta Omaha aa sirnngrYs are Invited to vilt the Young Woinan'g Christian association building at Bt Mary s Ave. and irth Bt, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Ixiok for our travelera' guldu al Union station. 8TKNO.. state experience. K lfi. Hee. WANTED WOMAN-Government clerk ships. Write immediately fur details. Franklin institute Dept. 658 II, Rochester. N. Y. WANTE1 Ladita with tea. her' ex per. ienc or teacher' training, to handle special proposition In I mi all a for next lxty doy. Call Bales Department. Sll Balrd Building. Thursday, October 14th, between a. in. and 10 a. m., and Mon day morning, October 18th, between 9 a. m. end 10 a. m. WANTEIk Woman cook for small hotel in northwest. Mo. Must bo good cook. Btate wage and experience In first let ter. Addresa Y 103. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and utile. OFFICE! aollcllor over telephone, boy aome experience. IS to Dl veara old rnmi personality, good habits, clear voice. llO RlHJERS REP. CO., (40 Paxton Block 8AU1KMAN Implements. ;io and e&p. WATT.1 KKF, CO.. MO-42 Brandela Thea. MANAGER. CUE Ail STATION.. STK-NOURAPHr K 175 BEST coniinanial poalllon. Rogers Ref- vieni-a vo., iu faxion liiK. 8ALEBM AN A-l proposition. Walla Rcf. Co., 8,a-40-4S Prnd. Theater. SALESMEN, luiplvutauL $4u0 and ex lie nee. Look keeper, $?. W ATT B KEF. CO.. ttx-40-43 Brandel The. WANTED Bookkeeper prominent Insur ance of ilea. Must be thurouiily com petent and experienced, otberwUe please do not apply. E 1H4. Baa. HIGH-ORADK commercial poeltlone.-""" WEST Kr.FKREKCK at B ) N D ABSN- 762 Oiuaha Nat Piuk Bldg. Aftsaita, Baleaaaeft wad Hal I arm. COAL agents a anted la every town: get a irlal car. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. AGENTS Wo have a new household protioeitlon: rapid ariler. Write today for our iKiol.let. Desk 1, Great Wealern Bupply Houae. Fort Collins. Colo. AGE.NTjj Anywnne In U. B. writs to oaif for our Piorit-Bharlng Plito. M d lle- sed men prettried. i.e.kiice ui.nei'ea-s-Hiy. p.g iikniey-makliu opl-oi Ci'nlty. l ai i'lj N.mki co., ( -.(. li. Laiubeit uiu.l aUo'.. Pvj tuUKi. Ore. IIKI.P WANTFII MALK Kactorle and Trade WR need men: had o turn do wn two loh let week Intelv: gt In: learn by i .T .ul. . li . ..... - l.ni III.-1 in," l , S 1 " '' f1 11 Jl'ir.., i.ntn- logue I. B. free. Nebraska . Automobile H. ho1. lyeavenworth St. WANTF.D ;ood barter, good wagoe. at once, Addrc Floyd Shoemaker, Heaver City, Neh. WAXTKli Uordon feeder. Pldg Room t, Uee MOLER BARBER COLLEGE LKARV the barhcr trade by ntir sys tem of expert tnatruction and free clinic. Call. or write for catalogue. Omaha, Neb., A. H. MolT, Preiitdent. LEARN THE RARHEK TRADE. TtM'lty Barber college: low rate tuition. Including set of tool; wage paid: elec tric msnaage, nynraunc chair; catalogue free. 1124 Kougia Ht., llniaha rug H'.re Snaps, Joh. Kne t. Bee Rldg. BfTOEMAKKR. rcpalrmsn, who can run wax thread machine and work aome on each trade, sae. nationality and wages MlMellsneo. WANTED Railway mall clerks: ITR.fO month. Omaha examinations coming. Bsmpl nueetlons free. Write Immedi ately. Franklin Institute. Dept 121 II. Itocneater. . y. WANTED A n.an about 3o to tako rharre of ifflre: vacancy Oct. IS. Write K. L. Watoon. Fall City, Neh OOOD MEN WANTED at once to learn auto work to fill positions which we have open right now and are waiting for com petent men. I .earn by our system of actunl work on autos. tractors, elec. starting ay. Free catalog at rnce. AMERICAN AUTO COLLFOB. K"J Fnrnam Bt. Omaha. Neb. VtK.N, with common senee education, who wish government lob. 170 month. hould apply