Tim HKK: OMAHA. Tl'KSDAY, (KTOUKI! 12, l!l.. METHODIST PASTORS GIYEH ASSIGNMENTS Thirty-First Annnal Conference in South Dakota, Held at Sioux Tall, Brought to Close. JISHOP QUAYLE MAKES CHARGES PIOCX FALW. S. !., oot. ll.-one of the features of tha cloning session of the thlrty-flrrt annual conference of South I'ftkota Methodists, hrld her?, wan the snnouarement by IU.hop Quayle of tha Mwlgmnant 0f pastors In South Dakota !tr tha coming year, aa follows: Abfrff District. J. S. Harkness, district superintendent. A berdeen. S. 1). Aberdeen, O. W. Taylor. A(tr, C. L. Arrns. Andover. h. U l.ayne. A ft) ton. J, E. MrKlnm-.v. ath and liutney, supplied ty I. E. Jleh. Hlastone, W. T. loomls. Ikiwdie, supplied by H. II. Gough. lntol, J. II. Ejoert. UTitton, A. C. Mrlan. t'laremont, supplied by J. R. Krlnm. Conde. J, S. Kills. Corona, J. K. Franklin. trebard, supplied by 12. B. ParrotL Cheney, to he suppll!. Uevoa to be siipi'lied. I'onland, K. C. Shearer. Krankfort. C. O. Bosiaugh. Frederic), E. Redmayne. Kaulkton, C. E. Wilcox. tiroton. C. B. Hsrrold. (tettyaburg, N. P. Johnson. Hecla, F. B. Iunn. lngford. supplied by Robert Hall. lola. supplied by A. A. Illchell. M'I.ette, V. V. I'age. Illbank, F. E. Morrison. oriivuie, A. M. Ixui. Iledfield, Allcrt Ilartt. Itockham, II. B. Nash. Seneca, supplied by W. C. strong. Selby, supplied by II. B. Gough. Slsseton, Fred Kay. Summit, supplied by A. Rhlmearson. Timber Lake. J. Oakley. Waubay, E. E. Holmes. Vebster, J. H. Hunter. Westport. supplied bv R. Sweeney. White Rxk. C. W. Ijanadon. Mltrhell Utstriet. W. 6. Shepherd. Dist. Supt. Mitchell. S. I. Alexandria, T. S. Baf'sett ' Alpena, R, B. Hughes Armour, to be hi . ud. Artesian. I. P. Potter Bard and Riverside, C. C. Hanson I.i .ilew;tei to be supplied. Chamberlain, A. J. Hoycr Coiome, to be suooli"U. Dallas, A. I Wilson DiKiiey, supiuicd l C. D. Bennett. Ethan, O. D. Efrner Farmer, P. V. Brethorst Fulton, O. V. Gillllland. Geddes, B. W. McEldowney reivory, supplied rv H. i. Peastrand. Herrlck and U Charles, supplied by James Richards. lona and Hamill. R. E. Hatfield Klmbaii, F. L Bromaghlm I-akevlew Circuit, J. T. Uurney Ian- J. U Walsh 1etcher, supplied by W. N. Potter Mitchell, J. S. Iloagland, associate, to bo supplied. Mt. Vernon. W. T. Ferguson J'lanktnton, O. M. ilydo Platte, Paul Gardner Roewell. F. Lovett Springfield, J. W. Lucas Tripp, W. O. Redfleld Tvndall, 8. H. Shurtleff Virgil. Uoyd H. Rising. Wanner, A. D. Olson. W'ensington Sprlnps, I. 5f. Hargett White Lake, supplied by C. 8. Co Winners J. R. Pnyne Woonsocket, T. B. Wither Rapid City District. C. E. Matteson. district suporlntcndrit. RapW City. S. D. Belle Fourche, J. C. Eekcr. Caputs, P. H. Weston, roister, to be supplied. Deadwood. J. M. Ttbbetts. Draper, B. I. Hubbard. F.dgemont. F. J. Lawson, rairburn, to be supplied. Harding,' to be supplied. Hot -Springs, H, L. Case; - - - Kadokn. -to be supplied. Kenn c, C, E. Hager I-ead, .'. J. Calfee. Midl-mrl. C. M. Weirauch. Murdo, H. W. Bunton. Newell, A. C. Campbell. Nowlin, to be supplied. Ochlricba, C. A. Bigger. Oral. L. F. Gillespie. Philip, supplied by R. J. EJIng. Piedmont, supplied by Fred Eberhaxt. Plainvlew. J. W. Hartley. Rapid City. H. W. Mlnlh. Reliance, hupplled by Fred Lonsdale. Spearflsh, M. T. Habgood. Wurgl Circuit, to bo supplied. Terry, W. J. Stevenson. Presho, O. T. Matthews. . . Wall. E. J. Flrh. Weta, to be supplied. Whltewood. to be sunplled. v Sloax Falls District. O. W. Rosenberry. district supcrlnten dent. Sioux Falls. 8. D. Alcester. supplied by Carl Harvey. Beresford, J. B. Dibble. CaniHtota, E. E. Saxton. Canton, A. W. Thurston. Centerville. supplied by Fred Wilcox. Chester, Frank Tanner. Col man. supplied by U. Wilkinson. Colton. J. D. Stevens. I'avld. supplied by L. F. Brown. Dell Rapids, W. A. Black. Ksan. N. A. Christiansen. Elk Point, G. N. Gage. Kills, supplied by P. I. King. Flandreau, William N. Dcller. Flandreau Circuit, supplied by t. C. Arm. Oarretson. WV P. Rowden. Gayvilla. H. E. Rlee. Harrisburg, O. P. Jackson. Hartford. C. H. Graf. Howard, L. W. Darling. Hudson, supplied by R. P. Harmon. Hurley, W. P. Slocum. Irene. John Kaye. Junius, 