13 THE I5EE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOHEH 12, 1913. EHLARGED BANK . III 11E LOCATION State Bank of Omaha it Now Doing Itasinesi in Iti New Quarters in City National Building. DEBORD MAKES A STATEMENT The Slate Bank of Omaha opened business In Its new location Monday morning In the quarters which Sat urday were the, City National bank at Sixteenth and Harney streets. The announcement of the consolidation of the two banks under the name of the State Dank of Omaha was made Saturday afternoon, the vaults and records were moved over, and Mon day morning, as If nothing had taken place, business went on normally at the new location. The president's chair Is being ocouple I by Albert 1 Rehants Instead of bv Dr. Fred R. Baker, who was president of tho City National. Dr. Baker ssys ha baa no definite plan at present, hut will In all probability make bla home In Omaha permanently. Public Approve. Fpeaklng of the consolidation of ths two bankt under the State Hank of Omaha, President Sonants aald: "The public has approved thl move. The bankers have approved tt; and It la only a question of time when Omaha will have a treat big state bank here. I want t ay, too, that the bankers of Omaha have treated us extremely courteously. "All tha deposits In this bank now, both thoae that were deposited under tho City National and thoae of the Ptat Bank of Omaha, are now protected by th depositors' guarantee fund of tha 'state of Nebraaka." To thoae cashing check at the new lo cation this morning, the teller issued State Bank check book for future uae, although check written on tho old book labeled "City National .Bank" are hon ored Juat tha same. State Bank Work Together. W. A. DeBord, attorney for the Plate Bank of Omaha, and member of It board of directors, aald: "There Ic an much room for a big atate bank In Omaha there Is for a big ' national bank. State bank from all over the atate may carry their reserve In thl bank and haw it credited to them a reaerve. Also there la the advantage that every de positor, whether It bo a state bank or aA Indlvldua depositor, haa bl deposit protected by tho guarantee law. That Is a great thing, tt make all the stats bank of tbe state work together and co-operate. ' It cement them together into a co-operating whole. And with that estabiiiihed, a big state bank in Omaha is a vital necessity. "Tha State Bank of Omaha has main tained a very conaervatlve policy, it has always carried a large reserve twice the legal requirement. It policy ha been not to load up to the handle, and thl ha been carried out beautifully, and the bank merits the confidence of the public for that reason." Receives Maps of Boulevard Links Commissioner Hummel of the park and boulevard department haa received from the city engineer maps of routes of ntw boulevard links from Thirty-sixth and Woolworth avenue to Elmwood park and from the north side of Fontcnelle park te Miller park. The dintanca of the former link Is about four miles and of the tatter thres miles. "ie southwest link will extend from Tlitrty-fllxth and Woolworth over to i Forty-seoond street and thenc In a southwesterly direction to Lincoln ave nue, south to Drover street and west to Sixtieth street and north to Elmwood pork. It Is proposed to develop a sunken garden between Forty-second and Wool worth avenuo and Forty-firth and Lin coln avenue. FBESIBENT AND V. P. OF THE. ENLARGED STATE BANK. . ' . V ; - J V ,' ' 1 mstmy i MOST OF THE CORN CROP IS MATURED In South Platte Diitrict Fully Ter Cent of Crop Will Make Sound Grain. 80 SATISFACTORY YIELD IN NORTH A.L.ScJia7rtz., ( ,i I i : - J ' r r Y j Lobeck Stands at Tab When Call is Made for the Drys Congressman C. O. Lobeck, democratic representative' of this district at Wash ington, wss the object of considerable "personal work" at the Tabernacle Sun day afternoon. The "Billy" Sunday ranv patgnera wanted him to hit the trail. The congressman, who vote.1 against prohibition when the Issue was before congress, stood up with the others when Sunday called on those who would "do everything they could for prohibition" to rise, li was seated on the platform and was surrounded by men who belong to tha dry faction. He did not shak "Billy" Sunday's hand with the trail hit ters, howsver. The