Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA Sl'MUY HKK: OfTnr.Ki: 11, vm.-,
1 1
I, '
X'ft i .3
1 v.;
Apparel Display,
nne. world s foremost designers,
id vsr jour iaeas are i or Keenest economy in price or irreatest eleeranco rezaraiess ox pnee, you u
Li ;
African Browns
JU , ju lacKDerry,
Black, Mixtures,
'. ,t 63'g
fa-Verdict of Women Who Know
ptofpricings and qualities the most
iiTI ght makes this an ideal place
We've arranged for you Monday
t 1 Bargain Surprises
dvaiues, our famous
35-ih. wide, chiffon
irv ' lustrous black silk
and dark
full line
yr Special Monday
t 25, Per Cent to 50 Per Cent On
t of Living-.
incy Dairy Table Butter, lb....... 333
sVHest Kroh Country KggH, doz., T8
2 1blool r.utterlne 830
J lha Good Table Uutterlne. . . . 95o
"aney Hill Cream, New York White,
Wlnrotmln Cream, or Youn. Amerl .
f'CBe-f, per lb 800
'rxv X.AST or Tn rarrsB ttamu
'ryohel Eauketa, Fancy Kelffer Pear.
I Tor kl-V
4-baskt nate, Italian Blue Plums.. 90s
4arge market basket Kelffer Pears, 40
uuui roK tu feopxiV.
S-lb. bfst Red River, Early Ohio Pota-
tor 18o
v ?W'll cell aa the law requires, IS
ftotrp'lp to the peck. 1
II .pounds good cook In applea to thA
, pecs, at t .l&a
! pounds fancy Jonathan Eating- Applns
to the peck 800
bunches Fresh Radishes or Lettuce. Co
Vtarae heads Cahbave 10o
Pancy Cape Cod Cranberrlea, quart, 8Ho
Green t'eppers, 4 for Bo
K .Plant, fresh, each to to 7Ho
f-nver Celery, stalk , TH
KLumnyoo Celery, 8 for 1 Jo
Fkbry Jersey Sweet Potatoes, t pound
. fur A.. 100
Head Lettuce, per head..... Ii3
8 larr Bout, Bunches lOo
4 bunches Fresh Beets, Carrots or Tur-
. alps for 60
Larse Market Basket Turnips Parsnips,
irrois or wreen feppers cov
tfauihlnt aboat Ibs Trtdsy 33o
rgains in Domestic Room
ro, per yard 48c !
11 Dress Goods, all wool,
e suits, French Plaids,
ri ce 75c, sale price, per
.7 48c
s- Dresses, in Crepe de
a nd Mescaline. All up
? i n black, navy, cope,
'llOzes; worth $7.50;
?a ch $3.98
s Coats, in all new ma
! ii 6izes. Coats worth
ij ay sale price, ea. $4.93
3 ;n 6erges, novelties,
,f all sizes including ex-
y and cope; shirts made
Revealing Striking
distinguished examples embodying
Beautiful New Gowns
Designs suitable for all occasions, in
every imaginable color and material,
from $35.00, $45.00, $55.00 up to $100.00
Dainty Dancing Dresses
A splendid new line just received you'll vote them the pret
tiest yet at the prices -. $25.00, $23.75, $35.03 and $45.00
Clever Designs in Street Dresses
Assortments and values that will be a surprise to even those
expecting most. See the new stocks shown for first time.
$10.00, $12.75, $15.00, $19.50, $25.00 to $75.00.
Five Rousing Drug Dept. Specials Monday
$1.50 Ideal Hair Brushes. 98c 50c Bottle Phenolas Wafers', 25c
2 dozen 5-grain Aspirin Tablets 25c
25c Bottle Lambert's Listcrine.l9c I 25c Jar Mentholatum . 19c
Bargain No. 3.
Also Satin Kadiants, regular $2.U0 yd
qualities, 40-in, wide, in all the sea
son's most wanted colorings, medium
colors and a m j q Q
of evening A jQ
shades, have the new ft
Suede finish, in great de- Jab
Snap Monday at. ,
Boy's Mackinaws
Specials at
$2.05, $3.95, $4.95
Just the thing, for School or
Flay Wear
Over 1,000 Coats for selection,
all sizes, ,
6 to 16 years
Every Imaginable Plaid and
the newest colors.