Immediately for full Infor mation. Annress T Km, pee. INTERNATIONAL employment office wants fifty laborers, car repairers, earpentera, flrat-claaa baker, railroad men of all kinds. We speak all languages. J HAVn ft position In my business for ft young man who can give me hi services and make an Investment of 1400; I will pay ft good sAlary and . Interest on his investment. L 1W, Bea. WANTED Toung man as partner In my store: will guarantee over 1100 ft month; Investment of $G00 required. J 197. Boo: Bnsployaaoait Aeeles. . EMPLOYMENT office. 12 Caas Bt. Wo rurnlah rlrst-class hotel and restaurant conks, bakers, dishwashers, waitresses, bell boys and maids. Bpeclal for hotola. hotels. HELP WANTED M ALU ABID fKMtlF., DON'T quit your Job yet, look beyond it; Employ spare time establishing a cir cular mailing bureau many successes, why not yout Our copyright mailing In structions make everything plain. Post paid 2S. Direct Balea Co. gulncy. III. WE want 6,000 men and women In tho next thirty days; live wire partners In every town and city to help us handle our fast Increasing real estate and gen oral agency bulnes. We will share enormous profits with those who will Join us now. You receive a life member ship. Write today for free particulars. B. F. Loos Co., Pes Moines, Ia. o WANTED Man or woman to put out fcat)er ventilator. Bend 10c for samplna and particulars. L. U. Harden, Hole! Neville, Omaha. 8ITUATIO?f WANTET RKLJAHLK colored woman want work as nurse; good references. loug. 74.9). INTELLIGENT light colored girl wishes posltlon in office or bachelor's a Dart- mint. Web. 7072. POSITION wanted by young lady ste - nographer; ono ' year' experience. Webeter 192. ' WANTED Position aa a cook In private family, good references. Tel. Red 67B7. Man, 22 years old,' with 10 years' ex- tlrUnr MB nfflna manner .llmilnp and contractor for ft construction com pany; wants auuuar posiuon. Aaaress 102. Bee. WIDOW lady wishes position aa house keeper in good home; neat and experi enced : desires on western ranch. Ad dress aire. J. Moore, Omaha. General De livery. References If necessary. VOUNU man attendli g Orel h ton wishes work for room and board. Would prefer employment In Catholic, family. Tel. D. 1993. R. 22. between 7 and . YOUNG GIRL wants to assist with gen eral housework. Douglaa St66. EXPERIENCED enKlnoer and electrical operator wishes position. Mills, 2114 Har ney Bt. Douglas t042. BUSINESS MEN Young lady wishes po sition embracing following: Cashier, stenography, bookkeeping: good city ref erence; Interviews confidential, lit fi. 17th Bt. LOST AND FOUND Loat or Found ada in Omaha' Lost and Found mediums nieana the tmmediato re turn of that article if advertised In Tbe Bee. tha Loat and Found paper OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET KAIL WAY COMPANY. Paraona hivbm loat soma article would do well to call up tho office of tho Omaha 4k Council Bluffs Btreet Railway company to ascertain w nether they leil It In the street cars. Many articles each day are. turned In and the company la anxious to restore them t the -Ighlful owner. CaM Doug. LOBT Wedding; ling; reward. Bee offloe. PERSONAL 1M SUBSCRIPTIONS EARNS $3, OHO For the Invalldk Pension association. Tha Ladles Home Journal. 21 W: Satur day Evening Pvat. $1.60; Country Gentle man, i.uu. w neeaea in October. Your order or renewal contributes M cent. Please Phone Douglas 7163. or addrik. GORDON. The Magazine Man. Omaha. TO I' NO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building t Uth Bt and St Mary's A., where they will be directed to ultabie boarding places or otherwise assisted. Ixok fur our travelera' guide at the Unlin station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your jid clothing, furniture, maga tlnes. W collect. We d.strlbute. Phona Douulaa 4136 and our . wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-UU-1114 Dodge Bt. YOUR furnace cleaned, $1; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. IHiug. 