THH HKH: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. tKnBEIl XX 1015. THE OMAHA IILY BEE :DiTon. VICTOR ROSKWAVr, T.a Rea Puhllsolng Company Proprietor. rr.K BflLDlNU. rARXAM AND KVr.KTKKNTH. Vntereg at Omah portofflce as aecond-::lss matter. IF.UMS or SLH9LR1PTt"N. Rv orrr Hy matt per month. P-r year. jjatta and "under . law Pally without r-unday....' e rooriir.g n.l unfev v (O Ft-rniiK without Sunder..... 00 a.unrfv R only ' ' n notice of hr.( of irr-golari;y In delivery to Iera uner.t- sddrers or eompllr.t of Omaha B-, Circulation RtMIlTANCK. rvtt t'V drft. eirre or po'tal eider fintv two crtf stamp te-(ved In payment of email ac counts, personal check, except on Omaha and eastern sohaie. '.ot accented. nvnrv.f. r"itrr-1 he Hc KulHIn. miIi Omaha j! N trt vour.-.l H.ufie i Nrtn Main i'rrfl. 1 Jnryiln : I.ttfle Building. huaa-o-i"1 Wai-t HtiiMint; New Ve-'t-Koom 11. tft KUth avair.:. 3. T,ovt- eta New Pent: uf foninierr. Washington 7X Fourteenth gt.. N. tXmREPONPr.NCM. fiddr ecmnv.m'rsllon reiatlne- to new id dl -rlM matter to Omaha Be. rdUorial Depart nulrt. k rnrKM n k n ci kci i. at h n . 54,663 f Xet.raka. County of Pougl-i. rlriiiH vers- circulation for the month of September, i.'ia. kt T'vlnht Williams, : rnnnr of in orn Tl' He rsys thit till an. urn k4 1V IGITT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manater. 8uheeritd In my pn-wn nd wora to bafoi thla let dsv or nctoocr. HUBERT 11 1. notary r-jiinc Subscriber leaving the city temporarily aboold have The Itee inailrd to them. Ad dress will b changed as often requested. f tOetaaar IS Thought for the Day 5ctf hy AKc Coulur IhouqhU, UMXprttstH iif'f:H lull Um k rituci, i?tir God, Uimivf, ri-i' HH Idem urt of. Vr!ton. Borah on Tariff Revision, j Mtb th rontlftion uromlnR (hut tho I'n j tirrvood tariff will have to m more or lo re I vimd in the romlna rongreHa, the tlewa of Sena ! lor Comh made public In Nrw York the othr ! try mny bo taken to forrahadow the demand he I nllI voire for hia conatltuent. "It la my be i liff." ho aay. "that reionable readjiiatment of the tariff on w hat now may be prarttcally a rer entie bal, together with a readjustment of the Income tat, will not only take rare of adequate neaaiiren for national defense, but enable ua ilao to eliminate the 'war tax' which ! a nui sance. Ve wer rollertlng about 10,000,000 on miaar, and about $1. 000,000 on wool. Thoae two Uemg alone Indicate what a trernemloua ad vantage there could be In raising revenue by ttmply overhauling the Underwood bill. I think I he tariff on sugar w ill certainly be retained. There l no possible argument against It. and it Is just as feasible to put bark the tariff on wool. ': he treat cry for "free wool' was predicated on the assumption that by taking the tariff off vool, yon were going to make clotnea cheaper, Aa a matter of fact, the theory has not worked out In practice. The consumer cannot get bis clothes any cheaper today than he could when wool was heavily taxed." Renstor Borah, coming from Idaho, repre icnts tho Intermountaln territory, which ! fspeclallr Interested In wool growing and beet sugar, but the changea he proposes in the wool and miaar schedules good In their way will i.ot meet tho whole situation, for other indus- i tries exposed to rnlnous competition by the I I nderwood tariff will also be entitled to pro i liittiott azalnst a European Invasion of cheap Inbor goods as soon aa peace conditions are re stored. The coming session of congress will have to correct the flagrant mistakes of the democratic tariff law at onca In order to safe guard the revenue, but nothing but further re c listing will make it fit tlia new conditions. For tils purpose, In our judgment, we will yet have some kind of an expert and non-political hoard tliat will provide the necessary basis for a scien tific (ariff. Postal Savings and Wo otra tf Ctem. Borlev oa 1m arPT'e. ' tihstantlallf all poite In the roatal aavlnr eystm teproarnt tho aavlna of w t-arnre who will not patronise private 1nl!Uiilon. hut who have conflilfm-o In the omiwn!. Yh! Is T1t'"',r, ' true of forln-hom rations of tho poaUl banks, Trho ccnatlttite thro-flfths of the dopns!tors and who on i nor nt of the deoofits. Many tliouranda of tho foretgn-oorn teslrlenu tf the I'nttM Statea wenn accustomed to rnlt their ravine for