he Omaha Daily Bee Wanta swap something1 for omethintf else more useful to you? Ue the Swappers oolumn of The Dee. THE WEATHER. Showers VOL. XLV-NO. 10'J. OMAHA, FllIDAY MOUSING, OCTOHKU 15, 1915-IWRTEEN PAGES. Trlm, at Hotel Stews Steads, etc, ft SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. r SUNDAY ASSAILS NOTION OF GOD AS GREAVBIG KISS I Hare No Interest in a God Who Doea Not Smite, He Tells . Audience at Tabernacle. ECONOMIC EXCUSES ATTACKED Unequal Distribution of Wealth Poor Apology for Cussedness, in His Opinion. LORD WOULD TALK AS HE DOES TODAY'S MEBTTHaS. 10 a. mv JTelg-hborhoed prayer meet ings. 11 a. m. to . tn Basin a woron' lnncheon, 1809 rrnm etrset, - Kits Stiller. IB iSO p. in. Business man's prayer meeting-, T. M. O. A. p. m. ftnnday at th Tabernacle. a p. nu -Tabernacle Bible olas. 3:45 p. m. Boys' and girls' meetlav, Park Torsst chapel. Bouvh Bid. Xls Oainlln. 4 p. m . Wlbla olaae for cbol teach ers, 2lrat Methodist oh arch, Mies Saxn. 4: 18 p. n. Commercial High eonool and business oollege girls, Y. W. O. A. Mln lUUar. 4:30 p. m. Boys' and arlrl' meeting, flrat, Preebyterlaa ehnrch, South Bids, Miss Oamlla. T:30 p. m. Bunday at h Taberoaole. 8 p. iil Tonir paipla'a maatlnir, First Baptlat ohnrch, Booth aida. Mlaa Oaralta. 8 p. nu Blbla study, Tirst Confrega. Uosal church. Council Bluffs, Mlaa Base, "Billy" Sunday yesterday after noon at the tabernacle reiterated his belief that damnation awaits those who do not obey God. " "I have no Interest In a God who does not smite," he declared. "In many people's minds God has got to be a great bis kiss. It Is a wrong idea." He handed political reformers and certain of his critics the following jolt: "All this attempt of today to apol ogise for euseedness on an economic basis Is rot" There were many vacant benches In the tablernacle, bat the old negro auntie who Is strlTlng to emulate "Billy" Sunday's preaching was on hand and she was seated on the plat form. She mounted the rostrum and talked for fire minute while ' the crowd wm gathering. After Sunday arrived aha gain advanced, shouting- "Praia God " "Auntie, you'll have to alt down." said of the musical preliminarle. Auntie sub sided, but the members of the Sunday party ha1, to wateby throughout the meet in as she several tinea threatened to compete with "Billy" tn preaobtng. Lord WoaJd Bar 8am Thing. In his eonversstlonal prayer, which baft-an, "Well, you're mighty good." Sun day declared! - ' "Lord. I wish you were her to preach today. How glad I would be to sit down and listen to you. I know if you were bare you'd tell 'em what I've told 'em, only tn different language, I know you wouldn't tell them anything different from what I have told them." The collections yesterday were for the benefit of the Old Ladles' borne and the House of Hope. After th sermon Miss Baxe outlined tier plan of permanent BIN study or ganization. Bunday defined actual sin as "any vol untary, wilful violation of the known law of God. Original sin. he said, la "that depraved condition of th human heart out of which actual sin cornea." Banker Cosgriff of Denver Dead DENVER, . Colo., Oct. 11 Thomas T. Coagrlff, president of the Hamilton National bank of Denver, and widely known stockman, died her today, after a week's Illness of typhoid fever. The Weather The Weather Forecast till T P. m. Friday: For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity Shower a; not much change in tempera ture. TesagHtmtsur at Omakat . Yesterday. Hour, i a. m am 7 a. tn S a. m, a, m 10 a. m 11 a. m 11 m... 1 p. m Deft. 61 ..... 49 44 M 6i fiO 6S W 71 7i Tt 73 70 6S 47 a 2 p. P. 4 P. P. 6 p. 7 P. t a. m.. tTomparatlT Local Record. VtK. 1814. 1)1 1U Itlfrhest yeaterday 73 4) 77 71 Ixiweat yesterday 47 4 67 44 Mean temperature 0 44 47 (s Precipitation 00 .OS .Oj .00 Temperature and precipitation depar ttirea from the normal at Omaha eince March 1, and compared with the last two veara; Normal temperature t Kxreae for the day 4 Total deficiency since March 1 613 (Normal precipitation 08 inch iH-flcieni-y for the dav c inch Total rainfall since March 1....24 i lnchea Iteficlemy flnce March 1 1.14 lnchea , deficiency for cor. period. H14. 