Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    THH HM'.: OMAHA, MONDAY, OfTOlUJ: ii. tnr.
The Bees- Home-MagaziiHe Pa
Defenders of the Birds are Now
Doing a Great Work
'Most Beautiful Girl' Tells What Beauty Is
The first of a striking scries of beauty articles by Misa Gertrude M. Fischer
Taking a
What lime Von lkne to Im
prove Yourself In the Rummer
J nut Vast?
iiniincr iir, '- "i"'f
,-t i: 4
(Copyright, Star Company.)
Now that the summer season I ended
and you am at home aaiii. suppose you
make a mcntsl Inventory of the Inst
three month and see what you have
accomplished with
yourself acj life.
What did y
with your a
Vacation? Iid you
dd to your a:ore
of knowledge In any
way? IMd you lay
a foundation fur bet
tor health, better
work, greater use
fulness and greater
Did you read any
thing of value and
did you think any
worth while
thought? Did you
leave the people with
wnom you associ
ated happier, more hopeful and more
ambltloua to emulate your example, and
Jld you add. In any way, to their respect
for human nature by the examples you
set themT
'mere are people who feel that they
re taking a vacation when they rut
and drink to excess and pea ell their
lelaure momenta In gossip and criticism.
Nothing could be more depressing to one
who has the Interests of humanity at
heart than to listen to the conversation
of bevies of smartly dressed men and
women on hotel verandaa In the summer
season. Idle gossip, malicious criticism,
trivial chatter prevail, as a rule, In such
Many a young woman's character lias
been torn to pieces and many an ugly, un
truthful scandal has been act afloat by
men and women at summer retort who
believe themselves to be good Christiana,
and who return home to be faithful at
tendants at some established church of
" Christ. There ore no many Interesting
subjects ! conversation to occupy our
tnlnda outside of the faults, fallings ntid
foibles of our fellow creatures. -
lefore you Co iriy on your summer
vacation next year It might be well to
plan out a little course of procedure, and
to make a few resolutions. First of all.
resolve that you will not enter into any
conversation which lowers the moral tone
of those who participate or who listen,
and that you will Indulge In no criticism
of anyone who la absent.
1 Then' resolve that you will use what
fact and (kill you possess to . cnanglng
the tenor of such conversation when you
find yourself In a company of ptopla
Intent upon gossip. It Is not a difficult
matter to lead Idle minds away from
Individual themes to one of universal
A host In a private home( who had
grown tired of the rather aimless talk
of his family and guests at table,' sug
gested that each member tiring an Hem
of scientific or historical Interest to em
bellish the dinner hour. This sugges
tion was carried out and proved to be
a feature of great pleasure and profit
to all concerned.
Each member of the household did a
little ' careful reading tnroiifth the day
In the library and was enabled to In
troduce a toplo of general Interest dur
ing the repast. Their utintl were en-
rlched. memories strengthened and
knowledge Increased.
If one's happiness Is gained mainly
from a discussion of the weaknesses of
human nature this tendency can be In
dulged by reading history and scoring the
derelictions of people who have passed
from earth. It la much safer and leas
liable to provoke unpleasant results than
giving this proclivity rein with one's
personal acquaintances as the subjects
tinder discission. . . '
To build VP one's health by kreathlng
fresh air and eating pure food la not the
only object to be sought In a summer
To avoid bad company, cheap habits of
conduct, unwholesome and unworthy
topics of conversation Is quite as im
portant as to avoid bad air In city offices.
There are scores of women who have
returned home from summer hotels de
claring they had a moat glorious season,
yet who have left behind them a trail of
Idle gnasip and meaningless chatter;
women who have done nothing to In
crease the respect for womankind, noth
ing which has cheered, helped, encour
aged or strengthened any human being
who came within their radius. Are you
one of these?
This la the first of a series of beauty
articles by Mlsa Flcher. wlw was re
cently voted the most beautiful girl
In America at the recent congress
of photogrnphere hrld at Indianapolis.
Other articles from Ml Fischer's
pen a III apprar on this page from
time to ' time.
Two Attractive Poses of Miss Fischer.