8. F. Spitz; Ix-nnox. O. D. Jackaon. kladlnon, .O- p. .Brown. ' Montroae. C. E. McDonald. Richland, suppMed by Watters. Parker, Nels Fanebust. Salem. P. .O.. Emit. . Scotland. S. B. Lourlc. Sioux Falls, First, J. W. Potter; East Side, 8. E. Brown. Vallev Springs, O. M. Rifenbark. Vermillion. Willis N. Graves. Wakond, L. A. McDonald. Yankton, II. P. Eberhart. . Watertowa District. Orlen B. Boyce. district superintondent, Huron, 8. D. Arlington. R. E. Tarleton. Aurora, to be supplied. Bradley. Percey Kenerdine. Brookings, R. A. Bruce. Blunt, sunplled by U. A. Trodie. Broadland supplied by Fred Eberhart. Bruce, O. M. Freeman. Burdette. H. D. Clark. C'aatlewood, supplied by C. L. Prosacr. Carpenter. Hairy Ie. Gavour. supplied by C. II. Bacon. Chappelle circuit to be supplieu. nark. O. W. Butterfield. Clear Lake, C. B. DennUou. De Smet. to be supplied. Klkton. to be aupplled. rkraond, supplied by K. G. Mannv-eld. Florence, supplied bv D. G.' Iladclilte. Garden City. R. . Mlnkley. Gary. Frd Rowllnon. Hasel II. G. Ozanne. Harrold. suppll- d bv G. A. Trodle. Henry, E. O. Machoiner. Hlahmore, A. E. Hacking. Hllchoock,. t. W. Marble. Huron. A. E. Burin. Iroguola. T. H. Trevl'.l.l. k. Ike Preston, G. E. Alley und A. E. Bennett. Miller. J. H. Kearton. Oldham. George L. Ge. Okobio, to be supplied. Pierre. bt. Lawrence, supplied by George . Quayle. Tulare. W. M. Allen. Trenton. R. A. Bruce.' While. M. E. Nl -kersoii. Wssaiugtun, E. it. t ooney. A 14 la Daaers. Break It Kaw. Belt'g Piiie-Tar-Honey Is fin for coughs and, colds. Soothes the lungs, loosens the raucous. Only JCc. All druggists. A1-. vertUement. ' ) . UiiMits'i Car stalea. fllUXU IHL.AND, Neb., O. t. ll.-(iipe-elal.) Jit after he bad been abated In a baxber'a chair t-'ntuidsy evtnlnr. la it s crowded downtown dlnlrkt, aoine thi f or thieves entered Arthur Langmaun's tiT six Uuick and got away with It. COCKPIT IN THE BALKANS A is Varna, the priy.ipal Bulgarian seaport, off which a Russian fleet is now lying. At b and c Bulgarian troops are massed and at d there is a powerful allied army. ?V GREECE , AO, HUM Tk New Disinfectant, Harmless, Efficient, Has Been Found WASHINGTON. Oct. lO.-As a result of experiments conducted at tne hygienic laboratory of the t'nifed States Public Health Service It is announced thnt a new disinfectant, possessing qualities su perior to ordinary dlxtnfectants, has re cently been discovered. The announce ment la particularly Important at this time, coming as It does in the fsce of the shortage of coal tar derivatives which has resulted from the European conflict. The new preparation la derived front pine oil, a by-product In the manufacture of turpentine. It Is easily prepared by mixing certain proportions of the oil with rosin and sodium hydroxide solution, the finished product being a reddish-brown liquid, rather thick and oily In appear ance, but free from turbidity. With water It makes a perfectly white emulsion, much resembling milk. It has a pleasing odor, no objectionable tuate, and attacks neither fabrics nor metals. It possesses over four times the disinfectant proper ties of carbolic acid and Is altogether nontoxic, so that it may safely be used as a throat spray or mouth wash in so lutions of the ordinary strength. The cost of the preparation Is remarkably lowr as it can be manufactured for less than 60 cents a gallon, solely from products which are produced In this country. Many of the disinfectants now on the market are neither efficient nor econom ical. It having been demonstrated that a number of the most txpcnelve and widely -dvertlsed are extremely weak In disln . acting power, so much so that their strength Is undeterminable by ordinary methods. The sale of compounds of this nature constitutes a fraud. A second class of proprietary preparations nr 'of guar anteed strength, thus putting a legal responsibility upon the manufacturer, but the cost of these per unit of disinfecting power Is frequently excessive. The house holder la therefore often at a loss to se lect a disinfectant which Is efficient, eco nomical and of constant strength, and It Is believed that this new. compound, which is to be known as "Hyglenlo Laboratory Pine-Oil Disinfectant, v will become one of