4 Tilt. Mhr.: OMAHA, MONDAY, (K.TOBFR U. 1910. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE KOITNTOCn BT KDV... ROSK WATER. VICTOR ROSEWAVK1 iWTOM. Tarn Ba rtiMlsmns; Company Proprietor. Bf.B BUILDING. FARNAM AND KEVF.NTENTlI! i i at Omtht tostcfflre aa second -class matter. T ... . 11 r y r.ii'r of iiii.ii pee month. per j ear. ialt and Ponder.., r $ "0 rlir without fupdar-... M Icntr. end inrar He S.W f'vrntuf without Sunday., So. 4.04 Hiindev Be only Sue I. SO Solid potlr of ehar.ge of arldrsea or complaint of irregularity in delivery t Omaha, Iw, Circulation i-tartnnt. RtMrTTANCK. "tartrit W draft, tprea or postal order. Only two cent ftimpn received In payment of err-all e onfita. 1'ersonsl rherks. except on oroaha ami eastern iichanre. not accepted. orncsa Omaha TTia Building, .outs Omaha 3i N tiet. v'ounril Hlnfta 14 North Main street. f.ineoln S Little Building-. Cnlcaaro vn Mrarat bul'dlng. Ktw York Room linn. V Klrth avenu. St. Ijouis- M New Hans of t'omrarr. Waaningtcn 7 Fourteenth Et, N. W. CORRE8PONDENCB. . Mra rommunlcstlons ratstlnr to news and edl- toriel snattsr to Omaha baa, Editorial Dapartsnavt. NETTEMBKR CIRCl'liATIOX. 54,663 Stat of Nebraska. County of Douglas, aa; I'wlght Wlllimna. circulation manager of Th Re Publishing company I'tlng d It swnrn, says that the average circulation for tlia month of September, U1A, was 4.3. D WIGHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In mr nrearnn and sworn to befor ana. thla lat day of CV-tober. IfrlS, KOBERT liLNTh.fl. Notary rublle. Subscribers leariag the city temporarily boold have The Bee mailed to tbem. Ad- drees . 111 be chanfnd a often aa rexjoeste'il. If 0tha 11 Thought for the Day 57efof by Limutm L fasuWr "Faith $hart$ the fufure's promi$t, Ln'$ 6tf offering it triumph von, And McA good thought or aetion move TKii dark world nearer to tht sun." .1 r9 Tb tumult and the ehoutlna; ha subelded. GMded royalty has had Its day. Now for busl cesi. Boost! Entries for the Constantinople pennant crowd the track and insure thrills along every , mile of speedway. Young Rockefeller Is not usually claused as an early riser, still he managed to pull off, a sjifech at Sunrise. ? There is no question of the aooundlng inter ust colleges are taking in the progress of pre paredness for foot ball. It Is nip snd tuck for front page position be tween the world scries in the United States and the world series In Europe. The kaiser looked farther afield than Csar Nicholas when he planted an idle German prtnc i.a the Bulgarian throne and made Sister Sophia ueen of Greece. Panama is an exception. to the general run of bustling American towns. It is unalterably against real estate movements along tha canal. They hurt business. Italy is supposed to be at war with somebody toroewbere In the Alps. Measured by the newt of the affair, it does not muster a feather's eight in the scale of events. Patrick Henry of heroic memory was denied a place in the New York 1 1 all of Fame. The ef fort to vote him In was a waste of good inten tion. The famous Virginian of revolutionary days needs no modern bronie or chiseled mar ble to perpetuate his valorous deeds. A lusty American Infant, cradled by war, makes its Initial bow as a 118,000,000 corpora tion for the manufacture of dyes. The fsct that the Standard Oil and Da Pont powder people are Hr-onwors for the industrial youngsters insures an i.bundance of financial nourishment. "The prosperity of the country," exclaims ttje Washington Post, "can only be assured through an American merchant marine." This knocks from a lofty perch the claim that rail reads are the only reliable vehicles of prosperity Id this country. Another idol shattered. Personal property assessments in New York i;ity were boosted to $4,000,000,000. The first s'xty-five men, exercising their lights under the law, swore off 99.63 per cent of their assess ment. At this rate of swearing speed the tax boost will soon resemble an exploded war fond. Tha combined assets of Nebraska state banks and savings and loan associations total fit:. 