8 A Till: OMAHA SUNDAY nEK: OCTOBER M, 1915. 1IIM HAPPENINGS IH THli MAGIC CITY Two Convict from -Wisconiin Who ; Broke Parole to Get Work Are Taken. MAY MAKE EXCEPTION IN CASE Henry V!mer and Howard Prleat, two fi'tM'in of the VI-MnMn atale penlten 1'sH' t n bp,'1 orr'. on parole, wre. ar , , ..... i ..... --(-... r (f-'peclal Officer Heller rt the Unton Plorlt s .. . .. ' . , fhrni mar .-pi ti.H-ld at the time of th i rreit mid wei bromht to the Pouth fide roller statlmi. ' They tolil a ' hard I'xk fry of !ww, although thy had r-ren limited to ih state of VIconan lo ttv-ir parole . agreement. ' they were, tin ahle to find wr-rk In that ft it and had romo to N'obiaka. At th time of the arrest both meti w working on n Mmi ami hd ben employed for mmi time., ft fa expected that the ststn liomd will probably make i exception In their caae and allow the parole to continue on the strength of good Intent to i-fvrt work on their part. Team le fe Hratflre. ' Off to Uratrtre the fouth HUrti aohnol foot bait iad' left thla morning at t.f 'do V to meet the atrotigett opponent of thlr schedwle' In , the aooend gam of the yeur. Plpnal' p'rartl-e waa held with unlirln- pteod yesterday afternoon 'and tho nnckri rd riven' a final workout. Ccoch Tatton and Assistant Coach Hugh ' McCullorh were both on tha field and the Una waa given particular attention. It la thought that the Una will be re sponsible for defeat if such should occur. - tllee tM.( Caoht. . "Lifting" a pair of trotiaera from .-lothlng store at Twentyaevcnth and Q atreeta rauaed the arroat of Jamea White, suspicious character arreated by De tect 1 vet Allen and Dwofk laat evening at oVIock. White, who Uvea at SM N treet; !s alleged to have stolen the trouaora ono night laat week. Tha caaa will come up In police cw'rt If tha keeper of the clothing atore appear to toatlfy. F'rsl f.ame fnr Mnadaa. The local all-atar Masda foot ball rem. blriatlou will open the aeaaon tomorrow afternoon at 8:S o'clock at th Rtvervlew park field with a game with the Flor ince Athletics. The Mazda won the vhamjionahtp' among claaa B teama of Oreater Omaha, rroepects this' year are even better than laat year and Oe team expect to easily repeat It feat. - Tha Florence Athletics are considered atrong combination, but the local team expecu easy picking!.' Men who wl'l play on the local eleven are: Enda, Kmll Kaanef, Jtroii llallahan; tackles, Joe Kovorlok and Ted f llletl; guardV. Cy Bolcn and Ed Andy; center, KA lU-ker; quarter back, Walter Knohba; hn.lfb.icka, Francla Zlarr and Frit Keener. nd fullback, Al Zlaer. Millet! In contain of the team. Official will be furnished by the league commMtr-a ' Maale t lr t.nl . The New reatnrr club will gtre a ruin, maae aele at Twenty-fourth and J street. October 1.1 and 1. Services will be held a usual at th ft. Mike's Lutheran church at Twenty fifth and K streeta. rev. 8. H. Vert in lll preside. Hunriay hool will be brM at ;'. Morning aermnn at It o'clock. The funeral of laaac Tutroe. nrd M y'ra. waa held yeeler'fay afternoon at 4 o clock at the Ijirkln chapel at Twenty fourth and M atreota. Interment waa made In the Oraceland fark cemetery. Adopt a avMm that will enatile you to eava a certain fwrcrntare of your In come. Tho Hnue'hot l-.xpenar Mook, lue1 by te Hnvlnax liepartment of the I He Mock National Pnnk, Houth hnhH, jhowa you the plan. It la free for the aeklng. . Defeat of Red Sox Calmly Accepted by The Fans of Boston HO8T0N, Oct. . Puinsa In many placea in thla city tmlay paused while thnueande of peraona, learned of. the progreaa of the . opening world'a eerlca baae ball game In Ftilladelphla between the Philadelphia National and the Boa ton Americana. The Red fox defeat waa received calmly, the crowd having lot mik-h of their enthulan aa opportunity after opportunity for a .ronton arore (iaed without profit. Only In the eighth Inning when. the Itad 8ox run waa made did tho throng applaud for more than a moment. AlthnUKh Bhore'a . wildneaa, which made rhliadeliihla'a run. In the eighth Inning poialtile. was a dliappelntmeiit, aome of the bulletin board crowda aw,a ray of future hope In the fact that the Reri Pox had made eight hlta off Alexander, Arrangement for ploy-by-play