1 64 lnchea le(icieniy for cor. period, 11I. t.Oi Inches Reira from Statlaas at T r. M. Ftation and State Temp. Utah- Raln- of Weather. I p. m. ef. fall. Cheyenne, cloudy bl 69 .01 Uavenport. cl"ar cl 7 .0) lenver, cloudy fs 61 . Iea Molnea. ivmr f4 74 .0) Iviiiitvr .l.,n.1v fji ia N..i (h Ilatte, luudy M 41 (imaha, t. clou iy t7 71 I'uei'lo. clear it ri .IK) Rapid City, cloudy P2 Jt .00 lalt Lake t'itv, pi. cloudy M &H .V) hi.nta Ke. douly 4 t .(i hheridan, cloudy 63 44 ' r!iou 4 My, pt. cloudy 6 71 ' .00 Valentine, cloudy 4J 4 i .0) li A. M t-LH. Ucal Forecaster. SIGNING THE FINAL PEACE PACT AT CAPE HAY TIEN The figure in white is the American consul. With him ore lTaytien notables and United States troops. 1 i - p " ' " j 'V ' "' 'l r'v t vl a a ESTABROOK URGES LOTS FORDEFENSE Condemns Wilson and Bryan for "Citizen Soldiery" and "Non- Resistance". Remarkf. - URGES A MERCHANT MARINE DAVENPORT, la., Oct. 14-Con- demnatlon of certain utterances of President Wilson; and William J. Bryan, regarding cltlsen soldiery and non-resistance and of the LaFollete seaman's act, as tending to prevent, creation of a merchant marine auxil iary of the navy was uttered here to night by Henry D. Eetabrook, a New York attorney, at the banquet of the midwest conference on preparedness. Mr. Estabrook, Senator Cummins of Oowa, and several other speakers ad dressed an audience containing many members of the national congress, as well as representatives of most of the principal cities of Iowa and Illinois. "No nation threatens us in . so many words," Mr. Eila-brook said, "but who is oblivious to hints and Intimations T We boast our strength to repel attack when we know that we are weaker than dish water. Whll other nations have been preparina for assreaalon. we bav not made ready even for defense. M mat Spend Money. .. "The machinations against this govern ment at the moment are more subter ranean than submarine. Our duty la to defend against both. We must forthwith spend money for defense and lota of it. We must know that we ere safe even from the temptation of attack. Our peace and future happlneas depend upon this assurance." Mr. Estabrook said further that there are "no better auxiliary to a navy than a merchant marine, nor Is there any in strumentality that contribute more to the glory and riches of a country." Till brought him to consideration of the La Follette act, which he characterised a "the stupidest piece of legislation in the history of the country." "It should not be spoken of as an act I to encourge our merchant marine, but to abolish tt and turn our shipping over to Japan, for that will be the aum total of Us accomplishment." aaid Mr. Estabrook. Senator Cummins advocated a conalst ent program of preparedness ot amke the nation ready to defend Itself and main tain Ha peace. "I have no aympathy with the Pro posal to enter in mad competition for dominance, which has characterised the policy of Great Britain and Germany," aaid Senator Cummins, "but congress ahould take immediate measures to sup ply the necessary elements of ou rnaval strength. However, I am utterly op posed to any plan for the reorganisation of the army Including land reserves that Involves compulsory military training ex cept In schools. The regular army probably requires some enlargement, but we should be very conservative about the extent of its In crease. For the body of reserves we must either take the National Guard or create federal militia and make the serv ice so attractive that we will at all times have enough young men with mili tary experience to furnish almost In stantly an army of any desired strength." Miss Altce French fo Davenport, known ! under the pen name of Ostave Thanet, I was the only woman speaker at the con- fcrence. Ehe expressed the belief that i the women of the I'nlted States wer be coming converted to preparedness for they were learning that the only way to Insure protection for their homes waa to be prepared to defend tbem from aggression. f "SWU " -Tb. ewnn,,,-, w ) m ..,- s . ,. i jr -.