the most useful prepara tions of that character. "Jam ttlr Tltnt." A tailor's work Is acdentary. That la why most tailors suffer from constipa tion. Q. W. Roberson, Wichita Falls. Tex., says: "1 find Foley Cathartic Tab lets the most delightful, cleansing cathar tic I have ever taken. They are Just the thing.". They keep the stomach sweet and the liver active, drive away head ache, dullness, tired feeling, biliousness, bloat and other results of clogged bowels. Prompt and effective, without gripe or Pain. Stout people praise them fur the light,. free feeling they give. Sold everywhere. Advertisement' Observe Anniversary of Viusr, POCGHKEEPSIK. N. V.. Oct. 11. Del egates from practically every cnll. ge and university In the I'nlted Slates and some from abroad, alumnae from every state and several hnndred other visitors, many of them fnmitus tn educational circles, were in Poiighkeepsle today for the con tinuation of the celebration of the fiftieth anlversary of the founding of aaaar college. J J aI t 1 " l - i a us i . in IJTyP r . n , Like Old Friends old books old songs softened, enriched, mellowed by kindly years M yr 9, i - m" rv Ijq'H.HI BBaKMS , flat v Tl I KTTUt II SOU DEATH RECORD Rtta Herd I"atnn. SPRING FISLD, Mt.., Oct. 11. Mrs. Etta Ried Payton. 41 years old. wife of Cotse, Payton, and formerly nn actress, de Ir. a hospital rero today. Mrs. Pny lon was leading woman In lu r hu'.and's nlm'k co npnny productions for many yeivs. Her home was In Brooklyn, N. Y. Andrew J. Krruon. Andrew J. I'eignon. SI years old, pio neer of Holt county, dle.l Sunday after neon at Hellevce, w nere he hid been ninklng his home since 1P.1. He was b-rn in Hancock courty. Wtst Vtr.tliil. !n lVt, went to war with the Sixty-second Pean sylvanla volunUers In and served uutll the close of the civil war. He mar rlr.d Miss Simantba Whims In IS' and m-ved to a ron.estoad In Hi.ll county In 18S2. He Is turvl.'ed by his wlto ind seien children. Burial will be tit Bcllevue, prob ably Tuesday. Hair Tinting Ellade Easy ManV thousands of women have put up with streaked and gray hiilr because they knew of no absolutely safe way to overcome this robber of youth and at tractiveness After all. one of the chief pleasures in life is that of appearing In a attractive a manner as possible. Brownatone" Hair Stain will help you In Just this emergency. With It you can touch up the gray spots Instantly or you can In a few moments' time give to your lialr that rich, soft brown, so much to be admired. Or, you can make It a glossy black If you prefer. All this with out the possibility of detection, failure or harm to either hair or scalp. No previous exerlence whatever is necessary when you use "Biownatone." Just brush or comb it Into the hair. A sample and a booklet will bo sent you upon teceipt of 10 cents. Ail of the leading drug stores sell "Hrownatono." Two eUts. 25c and 1 W Two shades one for golden or medium brown, and the other lor dark brown or blnrk. Insist on "Urownatone" at your hair dresser's. Prepared by the Kenton PharmacaJ Co., 6J9 K. Pike St.. Covington. Ky. Sold and guaranteed In Omaha by Phernian A McConncIl Drug Co. stores and other leading dealer. For Sallow, Blotchy Rough or Creasy Skins Some skins require constant grooming to keep them from becoming oily, mui'iy. 1 lo"' v er roiurh. or if such cmid tlon hns developed, te overcome It In such chronic . .. i i i .i . I 1 ..111 . . 1 L . 1 . b. .1. -VIJ IIIIIK Oli i.f'niHrin-B nun n i" t .itj pc res, collect dust and dirt, making the complexion worse than ever. lis a lot more sens hie to use ordinary mercolixed wax, which literally absorbs a bad com plexion. Apply the wax, like cold cresm before retiring; next morning, In washing It off, ou'll wash away f no. flour-like particles of the unsightly cuticle. Repeat for a week or two and. you 11 have an entirely new skin soft, satiny, spotleks and beautiful aa a child's. One ounce of mercoltzed wax, procurable at any drug im s. is all you'll need. If the skin be wrinkled or flabby, here's the best possible remedy: Mix H Pint ' ten hsrcl and I ounce powdered saxo lite and use as a face bath. It works II Ko a miracle, yet is eiitiiciy harmless. Ad