report of the game today were the moil elab orate ever mad In thl olty. At Rtavea' field., where the local end of tho aeriea will he played; at Fenway park and at fo'ir ' a'Klttniiuma reveral- thoand per aona paid admiaainn feea to follow the de tail of the play. . Countleaa olher thoueunds thronged the pac In Troht of a half doaeri hewapaper ofricea, whore by mechanical device or megaphone, or poatbd- bulletin, they r kept In touch with evente at Phila delphia. ' Street' were Impamtable In many placea 'and atnrea wire fosced to tnp bualncaa aa a reault of theee crowd". haa to atiffer phvelcally. There la no alii j anybo-ly, Uit a the nn of f!od through FAST PACERS TO WORK OUT OVER EAST LWHA TRACK An interesting workout lxtv.eii faat pacer mill he ataged, at tho Omaha Driving club' track at ICaat Omaha thl aftomoon whon- Kd Peteraon' new paoer, Ben Karl. .will ho atnpped lnng tilth Hoi "McKlnney, riW. for tho purpone of try ing Ben' mettle. A number of horio enthuaiata are planning to -wttneva the workout, no admlaclcn of cottiac, being charged. .' ! . Sunday Says Your Sins ; v . Will Surely Find You Out you ran commit that dor not have phyel cal eenerienre. It doeen't i-ny to commit a aln. A man haa to pay for It In phyoical Buffering, t don't care what It I. I bare had young men and young women come to me. eye bloodahot. and they would writhe and groan in agony. .WhyT Be cnura of ln. Why are there o many broken bod lea In our land today? Ptn. Why o many shattered Intellect? Pin. j If yon wilt etart out and eliminate from j the world all dlaeaaea which are cnuaed by aln you will be dumfounded to find out how little dlaeaee will remain. I .will grant you the diaeaee may be hereditary. You may have aome phyal- -Z cal defect, not becauae you broke any moral law,' but becauae your father or mother, or your grandfnther or your great-gran'lfather did. and "Ood vlaita tho Inlqultlea of the parent unto the j. third and fourth generatlona of thrm tha hate IMm." I agree with you that It my be the re ault of r.echlent. iU of peopl have to bear aome physical d.-fct or dlaeaa ft tho reault of accident- " I have known of cancer to be -brought on by accident. I have known people to be afflicted becao' It will go down from generation to gen eration, yet. after all I ald. If you will eliminate from the world all diaeaae and coffering which are tho reault of (In. you would be dumfounded to find nut how llttlo dlaease would remain, and If people would only quit alnnlng, and go to nerving God you could eliminate two third of the diaeaae In tha world, fo you have to nay for lt- But that la not all. Homething elee haa to auffer. That 1 your good name. Other mlt;ht call It your character. Bin will breed an ulcer lu your charac ter. I don't think a rotten body la half aa bad a a rotten character. I would rather have my body a maa of corrup tion, with a good clean name, than to Land up with a perfect phyalcal body uti a rotten name and charactr. to you have to auffer In your name, In your character for It. faith In Joauii fl-rlat. and that la greater How proud am ti know that I am a on ef Ood; by my repentance and faith In Him Ho I am delivered from all f'-ar o' c- I am not afraid of ln. The Ohrlatlan la not airaid of i-ln A rich man I afraid ha will oae hi money. Other people are afraid they will oe their friend. f me fellow are afraid they will Int. their j Joba. Olbera are afraid they won't get) a Job. I Pome are afraid they will jant elck. I Othera are afraid are afraid If they get alck thejr won't Bet well. But a Chris tian 1 not afraid. . I ait In my room and wonder how long I will ve to preach Five, year? Tea, poaalbly. Ten year? Well, probably. Fifteen year? No: I don't expect to be preaching fifteen yrara from now. 1 dor.t' cxp."ct to live to be an old ninn- I know 1 am ready, and if 5od want my life He can have It- t am a child of Ood. I am not worrying about the future. That la what It means to be a OirlMlan "Be ur your lna will find yon out. The thlnj to do t to find "it yoo ai a ainner, then walk down and at"e Jefiua Christ a your Saviour and ha your sin forgiven ao thnt you can b come a child of Ood an.d have your n neniance waning ior you. Any man will do