-a w a- k .f..-.rr-T: WILSON PAYORS INCREASING ARMY Seyenty-FiTe Million-Dollar Appro priation Required to Carry Into Effect Plant Proposed. LITTLE OITOSmON IS EXPECTED . , . - ., , - i-rr , WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. Presl - dent Wilson today approved Secre- n.,, ,. . . , -..i tary Garrisons plan for increasing the army. It calls for an annual ex - penditure Of 1184.000,000. an In-1 "a ! ; 1 J) crease of approximately $76,000.000. ! wnen the nota whlch th mn hd wrlt i Tk. i.. i u. a , ,ii'n fund n br". yin: "I I -vv- won't tell what th trouble started over, be presented to congress with the j but you will find our bones in th ashes, full backing of the administration. iW. c" Th president spent th morning going I Eaqalred Aboat Retarsu ver Secretary Garrison's estimates and I That the man went about his work In plans, which ar understood to propose' methodical way is shown by his ha, an incress of IO.M0 to S0.0CO men and. fail !g ,CaJ1fVP ,Arab!a' ,n"udrin1 " Mr- 1 1-IuAian haft MturnAil an ska e1 nnaa. the army, a large reserve to be created v vvi iuwu wv fwni wsv sesjisaay by short term enlistments). The plans also Include encouragement of the National guard and Increasing of the, number of army offlosrs by using th military academy at West Point to Its full capacity. After conferring with Secretary Garri son and Assistant Secretary Brecken- rldge, the president laid the plan before! Chairman Hay of th bouse military com-! mlttee. . Later he will consult Chairman Chamberlain of th senate military com mute and, other Influential leaders of both senate , and house. Th administration is confident that the .democratlo leaders in' both houses will approve th plan, although It Is not expected that "the appropriations will be made without some . opposition. In the recommendations of both See- retarle. Garrison and Daniels particular attentkm was paid to aircraft. - " . 1 1 . would be devoted to coast defenses and a substantial increase in the field artll- a uuBiaiiiiai increase in me ncm arm-1 r. . o . .1 lery. Details as to increaso In the per-! ., , ' . . " i sonnel of tho army hava not yd been made public ' ' If the navy, which will .k for sn In- cre of tlO0.00O.0CO. carries through It. plan, making th total naval appro;, la- tlon S2t8.O0O.Oco, the appropriations for na-I tlonal dr.nM . inri.uiiiur h .,..! 10 000, would total 1432,000,000. It Is prov able, however, that In flnsl form the ap propriations will not exceed M'. "01,000. Five of German Vessels . Are Sunk in the Baltic Sea WASHINGTON. Oct. 14 -Btate depart ment advices today from Sweden re ported five German vessels sunk in the Baltic sea by submarine. The dispatches were brief end gave no details. News dispatches have reported that a British submarine Is Inflicting great losses on the German mercantile fleet In th Baltic. , . , Proclaim Martial Law for Hague THE HAOl'B, Oct. 14.-Martlal law In a apeclflo and partial form was pro claimed here today. The proclamation affects ths various trades which furnish supplies for the army. The proclamation, announcing that The Hague was placed under a minor atate of martial law was placarded this morn ing. The measure afects movements of workmen employed In the trades which provide military supplies. These workmen hereafter wilt be compelled to obtain military permits if they deaire to go to other districts. Foreigners ar not af fected by th decree. TWO WOMEN DEAD AND THEIR BODIES BURNED BY FIEND 'Mrs. John Heelan and Mrs. Layport of Arabia, Neb., Victims of At tack While Head of Home in Omaha. I HUSBAND GETS NEWS HERE I Leaves TwelTe-Year-Old Daughter at Hospital to Return Home. ASSAILANT WAS A Y0UNO MAN VALKNTINE. Neb., Oct. 14. (Special Telegram.) Returning home, accompanied by her friend, Mrs. Anna Layport, Mm. Nell Heelan found awaiting her a moot unspeak able death. While details are very meager evi dence, as found In the ruins of the I