Don't Miss This.
to-; sS t
to sell to $3; sale price, Monday, only $1.98
Boys' $3.50 to $3.95 Mackinaws, sizes 6 to
15 years, on sale at .$2.90
Boys' 50c Knickerbockers, fancy mix
tures and plain serges, 6izes 6 to 15 years,"
per pair 33c
Outing Flannel, full 36 inches wide long remnant
lengths, this 10c grade, at. per yard fie
Flannelette for Mouse Dresses, neat patterns, dark
grounds: 10c fabrics, per yard 6o
White Shaker Flannel, S6 Inches wide; the best
12fte nllty: Vr yard 74e
Sllkoline for Comfort Covering, 36 inches wide,
best printed styles and plain colors, yard . ,.7M
Art Ticking n beavy 15c grade, closely woven,
sateen, pretty printed styles, per yard lc
Women's light and medium Cotton Hose, la regu
lar and outsizes, 20c quality; special, at, ner
pair 12Ho
Children'a and Women's Cotton Hose, black, white
and tan, 4 pairs for ...230
October Sales Offer-Unusual Savings
Peacock Jewelry Is Much in Vogue
We show Immense assortment at prices which
you'll find you cannot equal, quality considered. See
thpse !on1ny.
Peacock Stir". I Tearock Brooches I Pesoock Bar Pin
eco and SI OO I s5o and 'So i Sio mil SOo
0im aa Verity Bars end Card Chn, auectai M"ti 'av,
If'o unit $ .00
Flerllng Silver H!y Bp o Ftreilrg l!t I'lns, two i'1
for . . 893 1 runt for
olid Gold Wtiii' Rini, f lain engraved signet or cluster s t.
special . . . Sim
New Features
many new and novel features
Coats' Spool Cotton per dozen . .45c
Pearl Muttons, per dozen 2c
Snap Fasteners per dozen ....3 He
All widths Skirt Belting, yard. . . .5c
3 dozen nickel plated Nursery Pins
for only 5c
Coats Darning Cotton, per ball.l?c
De Long's Hooks and Eyes, card. .Oc
25c Whisk Brooms 13c
20c Needle Books 34e
25c Cord Shopping Bags 17 He
A big lot of ladles' silk belts, at,
each 10c
October Specials
Fall Bulbs
All Kinds Special Prices.
Plant now. Ferns, fine bushy plant!
at remarkable bargains. Cut Flowers
at lowest prices.
October Made Lawns are Best.
Grass seed highest quality, lowest
price. Floral department
Rugs, Carpets, Curtains and Draperies
From the'eheapest that's good to the very best produced.
Bigelow, Sloan's, Smith's are names which in rug
stock parlance mean up-to-dateness, quality and satis
faction. We show immense lines from all these mills
Draperies were nevermore beautiful or pleasingly priced.
Six Interesting Specials For Monday
here listed You'll find many others displayed.'
$15.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs-Seam- & Pretty Cable Net Curtains $338 pair
less, 9x12 size, big line of patterns, Jt & values, 3V2 yds. long, good assortment,
at $10.48 pfSr rair 2'00
$4.50 Axminster Rugs, size 36x72, V s y I Fancy Nets' for Curtains, up to $1.25
beautiful patterns, on sale $2.65 ffAJk var( luae8 slightly soiled, to close
Surfaced Linoleum, 65o sq. yd. quali- 1U,1L Monday, yard : 39c
ty, 6 ft. wide, good line of patterns, JZJZXf Matting Boxes, $3.25 values, all bam
square yard 39ry 8 boo trimmed, special $2.20
You're Sure of Two Things in Buying Furniture
Dependable, Lowest Prices. Don't Miss These
Vemis Martin Beds, $3.95
Vernls Martin bed, like cut, continuous
posts, 2 Inches thick, all steel cons' ruc
tion, worth $6 00, guaranteed finish,
any size, -at $1.95
$8.00 Vernls Martin or white enamel
bed. heavy 1-Inch fillers, 2-lnch posts,
all stool tubing, on sale, at 91.05
Extra large, best springs, white en
ameled or Vernls Martin, worth $9.50;
on sale for 94-45
Leather Goods
$2.50 HAND BAGS, $1.49
This la a nfw line of the best made bats. Silk
lined, fine fittings, jilnln and Jeweled tons.
$2.C0 SILK BAGS, 080
The l.iteHt rraztv A fine, black, moire silk bait, tor
toise shell frame with ring and chain bandies.