"The Most Eeautlful Ulrl."
According to the Btnnriard Ili tlonary.
beauty In that quality of objects, as In
nature, ait or mind, that appeals to snd
gratifies the esthetic nature or faculty.
I wish to emphasize the fact that real
lieauly must be equally attractive to the
mind as to the eye.
How often do we see what to tho eye
alone a pilars to he a beautiful woman.
Mve or ten minutes' conversation with
the same person will alter our entire Im-
Beauty Aspliorisms
The) beautiful woman Is blessed
with blue eyes, light brown
hair, Roman noae and lair com
plexion. s.
If a girl lacks coloring, a little
rouge, If applied deftly, should
be used.
The athletic type la more ad
mirable than the beauty of the
Victorian age.
Real beauty must be equally
attractive to the mind as to
Beauty thoughts and noble
deeds are essential to the beauty
which nature bestows.
No bad woman can be called
: ' ' ' t
-f . '
f ; ' "i ' "mji '" '-, j
. ' . " j
Is ' .' v V - . . . really beautiful, for what the
j .' -ir'- v -C f Ji: ' ' - " .rv?i;7;i'--''':V'. V'r i li eye proclaims the mind denies.
! --v.:- , 1 I i iiTTl, . .
I '.'. ' ' . I .. ;:.'.. . , f : 4 . : gumiurf" -sm-
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V''? . ' ; .,,.!: ':..;.., .(,,,. .,. H , AV'Wi
a , : - - sjak -W-.. -w. ' jsaV aw- . sV- U V.
presalon. Her charming smile suddenly
appears silly, her features doll-like and
her expression Insipid.
Why this changeT For the simple rea
son she lacked that quality which must
alo appeal to the minu -if Indeed a
woman Is to be termed beautiful.
liesuttful thoughts and noble d"eds are
equally as eotitlaJ as the beauty which
nature bestows.
I often think that your palmist sur
reptitiously glsnces at the face to get
his real Impressions.
Can. a bad woman be rcajly called
beautiful T I do hot think so, for what
the eye proclaims the mind denlea, and,
as I have said, there must be complete
harmony of the two for a true result.
My visual picture of a beautiful woman
Is one having blue eyes, brown hair.
Human noee and fair complexion. I do
not exactly favor the milkmaid variety
of complexion, but on the other hand if
a girl lacks coloring I see r.i reason why
a little rotige. If eppl'fd so deftly that
! only heir. If la a ware of the fact, should
not be uard.
I admire the at h Id la type more than
the beauty or the Victorian age.
However, In closing, I fool as If I
cannot lay too great a stress on the In
wardthe soul beauty. If you will.
Vnleas a person has that quality, what
matters the outward phase? It Is short
lived at beat. Without It "the curse of
beauty" will sooner or later be expert
One of the most remarkable Instltu
lone with which I am acquainted is the
National Association of Audubon socle-ties.
An Audubon so
ciety Is a society
of bird -lovers and
students of ornithol
ogy, I. e., of the
science of birds.
These societies all
bear the common
name of Audubon,
because of the- won
derful enthusiasm
which John James
Audubon aroused
country In America
for the study of
Audubon was a genius who devoted his
life to picturing snd describing the birds
of this continent In eolers and In word',
so true to nature, and so beautiful, that
because of his books people's attention
was drawn to the birds. It sounds
strange, but It Is true, thst some of the
rtnest things in the world go unnoticed
until a book, or a picture, or an enthusi
astic description, attracts all eyes to
There Is now an Audubon society In
virtually every state in the union and
these are all combined for united action
in thn association of whloh I have spoken.
The object of this association Is the pro-
I tection of wild birds and animals. It has
its headquarters In New York and Its
agents all over the country, as far as It
Is able to obtain and maintain them.