000, 000. In fifteen years the banks have quadrupled their business; the associations in creased sixfold in ten years. Gold mines and L- unltlon factories occaslonslly enrich the few. They are hopelessly outclassed by Nebraska's lcrtlle fields as an old reliable money producer. i v t r vy&J MXsyt &MJl jr r m m av4 s-t Wright Mohola haa sons to Halt tka City to taka 'lis ptiion of city ticket agent for the Union Iactri liry weather kept pt-ople at home and rciliu-ed nto:v!rce at h chuivhea today. At th Klrat Uap tut. K-v. J. P. Oab'urn, atato nitaalonary, made a pow. I ful ij'i.-'jl for funds for hi aocUty. lu-v. J W. tlaraha delivered the fourth of lila atrira r l turea on comm n sens and religion. Ills topic aa Mystery." I'rjty had a apeetal choral et rvire. with aoloa aung r Mla Ix.rrina tJlt aon, Mlaa Fatteraon and Mr. Rlgga. Tne rtrfct liapUM church has ralaed 1700 out of a idvl for a new miealon rhael to be erected at the corner of Twentieth ant) Cuming afreet. I'l.arUa Otsden. as Keal attoiaey far tha Mlnneapol't Onvaha, haa paid In 111.310 aa back taxes. J'ruidrnt LKiwhng f Crelghtoa colleg la announc ing a cou of arleiitlfla lectures St the college to be siv.-n ly Prof. Itlgge. aalated by I'rof. Hubert Uart lai.d. Tiia police unlforma are a go. tle pattern calllmi "ur a double frock coal with belt anj mace and a ama'l :ajje harsmg- frc.ro the ahoulder. oa which several lol taliota have been aaked te submit blda. I. Jtrwrn. 1U( Karr.am etre. anta to adopt a lit Me sri- rr.Jri. I uu-tr i jettra rf m;c I Nebraska and Snffraj-e. t In anticipation of the rotn on woman's suf- se, which is soon lo be tslien In four enpHrn i-tates, tho I.itersry Digest has been making a t.atlon-wlde poll of the rrei-s to asrerlaln "the verdict of the people of the United 8tates on votes for women." In Its summary of the re turns by states It says: i iNeornana is reporw,i to i in inwr "uiiitpc ? a fair majority 1 uplte flgurea. which Tha Omaha Pee p-caeiita to i". concernlns the S'lffrago amendment I submit ted In the I'll elerthn, whlih failed to carry. However, out of the total Vote of !t,14, the majorlt? i opposing It was only about lo.nso. j It goes on to quote answers to Its tnquirlei by three other Nebraska newspapers, the Fre- r. cut Tribune, the Columbus Telegram and the York Republican, with the conclusion: The wi-ht of optnlon aeems to favor suffrage, for only two dltora and two communities are reported nctoally against the proposition. While th're Is no occasion to re-argne the suffrage question so fsr as the rerdlot in Ne braska Is concerned, we Insist that the actual I returns which we gave to the Literary Digest vclthout comment or Influence are the best evi dence. At the election held in 1914, the total number of ballots was 246,944, the vole for suf frage was 90,738, and 'tha vote against it 100,84 2, leaving the amendment short of a ma jority by 10.106. The total number of ballots marked on that proposition, therefore, was 191,580, more than 55,000 of the voters refrain ing from expressing themselves at all. In other words, while 90,738 favored suffrage, 156,206 refused or failed to favor It. Moreover, each of the counties in which the three newspapers mentioned are located gave majorities against suffrage. Whether public sentiment in Nebraska has changed since last November enough to transfer the adverse majority of 1914 to the other eol imn Is pure speculation, but why the Literary 1)1 Kest should go outside the record to reach a different finding from what the official figures warrant Is puszllng to say the least. Six of One Half Dosen of T'other. Recalling the loud uproar raised in certain quarters over the placing of the Anglo-French loan through our American bankers, it is inter esting to observe in the latest Issue of "Father land," which Is the staunch advocate in this country of "fair ploy for Germany," an appeal made to the Germans in America in the form tf an