414. Suits, gowns and remodel ing at reasonable price. ANNA B18TEK, 201 City National Bank Bldg. SWAPPERS tXJLrMJI Wanted to Swap. Why not adverttae something that you no lunger have any us for and get something you really noedt It coats you nothing to loin the Swappers' club and you will find It lot of fun (wapping thing. Write Room lot, Bee Hldg., or phone Tyler 10"0. ABOUT 60 feet 8-Inch furnace pipe, aal vanlsed Iron, and 7 floor realater. nearly new, will trade for ahotgun, ll calliier rlfl or anything 1 can us, b C. , Bee. Al'TO HORN "Newtone Superior" (Electno: oiwratea on six dry bat teries or storage battery; cost new J10. Also hav new tire pump. Will wp both for Pieato lank or hand-operated Klaxon. Addrecs S. C. 2S1. Bee. Al'TtiMOHlLES For other automobile bargains s the "Automobile claaalfl rr.iiou. BEAUTIFUL, large $i Regina mualo box; large butich of tune neet, to trad for small car. e. c rto. BARNES' book on embalming and un- o.-nan log. nai cave your auraa o. C. 110, Mm. BRAND new. hlgb-grad baby gran piano to swap for good bulluiug lot a. C. r.'S. care Omaha Bee. $2.0u0 Cl.OTHINd slovk for clear cuiLag. B. C. ti, lie. COAL box. del. wauou. cook ftove, heater. double set m-ln. work hirnea. almost nt w. What have you. s. . 311. fee. HWAPrKKS' COIA MX. LltoP heail ee Ing ma.'hlne for atandard mK H-flt cornet. S. C. l-ee. t ivi. ....... i -i . t... n . .ri. - r. ....ir.i i-.i.m ui, i . . new; will tmdo for Aneco folding post card e'xe cnmcia. Adflcos B. I'. IHft. Reo. FOK-EXl'H TaNUE Fur lined overcoat, good condition, for craTetictte or 3J Ciit B c. J. Hee. FIRKLr-BS cooker, nearly lit for sland ard meke R-flnt cornet. S. C. J.'M, l.ee. OtHiD lienemore typewriter, two awap for electric sweeper. B. C. 31-. Hee. (IdUM yilhr; will Hade for chickens. HAVE 5-pacngcr touring car, thor ouhly overhauled and In flrst-claas condition, lll take first mortgage or live stock. B. C. 1, Hce LATHE, motor, emery wheel and stand, entire equipment, to swap for anything. B. C. n. Hoc. . IOTS Two lots at Enid, Okla., valued at lm, for Omaha properly. What have you? Address S. C. 315. care Bee. MANDOLIN Have model F Oibeon mandolin. Coat TT. Caae cost W. Will trade for diamond. Addre B. J. ?, Bee. ONE oak hHll tree, H'johkt cabinet, oak buffet, all in arood condition. Will ex change one or all for furniture that I can ue. Andres 8. C. 2;'4. rn-e. 4-PAf-S. auto, in good order, for engine Inthe, D. c. dynamo, gnsollne engine or lot. What havo you? Addresa 8. C. S. Hoc. QUARTER section southern Wyoming land to exchange for Omaha house or lot. Address 720. llee. ROYAL AOORN base burner No. 47. me dium size, uood as new, to trade' for gaa range with high bnke broiler and worming oven. Addrees B. C. 313, Pee. i2.0xr BTOCK Clothing, for clear totlaie, c will trade M10 to. II.OjO lots for i'jW. Addre B. C. ?no. Pee. BA NITARY couch, kitchen table, spade, two shovel, two rnkea, hoe and coal cuttle, to trade for reading lamp or farm products, auch as Jelly grapes, ap ples, etc. Address. B. C. 2-A. Ho. TO BELL or trade your shotgan or rlfl Bee FRIEDMAN. 1211 Dougiaa. WILL trade my 6-paasenh'er touring car with good top, good tires and high tension magneto for Ford roadster. 