aafe-Voplna; to the countrlee when'-e they came, until the Kuropean war put an e.bru;'t end to this practice. Cm a larae scale, the war di verted these accumulations to the American poatal hanke. An exceedingly large aum. therefor, which otherwi would have sono abroad, waa lot tn this rountry and releasnd throuah the postal hanks at a moat critical time to the usee of American com merce and Industry. The Kuropean war hae gtvei of the postal savlnax system. r-Jrtng Aofitst, IM, the flrat month of the war, the net 8!n cr postul aavlnaa needed K.OW.nm. rurlns the fa-al yet; ended June , laat, the avorae monthly ltirrcai of deposits at postal banks waa 1,jN. The total tnrrone of depoalls for the year waa Bra,? 4aT. Tfce pttrltr farter la Maalr. . POCTII S!DK, Oct. 11-To the fvtltor of The Bee; IV -'. B. aeems very much tinnoyed l' the alnainar at the Tahernerlc. 1 I ant torry hi ears are eer.elUve, but I ; fear very much It Is not Ma eara, but hla own cans-lence that hurts most. The Cotton Bymphony orchestra waa i vciy ood and I hepe he went to hec.r It. I I rnyielf can appreciate good mus'.o 11V that, but waa there any meaaaae to the j soul to be better yourself and tc- h'lp j i others to be better spiritually? ; ) Ha long aa there la such a beautiful j Vs.on In the aona. what t the music? j I Mayoe if ho ai pllct the lesson t- him- j self he mlaht be able to "Frighten tho new and. convincing evlden'4 of the economic valtio Cornet" wMre he t, tni.teod f f'n lint; j 'fault elth tiotneone who li ahd is suc I ceding ver' well. ; Icp!e do not care how otitlandiHh ome thing.-: -ire. Juat ao they take with the i t'cncrKl public and you cannot tall "PtiKhten the Corner'' outlandish by any . imans. and It certainly take. ! And as a cnatln.t any shadows on j the composer, I wonder If he hsa S'icn ov ! ara sny of bin ctlur ngs whl'h are Today there are about ipoallors with moie than $S.flOt,n( to their credit. Hlnce the war htfau YQ,(Vt people lve been a)del to tho lists of de positors. Erery state made a aurmtantiBl gain durlne j mxny and are all verv pretty? The Bee repoata tpceders: Slow up! Its admonition to auto Advf-rtiaing does (he buslnoBs! v orld set lea gate receipts. Look at the "America first. !aat and all the time'." the only aontlment for all real Americana. la t Well, what about that further reduction In water rntea that waa promised ua by way of the (oluir.ns of a Lincoln newspaper? If anyone who is not financially lntereateU favors retaining tho street fair part of tha fea t'vitlea ho 1 not speaking up very loudly. Tnnaliiy before the law" must remain a 1,-f.anlnglCfS aontluieut ao long aa speed maniacs defy, regulations and Imperil Jives of pedea- flBSVJ, foVcl Ji ttlll 1." i.atioMal tillery. -u oxihnnKe.hlta tha toboggan again, : "at homo" in that locality so long aa HtHblllty Is the target for heavy ar- ' Still, If th nodal science department of the Woman's club coveta a fina wlnter'a Job, cen aorlng and chaperoning dancea fllla tha pro gram and some over. Why ahould "Billy" be aunimoned to preach bin sermon on "Booxe" In Council Bluffa, which tp already decreed to go. dry January 1. along vlth the reat of IowaT If Carranxa maintains himsolf, our old friend Met" ahould come In for "aomethlng Just aa good" aa ha bad while he was down at Panama at least we hope ao. The Be invites the other Omaha newspaper tj join in urging the Ak-Sar-Ben governors to cut out tho atreet fair and substitute aomethlng that Omaha does not have to apologise for. MSSHHaMSaavaaaMBawaBaaaHBaVaxaMi If old Chriatopher Columbus had not discov ered America on that fateful October day thero would have been no part of the world frae now fom the ravagea of this terrible European war. Benevolent neutrality," aa Interpreted la the Ualkans, depends on the quantity and quality of the benevolence which buttresses neutrality. U measure the benevolence of the larger part ner. . "Peace can be rebuilt," aays the president, t,Bly upon aceepted principles of International law." Th general lmpreralon, however, Is that fits war is being foufcht out to establish some principles of International law. A Chicago man who claims to be tbe Utber if mothers' pension declare Omaha the only city in the country nhlch pays these eAloweneea in atorc orders Instead of money. That'a where h ia itiiataken. r me. same practice i pu:ou" t Lincoln, if nowhere else. Whether i. not the p.