It was founded upon voluntary ' sub
scriptions and endowments, and is mainly
deenent upon such for its continuance
nrd specially for its extension. it. is a
charitable Institution, expressing the
charity of man toward some of his less
rifted fellow crestures on the earth who
are at his mercy. Its Insplrer and the
collector and director of Its energies Is
Its secretary. Mr. T. Gilbert Pearson-
There Is, perhaps, no beneficent or
ganization In existence whloh spends so
smsll a proportion of Its Income upon
Itself and so great a proportion upon Its
wrork. Ninety-three per cent of all It
gets goes directly to the account of the
birds providing shelters, reservations
and sanctuaries for them, guarding them
against starvation, getting laws passed
In their behalf, making friends for them
by spreading knowledge of their ways.
habits, nature and needs, protecting them
against the consequences of human greed,
selfishness. Ignorance and the instinct
for slaughter.
If all the facts Were known to the
people of this country there would be
ten times as many Audubon societies as
now exist. AVhen the native birds of a
country are driven away, not only Is one
of ita greatest charms destroyed, but a
deadly blow is struck at its prosperity
The birds are the farmers' and the gar
deners' best friends.
The birds' great enemies are tbe plume
hunters, the marketmen and the Indis
criminate shooters. Every year the re
presentatives of the association have, to
combat. In one state or another, the ef
forts of those who are continually striv
ing to neutralise the protection afforded
to birds and other wild animals by the
game laws.
One of the hardest problems with which
the defenders of the birds have to dal
Is that of protecting them during their
seasonal migrations, when, of course.
they pass from Jurisdiction to Jurisdic
tion, where no community of law re
lating to them exists. The fogical rem
edy would bo a national law, applied
without regard to state boundaries. But
here difficulties abound.
The slaughterers are able to Invoke
politics, and thus hamper all the efforts
of the birds' friends. Last year the De
partment of Agriculture, after starting
an energetic enforcement of the federal
law for the protection of migratory birds.
receded from Its stand, under pressure.
the result being that all federal protec
tion was Withdrawn from bobolinks In
the states of New Jersey, Delaware snd
Pennsylvania I am assured that the
association will put all Its energy Into a
battle for the bobolinks during the com
ing year.
One of the chief branches of the work
of the Audubon societies is that relat
ing to the sea birds dwelling along both
coasts of America- Wardens are em
ployed whoso business It Is to see that
the birds are not disturbed and that their
eggs are not stolen at their principal
breeding colonies.
The chief nursery of the sea birds of
the Atlantic const, says Mr. Pearson, is
among the Islands off the coast of Maine.
Thlrly-flve of these Islands are occu
pied by breeding colonies. Including
various species of gulls, terns, herons.
etc.. no lees than 3i",O0C adult birds In
habited the guarded colonies last year,
and this count does not Include thousands
of wild duck, nor any of the hosts of
land birds which visited the refugees, ss
If they had some occult sense of the pro
tection hovering over tho whole feath
ered race there.
Bpeclal . efforts were put forth last
season for tho protection of egrets, whose
colonies are found in South Carolina.
Georgia and Florida. Their rookeries
are often situated in deep and tangled
swamps, yet but for human . protection
they would probably soon be extermin
ated or the sake of their beautiful
plumes. The claim frequently advanced
by the opponent of strict game laws
I hat there la no real danger of the ex
tinction of any species of bird, Is re
futed by the history of .such birds as
the passenger pigeon, who?e Innumer
able flocks were one of the natural won
ders of North America In the early part
of last century, but Of which not a
single representative survives today. -
Real beauty must be equally attractive to the mind as to the eye.
7- ,1 -.... ' . ' '"" " ' l
In-Shoots "Friend Father" as a Companion
The tightwad Is the fllm-flaminer'S t .
easlst mark. '
Flattery Is the strong arm with a vol
Vet touch.
It is easier to Jump into a lawsuit than
pull out.
When a man knocks his own town It Is
not always proof that he Is a disap
pointed candidate. He , may have hal
trouble with tbe tax assessor.
in) Ti
i j v i t i i i r .i j r :v
'1 V V AH i A V V f
T? H
malices sick
N matter how. lonj yoa. )uve been tortured
and disfigured by iu 'hing.tjuruing', raw or scaly
skin humors, just jt a liltie of that soothing,
am!seitc Keunol Ointment on the sores snd
the suKering stops HK'lit there! Healing begins
that very uunute, and in almost every case your
skin gets well so quickly you feet ashuned of
the money you threw away on
useless treatments.
