Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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-TllE BEE; . OMAHA. r'RLDAY, . OLTOBEH 15... lllvV
Y . i . r a a i
uanarun Makes
null X till U I
' 25 cent bottle of "Danderine"
keeps hair thick, strong,
Girls! Try this! Doubles beau,
ty of your hair in few
Xi . !
7 i
; vf"- -f - 't - j
'- i
, rrr .1 mi mm m. Hi u i irm ii minim m n mi j
, WJtKtn ton minute after an dpplica.
( fJWttof banctertne you caff not ffnil a ln.
, Vfe fraffl or dandruff or fallfns; hair and
i 'fcuV gralp wiir not Itch, but what will
please yell .most will be after a few
weeks' use, when you sea new hair, fins
ana "downy at' first yes but really' new
; hair growing all over the acalp.
A llttla- Danderine immediately doubles
tje; Mauty. of your hair. ,. No difference
l$w ' 'dull,, .faded, brltUa-and scraggy. Just
ii!stetia cloth with Danderine and care-
-XV j, ii ,i u ... i I ,.1,1.1
' one small strand at a time. The effect la
amastng-your hair will be light,, fluffy
and wavy, and have an appearance of
abundance; an Incomparable luster'. ott
netis and luxuriance. - ' .
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton'a Dan.
deride froro any drug store jor. toilet
counter, and prove that your hair la as
pretty and soft as any that-It has been
ni-srlected or1' injured by careless treat
ment thnt's. all you surely can; have
hofcutirul hair and- lots of It if you will
Just -try a little Danderine.
Ifess Up!
tor Men and Women
. Stc ,
I This ad is worth $1 on pur
I chase cf $10 or over.-
!;120 Soulh 15!h Street
j; 2 Doors North of Douglas.
The safest,soap
lor babies is
" 4tThi is bo, first because it is one
c?f the few soaps which contain
no' free alkali that harsh, drying
chemical which so frequently causes
ectema.or other skin irritation. But,
even more important, it contains the ,
soothing, healing' Resinol medica
tion to keep the delicate skin soft,
clear and beautiful. You can safely
trust your baby's skin health, to,
jiasiaol Soap.-.". . .
'Jlibr-rtldtaWW. Fartrillik-T.'
m to Dept. Wf , kuunol, tuitimor. VI d.
Prescribed by doctors, fr aver Is tr,-iii-Rcmiol
Uuitiiwui, u Utal kia aiiecuona.
Sm (MMfO
orjwfji r. rr,2
Legal Department to Take Hand in
Suit of Brewing Company
Against Rock Island.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES. la., Oct. 14. (Special.)
The state legal department will probably
take a hand In the liquor Injunction ease
brought by the Hamm Prewlng company
In the federal court In Chicago aalnt
the Rock Island Railroad company In
which a temporary Injunction was
granted tgalnst the Rock Island's re
fusing liquor shipments Into Iowa.
The court took the position that tho
old federal law which authorises the de
livery by carrier to the consignee, or j
soma one having a written order from
him, was. good. The attitude of the state !
officials Is that the old law1, relied upon
by tho Chicago court has been superseded
-ba W'obb-Kenyon law. preventing In
rhlpments of liquor' and' com--"-ngnltlon
of state laws In the
delivering liquor. The Iowa
i.. . ,o. ; Ijllvery to anyone other than
tho actua o!-rl:nee.
The cfrcit of the ruling has been that
the Rock Island has accepted liquor ship
ments under the court's order while the
other lines liave continued to refuse ship
ments considered In violation of the
Webb-lTenyon law. . , .
The argument on the question of mak
ing the temporary Injunction permanent
Is to be had In Chicago October II. Btate
officials will probably get into the case
apd seek . to uphold the dignity of the
Iowa law. It Is pointed out that If the
federal courts hold that the Iowa law
may he. deliberately Ignored by reason of
tho old law, which has been ' superseded
by the Webt-Kehyon law, It will mean
that when Iowa goes dry next winter the
gates will be opened for Interstate traffic
and mall order business will have no
Build CJravel Roads.