advertisement of a Chicago firm of "Ger 'man bankers," asking subscriptions to the third Herman war loan. '"Ought not we Germans in America," it says, "to help to the best of our ability toward the success of this new loan by subscribing to it, and thereby relieving the brothers in the fatherland T" And again: "As long as this heroic fight for Germany's freedom and existence lasts, where our brothers risk their lives. It should be the sacred duty of all Germans In the United 8tates to place their sav ings at the disposal of the fatherland to whom they owe so much." When we were discussing the Anglo-French loan, The Bee suggested that it was not a ques t'on of neutrality or of sympathy on either side, but purely a business transaction. In truth, the chief difference between the two loans from the Investor's viewpoint is that the offer of the Ger man 6 per cent loan is at 99, while only 98 is asked for the Anglo-French loan bearing "the seme rate of Interest, and that the former comes in denominations as low as 100 marks a little, less than $25 -while the latter stops at $100, It is merely six of one and half a doseh of t'other when war bonds are floated over here. Bate for Carrying' Passengers. ' Chairman Clarke of the Nebraska Railway commission has filed a brief with the Interstate Commerce commission, In which he takes the negative end of each proposition laid down by the railroads In favor of an increase in the pas senger rates. He presents his own reasons for' holding that the 2-cent rate is compensatory, and strongly contends that the proportionate passenger earnings of the roads are more re munerative than the freight returns. It would seem that this problem might be solved with much less of red tape. Railroad accounting is coming to be of such nature that facta are hopelessly befogged In a mass of figures, the exact meaning of which is differ ently determined by different experts, to the end that exact information is seldom or never given the public. It ought to be easy to determine the exact cost of carrying a passenger one mile fender normal conditions. The elements that enter Into the problem are already known, or are readily ascertainable, and from these the unit should be deduced.' With this factor estab lished, the next step would be to determine what proportion of the total cost of operating should bo charged to passenger traffic, and the rest would be easy. Railroad rates and rate-making have gone far beyond reason in complication and should bo reduced to some simpler terms that they may be better understood by the public, which is the party most at interest. T .. A current statement that many Kansas state tanks are obliged to decline deposits has an im pressive appearance standing alone. A different face appears when it is explained that Kansaa banks are prohibited by law from taking de posits exceeding ten times the capital and sur plus. Banks loaded to that limit are put to the ralnful duty of turning away money. Mr. Bryan's resignation from the premier ship of the administration last summer dovetails with his announcement of permanent retirement from office and office seeking. His interest In I u bite affairs and public questions will continue unabated, and those who. attempt to push his friends from the pie counter may get their meas ure on the mat. Knockera, beware! Somebody writes to our amiable democratic contemporary protesting against opening its col umns to a notoriety seeking agnostic for sc ur inous attacks not only upon Christianity, but upon all religion, demanding that they be "di verted by way of the waste baket." That is ex actly what happened to them when the aame screeds were offered to The Bee. Brother Barge haa great confidence in Mr, Pryaa'g preaching when he assures a conference of Nebraska democrats urging a poetmastrrshtp candidate against Mr. Bryan's choice "that they vlll not be condemned for ' tbelr freedom of thought and its expression." The freedom of tfought that Mr. Bryan approves and tvtols Is