vertisement. W. H. McBRAYEK'S Cedar Brook stands first in the hearts of those who appreciate purity and rine old age. made in the good old-fashioned way largest selling brand of fine Kentucky whiskey today. At all leading Clubs, Bars, Restaurants and Hotels, also at all leading Dealer. " ThtWhhkeyof the Old-Sdtool Gentleman W.O.T.U. Convention Opens at Seattle PEATT1.J5, Wash., Oct. II. IVlegHtes to the forty-second annual convention of the National Woman's Chrlstlal Tem perance union met tonight for the open ing of the convention, which Is to con tinue through Thursday evening. The vlxltlng member and friends from every state In the unloa and many for eign countries wer welcomed at the Initial meeting by stale and city offi cials and were accorded a special wel come by the churches end eductalonal Interests, the State Federation of Wo men's cluba and the Wsshlngton state Women's Chrltlnn Temperance union, from Mrs. Florence E. Richard, presl dent of the Ohio Women's Christian Temlperance union, and Mrs. Ross Hayes Schaehner of Missouri, who spoke in behalf of the Young People's branch of the national organisation. A part of the convention program which Is especfd to attract attention will be the receiving of messages from temperance workers In foreign lands and a Ulscuanlon of world temperance ques tions. This latter Is to ie preceded by an address. "We Must Win." by Miss Krsnces Wang, Kiuklang. China, Morning hours of the convention are to bo devoted t the department Insti tutes, where one theme for discussion will be "What National Constitutional Prohibition VI!1 Offer ur I Vpartmenta." and another. "Social Service," ' tinder this addresses are to he made on "How to Win." "Safety First," and "Our Chief Asset." AmnnK' tlw adresaes to which the dele gates are to listen are "Our National Defenses," Mrs. Viola D. Romans. Ohio; "Some Reasons Why the IJ.juor Traffic Must Die." Mrs. Florence Ewell Atkins. Tennessee, and "The omen Voters. ' Mrs. Deborah Knox, l4vlngston. Me. Delegates from Colorado, Oregon, Mas sachusetts and Montana will discuss MARY Many "Marys and Johns" took in the Ak-Sar-Ben last week. Many returned home with no clearer idea of the great manufacturing industry of Omaha-but others, and OUR Mary and John among them, took back to their out-in-the-state home a wholesome respect for this phase of our commercial life and a firm resolve to use Omaha-Made Goods. Our Mary and John visited at the home of a LOYAL Omahan. Each thing they ate, used or saw was an example of Omaha manufacturing skill a lesson that was driven home by the LOYAL Omahan who explained to his guests that "it was made in Omaha and its quality is bet ter and its cost less." While the sun was out and the air warm the first afternoon of their visit, they sat on the host's porch, protected from the sun's rays by Omaha-made awnings; they reclined upon Omaha made furniture, sipped Omaha made beer that had been cooled with Omaha - made ice and learned their first lesson about Omaha - made Quality. They learned this lesson because their host impressed it upon them. On the chilly evening of the electrical parade, they buttoned Omaha - made clothes tightly around their necks, and pulled Omaha-made hats down low to keep out the October cold. An Omaha - made fur robe was wrapped about their feet and a box of delicious Omaha-made r MADE IN PMAHA HP"-! U.S.A. ' Uunnlng a Camp 'Hi- list i, V tun to ! .v President Wilson is iHaruug rittns for tne Weuulng WArtillNUTO, Oot. lU-netmris tliafc rreeldent Wilson might go to Pan Dleg exposition on his wedding trip were dis pelled today when the president, replying to an Invitation front school children of fan Diego asking him to visit the expo sition, wrote that he sees no possibility of visiting the Pacific coast at present. The president and Mrs. Norman Gait, his fiancee, today began making prelimi nary arrangements for their wedding, but their detailed plana have not been dls cussed with their Intimate friends or relatives. A wedding trip Is being considered, but It is not yet completed. The presidential yacht Mayflower may be used. The president went on a short shopping tour this morning and bought a traveling case. Congratulations from all parts of the world continued to arrive at the White House. One cablegram came from lYeal. dent Estrada Cabrera of Guatemala. Tha president Is answering oisonuly the messages. Obregon Marching Toward Juarez EL PAHO. Tex.. Oct. 11. Fornea of Gen eral Obregon are reported te be within few days' march overland from Juares. Carranse consulate advli-ea declare a revolt Is pending In Cnsaa Grandes. where Goneral Villa has mobilised his army for an overland advance Into Sonora. and the AIC-SA Always Talk, Use and Serve Omaha-Made Goods Women of Norway Voting for First Time CHntSTIANA, OcT" U.