8. C. 00. Bee. WII.L trade a dandy 3-year-old saddle ponv with bridle and western snddle for Ford oar or yearling heifers, a C. .. Hee. WILL exchange ft first-class piano plaver with 50 popular rolls for good enok' stove or chickens. S. C. Z7. Bee. WANTED Nearly new, -room house In good location, western Omaha, for clear land with first-class water right, fully paid, five miles of county scat, and aome money. Addresa B 218, Bee. FOR REUT ' Apartmeata aael Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing in tha For Rent column of Tha Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any on desiring to rent. Phone Tyler ICO. CHOICE HEATED APARTMENTS. JNOTH1NO BETTER IN THEIR RE SPECTIVE lOCAT10NB. TUB FICK. 108 South 30th btreet. 8 rooms and sleeping porch; well ar ranged; first class condition: private porch, heat and Janitor service furnished. THE LOOM FA 1007 BOUTH 80TH AVE. 8 large light rooms; conveniently ar ranged; private porch; laundry; private entrances; heat, not and coldi water and Janitor services furnished. 146. THE MASON. StST AND MASONS STB. Apt. No. 66 large light rooms; ideal arrangement; hardwood finish; nicely decorated. $40. TUB CARLYLE. 621 BOUTH 18TH ST. 4 rooms, strictly modern and up-to-date; hardwood finish; tiled bath; large porch; very close in. THE STOECKER. 825 BOUTH 24TH BT. Apt. No. 84 rooms, very light; margaln ftt M summer, $30 winter. All apartments open for inspection. Iink at ihnm tndav. We have others. Sea our complete printed list before rontlng.pATNR ft BLATER CO.. 818 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. $: 10-R. BRICK FLAT, trine nine for boarders and roomers; five minutes' walk, to Union depot,; on car line. AMFRIOAN SECURITY CO.. 17th and Douglas. Dong-la W3. DOWN-TOWtN ROOMERS. Eight-room brick on IRth. $W. O-KETBFB RHAL ESTATE CO.. im Omha National. Douglaa 2716. NEW Apt., 6 rooms and Bleeping porch. 132.60. Call turner w 6-ROOM, modern, practically new flat for rent. Can at mu pq. UNU8UALL.Y dasirable 8-r. corner apt . fine yard. 4032 Ixard. Tel. Wal. 32.9. -kin.nr. 7-r modern. Tel. Doug. 7uf6. avRnOM FLAT, Trm. street from Fontenelle hotel. $125 per month, win sen iurmiura. Dnualaa 6t)13 17th and Douglas 1.1 iiiuiMS-HOT WATER HEAT. Corner of 22d and Howard, $40. OLOVER & SPAIN. Douglas 14. ' City National. ST. CIARE, 24th and Harney Bis, pleaaa n t apajiment. can n. wi. EBTABROOK, 4-r.. modern except heat Close In. U. f. eteooin, ui v nna" f u iPT iiath aleenlna norch. large rooms, beautiruiiy itninea, einciiy ui-to-date: largo porch In -front, private; for rent NOW. Claniuia Apia, m. ONE 4-room and one -room ipt. The Hamilton. Mougiaa ZMts DOUBLE brick flat, 7 rooms and balh. 121 Park Ave. FIVFi rooms, on fire rtoor, modern ex cept heal, jimm no. mm x uuua vwu, 4t. , Hoard Jtooaaa. anen1Bhad Rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort Jn private famllle or boarding nousaa 01 in mn- mt rl.u will be round in in r urnianra Room colurpa ot ln uee. rnone yier 1000. BOARD nd room. IS wk. 1X14 Dougia. XjiX ST. MARY'S AVE.. $4.60 aud $6 week. SPECIAL LOW KATES TO PERMANENT OUEBTS. HOTEL BAN FORD. lth and Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. th and Farnam. Fnralsked Hi FOR RHNT Until April, 1. Furnished fine 8-room stucco house, hot water heat, oil burner garage for two carl healed from the house. Thla is the pret tlest house In the mile on Florence boulevard. Will rent cheap to the rlstht party for the winter. No children. For tnfoi niatlon telephone Iouglaa 7U. FOR RENT Furn. dwelling, 7-room; all mod.; mut be responsible. 