tie kind that trrecs with him. Omaha and Letter Carriers Off tot at Or fa a of te JTeUoaal Aaaoclatiea. ONE of the prlnlpal festurea of convention week was the great parade on Iahor day, September (I. Fully J.oro letter carriers In tinlform participated and rlhited Constant apptauee from the thronira of peipt who occupied every point of vantage along: tha lln of march. The route aekfted by the local com mittee waa admirably choaon and waa not ao lon aa to become tiresome. IVUghlful weather greeted the marchers, which, -omntned with the liea'itlful wide, smooth and level street, made tha pervlo it most aurceraful spectacle. The letter C arrier Hand. , The Inspiring st:slns of muslu furnished 1-r tha letter carrier bands In attendance added to the en thusltam ai d enjoyment of the prad and tho week- ' eVents, end many wero tha expressions of aatonlah ment thnt so much mualcal talent waa to 1c found among- the nation's letter carriers. The: ware fou banda present Chlcaso, Cleveland. Iallna and tnnahv and too much can not be said of their iort In making the week aui'h a pronounced sue-ese. They wen ready and eager at all tlmea to fumlph mnslc, which they, did with tha whole-hearted energy characteristic of members of tha National Angulation of Ittr Carriers. Tha- contention owes them a debt of grati tude and the national association haa just cause to taka pride In these organisations, for the reason that they call the attention of the public to the fact tha'. we ar progressive, energetic snd comptent along; lines other than carrying tha mall. The Ak-Sar-Ileai Ra tertalaaaeat. What will perhapa live longest In the memoriea of those so fortunate ss to be present waa lefar carrie s' night at Ak-8er-Bcn Den. Tha Ak-Sar-Uen is dis tinctly a western Institution, Its objects being to pro mote a better spirit among Omaha's buslnoaa men snd toward Omaha by tha state of Nebraska and the outside world. That It haa attained Its alma and en hanced the prestige of Qmaha and tha middle west is attested by the thouaanda of visitors who have en. Joyed Its hospitality and been Introduced to tha mys teries of the land of King ftamaon. letter carriers' night was replete with fun then fun and yet more fun. A number of our members bore with fortitude the vicissitude of Initiation and thereby won . th plaudits of tha throngs of carriers and other guests. Preceding the Initiation "The Isle of Pep," a musical melange, was artistically staged, and In the vernacular "It was scream. " Following the initiations true Omaha western hospitality was dispensed In tha rear of the spacious Auditorium, to the accompaniment of excellent music by the letter carrier bands. A royal entertainment by a big-hearted people waS the uni versal verdict. Trlbate Oaaaha'a Flrat-Claea Pnitmailer, We would be lacking In appreciation and gratitude did we fall to mention the activity and Interest of John C. Wharton, Omaha's aggressive and pro gressive postmaster. . Beneath his smiling exterior there bests a heart that throbs In aympathy with his fellow men, no matter what their station in life. Dur ing the entire week ha was here, there and every where, his whole desire being to contribute to our comfort, convenience and entertainment. Mr. Whar ton la a real postmaster and a real man. Tha Na tional Association of Latter Carriers wishes for hlra a long life of activity and usefulness In any sphere to which his talents and ambition may call him, and as sures hirrr that his kind and courteous treatment of our delegates and friends will be a cherished memory aa long aa tha National Association of Itter Carriers endures; A llwapllable People anal Preamslre City. If the delegates and visitors failed to enjoy them selves, during convention week at Omaha It must lie attributed to themselves alone. Ably assisting Post master Wharton and the carriers' committee were the officials of, the postofflce, city officials, the news papers In fact, the entlrs population of the thriving mld-westera metropolis. Nothing