that. (Copyright. William A. Sunday.) ip!!ti;H!! i!:!!;!:i:i:c;::ct THE STORE THAT HOLDS the PRICES DOWN This store with its inexpensive location, its FS modern up-to-date building with every possible im provement offers you goods at all times at the low- est possible price goods of the highest quality backed by both the manufacturer and this firm. 1 SELECT YOUE HOME OUTFIT at the "UNION" from the largest assortment of home furnishing goods in the West. We have a dandy three-room home outfit at only $69X0 a splendid four-room out- fit at enly $99. CO and the finest five-room home out- S3 "Billy" Hunduy'a aermon lt night waa a follow: . .. w Text: Number xxxil. & "Be ur your aln will find you out." ... Mn I tha one thing In tha univerae which can permanently damage a man and eternally, damn Iilm. IMsappolniment may worry' him. grief may aadden hlra. adveraity may bring him hardship and- hearlaohe, but the only thing that can permanently leave ' It stamp upon a man' character and eternally damn him In hell la aln. No man or woman can escape from hi . or her !n. Kvery aln you have aver committed or ever will commit will bring you to account and you will have to pay for it, and you never will aln that you won't have to pay for It. ' , -Nobody cver ainned that wasn't a loar by It.' Nobody ever committed a sin that ever paid. 'You may have lied and niado !00 by that He, but It dIJu't par. You may own a store that you would not 'have now If you hadn't lied. That Doean't pay. You may have a farm that you wotild not have had if you had lived rlBbt- That doean't pay.'- , The most stupendous, glgantio folly that rer entered th mind -of a man or wo man !a the ippoalllon that It pay to do wrong. . , There may be those here tonight who are planning aome tn, and your presence here la only that many hour nearer the lime, the hour and the place you will commit that ln. In fact, your preeo here might be for the purpose of eluding people, and you are here simply for tha purpose of warding off suspicion, and you. can scarcely wait until my measage I over and you can creep off In the dark ivaa and propagate your Iniquity. That won't pay.- I ' won't . It," the people here won't ee t. but the eye of the lxird run through the earth and there la no blackness that tan hide your Iniquities away from Ood,- . -. There are aome thing In life about match there are degree of uncertainty. Tou are not certain that you will die. Jeaua Christ may burat upon the world - it Uf Ida rl.u k will strike ll'l J'I.D W -. . . ' - . " - - . 1 IS at midnight. j You are not sure that the un will rise I tomorrow. We suppose It will.. It ha risen ever l& 00,1 Put " ,n the ky. I and It ha wung with perfect precision and never davtatod one bit. I preaume It wlir rlae tomorrow I would be disap pointed If It didn't but I haven't any thing in the Word of Ood to aaaura me that the un will rlee. Therefore, I -i "r that my ina will find me out. You need not come her to f iud out If thst U true. You need not red the Brbte to find out if tht I true. All you need to do ta to read tha newspapers' go to the penitentiaries and the Jail, go to the haunt of !n. It wl'l prove it there. t ( aa Kvl p llamaa Bat . t tiad'i , lH. I Th-re U lu Vgypt a monument upon WniCJJ IS IRIS lUSCrilHIVB . . I iiiiVMU.. 1 shall commit tnluulty. with rvcompensa, j but not without remorse." I Yuu may commit a aln and there may ', W a recompense atlached to It, but not without reinoraa. tYou.wlII have to pay : f-T It. and If you ae bound to' aln you ill have to auffa? for it. j If yu put your hand In the fire and thus vjolala a law of natuie you will ' a day, a week or years.' ' Not alt the criminal have been captured. Not alt the men who have committed murder have had to uffer for 'it. r. . You may' escape the human law, but you' will not escape Clod' law. You may have committed a sin across, the oa, where you were born. You come to , Omaha : Nobody know you com mlttnd that- crlrie: nobody, I any the wiser. You may. be congratulating your self that, they know not what you are or wbat,rou have done, but that la tha greatest folly that eyor found entrance Into, your brain, for your, sin will find you out, ' -.