linrnAit liAm. t.nt n V. n 1 1. n , trt defenseless women were foully mur dered by a young man about 18 years of age who was ' employed on he Heelan ranch. After leaving a note In a conspicuous place In the barn, the fiend went Into the house, shot Mrs. Heelan through the head as she was In the kitchen, which Is proven from the, charred remains of the woman's skull, which was shat tered, and the exploded shell In the gun barrel, which was found near tha body. Having killed Mrs. Heelan the man t,'ien wen tlnto the living room, where Mrs. Layport was frantically calling over the telephone for help that never came. - ' ' . That she waa murdered as elie VhS pleading for help is proven by the fact that her body was found mingled with broken parts of the telephone. Neighbors hearj the phone bell ringing, but could get no answer. Set Bodies Afire. Having murdered th-sffo women the man went to a kerosene barrel near the i house, secured a quantity of oil. In his excitement leaving the faucet turned on. lie saturated the bodies of the victims and the Interior of the house and set fire to the same in a desperate endeavor to hide his crime, then securing on ef his employer's f est horses the murderer went 1a Wom? l..h. At -which vtlaAY h WAS : seen this morning, followed by th Heelan 'family flog.- " """ -r- I oBarding a fast freight train early thu mo'ns. the murdorer left for th ' we' and was captured by Sheriff Ros- ,ter on 4 dwrlptlon turnhe, w a ; conductor who wired from Gordon, The first hint of foul play was had enKer lraln. Mr. Heelan. who was with Mrs. Layport, said she did not expect her huuband home that night. A confession has been wrung from th men. who has stated that ha attempted assault on the person of Mrs. Heelan and failing in the attempt murdered th women. Sheriff Rosseter took theman out of th (Contlflued on Pag- Two. Oolumn Three.) McKinley Club to Have Big Men Here as Its Speakers A real campaign for MIS-IS Is to be mad in Omaha by the McKinley club. Th.. flnK haa Anmnl.tiut amnmniita fnp . a ,ln. of UIent for j durlnt m tlm. member. hve been notified that the campaign will i start Friday, October 19, with a banquet ... . , . In honor of Henry D. Estabrook of New , . . , . , . . York. The details and place will be an- . , . "ounced In a few days. " N.V!hrMi ?! C'Ub ltt. h:'d bnUut t to Hotel Fontenelle In Jnor of ,orJm" U. , r' S ? T T dor" E Bur ?'',0'.r 1?"" nentlv mentioned for the republican nomination for th presidency, Senator Burton has not been in Omaha In recent years, although he has pasaed through here on his wsy to the Pacific coast, where he spoke In many cities. I Senator Burton Is Interested In Omaha, particularly on account of his nephew, Mr. William Burton, being a practicing l attorney here. He is associated with Mr. John Ia Webster. The McKinley club has also arranged tentative dates with United States Sena tor John W. Weeks of Boston, who Is now touring the country, and Governor Brumbaugh of Pennsylvania, The for mer will probably come early In Decern- bar and the latter next March. Harry S. Byrne la president of the Mo Klnley club, Oliver 8. Frwln Is secretary and K. L.. Thomas, treasurer. Coming Wallingford A New and Thrilling- Photo Play Serial Story Sec it in the Movies Read it in The Dee Starts Next Sunday Pastor Wilis Is Charged with Making "Get-Rich-Quick' 9 Deals NKW YORK. Oct. H.-The charge IhM Rev. Newell lwlsht Hulls, pantor of Plymouth church, llrooklyn, made "quick fabulous profits" throi'gh selling Rrltish Columbia timber claims to ministers and other friends was made today in an affi davit filed by Frank 1 Ferguson, former chairman of the board of trustees of the cht-rch, and for five esrs mnsger of lllllla' business affairs. Rev. Mr. mills had procured an order lo examine Mr. Ferguson before a referee. Ferguson obtained an order re quiring Hillis to show cause why he wished to examine Ins former business manager. When tho argument on the latter order was railed today before Su preme Court Justice Kelly, attorneys for lllllla asked for