seemed to havo been left undone to contribute to our pleasure, and t express a wlssi was to have It Instantly complied with. Branch 6, as a whole, and Its loyal and efficient con ventlon committee are to be congratulated upon the unqualified anocess of convention week, and those in Attendance will never forget their untiring efforts to make them feel at home and among friends. Tha visiting women were eared for and entertained In a manner that left nothing to" be desired and ware loud In their praises of Omaha and the local Ladies' auxil iary. Tha business sessions of tha National Ladles' Auxiliary convention war held at the Hotel Fon tenelle. Omaha, a a convention city, proved sonw what of a surprls In point of attendance a many had thought that the high water mark of Rochestei would not b reached. But It went beyond that, as there were l.HT accredited delegates on the floor, wlti seventeen state presidents, twenty-three national of ficers and twenty-five delegates at large. Twice Told Tales It Waia't the Car. About t o'clock last night Mr. and Mrs. Hy Geer were awakened by a mysterious noise. "Listen!" said Hy, and they sat up in the dark. "Somebody's breaking lntd the garage." Mrs. Oeer whispered. "I'll go and see," answered Hy. ' . In dressing gown and slippers he stole- out of thu houa and acros the lawn. The garage door was locked. There was no sign of anything wrong. II returned to the house and reported. "I wonder what It could have been," said Mrs. Oeer. "I'm sure I heard something." "So did I." said Hy; "but the car's all right" They were almost aslep, when sudctonly Mrs. Oeer aroused with a start. "Psrhaps It Isn't the car at all," aaid ahe. "Per-, haps It's the baby." "By Qeorge, I never thought of him!" replied Mr. Oeer. ... They found that their S-month-old son had fallen out of his crib. New York News. ' Gratefal Papa. Miss Cuiiey kept a private school, and one morning waa Interviewing a new pupil. "What doea your father da to ea'n his living V the teacher asked the little girl. "Please, ma'am," was the prompt reply, "ho doesn't live with us. My mamma supports me." "Well, then," asked the teacher, "how does your mother earn her living?" "Why," replied the little glil in an artless manner, "she gets paid for staying away front father." 8an Francisco Argonaut. The Dae tor Katn, If some men are skeptical others place an Implicit faith in tli doctor s prescriptions; and of these was a man In Limerick, who went to the undertaker t order a oof fin for Pat Connell. "Dear me." sild the undertaker, "is poor Pat desd" "No, he's not dead yet." answered the other, "but he'll die tonight, for the doctor say a he can't llv till morning, and h knowa what he gave Mm." Chicaen News. Aimed a,t Omaha Beatrice un: As usual. Charley Wooettr was In the minority at lh farmer' ccngreis at Onuha. A resolution had been Introduced commending the .real, dent's frltn nol-y. sad the Inlef tlgxble letter writer of aiilver Ciek dcmind d that a larC of It stricken out. He didn't want tie farmers to aay that thay endorsed th) way Aiueri aie have bean pn tactad by ur rovw-nm-nt la tha lliht of tndtgnltlei and rime of Mcxlcana against American 'JtUeia. But b eouldn't set snythlnt started. Th farmer unanimously ndored th preal ent'a actions in de U Ins with foreign nation If ( barley Wooster vr Tnd himself speaking. ctt-ur or voting with th ma jority, he will be as mad aa a hornet. Culbertann Hani er: It baa 1 txn moved aM seconded that the name of tlilt ctunty be changat from Hltchco.k to Morton, Biyar. Nor Is or eonu ctUrr ifool man that has d 'lie s-metMie; fo- f s Lute Ak-Sar-Ben and Revivals. OAKLAND, la., Oct. in. To the I&litor of Tha P4-e: Twenty-one tlm-a has win ter mpa end Konc. twentv-onS tlmea has summer come end itnn. and tw-rity-one times have the Iravc r"id'l"d forth only to le nipped by the frosts of the aeenon since the InccptMi of the "Ak-far-Hen." Joyous Indcod have these occasions been to a million pairs of eyr In, the pst. Many