-opc-r way Another Note on the Frye Case. In Receding to tbe German request for arbi tration of certain point Involved in the Frye c.iRe, the United States is but exemplifying its faith in the principle for which It has contended, that of peaceable adjustment of International ('.llficultet. The division here Is over the dis position of vessels partially loaded with contra band, whether the objectionable portion of the cor go is to he removed and the vessel allowed to proceed, or If the Intercepting commander Is Justified In sinking tho carrier. This Is Impor tant at this time, for the reason that both sides to the war have declared absolute contraband what waa flrat considered but conditional con traband. For this reason tbe point carries with U the whole procedure of the submarine as a commerce regulator. The cane is to be handled by two experts, one selected by each party, and without an umpire, and Us outcome should be of great service, for the future as well aa for the present. it it lit another attention. or S-'- . i-MAsju..KUt.-. ' r.'T&'SMsaaaaaaawaJ called I Ii Ostracism the Remedy? President Wilson glvea further evidence of Lib "single track" mind In hia advice that we ostracise those natives of Europe, now citizens of this country, who still bold affection for the land of their birth. If wo begin this, how long rill It be until our society la broken up into Croups of varying grades of sentiment concern ing the war? It la possible for a foreign-born cltlsen to be loyal to the United States and yet to retain some interest in the fortunes of bis native land. This does not imply dlnloyalty, and ought not to subject auy Individual to in i jnveulence. One peculiar fact, very noticeable in this connection, Is that those who have been most, annoying as champions of one or the other of the belligerents are natives of this country, t'escendant of foreign-born parents. We ought to have a better way of teaching them their duty aa Americans than by withdrawing from Inter course with them. In paaalng thli point it may not be auili to call attention to the questionable propriety ot r-cstmaster Oeneral Burleson's order concerning (he mailing of certain mattor. This la tbe more impressive Just now because it i but a short fine ejnee the postmauter general declined to interfere with the mailing of a publication which lives offense to a very large section of our citi zenship. Some mighty fino hair-splitting Is being done in Washington these days. 'Armed Neutrality" for Greece. Having announced adherence for the present to a policy ot "armed neutrality," the active rurtlclpatlon of Oreeco In tbe world wur may be expected at any time. Premier Zaimls, tn mak ing his public statement, aays tho aoul of Greece ia opposed to Bulgaria; that Bulgaria's triumph means the death ot Hellenism. This language vould seem to admit but one interpretation, an! Indicate that VeneUlos knew what ho was abont. Tbe king, Danish prince hy birth and brother-in-law to the German emperor, may not le any more willing to support the plan of the present than he did of tbe former premier, yet it the ministry represent the sentiment of the people, how will the king act to turn them from their purpose? The Allies continue landing troop dally at Salonlkl, and these are to be used la chocking the Bulgarian movement against r-erbla, which also Includes something of a menace to Greece. The preseuce of the Hellenej on the battle line is imminent. the last fiscal jrear except North Iakota, which fU bohlnd slightly. The six state recording tho larveet Increases of deposit and the amount gained bv eac'i follow: New York IU.urt.3M Illlnnla .. ., 1.8:j.rtli rennaylvanla 1.1U.273 Maeaachusetta Si.V4 New Jersey gm.Ttt Michigan ?5?,7Jl Tha unprecedented increase la directly due to pe culiar conditions caused by the war. After other agenclea failed, postal banka have succeeded tn overcoming the tendency of the Im migrant either to hide his aavlng or send them abroad. It U conservatively estimated that at least half ot the total aum now on deposit In the postal lank would have gone to Europe but for the facili ty now afforded by the government. Hre. then. Is $34,000,000 caah made available to the buslneas world of the