Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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T1IK HEK: OMAHA, MOXlA, 0TOP.i;i 11. J:1..
rou nrT, .
Mouses anil i ottaaes,
TOR TFNT-Modorn. frfnom cottage
furnsce heat, electrto light, full rt-ment
basemen S. St. Apply at fca
Howard ft
7 r. mod. ho"e, I4 I mvi nnnr h XV. "Vm,
FOR K1- NT All modern room e-ottime"
half block from car. M 8 tit.
Tel 'T S7I,
7 R")M. modern, ?oa popplrton Ave.
f-H. house, close In. II... Tel. ou.
S-R. end b.nh, a nrd n ml de.-7-
rsie.1, lis mo. ;4-j s. .'th. T"i. n. ri.
West, j
WALKING dlstsnee. Dodge. S-room
modern house, cheap rent at .r. Look
ii inniujn. rvev at next floor west XV
W. Mitchell, nwnrr. Phone Ver. 4!75.
M14 Davenport St. Muilxrn with furnace.
'-It. home mud. ex. opt best, C lifton Hill,
J1S mo. Tel. Florence 4(0.
M lcellanenM.
-R.mod. hoine, 122.50. Tel. Weh,
SKVFN" and five-room hoimm: modern
walking distance. Douglas 4f.9.
7 RfOMS. ?427 Charles St.; 119; near car.
1'hnr.e Wwl ?S S.
( Globe Van&Storage
Ptores moves, packs, ships; 3-Wo ran van
tnj I men, II. S per hr. ; storage 12 per
mo sntt-!a.-iton rnnr D 4rw ,V Ty. 2.!a
Phone Dovglas 2M for complete Hat of
vacant houses and npartmema: aiso for
etorase. movln-r ii'.tb r.-f .1-irkaon Hta
8. 26th Ave., all mod., 8-r. house, hot
water heat, slopping porch s-id attic.
Will decorate to suit tenant. Har. 3SM.
t N 11th St Tc P nm or liar 1937.
GOOD aulo aatea room on Karnnm 8L
n ieeHonno r:t. Z el ' Pons, 40a.
TV II 1? ran una Moraita
Maggard s -
Ins. pncKiDK, phipplnir 1713 Webator KU
Xm-iErlnn 14a
llnncna CrcUh Sons Co , Bto Bldg.
uousl3 'n nil partw o the ri''.
b-ruoni iiit ilc iii, p.u i. ...oLi lc-L,
7-rocmi, downtown, 7.'i0.
WRIOHT' & LASl-l KY D. 1R2.
PKK tl;e Cei.trii'. Fui nituru tslora a Kitcui
T T " J Exp. Co.. moving,
I I Pf Prfl pncklng A storage.
J uv'v'u :2'i7 Farnam. D. 14A
FQl'K rooms, fliat flocr, partly furnished.
iW H imilion St. V"ol. wun.
'i S. 2 h, 6 largo, mud. roomH.
i'Xi 2tuT Capitol Ave., 7 rooms, modern.
1S 2.V4 St. Mary a Ave., 6 rooms, bath.
114 1-M N. 2'th. 4 rooms.
112.502220 Clerk, 4 rooms.
l(t 10i t. Mh, 5 rooms.
RINGWAI.T. Rfandels Theater Bldg.
Stores and Offleea.
STORE room for rent In Murray Hotel
Bldg. Inquire Mr. Kilcln n. Paxton hotel.
I msr WANT to borrow 7')0 from Jarty direct
I i4r for one year or less on li.aMO home, In
Jr good neighborhood, on which there is a
14.000 bulkiiiK as.sociatlon loan, partly
W 1'aid off. Will pay good Interest. , Ad
dress, C 20G, Bee.
A N T i: U TO TTEfNTPouitry farm?
about ten acres, near Omaha, for period
of yeurs. Send full particulars. Address
P 213. Bee. v
OFFICIO furniture bought and sold.
. C. Reed. 120 Farnam. Doug. 614v
Ya'e bus everything 2d hand. Web. 4904.
WILL bay a Ford. 614 First Natl Bank.
UlGlitST prjkas fot old clothing. L 4714.
FARM ,t R .Vc.l LA TV US FOR 8AI.1
Live oak Colouibe, uone better. W. T.
Smith Co., H City Nat. Hit. P. 2Kla
FOR SALH OH LF.A8E Any part of 4.000
acres near lUsetown, Saskatchewan. I
raided l.'iO.iiOO bushels of oats and 30.000
bu.tuls of 1'lax on land this year. Price
cheap and terms very easy. Frank Ci nw
f ir.l, Omaha. Nb.. or Rosetown. Sask.