Now that Polk county has undertaken
the building of graveled roads, cltltens
of Norwalk In Warren county and farm
ers living sear there are planning to
build a graveled road to connect with
the Polk county road intu Dee Moines.
The first graveled road to be undertaken
by the Polk county supervisors la from
the end of the paving on South Ninth
street to the Warren county line. This
brings the end of the graveled road to
within three miles of the corporate limits
of Norwalk. The Norwalk Oood Roads
and ; Improvement association has been
formed and money la being subscribed
. ia build this Intervening three miles of
graveled road. The Warren county Board
: of Supervisors will be aaked to contribute.
This would glvfl a graveled road ten
miles long.
i Creamery Fight Oa.
The fight of the centralised creameries
to obtain reduced freight rates on car
load shipments of dairy products Is being
opposed by the small dairymen and
creameries. Judge Quarton of Algona,
president of the Iowa State Palry as
sociation, has been In Chicago this week
opposing the reduced rate. It will be
discriminatory, he asserts, and will Injure
the co-operative creameries. The big
companies endeavored to secure a, similar
rate from the western freight classifica
tion organisation six years ago, but
failed. Jowa has a law which compels a
pig creamery to pay. uniforms prices for
milk and cream throughout the state and
since It has been In operation the small
creameries have become more numerous.
Now, they say. If the big creameries are
to be favored with rates on carload
shipments, of which the small creameries
could take no advantage, it will be hard
on the small creameries,
t Traak of Whtsky BeUe4.
A trunk, which had made several trips
to Omaha empty and bad come back
filled, aroused suspicion when It appeared
in the baggage room - again last night
heavily laden. Police officials, whose sus
picions had previously been aroused, went
to the baggage room and seised the
trunk.' Upon opening It they found It
contained 'ninety-six pints of whisky.
Waati Books for Farmer.
At the opening session of the Iowa Li
brary association at Colfax, U. L! Dicker
son of Grlnnell, president, made a plea
for the distribution of books to the rural
residents of the state. He said that a
survey of three rural districts by Unlver.
slty of Iowa graduates recently disclosed
the fact that few books were to be found
In these-districts.- The farmer is a good
reader, he said, but he has too few books
to select from. One hundred and seven
librarians and trustees from all over the
state were present.
Boost Iowa Stock at FrUeo.
Iowa breeders of cattle, sheep and swine
have no fear that they are going to lose
much business, because they have not been
permitted to exhibit at the Panama
Pacific exposition. The members of the
Iowa commission, who have been taking
care of Iowa's Interests at the fair, have
prepared a pamphlet setting forth the pre
eminence or lowa as a cattle producing
state and have prefaced it with the grand
champion awards received by Iowa's
horses at the exposition. These pamphlets
are being liberally distributed. Iowa was
only permitted to compete In the utility
horse classes and In these It won every
grand Championship.
Woman is Loaded
withTifty Pints
MASON CITY, Ia. Oct. M.-(Spoclal.)-The
only woman transporter who hss
ever tried to break through the strong
wall thrown about Mason City was ar
rested last Toesdsy. ehe na) htn at
Albert Lea, and In a valise carried fifty
half-pint bottlee of whhy. Ehe refused
to give her name, jut it was leirned
that aha was Mrs., Frances Munaon. She
said the liquor was not for herself, iut
for another. She refuaed to divulge the
name. Judge Hayes fixed her bond at
$100. She was unable to secure this and
was locked up In the county Jail to await
a hearing.
Gideons of Iowa
Elect Off icers
CEDAR FALLS, la., Oct. 14. (Special.)
The Iowa state camp of Gideons. In
session at Cedar Falls this week, elected
the following officers: President, E. O.
Grlswold, Des Moines; first vice presi
dent. F. J. Shomler, Des Moines; second
Vice president. M. E. Orlfflth. Cedsr Rap
Ids; third vlce president, R. . P. Ross,
Sioux City; fourth vice president, E. J.