wltrenaeg of thla splendid feature of amusement have Joined the silent ma jority and the nio'ind on yon hlllli1a, and the a-oorl or bad deeds performed by them arc the c.nly rncnorle left for huninn cor.slilf ration ; ti.elr liven a closed book as it vvrc. It is of the nUhty, living, moving pavant of toOay that v.c write, and that Is tho ,elertrra) parado of Ki-g Ak-8ar-Jlen In its twenty-first anniversary. In tvhtch the srts and devices of human skill were su wonderfully displayed. Kven those were present to admire, who were of the opinion that the money nilKht have been diverted to another channel with greater effect favorable to furthering Christianity, yet they ex press themselves as pleased and It Is well. Down in another section of the city we find one of the largest tabernacles of modern time. Here a man Is hold ing forth the "bread of life" to a lest snd. In the opinion of some, ruined race coins to the dogs as it .were, with the sversge preaent day minister esU'cp st the switch; with Immortsl anula riding the freight cara of eternal destruction. Millions have heard lilm apeak words that rendered peace to their souls. Mil lions hav grasped the hand that held hope of a glorious future In realms of eternal dav. In summing up briefly you have the wy of the world. May we learn to ac cept the wisdom of a great Creator with the belief that after all, Is said and done here. It Is well. THOMAB J. HILDEBRAND. Back tm Protect! Tariff. f HFLBTVILLE, Tenn., Oct. lO.-To the Editor of The Bee: Having a few moments spar time decided to send you a few seral-political lines. I am still a cltlsen and voter In th Oolden Rod state, but my Interests here have retained Cne six weeks and will about two weeks longer before I return to Omaha. Have been absent almost three months with a month on the coast, and tha more I se of th conditions in our United States of America th stronger protectionist I am. My protection Idea Is to protect all our people so as to provide employment for over lS.ono.flOO now Idle and relief for over eo.ono.OOO men. women and children now suffering because the earning power of families Is Idle. If the national republican party has a desire To return and control our govern ment then the paryt as a whole roust com out In favor of stopping labor Im migration and or advancing th tariff suf ficient to stop Importations of whst our people can and should produce. I have been In continual business fifty three years and have never longed for a public efflc and do not now, but these years of business experience and covering our United States of America from th Atlantta to th Pacific and from Canada to the gulf and t hav traversed these sections many tlntesj and I know some thing about the actual Workings of labor Immigration and a tariff of free trad and for revenue only (same as tho pres ent destructive tariff) or a low, medium or high protective tariff, and according to my Ideas our highest protective tariff waa too low en articles our people ran and should produce. With ray Ideas herein stated I bellev th republican party can even carry Tennessee, Kentucky, Mis souri and West Virginia, and carry Over whelmingly every former republican state. H. N. JEWETT. , Dfes ( th Taberaael Meat. COUNCIL BLUFF, la., Oct. .-To th Editor of The Bee: R. C. B. Is complain ing about th music at the tabernacle. He made It plain enough that he didn't like It. but the funny part of it is, he didn't tell us what was wrong with it. He is just Jealous of, and prejudload against, tho affair that be didn't have sense enough to keep still about It, so he had to blurt out something without any foundation to It. He shows his Ignor ance of music. Of course, the choir can't sing operas or mu&jc like the Boston Symphony orchestra plays, but I would like to se him lead a ohotr of that sis with some of th songs they sing. S What la th objection to the music i It is, of course, simpler In construction than the opera, but according to th laws of compositon and harmony, with which I am not so very unfamiliar, the songs are very well constructed. Th remarks about "Rody" and th piano show jeal ousy, ao they are funny. Mr. Rodehoaver and Mr. Brewster are both broad-minded, iiou-oonceited. professional musicians. If I didn't Ilk them I would have more sense than to criticise them In public. It shows where th shoe pinches. FERN BAKER. Barklna- at the Saa. TILDEN, Neh.. Oct. lO.