IowaFarm Bargains
!0 ucif8 improved on Lime Kiln road,
.1 miles nortn of Council Bluffs, $.6.
1:10 acres, small buildings, 70.
8f-acrof, with fino fruit trees, 3,000.
123 Pearl St. Council Bluffs.
FOR WALK Fine bottom eighty in Holt
county, Missouri; well improved; don't
overflow: will consider small trade; all
in culthetion. For full description
write to Allen EUder. Forest City, Mo.
STOP! Listen! 130-acre farm, $l,NO0. Other
farms. McUrath, Mountain 'lw, Mo."
M0 ACRES, lb ciles from Minneapolis.
one milo from town; 1W acres tinder
cultivation; balance used for pmure;
can practically nil te cultivated; heavy
soil; good set bufidi'iia. consisting of H
room house, large barn, granary, com
11 lbs, wind n. ills, etc.; th lanij will pro
duce 80 bushels of corn per acre; tele
phone in houc-e; country thickly bcttlod:
complete tel of machinery; 27 head of
hock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1
nd ''-year-olds: six good horses. 2o hogs,
chickens, one-half of this years crop
and everything on the farm goes at $ 0
tier acre, half cash. Sc'-vab Bros., ltfj
Plymouth Hlrig.. Minnesnolis. Minn.
150. improved, 12 miles N-. W., 118,00(1.
lis), lull roved. 13 111. les N. W t24,0tAS
Ill 8. liTH
10, 80, 120 and 1M unimproved tracts, 2 to
IX miles from nm ilia sIock yarns; none
.er 5 mil.s to railway ton; VL, to 2i.
iwi-e' . r-uuh ...iiiii..)
JOHN M Pll l.-.V VU 111 Snulh ISth I
fim lark,
IU COWS. t'Mlll. I,,U . .rm,y o.l I....,- -
wlih this l'-ucro tarin; hoiisw. busemont
Vi' uiiiuhu una woous. fiice
4.. acies, housj, barn, on hard, stream
COWS. tl'UHl. tools. P: Ice 2 tit o '
50-aeie farm, house, barn, orchard
woods, stream; 6 cows; village one me"
'it y, i lsht schools, twenty rods, li ,ce
l,4uo. $M cash, 1100 yeaiiy. Write for
R. it. fare one wv to purchaser.
':42fi S..ut't 8a :111a St., Syracuse, N. Y.
Let Us Send You
Some literature on PANAMA LAN PS.
This new American country is now of:t--iu
wonderful opportunl lea In land val
i es. Rich and fertile lands can be bouunt
et a money-making price.
This new conn ry is attracting msny.
We have sold fiUy thousind acres of thi-i
tiMct to ( alifornia peoi le.
There is no country i-i the world that
l,i. g. enter chances ur advn euicnt than
han PANAMA. Locatlv.11 counts for ev
erything. Good lands selling for 12. M,
S3..'4 and per acre, never decreased
in value, and more fortunes have been
nir-de iu LANP than any otner com
modity. It will not cost you ONE CENT to
'earn of this new country. Call or write
for full information and literature.
Jloineneekers Land Co., Inc.
f2. Ree Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
V t-uavslfc.
y i'PKit WISCONSIN Best dairy and
ktn. rul crop state n the union: settler
fkunt.d: lands for sale at low prices in
ai terms. Ask for booklet ''4 o" Wiscon
sin Central Land Grant Excellent lamls
for sunk raising. If interet-ied in frint
l.u.ds ask for booklet 0.1 Jipjile or ruinls.
Address Land and Industrial lienrt., An
Une Kilwa. aliiiueauoiis iud
KtRM A HWe.l t.U inn LK
write a good d. rliitlon of your lent
ard s.n.1 :t to the Bloux City, le. Journal,
"Iowa's Moet Powerful Want Ad Me
dium Twentv.flve word every fldi
evenlne. Saturday irorning and every
Patunlay evening and Sunday mornttis
t'r one month, giving ti-n aria un
twelve different Day tor 12; or 60 words,
U. or 7S words. Id.
1-r.rgcnt circulation of any Iowa news
(lr, SiO.OW readers dally In four (real
ItO At'HKS fine farnunw land, aood aet
of b ;IMInen. aumo alfalfa, anine puature
and corn uround. 7 mi lea from a very
ood town; inileH from a r:IIrotid ati
tion. Rent 14 per acre. Ho (I. t latk.
In I'enrl Street, Covincll Hlnffa
105 At UK'S Rood farm inn land, within
mlia of the Council Muff Fololflce.