L'nlted States which othervvloe would have passed Into foreign hand snd foreign enterprise. Of the remaining tJM,no,ooo, practically all wonld have lain lHe In dark and musty hldliiK p'.aoes. j The aileglauc of the Immigrant follows hi bunk j acoount; and now. In round numbers, 'WVjcO of thna j some naturalised, aome not naturalised have put j their hard-won surptu of earnings, money obtained for the moat part by hard labor. In the keeping -if the American government They have become stock- I holder in an American Inatitution. Jut. so long j tli foreign element aenda It surplus abroad, just o long do It member plan to return to the various land of their birth aa oen a they have laid by competence. If already a cltuuin of the United Ktatea, tha foreign-born resident who enters the poatal savings System will grain a new and deeper aensa of cloae relationship with the land ot hi adop tion, and henc become a better citizen. If not yet a cltlsen, be will feel that the Vnltcd mates never theless Is his protector and friend; lnnce lie will be the more disposed to think of this country hi country, and take out first popets. Successful as It Is. the postal savtnss syateni at 111 fall ahort of conferring; upon the public Us full Poastble benefit. An old man recently called the postmaster of Oeneaee, Idaho, tn the postal-satins wlndtw of that office and, pulling a largo baking powder ran from one of hi coat pockets, ha asked to make deposit In tha Oeneaee poatal bank. The postmaster noticed that the can felt heavy, but had no Idea that It contained a large aum ot money. After nountlng, he found the con tent a amounted to fl,jq tn gold and stiver coin, Tbe postmaster was com pelled to edYlee thla would-be depositor that he could acoapt only 1100 for deposit during a calendar month, Tbu In order to transfer the tl,aoo that , the bak ing powder can Into the Custody ef the L'nlted fttate government and then Into American trad and In dustry, It was necery that the man deposit at th rata of tlO a month until he had ivm to hia credit: that he then pot tha tr00 Into poatal-sarlng bonds; and that ha then repeat th procesa until the Jt.jO' was aheorbed. The recent precautionary limitation of law wem j adopted becauae tha service waa pew lo thi coun try, and It vii thought beat to go, alow. Now, How ever, It I clear that the Interest of the publlo will be beat served by modifying the restriction Hence th department pow recommends that th maximum) balance which may be aooepted be placed at IJ,t. limiting lntereat-beartng account to tl.fluu. I think It conservative to say that at least tuon.otk) in cur rency I now withheld from circulation, becuu U1 holder, owing to the restrictive regulation, have, been ungbl to take full advantage of the posta savings system. One of the gratifying results of tour year' ex. perienr tn Do! banking Ilea In th fact Uiat the app:ehenton at the outset that tbe new system would draw large sum from biiaines use ha been completely diaslpated. Those who at on time fnarutt the aystem are no longer hostile, but on the contrary are rvtend'Vi Twice Told Tales n eo.intv convention u nU. r by John A. MfUne. s coumy chairman, and w muled over by Charles Ogdon. The work waa co-t-tim-d to alocting a fcUte deb'sstlon. ' The ixlul dilry system ! prnvu g fahly uc. ,.rul." a I'oRtinantor Ovitant. "On Saturday wa .:.d the lrgt nuiuler yet odive-ed, tweni-fv, but the aveiage U about fifteen. We two special d-llvfry boy. . but., of couiae. can't keep them puv II th time.' J. J. Ptinta 1 the happy father of a bouncing boy. William A. J'axton ha been aiilnte,1 by ciover uor I M, a delegate to attend the cattle grower' convention la Chicago next month. Dr. Pag, medical clrector t Ilk Department of th MlMourt, with beadt'iaitci at Ht. !oul. I the gue-it cf Ir. Summer. T. M. fjildUy, itn old t'niaiia Coy snd oinie-lv . hl f r:oik lu tin jolof:lee. but now of Itapl-i Ct, u io UX friend to: tno or throe weeks. N'. l ti Bki l.drc '' nf Urlth. ho ar:Md u v vin; to Kicliittc It first isiiivtmiry eevl M.in1 v-t'l tX(lirvt Vy ile.