addltlonnl time In which to answer the Ferguson affidavit, which they termed false and misleading. The argument waa postponed until October 19. RUSS ADYANCE IN GALIGIA CHECKED Germans Halt Offensive of Slavs in ' Eastern Part of Province and Push Them Back. DRIVEN ACROSS THE STRIPA DKHLIN, Oct. 14. The ItuBslanj army, that has been advancing vie-; torloualy In eastern Galtrla, In said by the war office today to have been checked. The Ruttatans were driven back across the strlpa river. The official announcement regard ing operations on the western front follows: "While enemy monitors were shelling the coast near Westendc, Belgium, and th artillery of the enemy was shelling our positions to the north of Yprns with out success, the British began an attack behind clouds of smoke and gna over al most the entire front between Ypres and Loos. This attack failed completely. Repalse th Aaetrlana. PARIS. Oct. H.-KIng Nlcholne of Mon tenegro Is quoted by the Petit Parlalen as having doolared to its Cnjtlnje cor respondent "we are fighting In the ene my's countryj we are ready and we fear nothing." The Montenegrin army has been reor ganised and re-equlpped, according to Colonel Patchltch, chief of staff. The offensive begun by Austria all along the Montenegrin front has been repulsed up to th present. Tnrks Shoot Down Aircraft, BERLIN. Oct. 14. (By Wireless to Say vllle.) An official communication - from Constantinople aaya .that .the -Turks have shot down a hpatll aircraft east of Kl Arlsh. Th aviators wefe captured. Taroo-Bnlaarlan Aarreemeat. AMSTERDAM. 0t. 14.-Keinl-officlal announcement that a Turoo-Bulgarlan military agreement has been signed, Is made in the Lokal Anielger. t'nder the terms of th agreement - Turkey places two army corps and its munition fac tories at th disposal of Bulgaria, whll th latter country agrees to supply Tur key with coal and railway materials. It Is agreed that Turkey shall have free us of Bulgarian harbors. Rnsalaa Co-operation Promised. LONDON, Oct. 14.-Slr Edward Grey, the secretary for foreign affairs, an nounced In the House of Commons today that the co-operation of RuaMan troops In th Balkans had been promined, as soon a troopa were available. Martial Law la Saloaikl. PARIS, Oct 14. Declaration of mar tial law at Salonlkl Tuesday Is reported by th Athens correspondent of the Havas News agency. General Moerhom- owto, who Is in command of th Oreek forces there, ordered his troop to smlut th Frenob and British officers. The oommander of th allied troop will issue a similar order. Seymour to Run State Campaign for Mr. Kennedy The announrement is mad from Lin coln that Victor Seymour has resigned as chief deputy In the office of the clerk of the supreme court, and will for the present take charge of ths campaign or. ganlsatlon for John L. Kennedy's candi dacy for United States senator outside ot Mr. Kennedy's home county. Mr, Sey mour has been second In command under Supreme Court Clerk Lindsay for nearly fifteen years, and has extensive personal acquaintance in all parts of Nebraska. His retirement Is to be permanent, and his place has already been filled by the BDDolntmeiit of P. F. Greene, a Lincoln lawyer, who is a graduate of the unl-j varsity law school and -popular with the bar down there. Ready to Sign Up Contract for Loan NEW YORK, Oct. U-The Anglo French ftnsnce commissioners expect to sign the contract for the SuOQ.00,000 loan tomorrow afternoon. After the contracts are signed there will remain Lome matters of minor importance lo be concluded. For this reason the commissioners expert ta be here until the, letter part of next week, when tt is thought, they will go to Citnada fur a short stay before aalllng from New Yoi k for Europe. Involves Taxes of More Than Ten Years LONDON, Oct. 14. The statement was made in the House of Common today by itetftnald McKenna, chancellor of the exchequer, that material progreas was being made in the negotiHllons between the board of international and revenue nd Chicago packing houses In regard lo the amount of Income tax