$1.00 HAND BAGS, 490
A good substantial Hand Bng. fine frames, with
Monday we place on sale
the latest models in
Queen Quality" Shoes
A Shoe that needs no introduction, for
our many customers can vouch for the fit
and wearing qualities.
Bronze, gray and blue,,
gypsy button, the -n'
latest models ....ytJaOl
Patent button or lace, with
kid or lace cloth tops, spool
or leather, French fri or
heels ptD
Kid button or patent lace
with black cloth top and
leather, Fretich io
heel .i... $J.Dl
Women's Matt Kid or Pat
ent, button or lace, French
heels, welt 6oles,
$5.00 values . . .
,100 pairs Women's patent, gun metal or vici kill, lace or
button, kid or cloth tops, in two 9 ff I Cn n
lots, at two prices tpJaCl flflU p.DU
Laces, Embroideries Pleasingly Priced
For ladies' underwear and baby dresses In 4 to 6-yard strips. All band
loom goods on Swiss, nainsook and organdie; worth lOo to 60c yard,
sale prices Monday, at, per yard Oc, 7 He, 10c, 19c, l!to
Frogs, braid, crystal, gold and silver trimmings, fur and feather trim
mings. Three special lots Monday, per yard 10c, 40c and OHc
For dress trimmings, worth up to 85 per yard, yard.. 5c, 10c, lOo
For plain and fancy braids, worth, par yard 15c to 25o
We have just received a new
line of very fine Silk Applique,
Ch&ntilly and flat Venice laces;
also gold and silver laceB so popu
lar this season.
See the new Silk Chantllly Flounc
ing, at, yard. $1.40, (1.08, fa.08
Flat Venice Flounclngs, at," per
yard ft. OH, $2.08, $3.25
Gold and Stiver Laces, at, per
yard OHc, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00
Venlse Bands and Edges, at, per
yard 2c, 40c, 70c
Oriental Edges
per yard 89c, 40c, 70c, 08c
Dining Chair, $1.95 Rocker, $3.95
Genuine leather full boxed
tack seat dining chairs, fum
ed or golden oak, worth
$3.50, each $1.95
Full box seat, all-leather Dining
Chairs, golden or fumed oak.
worth $4.00. on this sale, 82.45
Golden or fumed oak Arm Rock
er, leather seat with best springs,
well made 33.05
This Is the greatest season for
plain and fancy Nets for years. A
big line of fancy Silk Nets usually
aold at 12.00 to $2.25 per yard, on
sale Monday only1, 'at, yard. . . .08c
Monday we wilt have special
counter of black silk lacea In all
widths from 1-inch edges to 48
Inch Flounclngs at special cut
A big line of center pieces, scarfs
and pillow slips, at 10c, lc, 29o
Here: Quality Always
Octnr SVs
Fumed Oalc Buffet, straight
lines 52-inch ton, large bey
eled mirror, wood knobs, 2
silver and napkin drawers,
large linen drawer, spacious
cupboard, etc. Worth $22.50,
Remarkable Operation Restores Use
fulness of Girls' Esophagus and
She U Able to Eat.
Miss Kathrrtna Itfss. II yoara old, af
t'nlnn boulflvanl, at ths first breakfast,
linchon and dinner sh vr at In her
life a few days aro. For sixteen years
hn had not tasted food of
any description. Ths channel of her
throat, the eeophscua, was In poeltlon,
hut was entirely ulo until Dr. Fran
cis V. Klrxoh performed an operation
known aa ssstronomy and brought her
hack to normal.
When che was I yesrs old Mies IWee,
who Is ths daughter of the widow of a
. ameer, drank a solution of lya while
; her mother was bujr at her housework.
xns lye oumed away the membranes
of ths child's mouth and the lining of
her eosphaaua and caused this ohannel
from her mouth to her stomach to be
ooma strlctured and to closs tightly.
A physician who was called to attend
her said aha would die unless her eeoph-
I sru was out loose from her stomach
etoms-h fashioned Into a tube and sewed
to tha surfsoa of her breaat
The parents refused to permit ths
physician to cut away tha deadened eso
phagus, but granted him permission to
bring ths lining of tha stomach to tha
surface of her body and made an open
ing near tha aolar plsaus, through which
liquid food might be given her.
Dr. Klrsch beoama Interested In tha
cane. Hs began a gentle probing with a
slender pliable steel red, which hs
forced down her esophagus. One after
another tha closed places In tha eld tis
sues were forced open and broken apart.
As they were broken they ware left at
tached to ths tnslda of tha toaw tissue
that gradually had grown around the
unused tuba.