congressman Is now on record as being opposed and In favor of prohlbl tlon. He was formerly an antl. He hesi tated a moment before responding to Sunday's call to stand up. About SO pep cent of the corn crop In tho South riatle district of Net raska will make hard, sound groin, ate irdln;j to the offlclnl crop report for tho wck Is sred by the Hurllnpton rallrnnd In the North Flatte country the per certage of good com mill not be quINi so high, but will b satisfactory, slnco ! tho small portion of the corn crop not matured before frost will be valuable for ens, lege. N Lntimntcs f corn yield, based on lull , crop, made by agents this week are as follows: Division. Thl Week, t.ist Week. Omaha l.il pin Lincoln M 1'to Wymore l'Sl lm McCvJoU lei lis Effect of Frost. In regard to the effect of frost on the corn In the Nebraska district the official croo report snys: "Some of the corn that waa still grow ing when tho first killing float occurred. October S, has no doubt been checked, but at the same time it mi.y l said thit by that time tho growing sea eon Is prac tically over ad corn that was not out of tho way of frost could hartily have m.v ttred anyway. "The limited nmount of unmatured coin, If stored In filer., will be almost a valuable as ensilage a it would have been as matured corn. "Now that a large crop of matured c -,i Is abKolutely assured, such old corn ss was being held In the country Is now moving to market to a considerable ex tent." X General Conditions Good. Soil conditions are entirely satisfactory, according to the official report Wheat threshing ha continued during the past week, and results do not change the big estimate previously made for a bumper crop of that grain. Plowing is practically completed In the Burlington's Nebraska division, and from GO to M per' cent of the seeding has also been done. Pastures are yield ing an unusual amount of feed ' and meadows are In excellent condition. The pple crop is reported good. In the Wyoming district of the Bur lington the condition of corn is not quite so good as In Nebraska, some damage' having been done to the crop by heavy frost and a hard freesa during the past week. Winter wheat and small spring grains are all harvested, and soil, meadows and pas sure are In fin con dition, according to iSflcial reports. Sugar beets will average fifteen tons to the acre In the Wyoming district and potatoes will run as high as bushel to the acre In some localities, both crops being in good condition. Aged Doorkeeper of II. S. Senate Dies Here at Son's Home Capta'n Peter Tidily, doorkeeper of the federal senate and pioneer resident of Iowa, died Sunday at the home of his son, W. D. nelly. 1306 California street. Ieath was csused ty cancer of the stomach. Captain Relly was born at Rockford, N. Y., January 1, lsriS. He removed to Wright county, Iowa, In 18B. From there he went to Blcncoe, la., where he1 engaged In business as a merchant. Dur-! Ing the last fourteen years he had been WANTS TO KNOW IF HE IS HEIR TO SUPPOSED FORTUNE John n. Johnson, 1M0 Miami street, called t the city clerk' office for further Information concerning an alleged fortune awaiting "John R. Johnson," being sought by a Detroit lr sal firm. Mr. Johnson says he wsa adopted when an Infant and doe not know what became of his parents. Savings and Satisfaction in October THE ONLY SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT FOR LIQUOR AND 0RU6 USING ITLT in Will u AEBtXIB The KEELEY TREATMENT re- i moves the craving for Ldquor ana j Drugs and leaves the man master of himself. IT IS THE ONLY TREAT MENT THAT WILL DO THIS, and i the only one that cures alcoholic ! In the service of the federal government i . inn Ann j ... . has restored over 400,000 men and Captain Relly leaves three sons. Ralph v or. llnnne Washington D? C.; Oeorge of Seattle. , , d d he number afe and W. D Re ly of Omaha; three i 200() phyB,Bclanl. u the ater City, la.: Mrs. I. J. Watts, Oregon, 1 Mo., and Mrs. F. U Blair, Lytton, la., and eleven grandchildren. Funeral services will tie held Wednes day at Blencoe and burial will be In the cemetery there. COUNCIL ADJOURNS WITHOUT TRANSACTING ANY BUSINESS For the first time this year the city council committee of the whole met and adjourned without transacting