- .;''. -Certain disease -are the reault of cer tain aln 1uKt g naturally a that water will eek its level or that fir will burn. Ther la very intimate connection bo tween moraUty and health. We all know that morality 1 conducive to health and that Immorality la conducive to diaeaae. We all known that mora 11 It y 1 conducive to longevity, and ' we all know that lm morlity is conducive to a ahortne of day. I "The wicked will not live out all their days." The man that love Ood will live longer than tha booiH-flghter. . Tha pur man will live looser than tho libertine. The honeat mnti will live longer than the thief. Diaeaae Alstaya Kaltewe Htm. ' "The wlckej shall not, llv alt tholr days," and if you put It purely ,011, the baala of longevity It pay for a roan to do right and cut sin out of hi life and out af hi heart. ' ' All sins ' have . physical eonaequence. The man that drink ha to Buffer phyl rally. ' Tha man that commit adultery 'I Ion faanot Hide Mn. ..A 11 polnon your moral blood. A man can't cheat another man In bualne that he doesn't py for It. You enn't lie with out you suffer for It. No man can sin or do wrong that he doean't havo to suffer for it. Wrong a man In his wagea and you will have to suffer for it Wrong a m,n with hi wife and you will h:ire to suffer for it. Wrong a woman with her husband and you will have to Buffer for It. You can't read an Impure book that you don't Buffer for It, and I have made It a rule to never read a book that la Impure, it la a fight and a struggle all the way through. I'll tell you another woy they find you out. In your conclenc. You can't hide from yourself. Now he.'.r me! tan la ao constituted that when he does wrong he krowa it. 1 zzz You know you wore. You know you1 2 lied. ' You know you 'committed adul- I terr. ... W are o constituted that when we aln we know we novo ginned and that mean self -condemnation. . It Is wonder ful when we stop to think of It, that w are ao constituted In our makeup by the wisdom of Ood that when . w sin w know It. A man Bay: "Oh, I hate myself to think I got drunk, to think I stoic." That meana. elf-conrlmnatlon, for he know he did wrong. That la your hope. You ought to think Ood that you know you have sinned. -..'-.,. Oh, tha people : In this city that - are Buffering untold agony!, Ther la no phy sical torment that can equal 'or touch that of an ' accusing ' conscience. No amount of prosperity, no amount of love, no Intoxication, nothing you can do, no place you can visit will aver drown the consciousness than you are a alnner. , , Who can describe III avenging power when It cornea to self-condemnation T It wilt Btartle eld Herod Into midnight ter ror a he dreams that John the Baptist haa arisen from the dead. Conscience! It will hound yid dog the traitor Judas to his grave, and when every other faculty haa gono over to th devil conscience stands true to truth and true to Ood and says: "You are a. sin ner." 80 that Is what Ood want to do with you. It will find you out There. I not a man or woman here tonight' who doc not know when he or she sins. Do Mot PVar "la. Would It not be great to be the son of Prealdvnt Roosevelt? Would it not be great to be the' eon of Emperor Wil liam? Would It not be great to be the son of King Edward VII? Would It not be great to be th son of the csar of Russia? .Wouldn't It be great to.be the eon of the mikado of 'Japan T LJatent Would It not be great to be a on of a great man? Wouldn't It be great, to- bo the aon of any of thoae follow? ! ttut I stand here, not aa the aon of f it in the city at only $125.00, and on every home outfit we offer you your own terms. t . OWN TERmS AT THE UNION OUTFITTING CO, You buy safely when you trade here. YOUR I K - J.P-I rM ' J " Howard Overdraft HEATERS Tbe greatest and moat . ftconomlcal heater construct ed, permits you to burn hard . coal.' soft coal, wood and . even rubbish, and when we tell you that you get TWJCK THE HEAT WITH ONE HALF TUB FUEU we are only repeating what hun dred of Howard Over-Draft heater usera have told ua continually. Gives a quick ' even heat and thoroughly warms every part of the room. Many styles to select from, prices moderate and i terms your own. A NEW DEPARTMENT 0LUE3BIA: raionoias The Grafonola that is