Nature then began Ita process of ab
sorption, until the new throat was clear
of any stricture. Then tha surgeon
placed tha patient under an anesthetic,
and swiftly eut away tha stitches that
held ths lining of tha stomach to the
old opening In tha breast, aswed this to
gether and dropped It In place, sewed
together tha muscles that had been sev
ered sixteen .years ago, cut away tha ab
normal tissues that had grown around
the ound, stitched tha severed skin to
gether, and when Miss Bessa awoke from
tha ether told her she had become nor
mal again.
A "For Pale" aq will turn seeond-hanj
furniture Into cash.
Howell Tells Why
the City Water is
Not Now Clearer
Concerning tha present Condition of the
Omaha water R. B. Hovell, water com
missioner, makes tha following state
ment: "Due to tha Injury 01 a large valve
connected with tha forty-eight-lnch pipe
Una from Florence, pipe Una has
been temporarily thrown out of service
and aa a result ths city va being supplied
through the old thlrty-slt-lneh pipe line
from Florence. Aa a Consequence, the
direction of flow through the various
pips lines In the city has been altered
materially, thereby stirring up tha fine
clay mud deposited tn tnese pipe lines In
former years. The present condition of
tha water now supplied is due to these
causes and tha present turbidity will con
tlnua until repairs csn tm completed. A
large force of men la now at work and
will prossouta necessary repairs without
oessatloa until completed, and It la hoped
that normal conditions will be restored
by Sunday noon."
Teamster is Badly
Hurt in Fall from
Wagon Near Depot
Arthur Rlckley, teamster, of tha Git
ford apartments. PMariti-enth and I-cav-
enworth streets, fell from his wagon at
a railroad crossing near the Webster
street depot and suffered a severe scalp
wound, which required twelve stitches to
Mr. Rlckley waa too far on tha cross
ing to recede to avoid an approaching
train. He whipped up his horses and got
ovar tha track ahead of tha train, but a
Jolt of tha wagon upset his balance and
caused him to fall headlong to tha
Take a tablespoonfol of Salts
to flush Kidneys if
Back hurts.
Omit all meat from diet if you
feel Rheumatic or Blad
' der bothers.
The American men and women must
guard constantly against kidney trouble,
because we eat too much and all our
food la rich. Our blood la filled with uric
acid which tha kidney strive to filter
out, they weaken from overwork, become
sluggtah; the ellmlnattve tissues clog and
ths result Is kidney trouble, bladder
weakness and a general decline In health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps of
lead; your back hurts or ths urine Is
cloudy, full of sediment or you aro
obliged to seek relief two or three tlmea
durjng tha night; If you suffer with sick
headache or dlssy, nervous spells, acid
stomach, or you havs rheumatism when
tha weather la bad. get from your phar
macist about four ounces of Jad Salts;
take a tab'espoonful In a glasa of water
before breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will than act fine. This
famous salts is made from ths acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, combined with
Ilthla. and has been used for generations
to flush and atlmulata clogged kidneys;
to neutralise the aclda In the Urine so it
no longer la a source of Irritation, thus
sndlng bladder disorders.
Jad Halts Is Inexpensive; cannot injure,
makes a delightful effervesoent Ilthla
water beverage, and belongs In every
home, because nobody can trake a mis
take by having a good kldaey flustilug
ea time fl vertiasntar '
Dr. Millener Amtaffei So Various
Stations Oat in the State Can
Hear Him Talk.
Although he knew nothing about
It, at the Tabernacle Friday nleht
"Billy" Sunday preached to small
and select audlencea at Frernout,
Columbus, Orand Island, North
Platte and Cheyenne. These audi
ences were the employes In the
depots of the Union Pacific at the
polnta named and tha people wU
happened to be there waiting for
trains. It all cam about in ttili
During tha time when Mr. Kundar wax
delivering his sermon. Tabernacle ushers
noticed a short stout man walking bacU
and forth In tha south corridor of the
building. Tha peculiar thing about the
man waa tha fact that above his head ha
carried a raised umbrella and to hi
breast waa attached a wtda-mauthed tele
phone reoelver, which, regardless of whlolt
way ha traveled, ht kept turned tcwanl
tha rostrum and the speaker. Ever and
anon ha waa beard to mutter, "Fve got.
him," "that's clear," 'loo low, that's
better," and numerous other like etpre
lone. lakers Marvel.