A good aet of biilldlnRa. About ft acret
In alfalfa, about 4 aore In tTartni; or
clianl, about 30 airog In pnature and bal
ance In riilttvat'op. Rent I. er acre,
flea. Q. Clark. IS Praii ytrfet. Council
Hluffa, la. Phone VH.
40 ACRF.i Fit It RK N'T Clone to Coumll
Rluffa. Thla Id something -food; lm
prnvenienta are (rood; some orcnard, fine
alfalfa, (rood pasture, first-class corn
ground. Rent 110 per acre, i leu. i. clnrk.
18 Pearl Street. Council Muffs., la. Tele
phone 174.
I1UI TO il.uui made promptly. V. D.
Wead, Wead Pldn.. IMh Farnam Bta,
C1TV and farm loans, 5, V4j, par cent
J. M. nuinont Co. 411 ste Bank.
A "For al" ad will turn aecond-hand
f. rn'tnrrt Into r:ri.
CIT property. Largo loans a spsclalty
W. JT. Thomas ."US Stat. Rank Rldg.
tA AN! KP Good farm and city loan at
lowest rates.
PKTRR TRT-n CO.. 125 Farnam.
UMAHA hnmea. Kast N'tiraDss farms.
IMS Omaha Natloial. Phone linlos 271S.
Mo. FY on band toi tlty and farm loans,
H. XV. Filrrd.-r. Cilv Kat'onal Hank Hldg
(".v, -ITY I WANs. C C Carlberg. J10
1 Risndei Theater Rldg
MONKY to limn on eastern Nehrasku
forms. Inimed ate action. Cnltcd States
Trot nnrtiv Omnba. Neb.
MONKY on hand for city and farm loans.
H. W. Binder. City NaUonal Bank Bldg
4)41 acres. Lincoln Co.. Neb.; fenced,
windmill, smail buildings. Want small
property In good school town.
AVANTFP An Inclosed ' car. Po you
want to trade your Ineioaod car for a
good reiildence or good lot? Will pay
some cnjh difference if you iaRe a lot.
Address H f 0, Omaha Bee.
ONK small grocery, about 11.00; fix
tures, loW. Rent, IIO.pO. Would want
small cottage or one-third cash, bal
ance lot or good equity. B 804, Bee.
LIGHT auto for roomlnu house, not over
1300. Will assume difference. Address
2 Ree
QUICK exchange of properties. SHOPEN
&. CO. 234 State Bank Bldg.
Six-room, two-story house on lot 42x
108, shade trees, new hardwood floors,
bath, furnace, electric light, newly pa
pered, repainted Inside and out, full
cemented basement, completely renioo
eled. Owner now in town. For appoint
ment phone J. K. Beekman, Harney 1423.
or call during week at premises, 2917 N. St.
6-room bunpalow. modern, N. 19th St.
11.300.00 cash, balance, monthly to suit.
Call owner evenlnur, Harney 84W.
WALKING distance, 2638 Dodge, 8-room
modern house, first-class condition,
ready to move Into; key at 2640. Don't
fall to, look It through. , W. W. Mitchell,
owner. Phone Webster 4875.
A Very Attractive Home,
Nice, well-built, comfortable. 7-room
House; faces south; ground is 100x130,
and has fruit trees, chicken hojse. etc.
A good place to live. Price reduced to
J, b. a, wan franklin nt.
20 Firet NaUonal Bank Bldg.
Alfred C. Kennedy Co.,
Douglas 722.
IF YOU r.ave 11,200 and want a nice
home call Colfax 345E, owner. AUdrejs
S. C 30?. Bee.
The beet equipped and arranged 41-acre
farm and feed lots, 3 miles south of
Omaha. 1 mile from Bellevue college, in
the county. Buildings fine, plentiful and
modern; 23 rods from trolley line. Also,
modern 10-room house at 2!2 Wirt St..
finished in oak; all recently overhauled
inside and out. Owner old, can't look
after them.
1320 S. 35th Ave. Harney 6996.
To settle estate, beautiful 6-room home,
on pavfd street, all modern, oak wood'
work, highly finished, all rooms beauti
fully decorated: worth over 3,&i0; price,
3,000. 4120 N. 19th St., Phons Webster 4':4.
SALE OR TRADE -r. house near Miller
Park; dec lights, fine well water, view
a Omaha. D. 7fM ; write 1903 Vinton St
Five rooms, living rooms oak, large at
tic, fvj-nate heat, light, airy basement;.
.c. 9a S. 16th Ave., 130.
P. 10S3. If McCauue Bldg.
See Nethaway for that farm. Florence 229.