one Item of business. There was nothing "before the house." The council will meet this morning to adjourn until Wednesday morning on ac count of Columbus day. THELANDER DECLINES CALL TO DEACONESSES' INSTITUTE - ' Rev. Philip Thelandor of Batavia, Ill.i 1 declined the call to become superin tendent of the Immanuei Deaconness In stitute, 4& Meredith avenue. Omaha, at tne lequcat of the parlshoners of hi church In Batavia. The position became vacant when Rev. J. Mellander died August IX The Insti tpte ha forty-six students and x pro bationer. The young women prepare here to enter the Sisterhood of Peaconnesscs end devote their lives to hospital, mis sion and charity work. Twelve of tha sister mw connected with the Institute aie out on missions away from Omaha. Two are In the China mission field, two olng work In Chicago, two In Minneap olis, one In Denver, wo Uklng special course of study at Rock Island. 111.; one a parish visitor at Rock Island and three tie nuru in Imrrenuel hospital, Portland Ore. Th Instiiuto is tvtntv- f'Ve year old. Rev. P. M.'. Ltudberg said several other mlnUters are under considers ttrn fr.r tha piece, but no call a 111 be extended before the meeting of the executive committee two weeks hence. A Remedy For All Pain "The sffloleney of any drug" say Dr. C.P. Bobbins, Is known to us by the results w obtain from Its use. It we are able to con trol pain and disease by means of any pre paration, we certainly are warranted In Its use. One of the principal symptoms of all diseases Is pain, and this Is what the patient most often applies to ns for, I. e. something to relieve his pain. If we can arrest this firomptly, tbe pstlent Is most liable to trust n us for tbe other remedies wblcb will efTeet a permanent euro. One- remedy which I have used largely in m.v practice Is Anil kamnta Tablets. Many and varied are tbele uses. I have put them to the test on many ocoaslons, and hava never been disappoint ed. 1 found them especially valuable tor headaches of malarial origin, where quinine was being taken. They appear to prevent the bad after-effects of the quinine. Antl kamnla Tablets are also excellent for tb headaches from Improper digestion) also for headaches of a Denralglo origin, and es pecially for women subject to pains at certain times. Two Antt-kamnla Tablets give prompt relief, and In a short time ths patient Is able to go about as nsual." These tablets mar be obtained stall druggists. Ask for A-ft Tablets. Tbey are also unexcelled tor ia4 aches, neuralgia and all pals. I PIONEER In this work and has many Imitators, but no rivals or competitors as far as RESULTS are concerned. During; the THIRD OF A CEN TURY that this treatment has been continuously and successfully ad ministered, nearly two thousand Im itation, or alleged "cure" concerns have started out as our competitors; today scarcely a dozen survive. Some of them so closely imitate our claims, literature, etc., to such an extent, as i to indicate a pre-determlned intent to deceive. They appear under almost every conceivable name, fool the people I for a little while and pass on into oblivion, forgotten by the public, but not by the unfortunates whom they deluded and duped into trying their methods. The one regrettable fea ture Is that they should be able to deceive any through false preten sions, or with their absurd and pre posterous claims, for in many cases they drive 'all hope and confidence out of the lives of those whom they have thus misled. If you need to take treatment for the Liquor and Drug addiction, inves tigate THE KEELEY TREATMENT a treatment that is known the world around and which. Is recognized by the public and the medical profes sion aa the SUCCESSFUL TREAT MENT tor these addictions. Look up some of our former patients, whom you will find in every cora munltyv They are healthy, happy and prosperous; many of them will tell you that they would not be liv ing today if it had not been for the KEELEY TREATMENT. All busi ness and correspondence with us Is strictly confidential and all inquiries answered In plain sealed envelope. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE 20th and Cass Streets, Omaha, Neb. A6 TP DODGE An DOUGLAS STREETS UNDERPRICINGS of dependable and desirable mer chandise in nearly every department that make it really expensive for you to buy elsewhere. Most of the specials advertised in Sunday's papers for Monday will be continued Tuesday and Wednesday. GROCERY PRICES HERE MEAN 25 TO 50 REDUCTION OF LIVING EXPENSES 1 lbs. best Granulated Pugar,tH.OO A good time to buy Hour now, the market la higher. . 4i-lb. Hack Best High Grade Dia mond II. Flour, nothing finer for bread, pies, cakea or biscuits: ev ery aack guaranteed, sack, fl.40 10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond O or Laundry Queen, Write Laun dry Soaip, for 830 1) lbs. best White or Yellow Corn meal for aio Gallon cans Golden- Table Symo for 380 2-lh. pkg. Diamond II. Self Rising Pancake Flour for 8lo csna Oil Sardines for 850 7 lbs. best bulk Laundry Starr h for 830 Hkinner' Macaroni, Vermicelli or Pfarhettl. pkg TVio IacLaen's Peanut Butter, 1 . for lHo Hershey's Breakfast Cocoa, pie lb too Advn Jell, for dessert; Its quality goods, per pkg .7 Ho 1- lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hom iny, 8auer Kraut or Baked Beans for THo 2- lb. cans FVincy Sweet Sugar Corn. Wa, String, Green or Llm r.eans, for THo 4 Ihs. best Hsnd Plckefl Navy Beans. Japan Rice or Pearl Tani- oca for SSo Tall cans Alaska Salmon. .. . lOo 82-os. Jars Pure Fruit Preserve for. Sfto 4 K-os. cans Condensed Milk, too Large bottles Mustard Sauce, Pure Tomato Catsup. Pickle. assore1 kinds, or Mustard, bottle. .. .Bio Marie and Cane Sugar, lb.. .It He w Calirornl- Figs, pkg...THe Kard Iateu. per ll lo Imported KIgs. per lb too ee Ottr mil Iin of Hew Cali fornia Dried Fruits. OMAHA, THE l.OtlST T3TTT TEB MABIET XH THE WOS1D, The htet bulk Creamery Butter, per lb. ' 870 Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, per lb SBo TTsncy Dairy Table Butter, lb., 8So The best fresh country Kgs, p-r dos 860 S Jba. good Bntterlne SSo 2 lbs. good tshle Buttertne. . . .33o Fancy Full Cream, New Tor't White, Wisconsin Cream, or Young America cheese, lb UOe TW8 I.AST OF TWH XTFTFB peaks Airs rrAT.issr px,xrxs FOB CAJIHINO. Bushel Baskets, Fancy Kcl'fer Pears for $1.38 4-baeket crate. Italian Blue Plum for SOa I.arre market basket Kelf'cr Prars for 40o THB TTOBTABIB AND TWO IT MARKET TO THE PEOPLE. 15 lbs. best Red River Early Ohio Potatoes for 16o We'll sell as the law requires 15 pounds to the peck. 12 lbs. good cooking apples to tT peck for 15o 12 lbs. fancy Jonathan Eating n- pics to the trwck lor SOo C bunches fresh Radishes or Let tuce for Bo S large heads Cahhnsre loo Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart SMo Green Peppers, 4 for Bo -Try HAYDEN'S First; Bargains in practically new articles in "For .Sales' 'column; read it PERMANENT ORGANIZATION FOR MISS MILLER'S WORK The work of Ilia Frances Miller of ths Sunday party, among the school and bualneas college girls. I beginning to draw to the focus of permanent organisa tion, whlcl) shall cont'nue after the evangelist, have left the city. . Tentative plan have buen discussed and at a meeting next Hslurday after noon a permanent organisation will be effected of a club la the Commercial High school, the Central High school. South Kid High school and various busi ness colleges, with a Joint council con necting all. It is expected that Miss Helen Insur ance, secretary for social and girls' work of the Young Women's Christian associa tion, will be made chairman of the joint eoundL - Indigestion and Stomach Misery Just Vanishes The moment "Pape's Diapep- sin" reaches the stomach all distress goes. Instantly stops any sourness gases, heartburn, acidity, dyspesia. . . "Reolly. docs", put bad stomach In order "really does" overcome indigestion, dys pepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness In flvs minutes that-Just ' that-r makes Paps' Plapepain tha largest selling stom ach regulator In the world. If what you eat ferment Into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undi gested food and acid; head it dlsxy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated; your Insldes filled with tile and Indigestible waste, remember ths moment . "Pape'j Dlapepsln" comes In contact- with the stomach a s'U. distress .vanishes. It's truly astonishing almost marvelous, and tha Joy is Its harmleasness. A large fifty-cent case of Pap' Diu pepaht