-ti I. Olierfr'.dcr, JlahSI run anj M. Iicli'.n. an'l rni.ll r.i'!tiett 1 M Kctrsi h::il. AltJ. At. It.'l'.n I. JItk. f. o-l M.i A. Jaitisca. ' The camp of tho suffragettes in New Jersey resounds with Joyous welcomes to the adminis tration recruits. At the same time a Joy-killer breaks upon the scene, brandishing a hammer. U conslsta of a bit of ancient history showing that Jersey women were granted suffrage a cen tury apo and were so delighted with the privilege that so tn p of them voted a much aa six times at one election. Naturally, tbe men were fright ened and hastily repealed the franchise. The citation has no bearing on political conditions nowadays. Progress has been made in moat hpctlons of the union. Indiana and Texas are the main survivals of the voting Industry to which the Joy-killer directs the hammer. Ait Ohio court and Jury 'la about to paaa upon tbe question whether a ?tUete ia liable for 'J.mageK for fatal injuries inflMcd by barer t.u a ffllaw ttpdent. Tbe tvf is th first of the si l -x. j Kind that lie come to notice, and I he utoti?ue. no Ve . t,wU,jli tomm,r,d k:'ii .Mention lu college M 111 1 MrcU. . Haeaklaar Softly. A Virginia farmer wag delving a ref autoiy row down the road, and cow and dnuer cam to a cro rcd. The man wanted the cow to go straight ahead, but tbe cow ploktd out th crossroad. A colored man win coming along the rroasroacV lUld her off! Held her off!" yelled th driver. Tbe colored man Jumped about th mad and waved hi arm. Th cow proceeded calmly on her way. "tlakl her off! Ilatd her off!" yelled the driver. T trying tail" replied th colored man. "Rneak to her! fipeak to her, aiid she'll atopt" "Good rnawntn,' cow good ran. -In'!" euld th other politely. Pittaburgh Chronicle. Ills Beat Advice. ,i The following titon ia told of a well known ui ucate: When CHinerl lieck was a )'Ounj lawtet a man waa arraigned for murder and bad no coun sel. "Mr. Deck," an Id th preaiding Judge, ' tale the prlaoner Into that room at the tear of the court, bear hi atory and give him tho reat ad-. he. yi.u cnu." Accordingly Heck dUppsnHi with tlio prisoner and lu bait an hour" time rctu.ned into coat 1-. alone. MVhei the pileonerC" aUcd tbr .Hjdgc. "Well," replied Heck, e.'owiy. "I l.eaid bl story and then I gave him th tast advice I could. 1 vUI: '1'rlsoner. If 1 were you I'd get out of thnt wtndow and mil tracKa' II llr) down th wa'er pipe aivi th lt I aaw of him he ws setting over a. atone fence hglf a mile away.' Washington Bfr. ImaraTlagf aa Sbakeeaear. A member of th bulnt atatf o' t iunu-.i, the actor, telle of a ccnve.-aatlon he overheard "'ii front," on th occasion of Mr. Mantelt's production if "Hamlet" In a weatern town. "ttt, Hr:y," ta'd th young wemuri. "I thiuk I'.' an awful .ham to drown, nphrll and kl I Hamiet uklnB .,,, t,f b.,,,, Tl.ey ought to have len married.- ; y to ,(lverti . Whereupon Harry heaved a ib nd looked earn I rtlVp.. nnt cant,ibut tn aatly at hi companion. I ain't grant on tragedy," teld he. "hut how I ahould tlx it" that Literally aaviaa. t'arl Moae aaplrad to the eleotlv offlca uf Jua tto of the rac In tbe "black bottom" part of town. One tar there wa to hla preferment; be could neither reed nor write, lit master advised ft-lot to wo te the cc-nmi-aU'ier of election and whethee he waa ellglSI. XI 3 M went ap. returned. "htl Ui'. he tell yi. i, Moae?" Inquired tbe mM- "It a ail r.'-l, a'n." ii ciii Vim, "t at li ! ti .. i .:li.t)giv w Kind: yrs. sub. li tul m Ah a a Uleaibig fu' dal of rice.1' New Trk Post. , MF.MRER OK Cltullt. saaday'a Plctare af Hell. FREMONT. Nch.. Ort. 11. To tho Kdl lor of The Bee: the Bible, the book that Mr. Sunday appenrs to think so much ef, aay that tbe "day of a man' death Is better than that of hi birth." I be lieve thla quotation I the word of In spiration. Thi should be evidence, enough to ahut out Brother Sunday'a hell, for surely fo oontinue this life, even the very worst of It. would be far better thsn that craay doctrine ot an endless place of torment. The was of sin is death; this death penalty Is the only one given In His word and this has a promise that forever puts to silence Mr. Hundsy and his strong tilt, hel. I wsnt to submit this proposition to Mr. Sunday. He takes pleaauro in ridiculing' lieople who think it beat to know some thing shout what they are to bellav. Where have we any promise of reward for faith that ha falsehood for founda tion. What does he think of sand for foundation to build on. Hera 1 the ma terial for his building and very word of it Is the work ot th enemy: 1. The Immortal