, Full BALE or lung lease, part or whole
1 ... H. . m liawr 13s Holvn piur
' fft'" ? - "air' 139 1rn
Attempts to Take
His Life with Gas
Turning on the gas in his room in the
Texas hotel, Marvin L. Berry, aged ped
dler, attempted suicide last evening at a
lute hour. Roomers In the house averted
possible death.
Rer. V. H. Coleman, colored, of Jack
sonville, Fla., la In Omaha and, begin
ning today, will deliver the Initial sermon
of a three weeks' campaign In this city
at the People's Mission church, 110 North
Tenth street. W. A. Wagner Is pastor of
the church.
Traveling; Man Ktperlenee.
"In the summer of 1S"8 I had very se
vere attack of cholera morbus. Two
physicians woiked over me from 4 a. m.
to p. m. without giving me any relief
and then told me they did not expect
me to live; that I had best telegraph for
my family. Instead of doing so, I gave
the hotel porter M cents and told him to
buy me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrnoea Remedy, and take
no substitute. I took a double dose ac
cording to the directions and went to
sleep after the second dose. At o'clock
the next morning I was called by rny
order and took a train for my next stop
ping point, a well man, tut feeling rathor
thaky from the severity of the attack,"
writes II. W. Ireland. Louisville, Ky.
Obtainable every where. Ad vertltouient.
Wedding Jtlnre Kilholm. Jeweler.
Xdagqalst, Tailor Inn rax ton R k. '
Msts Root Print It Now Hcei-on Prs
Crffse percolator, $A, Rurgess-Oranden.
Pnllir.aa Car Through rrloe Cnl
cago to Norfolk. Vs.. via Pennsylvania
lines to Cincinnati, thence Norfolk A
Western railway.
"Today's Complete Moris Frog-ram'
classlf ed seel Ion today, and appears la
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture the atert offer.
Tor 'Safety Tin) in i.lfe insurance
Y. H. Indoe, general agent Stale
Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Worces
ter, Mass., one of the oldest, 71 years,
and best companies on earth.
Ksw Bob la Drnssedow Bom A flno
sen was born yesterday to Mr. and Mr.
Mrs. I'obert C Pnieacdow. This rounds
out a nice llttlo family of two bos and
two girls.
does Into Insurance Hurry K. Stev
ens has taken a poMMon with tiio Con
necticut Mutual Life insurance company.
He will be a field man in and around
'booking- Over Dry Cleeaing Plants
Frank J. Carey la on a tour of Inspec
tion of the principal cities of the state
looking over the dry cleaning plants
getting Ideas for his new building at
Twenty-fourth and 1-ake streets.
Married at Fremont R. C. Rexanson
and Ovidia PJureen of this city were
married Wednesday In Fremont by Jus-
the Henry Kidder. They are making
their home at the residence of the bride's
sister, Mrs Leonard Brawn, 4227 Frank
lin street.
To Grain Dealers' Ooavsntioa Somr-
thlng like twenty members of the Omaha
Orain exchange, in a special car over the
Ritrlingtoit, Sunday nlirht leave for Peo
ria, 111 , whore thoy will attend the an
nual convention of the Western Grain
Dealers' association.
To Talk at Tntan T. F. Sturgeas Is
to speak to the Commercial club of Ytitan
Tuesday evening an club organisation
work and the benefits of commercial co
operation. Ht la delegated there by the
Commercial club of Omaha. Mr. Sturgess
is editor of the Twentieth Century
Fs rmor.
Injured Girl Improves Miss Verntt
Blel, aged 18 years, of Oretna, "Neb., who
fell from a street car at Sixteenth and
William streets, sustaining a fractured
skull, regained consciousness at tho Lord
Lister hospital Friday night, after beintf
unconscious for forty-eight hours. Hor
parents are with her. ,
King Ak Something
Of a Manager, Says
Showman Wortham
The Wortham show people assert that
the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival la more sys
tematically managed than any they have
ever played. "We are absolutely getting
pointers here," said Mr. Wortham.
The noght the Boston Symphony orches
tra appeared at the Auditorium, at the
very gates of the carnival, grounds, the
order went out to cut out all unnecessary
noises on the grounds. The loud blaring
of bands was stopped, and the spieling
In front of the shows was stilled.
(Another thing noticeable was that few
pickpockets were' on the grounds. While
pickpockets have been picked up here
and there about town, few were taken off
the carnival grounds.
Several of the smaller games of chance
were thrown out of the grounds, because
they did not "tote fair," acco ding to
the Interpretation of the b ard of gov
ernors. The games resolved themselves
Into gambling for miney and were
uulckly stopped.