Faisal Ouitawnt CMUim aothiac tht
iujwjs m If rt'Al 1U tcaOcf M tin.
It Clasr ; ie tod biikbdft,
fed u ft mum t ciuiUt aouchuid dAc
ldilji,t. tr Irui tree, vrtta m
ht sve, aul, luuaM, aia.
The other day I heard a man telling
about a gay little Jaunt he had taken
with his two sons, llo related the var
ious things that the boys did. and then
he said. "And it
was up to Friend
Father to make
That man has
solved the most im
portant problem In
the universe how to
rata boys. There Is
no question about
how this man's sons
are going to turn
out. There never la
with boys who have
a Frleud Father.
The greatest lack
in America today Is
the lark of fathers.
We have plenty of
men who work them
selves to death for
their children and
feel that they have fulfilled every obli
gation of parenthood when they have
ut piled the ncccasary food and clothing
and Indu'gences for their offspring. Hut
that la all. That is as far as they go.
F.vcer-t for the renpectabllity of the thing.
no more thsn they do of some man at
the other side of the world. And he
knows no more of them. They have not
even a speaking acquaintance. and are
mutually embarrassed when forced to
spend a ftw minutea in each other's com
pany. It Is because father ts so seldom Friend
Father to his children that we have such
groat hordes of ynithful criminals, that
the courts are filled with boys in their
teens who are gunmen, murderers, dope
fiends snd thieves, and that the news
papers teem with scandals concerning
young girls.
Fur mother's influence, despite all the
dub-dub sentiment on the subject. Isn't
always a good Influence, and as a matter
of fact, no woman can alone bring up
children propvrly. F.peclally la she un
fitted to Uoe.l with toys. Her very ten
derren is only loo often the undoing
of those upon whom It Is lavished. Her
mturiflce 'f Ixmelf tj her children makes
them selfUh and determined to take
whet they want at any cost; her lack
of knowledge of the world prevents her
from adequately protecting her young
against the dangers they must meet.
This Is where the necessity for Friend
Father comes in. He's bern over the
road that every boy must travel and ho
knows where the dangera lie Evil women
and drink ard gambling are not vague
Do You Know That
A wild duck Is said to be able to fly
at the rate of ninety miles an hour.
Fijian cannibals worship a god named
Matawaloo, who has eight stomachs, and
Is always eating.
Ft. Peter's cathedral In Rome took so
long to build that forty-three popes
reigned during the course of Its construc
tion. The phrase "Pigeon English" Is said to
be derived from "Business I-tigllsh,"
"pigeon." or "pidgin," representing the
.Chinese pronunciation of the word 'busi
ness." . flgeon-Engllsh Is the ordinary
means of communication between the
Chinese and the English traders.
Every Nemo Is aa extra valssi,
simply as a corset. For
hygienic features, which are
priceless, yon pay nothing extra
wonderlifT Self-Reducing
the great majority of children In this ,otentiuliiles of wickedness to him as
country mUhl Jt as well be fatherless , they are to his boy's mother They are
aa to have the utter straniser who stands jcor crtie perils that evry youth has U
to tr.ein In that relationship.
They have been raised by their moth
ers. It Is to mamma that they've gone
with their bows and plana aud aspira
tions. It Is lOkiiu.ia who has decided
every question about them, from whether
they would have real lace or hand em
broidery on their baby clothes, to what
college taey should attend, what beaux
j they should marry. Their only concep-
uun oi laiuvr la as run rrfiairr, sr
the veto power, or a grouch that niamma
baa to work In their behalf.
Of father as a man, aa a human being,
as a eouipanloa, aa a Aiend, they know
face and conquer. r else be conquered
by them.
And he knows the snares that are laid
for every girl's fet, and he's seen what
hnprened ta thoso who did not walk
warily. He knows that Innocence is no
protection. Ha knows how easy it Is for
a g'ri through sheer folly and careless
ness to bertrl her sktns so that a life
time of tears never washes out the ataln.