wl 1 give you a hundred follars' worth of satisfaction or . your druggist hands you your money back." It's worth Its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stomachs regulated. It belongs In your home should always b kept handy In case of of sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or night. It's the quickest surest and most harmless stomach regulator In the world. ' - Pare s Dlapepain Instantly neutralises the acids In the stomach, stops food fer mentation Or souilng.' absorbs gases and starts ths digestion, The relief is qulcg, sure, wpnCerfui stomach sufferers have a pleasant surprise awaiting them. Advertisement. DEATOH & LAIJER GO. 41 Ml 7 South Sixteenth Street Omaha. Nob. Quick Action Hurry Up-It Will Soon Be Too Late to Buy at These Low Prices OEATOn a LAIEO CO. 41 Ml 7 South Sixteenth Street Omaha, fieb. ale of Beaton Laier's Entire Stoek n 0 mm o 6o 0 Mi m mm? mm wmmmmm a BEATON & LAIER'S i w mmm?mwM A Mrdlclae of Merit. A proprietary morilcins. llks everything else that come before the public, has to prove It merits. The law of the survival of the fittest applies In this flold as In others. , Ths reason for the tremendous Try This If You Have Dandruff success of l.yMa E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound Is because It has been fulfill-' lng a real human need for forty years, j so that today thousands of American women owe their health and happiness to the marvelous power of this medicine, made from roots and herbs ' ta n you will need. There Is one sura wsy that nver falls to remove dandruff completely and that la to dissolve It. .This destroys tt en tirely. To do this, )ust get about font ounces of plain, ordinary, liquid arvon; apply It at night when lellrtng; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it In gently wlih the finger tip. by morning, moat If not all, of your dandruff will be gone, aad threa or four more . applications will completely dis solve and entirely destroy every single ' sign and trace of It. no matter bow much ; dandruff you may have. 1 You will find, too, that all Itching; aad , tigging of the scalp will stop instantly. and your hair wlil be fluffy, lustrous I glossy, silky and soft, aad look and feci hundred times better.' i tou can set imuia arvon at any arug famous ; iara. It la Inexuenslv. and four ounce This simple remedy $8.50 olid Oak CH-ldea Waa Colonial tyl Dresr tllkt Oat) 2iaiaoa ifur, uus ,8 tich i ass . 'rawer Uilsbsa , "olden Vaa aad aiasd- WE 'it...! i.i nil .i i : ..a u ,'ntnin pi.i -.j i : "'' -'. 1 V ::;ETrt . 31 4 - U I j U II ill! 11 IMsf -XWmtiti is issM lf fL Como and Soo This Groat Perfect Bfl-king-Uin-&i.s,.,. Gas Fuel SavinT wO ITI D 1 11 31 1 0 11 Coal Range in Action Hot Tea, Biscuits and Coffee : served to all our visitors. ALL THIS WEEK IN Ollt lOTH STREET WINDOW. The) Marvelous Moot-e Combination Coal and Gas Range will" be practically demonstrated by an expert factory demon strator, (it does not take tut expert to operate one of these rantce., however), (Vune In and see how this range combine lierfert baking, cooking, fuel-saving and all-year-round com fort aa never before. Sold at Special Prices on Easy Terms. Duofold Davencttc (Similar to Cut) Oriole Go-Baskets Tea caa tak yanr baby ea little Jaunt and outing with every comfort it you save eae of these aaady, safe, light weight Orlo'o Baskets tare) saoir xmodei. all oa sale at ta following Qalok Aotloa Bai rrteea $17.90 11SQ.95, SG.75, $10.50 ME Just the thing for small rooms, where space is at a premium. Combines perfect, full size bed ana najiusome aavenette in one. Quick Action Hale Il-ice. Tilattrcsi At Quick Action Sale Prices All Oottoa Kattress gk m 1 r? Art Ticking covered. Sil Mg sal pries ia.BO Telte4 Cottoa scat- as as trs.a CaUa Ticking 50.03 eovered, sal prloa ,"w 1S.0O 0Jh. "Peerless" bJgafA Jf grade layer fait mattress, SH A! la art Uei sal prloa ,W FJ3EAW BUSIP ESS EVERY PRICE IS REDUCED GREATLY Gig Lot of HANDSOME CRETONitES Salo Prlco Per Yard, lOo fi))fc'oci?1nr mm Lza 415-417 South Sixteenth St., Omaha FLOOR LINOLEUMG Special 39C natura's ntioedy fur woman's Ills. Adver- na nevar been known to fall. Adst WHICH WOULD YOU RATHER DO BUY HOW, OR WAIT AND PAY FULL RETAIL PRICES? lic,'jtBt. I tlseuieot. usirgfl.