Behman Show Makes
Good Start at Gayety
A big variety of pleasing entertainment
makes up the new show at the Oayety,
and the critical first-night audience last
evening gave it Insistent applause. Lew
Kelly In his original character, Professor
Pope, (heads the company and creates no
end of fun with his fanciful "squirrel
food," which he dishes out In rapid fire
fashion while playing the' part of a
comical dope user. The production Is
good enough throughout, and besides
earning a full chorus of girts, also has
a male octet that furnishes lots of
harmony. The "ponies" are surely there
with the ginger, too. '
Most of the principals were with the
company last season, and are wlnnlim new
friends by tjielr present work. Amrta
Pyncs and Eileen Sheridan, Lon Hancall,
James Tenbrooke, Harry Van, Bert Mc
Carthy and Martelle all score heavily In
various capacities. The last named pus
sies the audience by staging some win
ning female Impersonations, and then
turns out to be a man. The second
part of the show conclsta of half a
I dosen stunts that get enormous applause.
including a bate-limbed Imitation of Ger
trude Hoffman's spring song number
by tho entire feminine portion of the
company, and Impersonations of Charile
Chaplin, Julian Eltlnge and other fav
oiitles, with song hits and choruses that
require numerous repetition. A special
matinee will be played Tuesday, which
Is a legal holiday, Columbus day.
Edwin Rells, a senior at the University
of Omaha, was elected to head the Gate
way club, the official booster organiza
tion of the school, Friday afternoon. The
place, which Is one of the highest honors
In the school, was sought by a number
of students. All student activities are
supported by the organization.
Others elected at the meeting were;
Miss May Leach, vice president; Effle
Clelmid, secretary, and Victor DeBolt.
treasurer. The first business of the club
was the election of Flyod Woosley and
Edgsr Ernst, cheer leaders for the' foot
ball and basket ball seasons.
The preparatory class elections, which
took place after the Gateway meeting
resulted as follows: Earnest Adams,
president; Ralph Leach, vice . president;
Jean Roberts, secretary treasurer; Elisa
beth McWhlnney and James Smith, sei-geanu-at-arms.
Alfred Biddlck. for twenty-one years
In the employ of the J. L. P-randels A
Sons, has severed his connections with
thst firm and has Joined forces with the
Burges-Nash company. Mr. Biddlck will
be glad to see his friends and acaualnt-
ances In bis new location.
Dna't Have a Fall Con it h.
Take Dr. King's New Discovery and
you won't catch cold. It lh e-t.lj
term, kc?p you well. Hk. .Ml drugglMa.
, CI Ll lliril 1..
Convention that Will Consume Two :
Days it to Be Held During the
Latter Part of Month.
Rankers from all over Nebraska and
prominent bankers from many other
states will be lit (Imaha. VtoTnr J7 and ',
US. when the Nebraska I'mnkofj.' associ
ation la to hold Its annual convention.
The Fontenollo hotel w III bo the head
eiuarters for the association.
Following Is the program as It has
been prepared by the committee:
Registration will start at S o'clock
October the evening before the con
vpnt.oii at the secretin y's desk In the
lobby of the Hotel Fontenelle,
The executive council will meet Tues
day, tctober Set, at tho Hotel Fontenello,
at p. m. The council is made up
a follows:
W. E. Rhoades, chairman, cashier
Vmted States National bnnv of Omaha;
Jesse C. McNIsh, president First Na
tional bank of Wlaner; M. W. Folsom.
president Nebraska State bank of Lin
coln; F. 8. Thomiwwin, vice president
First National bank of Albion; L. P.
Sorenaon, cashier Pioneer bank of
Eviatla; Thotiuis Murray, president Pun
bar State bank, Punlmr: W. H. Mclkin
ald, vice president McDonald Suite hank
of North Platte; C. 11. Cornell, presi
dent First Nntleinal bank ef Valentine;
tloorge J. Adams, cashier Pender State
hank, Pender; R. O. Marncll cashier
Merchants National bank of Nebraska
City; T. L. Iavls, cashier First National
bank, Omaha; U. H. T tus, president
First National bank of HoldreKe; J. A.
Cllne, cashier National bank of Com
merce, Lincoln; F. T. Hamilton, vice
president Merchants National bank,
Omaha; Fred Volpp, pres dent Scrlbner
Ptate bank; A, N. Mather, president
Uerlna- National bank. Oertntf.
Wednesday forenoon will be devoted to
rrgtstratkin and visiting, allowing time
for those arriving on trains up to midday
to attend the first session which will stsrt
In the afternoon.