Hut what can a man do to save the
ch'l'lren that t.e would give lite very
ll'e's blood to protect utila he la Friend
Father? How can ha talk to his aoa
about the moat Intimate thing la life un
less them Is confidence between them that
goes back to the boy's very babyhood?
How can he expect a boy to open his
heart to htm and tell him the secrets
of his soul. In some moment of tempta
tion, If the two have never had a real
conversation together In the wnole course
of their existence?
Nothing is more common than to bear
a man say of a boy who is about to
finish school that he doesn't know what
sort of business or profession to put him
In. Such a speech Is a criminal confes
sion of failure as a father. It shows that
the man has never been Friend Father
to his son, he's never taken trouble to
get acquainted with him or to study his
tastes and aptitudes.
The chief reason that so many men do
not succeed In life is because their fath- '
ers fall them In this Important particu
lar. If the father has done his duty by
the time his sun was 20 years old he
would know the lad well enough to direct
him in his choice of a career, and tne
poor, ignorant boy would not be left to
lose years floundering around trying to
find himself.
And Friend Father could so often pre
vent the wreck of his daughter's life by
preventing her from making a disastrous
marriage if only he were on Intimate
enough terms with her to have ber con
fidence in him, so that he could give any
youth In whom she was beginning to feel
a dawning Interest the once over.
Father could explain to Mabel and to
Maude what a cocktail breath and a
pasty face Indicate In a man. Father has
means of finding out whether the young
men who hang around his house are
hustlers or loafers, and whether the girl
who marriea one of them is likely to ride
la limousines or do her own washinr.
But father can do none of these things
If ne'e so little acquainted with his own
daughter that he's the last person who
hears that she's in love Slid going to be
married to some youth of whose exist
ent be learns for the first Ujm, when
mother ti!s h'ra that Mabel or Maude is
eogaacd to John Doei
5 Si
"I Will Ketp This Ctrttt 0Sed the Old One Horn!
SO say thousands of women when fitted in a "Self-Help" Nemo
Wenderlift Corset They doa't want to leee, even for a minute,
the relief and supreme comfort this eorset-aarrel instantly gives;
and that's the highest feraa of appreral.
Oftk vast hott of worn ck fU mequointyd trilA tAs Won
itriifi during lat soealc's "SV-lMp" Expotition, it it toft to say
that nine euf sUn urtil never t eaU'esd to tsear oery etAer eorset.
Nemo SELF-REDUCING Cereets, introduced nearly twenty
years sgo, hays steadily gained in popertarlty, and now are wont by
Billions ef women throughout the civilised world.
TK4 Nern WONDERLIFT Corse oiso will maJU floe
tktir own, fmmitking a difftnmt service mnd appeototf to other
million of wmn who do not roquiro tko Slf-Rdueing oorvie:
There are basic differences between the Nemo WONDERLIFT
Corsets and the Nemo SELF-REDUCING Corsets. Examples of
each are pictured a bore.
For women of every figure,
from slight to eitra-fuU. Tbe
Wonderlift Bandt uphfU,
supports and Holds in place the
vital abdominal organs, thug
preventing:, relieving and often
curing the ills peculiar to
women. This corset is a dis
tinct boon and blessing: to all
Ne aSSTar tall roll
Wick, fall baa and Uckq
skirt. FWs Uts eesetili
24 to 3-$5.oa
No. 654 Saane, kerf few
full Agte-4&
N. BM Fee slssmlar
an odines ftgwswe, assise
n. Of fawa, KgaA Strang
Hade expressly for stout
women, to reduce the sise and
weight of the figure and sup
port the abdomen. The Self.
Reducing- Idea has beea devel
oped into such a variety of
models that every stout womsn
no matter how difficult her
figure, can be correctly cor
seted. For example:
No. St2 For average stout
fkrareet saWiuna bast and skirt;
elastic Laadcwrve kek. No. 326,
ssase, for taller figures $3.00.
- N. 344-For full Kgure of
asatdiuas height; baa "invisible"
Seif-Reatucing Straps. No. 345,
sssas, for taller full figures