-To th Editor of Th Be: 'TIs rather grating on the nerves to hav a row of antl-Btllyite-Bus-sard a spewing out the'r stenchful belch ings all over our peaceful Letter Box, and then a group of frantic pro-Blllyttes will fly to th defense of this Irreslst able cyclone. "Billy"' Sunday does not need any defonse; he Is well able to car for himself; and moreover, you may as well try to cram Old Jumbo Into the northeastern corner of the attic of a thimble as to try to put "Billy" into the Letter Box. Why he breaks out contin ually on the front page and usually takes several other pages with hlin In the crash. Wh are we, anyway? whether "antis" or "proa" we'd better stay In our class and not presume to howl at tha "sun" that shines as the frontlsplec on the first page of the metropolitan sheet. Tlie letter Box Is our sine, and "Billy" doea not hav time to aww such gnats; he's tn another class, and th devil reallsos the fact, and OK) Nick la seri ously considering handing In his realg nation, "hitting th trail" himself, pass ing over tb keys of his rvsort to "Hilly." and proposing the organisation of a new company, for the purpose of Irrigating hell, replottlng It and having it annexed to paradise, for th overflow that la being occasioned by "Billy's" campaign. At first 'Hilly" pi ay seem to favor tha project, but upon second thought be a doubt will turn down tha proposition, for In case that would b don there would b no place to Anally ship th remains of such a pack of blear-yd, "yellow curs" who have barked out their live at th "Colossus" from behind th Latter Box. Such, are decidadly unfit te pas th examination to enter the IQyslaa realms, end it would b dangecou to inflict their waudcrlng ahade on our terrestrial pcMerlty. Tee. feliewa, we had better deal In chits, ehrimps, turtes and hop-o-my-th umbs. and not presume to tin the boasting gnat that took me contract t put tha rhlnooern out ef huslness. Therefore. y husxard. owls and bets, hear e; and tske fair warning, hlc hsk to your hands or "Pllly'II set ou If you don't watch out." A. 4 .KERN HORN. Why lie la for Say. UY'M MOINE. la.. OU. lO.-To the Rdltor ef The Bee: To rr.y mind the spirit of f'.od Is werkirig In and through 'Hilly" Pnnday. 1 betjevo thitt the re sources of the Almighty rsn he secured by a man of sufficient faith, tlw limi tations we make ourselves. While Ills language often abounds In alana and every-dny phrases It mu.it or remembered thst his supreme purroMj Is for the sav ing of sinners. He converts them hy the thousands and should have the co-operation of all fnnes of righteousness. I am for him hecaure ho sets rcsMts. I rWllfve in results and 1 don't cine to irltlclse the methods uea io obtain diore results ss long as thrv sre honorable snd lawful. 1 am fully i.'isundd thst rny minister, who ha.i a .passion for i ni's. could not help lu believe In 8 Jn- D. H., 7.618 Fourth St. LINES TO A SMILE. Nebraska Editors Little Ijemiiel Fay. Paw. what Is the meanlns of ostentntlnn? paw ostentstlon, son, la a way Uie nelshhor lave l.ecn showing off. In- dlananoiii wr. Penlor Psitner The new msn doesn't seem to have developed any good points ' Junior Partner ITe hasn't had time. ft. P.-Hiian't hsd timer J. v. No, he spenda most of his time enplalnlng lit.i mistakes.- Boston Trans cript, "Ars the Aimrlcane a musical ration?" "1 fhould scy so. There never yet was a political camps f!n in hlch the brass len1 didn't make more noise than the speskers." Washington Star. Jnggs was very much affected at my talk with blm on the evil efiects of dilnk. 