Rutlcdsre, Ottumwa; chaplain, W. O.
Wright, Nevada; secretary-treasurer, W.
H. Zatorr, Lies Motives.
Iowa Presbyterians
to Meet in Synod
at Cedar Falls
CKDAR FAl.t.B, la, Oct. M. (Sprvlal.)
The thlity-fourth annual meeting of the
synod of Tow of the Presbyterian church
will meet In Odar Falls October 1 to
It Rev. Poott W. Smith. Cedar Raplda,
Is moderator and ' Rev. W. O. Huston,
Dubuque, stated clerk.
Monday next will open the twenty-fir
annual Pabbath school Institute held In
connection with the synod.
The fortieth annual meeting of the For
eign Synodlcal Women's Missionary so
ciety and the thirty-first annual meeting
of the Home Fynodlcal society will hold
meetings In the Paptlst church. The de
nominational colleges will be represented
by President John A.' Marquis, Cos col
lege. Cedar Rapids; President Cornelius
Bteffens. Dubuque college seminary; Pres
ident McOlll. Highland Park college, Dea
Moines; President FX-land, Buena Vista
college, Storm Lake; President McAfea,
Parsons college. Toledo, and Frank Wil
liamson, Hopklnton, Lenox college.
DAVENPORT, la., Oct. 14. A two-day
mid-west conference on preparedness
opened here at noon today with a lunch
eon at which Senator Kenyon of Iowa,
W. M Iewls, secretary of the Navy
LeaguS of the United States; Congress
man Thomas F. Konop of Wisconsin and
Congressman Adolph J. Sabath of Illi
nois spoke.
Senator Cummins, Iowa; Congressman
Martin R. Madden and Congressman
Clyde H. Taventrer, Illinois: D. R, An
thony, Kansas; Harry B. Hull and Hor
ace M. Towner, Iowa; A. J. Volstead,
Minnesota, are announced as other speak
era Great Interest Is being taken In the
conference, and business and professional
men from a wide territory are hera to
attend the meeting. ,
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee VFor Rent."
em ineres
and 1
Lolita Robertson
2; ' ... ;j7
-V"'"" ts ' I y
ftr-im.l : ..... ??V?es
' fcir-. ' - - r - i in - - ii - t ' i r A wt u
Mr. Gail M. WilXins Telegraphs
Statu of Kidnaping Case to
Dea Moines Chief.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
DF.8 MOINKS. Ia. Oct. R (Special
Telegram.) A telfsram received by Chlrf
of Pol'ee Crawford this morning from
vr- n-ti V, tt. 1 1 1. 1 -v. h. i . ( .
ii ha. i.iiii, n iimiii hit tm I'm
io navv BRmmra in rsrnpmg io pi. josepn
with her child. Indicates that she has
partially won her flight for Its custody,
although the meesage Is by no means
The telegram states that the child wns
brought Into court as a rvault of habr-aa
corpus proceedings having been Instituted
and that It la now In tho court's cuntody.
The court ruled, the message save, that
the application was Insufficient, because
adoption papers giving the child to the
parents of her husband had not been
recorded In Polk county.
Drayman II art la Fall.
AMDS, Ia., Oct. 14. (Special Telegram.)
Harry Buckman,' drayman, probably
was mortally hurt In a fall from the sec
ond story of a hotel to the pavement
with a trunk.
Picking Summer
Home for Wilson
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.-Prestdcnt
Wilson probably will not rerern to Cor
nish, N. If., next summer, but Instead Is
Considering transferring the "summer
capital" to the New Jersey shore. Ha has
occupied the residence of Winston Church
ill at Cornish eaon rummer since becom
ing president
A committee will see the president to
morrow and urge him to select a resi
dence on the New Jersey coast for next
summer, so he may bo easily accessible
during the early presidential campaign.