aoul. 3. Th caved to heaven. at death. t. The cthera Into hell, - 4. Knd of probation at death. T. H. WINTBRSTEKN. Saw Wilt Yea R Good f GENOA, Neb.. Oct. 10. To the EJitor of The Bee: W surely read with much I glee' the last letter of V. A. Bradshaw. I He now begins to wake up to the fact f tht the traveling men are a little better and whole lot smarter than he Is. and j now he is trying to pull in his horns by apologising. Hereafter I think he will 1 keep hla opinions to himself, if he hs 1 any. Boobs, mutts, sorehesds, know-It- alls, and smart Alec are not In the same class with the traveling men'. For all our up-to-data hotels, train, railroad and all our modern improvement, we we thank to th knight ot th grip. R. S. N. . Kaew Yaar O w raraaaaUty, GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Oct. 11 To the Kdltor of The Be: On department of the varloua papers .hae always Interested rr and that I th aueatloo aaked and th answer gtvan In th him column. These questions relate to love, etc. Do the people who sk the questions realise that each one of .ua 1 a little body of force called personality, that each one act or thinks according to these "forces?" To Illustrate, one question aaked recently wa about nu 1 imonial hgencice, would they be O. K.?i.No.v th peron to whom that quuatlon w nsked will anrwer thua: If conservative, strictly modest, eta, r.o, oh, no; if not, the Dwer will be isrgely affirmative, Tat, no matter how the pcraou would advise, the person to whom the advice would be given 1 really th one to find out th truth. On hi or her personality would depend the success or failure. Suroove you ask me if I think you are justified In marrying a certain perion. Oh, do I who never met you petveive your Inner solff Can I read your person ality? No wonder tho Bible says "Wort; qut your own lvitlon with fear and tremhling." "Tour ownT" Why? r-ecause to vry on) elae you nr a stranger. Peopi who k euestlon should realise that n two pveple have th same experi ence.' What I suffer and bat, you might enjoy. Know your own peraonality, Think, realia wnethar you ahould or ahould not marry a man depend on you, .no op else oaa dcclda for you. since you alone knQW th dark brooding of yrjr heart Nevertholes, the Questioners afford a very fin psychological study, as .we see how they think thnt th world 1 ruled by universal consolation; one person can decide fcr other, prnctrat thlr heart -ar.d eearch tiielr motives. Here' a to tho "nut olvre," but ploasc let the ques tioi'cre know that they have a different dl.ipMltion than their ''teachers" and th collect end only solution of thulr ques tion lies in therplve. CLARENCE W. KELBO. SlrbMua ftouad aa Alarm. NOTCH! PLATTE. Nb.. Oct. U.-To the Kdltor of The Bee: From a report of the Fwtmeia' congres recently hld in Omaha, It aper that the Sage el Sliver Creek did ot approve of the woman autfiag plank ot the resolutions, claim ing tlvit it wm no prt of farming, so much eo good for Wooater. Faii mnv matter of entertatnnieot, we come to th prime purpose of the Omaha f aimer congreaa, the endorsement ot Wilson's democratic admlnUtrat'on, which wa .'reported unanimoua The query row conies up, are all the farmer in Ne- I breek. democrats, or were on!y dtmo- ersta Invited to the congre? Tha great common people of this coun try have beocme Indifferent to party af filiation. They recognise what Is turned the "Invtalbl goverment." i not confined to ar.y one particular pa.ty. but per- tniate a.l. They also recognise that tti In power by special inter est , does not contilbuta to the merit ot such party. If a fanners' congres wss not a place to propagandise woman suf frageaura It la not a place to propagan dlsa any political party's Interest. Tu people ahould get wtaa to Uila trick re gardless of the party that perform it Democracy la a principle the antlpode of aristocracy not a Party. Th democ racy of Jefferaon. and the republicanism of Lincoln are one signlflcenoe of op posHioa of aristocracy. Regardless of present party contention to amuse the public, there are three batc principles of a propcrou people la this are ot ctv Uiaatfexn- l. The land upon whicfi la ubaist toij Includes labor and It product. 1 Mesne, of trsnHnortstlea of tumniM. Itles. X Tlte medium of exchsnge vsluee thi w call money. M'boever owns one cf thee three controls th ether two. and whoever carta the three holds the nation In alavery. 