almost human. In troductory prices $17.50 $25.00, $35.00, $50.00, $75.00 and $100.00. Large assort ments to select from. $1.66 w?ek Delivers a Grafonola to Your Home , v4 I t . t C'i YOU ARE AS WELL AS YOURSIOMACH ;'',;m ' til nil A f' V. ' 1 Margin of th II rs (k M M K3' L - J (f . .. . A. tliuan ttu nu r. II I . siwbu uj war , ft A . . II mmmmmmmm -.bm m II I f vftn ti 9k svaiie vfsi im 1 A D-.J L.. fl- Ll 'ff ' . ' II I ibkn wlw iuic ihivLn in ft OCU Or lilEllI " viW EXCKARSE 09 A BASEBURXER Kv .it0 1 in J-rA': rf I .1- W-.: v mikMJ V i aft ailllswtsw U( m Jinaucn toai ana eas itangcs These splendid ranges give you an 5 excellent combination, permUing yoir to use coal or gas as you choose, s: and a simple movement of a lever H changes tho oven from a coal to a S gas range or vice versa. The tops of 5 these stoves are fitted with four f ' large 8-lnch coal lids, large firebox E equipped with duplex C grates and four pat-9 ented gas burners. This week we offer you a special combination range, at, only a SEAMLESS BRUSSELS RUG " These splendid rugs are 8-3x10-6 ft. in. else, come In floral, oriental and arauU pattern figures. Made of good Quality yarns and are full seamless. Made to sell foi much more. Special price. . 514.50 OilE-MOTIOH BED DAVEh PORTS Just like Illustration and occupy only the apace of the ordinary divan. They open with but a single mo tion into a full size comfortable bed. Constructed of solid oak and are finished in a beautiful fumed. The "Union" is the exclusive agent for these wonderful davenports and they are not shown in any other store in the city. They are the same davenports that were snown to 4honnls of people during A scrj rn Ak-Sar-Ben Week in our windows. II nil Many out-of-town DeoDle Durrhaaeil I them. Special price for this week's selling, only TERMS $2.50 CASH, 2JS0 MONTHLY. i that 27 fJOODS sold nvr op Tntrv On Very Easy Payment. Freight Paid 2(H) auies. . -o Freight on Specials. BASE BURNERS We are sole agents for the wonderful Gold Coin Base Burners. Have larger heat radl altng surface, hence are more economical. Have patent automatic feed magazine. Spe cial non-warping fire pot, large veutiduct flues and are splendid ly nickel trimmed. Other makes also shown. Prices up from. 829.50 33 a 5 Old English Graniteware A ten-piece set A twenty-sev-wtth every sale of en piece set with $25.00 and over. $50.00 and over. 11. You may asoapv liav to auffer (or law. Utf lll not escape tb ' CtNsVi'K-uen of aln. j If a Va tirtaU thr luw he may nl 1 ivr to Stcount for (ha v!iIhIIod of It b..for a h'msn rourl, but ha will hv l iay fur h tin U i-ominlltad. , . Your sta ill tn'J u cj'it la a oo. marty a?t. w . , . . I1rt la liui.imt law. Of eour. im xt-cuUn of all human law will be mora or Inea Imperfect. A maa who braak tb law may cluda cobc(Ubc poaalbly for ft X. I ty : --v'v.,:.:;.- i is very small, indeed, if you are handicapped by a lazy liver, clogged . bowels and an impaired digestion. Give these organs a fair chance by helping Nature bring them back to renew ed vigor with the assist ance of '8 : ' J I Tn . ' . ' OompUinU " ' H Tl&rTrVKmQr Prompt rsa raaj rsa ran P "SS" i Cilia jiiunnznsaiij 1. Ii v.. If .An i- iW'W'awsiBr- TZ SOLID OAK Dressers Finished In goIdat, three lar draw era, French bevel plata mirror. Thl Is a splendid made drear, at a very low price. Tor thta wecK eiun;, &c- tutt.1 iiu values. at only. . 3 inning, BAT- 56,75 1 Stomach. Bitters It Will Help You to Better Health and Renewed Strength Vernis f.?2rtin trcn Beds( Large 2-inrh post beds, stronsly con structed and finished in the high grade durable Vernis Marten. CJI QC , Mtwi i 3 Special , cr2 y J aa-''?,"Sltai OfUflJ (r -rt MM Dalfcts . arilendlil shO" In and a lar-a as snrtnient a)U:t frin. 8a tha ape- rial IT 50 value. tnia only. - V I.I uo. 512.76 . r 17 a ir.,)' .? A Ml itrl 1 i ii i : ill ai.. 4 m - tar .1 . i r k - i.i V Mllllil ,MTII U- V'j II Jj JACOBKAV LIBHARr TAliLES Finished in Fumed Oak, Just like illustration. A very beauti ful design table. Sale Lprice , ... C5 S6.50 1 cxyrrov ficlt mattressi-:? . A splendid cotton felt mattress, made up of layers of sort frit with rood ticking. CC OC Special $939 H a a TtTi fMI LKJ ..illalliiaaiJUiiium