Call to order by J. C. McNish of Winner,
president of the asaoclatlon.
Invocation by Rev. E. 11. Jenks of First
Presbyterian church.
Address of welcome. J. C. French,
president Omaha Clearing House associ
ation. Response, C. H. Cornell, president First
National bank of Valentine.
Annual addresa of the president, J. C.
MoNlfh, W Isner.
Report of tho secretary, William B.
Hughes, Omaha.
Report of the treasurer, T. L. Davis,
Report of the executive council W. R.
Rhoades, chairman, Omaha.
Memorial hour for Henry W. Yates.
Joseph II. Millard, president Omaha
National bank: Dr. P. U Hall, president
Central National bank of Lincoln; Right
Rev. Arthur L. Williams. D. P., L. U D
bishop of Nebraska; and resolution of
special committee. J. T. Tronery of
Pawnee City, chair-nan; S. K. Warrick
of Scott's Bluff and P. & Hall of Lincoln.
Address C. Petrus I'otcrson, city attor
ney of Lincoln,
Address W. H. Ilarrlaon, secretary
Oklahoma Bankers' association, Okla
homa City, Okl.
Appointment of committees.
Adiourn to p. m. for smoker and
buffet luncheon In ball room. Hotel Fon
tenelle; vaudeville snd athletics, lnciudlnr
Nebraska's champion wrestler, Joe
Btocher of Dodge.
Second Business Session.
Thursday. October 28. at 10 a. m
Three-minute reports from the presi
dents of the six groups, comprising the
Report of protective committee.
Recess of ten minutes to allow special
meeting of members of American Bank
ers' association to elect a Nebraska vice
praeldent of the American Bankers' as
sociation and Nebraska member of the
American Bankers' association executive
council, to succeed W. H. Buchols of
Omaha, whoso term has expired.
Address W. A. Taylor, vice president.
First National bank, Hastings.
Address John Clay, president Clay Rob
inson and company. Subject, "Live Stock
Address Joseph French Johnson, dean
of the 6chool of Commerce, Accounts and
Finance, of New York university; subject,
"Borne New Banking Problems.'"
Adjourn for' lunch.
Thursday, afternoon session, at I
Agrlculutral committee report, Carson
Hlldreth, chairman, Lincoln.
Assessment and taxation committee re
port, J. T. Tronery, chairman. Pawnee
Presentation of brooch pin emblems to
past presidents of the association.
Address John J.. Arnold, vice presi
dent. First National bank of Chicago.
Subject. "Our Inter-National Relations
and Trado Development."
Address (Final acceptance not yet re
ceived.) Report of resolutions committee.
Report of nominations committee.
Election and Installation of officers.
Adjourn to banquet at 7:30 p. ni., in
ball room. Hotel Fontenelle.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
"Oreyrocks" the beautiful country home ;
of George Payne, president of the Payne
Investment company, un Leavenworth
street near Klmwood park, has changed
handa. J, A. Sunderland, head of the
firm of Sunderland Brothers, purchased
It. The figure given out Is approximately
H0 000.
ilia inree ana one-nair acres ot gruunu
Mr. Hunderland recently purchased In
Kalracres where he Intended to build a
handaomo home, goes tn the trade for
the Payne home.
"Oreyrocka" has the reputation of be
ing one of the most beautiful country
homea around Omaha. It conslata of
twelve acres of ground, beautifully ar
ranged by landscape experts, and cov
ered with beautiful shrulilH-ry and fruits.
About January 1st, Mr. Kunderland Is
to take possession of the proixTty. The
sale was negotiated by the D. V. Bholes
Nothing Shrinks, j
Fades, Wrinkles!
Women save $5 in an hour by !
dry cleaning at home !
with gasoline.
Women here who have tiled dry clean-;
lug find It very easy and Inexpensive to
clean and freshen all the ribbons, silks, ;
satins, laces, yokes, furs, silk shirt-'
waists, kid gloves and shoes, neckties,
children's clothes, suits, caps, Hwlsa, '
lawn, oigandlo and chiffon dresses, wool- .
en garments, fancy vests, draperies, rugs, i
In fuc-t, any and everything that would !
bo ruined with soap and water.
Get two ounces of aolvlte at any drug.
atore and put It In two gallons of gaso
line, where It instantly dissolves, then
put In the goods to tie cleaned, rub a
little and out they come, looking as
bright and fresh as new. You will j
iinu iiimiins iaae-s, snniixs or wnnxies,
requiring no prcuMng. , j
Tou can do five dollars' worth of home
dry cleaning in an hour at little cost.