260 Harris. LARGE modern aoutheaat room, 2310 S. lid Bt. t'hon nrney zxsi. Forsilsaied Kouiu.. LARGE front room In modern home, good location; I block from car, $ul per month. Phone walnut 7QJ. FURNISHED room; all modern: for one or two. 14 Bpencer. Tel. Web. tM. ELlcCTRlcTllghted. all modern room. Ca. CLEAN. MODERN. NEATLY furnished outaiile rooma. Ma iKxlg St NICE, large furnlohed room; all modern fine location. Ju Wabaler St Phone Ha mey tMX 110 8. .11 ST AVE. Modern. furnUhed room; quiet home; Just what you are looking for. Phone Dou g. 7819. WEST FARNAM. T rooma. furnished. Owner In California fit the winter. S eh. 14:, Ikiuf. 60 13. I rvMiiu uuiiiih CHrmval. il V2 St. Mary' Mi'KI.V furniihed room; clo In; all modern. 6ai a 22d Bt. Mrkrriil Muoaaa. $018 DAVENPORT TWO OR THRES NICELY FURNISHED HKIO. ROOMa. NEW BRICK FLAT. FARNAM. 2Si3 Two nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, steam. it . M a t eliag-. Norlh. T ROOMS. 2427 Chariea 6t; 1; near car. I'hon Walnut 2ut8. CONTINUED ON COLUMN 8EVEN, TaUfl PAQS. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and exiert service that will please the most critical. ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. RF7TCD ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. Hrandel Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee and Ahetrart Vi.. a modern abstract offli"e. C B. 17th Bt. i'hone D. 64S7. A C CO! . T A VT 8 . E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 433-47 Rnmge pldg; Phone Doug. 140ft. ADVliHTUIJIO NOVELTIES. M. F. Bhafer A Co.. 12th. Fsrnam. D. 7474. AMATKIR FINISHING. FILMS derelnned free If Vuechid fmm I'hoto Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ARCHITF.CTS. Kverett B. Dodds. 612 Paxton P1k. D. 80R1. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dickinson. 611 Paxton fclk. D. 154. V.,LJ" ,N- JOHNSON, S W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Douglaa 4!K. A 1 1 TIOIM KER S. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-18 W.O.W. R. AITO ISl HAJit E. AyiTJOMOBIr-E MUTUAL INSURANCE -v., iiouiias auK. AITO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co. 202 Far. D. 5001. BATHS. BATH 214 Balrd Blk.. 17th ftnd Douglaa. BRASS AND IRON FOUJIDRIEsT" Faxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sts. BO.MJI.Xl COMPANIES. OMiAtTA fency Co., 312 Be Bldg. Phone CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. BTEVENSON, 823 & 22d. DouglaB 6620. Iaaard A Bon, 1016 Cap. Ave. T. 1632. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'MTS Dr. J. C. Lftwrenco, 1 Balrd Bids. D. 8461. DR. MACNAMARA. 674 Brandeli' Thea- .... . iimim v.th). CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Buford. 620 Pax. Blk. Red 43R7. COFFEE BY MAIL. Coffee money. Use better 16 I h V, ( U ..DI1. by parcel $3.60. W. A. Pkalfe t Co.. Omaha. Neb." DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' ftcademy. classic. D. 1871. FALL term open at Mackle's. Doug. 6446 GENEVIEVE1 HAUFLAIRE, Rome hotel. TURPIN ACADEMY, 28th and Farnam. Ti?,-86" IV opn' Beginners Mon. and Thurai Advani'eri Tnu ui-i. 1 class Sat. Private lea.on' Vi' DRESSMAKING. Terry Dresamak'g college. 20th & Farnam Clure's Dressmk'g School. 2T.29 California Ml 89 STURDY. 2418 Cass St. Red 7320. DRESSMAKING COLLEGE Kelster'g DresgmaklriB; Col., 1628 City Na. DYERS AND CLEANER?; BTATE Dry Clng. Co.. 130 N. 12th. D. 6072. DETECTIVES. JAME8 ALLAN. SU Neville Block. Evl- dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1134. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. $11 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcklea, 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas. D. 214. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. TELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC Co., Bee Bid. D.3879. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 8065. EVERYTHING FORWOME! ACCORDION, side, knife, aunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstltlchlng, point edging. Em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye.et cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. louglas 1M6. FURNACES AND TIN WORK. II A B ERST ROH, 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATirS, florists, 1804 Farnam St. D. 8000. I HENDERSON, 1814 Douglss. D. 1268. Member Florists Telegraph Del. Aaa'n. HESS SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAOHUE, 1622 Harney. Doug, loot FURRIERS. SAM KNEETER, 1920 Farnam. Red 8RS4. INSTRUCTION. English, French Instruction. 106 Lyric Bid. Jl STILES OF THE PEACE. H. It. CLAIBORNE. 512 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public, deposition steno. C. W. BRTTT. 1 Baker Block. LADIES' TAILORS. MAX SCHWARTZ Formerly with Ml Fox. Open for busl ne; satisfaction guaranteed. 407 Pax.Uk. LANGUAGES. Languages taught; Webster 6564. private or classes. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. TiTTRk'T'M' Thomas. Dougia 251J. LfUIlJVli im Cuming Bt. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS CO. Exchange Bldg. COSTUMES AND LODGE Sl'PPLIEsT MNFG. of lodge regalia and costume. The largeat stock of masquerade and theatrical costume In th country. Theo. IJeben A Son, 1514 Howard. Doug. 4116. MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DAVIDBON MOTORCTCIES. Barguln In ued machine. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man," 27ol Leavenworth. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargain. " NOTIONS. NOTIONS, news, clgara. candy. 183 Park. OSTEOPATHY PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 81 6 Bee Bldg. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay aa you can. Pre. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. " PATENTS. D. O. Barnall. Paxton, Blk. Tel. Red TUT. It. A. Bturgee. (38 Brandels Theater Bldg. PAI5TIXG AM) FAPERIJIO. in'OH M'MASl'S, 417 N. 4oth. H. PILLOWS A.l) BKDUnO, OMAHA PILIOW CO., Mattresses mada to order or remade. Ifsrf Cumin;. D. 1407. PLUMES t LEANED. CT'RLKD, dyed. D. Eisele, 1130 City Nat. I'HISTIMJ. WATERS-PA RNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. Uth 8L CENTRAL Printing Co. DOUGLAS 1754. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas M4. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. O A Opened, repaired, comb. Ah changed. F. H Daven- port. 1408 Dodge, D. 181L SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., 61S B. 12th. D.H11 SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, til a 11 Ifarley Shoe Rep'r. Co., T01 fVtl'm. R 8440 SEWING MACHINES. e rent' Palr sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. "MICKEL'S," . NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglaa lfiffl. STEEL CEILINGS. ARTERJ5heetMetal ompanyllftW. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, eholv ing. etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture Supply Co., 414-18-18 S.12th. Doug. 2724. STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRsT ALL REPAIRS Water fronts, fumaea coils, eto. Quick service. Omaha Stove Repair Wks. 1206-g Douglaa Bt. Tyler 20. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. 62$ TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FREX.INO ft STE1NLE, 1S08 F.er,am P. TYPEWRITERS FOR llfc-.M. RENT an Oliver typewriter t mo. for $S. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1905 Farnam. BUTT'S Typewriter Exchange, 818 S. 18th Bt. All makes for sale or rent. RENT ft "Remington " not Just ft typ writer. Low rent. Call Douglaa 13S4. WATCH SPECIALISTS. ' Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. exr. WEUUISli STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETE3. 201 -S 8. 13th 6t Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinner 11 to $, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, lath and Capitol Ave. Ton-cent lunch. BUT your family liquors ftt Klein's Liquor house, 622 N. 16th. Douglas 18UU. MEDICAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. B. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrhe for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R, TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guarant'd. Ir. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg. RUPTURE cured in few days without pain. Call or wrtta Dr. Wray, 108 Be Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1884. -a FOR RENT Hoftsea ainal Cottaarea. North. FOR RENT Beautiful modern residence, 7 room and bath, at 8V20 Florence Blvd.; hot water heat For particulars phone Colfax 39RO, or call In person. Must be seen to bo appreciated. 6-room cottage, reasonable. Colfax Sr4. 8508 HAMILTON St.. 8-r. house, modern except furnace: 823 Der month. Tal Tyler 1753. 8-ROOM cottage. 1U 8. 28Ut 8t. $14. Water paiu. 416 N. 18TH 8-r.. all mod. flat; well ar ranged for renting rooms; close In, $46. iii . Tia 4-r. flat, steel range, iu stove, kitchen cabinet, water paid, $17. RASP BROS., DOUGLAS 1663. Sontft. t ROOMS-$lS. Fin 5-room Bt. Loula flats. In walking distance; modern; Bhelby court, 22d Bt V block south of Leavenworth St., Ilo. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 1622 Farnam Bt. Doug. 8H8. 114 6. 2lrTH 7-r., all mod. house, newly papered, painted, close In, $25. RABP BKOS DOUGLAS 1868. FOR RENT Modern, 6-toom cottage: furnace beat, electric light full cement basement. 70U S. 37th St Apply at 88 Hoard Bt. 7-R'JOM. modern, im Poppleton Ave. 6-R. house, close in. $15. Tel. Doug. 6034. 8-H. and bath, newly papered and deco rated. $18 mo. 2411 S. 2h. Tel. D. T163. Woet. WALKING DISTANCE-2638 Dodge. tU room modern house, cheap rent at $26. Look It through; key at next door weat W. W. Mitchell, owner. Phono Webstar WD. 7-r. mod, house. 8ti14 Leavenworth. W. 86E0. M iarelianeoas. 807 N. 25th Bt. 10-r.. modern, $38.80. 600 N. 41st St.. 8-r., modern, $35.00. 68 8. 2ftlh Ave., 6-r., modern, $31.50. 23J 8. 18th Bt. 6-r., modern ex. heat, 118. 18 N. 2M h Ave., 4-r.; partly modern, $14. iaj Decatur St., 6-r., partly modern, $12.60. 8. P. BOSTW1CK & SON. Tyler l;iQl 300 Beo Bldg. 8-R. mod. house, $22.60. Tel. Web. 27" BARGAIN A Btiiclly modem 8-room house. First-class condition, convenient to car and school. Good neighborhood, $32.50. Immediate poaaelon. Harney 8978. Globe Van&Storage Ftore. move, packs, shtpa; S-oora vaa and t men, fits per hr.; storage 82 per mo. Eat w a.:ilon guar. D. 4xal A Ty. m FIDELITY MENTAL fcEHVUB FBEK Phona Douglaa tst for complete list of vacant bouses and apartments; also for storage, moving. l''th and J&ckon Bta. Gordon Van Co.S5? Storas. SI N. Uth St Tel. D 14 or Har. 117. GOOD auto aalea room on Farnam Bt Vry reasonable rel. Tgi. Doug. Maggard's an ana fettoraaa Co. Call ua for ea rn tea (or mov- Ing. pacKu. g, shipping. 1713 Webster Bt koiJglas ll SEVEN and five-room houses; modern; walking dint nee. Douglaa 4.SS. TTmiCpis CreUn Son Co., Beo Bld NEWLY I-room worth. furnished front room. 8i. an 1 apartment, $J6, iail Laftven (CONTINUED ON PAGE) FIFTEEN, COLtftH ONTO.