Tw or three tines tha stranger was
aproached by tha ushers and asked what
ha wanted and wnat ha meant ty hi
strsngc conduct. Erh time, he rfued to
answer and kept on walking back and
forth, gMng expression to his atreafe
muttsrlngs. When the sermon waa abont
half erer. tha stranger departed fro-n tha
building, tha ushers and others who no
ticed him supposing that he waa soma
harmless lunatic. Jt now develops that
tha strange man at tha Tabernacle, whesa
actions seemed stranger than his appear
anca waa Dr. MUlsner, the Union r-
otflo electrician, and that he wm making
soma wireless experiments on ths ftunday
sermon. TYiat ha succeeded is evident, tor
at all ef tha Union Paciflo depots he
tween Omaha and Cheyenne where alec
trio train announcers are In use, peopla
tn tha waiting rooms heard portions of,
the Sunday sermon. It was conveyed to
them by wtrelese telephore. , '
Tha War eo Traveled.
As Sunday talaed, tha sound ef his
vote, with every tone and, Inflection,
waa taken up by tha telephone that Dr.
MUlansr had attached to hla breart Tha
sound followed up the steel ribs of the
umbrella and went out Into the air, there
to be caught up by the wlrelets appara
tua on tha top of the Union Paclfla build
ing and carried down Into Dr. Mltlener'a
labratory. In tha labratory tha sound
went through a transmitter and cut Into
tha open. Onoa outside and free, it fol
lowed tha sound waves and waa picked
up In all tha eompany depots wiiero
wire lens la Installed.
Later In tha night Dr. Millener Com
municated with tha atatlon agents along
the line, and all of them told him that
they heard Mr. Sunday very clearly and
distinctly. . '., ,. ;
Butera is Arrested ; : -Twice
After Being
. Freed by Foster
Saut Butera. wtio owns a -fruit stand
on lower Douglas, waa arrested by Of-:
fleer Kddia Morgan soma time back, and
thla morning arraigned In police court
n a charge of being Implicated In lha
reoent burglary of tha A. M. Gallal)cr,
home at Ul South Thirty-eighth street..
He admitted buying several articles ef
Jewelry from Albert Ness, who waa bound
over in tha district court for tha burglary,
with bonds fixed at II Upon Judge
Poster discharging Butera, Assistant
County Attorney Haffke filed a com
plaint against tha man for, receiving
stolen property and eualn ha was dl
chargrd. Butera waa then reftrrted by
the police and will be arraigned befoin
Judge Crawford. The police a.sott tlicy
are confident of Butere'a guilt.
Clifton Miners Will
' Refuse to Abandon
the Federation
CLIFTON. Arts.. Oct. . t'nlon leadwa
today eaerted that the strikers In tha
Clifton Morencl-Metcslf district would
refuse to abandon affiliation . With tha
Westsrn Federation of Miners. They
reiterated that they were all'-liia to waive
formal recognition of union In the dls
eusslon of a settlement of the strlky-
Monday Grand Jury "
Reports to Munger
The federal grandjury will report Mon
day morning. Judae T. C. Munger will
adjourn hla own court at Lincoln for tho
day in order to be here. The trial calen
dar wilt be called and cases assigned In.
tha order of their trial.
Uncertainty reigns at the federal bull.!.
Ing as to who will be the Judge in n
Omaha division, whethsr the late Jud
W. I. Munger's successor will be ap
pointed in time, or whether a Judge will
be aent here from aome other divl"i i
Congressman Lobeck wilt go to L'-s .'
port, la., to attend tha Mld-Wet 't'i. -fcrence
of Preparedness, which l!
attended by congressmen of nine uiw
of tho middle wsst. A. F. Dawson, lot
mer congressman, la president of the cun.
ference. Among the matters te be con
sidered will be Increasing tha work of
tha Rock Island arsenal and navigation
of tha Mississippi and Missouri rivers.
TVva imniinii will ha October 14 and 13.
Gilbert MoClurg. lecturer ea travel ani
agriculture, of New Tork City, la to apeak
at tha Commercial club Monday noon at
a publlo affairs luncheon. "Shall Wa
Blow the Dinner HornT" This lectur
will treat with our obligation to export
out food products to foreign countries
and work up a large eomraeroa there.
Dea'i !! m Vtater Cagh.
Take Dr. King's New Piatovery eu4
you won't catch cold. It kills t La cold,
getras, keeps yew wll ; Alt iirr.siwit.