due from those firms. Taxes for a perluj of more than ten years ar Involved. Fergvaon In Ills affidavit asserted that he had turned over all documents and matter connected with mills timber deals In Itrltlsh Columbia and denied that his testimony Is necessary for lllllla in tho libel suit filed against him by Ms' nephew, Tcrcy 1. mills of Victoria. R. C. j Ferguson further alleged that mills had between S3.0IX) and eMiO when he be-: gan speculating In Umber lands, but through aales to other ministers and friend he made enormous profits within a year, mills' financial troubles. Fergu son alleged, were brought on by his own bunlness follies and wilful action. He explained how the pastor hart contrscted to purchase more than ITM.nno worth of timber lands, and Ferguson asserted that he had personally borrowed and turned over to mills more than 1300.000 in an effort to meet his obligations. ZEPPELINS BRING DEATH TO LONDON Fifty-Five Killed and Hundred and Four Injured by Attack of Ger man Airships. TWO WOMEN AMONG VICTIMS LONDON, Oct. 14. Zeppelin air ships have made another raid over London, dropping bombs. Fifty-five persons are declared to have been killed and about 118 Injured. The material damage done Is said to have been small. The home office shortly after mid night made tho following report on the raid: "A Zeppelin raid was made on Wednesday evening over & portion of the London area, when a certain number of Incendiary and explosive bombs were dropped. The material damage done was small. A few fires resulted, but they were quickly put ot.t by the fire brigade. Th admir alty will issue a statement today when particulars are available. "At present It is only possible to ray that no public buildings were In jured and that the casualties so tar reported number two women and six men killed and about thirty-four In 1 red. With the exception ot one sol dier killed all these were civilians." Dissension and ' 111 Health Foroes Del Casse to Quit TAKIS, Oct. 14.-TheophlI ' Delcasse. the foreign minister, who retired yes terday, in his lotter of resignation did not Invoke poor health as th reason for leaving the cabinet, but rather dissen sions between himself and other ministers In regard lo the French foreign policy, says; th Radical. This letter, which Premier Vlvlanl refused yesterday to read to the Chamber of Ieputles, re calls certain facta, discussion of which the censor forblda. Th resignation ef M. Delcasse has pro duced a profound effect upon the French public, although It has been known for some time there has been friction be tween him and th roet of the cabinet. Th press generally abstr.lns from com ment, but what little Is safd Is hostile to the retiring minister. Wrltors blame him for the failure of the Balkan policy and charge that he is trying to shift tha burden of responsibility upon his former colleague inatead of trying to find a remedy for mistakes. Hiss Illness Is re garded as of a diplomatic character. Georges Clemenreau, who all akmg has attacked th French foreign policy, de clared : "Vlvlanl refused to read the letter In which his colleague resigned. All he can aay la that Delcase Is In full agree ment with him. It Is th first time a minister has resigned his port because of the absence of a disagreement." Liquor Shut Out of Frat Houses of the Beta Phi CHICAGO, Oct. 14. Resolutions forbid ding liquor In chapter houses of the Beta Phi fraternity were adopted at the con vention of the order today. The resolution affects chapters at twelve colleges and universities 1n the mlddlewest. From Church to tho Picture Show WAGNKR. S. l Oct. 14.-(Speclal.)