It is ao easy and you can't make a mis
take. Any grocery or garage will sup
ply the gasoline snd you can obtain two
ounces of solvit at the drug store which
Is simply a gasoline soap, then a wash
holler or large dlshpan completes your
dry i.l':uiiti,rj outfit. Advertisement
Thompson Discusses
River Navigation
A. Thompson, secretary of National
ttlvfr" and Harbors congress of Wash
ington, P. C, will snenk on river nav
luallon at a banquet of the Krlfo and
FVrk club next Thursday evening at tJ0
at the Rome, hotel. The IVcatur busi
ness men who recently bought the
st'amhonl Julia which plied between
Omaha and iHcotur. with Its tierce, all
sfmrncr, will attend In a body, as will
also the rivers and harbors rummltlefi
of the Omaha Commercial cluh.
Prof. Phllo Mclvta Ruck. jr.. profes
sor of rhetoric In the Vrlvcmlty of Ne
braska will talk on IVIilum. Ills sub
ject will bo "Belgium. During and After
tho War."
Several new classes at the Young Men's
Christian seoclatlon will besln this week.
The class In public speaking with F.. R.
Burke as instructor, will begin Tues
day night.
It has been announced thst the Young
Men's Christian asaoclatlon class In sales
manship will begin Monday. October II.
This was an error, as the class will not
begin until November 1.
John L. Correa. foreman of tho com.
merclal art department of Baker Broth
ers' Engraving company, will Instruct a
Class In freehand drawing and commer
cial art. beginning Monday night.
Charles Peterson, advertising manager
and window trimmer for the Vacek de
partment store. South Omaha, will con
duct a class In show card writing, be
ginning Monday night.
A course In commercial law will be
taught by C. O. Mclanald, president of
the Omaha Bar association, who has con
ducted such classes for the Young Men's
Christian association for a number of
A free lesson In Spanish will be given
Monday and Tuesday evening, begin
ning at 6:3ft. James Prummond, Jr., who
has spent years In South America, Is
to be the Inst rut or.
L. N. Bexten, professor of electricity
In the Central High school, who for
many years worked In practical electri
cal lines, la to begin a class In electric
ity for practical men. This class will
meet on Tuesday night.
The course in plan reading and esti
mating will be conducted by Charles M.
Nye, architect,
For those who wish to prepare for
cltlsenshlp, Harry O. Palmer will glv
a series of lectures, beginning on Tues
day evening.
A University of Omaha Dramatic club
was organised Friday afternoon, when ef
flcers for the coming season were elected.
There are: Edgar F.rnst. president;' Huth
Peters, vice president, and Kllsabeth Sel
bert, secretary treasurer. A committee
of three was appointed to select some
suitable play, which will be given Feb
ruary 1 It la planned to take a short
trio through the state following the
school holidays. A manager is to
appointed and the trip outllnod as soon
as possible.
On Tuesday evenlnt. October 1, at
the First Baptist church, Martin W. Buh
will play Bchun-Mnn's Fantasia, Cadman'a
Sonata, four preludes by Rachmanlnow
and Llssts Harmonies du Sslr, Valse
Oubllee, Le Mai du Pays and Ballade In
li minor.
Miss Nancy H. Mitchell has gone to
Kansas City and Excelsior Springs for
two weeks.
Mrs. A. P. Cronk of Kverly, la.. Is vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. B.
Ashe. 3316 Center street
Captain Phelps Paine of the fiopth
side, one of the staff of the Bureau of
Animal Industry, haa returned fmin
Wsshlngton where he went with the
veterans of the Grand Army of the Re
publlo. He called at the White House
and with the veterans grasped the hand
of President Wilson.
Show, Which Entertain Crowdi on
Highway Pack to Leava City
3 3.K)
" 647
Tknniay ,
rTideT . . . .
Katurday .
Vondav , . .
Tuesday , ,
Thursday .
Trlday ...
Saturday , ,
4. Ml
10,0 S
Total lit COS 101,7.4
Ak-Sar-Pen carnival ha como to
a cIobo, snd the Wortham sVios that
r-ntertaine'd 100.000 poeipl during
the lst tPn ljs hare packed to !e,vc
the city toelsy.
Though, on acceiunt of tho colti
wef.ther, the attendance fell below
that of last year, it is expected that
when all reports are in it will be
found that Ak-Ssr-Ren has made
money nevcrtfcclc-M.
The total attendance last year for the
ten days was 3- T07, but this was an ex
ceptional attendances and the admissions, ;
together with ejommlaslons from the va
rious shows and concessions, made the
organisation some money, an that nearly
9,00ft of the previous year's deficit aas
cleared away.