The committee has In view for him the
beautiful summer residence of the Into
John A. McCall at Blberon, Just south
of Long Branch, named "Shadow Lawn."
The great J. Rufuu, knighted and honored and feted and
made wealthy by a veritable high court of hit followers,
the great J. Ruf us is coining Sunday to you.
In new attitudes, in new costumes, in new schemes to
tempt the coin from the "easy mark" and the good
thing, in order to aid the weaker vessels.
In other words, J. Ruf us Wallingford, financier, capital
ist, merchant, manufacturer, all-round maker of mil
lions, Wallingford is to appear in motion pictures and
stories the series being
and CHARLES W. GODDARD, Dramatic Author of
Sunday he makes his bow " Monday he makes his bow
in story form, and he will appear every
week. until further announcement. Mr.
Chester has chosen to tell you of the most
startling events of Wallingford' s eventful
Don't miss the first tale it appears in
The Omaha Sunday Bee
Charles W. Goddard
Dramatic Author
'Exploit of Elaine'
Max Fig-man
Obregon Denies He
Is Disloyal to His
Master, Carranza
TAMPICO, Mi, Oct. ll-Vla Laredo,
Tex . Oct. 14.) Ocncral Alvaro t'brron.
who l conducting Venustlano Carrania,
brad of the army, on a tour of inside
lion, learned toil-iy that rumors of ht
loyalty hsd been published In the Ameri
can papers. Reports that he was about
to break elth t'arransa have been cur
rent In Mexico for many days.
"It wns l;h the greatest surprise that
1 read cf this account of a break vlth the
first chief," he !tcl to a rorrepcnilent
cf the Associated lYca, and requested a
denial of It.
"It Is well known," continued Obregon,
"that I InvlWd him Into the north In
order lo show him Just what has been
aocorrptlsbed. Had I toen planning to
break away. It ia unlikely that I v.ould
have done thin, and the warmth of our
meeting here and the evident friendly J
relations that exist certainly must serve
to Indicate the falsity of those stories.
They are absurd."
Carranita's time today was taken up
largely In receiving callers and accepting
soclsl favors from his irlenda here.
Accompanying Carranaa Is Ignaclo Po
ulllaa, head of the department of com
munications and public works. The visit
of Pontiles to Tampleo was attended by
material benefit to the shippers of Tam
pleo. The bar at the mouth of the har
bor had Increased In slse until It had
practically closed the p6rt to larger vca
eels. Oil tankera have been leaving port
only partly loaded, and there appeared
likelihood that the exportation of oil
would bo stopped entirely. Attention of
Rnnlllos was called to the situation and
he Issued orders today for a dredge to
be brought here irom Frontera and placed
at work Immediately to deepen the chan
nel. Obregon rendered to Carranaa a report
In detail of operatlona In north and cen
tral Mexico.
Former Mayor Dead.
CLEVELAND, O., Oct. 14. Former
Mayor Robert E. McKtaaon, aged 48, died
at his home here today after a protracted
No motion picture you hare erer seen on the screen is as
fitted for the job of enter taininr you. Wallingford'
schemes are thrilling. Blackie is screamingly funny.
Geo. R&xdolpb Chester
There are
other harmless cleansers
besides naptha. The com
bination of these in soap has
revolutionized wash-day takes
out the backache, the drudgery,
and cuts the time in half.
Uso Fels-Naotha for all soao-and -water work.
Omaha real estate is
going to take a jump
this fall. Buy now.
of "Wallingforf
"77 Exploit of Elainf
in Pathe motion pictures. What a motion
picture character! Under the direction of
the Wharton Bros, he will appear in your
private theatre, played by Burr Mcintosh.
Blackie Daw will be impersonated by Max
Fig-man. The pictures will be distributed
under the leadership of the local
PATHS (())D(aiA
J W-
Leopold Wharton
.. , - cy : '
Ji . :
Burr Mcintosh
sill I sH'i I -1.-..I..I1. in
' ; 4
I :
s '
H i