1 r!o not propose here to euloglie or criticise any party, but a parties are un der consideration they must b ae -ttonou. Itarrlnff for wnt f pce a con sideration of the t'nlted States banking system, w come to the fedrs! reserve ystem, which the democratic party hra pent three year to malerislls. eulslde of tne time they stent on th tsrlff and other nonsense. Th federal reserve sys tem hss placed the commerce and In dustry of thi nation In control of save d'rectora. No peraon or parties csn do I ny extended t mount ef business with- ; out the'- cor sent. They cn carry en th j wsr In Europe Indefinitely without ol- ' lr of lawful mchey. They cn tttrcl with other International eil'aaees. th j commerce of tire world C the nnllmltel credit of this gevsrnment. But the far-1 mer wheae labor supporta the syatara i cannot borrow a dollar from It to va hlmseir from bankruptcy. Wkc tip, you farmera! Bend Hint farmers to conTeas. If they bve to go on foot, and have to carry a shotgun to de fend the farmer' Inters. Wiluen will oon have to call a kindergarten school, snd Brya has gone to sleep in the "gen tle life." Somebody hss got te "gt there!" The system that Is In operation will drift this nstloa to International despotism unless the farmers arouse themselves before It I eternally too late Martial law once declared t dominate civil strife, and your opportunities s-v at an end. LVCIEN 8TBBBIX8 fresh sir. and I dvle you to dre In th coolest, mwl comfortable clothe; nothing stiff or formal.' When the votnan Rot homo tht I how she r"n-1er"1 to her hustnd th advice given to her hy the doctor: "He )- I mc.V f to the seashore, do plerit) pf motoring nd get some new summer go n." I'hliadrlphia Time. IKE WALTOWS PRAYER. .1 1. AVhltcomb Blley. I crave, Oesr Lord. No boundless hoard Of so)d and gear. Nor jewel fine. Nor land nor klne. Nor trcaaiire-hear-s of anything. Tt but a little hut be mine W here at the hearthctoc I may hear The cricket sing. , And have the shin Of one glad womaa'a eyes t make, For my poor sake. Our simple home a place divine, Just the wee cot the cricket's chirr Ixve, and Uie smiling fa'-e of her. I rrsy not that Men tremble at My power of plie And lordly sWav, I only rrsy for simple grace To look my neighbor in th fee Full honestly from day to UV , Tleld m hi homy palm to hold, 1 And I'll not prsy For old: ' . , The tanned face, garlanded with mirth, It hath the klngliest smile on erth; The swart brow, diamonded with sweat. Hath never need of coronet. . And eo I reach. Dear Lord to Thee, And do beseech Thou glvest me ' r i The wee cot, and the cricket s chirr, Ixjve, and the glad sweet faoe ot her! told in run. "Mother," said little Mabel, "do mi ionarle go to heaven?" "Why, of course, dear," her mother replied. "Do cannibals?" "N, fm afraid thev don't," "But, mother." th iittl girl inltd, "If a cannibal eats a missionary he'll hsve to go, won't hoT" New York Kveniag Post. - 'Well, what do you propose to afflict us with?" Inquired th pcMimtetlo mana ger of the Plunk vilie Op'ry. House. "East Lynne.". Don't . do It. Thla section has had enough rain l II. Our rltlsens won't wel come any more moisture." Louisville Courier-Journal. "Mother," said the aweet young thing, "have you put away my summer fur?'' "Tea daughter." "Then I think I hd better go shop- f'lng today for my winter laow." BaJ Imore American. Practical Old Fntnep Why don't you get out and hustle for client? ' Lawyer Son But the dignity- of riiy profesaion. sir. . P. O. F. Shuck! Ton ain't goln' to look very dignified dodgin' creditors, are you? Boston Transcript. "Truth, sir,"-, said the pompous, sen tentious writer, "He at the bottom of a well." "Tht may be," rejblned hi listener, "but you my be ure it' not your inkwell." Baluniore American. BIG IMPROVEMENT CAUSESSURPRISE Says She Is So Happy She Wants Whole World to Know of Her Case. ') "f a-n so l appy," Mrs. Bwrn Henle ' aid to neighbors recently when tellln them ef the wonderful resulta accom plished hy Teniae, the premier prepar ation that is now being Introduced Into Omaha and vicinity. "I feel like a different woman," Mr. Henle continued. "For years I suffered with kidney trouble awl rheumatism until I ws almost distracted. At