Although the attendance ran consider
ably behind this year, many of the shows
and concessions paid well, and It le re
marked also by the governors and secre
tary thst the expense of conducting the
carnival was not so heavy this year as
last year.
Less Kism Tilts Year.
The Lincoln Deachey free aerial attrac
tion was a heavy expense last year, cost
ing Ak-8ar-Ben ll.ooe a day for three
days. This year a dally balloon ascen
sion was made, and a sensational wire
slide from the top of a sixteen-story
building was dally made, but these did
not drain the treasury as the Ueachey at
traction did.
Secretary Weaver and ths board of
governors will be busy for a number of
weeks checking up accounts, making
vouchers, auditing the books and doing
many other things that follow the big
festivities. After that a financial report
of ths year's business will be made.
With one last burst of speed the car
nival crowd streaked down the King's
Highway last night.
The crowd from the very tap of the
gong exhibited a vim and vigor thst In
dicated all were out to have as much fun
as the few remaining hours could dish
up. And the show folk, too, caught the
spirit and did their part. The attrao
tlons outdid themselves, the confetti mer
chants donated extra bounteous sackfuls
snd the Individual Joymakers did the
rest.' Ry midnight the last enthusiast
had left the grounds and tho ivork of
raxing commenced.
Co-eds of the t'nlverslty of Omaha
have adopted a novel scheme for In
creasing their Toung Women's Christian
association membership. They have di
vided themselves Into a red snd blue aid.
The side securing the most membors will
be given a supper by trailing side.
Several chanret have been ntada In the
officers of the body. Mlas ISllsaboth
Pelbert via elected secretary to replace
"Mae Carney and Esther Knapp was
made treasurer to succeed Mania Nelaen
who did not return to school. Ths as
aonlatlon haa arranged a sneaking sche
dule for their Friday noon meetings
which Includes many prominent Young
Christian association workern. Mlas Mil
ler of the "Billy" Sunday party spoke
to the co-eds last Wednesday.
Look at the Store
Windows This
Merchants, at the invitation of the newspapers, are
Joining in a mighty continent-wide window display.
They are showing the goods made familiar to th
public through newspaper advertising.
They have prepared some very interesting and at
tractive windows, which are designated by this sign:
We Sell These StanrJVd Products
All Advertised in the DAILY NEWSPAPERS
The goods will interest you. The windows arc at
tractive and the whole dieplay is a progressive move for
better business.
Spend a ,few minute looking over the attractive
shows our storekeeiiers have made ready.
Better timet- always begin at the deitler's counter
and Window Week is a business builder.
Newspaper Window
October 11-16
Mamma! Give a
Cascaret Quick,
Look at Tongue
Don't you eee your child is
bilious, feverish, sick,
Relieve little stomach, liver
and bowels with candy
Listless, peevish, feverish, droopin
Little stomach sick, breath sour and
tongue coted. Mamma, ymt must act
now or your little one will be real sick
soon. Oct a 10-ceot box of Caacarets
the drug store, give a whole Cascaret
any time. Caacarets are harmless and
children love this candy cathartle which
stlmu'iates the little liver, cleans the
thirty feet of tender bowels and sweetens
the poor, sick stomach In a few hours.
Mothers know that Caecareta act and
act thoroughly and that they cure the
little folks right up. Cascarets la best
taxatlvo for men, women and children.
They never aripe or alcken.
Death hv slow polon fs killing many s
man, young In years, who has msda the
fatal mistake of falling to understand
the warnings of kidney trouble.
When your kidneys begin to lag In
throwing eff natural poisons thst a
eumulete In your body, the flrat warn
ings come In little twinges, or atiffneas
across your tack and hips. Lrinatlon
mav be too frequent; you may feel
"tired" In the morning when you should
feel your beat.
The lieat known remedy for these
troublea la OOLD MRDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules, Thl remedy he stood the
test for more than 400 years since It wae
flrat produced In the ancient laboratories
In Haarlem. Holland. It acta directly on
the kldnevs and bladder and gives relief
at once, or your money will be refunded.
GOLD MEDAL Hsar'.em Oil 'spsules
are Imported direct from Holland, and
can be had at any drug store. Trices
2f Wo anil $1.00. Accept no substitute
Advertisement. . . f v ... '- t. ' "
. -j a
Gea-eral Dietrtfcators
Omaha, Kmh.
Rent' Your Vacant House by
Use of Bee Want Ads.
i i
1 1
5 I
; r
i S
.. .