-O'la, London, Oct. 11, (.09 a. m.) Women are voting to day for the first time In the Norwegian general elections. There are 170,000 new electors on the rolls. Press forecasts pre dict the women's vote will bring larg. gains to the socialist representation In Parliament, making that the Mrongest single party, although the government expects to maintain Itself by a combina tion of three political groups. The socialists' platform la devoted largely to an antl-milltary propaganda. The government program Includes a grain monopoly, old age pension and restric tions of almost a prohibitive character on the sale of alcoholic liquors. Got Rid of Scrofula How? Take S. S. S. Fifty Years' Use Proves S. S.S. Will Relieve Stubborn Cases You have noticed the little fetter Ins pimples on th face and body swelling of the (lands- soreness In the legs and arm muscles. These are the symptoma ef Scrofula. You may hare some of these symptoms, possi bly the taint of Scrofula infection. But in either case. It In a dangerous condition. Your blood li Infected, Impure, and you can never hope to JOHN R-BEN candy proved a pleasing diver sion while waiting for the floats. They returned home hungry and cold. A smack of Omaha-made whiskey took the chill from their bodies, and a light lunch, com posed of Omaha-made crack ers, butter and other foodstuffs, made even more enjoyable by a good hot cup of Omaha-made coffee, sent them to bed happy and comfortable. They were protected from the elements throughout the night by warm, soft Omaha-made mattresses and coverings, the staunchness of the well con structed house which had been built with Omaha-made brick, concrete and millwork, and the warm, pleasing drafts from an Omaha-made furnace. Mary and John went homo with a new idea of the high quality, as well as the variety of Omaha' made goods, and with a firm resolve that henceforth they would always specify the same. Tho host proved himself loyal to Omaha by bringing to tho minds of Mary and John the full importance of Omaha's manu facturing industry. If we were equally loyal to Omaha-made goods it would bring additional prosperity to Omaha and to each ono of us. 4 X FOR A BAD COUGH f I i t 1 i Here Is a fine old-fashioned recipe for roughs, colds or estsrrh trouble that has been used for many years lili great success. til trnm jour dnmt'ist 1 os. of Tar mlnt (Double htrenslhi end add o It pint of hot water end 4 os of granulated s'laar. lase one tnblesKMnf ul 4 times a day. No more racking your whole body with a coiiKh. loaned nostrils should open, air psssnges of your bead clenr up so you can brentt'e freoly. It Is easy td rfepsre, costn little and Is plcesmit to. tske. Any one who hss a stubborn cough, or herd cold or cetsrrh In any form should Rive this prescription a trial. Advertisement. gain perfect health until the Impur ities are washed from the system. It you feel badly all the time, you niiint crave health. If you want to feci renewed spirits, the glow of perfect health, bright eyes, clear skin, the knowledge that you are well, you can do so. Cleanse your blood by tak ing N. H. S. For fifty years It has been the standard blood purifier. U relieves the trouble by renourlshlnir the blood, renewing its strength, and stimulating the flow so that tho blood regains its lost vitality, and throws off the poison. Even long standing cases respond. But you must use 8. H. H. Take it for all blood infections. Get it at your druggist's today. If you need epeclaj advice, write the 8. 8. 8. Co., Atlanta, Us. i nance in L OMAHA U. O. A I made: in