1 'could se how he filled up." "Yes, that Is what he Is usually doing.' Baltimore American. "Pop. what . a pessimist?" "A man who's seasick during his entire vovsse of lile. (Ian to bed now, son. Princeton Tltrcr. Casey lonnojcl at surveillance Say: 1, watchln' in p 11 vet have to do? T'om. sn u-ui tly )-l' U. Oeecv (throwing down pl"k Eeaorrs. then, it's dl, ye ll bo tomorrow. Boston Tram-crlpt. THE AWAKENING. Tho edltore of northeastern Nebraska will meet at Norfolk. October 15 apd 16, for the purpose of forming a social and business organization. D. F. Davis, editor of the Pllver Creek Sand, died at his home September 36 of pneumonia, after an Illness of a week. Mr. Davis formerly edited the Columbus Telefram and Schuyler l.'erald. He was postmaster of Columbus during Cleve land's second administration. Mlaa Emma K. Vorpahl of Grand Juntv tloti. la., has purchased the Marslsnd Tribune from Per. (Tfcerles H. Burleigh. Editor Edwin Richmond of the Minden t'ourior. celebrated the twenty-fifth an niversary of his paper last week. He says the paper was started in 1890 with the subscription at tl.CO a year snd that it has been worth tho price ver since Corinne R. Swain, in Judge. When day la done. In' Mapleview, and shades of nlsht have "fell," t like to go out on the porch and meditate a rcll. . iThe ptars sre out and so at times Is our elective light; The .1 nek son pui bewaitn his chain; a hi Hie of fi-ll.ies flffht. in Doc McOorckle's parlor, some great singer warlWea yot, And charor still fioni Jones's comes that Lucln. sextette. The choirs practicing, no doubt; for on tho evcniiiK sir Their voices fram the church near by proclaim "Sweet Hour of Prayer." How loud that pianola sounds! It must be cousin Pill's: It plays those dance tunes pretty slick. and g-eta in nil the frills! The racial 's at Masonlo hall;, the west bound freight go-s "too-oo-oot." And to and fro with merry din, the autos hoot Snd scoot. The movies have a phonograph that' playing ragtime thlnss: Tlie Main street stores are lighted, too. down where the glee club sinus. Of course we rv in the suburbs yet; but 'tlsn't Just nor r aht To ssy thst life Is dull, with romething doing every, night! Cool in summer warm in winter . TAW Craeraf Sayn Neither th hot winds ml sanrrarsr nee the eU blast f winter can pextetrat mnt roofing or wall board. Roots eevwrwd with weed shingles, slate, or tile, Msssl ess er ener layers ef osrr insulating- snateriess easel ac Unas t keep the building cool 1st summer and warns ia si Inlaw i Tssef WanhanrlssaaawpTiiiiaiiateywIalhaawphsterhh. at hhuww as nasi hast f the J as aa laapwi i ant gvsr lath and plaster h fcsenaalns aals asset BaW saJL it aavea fuel ia eeU weather and keeps ast tha ha waea aad Tha craat sarsWe ewe vary law east ef mm asatariala ke leeTse Shaar Crasstfswaafs ky , tmlnt fa lat&t't cwrW srrwaaf Roofing-Board ed ! 1 1 ' " ".aa a These ars the sasterktts that gtv th nK Stl vKe at the tnml mnAml. mm! JIfi?'lr BooAng is guaranteed S. 10, or fears according to Whether tb thickness 1. I, or t-ply reaaectieelf. As anaaaflasHnvra af art nf oar aaa mwiw I. and tuot-'s; Uwblcmt Roofing and Bvikling rnper Wills la the world, we can auk ma terials thai trw: the lengeat eerrtce and can ecu i n cm st lew prices. There aneta twa Is a CaefsjaaW dealer la your totality wha will ha Blessed as i gricca ssaTgiT ywa farther Infennatioa about ear prod aria. General Roofing Manufacturing Company r7w Vara Car ritiaaargh Caleaaa allaa'ateki i r resale jtjariaaatl sJTTI M Haaaawrg Chwalaag CARPENTER PAPER CO. OMAMA..DISTR1BUTER1 CERTAIN-TEED ROOFING . B JILQINO PAPER NO chilly days with the PERFECTION $MOK1XCOU HEATER. Perfection Oil gives best results. STANDAND OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Omaha .jl ' THE BEER YOU UKfL Phone Douglas 1889 snd have a cae beat home. You will not he rlisattpointetl a? you will get an article of tfie highest quality, Healthful Invigorating and Refreshing. Save Coupons and Get Free Premium. Luxus Mercantile Company DISTRIBUTORS.