times th pain was so severe that it waa al most unendurable. I had no appetite ai'i ws unable to sleep more than few minutes at a time at night. I lost tlevh and strength steadily and my . frienis becam alarmed over my con dition. "I decided to try Teniae, but must say I did so with great misgivings, aa t nasi tried so many medicines without being benefited. Much to my aurpriae, I noticed) a marked Improvement in mv condition aftr taking a few done oZ TanJac. In a few day my ay petit had improved and I was able to eat atanont ny kind of food with the greatest rel ish. The pain disappeared aa if by magi. and I feel batter and stronger each day. I no longer am restless at ' night, bu lip an peacefully as a baby and feel refreshed and bright when I arise in the morning. "I em so havpy that I want all the wort.1 to know of my case' and to know W'hat Tanlac did for me, I am more thau glart to recommend this medicine te all my ftiCnda, and to ail other who suffer ae I suffered for year." Mrs. Henle's case I typical of thous and of "then who hay recently taken Tanlac with tjie moat satisfying result. Tarstac' i new being distributed in Omaha through Sherman A McConnell Drug company' store. Demonstration at th Ilth and Dodg street store, Advertisement. KAB!3U KABARET IM W LAC WTfK A fcxm MAM. tHALL I eVQEEfTr . r'rdxbm'. f the nmtm mrr tar sktuE ueoum to m TCtSlS''AthOHg ?ffr ti tms' -r She Wa Algernon WU on the foot tall tm when he wa in college? Ho I ahould say not! H has never even had the nerve to kick at' home! Judgo. . Hr. r.eed Why, Kathrinf, how do vim ro? I haven't seen you for year. Hv yon cuught a hushand yet? Mrs. Reno rtoodnesa, yeel . I've caught three and lt two of them go. Boston Transcript, "Tommy," cautioned hi mother, "le sure to eome in at 4 this afternoon to get your bath before you go to the Jones to supper." "But, mother," protested th lad, "I don't need a bath (or that. Thy ald it wa lo be moat lnfrnl." Harper . "Remeniber what our untrained cltl enr), our undrtlled warrior, our unpre pared soldier, did at Hunkr Hlllj" cried the orator. ,"Cjteha!" cried BVnks. entlitis:ssr tlcaily. from the rwar ol the hall. "They got licked:" Uo'j'.nii Transcript. Chuttv Ns'abbor I suppose yoti don't stand to- anv war arguments antong vour hcsiilera'f ltoarding-house MlstraesOh. v Ton see. our hlsKest etr get so lilreated thnt be fo;get to eat and our big gent carer t:etx so mod thst he lee.vej before the iwal is half 'ov r. I'llck. j VMsrlam. vou re r little run down, i t Tou need frequent baths and plenty of I There la real Joy in wearing a hand- Some genuine diamond or fine watch, ttt If you wait until you can pay all crtsh you may never own or wear one. You can buy of u at lowest caah prices and pay la small amount ujathly. . All w require of any one In oruer to open a charge account 1 plain, old-fiuthion1 honeaty, Every thlng strltrtly confidential. rsa Ladle a' Ring, 4k solid gold Iof tl "Perfection" mounting, f'n brilliant Cf Diamond . . 0 9 U aa a Koata. Ma. 4 Man Dia mond Ring, pronf Tooth mounting. h'?1".. $86 a week Ha. 114a LaVai 11 ere, fin . solid gold, set wiUt genuine perfect cut brilliant Dia mond, black en amel center, 1 genuine pearl, 1 .. in. olld go'4 SSI 4.50 gl.S a Month. UD1E HOUD U WATC1I, Wo. gl This picture show th exact aire of tna vry apaclal L a I a ' Watch we ere ofTrto. Elgin move monl, wttti Jik wlvel p e adsnt, ;1 Id oll cae: ha re veivioit bow, ao back or far my be ahown when w n t c b Is woih bus- a xorrs. $14.50 maCBIT TIstMat 1.4i Open BaUv till a p.m. Saturday Ull:13 c,:i ,rnu tor ctsif m. oa rasa t I4 b- - MI- floras1 Credit Je.iltrs ta JSI. Omalia. LrjBRos&cairii4" All Women Need a coirectivc, pccasiionallj-, to right a disordered stomach, which is the cause of 60 much sick headache, nervous ness and sleeDiess nichts. Quick relief from omarh troubles is assured by promptly taking a dose or two of They get ajently on the etonwrh. liver, kidneys ar.d bowels, assisting and regulating thce organ, and keeping them In a heal thy condition. I ueo famous pill arc vegetsble in compouition tncrefor. banrUcas. leave po diaareeblo aiter-adecta and are not habit forming. v A bug of Beacham'e PPls In the Kouae Is a prots.-jn against the many annoying trouble caused hy atonjach ills, ar.U lays tha foundatkra Better Health