-Sunday movie shows after rellgloua ser vices have been concluded Sunday even- j Inga la an Innovation In the amusement I line which has been Introduced here as ' the result of a conference between mem bers of tha rlty council and Manager Nanceof the only moving picture theater In Wagner. There waa a pronounced sentiment against the theater being operated Sun days on the ground that tt would inter fere with religious services In the local churches. The manager of the t neater and the members of the city council met for the purpose of seeing what could b done to compromise. , As a result It has been decided that Sunday evenlnga the theater will remain closed until the evening services st the churchs are over. Pictures Shown Sunday evenlnga will be of a religious character, embracing bib lical aubjects and also educational and historical films. It la believed that be cause of the character of tha films to be shown Bunday evenings there need be no objection to such church member as tske an Interest In moving pictures go. Ing straight from the cuurvbua to the theater. LONDON UNEASY WHEN NO NEWS IS MADE PUBLIC Feeling- Intensified on Account of the Silence Maintained by It aly Relative to the Bal kan Situation. GERMAN GAINS ARE REPORTED Russians Said to Be in Full Posses sion of Initiative that Carried Them Across the Stripa. SERBIANS AWAITING ATTACK BILI.KTI:. D Kit LIN, Oct. 14. The Tageblatt publishes a report that the Italians have occupied twelve islands In the eastern Mediterranean, tn connection with the new developments in the Calkans, HI 1.I.KTIX. PAIU8, Oct. 14. Premier Vlvlanl announced to the 8enate today that Italy probably would take part In the Balkan operations. Bl 1.I.KT1V. BERLIN. Oct. 14. A general at tack by the British along almost the whole front from Ypres to Loos, ac companied ,by bombardment of the Belgian coast, Is reported In the offi cial statement today of the war office. All attacks of the British are said by army headquarters to hava failed. lU'LLRTH. BERLIN, Oct. 14. The AuRiro German army which is Invading Ser bia has captured the fortified works to the west, northeast and southeast of Poiarevao. Announcement to this effect was made today by the war office. - LONDON, Oct. 14. Increasing uneasiness Is felt In London at tho absence of definite news concerning the concerted allied action In thi Balkans. This feeling is intensified by news from the French Chamber ot Deputies In regard to the Balkan danger by Italy's persistent sllenco regarding participation In the expe dition and by uncertainty concerning tha British prosmTY" ' Opinion here la divided to some extent as to the advisability -of tak ing part in the Balkan conflict. The general opinion Is that Great Britain la morally bound to assist Serbia If this can be done without a danger ous attenuation of the main front, where it Is felt the war will finally bo decided, notwithstanding the Bal kans' diversion. tieranaas Make Cains. Having failed In their attack on the British positions on th western front, th Germans hav turned upon tha French and made a gain east of Pouches. Th advantage obtained, however. Is not of sufficient Importance to affect the ! general situation of the French. Their aaaault In th vicinity of Tahure In pur suance of ths move begun three days ago, ! likewise it has been materially unoro- ducttve thus far. I On ths eastern front the Russians are ' now In full possession of the Initiative and th momentum which carried them across the Strlpa river in eastern Gallcla has not yet diminished. It Is rs ported unofficially from Petrograd that tt is th Germans who now lack ammunition, thus reversing conditions of two months ago. Although the Germans are continuing their attacks on the Dvlnsk lines, th fury ot tha onslaught has diminished and (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) THE WANT-AD-WAY All Rllma This uaa leads a baohalor' life, Ta the country be asat his tirsd wife I Re has burned every meal He's begtanlnsr to (eel That there's nothing- la cocklae? baj strife. At B WAsTT ads h bapoeasd j look. Than a veaoll and vanes he took; Ke wrote uo a Want ad Aad th neat day he had A thoroughly competent eook, HIo of ail kind for tho horn ran be qulcklv secured through te "Ikimestlc" CoJmnn of THE BH. A1 in the "Domestic" Column w ill be Inserted three days free for residents of Omaha and Council Hluffa. Telephone Tyler 19 and put your ad In THE OMAHA HKE. I ( I AINTj ! HADAnaaew lr : ! MEAL f f'JS t&dlL